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在此,我代表 XXX 对各位表示最真挚的感谢和最热烈的欢迎。XX 是农业大省,粮棉油、果茶菜、肉蛋鱼等主要农产品总产量大,商品率高,X。因此,保护农产品生产力水平,保障农产品质量安全是我省“三农”工作的重中之重。XXX 历来高度重视农产品质量安全工作,不断加强监管能力建设,《农产品质量安全法》出台后,为了大家多了很多好事、实事。Respect fellow leaders, expertseverybody is good! Very glad to greet all the leaders, experts in his busy schedule to visit the XX to check directive work, we attach great importance to the XX institutional review of recognition and measurement certification review, XX asked to go to all lengths, had caught this dual certification review, leaders, experts e not only to our work, it is provide us an excellent learning opportunities. Here, I represent XXX to express the most sincere gratitude and warm wele. XX is agricultural big province, grain cotton oil, vegetable, meat, fish, fruit and other major agricultural product total output is big, modity rate is high, X. Therefore, protection of agricultural productivity level, ensuring the quality and safety of agricultural products in our province is"3 farming" the Chongzhongzhi is heavy. XXX has always attached great

importance to the work of agricultural product quality safety, strengthen superintendency ability construction," law of produce quality safety" after ing on stage, in order to you a lot of good things, things. 领导欢迎词范文二:对于企业领导欢迎词尊敬的各位领导领导值此×××厂 30 周年厂庆之际,请允许我代表×××厂,并以我个人的名义,向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎。

朋友们不顾路途遥远专程前来贺喜并洽谈贸易合作事宜,为我厂30 周年厂 30 周年庆更添了一份热烈和祥和,我由衷地感到高兴,并对朋友们为增进双方友好关系作出努力的行动,表示诚挚的谢意!今天在座的各位来宾中,有许多是我们的老朋友,我们之间有着良好的合作关系。我厂建厂 30 年能取得今天的成绩,离不开老朋友们的真诚合作和大力支持。对此,我们表示由衷的钦佩和感谢。同时,我们也为能有幸结识全国各地的新朋友感到十分高兴。在此,我谨再次向新朋友们表示热烈欢迎,并希望能与新朋友们密切协作,发展相互间的友好合作关系,发展相互间的友好合作关系。"有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎"。在此新朋老友相会之际,我提议为我们之间日益增进的友谊,为今后我们之间的进一步合作,为朋友们的健康幸福,干杯!


Convey/express/extend Your Majesties 陛下 Your Highness 殿下 Your Excellency 阁下(大使、总督) The Honorable 阁下(除

大使、总督外的首相、总理、大臣等身份特殊的人)热烈欢迎 warm wele 衷心感谢 heartfelt appreciation/gratitude 盛情款待gracious/inparable…hospitality/reception 盛情邀请

gracious/earnest invitation…。。at the gracious invitation of…衷心祝愿 cordial greetings 真诚的谢意 sincere thanks 海内存知己,天涯若比邻 Long distance separates no bosom friends。最后 In closing 欢迎会 a weling party 欢送会 a send-off party 礼堂 auditorium 向大会就。。。进行谈话 to address the meeting or conference on the topic of…我提议为…干杯 I’d like to propose a toast to sth。

教职员工 staffs and faculty members 再攀新高 scale new heights 全心全意服务 serve heart and soul 百忙中抽空 take some time out of one’s tight schedule 在这月光明媚的夜晚 on this beautiful moon-lit night 庆祝 to celebrate/observe; in celebration of/ in memoration of sth。硕果累累 rewarding; fruitful; yield high returns 充分发挥 give full play to; take the advantage of; make the best use of 喜庆的时刻 a festive moment 欢乐的时刻 a joyous oasion 在…陪同下 in the pany of…召开记者招待会 to call the press conference 重申我方观点 to reiterate our opinion/standing 接风洗尘 to give/host a dinner for the arrival of sb。
