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激光跟踪测距三维坐标视觉测量系统建模 3

黄风山 1,233, 钱惠芬 1

(1. 河北科技大学机械电子工程学院 , 河北石家庄 050054; 2. 天津大学

精密测试技术与仪器国家重点实验室 , 天津 300072

摘要 :提出了一种激光跟踪测距视觉坐标测量系统 , 测量时摄像机测量光

笔上各光反射点的方向 , , 由测得 ( , 激光测距仪测得的距离参数的引入 ,

依据冗余技术给出了被测 :在 Z 、 Y 和 X 轴方向 0. 、 0. 和 0. 011mm 。

关键词 :; ; n 点透视问题 (P n P ; 冗余技术

Mod el for a Laser Distance T racking 3D C oordinates V ision M

easu ring System

HUAN G Feng 2shan 1,233, QIAN Hui 2fen 1

(1. Mechanical and Electronic Engineering C ollege , Hebei

University of S cience and T echnology , Shijiazhuang 050054,China ; 2. State K ey Laboratory of Precision Measuring T echnology and

Instrument , Tianjin University , Tianjin 300072,China

Abstract :Alaser distance tracking 3D coordinates vision measuring system is proposed. It mainly consists of a CCD camera , a laser rangefinder ,a computer and a light pen. When measuring ,the CCD

camera registers the direction of every light 2re 2 flecting point m ounted on the light pen. According to these measured directions ,the laser rangefinder can track and capture each light 2reflecting

point ,and record the distance between one of the four light

2reflecting points and the laser rangefinder. Using the measured directions and distance ,the system can calculate the 3D coordinates

of the point touched by the pen 2 on the perspective 2n 2point

problem (P n P principle ,the system ′ s mathematic model is of the

distance parameter ,this m odel can be solved linearly ,and its solution is unique. On the basis of the redundancy technology , the 3D coordinates analytic equations of the measured point and its solving method are given. The comparison shows that the system ′ s measuring stability precision is 0. 336mm ,0. 031mm and 0. 011mm higher than

that of the single CCD camera co 2 ordinates measuring system in the direction of Z, Y , X axis respectively.

K ey w ords :trackingdistance measurement ; 32D coordinates vision measurement ; perspective 2n 2point problem (P n P ; redundancy technology

1 引言

近年 , 以 CCD 摄像机为核心部件构筑的三维视觉坐标测量系统的研究得到了发展 [1], 其主要优点是摄像机可直接测量空间点的方向 , 精度高。而系统求解时往往需要确定各被测特征点到摄像机透视中心的距离 , 由于摄像机不能直接测量距离 , 只能由测得的方向和其它已知条件来计算 , 这样会因误差的传递、放大和累积使得计算出的距离精度较低 , 从而影响系统最终的测量精度 [2]。并且 , 基于摄像机视觉坐标测量系统的 n 点透视问题 (P n P 复杂 , 易产生多解 [3]。鉴于摄像机视觉坐标测量存在的不足 , 本文提出一种基于摄像机和激光测距仪的视觉坐标测量系统。测量时 , 摄像机测量各光反射单元 (被测特征点的方向 [4], 激光测距仪跟踪捕捉并测量某一光反射单元和测距仪间的距离 [5], 由于激光测距仪光学测距的精度很高 , 这样就使测得的方向和距离精度都比较高 , 从而提高了被测点空间坐标的测量精度 , 同时系统模型线性可解 , 且解具有唯一性 , 测量过程简便、高效。

2 系统测量原理

测量系统的构成如图 1所示。图中 , O 为摄像机透镜的焦


33E 2m ail :hfshyt @sohu. com
