Rebecca 蝴蝶梦 论文

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论文题目:《蝴蝶梦》的人物分析和写作特色The analysis of Rebecca and writing techniques

学生姓名:XX XX XX




The analysis of Rebecca and writing techniques


Rebecca is the typical characteristics of gothic, developing with the leading lady’s personal experience in Manderley. she faces to challenge, defeats bravely, and challenging herself in the end.. And au thor’s unique arrangement and writing techniques has added c olor to the creation of suspense in the novel.

Many famous scholars think that the use of gothic, the description of the environment and characters, the fusion of feelings with natural settings and suspense all play an important role in creating success.

Through this book, author criticize inequality in the society of man control and expound her view of marriage, her think marriage should base on love, and needs caring of both side.

Key words: character, gothic, suspense, lateral description, feminism






关键词:人物分析,哥特式,悬念, 侧面烘托,女权主义


1.Introduction (1)

1.1Introduction of autho r (1)

1.2 Introduction of book Rebecca (1)

2. Analysis characters (2)

2.1Rebecca (2)

2.2 Leading lady (2)

3. Novel features and writing techniques (3)

3.1Gothic (suspense) (3)

3.2 foil on side (5)

4. fiminise (6)

5. Conclusion (6)

The analysis of Rebecca and writing techniques


1.The Introduction of Author

Daphne du Maurier (1907-1990) is a famous English female writer. She is also a member of Association of the Royal Society of Literature during her life time and wrote 17 novels and dozens of other types of literary works . She hated to city life, so She lived for many years in Cornwall, England.Her most of works inspiration are come from there social customs and local social background,for this reason people often called her works as "Cornwall novel" . and in 1969 Dame Daphne du Maurie became a member of the Royal Society of Literaturer.

Being deeply influenced by Gothic Novel, which is famous for its mystery, curiousness and terror, Daphne wrote her works with plots full of twists and turning.

She has so much of famous works, such as Budding yee cousin 、French stream、Jamaica Inn、Rebecca、The Birds.Rebecca and the short story "The Birds" some of which were subsequently made into films, the latter two directed by Alfred Hitchcock.

Anyone who has read Rebecca, the most famous novel written by Daphne, will never forget those dismal and constrained scenes and horrible imaginations. However, the specific feature of this novel is its using lots of suspense carried through the whole story. This has made its plots intricate but well-knit and soul stirring.

2.The Introduction of book Rebecca

The most famous novel Rebecca came out in 1938. The leading lady is a helpless Orphan , she fell in love with Manderley’master Maxim and married to him . But then she felt that she drowning in the ocean of Rebecca’shadow .Rebecca is Maxim’s formmer wife ,she is beautiful and honorable ,people often praised her beauty and capable. It makes her shame and helpless.In addition, the housekeeper Mrs.Danvers is the henchman of Rebecca .She usually created all sorts of obstacles makes she depressed and cheerless. One day the shipwreck with Rebecca had
