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1、After a while as an ambulance driver , you get hardened to what you see at accidents.

2、It will only weaken his position if he continues to stick to his strange ideas.

3、The most noticeable change was in my younger brother , who had grown quite a bit and was now a third-grader.

4、Day and night Martin could not drag his mind from the failure he had suffered.

5、The young man was hooked on heroin(海洛因)and lost his job and his life.

6、It is a very popular play , and it would be wise to reserve seats in advance.

7、The actor’s performance in Hamlet has been impressive .

8、A photograph can often convey far more than words.

9、The new project is expected to start early next year ; it has won the approval of the board .

10、Cool foresight and a quick mind enable him to react swiftly in an emergency.

11、The doctor recommended that he should stays a few more days in the hospital.

12、The emphasis was to be laid mainly on the traffic in inner city areas.

13、This is an important matter , so we must give it priority over all other business.

14、She attributed her broken marriage to her husband’s short temper.

15、He is always ready to render help to others , so he is the most respectable person in the neighborhood.

16、He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his contribution to world peace.

17、With foreigners and tourists coming from all over the world , New York is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the world.

18、It is very important to confine your speech to the subject.



He spoke confidently, which impressed me most.


My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.


(Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.


To our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.

5、在会上,除了其他事情,他们还讨论了目前的经济形势。(among other things)

At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.

6、我对大自然了解得越多,就越痴迷于大自然的奥秘。(the more…the more…)

The more I learned about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.

7、我认为警察的职责就是保护人民。(be mean to do sth)

I think the police are meant to protect people.

8、在每周例会上,每个人的发言都不能偏离会议议题。(confine to)

At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine their remarks to the subject.


1、The plan may be several hours late , in which case there’s no point in our waiting.


2、People starved of sleep may find it difficult to focus their minds on what they are doing.


3、(Just) as table tennis is to the Chinese , so is football to Italians.


4、Windy days are characteristic of March in the north of China.


5、These people are made aware that the better the service is , the more they will earn.


6、The amount of financial aid offered has become more central to students’ decisions about which school to attend.


7、While this position offers you honor and power , it imposes on you a great responsibility.


8、Sometimes we find ourselves climbing the ladder of success , only to find that the ladder is leaning against the wrong wall .


9、The ambitious young man wanted very much to achieve something to make his parents proud of
