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Holland ?
to Holland ? about it ?
Holland ?
There was a real story: People in West African countries ,who were one of poorest in the world, survived on $1 a day and had a life expectancy of 46 years. But in 1995, Equatorial Guinee found oil off its coast. By 2004, ExxonMobil, Amerada Hess, and Marathon Oil which are all American conpanies, were helping West African country produce $4 billion of oil revenues a year, much more than it used to be. At the same time, the oil Can you Do youhundreds of dollars to Equatorial Guinee’s companies channel speak Do you like Do family. you president, T. Nguema, and his So most oil money was two wantthe to Holland ? want Is Holland concentrated in the hands of topto government officials while know the do you learnpoor. A U.S. very majority of population remained Human rights famous custom of want to something beautiful ? reports Guinea’s government violates its citizens’ places in says Equatories the take a trip of the press, about of assembly, of due process, rights of free speech, Holland Holland ? to religion, about it movement ? of and of and uses torture, ? association, of Holland ? beatings, and other physical abuse against political opponents.
The principles of Rawls
The prinBaidu Nhomakorabeaiples of Rawls
1. Each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberties compatible with similar liberties for all.
2. Social and economic inequalities are Can you arranged so you that they are both Do speak Do you like Do you of the least a. to the greatest benefit two want to Holland ? want to Is Holland advantaged persons, learn and know the do you very famous custom want to to offices something beautiful ? open b. attached and positions to of places in the a trip about Holland all undertake conditions of fair equality of Holland ? to about it ? ? opportunity. Holland ?
do you want to take a trip to Holland ? learn something about about it ? very beautiful ?
famous places in Holland ?
know the custom of the Holland ?
The principles of Rawls
The principles of Rawls
1. Each person has an equal right to the most extensive basic liberties compatible with similar liberties for all.
Rawls tells us that Principle 1 is supposed to take priority Principle 2 if the two of them ever come Can you over Do you into conflict,like and within Principle 2, Part b is Do you speak Do you supposed to take?priority over a. two want to Holland want to PartIs Holland know the do called you learn very liberty. famous Principle 1 is the principle of equal custom of want to thatsomething beautiful ? places in Essentially it says each citizen’s liberties must be the take a trip Holland protected from invasion about by other and must be equal to Holland ? to about it ? ? those of others. Holland ?
Principle 2a is called the difference principle. It assumes that a productive society will incorporate inequalities, but it then asserts that steps must be taken to improve the position of the most needy members of society, such as the sick and the disabled, unless such improvements would so burden society that they make everyone, including the needy, worse off than before. Principle 2b is called the principle of fair equality of Can you Do youthat everyone should be given an equal opportunity. It says speak Do you like Do you privileged positions in opportunity to quality for the more two want to Holland ? This means want to Isonly Holland society’s institutions. that not job qualifications know the do you learn should be related to the requirements of thevery job which means to famous want something beautiful prohibit andto sexual discrimination, but that ?each custom person of places in racial the take a to trip about must have access the training and education needed to qualify Holland Holland ? it ? efforts, abilities, and for jobs. Thenabout a person’s ? the desirableto ? contributionHolland would determine remuneration.
Justice as fairness: John Rawls
Presentataion of the International business Group: Yang Kunyu Zhang Xiaoyu Cao Huiyu Gao Qi
Answer these questions
Questions about business ethics always involve justice and fairness. In this artical we just Can you Do you distributive justice as talk about speak Do you like Do you two want to Holland ? want toJohn Is Holland fairness based on Rawls ‘s know the do you learn very famous custom of want to something beautiful ? places in theory. the take a trip about
the story provide several different consideration for the distribution of society’s benefits and burdens such as political and economic equality, and John Rawls provides one approach to distributive justice that at least approximates a comprehensive theory.
The principles of Rawls
2. social and economic inequalities are arranged so that they are both a. to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged persons, and b. you attached to offices and positions open to Can Do you all under conditions of you fair equality of Do you speak like Do two want to Holland ? want to Is Holland opportunity.