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ke Sci.(湖泊科学),2010,22(6):799-810
http://www.jl akes.o rg.E-m ai:l jlakes@n i g
Z2010by Journal of Lake Sciences
Lake st atus,m aj or proble m s and protecti o n strategy in China
YANG G uishan,M A Ronghua,ZHANG Lu,JI ANG Jiahu,YAO Shuchun,ZHANG M in&ZENG Hai p ao (Nan ji ng In stit u te ofG eog raphy and Li m no l ogy,Ch i nese Acade m y of Sci en ces,Nanji ng210008,P.R.C h i na)
Abs tr ac:t Large numb ers of lakes w i th d i ff eren t t ypes are d i stri bu ted t h rough Ch i na.The f or m ati on and evol u ti on of t he l akes are not on l y i n fl u enced by natural factors i n the w aters heds,but als o d eep l y d ist u rbed by human acti v i ti es,w h ich led t o d ifferen t re-
g i onal evol uti on characteristics and eco-environm ental prob l e m s.In recent d ecad es,t he numb er,area and distri bu ti on of t he l akes
h ave undergone s i gn ifican t ch anges.M oreover,t h e lakes are faci ng m any prob l e m s s uch as s h ri nkage,redu cti on of storage capac-i t y,w ater qu alit y d ecli n e,serious eu troph ication,b i odivers it y decrease,ecol ogi cal degradati on,b arri er of ri ver and lake w ater and ecolog i cal con t act,over-d evelopm ent around the shore li ne and t he lake area,etc.These prob le m s have tri ggered a series of eco-logical and environm ental consequences,seri ou sl y affecti ng t h e daily lives of the resi den ts and s ustai n ab l e devel opm ent of t h e econ-omy.Th i s p aper ai m s to i den tify the num ber,area and d i stri bu ti on of the lakes i n Ch i na w i th t h e area larger t h an1km2,b ased on fi el d survey and i nvesti gati on.Co m b i ned w i th h ist orical dat a of lake s u rveys and rel ati ve research resu lt s,them ajor ecol ogical and environm ental p rob l e m s and regi onal characteri s tics of the l ak es i n recen t decades are sys t e m ati call y anal yzed,and t he protection strategies for t h e l akes i n C h i na are proposed.
Keywords:Lake stat u s;C h i na;eco-environm en t a l prob le m s;protecti on strategy
湖泊是陆地表层系统各要素相互作用的节点,是地球上重要的淡水资源库、洪水调蓄库和物种基因库,与人类生产与生活息息相关,在维系流域生态平衡、满足生产生活用水、减轻洪涝灾害和提供丰富水产品等方面发挥着不可替代的作用.中国幅员辽阔,湖泊数量多、类型全、分布广、变化复杂,据5中国湖泊志6记载,全国共有面积大于1.0km2的湖泊2759个,总面积91019.6k m2[1],广泛分布于东部平原、青藏高原、云贵高原、蒙新高原、东北平原与山地等五大湖区.近几十年来,随着区域气候环境变化和人类活动干扰加剧,不仅湖泊数量、形态和分布发生了巨大变化,而且湖泊水量、水质和水生生物种群与数量变化也十分显著.生态系统退化、水体富营养化、洪水调蓄能力降低和受人类活动干扰强烈等成为中国湖泊普遍面临的重大问题,严重影响流域经济社会可持续发展和居民生活安定,倍受各级政府和社会各界的广泛关注.
*科技部国家科技基础性工作专项/中国湖泊水质、水量和生物资源调查0(2006F Y110600)项目资助.2010-09-12收稿;2010-10-09收修改稿.杨桂山,男,1965年生,博士,研究员;E-ma i:l gs yang@nigl .