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The branch of scient ific a nalysis which deals with motions, time, and forc es is called mec hanics and is made up of two parts, statics and dy namic s. Statics deals with the analysis of stationary syst ems, i.e., those in w hic h time is not a factor, and dynamics deals with syst ems w hic h c hang e with time.
Forces are transmitted into mac hine members through mating surfac es, e. g., from a g ear to a shaft or from one g ear through meshing teeth to another gear, from a V belt to a pulley, or from a ca m to a follower.
If the f orces between g ear teeth are too large, the oil film may be squeezed out from between them. This could r esult in f laking and spalling of the metal, noise, rough motion, and ev entual failure.
Two equal and opposit e forc es acting along tw o non-c oincident parallel straight lines in a body cannot be combined to obtain a single resultant f orce. Any two such f orces acting on a body c onst itute a couple. The arm of the couple is the perpendiculardistanc e betw een their lines of action, and the plane of the couple is the plane containing the two lines of action.
作用在同一个刚体上的两条不重合平行线上的两个大小相等, 方向相反的力不能被合并成一个合力。
A study of any machine or mechanism show s that each is made up of movable parts. These parts transform a given motion to a desir ed motion.In ot her words, these machines perform work.Work is done when motion results from the application of forc e.Thus, a study of mechanics and machines deals w ith forc es and the eff ects of forc es on bodies.
A forc e is a push or pull.The effect of a forc e either c hanges the shape or motion of a body or prev ents other forc es from making such cha nges.Every f orce pr oduces a stress in t he part on which it is applied. Forces may be produced by an individual using musc ular action or by machines with mec hanical motion.
RectilinearMotion. The f eed of a tool on a lathe, the cutting of st eel on a power saw, or the shaping of materials are all situations in w hic h rectilinear or straight line motion produces work. I n each of these situations a part or mec hanism is used to chang e rotary motion to straight line motion. The scr ew of a micrometer and the thr eads in a nut are still other applications w here the direction of motion is chang ed from rotary to r ectilinear.[5]
Shafts are mount ed in bearings and transmit pow er through such dev ices as g ears, pulleys, cams and clutches.These dev ices introduc e forc es w hic h attempt to bend the shaft; hence, the shaft must be rig id enough to pr event ov erloading of the supporting bearings. I n general, the bending deflection of a shaft should not exc eed 0.01 in. per ft of length betw een bearing supports.
Components such as gears and pulleys are mounted on shafts by means of k ey. The design of the k ey and the c orresponding k eyway in the shaft must be properly evaluated.For example, stress c onc entrations occur in shafts due to k eyways, and the mat erial r emoved to form the k eyway further weak ens the shaft.
In c onnecting shafts belonging to separate devices (such as an electric motor and a gearbox), pr ecise aligning of the shafts is difficult and a flexible c oupling is used. This c oupling connects the shafts in such a way as to minimize the harmful eff ects of shaft misalignment. F lex ible c ouplings also permit the shafts to deflect under their separate syst ems of loads a nd t o move freely (float) in the axial dir ection wit hout interf ering with one another. F lex ible c ouplings can also serve to r educe the intensity of shock loads and vibrations transmitted from one shaft to another.
Fasteners are devic es w hic h permit one part to be joined to a second part and, hence, they are inv olv ed in almost all designs.The acceptability of any product depends not only on the select ed c omponents, but also on the means by which they are fa stened tog ether.
It is g ood practice to c onsult with a spring manufacturing c ompany when selecting a spring design, espec ially if high loads or t emperatures are to be encounter ed, or if stress rev ersals occur or c orrosion resistance is requir ed. T o properly select a spring, a complete study of the spring r equirem ents, inc luding space limitations, must be undertaken. Many diff erent types of special springs are available t o satisfy unusual requirements or applications.
Numerica l c ontrol was dev eloped to overc ome the limitation of human operators, a nd it has done so. Numerica l control machines are mor e accurate t han ma nually operated machines, they can produc e parts more unifor mly, they are faster, and the long-run t ooling cost s are low er.
Numerica l control has also made mac hine tools more v ersatile than their manually operated predec essors.数字控制还使得机床比它们采用人工操纵的前辈们的用途更为广泛。
An NC machine tool can automatically pr oduce a wide variety of parts,each involving an assortment of widely varied and complex machining proc esses.
Numerica l c ontrol has allowed manufactur ers to undertake the production of products t hat would not have been f easible from an ec onomic perspective using manually controlled mac hine tools a nd proc esses.数控可使生产厂家承担那些对于采用人工控制的机床和工艺来说,在经济上是不划算的产品的生产任务。
The development of the micr oproc essor a llow ed f or the development of programmable log ic controllers (PLCs) a nd microcomput ers. These two t echnologies allow ed for the dev elopment of computer numerical control (CNC). With CNC, each mac hine t ool has a PLC or a microcomputer that serves the same purpose.
This allows programs to be input and st ored at each individual machine tool. It also allows programs to be dev eloped off-line and downloaded at the indiv idual machine tool.
CNC solv ed t he problems associated w ith downtime of the host comput er, but it introduced another problem k now n as data management.The same program might be loaded on t en diff erent microcomput ers with no communication a mong them.This problem is in the proc ess of being solv ed by local area networks t hat connect microcomput ers f or better data management.