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第 13 卷 第 36 期 2009–09–03 出版
September 3, 2009 Vol.13, No.36
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
王连仲,王永才,闻 华,尹忠民,江晓莲,刘甲才,王 磊,王金刚,张激扬,杨志明,陈 实,董玉书,王 琦,张佳相,吴 静
Clinical application of stem cell transplantation in treating spinal cord injury
Wang Lian-zhong, Wang Yong-cai, Wen Hua, Yin Zhong-min, Jiang Xiao-lian, Liu Jia-cai, Wang Lei, Wang Jin-gang, Zhang Ji-yang, Yang Zhi-ming, Chen Shi, Dong Yu-shu, Wang Qi, Zhang Jia-xiang, Wu Jing
Abstract: Research progress regarding the nerve stem cell in repairing spinal cord injury was slow due to the strict and expensive separation and purification techniques of the nerve stem cells, even though nerve stem cells therapy did not involved in ethics dispute. The embryo stem cell are used for treating the spinal cord injury at the early time, which could survive, migrated to the spinal cord damage spot, differentiate into the neuron after transplant, but its clinical practice is blocked by ethics questions and limited resource, as well as the latent oncogenicity of the undifferentiating embryo stem cells. The marrow stem cell has the stem cell essential feature and plasticity, which could anchor a kind of organization and differentiate into this organ cell under certain signal influence, meanwhile, the marrow stem cell, can secrete some nutrients that promoted endogene cell multiplication and growth. Compared with other transplant cell, the marrow stem cell is characterized by easy to separate and good organization compatibility, therefore, it is suitable for the clinical practice. Tough the transplant way of stem cell treatment the spinal cord injury had 3 kinds at present roughly: by partial plant way, by lumber puncture and by vein way, it was still not clear which way was the most appropriate one.
Wang LZ, Wang YC, Wen H, Yin ZM, Jiang XL, Liu JC, Wang L, Wang JG, Zhang JY, Yang ZM, Chen S, Dong YS, Wang Q, Zhang JX, Wu J.Clinical application of stem cell transplantation in treating spinal cord injury.Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu. 2009;13(36): 7193-7196. [ ]
Department of Neurosurgery, the 463 Hospital of Chinese PLA, Shenyang 110042, Liaoning Province, China Wang Lian-zhong, Chief physician, Master’s supervisor, Department of Neurosurgery, the 463 Hospital of Chinese PLA, Shenyang 110042, Liaoning Province, China ben_2169@ Received: 2009-04-25 Accepted: 2009-05-26
用研究进展缓慢。胚胎干细胞最早用于治疗脊髓损伤,移植后胚胎干细胞能够存活并且向脊髓损伤部位迁移分化成神经元, 但由于取材来源的限制以及难以回避的伦理学问题成为其临床应用的障碍,此外未分化的胚胎干细胞具有潜在的致瘤性。 骨髓干细胞除具备干细胞的基本特点外,还具有可塑性,表现为骨髓干细胞在某些信号的影响下,锚靠一类组织并分化成 该组织细胞,同时骨髓干细胞能够分泌一些营养物质促进内源性细胞的增殖和生长。与其他移植细胞相比,骨髓干细胞易 于提取分离,可行自体移植且组织相容性好,因此便于临床应用。对于干细胞治疗脊髓损伤的移植方式,目前大体有 3 种: 局部种植、经腰穿途径、经静脉途径,但尚不清楚何种方式更合适。 关键词:脊髓损伤;干细胞;移植 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2009.36.041 王连仲,王永才,闻华,尹忠民,江晓莲,刘甲才,王磊,王金刚,张激扬,杨志明,陈实,董玉书,王琦,张佳相,吴 静 . 干 细 胞 移 植 治 疗 脊 髓 损 伤 的 临 床 应 用 现 状 [J]. 中 国 组 织 工 程 研 究 与 临 床 康 复 , 2009 , 13(36):7193-7196. [ ]
0 引言 脊髓损伤的修复一直是神经外科医师面 临的一大难题。自本世纪初Allen等[1]对脊髓损 伤进行实验研究以来,医学前驱们先后试用了 手术吻合、手术减压、神经移植、大网膜移植、 药物治疗、局部冷冻、物理康复以及应用酶制 剂来抑制和消除结缔组织瘢痕等多种方法治 疗脊髓损伤
基础研究工作,并于2003年开始逐步把干细胞 治疗应用于临床研究和治疗, 至2008-12已治疗 脊髓损伤400余例。 1 问题的提出
问题1:脊髓损伤的临床症状和病理过程的特 点? 问题2:神经干细胞、胚胎干细胞、骨髓干细胞 作为现阶段研究较为广泛的种子细胞,用于脊髓损伤 移植时的效果怎样?哪种细胞更适合治疗脊髓损 伤? 问题3:目前临床应用干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤 的进展现状? 问题4:干细胞移植治疗脊髓损伤面临的技术问 题?
解放军第四六三 医院神经外科, 辽 宁 省 沈 阳 市 110042 王连仲, 1949 男, 年生, 江苏省南京 市人,汉族,主任 医师,硕士生导 师, 主要从事脊髓 损伤方面的研究。 ben_2169@163. com
中图分类号:R394.2 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1673-8225 (2009)36-07193-04 收稿日期: 2009-04-25 修回日期: 2009-05-26 (20090321001/ZS· Z)
, 虽然这些方法在不同程度上缓
解了脊髓损伤的病理改变,但其后果仍不可避 免地造成了患者截瘫。 近10年来由于现代医学技术和基础医学 的迅速发展,医学工作者对脊髓损伤修复的治 疗有了新的认识。解放军第四六三医院神经外 科从2001年初开始了干细胞治疗脊髓损伤的
ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21-1539/R CODEN: ZLKHAH
