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China's dry white can cure a cold.
Red Rose represent passion Calendulin represent despair
Lobelia represent malicious Dahlia represent betrayal
Inventions: Agasa(阿笠) helps Conan solve cases by inventing cool gadgets for Conan to use.
PVI island(小
岛元太 )
Round Valley, Mitsuhiko (圆
是凶手,而且之后十有八九会被真凶干掉。 还一个长得温良恭俭一眼望去打娘胎里就是好学生,没跑了,准他干的。
下面小五郎出现,抵达战场效应的最佳状 态,继续来,按理说他一天八次的麻醉剂 量,早该成痴呆了,谁曾想居然没事儿人 似的,此等体质一般人都难以望其项背。
而他每次被麻醉后都能自动找到最近的椅 子坐好呈低头沉思状的非凡能力就更不是 一般人比得了的了。
At last ,I want to say that Conan is a terrific(了不起) cartoon .I hope everyone go to see it and love it as me.
扑通下跪,双手撑地,大哭大叫。这是犯人最后的标 准动作。
01:引爆摩天楼 02:第十四个目标 03:世纪末的魔术师 04:瞳孔中的暗杀者 05:通往天国的倒计时 06:贝克街的亡灵 07:迷宫的十字路口 08:银翼的魔术师 09:水平线上的阴谋 10:侦探们的镇魂歌 11:绀碧之棺 12:战栗的乐谱
练过高低杠发的人,大腿上都会长出奇特的茧。 人死后三十分钟到两个小时之内身体会僵硬,死后三 十个小时之内会达到最硬,然后开始逐渐软化,大概七 十个小时就会恢复原样。尸体周围温度在三十五度左右, 尸体僵硬和软化的速度会加快进行。
有机磷化学物,如果轻微中毒,只会让人作呕会流口 水。如果大量服用会出现脱水和呼吸困难。
Jimmy Kudo 工藤新一
Jimmy Kudo is widely regarded as one of the top detectives in the land, and he is only in high school!
Mouri lan
A pretty girl beautiful, kind loves Jimmy
the evil members of the Black Organization
GIN and Vodka
The main line is the fight between Conan with the Black Organization
尸体绝大多数时候是由女性发现的,然后嗷的一嗓子人就都到齐了。 再看嫌犯,首先有一个凶神恶煞的、看着就不像好人的嫌疑人,不过放心,这人肯定是好人 还会有一个一听说案子就吓得屎尿俱出顺裤裆流明显跟案子有牵连的嫌疑人,这人肯定知道不少内情,但不
Yoshida step the United States吉田步美
Chians a mysterious gang organizations and their battle more than once Conan
GIN 琴酒
The dark organization
园子,she's a little bit crazy about pretty boy ,she is Lan's good friend ,her character is bold and uninhibited .
The most handsome boy
Kaitou KID
He is handsome and seems know everything in the world. So he is the biggest opponent(对手) of Conan.
体温很高,皮肤又干,汗也排不出来而且瞳孔有一点 缩小,脸色有点红脉搏却跳的很快,这是典型的中暑现 象。 衣服前面淋湿,后面却没有,这是在雨中跑步的证据。
Guss the final ending
第一类 1 小兰为救新一而死,柯南变大和哀在一起 2 新一永远不能变大,最后被迫和哀在一起.
第二类 1 柯南变大后,依旧只喜欢兰,哀默然离开,新一和兰在一起 2 哀为救新一或兰而死,柯南变大和兰在一起 第三类 1 兰 新一 哀全都死去 2 兰死去,新一为兰肝肠寸断,没和哀在一起
The author of Conan Edogawa(江户川)
Yoshimasa (刚昌) Aoyama (青山) Date of birth: 1963-06-21 Hometown: Daiei, Tottori, Japan
The story is about a 17-year-old genius detective named Jimmy Kudo(工藤 新一) who got poisoned by a mysterious underground crime organization and shrinked(收缩) into his 7-year-old body. He hid his true identity.He try to find a cure to un-shrink his body, solving various mystery cases along the way.
Maori Kogoro Lan's father is also a detective, known as sleeping Kogoro
Kogoro MOURI
A gril taked the same drug as Conan and shrinked .She is smart,independent and bravery.
13:漆黑的追踪者 14:天空的遇难船 15:沉默的15分钟 16:第11个前锋 17:绝海的侦探
柯南&小兰 服部平次&和叶
What can we learn from the cartoon?
I think Conan' practical significance is that it recall the lost spirit of many of our contemporaries quality.Especielly " love wisdom" and " love other people " .
love wisdom:
Assiduous (孜孜以求) spirit of truth ( the truth )
love other people:
We should love our family ,friends ,and even some people who cared about us.
There is only one truth. 真相只有一个.
Detective Conan (名侦探柯 南) also known as Case Closed.Is a Japanese detective cartoon series and serialized(连载) in Sunday(少 年期刊) since 1994.
agasa hiroshi
Dr. Agasa is Jimmy's neighbor and friend.Agasa(阿笠) helps Conan solve cases by inventing cool gadgets to use.
The hero of a.k.a. Detective Conan
红玫瑰---热情 金盏花---绝望 半边莲---恶意
Stone echo to determine the road ahead Echo big is death in front Echo small on behalf of the front road
用石头的回声来判断前方的路 回声大就表示前面是条死路 回声小就代表前面还有路
From the reasoning(推理) process,
we can learn the calm they meet problem ,the logic they analysis it and a lot of knowledge about daily life.
Such as......
柯南借他人之口说出作案手法并指出凶手 之后凶手都会冷笑着问:证据呢?
之后倍儿激昂的那首背景乐响起,证据出 现。凶手脸部一阵抽搐,接着进入最后一 个环节。
要么凶手跟死的人苦大仇深,自己亲人以前死在他手 上,凶手隐忍数年大仇得报。
此时柯南必是两眼放光戴俩白镜片跟盲人似的,然后 予以严肃指出兄弟,你杀错人了,其实死者是这么这 么这么回事,懂没?