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初三英语复习—宾语从句(The Object Clause)



1.I hope(that)he will come tomorrow.我希望他明天来。

2.He said(that)he would study English harder than before.他说他将比以前更努力地学英语。

(二)同连接代词who,whose,what,which和连接副词how,when where引导的宾语从句。这些连词在句中作成分,有实际意义不能省略。例如:

1.I don't know who he is. 我不知道他是谁。

2.Could you tell me whose room this is? 你能告诉我这是谁的房间吗?

3.He asked me which class I was in. 他问我在哪个班。

4.We didn't know when we would meet. 我们不知道我们将在哪儿见面。

5.Please tell me how I can use the computer,will you? 请你告诉我怎样使用计算机好吗?


1.The teacher asked me if/whether I could answer this question.


2.We don't know if/whether he has been to The Great Wall.





1.He said that he had never seen such an exciting match before.


2.I didn't know what her name was.


3.I heard that they would play against the girls'team.



1.The teacher told them that light travels faster than the sound. 老师告诉他们光速比声速快。

2.The little child didn't know the earth goes round the sun. 那小孩不知道地球是绕着太阳转的。


1.whether可以直接和or not连用,if不可。

I don't know whether or not he can pass the exam. 我不知道他是否能通过这次考试。


Whether he can go,I'm not sure. 他是否能去,我不肯定。


Whether he can pass the exam is till a question. 他是否能通过这次考试仍然是个问题。


1.I don't think that hens can swim. 我认为鸡不会游泳。

2.We don't believe that they can finish the work in such a short time. 我们确信在这么短的时间内他们完不成这项工作。


1.I think that he is right,isn't he? 我认为他是对的,是不是?

2.We don't think that it is going to rain,is it? 我们觉得不会下雨,是吗?



1.恐怕你不能在这儿吸烟。I'm sure ______________________________.

2.我不知道他在干什么。I don't know ____________________________.

3.她告诉我她很忙。She told me _________________________________.

4.我想知道我是不是应该走。I wonder ____________________________.

5.我想乘火车旅行,既安全又便宜。I think _______________________.

6.你父母希望他将来成为一名科学家。His parents hope ____________.

7.请告诉我电影院的出口在哪儿好吗?Could you tell me __________.

8.老师问我是否能算出这道问题。The teacher asked me ____________.

9.我正在考虑我们是否该去郊游。I _______________________________.

10.我不能确定我什么时候能去那儿度假。I'm not sure _____________.


1.I don't know ____ next.

A.how to do

B.what to do it

C.what I should do

D.how I should do

2.Can you tell me ____?

A.who is that man

B.who that man is

C.that man is who

D.whom is that man

3.He ____ in the English exam.

A.believes that he can't fail

B.believes that he couldn't fail

C.doesn't believe he shouldn't fail

D.doesn't believe he has failed

4.I want to know ____.

A.what is his name

B.what's his name

C.that his name is

D.what his name is

5.Please tell us ____,will you?

A.when the plane will leave

B.when will the plane leave

C.when does the planes leave

D.when the plane leave

6.I'll write down ____.

A.how you can do it

B.how to do
