


成 句子 应答 方略 , 主要是 考 查考 生运 用所 学词 汇 、 法及 翻 译知 识 语 综合 地进 行分析 并 解决 问题 , 以达 到语 境 、 辑 、 配 、 法、 写等 方 面的 完整 、 逻 搭 语 拼 完
美性 。
【 关键 词 】考 查 完成 句子 规律
h me fr k 。分 析 : 句 意看 , o .d n ) i 从 此题 考 查 与 过 去事 实相 反 的虚 拟语 气 。 句用 过 去 完成 从
a h n n adi。
eey hr.hl) vr ee fod。分 析 : 据 句 意 可 知 , w 根 主 句 的主语 h e与 h l 间为 主 动关 系 , od之 故用 现 在 分 词 的主 动形 式作 状 语 , H ligte 即 o n d h
k y i h n … f 0 esi hs a d n 2 9湖 北 卷 12 Whn 0 . e
y u ae f i e t h lcrc i n o t o r i s d wi t e ee ti r 。d n’ n h h o
4 考查 虚拟 语气 。 . 从 近 几 年 高 考 对 完 成 句 子 的 考 查 情 况 看 . 查 虚 拟 语 气 的 情形 比较 多 , 考 涉及 面 较 广 . 要考 查 条 件 从 句 的虚 拟 、 殊 句 式 的 主 特 虚 拟 、i ws h后 接 宾语 从 句 的虚 拟 、 ny后 iol f 接 从句 的虚拟 及 w udr hr后接 从 句 的虚 ol a e t 拟 。如 : 0 1湖 北卷) .f 我没 有 喝) lo ( 1 2 1 I( a . c
20 0 7年 湖北 省 高考 英 语 试 题 首 次 出现 完成 句 子这 一题 型 , 湖 北省 高考 英语考 试 从 大纲 的补充说 明对该 题 型 的表 述 来 看 , 完成 句 子 由 三部 分 组 成 , 别 为 英 语 句 子 、 分 汉语 提 示和英 语单 词提 示。其 目的是考 查考 生在 具体 语 言环境 中的语 言运 用 能力 。 该题 型 要 求考 生运用 所 学词 汇 、 法及 翻 译 知识 综合 语 地进 行 分析 并 解决 问题 , 以达 到语 境 、 辑 、 逻 搭 配 、 法 、 写等 方面 的完整 、 语 拼 完美。


介词表方向前置 Out came the teacher and the students. (注意此处为全部倒装)
"After the deafening thunder, down poured the rainstorm."
谓语 地点状语前置与表位于位于搭配 At the foot of the mountain lies the city I used to live in.
"According to the art dealer, the painting is expected to(预计) go for at least a million dollars. (expect)"
Further measures are being taken(正采取进一步的措施) to prevent the water pollution there.(measure)
(主语从句中引导词that不能省略) (从句不缺成分)
表据说等 It is widely accepted that parents should set an example to the kids.
it形式主语 (可转为) "As is accepted widely, parents should set an example for the kids."
"Dissatisfied as he was with the payment, he took the job just to get some experience."
As表虽然、尽管 "Child as he is, he is much concerned about politics."



时 态
定语 从甸
时 态
3 6 介 词
非 谓 语 动词
3 7 3 8
主语从句 倍数
倒 装
宾语从句 强调句
情 态 动 词
4 0
情 态动词
被动语 态
例如 :2 0 ( 0 8湖 北 3 )e 0 — 2S l m d

( 们玩 ) 他
因此 , 们 在答题 时不要连笔 , 写应仔细 、 整 、 我 书 工
这种题型的题 干由三个部分组成 。第一个是英语 句子部分 , 第二个是汉语提示部分 , 三个是英语单词 第
然而 , 对这 一新的题型变化 , 面 连续两年 的高考反 提示部分。 中 , 其 英语句子是 主干 , 能提供 重要 的时态、
馈 信息 告诉 我 们 : 题得 分 率 极 低 。 么 , 为 考 生 , 此 那 作 我 语态甚至结构暗示。干扰性暗示是从命题者 的角度 出 们 应该 如 何 面 对 这 一 变 化 ,如 何 去 调 整 学 习 、复 习备 发 的 , 启发 性 暗 示 则 是 从 考 生 的 角 度 而 言 的 。 因 此 , 而
茫然。但通过分析总结高考热点语法考点 , 我们可 以少 的最 佳 形 式 。 2 { 2 中学生语数外 I0 年第3 0 29 期
湖北完成句 子 2 0 0 8考点分布 表 0 72 0
题 号
3 1
栅 考点分布
伴 随 状 语 宾语 从 句

最高级 倒 装
2 .综 合思 考
既然这个题型 的题干的三个部分各有妙用 范围可 以稍作限 制, 这样就可以提高答题效 率。 这个思考的范围可 以由



完成句子高考英语专题训练材料(完成句子)徐新焕1.The harder you work, the________________(你将会取得更大进步)。

(progress)2.With__________(许多事情要处理),he has no time to play basketball.(work, attend)3._________(你那样是不礼貌的)shout at the little girl. (it)4.____________(中午没睡好),he went to bed earlier that night.(sleep)5. He never wrote _________(一样好的书)as his first one again. (good).6.The United States always expected__________(有更多国家)support it for occupying Iraq.(there)7.So tired_____(他觉得)that he fell asleep soon.(feel)8.It was he, believe it or not, __________(给你帮助)when you were in trouble.(lend)9.He likes telling stories, _________(没有一个)can make me happy. (none)10.______(听到)her father had come, her face lit up at once. (hear)11.I never dreamed of ___________(会有这样的机会)study in the capital.(there)12.I failed in the final exam last term and only then___________(我才意识到学习的重要性).(realize)13._________it began to rain.(他一进屋)(sooner)14.We are determined to get our rights____________(不惜代价).(cost)15._________(很难被忍受的)is his coldness.(put)16.The weather turned out to be good,_________(这是我们没有预料的).(than)17.I find ____________(与那些人合作困难) those who always stick to their our opinions. (it)18.__________________(但愿这样严重的污染不会发生) in our city. (only)19.Without electricity human life _____________(现在将会十分困难)(quite)20._____________________(从早到晚忙生意), he cared lit tle about his son‟s study. (occ upy)21.____________(在物价飞涨下),many people can hardly make ends meet.(increase)22.I‟ve tried very hard to improve my English. But by no means_______(老师对我的成绩却一点也不满意)with my progress.(satisfy)23.If______(我没有及时送你去医院)at once, you would still be in danger now.(send)24.Below the table_____(一只猫躺在那儿)(lie).25.______(他考试不及格的原因)that he played so much. (reason).26.______(以实验为基础),his conclusion is right.(base)27.The f actory‟s output of cars this year is_____(大约是去年的三倍). (that)28.The man died, _______(给他儿子留下了大笔钱). (leave)29.______(从这里看), he can see far more. (see)30._______(尽管他的成绩很差), he still concentrates on studying.(as)31.The snack _________________(味道好极了) (taste)32.____________________(是酒后开车)that resulted in the accident (it)33.Who ________________(你认为)will be the winner? (think)34.We must overcome every obstacle,_______(不管是什么困难) (whatever)35._______________( Zidanne离开),France is like dragons without a head (with)36.Thanks to the relief supply, ________(没有它,我们就挨饿了)(which)37. _______(直到她回家)that Jennifer realized that she had lost her keys(until)38.______________(大学读了三年之后),he was used to living there.(having)39.---Do you think where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.---Well, He_________________(不可能走远)---His coat is still here(go)40.______________(为了当选),he spent a lot of money promoting(to)41. Your article is all right____________________.(只是太长了)(except)42. I knew I had made a mistake____________________.(我一交上试卷)(directly)43.He was absent,_______________________(那是常事)。



1 . 题 干 一般 为 一句 话 , 如 果 多 于 一句 话 , 则 是 补 全其 语 境 题 的难度基本与 2 0 0 8 年持平 。 例如 , 2 0 1 0年第 7 2题 :
— —
2 . 题 干是英 语 并 留下空 格 , 要求 根 据 中文 句子 的 意思 完成
( 油漆 成 ) r e d , t h e b u i l d i n g s t a n d s o u t a m o n g t h e r e s t a n d
而在 p a i n t e d 后加 了 i n t o 。这道题看似简单 , 但却 需要 考生有着扎 再如 , 2 0 1 0年的第 7 3题 :
— —
5 . 试题考查内容体 现的是语法 、 句法和词法知识 的综合运用 。 实 的语 法 基 本 功 。
( 不会 用 ) a c o mp u t e r ma k e s i t mo r e d i ic f u l t f o r h i m t o d o
i s a c a d e mi c r e s e a r c h . f u s e )答 案 是 : N o t b e i n g a b l e t o u s e / B e i n g 完成句子主要考查 以下几个方面 的能力 : 对语境 的理解能力 ; h
( w h a t ) 我不知道是小说 中的什么东西使他突然泪如泉涌 。 乍一看 , 这道题 目很简单 , 而实 际上如果不看 清这道题 的题 眼 , 下笔 就会 出错 , 本题的题眼是考查强调句型 , 强调的是句子的主语 w h a t 。 值得注意的是 , 2 0 1 2年完成句 子部 分在整体 难度 与前 几年基 本持平 略微提 高的前提下 , 加大 了对基 础语 法项 目的考 查力 度 , 如: 非谓语动词 、 虚拟语 气和动词 的时态语态等。 3 . 完成句子不涉及词类 的词法转换 , 只涉及语法转换 完成句子英语 提示词 的使 用不涉及 词类 的转 换 , 比如 , 使 用 词缀将名词 转化为形容词 , 将 形容词转化 为副词等 , 但 是涉及 提 示词 的语 法变化 , 比如 , 形容词的 比较级或最 高级的变化 , 动词的



非谓语动词1.He is said ____________________________(在国外学习)for two years, but I don’t know which country he is in.(study)2.I never dreamed of _____________________________(会有这样的机会)to study in the hospital.(there)3.It isn’t like her ______________________________(说出这样的话) like that.(say)4.The visiting expert preferred giving lecturers to students______________________(被邀请)meetings at times.(invite)5.What a great load the mother felt ______________________(如释重负)her mind the moment her lost son turned up.(take)6.Having good table manners means ___________________________________(知道如何使用刀叉).(know)7.Instead of sending people, we can send robots ___________________(装备计算机的)and other tools to the moon.(equip)8.I forgot __________________________(提前提醒你)because I was really occupied with the work.(advance)9.____________________________(埋头读书),he paid no attention to things around him.(burry)10.He is said ___________________(在设计)a new computer program now, but I don’t know when he will finish it.(design)11.This is the explanation _____________________(提出的) by him.(put)12.The woman ________________________(站在老师旁边的)is my mother.(stand)13.The week _______________________(圣诞节后的), many African-American families get together to greet the new year and think about the past.(follow)14._____________________________(偷窃钻石)the diamond, he had to look for a place to hide it.(steal)15.I think it difficult to _______________________________(记住所有的单词),because there are too many.(remember)16._________________(一返回), they were praised as national heroes.(on)17.John received an invitation to a dinner, and with ______________________(工作已完成), he gladly accepted it.(finish)18.__________________________(解释得很清楚), the question is finally understood by all of us present.(explain)19.When I was passing the National Hall, I heard the clock _____________________(正在建的).(strike)20.The building ___________________ (正在建的)on the river is the Science Museum.(build)21.He was standing ________________(抓住)a tree that grew against the wall.(hold)22.Think it over. You may have a lot of ways __________________(改正此句).(correct)23.In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ___________________(过去的生活).(use)24.Robert is indeed a wise man. How often I have regretted ___________________(没有采纳他的建议)!(take)25.Danny has worked hard for long __________________________(实现他的梦想)and now he is popular.(realize)26.I am always full of energy. ____________________________(每天进行大量的锻炼)is my secret.(plenty)27.______________________________(受到严重污染), it may be a bit too late to protect the river.(suffer)28.The negotiation between the two countries broke down, ____________(未达成)an agreement.(reach)29.When you’ve finished with book, ________________________(不要忘了放回)on the shelf, will you?(forget,put)30.All flights __________________(被取消) because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the rain.(cancel)31.Though we felt a little disappointed, we still______________________(一直鼓励)our basketball team32.The squirrel was luck that it just _____________________________ (未被捉住).(miss)33.________________________(排队等了半个小时),the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.(wait)34.Paul doesn't have to _____________________(强迫学习). He always works hard.(make)35.How about two of us ___________________ (散步) down the garden ? (take)36.Please keep me ________________(知道)any change of your address as soon as possible. I'd like to call on you in time. (inform)37. A boy and a girl ___________________________ (被当场抓住作弊)in the exam and punished by the school. (catch)38.We all know that, _______________________ (如果不谨慎处理),the situation will get worse.( if , deal)39.Christmas is a special holiday when the whole family _____________________(应该聚在一起). (suppose)40.To save class time , our teacher _______________________ (让学生做一半的练习)in class and complete the other half for work.(have)41.___________________(值得考虑) what makes "convenience" foods so popular,and introducing better ones of your own. (consider)42.The ocean and seas _________________ (环绕着岛屿)are deep blue and many of New Zealand's cities lie on a bay. (surround)43.________________________ (没有足够的食物吃),many animals died of starvation in search of the new land. (enough)44.I heard the couple next door _______________________ (吵了整整一个晚上). (quarrel)45.His new book _______________________ (包含折有用信息) has been well received. (contain)46.Your father is angry with you for __________________ (在外呆这么晚). (stay)47.__________________________ (有这么多的人用英语交流)every day, it will become more and more important to havea good knowledge of English .(with)48.When IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch announced that Beijing would host the 2008 Olympic Games,______________________ (所有看他的中国人)on TV burst into cheers.(wacth)49.The government _______________________ (允许吸烟喝酒) but not taking drugs. (tolerate)50. A reporter begins by contacting people __________________ (被采访的) and then prepares questions. (interview)51. A reporter must know how to ask the right questions and ___________________ (怎样让人们谈论) (get)52.______________________ (为了写这个故事), I had to contact famous museums around the world and interview both Chinese and international experts in the field.(write)53.Her father won't marry her until the poor young _______________________(请人装修那个房子).(decotate)54.The burglars gained entry to the building after their ____________________ (弄坏报警器). (disable)55.________________________ (失败了好几次), the young scientist still kept on making his experiments in chemistry.(fail)56.The giant dam of the Three Hydropower project ____________ (坐落在)the Yangtze River was finally completed on May 20,2006, nine months ahead of time. (locate)57.________________________(穿着白色制服), he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (dress)58. Jill thinks we should phone Kate now, but John _________________________(建议给她打电话) later. (suggest)59. The book was so funny that ________________________________(我禁不住笑起来) from beginning to end.60. ______________________________(为了解释他们所看到的), the build a theory about the way in which things happen and the cause and effects. (explain)61. Knowing who we are means _______________________(我们怎么想) and what we like to do. (know)62. I know the feeling of ________________(被忽视) isn’t nice, but you can’t draw your attention with such a strange hairstyle. ( ignore)63. I want to write something but my pen is ___________________(哪里都找不到).(find)64. Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) _________________________(据说) kept birds in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free. (say)65. She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn’t know ______________(像谁求救). (turn)66. The glass doors have taken place of the wooden ones at the entrance, ____________(让自然光照进来) during the day. (let)67. The flowers his friend gave him will die ___________________________(除非每天浇水).(water)68. It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just __________________(为了看一眼) the sports stars. (have)69. ___________________________(面对艰难的形式), Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice. (face)70. With the price of oil _________________(上升), the economy of that country is slowing down. (go)71.---- Sarah ____________________________(让人把自行车修了) the day before yesterday, did n’t she?----- No, she did it herself.72.He hurried to the booking office _________________________(却被告知) that all the tickets had been sold out. (only; tell)73. Energy drinks _________________________(不允许制作) in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand. (allow)74. The mother _____________________________(感觉自己变得越来越冷) and her hands trembled as she read the letter from the battle field. (grow)75. As the light turned green , I stood for a moment, _____________(没有动) and asked myself what I was going to do. (move)76. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to _____________________________(使他的笔头英语进步) in a short period. (have, improve)77. _________________________(没有) to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. (fail)78. School children must be taught ________________________(怎么处理) dangerous situation. (deal)79. __________________________(没有人求助) in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless. (with; turn)80. ________________________________(谈及他写的所有的曲子), I think this is probably his best- known one. (speak)81. ________________________(乘坐了) the rides at the Headland, visitors can take a shuttle to the lowland. (enjoy)82._____________________________(不知道怎么做), he turned to his instructor for advice. (knowing)83. Making eyes contact by ________________________(直视)someone’s eyes is a way to show interest. (look)84. Of the seven days in a week, Saturday _________________________(据说是最佳的选择) for a wedding in some countries. (choice)85. At the beginning of class, (课桌打开和关上的噪音) could be heard outside the classroom.(close)86. Sorry, I can’t give you any ideas about the project. With(脑子里有如此多的工作), I almost break down.(fill)87.Theme parks try to make sure that visitors leave (了解)their them.(know)88. (切断电源) quickly, he prevented an accident.(cut)89. We mustn’t risk__________________(被困住)a storm.(catch)90. Theme parks are built (以一个共同的主题为基础).(base)91. Many people come to visit theme parks, (寻求刺激和娱乐)92. Mr. Baker is busy these days ________(写一本新书)on how to develop a child’s reading skill.(work)93. (扔他们的帽子) into the air, the fans of the winning team let out shouts ofvictory.(throw)94. when (比较不同的文化),we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities.(compare)95.In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, (排名第三) of all the competing countries.(throw)96. with the fact that he is a green hand (考虑),I think he has done pretty well indeed.(account)97.Although (在车祸中严重受伤),the driver was still able to make a phone call.(injure)98. We had an anxious couple of weeks, (等待结果) of the experiment.(wait)99. (参观了) the WaterCube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic games.(show)100. this morning the director (让她去买) some hot dogs for the meeting.(have, pick)101. I hear they’ve promoted Tom, but he didn’t (提及职位已升) when we talked in thephone.(mention)102. What a pity! (考虑到他的能力和经验), he should have done better.(consider) 103. We finished the run (在不到规定的一半时间内). (allow)104. He is very popular among his students as he always (试图使他们感兴趣) in his lectures.(make) 105. The trees (在风暴中被吹倒的) have been moved off the road.(blow)106. __(按计划完成规划) and we’ll have to work two more hours a day.(complete)107.You have no idea how she finished the relay race with (她是脚受伤了)so much.(wound)108. I feel greatly honored (受到欢迎) into their society.(welcome)109. I never dreamed of (有这么好的酒) in this town.110.He was observed (溜进房子) and help himself to what he liked before the owner cameback.(slip)110. He hurried to the station (结果发现) that the train had left.(only)112. (邮寄出) automatically, the e-mail will be received by all the club members.(mail) 113.Don’t respond to any e-mails (要求个人信息),no matter how official they look.(ask) 114. It is difficult to imagine his (接收这个决定)without any consideration.(accept)115. (投入使用) in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdown.(put)116. (没有完成) the program, they have to stay there for another two weeks.(complete)117. I don’t know whether you happen(听说过),but I’m going to study in the U.S.A this September.(hear)118.The flu is believed (引起)by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.(cause)119. I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything(去买)?(buy)120.More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays, (利用) the health and relaxation benefits.(take)121.The discovery of new evidence led to (小偷被抓).(catch)122. (暴露在阳光下)for too much tine will do har m to one’s skin.(expose)123. With a lot of difficult problems (解决),the newly-elected president is having a hard time.(settle) 124.Victor apologized for (他不能够) to inform me of the change in the plan.(able)125.The accident is said (因为) the driver’s careless driving and the thick fog.(result)126. Limited natural resources should be made full use of (满足) of energy.(meet)127. The two presidents agree with each other on the whole, but much remains ______(讨论) at the following meeting.(discuss)128. At the weekends in Chengdu, you can often see many people (坐在餐馆外面). Waiting to have dinners.(seat)129. A heavy snow struck my hometown last winter, (造成巨大损失) to the people’s properties.(cause) 130. the first time I went to visit him, He (碰巧正在与一个邻居聊天) over the fence.(happen ,that) 131. (负担者一个八口之家), he had to work hard to make ends meet.(burden)132. Holms and Watson sat (让灯亮着) for half and hour.(with)133. I’m sorry to (让你久等了), Jane . You see, I was caught in the traffic jam.(keep)134. you don’t know what great difficulty I had(设法弄到这张票). I hope the film is really worth seeing.(manage)135. Lydia really regrets (辍学) at an early age. Otherwise she would be sitting in the well-lighted classroom now.(drop)136. He left the place, making up his mind never (再踏上这块土地).(set)137.The man denied (偷窃了任何东西) at the supermarket before he was questioned by the police.(steal)138. I meant to (介绍你) to the host at the party, but I forget.(introduce.)139.Finally she got too tired and fell asleep at the desk, her right hand still _____________ (握着一只钢笔). (hold)140.He seemed ________________ (觉察到) that he was being followed, so he stoppped in front of a store as if he was intending to buy something. (sense)141.His best-seller novel "the Alchemist" is said _________________(被译为) over twenty languages by the end of last year. (translate)142.I have checked all the basic equipment ___________________ (赠送) the mountainous area next week. (give)143.It's not like him _______________________ (保持缄默) about the matter all the time.(keep)144.As a senior English teacher, I 'd appreciate __________________ (使我的学生讲) wonderful English. (have, speak) 145.All his neighbours thought he was a strange man, for he ___________________(把所有的窗户都关上) all the year around. (keep)146.__________________ (比较) his oral speech, his listening is improving faster.(compare)147.________________________ (考虑)all possibilities, I really believe that I'd prefer not to make any changenow.(consideration)148.He lay on the grass ______________________(手臂交叉) under his head. (with, cross)149.With _____________________(他的钱用完了),the lazy middle-aged man began to steal other's money in the city. (run) 150._______________________ (不要让水白流) while you brush your teeth.151.John did well in the exam. He came home _________________(带着幸福的微笑). (wear)152.The girl _____________________(有希望成为优秀的画家) if she is well trained in an art school. (promise)153.His eyes ____________________ (盯着那张旧照片),he called up the hard days spent in the country when he was young. (fix)154.________________ (从事教学)for forty years, the old professor retired last month. (engage)155.It ____________________(很值得花一番功夫) to learn how to do it by oneself.(worth, make)156.At the moment we had nothing to do but __________________ (求助于他).(turn)157._____________________ (有很多工作要做),the boss had to refuse to be attend a party at the weekend.(with)158.__________________(没有公共汽车),they had to walk home from the office.(there)159.Mary felt herself _____________________ (被迫采取行动) to defend herself. (force,take)160.As he was fluent in both languages, _____________________ (他毫无困难地转换)from Chinese into English. (problem) 161._____________________ (为了被录取)a university in the UK,international students must display a strong ability in spoken and written English.(admit)162.The lecture mainly deals with the trouble young children have ___________________ (区别对错). (distinguish)163.So many section managers ______________ (缺席),the board meeting had to be put off until next week. (absent)164.The heaviest snow continued to fall over large parts of China, ___________(导致堵车). (cause)165.---She didn't speak to me yesterday. She was unhappy.----Well, she seemed ________________ (被告知)about it.(tell)166.----It is understandable for him to make such mistakes.---- You are right, ________________________(考虑到他只是个新手).(condider)167. After the teacher made an explanation, Tom, _____________________(意识到自己的错误), corrected his paper. (realize) 168. She sat waiting for her husband, with ______________________(灯火通明) in the bedroom late in the night. (burn) 169. The young man _______________________(被指控抢劫银行的) was sure to be sentenced to three years in prison. (burn) 170. There is nothing better than _____________________(洗个热水澡) after a whole day’s work. (bath)171.The young girl, ______________________(气愤地指着) her boss ,claimed for a higher salary.(point)172. _____________________________(从顶部往下看), it looks like a bird’s nest made of tree branches. (see)173. Reading poetry in English also opens the door to ______________________(找到新的途径) of expressing yourself in Chinese. (find)174. I’ve worked with chi ldren before, so I know ___________________________(会是什么样子)in my job. (expect)175. “You’ll get a card ____________________(登记时),” said the receptionist. (check)176. The ship sank, __________________________(船上有30名游客). (board)177. Her trouble is that she doesn’t know ______________________(怎样改进) the teaching work. (improve)178. It is hard for him ___________________________(接受) the fact that he has failed. (live)179. __________________________(筋疲力尽), they decided to get some else to continue it.(give)180. We are expected _____________________________(利用每个时机) to learn more.(chance)181. In fact, no one enjoys _______________________(受到愚弄).(trick)182. ---- Do you still remember _______________________(见过我) somewhere in Shanghai?----Yes, of course. Two years ago. (see)183. Don’t try to_________________________(让孩子们遵守)the terrible rules. (get)184. When you hang the wet clothes near fire, you will see steam _____________________(从衣服上升起).(rise)185. The teacher requires our exercise______________________(上交)immediately. (hand)186. This speech ___________________(值得一听)since it is delivered by the president. (worth)187. ________________________(暴露) to the light for long leads to injury to the skin. (expose)188. ___________________________(捐给受灾地区的钱的数目) is not known yet. (amount)189.I want you to keep me ________________________(知道) how things are going with you. (inform)190. __________________________(会说英语) give you more opportunities in job interviews.(able)191. You’ d better _________________________(把马拴在树上) in case it runs away. (tie)192.After _______________________(仔细检查), the room was locked again. (examine)193.If ______________________________(困在着火的大楼里), you should send for help. (trap)194.When he saw a boy _____________________(在水里挣扎),she jumped into the lake to save him. (struggle)195.I _________________________(后悔告诉) her the truth. (regret)196. Large poster were put up, ___________________________(告诉人们) of this concert. (inform)197. Everyone in the village likes Jack because he is good at ________________________(编笑话). (make)198. The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, __________________________(而不是让它变得更难).(make) 199. ______________________(看着太阳升起)above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.(rise)200. I woke up to _____________________(发现自己躺在路边).(find)201. It would be a comfortable house _______________________.(居住的) (live)202. Speak louder to ______________________ (使你自己被听见) by us all. (make)203. There is no use ________________________ (劝他戒烟). He just won’t li sten. (persuade)204. The editor’s job is to __________________ (维持报纸版面平衡) and interesting to the readers. (keep, balance).205. Many hospitals recommend ________________________(使用字母) DR ABC to remember what to do and when we have to think fast.(use)206. His brain was badly hurt in the accident, _______________(导致) a failure to speak normally. (lead).207. Is this the article you want to have ___________________(翻译成汉语)? (translate)208. The young man ________________________ (染上毒瘾) was sent to hospital yesterday. (addict)209. It is very important for us students ______________________(学习一门外语). (learn)210. He didn’t know _____________________(是哭还是笑) when he heard the news. (whether).211. China has become the third country _________________.(把载人宇宙飞船发送到太空) (to)212. Our team, __________________(有20人组成), is a big family that is full of love. (consist)213. Several weeks later, the couple returned from their trip abroad, _________________(结果发现) that their house had been broken into. (only)214. A person’s suc cess is mostly a result of ____________________(充分利用时间和精力). (most)215. She is a kind teacher, very easy _____________________(让学生接近).(approach)216. Nothing can _____________________(阻止他们目标的实现). (stop)217. The experience ______________________ (使他产生了兴趣) in the film industry. (make)218. Mary, who is always a shy girl, can’t stand _________________(当众被捉弄).(fool)219. I just want ________________________(我的计划被接受) by the majority not the whole. (accept)220. In an interview, you must try your best ____________________ (使自己被别人明白). (make)221. I still can’t figure out what it is that you _____________________(想修理). (have)222. When the evening came, I found myself _________________(独自走在街头). (walk)223. Now that you know all the facts, I’m sure you can __________________. (做出明智的选择) (inform)224. _____________________ (所有必要的东西都买), they went back home. (with)225. I sent him mails one after another, ____________________(希望有他的姐姐的进一步消息). (hope)226. The old, being _______________________(被照顾得很好), live a rich and happy life there.(care)227. Many junior middle school students choose key senior middle schools, ___________________(期望考上重点大学). (expect)228. _____________________(对自己的失败觉得失望) in the driving test, Huebner wouldn’t like to pick up the topic for the moment. (disappoint).229. Mary, so you’d rather __________________(待在家里看书). Why not go out to enjoy yourself? Anyway, it’s Sunday today. (stay).230. Do you happen to know the man __________________(拿着伞) walking in the rain? (rain)231. With ________________ (这么多联系要完成), I sometimes wonder why there can’t be.25hours in a day. (finish)232. My car broke down. Where can I __________(把它送去修一下). (repair)233. The house and the surrounding farmland, originally _______________(属于一个农民), have now become mine. (belong) 234. When we got back from the cinema, we found our house _____________(闯入)and many things stolen. (break)235. Unfortunately, Bruce fell during the match and got ____________(他的左腿受伤). (hurt)236. ____________________(通过做运动)we can always stay healthy. (exercise)237. __________________(听音乐)enables us to feel relaxed. (music)238. For the past two years, I have been busy _____________(准备)the examination. (prepare)239. _______________(创造新的节日)may seem an usual way to celebrate history and culture. (create)240. She had to take several jobs _______________(付清)her debts. (pay)241. Well, why don’t we _________________(试试写)a play of our own? (write)242. _______________(意识到)that I could use a kite to attract lightning, I decided to do an experiment. (realize)243. Fly the kite when a thunderstorm ________________(好像即将到来). (appear)244. ____________________(躺在冰上), I would soon die. (lie)245. He inspired many young people_________________(参加体育运动). (take)246. ___________________(面对)a different situation, Andrew asked his brother for advice. (face)247. When ____________(问及)the secret of his success, he said that he owed much of his success and happiness to his wife and children. (ask)248. The men sat around the stove, _______________(互相开玩笑). (joke)249. The silence of the library was broken by the sound of pages ____________(翻过). (turn)250. Robert is said ____________(学习过)abroad, but I don’t know what countries he studies in. (study)251. The answer seems to be that we have a need _______________(保持联系)friends and family no matter where we are or what we aredoing. (touch)252. The car kept ____________________(加速)as it went down the hill. (gain)253. His grandma has got high blood pressure, so he____________________(被建议不要吃)food high in fat. (advise) 254. There are five pairs of shoes ___________________(可选), but I don’t know which to buy. (choose)255. Each day reminds us that we should __________________________________(学会尊重生命,尊重自然). (respect) 256. Many people today choose their way of life ____________________________(以他们所相信的为基础). (base) 257. I think the lecture by Mr. is excellent. It is ______________________(很值得听). (worth)258. In the old days he lived a bad life, with little to eat and only ____________________(住的地方极其狭小). (live) 259. _________________(已经做完作业), he helped his parents pick apples. (finish)260. Before using your digital camera, you should ______________________(给它充满电). (charge)261. The kite _______________(系着一根红色丝带的)is flying the highest among all kites. (tie)262. Many developing countries want to find ways ____________________(充分利用科学). (use)263. ____________________(为了保护庄稼不被吃掉)by insects, you ought to kill insects from time to time. (protect) 264. The poor living in the neighbourhood are anxious ______________________(像其他所有那样赚钱). (earn)265.________________________(帮他搭好帐篷)was quite an unforgettable experience for me.(put)266.________________________(被那个鼓舞人心的故事所感动)was quite an unforgettable experience for me.( put) 267.Don’t cry any more, Tony, or I’ll ___________________________(后悔告诉你)the bad news.(regret)268._____________________________(比较我的工作经历)in Tokyo with that in Shanghai, I don’t think Japan is a pleasant place for us.(computer)269.This is Mr. Smith, the gentleman I want to have ______________________(修理我的电脑).(repair)270.Spring is around the corner. The mountains _______________________(围绕这个村子) will be green andbeautiful.(surround)271.I have my son in mind every day and want him to know that his mother________________________(后悔放弃他).(regret) 272.He stood there for a moment,_____________________(眼睛看着看那幅画)on the wall.(with)273.Seeing from the moon, the astronaut found _________________________(地球表面的70%是被水覆盖着的).(cover) 274.Scientists have been developing new techniques to increase agricultural production________________________________(不损害环境).(harm)275.Y uan Longping spent all his time ________________________(研究)hybrid rice.(research)276.I _____________________________(不愿意被那样对待), like a second-class citizen.(appreciate)277.The international agreement,___________________________(目的是帮助)kick off the habit of smoking, was signed in February.(intend)278.As everyone knows , solar power is the power __________________________(由来自太阳能的能量产生的).(produce,use)279.He regretted ____________________________(没有帮助) the mother with three children.(hand)280.Whenever I talk with Jim, he will ______________________(避免有目光的接触)with me.(avoid)281. After graduation, he made up his mind to devote himself to _________________________(帮助正遭受艾滋病折磨可怜的孩子们).(suffer)282._______________________(大学毕业生被派遣去教书)in the poor mountainous areas will make a difference to the local students’ education.(graduate)283.He ______________________________(情不自禁的皱起眉头)when he realized the problem was difficult for such a young child.(frown)284.Look!Tere are many family actors and actress in the party.The man ________________________(在台上表演的)is a friend of mine.(perform)285.As I see it, you can hardly ________________________(避免被她遇到)since you work in the same office.(avoid)286.In order to buy the Chinese Idions Dictionary, Mabel ____________________(冒着上学迟到的危险) that day.(risk) 287.______________________(因为不识路), the little girl turned to a policeman nearby for help.(know)288.Li Ming got 698 points in the College Entrance Exam is year,___________________(名列第二)among all the students in his province.(rank)289.He _______________________(正要捡起)the piece of paper when a guest of wind blew it away.(pick)290.After graduation from college, he began to wander from city to city,_________________(寻找)a suitable job.(hunt) 291. Other nutrients, such as fibre and minerals help ___________________________ (保持身体机能的良好运转).(function) 292. ___________________________ (没有雨) for months, all the crops are dying out. (there)293. The poor mother, who had been ill in bed, had to have her little son _________________(抚养长大) at his uncle’s. (bring) 294. Great Britain is a nation of different countries _____________________(凝聚在一起) by a common language and culture. (hold)。



高考英语完成句子考点归纳【考查内容】1. 考查常用词组或习语。

例如be good for, from now on, by means of, belong to, get on one ’s feet 等:等: 例:China is a developing country ________ (属于) the 3rd world. 答案:belonging to 2. 考查常用词语用法。

例如had better, would rather 等后接动词原形,risk, suggest, finish, deny 后接后接-ing 形式,hardly hardly……when, no sooner …than 等用倒装,情态动词表猜测等:等用倒装,情态动词表猜测等:例:____________ (他们一到达) when it began to rain. (hardly) 答案:Hardly had they arrived 3. 考查常用句型。

如:so…that, so…that, too…to, too…to, too…to, not…until, not…until, not…until, It It It occurred occurred occurred to to to somebody somebody somebody that…, that…, that…, be be be about about about to to to do…when, do…when, what…for?, How to deal with…?, It was not until…that 等,以及强调句,倒装句:等,以及强调句,倒装句:例:Why! I have nothing to confess. _________ (什么) that you want me to say? 答案:What is it 4. 考查动词时态,被动语态,名词性从句,定语从句,状语从句,主谓一致及非谓语动词等语法现象。

专题七 完成句子 课件-2023届广东省高职高考英语二轮复习

专题七 完成句子 课件-2023届广东省高职高考英语二轮复习

例题与变式 考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四 考点五 考点六
考点二 固定短语 【例】 (2020年广东省高职高考) In her e-mail, Mary __th_a_n_k_e_d_T__o_m__fo_r_h_e_l_p_in_g__h_e_r___(感谢Tom对她 的帮助). 【解析】 本题考查固定短语thank sb. for doing sth.。
Shanghai next year.
【解析】 look forward to doing sth.盼望做某事。
能力训练 (一 (二) (三) (四) (五) )
5. They decided _t_h_e_s_p_o_r_ts_m__e_e_ti_n_g_w__o_u_ld__b_e_h_e_l_d_t_h_e_n_e_x_t_m__o_n_th__ (运动会下个月举行).
能力训练 (一) (二) (三) (四) (五)
1. __A__s_lo_n_g__a_s_y_o_u__st_ic_k__to__it___(只要你坚持下去), you will succeed at last. 【解析】 考查条件状语从句,注意时态。
【解析】 本题考查让步状语从句。表示“无论多么”,用“no matter how”引导。
例题与变式 考点一 考点二 考点三 考点四 考点五 考点六
【变式训练】 1. We gave up the plan to visit the Summer Palace ___b_ec_a_u_s_e_i_t__
学校高职高考英语复习 专题七 完成句子
广东省高职高考英语考试完成句子题是要求考生根据所给汉语的 提示,完成句子的一种题型。主要考查考生运用英语词汇和英语句子 正确表达英语的能力。通常有三种情况:(1)完成句子中的从句部分; (2)完成句子中的宾语部分;(3)完成句子中的补语部分。因此掌握固定 搭配,熟悉非谓语动词的用法,掌握一些常见句型是提高该题得分的 关键。从近几年的试卷分析来看,完成句子的考查范围在扩大,这就 要求考生要全面扩大并掌握语法点,同时也要注意词汇的长期积累。 要提高完成句子的得分,可以从主要语法考点和基本句型着手。


高考完戚句 四 步际滟穗翘法
◇ 湖 北省 蕲春 一 中 曾祥 银
高考英 语 ( 湖北 卷 ) 从2 0 0 7开 始采 用 新 题 型~ 一 完 成句 子 , 取代 短 文改 错 题 型 。在 2 0 0 7年 高考 中 ,该题 考 生 的得 分情 况 并 不 理想 , 但 近 两 年 该 题 型逐 步 趋 向稳 定 , 然 而 许 多考生 对 此题 型仍 心存畏 惧 。 作 者现结 合 自己 的教学 实践 和 备考 经 验 , 提 出高考 完 成 句子 四步 标准 解题 法 。 分 析句 子结 构 , 弄 清所 填 部分 成份 ,
r e p o  ̄ t h e n u mb e r o f S p a n i s h s p e a k e r s i n t h e U. S . wi l l b e h i g h e r t h a n t h e n u mb e r o f En g —

t h e n o i s y c i t y . ( s u c h ) 我从 未想 到 闹市 里有 如此 安静 的地 方 。
h i s a c a d e mi c r e s e a r c h .( u s e ) 不 会 使 用 电脑 使 得 他 做 学 术 研 究 工 作 更 为 困难 。 解 析 :答 案 为 N o t b e i n g a b l e t o u s e/
词a n d表示 条 件 与 结 果 的关 系 而 使 用 分 词 作 状 语或 条件 状 语从 句 , 即c o mp a r i n g… 及 w h e n y o u c o mp a r e … 。其实 此处考 查 祈使 句 / 名 词 短语 +a n d+简 单句 的句 型 , 若将 a n d 去 掉并 添加 逗号 , 则 刚好选 择上 述 两答 案 。 例 2 . ( 2 0 1 0湖北 ) a














湖 北 高 考 题 型 完 成 句 子 考 生 常 见 错 误 解 析
邵 艳
( 樊市 第 四 中学 , 北 襄 樊 襄 湖
完 成 句 子 题 是 从 2 0 年 开 始 湖 北 高 考 英 语 增 加 的 新 题 07 型 。湖 北 4 0 9 高 考 考 试 大 纲 补 充 说 明 》 其 调 到 第 四 部 分 20 年 将 “ 面表 达 ” , 其 表 述 为 “ 书 中 将 测试 考 生 准确 使 用 英 语 语 法 、 词 汇, 进行 书 面表 达 的 能 力 ” 。该 题 型 侧 重 考 查 语 法 项 目的灵 活 运 用 , 求 考 生 根 据 汉 语 提 示 内 容 , 合 句 子 语 境 , 所 规 定 要 结 用 的单 词 将 句 子 补 全 完 整 。 之结 构 完 整 , 思 合 理 , 题 型 自 使 意 此 产 生 以来 , 直是 众 多考 生 的一 个 薄 弱 环 节 。 文 将 考 生 在 这 一 此 题 型 中 的常 见 错 误 总 结 如 下 ,希 望 考 生们 在 今后 的 学 习 训 练 中有 的放 矢 , 高解 题 能 力 。 提 受汉 语 提 示 影响 。 了对 应 汉 语 而添 加 不 必 要 的 词汇 , 为
2 P ro a l t i k i i te c so r .ah r h n t e s l s . e s n l I h n s h u tme s r t e a h a e — y t t
m an
W h r i o u ep o u t eed d y u b yt r d c ? h
解 析: 里空线上要填的是~个宾语从句来表示对方 , 这 很 多 考 生 受 汉 语 “ 方 ” 响 选 择 用 w ee I 从 句 , 正 确 答 案 地 影 h r ̄ 导 而 是 用w a ̄ 导 从 句 表示 , 为w a是 代 词 性 , 仅 引 导 从 句 , ht I 因 ht 不 而 且 要 在 从 句 中 充 当 主 语 。w ee 副 词 性 , 能 在 从 句 中 作 状 h r是 只 语 , 以考 生 的 第 一 种 答 案 从 句 本 身 结 构 就 是 错 误 的 , 第 二 所 而 种答 案虽 然 考 虑 到 了w e 在 句 中用 作 状 语 , 是w ee f 的 hr e 可 hr' 导 3 从 句 应该 是地 点 状 语 , 而不 能 在 这 里 作 ra h ec 的宾 语 。 二、 由于 惯 性 思 维 而 掉 进 出题 人 的 陷 阱 , 然 结 构 完 整 但 虽




76.He always takes notes (他看报时).77. (使他惊奇的是),his friend will come to see him from America today.78.The name list(你刚才写的) has been sent to the teacher.79. (毫无疑问)that our boss will come to see us tomorrow.80.The doctor suggests that (我们应该每天唱足够的水).答案76.when he reads a newspaper77.To his great surprise78.that you just wrote79.There is no doubt80.we should drink enough water everyday2014年真题完成句子(5小题,共15分)根据所给汉语提示,完成英语句子。

76. _________(我喜欢游泳)because it keeps me fit.77. _________(虽然他很忙),he came to help us.78. This young man is the scientist (你们正在找的).79. Ii is not difficult (说出这两个单词的区别).80. (请给我们发电子邮件)if you want to attend this meeting.答案76.I like swimming,句中所给出的是一个原因状说从句,只要按中文翻译出主句部分就可以了。

77. Although he was very busy/ Busy as he was .考查让步状语从句,用对引导词,根据主句使用相应的时态.78. who/whom,that you are looking for,考查定语从句,选好引导词,注意时态。



高考英语读后续写根据语境完成句子练习班级考号姓名总分一、旅途历险(一)环境描写1.To her surprise, she _________________________ (除了森林什么也看不到) and, far beyond, _________________________ (白雪覆盖的山顶).2._____________________________________ (沐浴在温暖的阳光和惬意的微风中), they promised to be always with each other.3.It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun _____________________________________ (混合起来创造出神奇的场景).It looked like a beautiful woven (编织的) blanket spreading out upon the ground just for us.4.The luxuriant forests, the tiny flowers that perfumed the air, the group of sheep in the far distance and the singing river _____________________________________ (都让我的灵魂得到净化).5.At that moment, it was completely dark except_____________________________________ (几颗星星发出的微弱的光) in the sky.6._____________________________________ (蜿蜒的河流欢快地流淌着).There stood lofty mountains and deep valleys.There lay sunny beaches.7.Unfortunately, _____________________________________ (黑暗淹没了一切).8.The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind_____________________________ (我们熄灭的火的火焰被点燃).9._________________________ (月亮低悬) in the South Carolina sky as Misha finished loading her truck.(二)情绪描写【心理活动描写】____________________________________ (在黑暗中醒着躺在那里), Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.【兴奋描写】1.The nearer the helicopter got, _____________________________________ (她就越来越兴奋和满怀希望).2._____________________________________ (Jane从来没有如此狂喜) she hugged Tom tightly.【紧张描写】1.Silence between dad and me _____________________________________ (让我越来越紧张和害怕).2._______________ (害怕和绝望) that had been building up inside my body just came to an end.3.____________________________ (虽然他们很累), they had to strengthen up to spenda night there.【难过描写】1.According to Mom, messing up our agenda (日程表) — even by one day —_______________________________ (会让我们的行程像多米诺骨牌一样倒下).2.His dream — The Trip of a Lifetime — _______________________________ (在他眼前消失).【开心描写】1._______________ (欣喜若狂), Whitson, Ramirez, and Hunter_________________________ (像疯了一样招手和大叫).2.It ___________________________________ (充满惊喜和愉悦), all because of my mother — loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful.3._____________________________________ (发出激动的尖叫声), Mom located a clearing and immediately guided us to pitch the tent.4._____________________________ (我们发自内心的笑消散) into that absolutely good night.5.So many troubles and surprises of interest to share.And the house_______________________ (充满了开心的大笑).6._____________________________________ (我发自内心窃窃欣喜).二、动物描写1.The bear _____________ them (对……低声吼叫), ________________ (小心翼翼地靠近).2.The bear _____________________ and ___________ (露出巨大的牙齿吼叫着).3.The bear was pacing back and forth, ____________ (嗅) the ground.4.Their howls and cries _________________ (空中飘荡着嚎叫声).5.The bear rose up and ___________ me (对……吼叫), ________________ (露出巨大的牙齿).6.At any moment (随时) the monster would ____________ and ___________ (会一跃而起将我撕成碎片).7.It looked around, and _________________ (突然停下).8.It stood there, _________________ (准备攻击).9.The enormous grizzly bear (灰熊) _________________ (生气地嚎叫) and_________________ were _________________ (张开它滴着口水的嘴).10.The polar bear let out one last roar and then _______________ (跑了).11.The dog _________________ and _________________ (跳起来,兴奋地摇着尾巴).12.The dog suddenly started _________________ (疯狂地对我们汪汪叫).13.The dog ______________________ roaring barks (发出一连串咆哮的吠声).14.The dog was ______________, ______________ and ______________ (撕咬着,咆哮着,摇晃着尾巴).15.The dog ______________________________ (蜷缩在他身边).16.The dog licked his hands (舔了舔他的手) and _________________ (用它的头推他的腿).Then the dog sat down and looked up into his eyes, barking______________________________ (好像告诉他救援马上就到).He ____________ (弯腰) and _____________________ (拍了拍它的头).17.But before he could grab the dog, it __________________________ (发出猛烈的叫声) and rammed (撞) its body against him, ________________________ (几乎要撞倒他).18.A mother crocodile was carrying their babies _____________________ (在它张开的大嘴里).19.The dog sat patiently ________________________________ (它的舌头从嘴里伸出来).He _____________________ (抱住) his dog, ______________________ (把脸埋在它的毛皮上).20.The wild boar (野猪) _________________ (发出哼声) as it stared at him with beady (圆溜溜的) black eyes.Suddenly the monster _________________ (猛冲), its sharp tusks (獠牙) aimed right for his stomach.附:参考答案一、旅途历险(一)环境描写1.To her surprise, she saw nothing but forest (除了森林什么也看不到) and, far beyond, a snow-capped mountain top (白雪覆盖的山顶).2.Bathed in the warm sunlight and balmy wind (沐浴在温暖的阳光和惬意的微风中), they promised to be always with each other.3.It was so peaceful and quiet and the colors of the brown rocks, the deep green pine trees, and the late afternoon sun mixed to create a magic scene (混合起来创造出神奇的场景).It looked like a beautiful woven (编织的) blanket spreading out upon the ground just for us.4.The luxuriant forests, the tiny flowers that perfumed the air, the group of sheep in the far distance and the singing river all made me feel my soul purified (都让我的灵魂得到净化).5.At that moment, it was completely dark except the faint light given out by a few stars (几颗星星发出的微弱的光) in the sky.6.Winding rivers were merrily flowing (蜿蜒的河流欢快地流淌着).There stood lofty mountains and deep valleys.There lay sunny beaches.7.Unfortunately, the darkness drowned everything (黑暗淹没了一切).8.The snow had stopped, but sometime later a powerful wind must have kicked up the flames of our dying fire (我们熄灭的火的火焰被点燃).9.The moon was hanging low (月亮低悬) in the South Carolina sky as Misha finished loading her truck.(二)情绪描写【心理活动描写】Lying awake in the dark (在黑暗中醒着躺在那里), Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.【兴奋描写】1.The nearer the helicopter got, the more excited and hopeful she was (她就越来越兴奋和满怀希望).2.Never for a moment had Jane been so ecstatic that (Jane从来没有如此狂喜) she hugged Tom tightly.【紧张描写】1.Silence between dad and me made me more nervous and scared (让我越来越紧张和害怕).2.The fear and despair (害怕和绝望) that had been building up inside my body just came to an end.3.Tired as they were (虽然他们很累), they had to strengthen up to spend a night there.【难过描写】1.According to Mom, messing up our agenda (日程表) — even by one day — would send our schedule toppling like dominoes (会让我们的行程像多米诺骨牌一样倒下).2.His dream — The Trip of a Lifetime — was vanishing before his eyes (在他眼前消失).【开心描写】1.Wild with joy (欣喜若狂), Whitson, Ramirez, and Hunter waved and yelled like crazy (像疯了一样招手和大叫).2.It was filled with surprises and amusements (充满惊喜和愉悦), all because of my mother —loving, sweet, yet absent-minded and forgetful.3.Letting out a scream of thrill (发出激动的尖叫声), Mom located a clearing and immediately guided us to pitch the tent.4.Our hearty laughter was dissolved (我们发自内心的笑消散) into that absolutely good night.5.So many troubles and surprises of interest to share.And the house was filled with loud laughter of joy (充满了开心的大笑).6.My soul silently rejoiced (我发自内心窃窃欣喜).二、动物描写1.The bear snarled at them (对……低声吼叫), inching closer (小心翼翼地靠近).2.The bear bared its enormous teeth and growled (露出巨大的牙齿吼叫着).3.The bear was pacing back and forth, sniffing (嗅) the ground.4.Their howls and cries filled the air (空中飘荡着嚎叫声).5.The bear rose up and roared at me (对……吼叫), baring its enormous teeth (露出巨大的牙齿).6.At any moment (随时) the monster would leap up and tear/rip me to pieces (会一跃而起将我撕成碎片).7.It looked around, and stopped short (突然停下).8.It stood there, ready to attack (准备攻击).9.The enormous grizzly bear (灰熊) roared with rage (生气地嚎叫) and its dripping jaws were open wide (张开它滴着口水的嘴).10.The polar bear let out one last roar and then scampered off (跑了).11.The dog leapt and wagged its tail in excitement (跳起来,兴奋地摇着尾巴).12.The dog suddenly started barking at us like crazy (疯狂地对我们汪汪叫).13.The dog let out a string of roaring barks (发出一连串咆哮的吠声)14.The dog was biting, growling and wagging its tail (撕咬着,咆哮着,摇晃着尾巴).15.The dog curled up next to him (蜷缩在他身边).16.The dog licked his hands (舔了舔他的手) and pushed its head against his leg (用它的头推他的腿).Then the dog sat down and looked up into his eyes, barking as if telling him help was on the way (好像告诉他救援马上就到).He bent down (弯腰) and patted it on the head (拍了拍它的头).17.But before he could grab the dog, it let out a ferocious bark (发出猛烈的叫声) and rammed (撞) its body against him, almost knocking him down (几乎要撞倒他).18.A mother crocodile was carrying their babies in its wide-open jaws (在它张开的大嘴里).19.The dog sat patiently with its tongue hanging out of its mouth (它的舌头从嘴里伸出来).He threw/wrapped his arms around (抱住) his dog, burying his face in his fur (把脸埋在它的毛皮上).20.The wild boar (野猪) grunted and snorted (发出哼声) as it stared at him with beady (圆溜溜的) black eyes.Suddenly the monster charged (猛冲), its sharp tusks (獠牙) aimed right for his stomach.。



高三英语完成句子专项训练(一)(一07年高考)1.They sat together around the table, with (门关着).(shut)2.I haven’t the slightest idea ________ (他正在说什么). (talk)3.The fact _______ (他失败了多次) makes him veryupset. (he, fail)st night John was answering the letter that _______ (寄给他的) during the past two weeks. (arrive)5.He believes that children ________ (应允许学习)attheir own pace. (allow)6.She has an excellent ________ (对名字的记忆力), which helpsher a lot in her work. (memory)7._______ (他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference.(abroad)8.The country’s output of car this year is _______ (大约是去年的三倍). (as, great)9.Not only _______ (要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but alsomedical treatment will be provided for those who need it. (give)10.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: he ________(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)(二08年高考)1. ______ (最长的三条河流) in the world are the Niles, the Amazon, and the Changjiang River. (long).2. Seldom _______ (他们玩) video games ever since they entered college. (play)3. The city ______ (我成长的) is very hot and damp in summer. (grow)4. _______ (我花了) one thousand dollars to buy the painting last week. (cost)5. I feel so sick. I wish Mum _______ (没有逼我) to eat so much. (force)6. -------Y ou’d better go and _______ (把你的轿车洗洗).-------No, I’ll do it myself. (wash)7. With the rapid development of science and technology, I can’t imagine _______(我的家乡是什么样子) in ten years. (what)8. It is our efforts, not our intelligence, ________ (决定) our success. (determine)9. He looks sleepy. He must _______ (熬夜了) last night, writing the essay. (stay)10. At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine _______(正运往) from all over China and other parts of the world to the earthquake-stricken areas. (transport)(三09年高考)1.________(多亏了)her assistance, we succeeded in starting the engine. (owe) 2. When you are finished with the electric iron, don’t forget ______(关掉它). (turn)3. During his last lecture, the scientist ______ (觉得) easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge. (find)4. ________ (获得奖学金) gave Martin the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states. (win)5. If times ________(变了),have our ways of thinking changed too? (change)6. At the award ceremony, Mr Jackson said, “For me, there has been _______(没有更大的回报) than your support.”7. _________(任何计划好的事) is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever)8. Such knowledge is still useful ________(当应用) to similar situations in other countries. (when)9. After circling around the earth for three days, Shenzhou Spaceship received the command from the ground that ________(它着陆) as scheduled the next day. (land)10. Learning strategies, to ________ (老师认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students. (attach)(四武汉二月调考)1. Spring comes and you see _______ (叶子绿了). (turn).2. The results of the test show that all the students ________ (取得了很大的进步). (progress)3. If you plan to visit someone at home, _______ (应该打电话) first. (suppose, call)4. Ask her to hurry up with the letters ________ (以便我能寄出去) before supper. (post)5. He ______ (一定是美国人) with an accent like this. (be)6. While they _______ (穿越太平洋), their boat hit a whale and sank. (cross)7. The advantage of reading English poetry in Chinese translation is_____________ _______________________(你能更好地理解他). (understand)8. Y ou can improve your writing skills _______ (通过做这些练习). (do)9. A tour guide is _______ (不如….报酬高) as a lifeguard. (well, pay)10. Only by changing the way we live________ (我们才能拯救地球). (save)(五武汉四月调考)1. I can’t think of ______(好的建议) to give you. (advice)2 Oxford is not far from Stratford, so you can easily _______(参观两处) in a day. (both)3. E-mail as well as phone calls, ______(正在起着重要的作用) in daily communication. (play)4. They all laughed. Then I wondered what _______(做错了什么). (wrong)5. In most developed countries, people _______(不必把水烧开) before they drink it. (need)6. Dinner starts with small dishes, _______ (称为开胃菜). (starter)7. Let me _______(洗完) the dishes, then I can help you. (finish)8. It’s really cool _______(实现你的梦想) through great efforts. (realize)9. It’s disappointing to see _______(他们的队被打败) by a weaker one. (beat)10. Not until people know more about the situation ______(他们才会加入) protecting the environment. (join)高三英语完成句子专项训练(二)(六八校联考)1. I rushed to the phone at the reception desk, _______ (却被告知) that there was no doctor available. (only)2. ______ (要不了多久) the conference will be held in Shanghai. (before)3. Not until my brother came home ______ (我的电脑才修好). (repair)4. The development of technology _______ (已使我们可能) to get in touch with each other more easily. (make)5. What he said made me realize _______ (我犯多么愚蠢的错误). (what)6. Though it was so late, I could still _______ (听到那女孩读英语) in the next room. (hear, read)7. _______ (无论你多么努力), working towards a career that is not suitable to you is not going to get you there. (hard, try)8. The committee consists of 20 members, ________ (其中四分之一) are women. (quarter)9. Though we are much better-off now, very few people can buy ___ _________________________________(这么贵的一所房子). (so)10. But for the effective measures taken by the government during the snow disaster, ________ (我们就会遭受更大的损失). (suffer, loss)(七华师一附中了联考)1. _______(任何别处你可能看到) so many grand bridges as in Wuhan. (nowhere)2. To our surprise, the exhibition turned out to be ________(比预料的好得多). (expect)3. The company has named a famous actor as their spokesman in order to _______(提升其产品知名度). (make, better)4. Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and success are ______(金钱所买不到的). (what)5. Many coal mine accidents ________(本来可以避免的) if we had followed the safety rules. (avoid)6. The number of people infected with AIDS could reach 10 million by 2020 ______(除非采取有效措施) to stop the spread of the disease. (unless, measure)7. It is widely accepted that children ______(习惯了给予的) will become spoiled. (used, give)8. The road-repairman _______(碰巧目击到了) the road accident when he was working. (happen)9. It has been announced that _______(任何被抓住舞弊的人) in the exam will be graded zero. (whoever, cheat)10. _______(多么激动人心的消息) it is that China successfully launched Chang’eI. (news)(八黄冈中学模拟)1. Betty _______(明确表示) she would support Amy. (clear)2. At no circumstances _______ (中国将决不允许) Taiwan to break away from the mainland. (allow)3. The negotiation between the two countries broke down, ________ (未达成协议) (reach)4. _______(是在战争中) he lost his parents. (during)5. _______(他们所拥有的共同之处) is that they are all independent. (common)6. _______(他突然想起) he had left the dictionary on the way home. (occur)7. When I went there last year, a new bridge _______(在修建) across the river. (build)8. Don't hesitate any longer. If you _______(不采取行动), there won’t any chance. (action)9. _______(穿着) a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (dress)10. All the students ________(渴望) admission to a key university. (desperate)(九武昌区调考)1. ______(我们要牢记于心) when crossing the street is to wait for the traffic lights to turn green. (keep)2. The murderer refused to come out, so the police had no choice but ______ (破门而入). (force)3. Tom insisted that what he said was true and we insisted that he _______(去看一看). (go)4. So carelessly _______(他开车) that he almost killed himself the other day. (drive)5. ________(被看着是城市的象征), sculpture has been well preserved. (consider, symbol)6. ________(随着时间的流逝), her hair turned grey. (go)7. It was _______(正是他所做的事) left the whole family a mess. (do)8. _______(我们正要放弃时) when the captain took charge and encouraged us to save the sinking ship. (point).9. John is the only one of the students in the class that never _______(承认犯错误)even when it is pointed out to him. (admit)10. I ________(本会告诉你) how to deal with the matter, but why didn’t ask me. (tell)高三英语完成句子专项训练(三)(十天门市调考)1. The dream that China hoped to host the Olympic Games _______ (实现) at length. (true)2. As her family ______(贫困), she couldn’t pay for her schooling and dropped out of school at the age of 13. (badly)3. _______(毫无疑问) he will be turned down when asking for a rise of his pay. (doubt)4. The teacher is strict with the students. Seldom _______(允许我们迟到). (allow)5. _______(预言) there would be an earthquake in that mountain area. (predict)6. The speaker tried to speak loudly and slowly to ________(让别人听懂). (himself)7. _________(尽管他不爱讲话), he talks a lot about his favorite film stars after class. (quiet, as)8. The head teacher insisted that all the students _______(要参加) the parent-teacher meeting. (present)9. I can lend you the money _____(条件是) you give it back at the end of the month. (condition)10. Hardly had he hurried into the hotel _______(天就开始下雨了). (pour)(十一湖北高考压轴)1.It is said that _________(这药对感冒有好的疗效). (effect)2.Don’t _______(犹豫给我打电话) if you need any information. (hesitate)3.When I went to the classroom, I found that he _______(聚精会神地看书). (absorb)4.She got used to ________(利用) her spare time to do research. (advantage)5.The man, _______(控告闯入) the house, was caught by the police. (accuse)6.Shylock ________(对钱如此贪婪) that all his friends left him. (greedy)7._______(据我所知), he is good at English. (far)8.He refused _______(参加谈论). (participate)9.The news _______(证实) by the president, and they felt a little nervous. (prove)10._______(除了色彩), he liked the shirt very much. (apart)(十二)1._______(不管这项任务有多难), we must finish it on time. (how)2.The survey shows that children love to read the fairy tales, _______ (大多数都有个幸福的结尾). (which)3.Y ao Ming is said ________(受伤了) for a about a month. Many Chinese are worried aboutwhether he can take part in the matches this fall. (injure)4._______(令我们惊讶的是) was that he should have failed the important test. (surprise)5.I waited two hours ________ (他才来). (come)6._______(当问到成功的秘密时), Liu Xiang owed much to his coach Sun Haiping. (ask)7.______(没有区别) whether he will come or not tomorrow. (difference)8.Y esterday the general manager worked deep into night _______(尽管他很累). (fact)9.The two sides argued on the trade for the whole day, ______(没有达成一致). (with, reach)10.I’ve tried hard to improve my English. But by no means _______(我的老师满意) with myprogress. (satisfy)(十三)1.He grasped the precious chance to cooperate with the famous international corporation andyou know that was the moment ________(他的事业真正腾飞). (take)2.Because ______(雨下了三天), we are not sure when it stops and wonder what to do next.(it)3.It is widely accepted that _______(生活是什么样子) in the future is hard to predict. (like)4.Our maths teacher is always telling us that ______ (没有意义) doing more exerciseswithout careful thinking. (sense)5.If it is not for _______(你生病的事实), I would ask you to join us in the football match thisafternoon. (fact)6.It was the first time ______(我写作) with real passion. (write)7.Y esterday I hurried to the railway station, only _______(却告知火车已经离开). (leave)8.We have to admit that even the best theories in the world ______(结果可能是错误的).(turn)9.But for the timely warning, we _______ (会有更多的损失) in the terrible flood. (suffer)10.Not until his parents came back _______(他才停止玩游戏). (stop)(十四)1.Faced with difficulties, people make a promise that they will do ______(他们所能做的一切) to help others. (whatever)2.________(没有必要担心) if you have never experienced skiing before. (need)3.The driver _______(应当承担责任) the car accident, because he didn’t observe the speedlimit and drove too fast. (blame)4.The detective believes that she _______(可能拿走了) the diamond either from the force ofhabit or to cause a disagreement. (take)5.Should _______(明天下雨的话) I would not take part in your kicking. (rain)6._______(从太空上看), our planet looks like a blue globe. (see)7.Today people realize that it _______(很有价值) to teach the language to the youngergeneration. (of)8.Air is to human ________(就像水对鱼一样)。



完成句子之特殊句式1. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill than we sat down to (take/have a rest(我们就坐下来休息. (rest 我们一到山顶就坐下来休息。

2. Hardly had I got home(我一回家when it began to rain.(get3. So shallow is the lake (湖很浅 that no fish can live in it.(shallow.湖很浅以致没有鱼能在里面存活。

4. Not only was he forced to stay home(他被迫留在家里,but also he had to do his homework.(force5. On the wall hangs (挂在墙上的是a famous painting, which had been handed down for generations. (hang6. Little did he care about his safety(他关心自己安全, though he was in great danger himself.(care7. It was in the morning that he heard a strange noise (他听到一个奇怪的声音 . (hearWas it in the morning that he heard a strange noise (他听到一个奇怪的声音 ?(hear Where was it that he heard a strange noise (他听到一个奇怪的声音 ? (hear8. Had I seen the movie(看了电影,I would have toldyou something about it.(see=If I had seen the movie, I would have told you something about it.9. When asked about whether I wanted to go for a picnic,I exclaimed “there can’t be a better i dea”(这个主意非常好. (better10. After that we never saw her again. Nor have I heard from(也没收到她的信her.(hear11. Peter is always complaining and I have had /gotenough of (受够了 his complaints. (enough12. We have been told that under no circumstances (无论什么情况下can we use the telephone/telephones (我们可以使用电话 in the office for personal affairs.(use13. What great progress she has made (她取得了多大的进步in learning the language of German over the past three months! (progressHow great the progress she has made (她取得了多大的进步in learning the language of German over the past three months! (progress14. We were having great fun(玩得太高兴skiing up anddown the slops that nobody ever realized four hourshad passed. (have, fun15. — Have you known each other for long?—Not really, (I haven’t known hersince I met her at t he airport(自我在机场接她始this morning. (meet 16. Reality is not the way you wish things to be, nor theway they appear to be(也不是它们看起来的那样, but the way they actually are. (appear 17. One more week, I will finish the task(我就会完成任务. (task18. He had been told(被告诉many times, but he still couldn’t understand it.(tell19. many times(被告诉, he has already known how to do it. (tell20.Turn down the TV (把电视关小一点or you’ll wake up the sleeping baby. (turn21.Look at the kids! _________________________ (多么快乐 to run wildly on the grass! (fun22.I ___________________________ (认为你没有必要 to invite so many visitors. (necessary23.The Changjiang River is ___________________(最长的河流 in China.(other24.Live your life to the fullest __________________(不然你会后悔的 (regret25._____________________________________ (他们看上去多么失望when hearing that the manager wasn’t available! (disappoint26.To my amazement, he had ____________________________ (和我一样多的卡通书I did. (book27.________________________ (你认为我们要多长时间 to complete the project? (take28.When we are feeling down, ________________________ (最好的是莫过于 to see the smiling face of a friend. (better29.There is a bag left on the table. Who ______________________ (你觉得是 ? (belong30.You can _____________________ (越仔细越好 when taking an exam. (enough31. So______________________________________(她的声音听起来如此甜美on the phone that I could hardly recognize it. (sound32. You’d better ignore him completely; the more attention you give him,___________________ (他越是得意. (proud33. It was only after serious consideration ____________ (他才决定help the secretary of the human resources manager. (decide34. It is not your intelligence, but your efforts, (决定 your success. (determine35. It was in that restaurant ________________________________ (我丢了我的钱包 . ( lose36. (是他们who/that went to the cinema with me yesterday.(be37. It was (当她正要离开时that the telephone rang.(about38. (是因为坏天气that the football match had to be put off?(because of39 (究竟是什么you wanted to tell her? (be40. I just wonder (究竟是什么 makes him so excited.(be41. I really do n’t know (究竟在哪儿he bought the cell phone.(be42. It was (直到昨天下午that I knew the truth.(until43. It was (直到他来到中国that he knew what kind of a country she was(until44. (直到她进入教室that she realized she had forgotten her book?(enter45. It was in this very lab that was in the charge of John(他们做了实验.(experiment46. — My room gets very cold at night.—(我的也是.(so47. —I don’t think I can walk any further.—(我也是(neither48. — He is a maths teacher but he likes English.—(他的妹妹也是(same 49. Little (他关心自己的安全 though he was in great danger himself.(care50. I finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life (我感觉如此高兴.(feel51. Seldom (他们彼此吵架 since they got married.(quarrel52. Not until (我向他解释了所有的事情did he realize that he was wrong.(explain53. Not until I began to work (我才意识到how much time I had wasted.(realize54. So (他讲得清楚that even beginners understand most of what he says.(speak55. So (考试如此难that only a few students passed it.(difficult56. Such (他取得很大进步that he was praised.(make57. (只有通过采取行动can we improve the situation.(action58. Only when your identity has been checked (你才允许进入.(allow59. Not only (要帮助the disabled to findjobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give60. (我一到达at the station than the train left.(sooner61. Hardly / Scarcely (他转过身 when everybody burst out laughing.(turn62. (尽管听起来可能很奇怪, hisidea was accepted by all the people at the meeting.(as63 (尽管我很喜欢它, I won’t buy it.(as64. (尽管他是个孩子, he knows a lot of things.(as65. Neither has he called on her, (将来他也不会那样做.(nor66. The more you explain, (我愈糊涂.(confuse67. (无论他多么晚, his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(however68 (万一明天下雨, we would have to put off the visit to Beijing.(rain69. (要是那个男孩更努力一些,he might have got through the exam.(work70. A better understanding of the environment isnecessary, (行动的愿望也是必要的.(as71. Staying in a hotel for a day costs (两倍renting a house in the country for a week.(as 72. Paper produced every year is(是……三倍重the world’s population of vehicles.(weight73. —How did you find your visit to the museum?—I really enjoyed it. It was (比我预料的有趣多了.(than74. We have produced (两倍多的棉花 this year as we did last year.(twice75. _____(谈到电脑游戏, he is always interested and excited. (come76. The development of technology _____(使我们…很方便to keep in touch with each other. (convenient77. Though your composition is well written, much _____ (有待改进. (remain78. _____(有老师的帮助, he is making progress in English. (with79. It is said that ______(她宁可死也不嫁给the man. (rather80. Tom hasn’t shown up yet. _____(你认为发生了什么 to him? (think81. The mother don’t know who is _____(该受到责备 for the broken window. (blame82. _____(再给我三分钟, and I’ll finish the job. (give83. We all think it _____(非常重要to master English. (importance84. ______ (多么激动人心的消息啊 it is that Chinasuccessfully laun ched Chang’e I, the lunar orbiter! ( news1.than we sat down to (take/have a rest2.had I got home3.shallow is the lake4.was he forced to stay home5.hanging on the wall was6.did he care about his own safety7.that he heard a strange noise8.I seen the film 9.can’t be a better idea10.did we hear from her11.have had /got enough of12.can we use the telephone13.what great progress she has made14.had so much fun15.since I met her at the airport16.nor the way theyappear to be 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. and I’ll finish the he had been told having been told/as turn down the TV a what fun it is don’t think it (is longer than any other or you’ll regret it how as how disappointed many long cartoon do it is you will better 11 than/there better than 29. 30. is nothing task do you think suppose never/not be careful it belongs to enough 31. sweet did her voice sound 32. the prouder he is/feels/will be 33. that he decided to 34. that determine 35. that I lost my wallet/purse 36. It was they 37. when she was about to leave 38. Was it because of the bad weather 39. What was it that 40. what it is that 41. where it was that he has been told little necessary for you river they looked books as think/suppose take us 28. nothing42. not until yesterday afternoon 43. not until he came to China 44. Was is not until she entered the classroom 45. that they did the experiment. 46. So does mine. 47. Neither can I 48. It’s the same with his sister/The same is true of his sister. 49. did he care about hisown safety 50. had I felt so happy. 51. have they quarreled with each other 52. I had explained all to him 53. did I realize 54. clearly does he speak 12 55. difficult was the exam 56. great progress had he made 57. Only by taking action 58. will you be allowed in 59. will help be given to 60. No sooner had I arrived / I had no sooner arrived 61. had he turned around 62. Strange as it might sound 63.Much as I like it 64. Child as he is 65. nor will he do so 66. the more confused I am /get 67. However late he was 68. Should it rain/ Were it to rain tomorrow 69. Had the boy worked harder70. as is the willingness to act 71. twice as much as 72. three times the weight of 73. far more interesting than I had expected 74. twice as much cotton 75.When it comes to playing computer games 76. has made it convenient for us 77. remains to be improved 78. With the help of the teacher / with the teacher's help / with the teacher helping him 79. she would rather die than marry / prefers to die rather than marry 80. What do you think has happened 13 81. to blame 82. Give me another three minutes 83. of great importance 84. What (a piece of inspiring / exciting news。



高考英语完成句子练习题专题训练(1)31. They sat together around the table, with __________(门关着). (shut)32. I haven’t the slightest idea __________(他正在说什么). (talk)33. The fact __________(他失败了数次) makes him very upset. (he, fail)34. Last night, John was answering the letters that __________(寄给他的) during the past twoweeks. (arrive)35. He believes that children __________(应允许……学习) at their own pace. (allow)36. She has an excellent __________(对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work.(memory)37. __________(他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference. (he, abroad)38. The factory’s output of cars this year is __________(大约是去年的三倍). (as, great)39. Not only __________(要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will beprovided for those who need it. (give)40. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones; he __________(可能参与)in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)专题训练(2)11. Until next 5th, this train _____________________________________ (将已运行) for 1000days without accidents.(run)12. The news_________________________ (我们队赢得比赛) the match was veryexciting.(win)13. _____________________________________ (有很多家务事要做), she hurried home. (with)14. When you travel by train, you _________________________________ (按说应当) buy aticket, but not many people do. (suppose)15. I told him that I _______________________________ (已经感到厌倦) the present life. (tire)16. _______________________ (学生学好英语) well will help them in learning French. (know)17. A Dream of the Red Chamber _____________________(据说已经翻译成) dozens of foreignlanguages in the last decade. (translate)18. My suggestion is that someone ____________ (派人到上海去工作) work in Shanghai. (send)19. We _____________________________ (本不需要乘出租车) to the station; it’s only afive-minute walk from here. (need)20. “The old building __________________________ (将会拆毁) and a new one will be built inits place,” the mayor declared. (tear)专题训练(3)11. It’s strange that I can’t find my car keys. I (记得把车钥匙放在) on the chair because the phone rang as I was coming in.(remember)12. The film was a big success and since then I (扮演了) apoliceman in more than 8 films. (part)13. Although the causes of cancer (在逐步弄清楚),we do not yet haveany practical way to prevent it. (uncover)14. When (比较不同的文化),we often pay attention only to thedifferences without noticing the many similarities. (compare)15. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly,______________________ (老是讲着) the same thing.(say)16. He got up and (穿好衣服), and hurried out. (get)17. (太调皮了) the child that he often upsets his parents whoare busy with their work. (so)18. Police are now searching for a woman (据报导已经失踪了)the flood hit the area last Friday. (report, missing)19. We (或许还没有证明是) great adventurers, but we havedone the greatest march ever made in the past ten years. (may)20. (不管你怎样努力), you can hardly achieveyour goal. (however)专题训练(4)11.The island (与……连接) the mainland by a bridge.(join)12.I have no ____________________________ (结婚的打算) before building my career.(intention)13.He became tense when ______________________________ (当询问他的时候) by the policeabout the fire. (question)14.The driver ___________________ (告知我们) the accident quitted his job a week later.(inform)15. (不管下不下雨), I’m giving a party tomorrow. (whether)16. Only by discovering what we do best _________________________ (我们才能才能希望)reach our goals and truly make a difference. (hope)17.We _______________________________________ (最好签定协议) with that company.(sign)18._________________________________________ (不管她说什么), I don’t believe her.(what)19.Mike ___________________________________ (一定还没有找回他的车), for he came towork by bus this morning. (find)20. Companies that are not market-driven risk (落后) in thecompetition.(fall)专题训练(5)11. The young man told me his name, but I ___________________________ (遗忘) it. (forget)12. If you (不断打扰) silly questions,I shall go out of mysense. (keep)13. Anyone (对……感兴趣) joining the club should contactus at the address below.(interest)14. (用……衡量)the ordinary standards,he was reliable.(judge)15. One of the most important tips for decoration is ____________________________ (避免购买) too much furniture and filling up all the empty space. (avoid)16. It’ll be some time before supply can keep up with the (不断增长的需求). (increase)17. I’m looking forward to (收到你的来信). (hear)18. Eventually I (妥协) and accepted the job on their terms.(give)19. I spend most of my time (坐在……前)a computer. (sit)20. He speaks English so fluently __________________________________ (好像他学习过)English in England. (study)专题训练(6)11.We _______________ (不该) play football on Sundays. (suppose)12.Without international cooperation, developing countries can not prosper, ________________(可持续发展也是不可能的). (nor)13.We _________________(正要) get on the train when Jack shouted in surprise. (about)14.________________(要求) in the regulations that you should not tell other people thepassword of your e-mail account. (require)15.We cannot ____________ (明白) quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out.(figure)16.Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her parents toknow _____________(她在做的事情). (do)17.When first ______________ (引进) to the market, these products enjoyed great success.(introduce)18.Helen had to shout ________________(使别人听见她的话) above the sound of the music.(herself)19.Janet ___________________ (收集了大量的) foreign coins; she loves showing them off toevery visitor. (collection)20.It was ___________ (直到才) 12 o’clock last night that I went to bed. (until)专题训练(7)11. The bridge (要修建的)next spring will join that island to their city.(build)12. The train left three minutes ago. You (应早一点来). (come)13. I don’t think you (有困难)passing thisexam. (difficulty)14. We should (忠于)our country. (loyal)15. I (一直友好相处)my classmates. (terms)16. We (祝贺你)winning the contest. (congratulate)17. (他们是否能完成)that task on time is still a question.(finish)18. (为了充分利用)the land, two or more crops areplanted each year where possible.(use)19. (我一看见他就…), I knew that there was no hope. (moment)20. People make us laugh by (取笑)somebody’s way of dressing or tellingan amusing story. (fun)专题训练(8)11. (从山上看),our school looks very beautiful. (see)12. I met Tom at the school gate this morning, so he (不可能去了)to America. (go)13. (什么造成了事故)is a complete mystery.(cause)14. We made the animal (适应)its new environment. (adapt)15. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted (给出) a goodanswer. (come)16. Tom was glad that he (被邀请参加) our party. (invite)17. I (正打算)go out when the telephone rang. (about)18. We must (考虑)the train being late. (allow)19. (没用)protesting; it won’t help much. (point)20. Yichang (熟悉)many foreigners for the Three Gorges. (familiar)专题训练(9)11. Don’t fly the kite when the thunderstorm __________________________(似乎快要来临)(appear)12. ___________________________(保护环境) doesn’t mean farmers’ crops have to go withoutprotection. (protect)13. She explained to the village people ________________________________(照看树林是多重要)(how)14. __________________________(尽管) New Zealand is so far away, ties have excited betweenthe two nations from early on. (fact)15. It’s only a two hours’ bicycle ride from the city centre to the cottage________________________(举行联欢会的). (hold)16. Helen _______________________________(挣扎着站起来) after the struggle with tworobbers. (struggle)17. The ball __________________________________ (不得不取消) because of the storm. (call)18.The doctor advised Jane that ________________________________________(她应多锻炼)(exercise).19. ___________________________(追溯到) the Qin Dynasty, the traditional Xiangsheng showis still one of the main Chinese art forms to entertain people. (date)20. ___________________________(均衡的饮食) should include the right amount of nutrientsfrom all the different food groups. (balance)专题训练(10)11. Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as________________________________________(他长大后成为什么样的人). (grow)12. Come here and I will ____________________________(悄悄地告诉你答案). (whisper)13. Choosing what to eat is no longer as hard as before, but I still ________________________.(建议你多吃健康食品) (advise)14. _______________________(只有这样中国才能) stand among the most powerful countries inthe world. (only)15. Nowadays all I want to do is to try _______________________. (说服他戒烟) (argue)16. I __________________________(觉得没有必要) to purchase plenty of food for the SpringFestival. (necessary)17. Society is developing, ______________________________(我们的思想也一样). (think)18. _____________________________(保持健康) can ensure you to do everything well. (fit).19. John ______________________ (太高兴了) that he wanted to find someone to drink with.(delight).20. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks ____________________________(好象它是断了一样). (break)专题训练(11)11. Our country has carried out some new agricultural policies, ____________________________(旨在增加) increasing our national economic. (purpose)12. Although the wind __________________________________ (渐渐平息下来), the rainremains steady. So you still need a raincoat. (die)13. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time __________________________ (换衣服)before the party. (get)14. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ____________________________ (已出发前往)London to attend a meeting. (leave)15. I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car. They____________________________ (肯定) driving at least 150 kilometers an hour. (must)16. ______________________________ (听起来) like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but themanager’s plan is unfair. (sound)17. ________________________________ (故事讲的是) Elizabeth I of England liked nothingmore than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. (go)18. The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand ____________________________ (他们为何坚持) going by motorbike. (insist)19. So difficult _________________________ (我发现) it to work out the problem that I decidedto ask Tom for advice. (find)20. Mother doesn’t know how much time I spent in watching TV. If she ever found out, I am sureshe ______________________________________ (永远不会原谅我). (forgive)专题训练(12)11. The climate in the south ________________________(不适宜)me. It’s too hot and damp.( agree )12. I ___________________________________________(引以为耻) what you have done.( ashame )13. Mom, ________________________(别担心) my health. I’ll take good care of myself. ( anxious )14. ______________________________ (基于)a lot of scientific experiments, his research is quitebelievable.( base )15. One way to understand thousands of new wards is to gain _________________________ (好好掌握)basic word formation. (knowledge)16. It’s high time we ____________________________(采取措施) to prevent pollution. ( measure )17. Tom, you are late again. This time I _______________________(不打算) listen to any of your excuses.( prepare )18. No one likes ______________________________________________(嘲笑) in public. ( laugh )19.You _________________________________(对…负责) what you have done some day. ( answer )20. John regretted very much _______________________(没听) Mr. Smith’s lecture last week. ( attend )专题训练(13)11. With a lot of difficult problems ______________________________(要解决) the managerfelt like a cat on hot bricks.(solve)12. It _______________________ (没有影响) to me whether he’ll attend the meeting.(make)13. In one form alone over three hundred people _________________(解雇) in the last month.(lay)14. I was so foolish I was ______________________________(欺骗) by his promise. (take)15. How many questions which were not expected _____________________ (在昨天的会上被提出)? (come)16. The professor entered the lecture hall, ______________(围着) many students. (surround)17. John is always saying that she can’t stand _______________________(取笑). (make)18. It was the third time that he ________________________ (得知) the delay of the meeting.(inform)19. We don’t know when the universe ______________________________(开始存在). (come)20. The classical music is really ___________________________________(大饱耳福). (feast).专题训练(14)11. Has everything ______________________________ (考虑)in your plan?(allow)12. The tower which looks out over the whole city is ________________________ (成为废墟)now. (ruin)13. We are sorry to arrive late, but the car ____________________________ (坏了).(break)14. When and where to build the factory _____________________ (未决定)yet. (decide)15. He said life wouldn’t________________________(值得活) without friendship.(worth)16. She meant to change her job, but it ___________________(并非意味着放弃)her dream.(give )17. At the voice of crying for help, he ________________________(径直朝入口奔去) theentrance. (make)18. George would like to _____________________ (参与)arranging the entertainment. (hand)19. We had this party _______________________________ (纪念)the famous artist.(honour)20. The modern scientific development has ____________________________(使……清楚) thisquestion.(throw)专题训练(15)11. Last summer I took a course ___________________________(有关如何应对) poisonousgases if any. (deal)12. _______________________ (无论他处于多么困难的境地), he never lost confidence and was always optimistic about the future life. (difficult)13. _____________________ (毫无疑问) the competition is fierce and challenging. (doubt).14. The earthquake destroyed most houses in the village. How are they going to ________ (度过)the winter? (get)15. In 1769, James Cook ______________________________ (占据) New Zealand and sincethen great changes have taken place there. (possession )16. The sports meeting has to ______________________ (取消) because of the heavy rain.(call )17. The Chinese nation has ____________________________ (产生) many national heroes andrevolutionary leaders. (birth)18. Born in England, he ___________________ (有优势) her in spoken English. (advantage)19. The other day I was walking along the beach when ______________________(突然) I heardsomeone calling for help.(sudden)20.Whenever he was absorbed in reading books, nothing can ________________________ (吸引他的注意力) . (draw)专题训练(16)11. Poverty in this area will _____________________________(消除) sooner or later .( wipe)12. _____________________(由…决定) you whether we should leave at once or not. (up )13. __________________________(行动) before it’s too late, or we’ll lose the battle . ( action)14. Rather than go for a walk, he _______________________________(宁愿呆在家). ( prefer)15. To our surprise, this is _______________________(跟我丢失的项链一模一样) last week.(same)16. _________________________(难怪) that he falls far behind others. (wonder)17.Harry Potter ________________________________(熟知) both children and adult.(familiar)18.Those _________________________(赞成) this proposal ,please put up your hand. (favour)19.He has formed a habit of ___________________________(储蓄) 10 yuan each week since hewas 11 years old. (lay)20._____________________(是在一个十一月份的夜晚) I finished writing this novel. (be,night)专题训练(17)11. Although the truth is hidden now, it ________________________(暴露) in time. (light)12. She couldn’t ____________________________(抑制) her tears and wept aloud. (hold)13. The breathtaking beautiful scenery certainly _____________________(达到) the expectation.(live)14. Carelessness ______________________(导致) his failure, which almost cost him his life. (result)15. Since the foreigner came, we have been giving her Chinese lessons ________________(作为……交换) her teaching us English. (exchange )16. ________________________(由于) of his absence, neither agreement was reached. (consequence).17. It is said that the old building ______________________________(始建于) 1928. (date)18. You ________________________(不妨) stand on the table to reach the ceiling. (may)19. If you never make an effort, how can you __________________(希望) success? (hope)20. _______________________(就……而言) intelligence, you are more clever than him. (term)专题训练(18)11. Our English teacher suggested ________________________________(我们每人买) a gooddictionary. (buy)12. ___________________________(听到这个消息), she couldn’t hold back her tears. (hear)13. The purpose of the fence is ____________________(不让……进来) a type of wild dog calleda “dingo”. (keep)14. Do you have any difficulty ________________________________(学英语)?(learn)15. ________________________________(与……相比) Shanghai, Yichang is a small city.(compare)16. Your exercise is quite good, _________________________(除了书写有点糟糕). (except)17. They are in short of money, so they ________________________________(拿不出钱给每个办公室装空调) air-conditioners. (afford)18. This medical team ______________________________(由……组成)five women and threemen doctors has been sent to the remote village. (make)19. We should finish the task ahead of time _____________________(无论有多难). (matter)20. This film is so instructive that it is worth________________________(再看一遍). (see)专题训练(19)11 . It is strange that the twin girls ____________________(无共同之处). (common)12. To the delight of the WHO, the Chinese government _____________________(在采取措施阻止) the spread of AIDS. (take)13._______________________________(下次你进来时), please close the door. (next time)14. Colour-blind people often find it difficult ______________________________(区别绿色和红色). (distinguish)15. The man ______________________ (被指控杀人) said that he was innocent. (accuse)16. A shopkeeper was sentenced to eight years in prison because he ___________________(兜售了) fake milk powder. (sell)17. Have you seen a book, ________________________________(它的封面破了)? (cover)18 ___________________________________(丢了新自行车) made her very upset. (lose)19. He works hard day and night ______________________________ (不辜负) his parents’expectations (live)20. A thief may __________________________________(装着在看别的东西) while his / herhand is taking your wallet. (pretend)专题训练(20)11. With______________________________________(越来越多的森林被毁), some animals arefacing the danger of dying out. (destroy)12. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment; _______________(我将永远珍惜的时刻). (one)13. Helen is much kinder to her younger child than to others, _______________(这一点使其他的孩子不高兴). (which)14. The poor young man is ready to accept _______________(他能得到的一切帮助. (what)15. My Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who__________________( 可能拿走) it away?(can)16. My hometown is not _______________________________________(和过去的一样). (what)17. Chemicals ________________________________________(有害的) fish in the water. (harm)18. __________________(不管他有多少困难), he would finish the book as you requested. (how)19. The role that women_________________________________(一直起的作用) in humanhistory is of great importance. (play)20. Not until we know more______________________ (才能够)improve the situation. (able)专题训练(21)11. In the late 1960s, the government passed laws to strengthened the rights of the black and__________________(改善他们的居住条件). ( improve )12. __________________ (毫无疑问)that Taiwan is part of China. ( doubt )13. More and more people _______________(意识到……重要性)of planting trees. ( aware )14. Everything _________________(考虑在内), they would have raised their output quickly.( take)15. _________________ (分离)other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plantsand animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. ( separate )16. I began to wonder why they ____________________ (反对我参加)extreme sports in thefirst place. ( object )17. For many weeks we _____________________ ( 习以为常)seeing fallen trees and houses aswell as dead animals. ( accustom )18. If you want to catch up with the team, the only way is _______________them.(抄近路追他们)(beeline)19.The ability of ______________________(使你自己尽快适应新环境)is of great help to your success. ( adjust )20.__________________(对我来说没什么影响)whether you agree or not. ( difference )专题训练(22)11. I’m very hungry. I ________________________(错过) lunch. (miss)12. Jack _________________________(深呼吸) and then dived into the water. (breath)13. When would it ____________________________(你方便) to come? (convenient)14. People _________________(都关心) the going up of rice prices and oil prices. (concern)15. A better understanding of environment is necessary, as__________________(愿意) to act. (willingness)16. If I ______________________(懂得多一些的)first aid, I could have helped them.(know)17. You will find these buildings _____________________(设计建造) in different styles. (design)18. Only then _______________________________(我意识到) its importance. (realize)19. Yet two years ___________________(过去了)and I was not that much worse.(go)20. He soon found himself ________________(和睦相处) his new co-workers. (harmony)专题训练(23)11. About 3,000 people, __________________________(他们很多人是) experts from Europe,worked on the project.(score)12. The general manager of our company often represents our company______________________ (谈判) other companies on business. (talk)13. Charles Babbage is generally considered _________________________________ (发明) thefirst computer. (invent)14. ___________________________ (捉弄) others is something that we should never do . (trick)15. ____________________ (比较) last year, you have made greater progress in English .(compare)16. You’d better play some music for us to ____________________________(跳舞) . (dance)17. _________________________________ (不管他去哪儿),I’ll go with him and I don’t carewhat happens. (where)18. These beautiful flowers should be watered ________________________(每隔一天) . (every)19. When _____________________________ (干杯) someone’s health, you raise your glasses,but the glasses should not touch. (drink)20. The number of people ____________________________(邀请参会的) was over fifty, but anumber of them were absent for some reasons. (invite)专题训练(24)11. He ________________________________________(通晓) Chinese history. (knowledge)12. She wished to spend the holiday simply _____________________________(呆在家里听音乐). (stay)13. Professor, who will win the debate on _______________(是否应该允许克隆人类)?(allow)14. ______________________________(一样) many others, she applied for a training.( common)15. He _____________________________(现在正忙于) preparing for the coming examination.(engage)16. ________________________________________(有许多难题要解决),the newly-electedmayor is having a hard time. (with)17. I failed in the final examination last term and only when I knew the result____________________ (我认识到) the importance of studies. (realize)18. We asked Tom and Mary, but ________ (两个人都不能) offer a satisfactoryexplanation. (neither)19. _______________________________________(他一开窗户),a sparrow flew in. (minute)20. Henry said he was going to travel with us but he didn’t. He ________________________(肯定改变主意了).(mind)专题训练(25)11. The fresh air in the countryside _______________________________(已经改善了) to herhealth. ( difference )12. Whenever I’m in trouble, he always ___________________________________(帮助我).(hand )13. _____________________________________(沉迷于玩电脑游戏), he is often late for class.( addict )14. She likes speaking ill of me. I have __________________________(受够了)her. (feed)15. The Entrance Examination to college ______________________________(即将到来). Manystudents are trying to prepare for it. (corner )16. The thief was caught and _________________________________(移交给警察). ( hand )17. He always helps others and is ___________________________(与……相处得好) hiscolleagues. (term )18. _______________________(据报道)over 30 people were killed in the big fire. (report )19.At present, you’d better __________________(不考虑)these unpleasant matters. (leave )20. It took me a long time __________________________(理解)what you were saying. (take )专题训练(26)11. So far he ___________________ (奠定…的基础)of his success by working hard. (foundation)12. I___________________________(全神贯注于)a book and did not hear your call.(absorb)13. Kathy________________________(学会了)a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boysand girls when she stayed in Spain. (pick)14. If you _____________________(致力于)the work in hand, you will soon finish it.(stick)15. It__________________________(仍不得而知)whether he will pass the exam.(remain)16. Rich countries______________________(对……负责)poor countries.(responsibility)17. She has ________________________(已安排她儿子)to have swimming lessons. (arrange)18. He has done something wrong and______________________(乞求老师宽恕他).(mercy)19. You can use my bike_____________________(只要你能爱护我的自行车).(condition)20. The book has been well received, but_______________________(就实际销售而言),it hasnot been very successful.(term)专题训练(27)11. It usually takes one hour to get my cell phone (充足电).(charge)12. Many countries (高度评价) C hina’s role in keeping wor ld peace.(value)13. If she is rehearsing a new play, (她现在一定很忙).(must)14. The experiments (进行的) at present are said to change people’s mind tothe rule.(carry)15. We watched three old men (彼此分享食物).(share)16. (抬起头)is to say“I’m not afraid”.(hold)17. (迅速切断电源后),he prevented an accident.(cut)18. Haven’t I told you many times that(你不应该吃没有成熟的水果吗)?(ripe)19. The doctor told Jane that (她应该多锻炼身体).(exercise)20. Your smoking can (危害)the health of your children . (harmful)专题训练(28)11. Some people fear that air pollution (可能带来)changes inthe weather around the world.(bring)12. The thief (碰巧被注意到了)when he was stealingfrom a woman.(happen)13. (我一点也不在乎) what I look like.(bother)14. He (打算) go to Hainan for the holiday, but then hechanged his mind.(intend)15. The earthquake has destroyed most houses in the village. How are they going to _(度过)the winter?(get)16. Many old houses (已经拆毁)to make way for newroads.(tear)17. _______________________________________(毫无疑问)he will come on time. (doubt)18. ________________________________(多么开心的事) to travel around China! (fun)19. I’ll be ready in a moment, I’m just _______________________________(在穿衣). (get)20. I left some photos _________________________(要冲洗). Are they ready yet? (develop)专题训练(29)11. I’ll tell you ________________________________(提前) whether I’m coming or not. (ahead)12. ________________________________(喜剧演员的共同点) with the players in a concert istheir way of playing with words. (common)13. It was not a serious illness, and she soon (恢复) it. (get)14. China’s silk was sent to India and the middle East along the Silk Road ______________ (以换取) spices and glass. (exchange )15. Some famous people make the programmes of the UN ___________________________ (为公众了解). (know)16. At the meeting, the headmaster spoke in praise of Tom who ___________________________(救起了那个差点淹死的孩子). (save)17. My father is a laid-off worker ________________________(总收入) around 300 yuan permonth, which covers only the basic needs of our family. (income)18. They ___________________________ (详细地做笔记), think in pictures and can easilyabsorb information from text books with diagrams, grams, photographs and drawings. (note) 19. If _________________________________ (不采取有效的措施), we would have lost all ourtropical forests by 2010. (measure)20. __________________________________(使我大为欣慰的是), he arrived on time. (relief)专题训练(30)11. The Japanese government agreed to send a party of chemists who were able to dispose the____________________ (遗弃) chemical weapons in northeastern China.(abandon )12. The retired old couple began to (适应) the living environment there(accustom)13. To our surprise, the stadium, (竣工于1964年) is still in goodstate. (complete)14. We’ll do what we can (说服我们老板) that the investment isappropriate. (convince)15. An experienced shopper will go for a bargain when a shopping season ends and he can at least___________________________(打折)of 20% for the commodity you buy. (discount ) 16. Nowadays some principals from key middle schools wish to have their teaching staff______________________ (拥有) modern teaching approaches. (equip)17. All the audience present got ____________________ (倾倒) the magicians’performances.(fascinate )18. The dog, _________________ (适当训练的话), will make a good guide dog. (train)19. On top of the mountain ______________________(有一座古老的庙宇), which attracts a lotof visitors. (stand )20. Unbelievably, John ___________________________(据说去过) over 30 countries in his life.期(say)高考英语新题型专题训练题参考答案。


教 育研 究与应 用
【 摘 要 】谈 及 《 完成 句子 》 型 来 , 少考 生 心有 余 悸 , 管近 几年 教 师加 大 力度 , 断 强化 题 不 尽 不
训练, 不免有 些 不尽人 意 。 果我 们 了解此 题 的题型 特 点 , 出一 定的解题 规律 , 如 悟 有 时会 收到 事 半功倍 的成效 。因此 , 笔者将 近 四年 的 高考题 列表 , 出对 比 , 作 到底 考查 了 多少语 法现 象?基 本 句型? 阅后 一 目了然。本 文 旨在提 高学生 的解题技 巧 , 达到
巧 。 时 态 和 语 态 也 是 不 可 忽 视 的 重 点 , 然 虽 单 纯考 查 时 态 、 态 的题 目不 多 , 它 们是 语 但 教 师训练 的主 线 . 须贯 穿于 每个 句子 的始 必 终 。 拟语气 、 虚 情态 动词 、 倒装 几 乎每 年都 测 试 一题 , 要我们 胸 中有数 , 只 不难 突破 。 值得 注 意的是 .今年 基础 句 型题 出现 了三例 , 使
t s ou e…
7 2题 : tr f t uniof o t
7 4题 : in n w n iga
s h l rh p c oa s i
p it (ane) 7 : o igte { ane P itd 4题 H l n h d d
(s e h) yi ik s n【
sa e p ty du
7 9题 :a ’( ud ’ c ntc ln t o 1
h v o ei a ed n t
3 5题 : s wih…
i e n
7 9题 :o c mma d… i 7 n t 6题 : sse a … 7 : I i itdt t 5题 I n h f




高考完成句子及答案如下:高考完成句子及答案(1)1. They sat together around the table, with __________(门关着). (shut)2. I haven’t the slightest idea __________(他正在说什么). (talk)3. The fact __________(他失败了数次) makes him very upset. (he, fail)4. Last night, John was answering the letters that __________(寄给他的) during the past two weeks. (arrive)5. He believes that children __________(应允许……学习) at their own pace. (allow)6. She has an excellent __________(对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work. (memory)7. __________(他是否出过国) doesn’t make much difference. (he, abroad)8. The factory’s output of cars this year is __________(大约是去年的三倍). (as, great)9. Not only __________(要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it. (give)10. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones; he __________(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)高考完成句子及答案(2)1. Until next 5th, this train _____________________________________ (将已运行) for 1000 dayswithout accidents.(run)2. The news_________________________ (我们队赢得比赛) the match was very exciting.(win)3. _____________________________________ (有很多家务事要做), she hurried home. (with)4. When you travel by train, you _________________________________ (按说应当) buy a ticket, but not many people do. (suppose)5. I told him that I _______________________________ (已经感到厌倦) the present life. (tire)6. _______________________ (学生学好英语) well will help them in learning French. (know)7. A Dream of the Red Chamber _____________________(据说已经翻译成) dozens of foreign languages in the last decade. (translate)8. My suggestion is that someone ____________ (派人到上海去工作) work in Shanghai. (send)9. We _____________________________ (本不需要乘出租车) to the station; it’s only a five-minute walk from here. (need)10. “The old building __________________________ (将会拆毁) and a new one will be built in i ts place,” the mayor declared. (tear)高考完成句子及答案(3)1. It’s strange that I can’t find my car keys.I (记得把车钥匙放在) on the chair because the phone rang as I was coming in.(remember)2. The film was a big success and since then I (扮演了) a policeman in more than 8 films. (part)3. Although the causes of cancer (在逐步弄清楚),we do not yet have any practical way to prevent it. (uncover)4. When (比较不同的文化),we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. (compare)5. Whenever he was asked why he was late for class, he would answer carelessly, ______________________ (老是讲着) the same thing.(say)6. He got up and (穿好衣服), and hurried out. (get)7. (太调皮了) the child that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work. (so)8. Police are now searching for a woman (据报导已经失踪了) the flood hit the area last Friday. (report, missing)9. We (或许还没有证明是) great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years. (may)10. (不管你怎样努力), you can hardly achieve your goal. (however)高考完成句子及答案 (4)1.The island (与……连接) the mainland by a bridge.(join)2.I have no ____________________________ (结婚的打算) before building my career. (intention)3.He became tense when _____________ (当询问他的时候) by the police about the fire. (question)4.The driver ________________ (告知我们) the accident quitted his job a week later. (inform)5. (不管下不下雨), I’m giving a party tomorrow. (whether)6. Only by discovering what we do best _________________________ (我们才能才能希望) reach our goals andtruly make a difference. (hope)7.We _______________________________________ (最好签定协议) with that company. (sign)8.___________________________________ (不管她说什么), I don’t believe her. (what)9.Mike ___________________________________ (一定还没有找回他的车), for he came to work by bus this morning. (find)10. Companies that are not market-driven risk (落后) in the competition.(fall)高考完成句子及答案(5)1. The young man told me his name, but I ___________________________ (遗忘) it. (forget)2. If you (不断打扰) silly questions, I shall go out of my sense. (keep)3. Anyone (对……感兴趣) joining the club should contact us at the address below.(interest)4. (用……衡量)the ordinary standards,he was reliable.(judge)5. One of the most important tips for decoration is ____________________________ (避免购买) too much furniture and filling up all the empty space. (avoid)6. It’ll be some time before supply can keep up with the (不断增长的需求). (increase)7. I’m looking forward to (收到你的来信). (hear)8. Eventually I (妥协) and accepted the job on their terms. (give)9. I spend most of my time (坐在……前)a computer. (sit)10. He speaks English so fluently__________________________________ (好像他学习过) English in England. (study)高考完成句子及答案 (6)1.We _______________ (不该) play football on Sundays. (suppose)2.Without international cooperation, developing countries can not prosper, ________________ (可持续发展也是不可能的). (nor)3.We _________________(正要) get on the train when Jack shouted in surprise. (about)4.________________(要求) in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account. (require)5.We cannot ____________ (明白) quite a number of insects, birds, and animals are dying out. (figure)6.Susan decided not to work on the program at home because she didn’t want her parents to know _____________(她在做的事情). (do)7.When first ______________ (引进) to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (introduce)8.Helen had to shout ___________(使别人听见她的话) above the sound of the music. (herself)9.Janet ___________________ (收集了大量的) foreign coins; she loves showing them off to every visitor. (collection)10.It was ___________ (直到才) 12 o’clock last night that I went to bed. (until)高考完成句子及答案(7)1. The bridge (要修建的)next spring will join that island to their city. (build)2. The train left three minutes ago. You (应早一点来). (come)3. I don’t think you 有困难)passingthis exam. (difficulty)4. We should (忠于)our country. (loyal)5. I (一直友好相处)my classmates. (terms)6. We (祝贺你)winning the contest. (congratulate)7. (他们是否能完成)that task on time is stilla question.(finish)8. (为了充分利用)the land, two or more crops are planted each year where possible.(use)9. (我一看见他就…), I knew that there was no hope. (moment)10. People make us laugh by (取笑)somebody’s way of dressing or telling an amusing story. (fun)高考完成句子及答案(8)1. (从山上看),our school looks very beautiful. (see)2. I met Tom at the school gate this morning, so he (不可能去了)to America. (go)3. (什么造成了事故)is a complete mystery.(cause)4. We made the animal (适应)its new environment. (adapt)5. The teacher asked a difficult question, but finally Ted (给出) a good answer. (come)6. Tom was glad that he (被邀请参加) our party. (invite)7. I (正打算)go out when the telephone rang. (about)8. We must (考虑)the train beinglate. (allow)9. (没用)protesting; it won’t help much. (point)10. Yichang (熟悉)many foreigners for the Three Gorges. (familiar)高考完成句子及答案(9)1. Don’t fly the kite when the thunderstorm _________________(似乎快要来临) (appear)2. _____________(保护环境) doesn’t mean farmers’ crops have to go without protection. (protect)3. She explained to the village people _______________________(照看树林是多重要)(how)4. __________________________(尽管) New Zealand is so far away, ties have excited between the two nations from early on. (fact)5. It’s only a two hours’ bicyc le ride from the city centre to the cottage________________________(举行联欢会的). (hold)6. Helen _______________________________(挣扎着站起来) after the struggle with two robbers. (struggle)7. The ball __________________________________ (不得不取消) because of the storm. (call)8.The doctor advised Jane that ________________________________________(她应多锻炼) (exercise).9. ___________________________(追溯到) the Qin Dynasty, the traditional Xiangsheng show is still one of the main Chinese art forms to entertain people. (date)10. ___________________________(均衡的饮食) should include the right amount of nutrients from all the different food groups. (balance)高考完成句子及答案(10)1. Where someone is born and what a person looks like is not as important as________________________________________(他长大后成为什么样的人). (grow)2. Come here and I will ____________________________(悄悄地告诉你答案). (whisper)3. Choosing what to eat is no longer as hard as before, but I still ________________________. (建议你多吃健康食品) (advise)4. _______________________(只有这样中国才能) stand among the most powerful countries in the world. (only)5. Nowadays all I want to do is to try _______________________. (说服他戒烟) (argue)6. I ___________(觉得没有必要) to purchase plenty of food for the Spring Festival. (necessary)7. Society is developing, ______________________________(我们的思想也一样). (think)8. _____________________________(保持健康) can ensure you to do everything well. (fit).9. John ____________ (太高兴了) that he wanted to find someone to drink with. (delight).10. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks _____________(好象它是断了一样). (break)高考完成句子及答案(11)1. Our country has carried out some new agricultural policies, ____________________________ (旨在增加) increasing our national economic. (purpose)2. Although the wind __________________________________ (渐渐平息下来), the rain remains steady. So you still need a raincoat. (die)3. Sarah, hurry up. I’m afraid you won’t have time__________________________ (换衣服) before the party. (get)4. By the time Jane gets home, her aunt ____________________________ (已出发前往) London to attend a meeting. (leave)5. I was on the highway when this car went past followed bya police car. They ____________________________ (肯定) driving at least 150 kilometers an hour. (must)6. ______________________________ (听起来) like I’m speaking ill of anybody, but the manager’s plan is unfair. (sound)7. ________________________________ (故事讲的是) Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. (go)8. The road is covered with snow. I can’t understand ____________________________ (他们为何坚持) going by motorbike. (insist)9. So difficult _________________________ (我发现) it to work out the problem that I decided to ask T om for advice. (find)10. Mother doesn’t know how much time I spent in watching TV. If she ever found out, I am sure she ______________________________________ (永远不会原谅我). (forgive) 高考完成句子及答案 (12)1. The climate in the south ________________________(不适宜)me. It’s too hot and damp. ( agree )2. I ___________________________________________(引以为耻) what you have done.( ashame )3. Mom, ________________________(别担心) my health. I’ll take good care of myself. ( anxious )4. ______________________________ (基于)a lot of scientific experiments, his research is quite believable.( base )5. One way to understand thousands of new wards is to gain_________________________ (好好掌握) basic word formation. (knowledge)6. It’s high time we ____________________________(采取措施) to prevent pollution. ( measure )7. Tom, you are late again. This time I _______________________(不打算) listen to any of your excuses. ( prepare )8. No one likes ______________________________________________(嘲笑) in public. ( laugh )9.You _________________________________(对…负责) what you have done some day. ( answer )10. John regretted very much _______________________(没听) Mr. Smith’s lecture last week. ( attend )高考完成句子及答案 (13)1. With a lot of difficult problems ______________________________(要解决) the manager felt like a cat on hot bricks.(solve)2. It _______________________ (没有影响) to me whether he’ll attend the meeting.(make)3. In one form alone over three hundred people _________________(解雇) in the last month. (lay)4. I was so foolish I was ______________________________(欺骗) by his promise. (take)5. How many questions which were not expected _____________________ (在昨天的会上被提出)? (come)6. The professor entered the lecture hall, ______________(围着) many students. (surround)7. John is always saying that she can’t stand _______________________(取笑). (make)8. It was the third time that he ________________________ (得知) the delay of the meeting. (inform)9. We don’t know when the universe ______________________________(开始存在). (come)10. The classical music is really ___________________________________(大饱耳福). (feast).高考完成句子及答案 (14)1. Has everything ______________________________ (考虑)in your plan?(allow)2. The tower which looks out over the whole city is ________________________ (成为废墟)now. (ruin)3. We are sorry to arrive late, but the car ____________________________ (坏了).(break)4. When and where to build the factory _____________________ (未决定)yet. (decide)5. He said life wouldn’t________________________(值得活) without friendship.(worth)6. She meant to change her job, but it ___________________(并非意味着放弃)her dream. (give )7. At the voice of crying for help, he ________________________(径直朝入口奔去) the entrance. (make)8. George would like to _____________________ (参与)arranging the entertainment. (hand)9. We had this party _______________________________ (纪念)the famous artist.(honour)10. The modern scientific development has _________________(使……清楚) this question.(throw)高考完成句子及答案 (15)11. Last summer I took a course _________________(有关如何应对) poisonous gases if any. (deal)2. _______________________ (无论他处于多么困难的境地), he never lost confidence and was always optimistic about the future life. (difficult)3. _____________________ (毫无疑问) the competition is fierce and challenging. (doubt).4. The earthquake destroyed most houses in the village. How are they going to ________ (度过)the winter? (get)5. In 1769, James Cook ______________________________ (占据) New Zealand and since then great changes have taken place there. (possession )6. The sports meeting has to ______________ (取消) because of the heavy rain.(call )7. The Chinese nation has ____________________________ (产生) many national heroes and revolutionary leaders. (birth)8. Born in England, he ___________________ (有优势) her in spoken English. (advantage)9. The other day I was walking along the beach when ______________________(突然) I heard someone calling for help.(sudden)10.Whenever he was absorbed in reading books, nothing can ________________________ (吸引他的注意力) . (draw)高考完成句子及答案 (16)1. Poverty in this area will _____________________________(消除) sooner or later .( wipe)2. _____________________(由…决定) you whether we should leave at once or not. (up )3. __________________________(行动) before it’s too late, or we’ll lose the battle . ( action)4. Rather than go for a walk, he _______________________________(宁愿呆在家). ( prefer)5. To our surprise, this is _______________________(跟我丢失的项链一模一样) last week. (same)6. _________________________(难怪) that he falls far behind others. (wonder)7.Harry Potter ________________________________(熟知) both children and adult.(familiar)8.Those _________________________(赞成) this proposal ,please put up your hand. (favour)9.He has formed a habit of ___________________________(储蓄)10 yuan each week since he was 11 years old. (lay)10._____________________(是在一个十一月份的夜晚) I finished writing this novel. (be, night)高考完成句子及答案 (17)1. Although the truth is hidden now, it ________________________(暴露) in time. (light)2. She couldn’t ____________________________(抑制) her tears and wept aloud. (hold)3. The breathtaking beautiful scenery certainly _____________________(达到) the expectation. (live)4. Carelessness ______________________(导致) his failure, which almost cost him his life. (result)5. Since the foreigner came, we have been giving her Chinese lessons ________________(作为……交换) her teaching us English. (exchange )6. ________________________(由于) of his absence, neither agreement was reached. (consequence).7. It is said that the old building ______________________________(始建于) 1928. (date)8. You ________________________(不妨) stand on the table to reach the ceiling. (may)9. If you never make an effort, how can you __________________(希望) success? (hope)10. _______________________(就……而言) intelligence, you are more clever than him. (term)高考完成句子及答案 (18)1. Our English teacher suggested ________________________________(我们每人买) a good dictionary. (buy)2. ___________________________(听到这个消息), she couldn’t hold back her tears. (hear)3. The purpose of the fence is ____________________(不让……进来) a type of wild dog called a “dingo”. (keep)4. Do you have any difficulty ________________________________(学英语)? (learn)5. ________________________________(与……相比) Shanghai, Yichang is a small city. (compare)6. Your exercise is quite good, _________________________(除了书写有点糟糕). (except)7. They are in short of money, so they ________________________________(拿不出钱给每个办公室装空调) air-conditioners. (afford)8. This medical team ______________________________(由……组成)five women and three men doctors has been sent to the remote village. (make)9. We should finish the task ahead of time _____________________(无论有多难). (matter)10. This film is so instructive that it is worth________________________(再看一遍). (see)高考完成句子及答案 (19)1 . It is strange that the twin girls ____________________(无共同之处). (common)2. To the delight of the WHO, the Chinese government _____________________(在采取措施阻止) the spread of AIDS. (take)3._______________________________(下次你进来时), please close the door. (next time)4. Colour-blind people often find it difficult ______________________________(区别绿色和红色). (distinguish)5. The man ______________________ (被指控杀人) said that he was innocent. (accuse)6. A shopkeeper was sentenced to eight years in prison because he ___________________(兜售了) fake milk powder. (sell)7. Have you seen a book, ________________________________(它的封面破了)? (cover)8 ___________________________________(丢了新自行车) made her very upset. (lose)9. He works hard day and night ______________________________ (不辜负) his parents’ expectations (live)10. A thief may __________________________________(装着在看别的东西) while his / her hand is taking your wallet. (pretend) 高考完成句子及答案 (20)1. With______________________________________(越来越多的森林被毁), some animals are facing the danger of dying out. (destroy)2. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment; _______________(我将永远珍惜的时刻). (one)3. Helen is much kinder to her younger child than to others, _______________(这一点使其他的孩子不高兴). (which)4. The poor young man is ready to accept _______________(他能得到的一切帮助. (what)5. My Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who__________________( 可能拿走 ) it away? (can)6. My hometown is not _______________________________________(和过去的一样). (what)7. Chemicals ________________________________________(有害的) fish in the water. (harm)8. __________________(不管他有多少困难), he would finish the book as you requested. (how)9. The role that women_________________________________(一直起的作用) in human history is of great importance. (play)10. Not until we know more______________________ (才能够)improve the situation. (able)高考完成句子及答案(21)1. In the late 1960s, the government passed laws to strengthened the rights of the black and __________________(改善他们的居住条件). ( improve )2. __________________ (毫无疑问)that Taiwan is part of China. ( doubt )3. More and more people _______________(意识到……重要性)of planting trees. ( aware )4. Everything _________________(考虑在内), they would have raised their output quickly. ( take)5. _________________ (分离)other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. ( separate )6. I began to wonder why they ____________________ (反对我参加)extreme sports in the first place. ( object )7. For many weeks we _____________________ ( 习以为常 )seeing fallen trees and houses as well as dead animals. ( accustom )8. If you want to catch up with the team, the only way is _______________them.(抄近路追他们)(beeline)9.The ability of ______________________(使你自己尽快适应新环境)is of great help to your success. ( adjust )10.__________________(对我来说没什么影响)whether you agree or not. ( difference )高考完成句子及答案 (22)1. I’m very hungry. I ________________________(错过) lunch. (miss)2. Jack _________________________(深呼吸) and then dived into the water. (breath)3. When would it ____________________________(你方便) to come? (convenient)4. People _________________(都关心) the going up of rice prices and oil prices. (concern)5. A better understanding of environment is necessary, as__________________(愿意) to act. (willingness)6. If I ______________________(懂得多一些的)first aid, I could have helped them.(know)7. You will find these buildings _____________________(设计建造) in different styles. (design)8. Only then _______________________________(我意识到) its importance. (realize)9. Yet two years ___________________(过去了)and I was not that much worse.(go)10. He soon found himself ________________(和睦相处) his new co-workers. (harmony)高考完成句子及答案 (23)1. About 3,000 people, __________________________(他们很多人是) experts from Europe, worked on the project.(score)2. The general manager of our company often represents our company ______________________ (谈判) other companies on business. (talk)3. Charles Babbage is generally considered _________________________________ (发明) the first computer. (invent)4. ___________________________ (捉弄) others is something that we should never do . (trick)5. ____________________ (比较) last year, you have made greater progress in English . (compare)6. You’d better play some music for us to ____________________________(跳舞) . (dance)7. _________________________________ (不管他去哪儿),I’ll go with him and I don’t care wha t happens. (where)8. These beautiful flowers should be watered ________________________(每隔一天) . (every)9. When _____________________________ (干杯) someone’s health, you raise your glasses, but the glasses should not touch. (drink)10. The number of people ____________________________(邀请参会的) was over fifty, but a number of them were absent for some reasons. (invite)高考完成句子及答案 (24)1. He ________________________________________(通晓) Chinese history. (knowledge)2. She wished to spend the holiday simply _______________________(呆在家里听音乐). (stay)3. Professor, who will win the debate on _______________(是否应该允许克隆人类)?(allow)4. ______________________(一样) many others, she applied for a training.( common)5. He ____________________(现在正忙于) preparing for the coming examination. (engage)6. ________________(有许多难题要解决),the newly-electedmayor is having a hard time. (with)7. I failed in the final examination last term and only when I knew the result ____________________ (我认识到) the importance of studies. (realize)8. We asked Tom and Mary, but________ (两个人都不能) offera satisfactory explanation. (neither)9. _______________________________________(他一开窗户),a sparrow flew in. (minute)10. Henry said he was going to travel with us but he didn’t. He ________________________(肯定改变主意了).(mind)高考完成句子及答案 (25)1. The fresh air in the countryside_________(已经改善了) to her health. ( difference )2. Whenever I’m in trouble, he always ___________________________(帮助我 ). (hand )3. _____________________________(沉迷于玩电脑游戏), he is often late for class. ( addict )4. She likes speaking ill of me. I have __________________________(受够了)her. (feed)5. The Entrance Examination to college ______________________________(即将到来). Many students are trying to prepare for it. (corner )6. The thief was caught and _________________________________(移交给警察). ( hand )7. He always helps others and is ___________________________(与……相处得好) his colleagues. (term )8. _______________________(据报道 )over 30 people were killed in the big fire. (report )9.At present, yo u’d better __________________(不考虑)these unpleasant matters. (leave )10. It took me a long time __________________________(理解)what you were saying. (take )高考完成句子及答案(26)1. So far he ___________________ (奠定…的基础)of his success by working hard. (foundation)2. I___________________________(全神贯注于)a book and did not hear your call. (absorb)3. Kathy________________________(学会了)a lot of Spanish by playing with the native boys and girls when she stayed in Spain. (pick)4. If you _____________________(致力于)the work in hand, you will soon finish it.(stick)5. It__________________________(仍不得而知)whether he will pass the exam.(remain)6. Rich countries______________________(对……负责)poor countries.(responsibility)7. She has ________________________(已安排她儿子)to have swimming lessons. (arrange)8. He has done something wrong and______________________(乞求老师宽恕他).(mercy)9. You can use my bike_____________________(只要你能爱护我的自行车).(condition)10. The book has been well received, but_______________________(就实际销售而言),it has not been very successful.(term)高考完成句子及答案(27)1. It usually takes one hour to get my cell phone (充足电).(charge)2. Many countries (高度评价) China’s role in keeping world peace.(value)3. If she is rehearsing a new play, (她现在一定很忙).(must)4. The experiments (进行的) at present are said to change people’s mind to the rule.(carry)5. We watched three old men (彼此分享食物).(share)6. (抬起头)is to say“I’m not afraid”.(hold)7. (迅速切断电源后),he prevented an accident.(cut)8. Haven’t I told you many times that (你不应该吃没有成熟的水果吗)?(ripe)9. The doctor told Jane that (她应该多锻炼身体).(exercise)10. Your smoking can (危害)the health of your children . (harmful)高考完成句子及答案(28)1. Some people fear that air pollution (可能带来)changes in the weather around the world.(bring)2. The thief (碰巧被注意到了)when he was stealing from a woman.(happen)3. (我一点也不在乎) what I look like.(bother)4. He (打算) go to Hainan for the holiday, but then he changed his mind.(intend)5. The earthquake has destroyed most houses in the village. How are they going to _(度过)the winter?(get)6. Many old houses (已经拆毁)to make way for new roads.(tear)7. _______________________________________(毫无疑问)he willcome on time. (doubt)8. ________________________________(多么开心的事) to travel around China! (fun)9. I’ll be ready in a moment, I’m just _______________________________(在穿衣). (get)10. I left some photos _________________________(要冲洗). Are they ready yet? (develop)高考完成句子及答案(29)1. I’ll tell you ________________________________(提前) whether I’m coming or not. (ahead)2. ________________________________(喜剧演员的共同点) with the players in a concert is their way of playing with words. (common)3. It was not a serious illness, and she soon (恢复) it. (get)4. China’s silk was sent to India and the middle East along the Silk Road ______________ (以换取) spices and glass. (exchange )5. Some famous people make the programmes of the UN _______________ (为公众了解). (know)6. At the meeting, the headmaster spoke in praise of Tom who ___________________________ (救起了那个差点淹死的孩子). (save)7. My father is a laid-off worker ________________________(总收入) around 300 yuan per month, which covers only the basic needs of our family. (income)8. They ___________________________ (详细地做笔记), think in pictures and can easily absorb information from text books with diagrams, grams, photographs and drawings. (note)9. If _________________________________ (不采取有效的措施), we would have lost all our tropical forests by 2010. (measure)10. __________________________________(使我大为欣慰的是), he arrived on time. (relief)高考完成句子及答案 (30)1. The Japanese government agreed to send a party of chemists who were able to dispose the ____________________ (遗弃) chemical weapons in northeastern China.(abandon )2. The retired old couple began to (适应) the living environment there (accustom)3. To our surprise, the stadium, (竣工于1964年) is still in good state. (complete)4. We’ll do what we can (说服我们老板) that the investment is appropriate. (convince)5. An experienced shopper will go for a bargain when a shopping season ends and he can at least ___________________________(打折)of 20% for the commodity you buy. (discount )6. Nowadays some principals from key middle schools wish to have their teaching staff ______________________ (拥有) modern teaching approaches. (equip)7. All the audience present got ______________ (倾倒) the magicians’ performances. (fascinate )8. The dog, _________________ (适当训练的话), will make a good guide dog. (train)9. On top of the mountain ______________________(有一座古老的庙宇), which attracts a lot of visitors. (stand )10. Unbelievably, John _____________________(据说去过) over 30 countries in his life. (say)高考英语新题型高考完成句子及答案题参考答案(1)参考答案31. the door shut32. (of) what he’s talking about33. that he has failed (for) several times。

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非持续性动词(如:go, come, leave, die 等)的现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。



•表示延续性的动作时常用副词already, yet, ever, just, never等作状语。

一般过去时表示在过去时间里已经发生的动作,常与过去时间状语yesterday, last week, in 2003, three days ago等连用。



•考点三过去进行时与一般过去时•过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或过去某一段时间正在进行的动作,常与时间状语this time last year, that time或由when, while, as 引导的时间状语从句等连用。




•考点六一般将来时与将来进行时•一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,或在现在看来即将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与时间状语tomorrow, next week, in a few days等连用。



•考点七固定句式或结构中的动词时态•1.This/It is the first/second time…+that从句。



•2.It is/has been+一段时间+since 从句。



•3.was/were about to do…when…意为“将要做……(这时)突然……”。


•2.表示状态的动词(短语),如:last, hold, benefit, contain, equal, fit, join, mean, look like, consist of等。

•3.表示归属的动词(短语),如have, own, belong to等。

•4.表示希望、意图、喜恶的动词,如:wish, want, hope, like, love, hate等。



•7.有些动词以其主动形式表示被动意义,特别是当主语是物时,常见的动词有open, lock等。

如:The door won't open.•考点九主动语态表被动含义•1.系动词feel, sound, look, smell, taste, appear, seem, go, prove, turn, stay, become, fall, get, grow, keep 与形容词、名词结构构成系表结构。

如:The idea sounds good.•2.表示“开始,结束,运动”的动词,如begin, finish, start, act, open, close, stop, end, run, move 等。

如:The meeting began at 7 o'clock this morning.•3.表示主语的某种属性、特征的动词,如read, write, act, iron, cut, draw, drive, sell, wash, clean, wear, open, cook, lock, shut, dry, eat, drink等。

这类动词一般不单独使用,常和easily, smoothly, badly, nicely, well等副词一起使用。

如:The clothes wash well.•4.少数动词用于进行时,其主动形式表示被动含义,如:print, cook, fry, build, hang 等。

如:The meat is cooking.•5.want, require, need后面接的动名词用主动表示被动含义。

•6.be worth doing用主动形式表示被动含义。

•7.在“be +形容词+to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动表被动。

如:This kind of water isn't fit to drink.•8.be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动含义。

真题典例1.[2012•湖北卷] In response to the audience's great demand, the play________________ in the theatre twice a week. (put)应观众的强烈要求,这部戏将会在这个剧院每周上演两次。

[答案] will/would be put on2.[2010•湖北卷] Last night's TV news said that by then the death of the missing people ______________________yet. (prove)昨晚的电视新闻说,截至那时为止,失踪的人死亡的消息尚未证实。

[答案] had not been proved3.[2008•湖北卷] At present, lots of food, water, tents, and medicine_________from all overChina and other parts of the world to the earthquakestricken areas.(transport)目前,大量的食物、水、帐篷和药品正从全中国及世界其他各地运往地震灾区。

[答案] are being transported4.If times ________________,have our ways of thinking changed too? (change) 如果世道变了,我们思考的方式也会改变吗?[答案] have changed5. Though they ________________ of food and drink, the men are cheerful and confident that they will get out soon. (run)虽然他们的食物和饮料都快消耗尽了,但这些人的心情很好,坚信他们很快就会出去。

[答案] are running out6. By the time you get this message, I ________________ Paris. (fly)等你接到这个留言时,我将正搭机前往巴黎。

[答案] will be flying to7. Although the Eiffel Tower ________________to last for 20 years, it is still standing today. (design)虽然埃菲尔铁塔的设计寿命为20年,但是今天它仍然屹立如初。

[答案] was designed8. So far, ________________________more praise and abuse than Internet.(receive)迄今为止,没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。

[答案] no invention has received9. It is the first time that the EXPO________________in a developing country. (hold)这是第一次在发展中国家举办世博会。

[答案] has been held10. By the time you graduate, we __________________in Australia for one year.(stay)到你毕业的时候,我们在澳洲居住就会有一年了。

[答案] will have stayed11. Japan has many topclass locations for snow sports and________________ the Olympic Winter Games twice. (host)日本有着数量众多的顶级雪上运动场所,并曾主办过两届冬季奥林匹克运动会。

[答案] has hosted12. The chairman's speech ________________ on the radio when I turned it on. (broadcast)当我打开收音机时,正在播送主席讲话。

[答案] was being broadcast新题预测1.I haven't seen them for ten years. They ______.(remain)我十年没见他们了,他们还是从前那样。

[答案] remain as they were2.The new technology __________________ almost every industrial process.(apply)这种新技术正被应用于几乎每一个工业过程中。

[答案] is being applied to•3.They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ____________________. (build)•他们现在和父母一起住,因为他们自己的房子正在重建。
