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Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998


三种人称:第一人称(I, we),第二人称(you, you),第三人称(he, she, it, they)


This is my book.= This is mine. Is that her book Yes, it’s hers.


1.Jack will come and join ________in the game. C. our

news skirt is for ________,Mary. C. you

can find a way to relax _______from time to time. C. ours

is a close friend of _________. C. my

of _______are League members. C. their

Smith teaches ________English.

some apples and bananas, boys and girls.

and _______family are planning to take a trip to China for _______holiday.

;his ;theirs ;their ;their

possible to pass the driving test if he practices a lot.

_________enjoyed ________while playing football.

,you and I ;ourselves ,he and I ;ourselves

,you and he ;yourselves ,he and I;themselves

和these 通常指近处的人或物,常与here连用;而that和those则通常指远处的人或物,常与there连用。




is an apple.(改为复数形式) _________are _________.

is my child.( 改为复数形式) _________are ________ __________.

this new car his ( 改为复数形式) _________these new cars ________

that a tomato or a potato( 改为复数形式) Are those _________or___________

is this ------It’s an English-Chinese dictionary.( 改为复数形式)

-------What__________ __________ -------_________are English-Chinese __________. are mice.(改为单数形式)__________is a ___________.

school uniforms are theirs.( 改为单数形式) _________school uniform is __________. these wild animals ( 改为单数形式) __________this _________wild animal

are your favourite books, aren’t they ( 改为单数形式)

_________is your favorite ________, _________ ________

pets are those -----They’re ours. ( 改为单数形式)

-----Whose pet _________ _________ ------__________ __________.


2.复合不定代词+形容词:There is nothing difficult.


is ________ wrong with the engine. It doesn’t work.

C. something

you going to make ________for the food festival

special anything C. something special something

someone in the chemistry lab a moment ago.

C. Are

’t tell ________. It’s between you and me.

else C. anyone else

going on well according to the plan.

C. Something

_________to some cakes, everyone. C. yourself

is someone who_______to see you. C. wanted want

’ve something _________you. C. to tell

________happens, let me know at once. C. nothing

is ________in today’s newspaper.

something important important things things important


1.Kate is new here. She has ________friends. few C. little little

2. Hurry up. There is ________time left. little C. few few

you save ________coins a day, you will be able to buy a mobile phone in a year.

little few

am afraid you can’t post so many postcards with so _______money.

little D. little

is little water in the bottle,_________ ’t there there C. has it ’t it

elder brother has read ________detective stories.

little few C. quite a little a few

doesn’t talk a lot. He is a man of _______words.

few little

husband has quite a few ________. He likes paiting, reading, bowling, surfing, and so on.

C. interested

there any prawns left on the plate -----Only _______.

few C. little little

almost out of rain in this area. The sentence means “__________”.

haven’t any rain in this area. B. we have no rain in this area.

C. we have little rain in this area.

D. we have a little rain in this area.



1.My parents __________to work this morning. So I had to stay at home alone.

C. all

boy students in Class Two________good at playing football.

all are C. are both are

are fond of pop songs.

’ll invite ________to my birthday party. you all of C. all of you of all
