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Ⅰ. 填空

(A) 用括号中的动词适当形式填空

1.We are so glad ________ (hear) the news.

2.I saw him ________ (cross) the road safely and ________ (run) away.

3.You can’t make him ________ (do) what you want.

4.I don’t know where ________ (meet) him.

5.What makes you ________ (think) I’m a farmer?

6.Did you see him ________ (go) upstairs?

7.It is better ________ (put) your money in a bank.

8.It is difficult for the boy ________ (swim) across the river.

9.I let him ________ (go) early as he wanted ________ (meet) his uncle at the station.

10.Will you help me ________ (move) the bed?

11.If he doesn’t know, how ________ (use) the recorder, you’d better ________ (show) him.

12.He is the last one ________ (leave) the office every day.

13.It’s bad manners ________ (shout) in public.

14.The boy is old enough ________ (dress) himself.

15.She is too ill ________ (go) to school.

(B) 填入动名词的适当形式.

1.Can you imagine yourself ______ in a lonely island? (stay)

2.I can't understand your ______ at that poor child.(laugh)

3.She didn't mind _______ overtime.(work)

4.To make a living, he tried _______, ________,and various other things,

but he had failed in all .(write; paint)

5.We are looking forward to Mary's________ . (come) .

6.She was praised for _______ the life of the child.(save)

7.She ought to be praised instead of ______ (criticize).

8.Is there any possibility of our ______ the championship?(win)

9.He came to the party without _______(invite) 

10. Don’t keep me __________(wait) for a long time.

11. Knives are used for ______________(cut) things.

12. Can you finish ___________(read) the book in three days?

13. The doctor was busy ____________(operate) on the boy at that time.

14. Stop ___________(talk) and listen to me carefully.

15. Thank you very much for ____________(help) us.

16. Granny is very ill and she doesn’t feel like ___________(eat) anything.

17. The girl enjoys ___________(listen) to light music.

18. Do you remember ___________(buy) me a beautiful skirt on my 13th birthday?

19. We couldn’t help _________(laugh) after we heard the funny story.

20. What about ___________(go) out for a walk?

Ⅱ. 用不定式完成下列句子

1.Have you decided ________(怎样度假).

2.It is dangerous ________(玩火).

3.She was the first woman ________(环球飞行的).

4.The boy was made ________(重复他自己的故事).

5.The old lady looked at the children ________(穿过马路).
