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摘要............................................................................................................................................................................... I I ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................................... III 1 绪论. (1)

1.1问题的提出 (1)

1.2国内外支护结构发展过程 (1)

1.3几种常见支护手段的分析 (2)

1.4高速公路边坡稳定性分析发展趋势 (3)

2 工程简介 (4)

2.1工程概况 (4)

2.2自然地理 (4)

2.3工程地质条件 (4)

3 设计思路 (6)

3.1主要设计方案思路 (6)

3.2设计依据资料 (6)

3.3设计原则 (7)

3.4设计参数 (7)

4 滑坡体稳定性计算 (7)

4.1滑坡推力计算方法 (7)

4.2滑坡推力计算 (9)

5 YK231+120断面处锚索设计与计算 (19)

5.1确定锚索钢绞线规格 (19)

5.2锚索设置位置及设计倾角的确定 (19)

5.4锚固体设计计算 (20)

6 YK231+120断面处格构设计与计算 (22)

6.1格构梁设计步骤 (22)

6.3利用静定分析法计算竖向格构梁的内力 (30)

7 YK231+309截面锚索计算 (35)

7.1确定锚索钢绞线规格 (35)

7.2锚索设置位置及设计倾角的确定 (35)

7.3锚索间距及设计锚固力的确定 (35)

7.4锚固体设计计算 (36)

8 YK231+309断面现浇钢筋混凝土地梁设计计算 (37)

8.1验算地基承载力 (37)

8.2地梁内力计算 (37)

8.3地梁配筋计算 (39)

9 抗滑桩的设计方法 (41)

9.1抗滑桩概述 (41)

9.2抗滑桩设计要求和设计内容 (44)

9.3抗滑桩设计荷载确定 (46)

9.4抗滑桩计算方法 (48)

9.5抗滑桩的设计 (48)

10 YK231+120断面处抗滑桩设计 (52)

10.1抗滑桩各参数的确定或选取 (52)

10.2弹性桩计算 (53)

11 YK231+309断面锚索加挂三维网设计 (62)

11.1确定锚索钢绞线规格 (62)

12 结论 (65)

参考文献 (66)

致谢 (67)

附录 (1)









A Highway Slope Support Design(Option 8)


Landslide is a common geological disaster which we usually met in our speedway project. It induce a large number of loss every year. With the rapid development of China's national economy, the problem of landslide disasters is growing. How to deal with such thing is a serious challenge for highway builders.

Slope retaining is an important problem which is usually involved in the speedway project. Many kinds of measure have been used for the slope retaining, such as anchor bar, prestressed anchor, pile and retaining wall.

As for its simple and fast construction and its good strengthening effect,anti-slide pile is a very efficient measure in the measures of landslide treatment, which is widely used all over the world.

Nowadays,a new compound structure of lattice beam and prestressed anchor is widely used for preventing and remedying landside. The anchor force is transferred by the lattice beam to the slope body, and results in the compressive stress in the slope body and the stress distribution in the body is improved.

The treatment scheme, of slope reinforcement mainly adopts Framed anchor Structures and Anti-slide Pile Retaining Structure in the design. through comparing Study of Construction Technology, Engineering Amount and Engineering Cost, and finally choice the Supporting Scheme.

Keywords:Landslide Treatment, anti-slide pile, prestressed anchor lattice beam.
