




一、进出口贸易词汇 (2)

二、贸易价格术语 (5)

三、贸易保险、国际组织术语 (8)

四、贸易价格术语 (11)

五、贸易伙伴术语 (14)

六、数量条件与外汇术语 (16)


https://www.360docs.net/doc/7210871466.html,merce the activity of buying and selling, especially on a

large scale 贸易

2.Export Declaration A form to be completed by the exporter or their

authorized agent and filed in triplicate by a carrier with the

United State Collector of customs at the point of exit. 出口申


3.import to bring or carry in from an outside source, especially to bring

in(goods or materials)from a foreign country for trade or sale


4.import licence A certificate, issued by countries exercising import controls,

that permits importation of the articles stated in the license.

The issuance of such a permit frequently is connected with the

release of foreign exchange needed to pay for the shipment for

which the import license has been requested. 进口许口证

5.export licence A document secured from a government, authorizing an

exporter to export a specific quantity of a particular commodity

to a certain country. An export license is often required if a

government has place embargoes or other restrictions upon

exports. See General Export License. 出


6.inquiry an act of asking for information 询盘

7.delivery an item or items delivered on a particular occasion. 交货

8.order a thing made, supplied, or served as a result of such a request 订货

9.Bill of Lading A document that establishes the terms of a contract

between a shipper and a transportation company under which

freight is to be moved between specified points for a specified

charge. Usually prepared by the shipper on forms issued by the

carrier, it serves as a document of title, contract of carriage,

and a receipt for goods. Also see Air Waybill and Ocean Bill of

Lading. 提单

10.Endorsement in Blank Commonly used on a bank check, an endorsement

in blank is an endorsement to the bearer. It contains only the

nameof the endorser and specifies no particular payee. Also, a

common means of endorsing bills of lading dawn to the order of

the shipper. The bills are endorsed "For..." (see Bill of Lading,

Order). 空白背书

11.endorsed sign (a cheque or bill of exchange) on the back to

make it payable to someoneother than the stated payee or to

accept responsibility for paying it 背书

12.cargo receipt Is a receipt of cargo for shipment by a consolidator

(used in ocean freight). 承运货物收据

13.catalogue a publication containing details and often photographs of items

for sale 商品目录

14.Red Clause Letter of Credit A letter of credit that allows the

exporter to receive a percentage of the face value of the letter

of credit in advance of shipment. This enables the exporter to

purchase inventory and pay other costs associated with producing

and preparing the export order. 红条款信用证

15.export subsidy An economic benefit granted by a government to

producers of goods or services, often to strengthen their

competitive position. 出口津贴

16.favorable balance of trade When countries export more than they

import, they are said to have a favorable balance of trade. 贸易


17.unfavorable balance of trade Whenthey import more than they

export, an unfavorable balance of trade exits. 贸易逆差

18.free trade zone A port designated by the government of a country

for duty-free entry of any non-prohibited goods. Merchandise

maybe stored, displayed, used for manufacturing, within the zone

and re-exported without duties being paid. Duties are imposed on

the merchandise (or items manufactured from the merchandise) only

when the goods pass from the zone into an area of the country

subject to the Customs Authority. 自


19.most-favored nation treatment (MFNT) The list of a country's import duties

is called a tariff schedule. A single tariff schedule applies to

all goods, no matter what their country of origin. A double or

multicolumn schedule provides for differing rates depending on

the country of origin. Most modern trade agreements are made on

the basis of what is called most-favored-nation treatment. 最惠


20.General Average When damage to cargo on board a vessel exceeds

carrier's insurance, carrier will release cargo only with an

acceptance agreement to claim only a general percentage of all

the damage sustained. 共同海损

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7210871466.html,mercial Invoice An itemized list of goods shipped, usually

included among an exporter's collection papers. 商业发票22.Ocean bills of lading A receipt for cargo in transit, and a contract between

the exporter and an ocean carrier for transportation and delivery

of goods to a specified party at a specified foreign destination.

Issued after the vessel has sailed and

the cargo has been entered in the ship's manifest. 提单

海运23.Customs liquidation The finalization of a customs entry.


24.Customs Bonded Warehouse Is a warehouse where imported goods may

be stored for a total of three years without the payment of duty

or taxes. 保税仓库

25.dumping sending (goods unsaleable in the home market) to a

foreign market for sale at a low price. 商品倾销

26.export send (goods or services) to another country for sale 出口27.Correspondent Bank A bank that, in its own country, handles the

business of a foreign bank. 通知行

28.sight draft a draft payable upon presentation. 即期汇票

29.transferable L/C a letter of credit part of whose value when the

applicant defaults on another agreed method of payment 可转


30.mark information placed on outer surface of shipping containers or

packages such as address labels, identifying numbers, box

specifications, caution, or directional warning. 唛头


1.FOB (free on board) Seller is responsible for inland freight and all other costs until the cargo has been loaded on the vessel/aircraft.Buyer is responsible for ocean/airfreight and marine/airinsurance 离岸价(船上交货价)

2.C&F(cost and freight) Is a quoted price includes cost of goods and freight. 成


3.CIF (cost, insurance and freight) Is a quoted price includes cost of

goods, insurance and freight. 到岸价 (成本加运费、保险费价) 4.reight All merchandise,goods,products,or commodities shipped by

sail,air,road,or water other than by baggage,express mail,or

regular mail . 运费

5.wharfage A charge assessed by a pier or dock owner against the

cargo or a steamship company for use of the pier or dock. 码


6.tariff customs,duty ;Duties or a duty imposed by a government on

Imported or exported goods. 关税

https://www.360docs.net/doc/7210871466.html,mission The amount paid to an agent,which may be an

individual, a borker, or a financial institution for

consummating a transaction involving sale or purchase of assets

or services. 佣金

8.return commission A commission which is paid back by the agent if

a policy is cancelled before its normal expiration date. 回佣,


https://www.360docs.net/doc/7210871466.html, price price of product (service) which does not contain Value

Adeed Tax 净价

10.wholesale price Wholesaling is the sale of goods or merchandise

to retailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional, or other

professional business users 批发价

11.discount / allowance A reduction from the full or standard amout


a pice or debt 折扣

12.retail price The price paid by a consumer to a dealer or individual

for a vehicle. The dealer or individual sets the retail price of

a used car by calculating the wholesale price paid plus

reconditioning expenses and other costs 零售价

13.spot price the current delivery price of a commodity traded in

the spot market 现货价格

14.current price prevailing p rice ,the prices of goods and

services in

the reference period 现行价格/ 时价

15.customs valuation Establishment, according to defined criteria,
