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harmonious working relationships 和谐的工作关系effective office procedures 有效的办公程序efficient work flow 高效的工作流程take shorthand 速记coordinate conferences and meetings 安排会议recorder of minutes 会议记录员account records 账目记录financial records 财务记录confidential files 机密文件

jack of all trades 万事通/多面手unintentionally or deliberately 有意或无意的positive attitude 积极的态度

a code of ethics 道德准则reveal company secret 泄露公司机密sense of self-awareness 自我意识

think twice 重新考虑

file folders 文件夹

the immediate office 紧邻的办公室work style 工作风格

circle of confidence 有把握的范围lack confidence 缺乏自信internal conflict 内心冲突

personal value/belief 个人价值/信仰commitment to education 对教育的承诺commitment to quality and safety 保证质量和安全commitment to social responsibilities 承担社会义务commitment to employees 对员工的承诺diverse opinions 不同的见解transmission of information 信息传播

verbal communication 语言交际conventions of language 语言规范information sender 信息发出者information receiver 信息接受者executive 主管人员/总经理global manager 全球型经理market-development 市场发展

pan-European market 全欧洲市场telecommunications equipment 电信设备

Human Resource manager 人力资源管理经理management structure 管理结构

trading company 贸易公司

art of negotiation 谈判艺术

carry on negotiations 继续交涉

break off negotiations 中断谈判

enter into a negotiation 开始谈判

negotiating approach 谈判方针

multilateral trade negotiation 多边贸易谈判domestic market 国内市场

overseas market 国外市场

market research 市场调查

animated market 活跃的市场

booming market 繁荣的市场

declining market 市场不景气Confidence Index 消费者信心指数multinational strategy 跨国策略

technical know-how fee 技术转让费

expertise investments 技术投资globalization of economy 经济全球化

toll-free number 免费垂询电话号码established (repeated, loyal) customers 老客户

Customer Association 消费者协会

door-to-door service 上门服务

free delivery 免费送货上门customer diversion ratio 顾客流失率

3 Guarantees (money-back/

replacement/maintenance) 三包(包退,包换,保修)
