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Indications for IVC filter placement in 1995 and 2005
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008; 19:393–399
Distribution of indications for IVC filter placement among all providers during 2005
PE发生关系进行前瞻性研究,发现: DVT患者中PE发生率是45%。其中 73%无任何临床症状,致死性PE为4%.
张福先.肢体深静脉血栓形成与肺栓塞发生关系的研究.中 华结核和呼吸杂志2000年.9(23) ;531-533
应用腔静脉障碍法预防PE是Trousseau 早在一百四十年前1868年提出的.
滤器与DVT 滤器应用的现代观
近年来,在我们把注意都投在大动脉疾病治疗同时, DVT的治疗却有了重大突破.
介入下血栓部位置管溶栓与球囊扩张,血管成型. 而在临时滤器的保护下进行的溶栓更加安全. Catheter-directed thrombolysis(CDT) 6月后与单
纯性抗凝相比,血管通畅率是72 %vs 12%, P\0.001,静脉瓣功能正常率为89 %vs 59%, P\0.04. PTS明显减少.
如何正确把握下腔静脉滤器置放 术的指征
北京世纪坛医院血管外科 张福先
• 静脉血栓栓塞症 (venous thromboembolism, VTE)
• 深静脉血栓形成 (deep venous thrombosis, DVT)
• 肺栓塞症
(pulmonary thromboembolism, PE)
Phlégmatia alba dolens. In:Trousseau A.Clinique médicale de i`Hôtel-Dieu de Paris.3rd ed.Vol 3,Paris:J.B.Bailliére.1868:652-695.
Greenfield LJ, Michna BA.Twelve-year clinical experience with the Greenfield vena filter.Surgery 1988:104;706-712.
•在没有 DVT or PE病人,但有抗凝禁忌症病例中,应 用腔静脉滤器被称为预防性滤器. •在明确诊断 VTE 或 PE or DVT 病人而不能耐受抗凝 的病例中,腔静脉滤器应用被称为治疗性滤器.
Sae Hee ,Benjamin R. Reynolds, Deidra H. Nicholas,et al. Institutional protocol improves retrievable inferior vena cava filter recovery rate. Surgery 2009;146:809-816.
Stein 统计美国国家医疗中心数据库内50个洲、
地区医院资料表明:全美滤器应用量在1979年为 2000个,1999年为49000个,增长了20倍。
Stein PD, et al:Twenty-one-year trends in the use of inferior vena cava filters. Arch Intern Med. 2004;164:1541–1545. Rogers FB, et al:Practice management guidelines for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in trauma patients: The EAST practice management guidelines workgroup. J Trauma. 2002;53:142–164. Goldhaber SZ,Tapson VF. For the DVT FREE steering Committtee.Aprospective registry of 5451 patients with ultrasound-confirmed deep vein thrombosis.Am J Cardiol,2004:93;259-262
Paul D. Stein.Pulmonary Embolism. 3-4page, 2007 Published by Blackwell Publishing
Prevalence of pulmonary embolism at autopsy in general hospitals and communities
Hanno Hoppe. Optional Vena Cava Filters. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106(24): 395–402
Prevalence of pulmonary embolism (PE) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT) at autopsy
In 400 patients Follow up At 8 years
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
永久型滤器 pemanent
临时型 Temporary
可回收的 Retrievable
在体内滞留最长 可达400天以上
滤器与创伤 滤器应用的现代观
• 创伤病人在住院期间VTE发生率约为 58%. 尽管机械性 或药物的作用是理想的预防和治疗方法,但不是所有的 病人适合接受抗凝治疗.另外由于担心出血和部分病人 受到还需要进一步手术的约束,滤器常被认为是必要 的.
• 脊柱、脑和复合性骨外伤病人中,为了预防DVT or PE, 一些病人在围手术期选择抗凝治疗同时也选择了滤器.
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008; 19:393–399
J Vasc Interv Radiol 2008; 19:393–399
在美国滤器的应用量每年都在递增, 而超过一半为预防性的临时滤器.
Athanasoulis CA, Kaufman JA, Halpern EF, Waltman AC, Geller SC, Fan CM. Inferior vena cava filters: review of a 26-year single-center clinical experience. Radiology 2000; 216: 54 – 66. White RH, Zhou H, Kim J, Romano PS. A population-based study of the effectiveness of inferior vena cava filter use among patients with venous thromboembolism. Arch Intern Med 2000; 160: 2033–2041. Karmy-Jones R, Jurkovich GJ, Velmahos GC, et al. Practice patterns and outcomes of retrievable vena cava filters in trauma patients: an AAST multicenter study. J Trauma 2007; 62: 17–24. Piano G, Ketteler ER, Prachand V, et al. Safety, feasibility, and outcome of retrievable vena cava filters in high-risk surgical patients. J Vasc Surg 2007; 45: 784–788.
Incidence of VTE per 10,000 hospital admissions
• A.D. Lee, E. Stephen, S. Agarwal,et al. Venous Thrombo-embolism in India. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2009, 37, 482-485.
Hanno Hoppe. Optional Vena Cava Filters. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2009; 106(24): 395–402
J Vasc Surg 2008;47:157-65
Indications for IVC filter placement
J Vasc Surg 2008;47:157-65
• Cheuk BL, Cheung GC, Cheng SW. Epidemiology of venous thromboembolism in a Chinese population. Br J Surg 2004 Apr;91(4):424-428.
• Stien PD, Beemath A, Olson RE. Trends in the incidence of pulmonary embolism and deep venous thrombosis in hospitalized patients. Am J Cardiol 2005 June;95(12):1525e6.
Kaufman JA, Kinney TB, Streiff MB et al.: Guidelines for the use of retrievable and convertible vena cava filters: report from the Society of Interventional Radiology multidisciplinary consensus conference. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2006; 17: 449–59.
Elsharawy M, Elzayat E .Early results of thrombolysis vs anticoagulation in iliofemoral venous thrombosis. A randomised clinical trial. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2002.24:209–214
• VTE = DVT + PE • DVT与PE在发病上的一致性
在香港和新加坡, 住院病人中VTE 的发生率15.8 and 17.1 per 10 000,而美国为 130 per 10 000 .
• Lee LH, Gu KQ, Heng D. Deep vein thrombosis is not rare in Asiaethe Singapore General Hospital experience. Ann Acad Med Singap 2002 Nov;31(6):761-764.
• 在美国每年约250 000 and 20 million cases of DVT需要治疗.
• 系统抗凝是TVE治疗的主要策略. • 然而约有15%的病人抗凝无效或为禁忌症.对于
Goldhaber SZ,Tapson VF. For the DVT FREE steering Committtee.Aprospective registry of 5451 patients with ultrasoundconfirmed deep vein thrombosis.Am J Cardiol,2004:93;259-262