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1.The work was finished sooner than ____.

A. expecting

B. expected

C. is expected

D. we were expected

2. —When will Mother come back?

—She _____ to be here by eight o’clock tonight.

A.is supposing

B. supposed

C. was supposed

D. is supposed

3. I’m ____your class today so you must do ____ I tell you.

A. in charge of; as

B. instead of; what

C. in the form of; like

D. looking at; as

4. History is _______ a subject which only lets us know something in history..

A. not more than

B. less than

C. more than

D. no more than

5. In the past few years, Chinese scientists ________ great success in

the field of space flight.

A. achieved

B. have achieved

C. won

D. had won

6. Hand in hand with reading, Dave ____ the habit of making notes.

A. caused

B. brought

C. created

D. developed

7. They have to explain ______ us the reason _____ their doing so.

A. /; of

B. with; about

C. /; for

D. to; for

8. My father and his teacher talked for about an hour of things and persons

______ they remembered at the school.

A. that

B. which

C. who

D. what

9. Mary __________ to know where you have been, as she has something important to tell you.

A. is hoped

B. is dying

C. is wanting

D. dies

10. They must have finished the task by the end of last month, ___________?

A. mustn’t they

B. hadn’t they

C. haven’t they

D. didn’t they


Do you know the modern Olympic Games? It started in Greece in 11. The Games are held 12 years. Many people 13 the Olympic Games can be held in their own countries.

At first about ten cities are quite 14 in bidding (申办) for the Olympic Games of 2008. Beijing, Toronto and Paris are 15 cities bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008.

The host (东道主) city of the Olympic Games of 2008 was decided at the IOC (国际奥委会) meeting in July, 2001. In those days Beijing was getting ready for it because it 16 became the host of the Olympic Games

Then the Chinese people were all very 17 and cheered because the Olympic Games of 2008 will be held in the capital of China and the Olympic Games has 18 been held before in the country.

Now Chinese people are trying their best 19 ready for the Olympic Games of 2008. They are working hard, and they are learning English, too. Many new buildings have been built. So, I’m 20 it must be a successful one.

B. 1896

C. 1922

D. 2008

. each four B. every four C. every few D. three or four

. like B. want C. decide D. hope

. ready B. interesting C. interested D. join

. more important B. the most important

C. more beautiful

D. the most beautiful

. must B. already C. nearly D. also

. excite B. exciting C. excited D. sad

. never B. ever C. just D. yet

. get B. gets C. getting D. to get

20. A. afraid B. sorry C. glad D. sure 第三节阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


A marketing director for a famous computer manufacturer was designing a new advertisement for his company. While researching consumers’response to his product, he asked, “Ships are commonly referred to as ‘she’ or ‘her’. What gender (性别) would you give to your computer? Give four reasons to support your answer.

A large group of women reported that the computers should be referred to as “he” or “him” because:

1. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on.

2. They have a lot of data, but are still hard to understand.

3. They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they are problems.

4. As soon as you buy one, you realize that, if you had waited a little longer you could have had a better model.

The men, on the other hand, said that computers should be referred to as “she” or “her” because:

1. The language they use to communicate with other computers is impossible to understand for most men.

2. Even your smallest mistakes are stored in the long-term memory and will be remembered forever.

3. As soon as you get one, you find yourself spending half your money on accessories (附件) for it.

21. In fact, computers really _______.

A. should be referred to as “she”

B. should be talked about
