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你不妨去哪儿看看有没有你需要的资料You might as well go there to see whether there is the information you need.

我们不妨称之为自由吧We might as well call it freedom.

你不妨打电话告诉他们你要去看望他们You might as well ring and tell them you're going to visit them.

我们不妨走回家吧We might as well walk home.

我们不妨找一篇容易一些的读吧We might as well find an easier one to read.

这个小个子男子并不如他看上去那么单纯This little man is not so innocent as he appears.

他孤独的感觉时起时落,他有时会对自己,对宠物,对电视机唠叨不休His sense of loneliness rose and fell and he sometimes would talk at length to himself and his pets and the television.

6.毕竟,金钱不是万能的,最富有的人不一定是最幸福的。After all, money is not everything. The richest people are not necessarily the happiest.

这些科学家在创建基因图谱的过程中体会到:合作不仅仅是一种有吸引力的选择,它还是一种责任In the process of creating the genetic map, these scientists realized that cooperation was more than an attractive option; it was a responsibility.

他们的研究发现简直就是一个奇迹,由于他们的发现,人们对人类基因的历史有了新的了解Their research findings were nothing less than a miracle. As a result of their findings, new light has been shed on the history of human genes.

3. 事实上,只有勤奋加方法得当次才能使你在学习上比他人有优势In fact, only hard work in combination with proper methods will give you an advantage over others.

4.法官说这种惩罚将起到杀一儆百的作用The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others.

5. 感染的危险只限于那些与病人有亲密接触的人The risk of infection is confined to those who have close contact with the patients.

6. 从这一分析中我们可以更好地知道发生了什么以及要做些什么。From such an analysis we are in a better position to understand what has happened and what to do about it.

1. 只要他守规矩,我倒不在乎他晚上在外呆的那么晚1 don't mind his staying out so late as long as he behaves himself.

2.与其他计划相比,我更喜欢他的计划,因为我觉得没有任何一个计划比他的计划更实际I prefer his plan to others in that I think no plan is more practical than his.

3.他们与那家公司中断了生意往来,因为那家公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已经破产了They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.

既然你不喜欢他,当初为什么还要邀请他参加你的生日晚会?Now that you don't like him, why did you invite him to your birthday party in the first place?

虽然知道获胜的可能性不大,但比赛结束后,我们多少还是有点沮丧Though we knew our chances to win were slim, we were more or less depressed when we lost in the


也许这是为了进步而付出的代价Perhaps this was the price that has to be paid for progress-who knows?

无论你的智商有多高,你的看法都受到个人经历的局限,因此要学会吸纳他人有用的观点。No matter how high your IQ is, your view is limited by the experience you have had and so you should learn to incorporate the useful perspectives of others.

这个游戏非常有趣,他们谁也没有注意到时间的流逝 So interesting was the game that none of them took note of the passage of time.

我一直在整理这些旧文件,看看哪些有用,哪些需要扔掉。I've been sorting through these old documents to see which are useful and which can be thrown away.

随着年龄越来越大,你应该考虑未来的计划。As you get older you should reflect on future plans. 他在演出中的亮相简直是个轰动His appearance in the show was nothing less than a sensation

他们每个月都从工资中留出一笔钱,用于孩子将来的教育。Every month they set aside a particular amount of money from their salary for the sake of their kid's education in the future.

无论你的情况多么充满希望,无论你有多大的创造力,努力工作对你的成功总是必需的。No matter how promising your situation, or how creative you can be, hard work is always essential to your success.

他留下的最初印象如此之强烈,有时甚至当许多其他人不这么认为时,这些印象也无法改变。So strong are his first impressions that sometimes they defy revision even when many other people think differently.

我们的目的就是要使中国成为亚洲接受培训程度和教育程度最高的一个国家Our aim is nothing less than to make China the best trained and educated nation in Asia

不管会面临什么挑战,我都会坚持,永不放弃,直到取得成功。I'll keep at it—whatever the challenges might be—and never give up until I achieve success.

手边总有很多烹饪书He is very interested in cooking and always has a lot of cookery books at his elbow.

发现和记录下发生的真实事件It is for the historian to discover and register what actually happened.

大体上是一致的are in the main the same。

和孩子们一起in company with her children

是我们的热情打动了他it was our enthusiasm that did the trick

与他的粗心有关tied up with his carelessness

然而我们却不能进入那个房间We can not go into the room,though

因为昨天他没有来工作,他表明了他不很感兴趣。In that he did not come to work yesterday,he showed that he was not very interested

当我们意识到自己犯了个多么愚蠢的错误时,我觉得自己真是个笨蛋When I realized what a stupid mistake I had made ,I felt like a fool。

关于政治,我一窍不通when it comes to politics,I kown nothing

但幸运的是我的身体一直很健康but Ihave always been blessed with good health

我一回家the instant I got home

他正在付账单He was in the act of paying his bill

他声音那样大So loudly did he speak

由于消费品供应充足Thanks to sufficient supply of consumer goods

面对这样的威胁in the face of such a threat

不管他们说什么no matter what they are going to say

他最终胜出了he ended up the winner

我一拿到钱就把票送出去The next time I get the money I will send the ticket

他在早年就对音乐产生了兴趣He developed a musical interest early on
