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• Unit3 • Crossing the River to School How do you get to school? Do you walk or ride a bike? Do you go by bus or by train? For many students ,it is easy ___ to_g_e_t _to school. But for the students in one small _v_ill_a_g_ein China, it is_d_if_fi_cu_l_t_. There is a very big river b_e_t_w_e_e_ntheir schoola_n_d_the village. There is no bridge and the river runs t_o_o_qu_ic_k_ly__for boats. So these students go _o_n_a__r_op_eway _____to cross the river to school.
she sometimes p_l_a_ys(play) volleyball. She always ea_t_s_(eat)ice—cream after dinner. Shek_n_o_w_s(知道)it’s not good f_or___ her ,but it t_a_st_e_s(taste)good! In the evening ,she _d_oe_s_h_e_r_h_o_m_e_w_o_rk_(做作业)and usually swims or t_a_k_e_a_w_a(l散k 步). At nine thirty ,she goes to bed .
Mary is my sister. She usually ge_t_s_(get) up at six thirty. Then she
alwayst_a_k_e_s_a_s_h_o_w_e(r 淋浴) and e_a_ts__(eat) a good breakfast. After that ,she g_o_e_s_(go) to school at eight thirty. At twelve. she e_a_t_s(eat) lots of fruit and_v_e_g_et_a_b_le_s (vegetable) for lunch,
a.m., my mom says, “Get up now and_m_a_k_e_y_o_ur_b_e_d_!” After breakfast, my mom always says, “Don’t leave the dirty dishes in thek_i_tc_h_e_n_!” After that, I run to school because I can’t be late. At school, we have m__o_re_rules—
I have time to eat breakfast=I have time for breakfast
• Unit2
• Hi! I’m Tony. I don’t like _to_g_e_t_ (get )up early. _in__the morning, I get up at eight. Then I go to school at eight t_h_ir_ty_(三十).I don’t have m_u_c_h_(much/many )time for breakfast, so I usually eat very q_u_i_ck_ly__(quick). __F_o_r _lunch, I usually eat hamburgers. After school, I sometimes play basketball for _h_al_f _an__ho_u_r____(半个小时).When I get home ,
• I always do m__y__(one’s )homework first. In the evening, I _ei_th_e_r_(或者) watch TV___o_r __ (或者)play computer games. At ten thirty, I _b_r_us_h_m_y_t_ee_t_h_and then I go to bed.
• One1_1_-y_e_ar_-_ol_d_boy, Liangliang, crosses the river__ev_e_ry_s_c_ho_o_l d_a_y_. But he is not afraid. “ I lovet_o____ p_l_ay___with my classmates. And I love my teacher. He’s _lik_e__a father to me.”
• Many of the students and villagers _n_e_ve_r_ _l_e_av_e_ the village. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dreamc_o_m_e_tr_ue
• Unit4
• Dear Dr. Know, • There are t_o_o_m_a_Байду номын сангаас_y__rules! At 6:00
• don’t be_n_o_is_y_, don’t eat in class,…
• My dad says I can’t play basketball after school because I mustd_o__m_y__ho_m__ew. ork I can play only_o_n_w_e_e_ke_n_d_s__. After dinner, I can’t relaxe_i_th_e_r_. I must read a book before I can watch TV. But I have tog_o_ _to__ _b_e_dbefore 10:00. Rules, rules, rules! It’s_te_r_ri_b_le_! What can I do, Dr. Know?