加拿大儿童饰品法规(sor 2011-19)



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ《表面涂料条例》
法案Part I of Schedule I
法案Part II of Schedule I
《公众健康案》C.C.S.M.c.P210,333/88 R《关于床内填充物、软垫和填充产品的规定》
加拿大玩具安全在《危险产品法案》(Hazardous Products Act H-3)和《危险产品(玩具)条例》(Hazardous Products(toys)Regulation C.R.C.,C.931)中规定。这两个条例由加拿大健康产品安全局(其前身为产品安全局)管理和执行。主要法规条例列表如下:


REACH法规EC No. 1907/2006,附录17条款27
美国联邦法规:禁止儿童玩具和儿童护理含有指定的邻苯二甲酸酯CPSC 16 CFR Part 1307
REACH法规EC No. 1907/2006,附录17条款63,修订(EU) No 836/2012和(EU) 2015/628
地址:上海市自由贸易试验区华申路1 30号
认可依据:ISO/IEC 17025:2017以及CNAS特定认可要求
玩具安全第1部分:基本规范GB 6675.1-2014
REACH法规EC No. 1907/2006,附录17条款23,修订(EU) No. 494/2011, (EU) No.835/2012, (EU) No.2016/217
REACH法规EC No. 1907/2006,附录17条款51和52 (2005/84/EC)
铅笔涂层中可溶性元素最大限量GB 8771-2007



1. 加拿大:与皮肤直接接触的饰品中,金属材质涂层铅含量和塑料材质涂层铅含量都有一定限制。


2. 韩国:与皮肤直接接触的金属饰品镍释出量不得超过μg/cm2/周。

3. 日本:与皮肤直接接触的纺织类饰品甲醛有一定限制。

4. 欧盟、美国等国家和地区:要求饰品上的所有包装及其材料中镉+铬+汞+铅的含量需符合标准。




国内外儿童饰品有害物质管控要求及质量安全状况研究赵萌迪 杨晓兵 高欣(中国海关科学技术研究中心,北京 100094)摘要:近年来,儿童饰品在国内外市场上越来越受欢迎,儿童饰品的质量安全也随之受到关注。




关键词:儿童饰品;有害物质;管控要求中图分类号: TS934.3 文献标识码:A DOI :10.19541/ki.issn 1004-4108.2021.02.003随着人民生活水平的提高,饰品越来越多的被广大消费者所接受,尤其是一些快消时尚品牌,纷纷推出与品牌服装搭配的各类仿真饰品,价格低廉,款式多样,同时兼具时尚元素,销售量非常可观。


图1 常见儿童饰品示例我国强制性国家标准GB 28480-2012《饰品 有害元素限量的规定》及推荐性国家标准GB/T 36927-2018《儿童饰品判定指南》中对儿童首饰定义为“供14岁及14岁以下儿童佩戴的首饰”。


儿童饰品年龄部分参考了GB/T 28022-2011《玩具适用年龄判定指南》的划分方式,同时结合我国、欧盟和ISO 玩具的定义中儿童年龄为14岁来确定。



1 儿童饰品中常见有害物质的危害由于儿童的体重较小,相对接触量大,代谢器官发育尚不完全,且具有咬及吞咽物品的习惯,自我保护意识不强,有害元素对于儿童健康的影响远大于成人[2]。



加拿大安规(Canadian Safety Standards)是指在加拿大销售的产品必须符合的安全标准。



1. 电器和电子产品:这些产品需要通过各种测试来检查其安全性和电气性能,包括耐压测试、接地测试、绝缘测试、短路测试等。

2. 儿童玩具:儿童玩具需要满足关于小零件的危险性、辐射、化学物质限制、拉力强度、可燃性等方面的测试要求。

3. 化妆品和个人护理产品:这些产品需要经过皮肤刺激性、眼刺激性、致敏性等测试,以确保它们对用户的安全。

4. 汽车和汽车配件:汽车和汽车配件需要通过碰撞测试、制动系统测试、排放测试等多项测试,以确保其在道路上的安全性。

5. 医疗器械:医疗器械需要通过临床试验、材料生物相容性测试、产品性能评估等测试,以确保其对患者的安全和有效性。






附件:加拿大消费品安全法案所涉及的专门法规中,针对轻纺产品的技术要求:(满足要求方可在加拿大宣传、进口和销售)根据加拿大消费产品安全法案的附录2,任何个人不得在加拿大生产,进口,宣传或销售下列产品:(禁止在加拿大宣传、进口和销售)1. 相思豆(雞母珠)或者全部或部分组分为或包含相思豆的任何物质或物品。

2. 全部或部分组件为或包含硝酸纤维素的眼镜框。

3. 具有一定特点的婴儿学步车,这些特点包括,安装在轮子或任何其他装置上,可以移动,带有围绕物,为呈坐立或站立姿势的婴儿提供支撑,使婴儿的脚部可以接触到地面,从而实现水平方向的运动。

4. 出牙嚼器、橡皮奶头和婴儿用奶嘴等具有一定特点的婴儿用产品,这些特点包括,在使用时需要被放入口中,并含有填充物,填充物内可滋生微生物。

5. 用来固定哺乳瓶位置使婴儿在无人看护的情况下可自行进食的结构装置。

6. 具有一定特点的一次性金属容器,这些特点包括,含有特定的加压液体,这种特定加压液体的全部或部分组分为氯乙烯,而且,这种一次性金属容器带有一个必要的手动操控阀,这种容器专门用来通过该阀的操控来释放加压介质。

7. 在显微镜应用中所使用的含有多氯化联(二)苯的液体,其中包括沉浸油,但不包括折射率油。

8. 具有一定特点的风筝,这些特点包括,带有未绝缘金属,在未绝缘金属与相邻导电部分之间有一个小于50毫米的非导电区域将这两个部分隔离开,并且未绝缘金属具有下列之中的一种特点:•最大线性长度超过150毫米;•经过电镀处理,或外包导电性薄膜,其线性长度超过150毫米。

9. 由导电材料制成的风筝绳。

10. 具有一定特点并用来作为服装的产品,这些特点包括,全部或部分材质为纺织布料,用纯三磷酸盐(2,3-二溴丙基)或这种物质的化合物处理过,或含有三磷酸盐(2,3 二溴丙基)。

11. 含有以下物质并用于诱发打喷嚏的任何物质,其中包括喷嚏粉:•3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺(4,4’-二氨基-3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺)或任何一种3,3’-二甲氧基联苯胺盐;•由铁筷子属植物(藜芦)、蒜藜芦(白藜芦)或皂树(巴拿马木)衍生出来的植物产品;•原藜芦碱或藜芦碱;•硝基苯甲醛的任何一种异构体。



加州修订了关于首饰的法规规定2019年9月27日,加利福尼亚州州长签署SB 647法案(2019年第379章),修订与用于制造首饰和儿童首饰的授权材料有关的规定。







对于表面涂层中的可溶性镉,应使用与证明符合美国法典第15卷第2056b条(即ASTM F963)相同的测试方法。














李素青,正高级工程师,国家首饰质量监督检验中心主任,全国首饰标准化技术委员会秘书长,国际标准化组织ISO/TC 174的工作组专家,全国消费品安全标准化技术委员会委员,中国质量检验协会专家委员会委员。

30多项国家标准和行业标准的主要起草人,其中《饰品 有害元素限量的规定》等4项国家标准获得2015年度中国轻工业联合会科技进步二等奖,《贵金属覆盖层饰品》获中国轻工业联合会2009年度科技进步优秀奖。

《儿童饰品判定指南》标准解读◆国家首饰质量监督检验中心 李素青 秦胜辉 广州海关技术中心 李诗礼二、标准内容《儿童饰品判定指南》规定了儿童饰品的定义、判定的特征、判定模糊地带处理原则、判定安全原则、判定程序和儿童饰品图形标识。






Canada Hazardous Products (Toys) Regulations加拿大危险产品(玩具)测试条例(I) FIELD OF APPLICA TION 应用范围The procedure applies to the physical and mechanical tests of the following items: 此条例适用于下列物体的物理和机械测试131Toys, equipment and other products for use by a child in learning or play that 玩具,设备和玩具学习或玩耍中使用的其他物体(a) are packaged in flexible film bags;用易变形的薄膜袋包装(c) are or are likely to be used by a child of less than three years of age and haveacomponent that is separable;用于或可能被三岁以下儿童使用并含有可分离的部件(d) have exposed metal edges;有金属利边(e) have embedded in them a wire frame or structure;嵌入在金属线框或结构中(f) are made, in whole or in part, of plastic that would, upon breaking, exposesharp edges;整体或部分由塑料制成, 一旦断裂, 有锋利的利边(g) have exposed wooden surfaces, edges or corners;有木质表面, 利边或角(h) are made, in whole or in part, of glass;整体或部分由玻璃制成(i) have fasteners used in their construction;在构造中使用紧固件(j) have a folding mechanism, bracket or bracing;有折叠装置, 支架或支撑物(k) contain, as an integral part, a spring-wound driving mechanism capable of injuring a child's finger, other than construction toys;作为一个整体的部分,含能使儿童手指受伤的弹簧驱动装置(I) contain a projectile component, other than a rocketry component, capable ofcausing a puncture wound;含弹射部件, 除火箭部件外, 能引起穿刺的危害(m) are so designed and constructed that they以下设计和构造(i) are large enough for a child to enter or be placed therein; and足够小孩进入, 或置于其中,并且(ii) can be closed by a lid or door;靠盖子或门来关闭(n) are stationary and intended to bear the weight of the child静止的且能承托儿童的重量141Dolls, plush,(raised fibre) toys and soft toys that have玩偶,长毛绒(提取纤维)玩具及柔软玩具有(a) a fastening in them to attach parts, clothing or ornamentation使它们连接到部分, 衣物或装饰物的紧固部分(b) any stuffing in them; 任何填充物(c) eyes or a nose the greatest dimension of which is 11/4 inches or less;眼睛或鼻子的最大的尺寸小于等于整体的11/4(g) a squeaker, reed, valve or similar device.151 Pull and push toys that have shaft-like handles three-eighths of an inch (10 mm) in diameter or less.有轴类把手的推拉玩具直径小于等于一英寸的3/8(即10mm)181Rattles 摇铃191Elastics intended for attaching toys, equipment or other products for use by a child in learning or play across a baby carriage, crib or playpen.连接玩具,设备或儿童学习或玩耍的其它产品到婴儿车,婴儿床或婴儿围栏的橡皮筋201Batteries for use in or with any toy, equipment or other product for use by a child in learning or play.使用于任何玩具,设备或儿童在学习或玩耍中使用的其它产品中的电池1 Heading are numbered in harmony with Canada Hazardous Products Act schedule 1 part II标题的编号与加拿大危险产品法令第二部分附表1一致(II) REQUIREMENTS要求General一般Section 3(2) 3Any written statement or warning or other written information required bythe Regulations shall appear in both the English and French languages.第3(2) 3部分任何书面申明或警告语或其它条例要求的书面信息都应同时出现英语和法语Packaging 包装Section 4(1)3 A flexible film bag used to package any product described in 13(a) of(I) shall meet the following requirements:第4(1)3部分用来包装13(a) of (I)中的产品的易变形的塑料袋应满足下列要求(a) the opening of the bag shall be less than 14 inches in circumference; or袋子开口周长应小于14in. 或(b) the bag shall 此袋子应(i) be made from film that is at least 0.75 mil (0.019 mm) thick,and 由厚度小于0.75mil(即0.019mm)薄膜制成(ii) have printed legibly on it the following warning:清晰地印上下面的警告语"PLASTIC BAGS CAN BE DANGEROUS TO AVOIDDANGER OF SUFFOCATION KEEP THE BAG AWAY FROMBABIES AND CHILDREN."塑料袋可能是危险的,为了避免危险或窒息, 使袋子远离婴儿和儿童(2) The warning set out in paragraph (1)(b)(ii) may be expressed indifferent words if those words convey clearly the same warning.段落(1)(b)(ii)中的警告语可以用能表达清楚表达同样警告的其它的词来表示Test method 测试方法Apparatus 仪器1.ruler with precision of 1 mm 精度为1mm的尺子2. Calliper 卡尺3.thickness gauge with precision of 0.001 mm 精度为0.001mm的厚度矩4. scissors 剪刀Testing procedures 测试步骤1 .Circumference of the bag opening 袋子开口的周长a. using the ruler or caliper, determine the width of the bag at its opening. For aheat sealed flexible bag, the width of the sealed edge is measured使用尺子或卡尺, 测量袋子开口的宽度. 对于易变形的热密封袋, 测量密封袋的边缘b. double the value in a to calculate the circumference.取计算周长的双倍值c. if the circumference is 355.6 mm or more, determine the film thickness ofpolybag by following procedures.如果周长大于等于355.6 mm, 按下列步骤测量塑料袋薄膜的厚度i. Cut one edge and bottom of the bag and open to form a big piece. Cut5 specimens from evenly distributed location on the bag. At 4 quadrantand centre. Each dimension 25mm×35 mm.剪开一个边缘和袋子的底部,展开成一个大片. 剪取袋子上在第四象限和中心均匀分布的5个样品. 每个面积为25mm×35 mm.ii. using the thickness measuring device to determine the film thickness ofeach specimen Measure the thickness at the centre part of the specimen.使用厚度测量工具测量每个样品的厚度. 在样品中心测量其厚度值iii. the average thickness of the 5 specimen is the result5个样品厚度的平均值为结果d. check whether or not the bag has printed legibly on it the polybag warning. Thewarning can be printed or with a printed sticker provided that it is firmly attached检查袋子是否清晰印有塑料袋警告语. 警告语能被印刷或者附有印刷的粘贴物应牢固地附着Mechanical Hazards 机械危害Section 73No product included in 13(c) to (I) shall have a component or part, other thanacomponent or part constructed entirely of soft textile fibre material, that第73部分除了完全由柔软的纺织纤维材料构成的部件或部分, 包含在13(c) to (I) 中应含有部件或部分的任何产品(a) is separable; 分离(b) may become detached with reasonably foreseeable use; and可预见的合理使用下可能分离(c) can be totally enclosed in the volumetric container described in 5 of (III).能完全地密封在5 of (III)中描述地容器中Section 83Every product described in第83部分以下描述的产品(a) 13(d) of (I) shall have all exposed metal edges folded back or sprayedwith or dipped in paint or otherwise treated so that all sharpness and burrs areeliminated;13(d) of (I) 应使暴露的金属利边折叠或喷洒或浸没在油漆中,或者其他处理方式消除所有的锋利和毛刺(b) 13(e) of (I) shall have all ends of wire covered, turned in or turned backso that no sharp ends become exposed with reasonably foreseeable use;13(e) of (I) 应使所有的金属线末端包裹, 弯进或弯回为了在可预见的合理的使用喜爱不会出现锋利的末端(c) 13(f) of (I) shall have all of its plastic parts that would, on breakingexpose sharp edges.13(f) of (I) 应使所有的塑料部分, 一旦断裂出现锋利的利边(i) made sufficiently thick to resist breakage through reasonably foreseeableuse, or在可预见的合理的使用下, 有足够的厚度防止断裂(ii) where such parts are necessarily thin because of the function of theproduct, made of inherently tough materials;因为产品的功能的这些部分必须薄片, 应由属性坚硬的材料制成(d) 13(g) of (1) shall have all of its exposed wooden surfaces, edges and cornerssmoothly finished;13(g) of (1) 应使所有的暴露的木质表面, 利边和角光滑(e) 13(h) of (i) shall have all edges and corners of the glass smoothly finished;The presence of glass is done by visual checking. It can also be done bybreaking and burning of the material to identify it.13(h) of (i) 应使玻璃所有的边和角都光滑; 目测是否有玻璃的存在. 也可断裂和燃烧材料来鉴定是否有玻璃的存在(f) 13(i) of (I) shall have only such fasteners as, by reason of their type, size andmanner of use, will not, with reasonably foreseeable use, cause personal injuryand without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall have13(i) of (I) 有紧固件, 由于类型, 尺寸和使用的方法, 在可预见的合理的使用内不会引起个人的受伤和无前端的受限, 应使(i) any nails and staples properly secured,任何的钉和环适当地保护(ii) any flat head or oval head wood screws of the countersunk head typeproperly countersunk,任何具有埋头孔类型的平头或椭圆头木螺钉应适当地内沉(iii) any wood screws free of all exposed burrs,任何木螺钉无毛刺(iv) any fasteners in upholstering or upholstering-like application properly secured and of a type that, if exposed would not be a hazard, and任何装饰或类似装饰的紧固件应适当地保护且当暴露时不会产生危害, 且(v) any threaded bolts protected by acorn or similar nuts or protective caps, unless the bolts are so placed that they protrude into aprotected area where contact with the threaded ends is not likely tooccur;受橡子或类似的坚果或防护帽保护的任何线性螺栓,除非螺栓放置使得它们穿过连接着线性末端的保护区域,否则不太可能发生(g) 13(j) of (I) shall have a safety stop or a locking device to prevent theunintentional collapse of the product;13(j) of (I) 应有安全刹车或锁装置, 防止物体无意的倒塌If the toy consist of a folding mechanism, bracket or bracing that intendto support weight and if that folding part collapse may cause crushing offinger or parts of the body, there shall be a locking device or safety stopto prevent unintentional collapse. The locking device shall be effectivelylock the folding part to prevent its movement during normal use. Safetystop is to limit the movement of folding part so that it may not causecrushing hazard to user.如果玩具含有能支撑重量的折叠的装置, 支架或支撑物且折叠部分的倒塌可能导致手指或身体部分的压伤, 应有锁装置或安全刹防止无意的倒塌. 锁装置应有效地锁住折叠部分防止常规使用时它的移动. 安全刹是来限制折叠部分的移动, 为了不会对使用者造成压伤的危害1Heading are numbered in harmony with Canada Hazardous Products (T oys)Regulations.标题的编号与加拿大危险产品(玩具)条例一致(h) 13(k) of (I), toys, as an integral part, a spring-wound driving mechanismcapable of injuring a child's finger, other than construction toy shall have13(k) of (I), 作为玩具整体的弹簧驱动装置具有伤害儿童手指的危险, 除了结构, 玩具应使(i) its spring-wound driving mechanism enclosed so that the moving partsthereof cannot be touched under reasonably foreseeable use. Theaccessibility of the moving part before and after reasonableforeseeable use is done using test method in 6其弹簧驱动装置密封为了使移动部分在可预见的合理使用下不能触碰到. 可预见的合理的使用前后可移动部分的可触及性使用测试方法6判定(ii) an outer case that will withstand reasonable abuse if the product is soconstructed that damage to the outer case would cause the mechanism tobe exposed,如果产品有一个外层物体, 其应能承受可预见的滥用, 因为对外层物体的破坏就会导致装置的暴露(iii) where a non-detachable winding key has been installed, such windingkey of a shape and size that a child's finger cannot becomeensnared in it. If the clearance between the flukes of the key andthe body of the toy will admit a 0.25 in. (6 mm) diameter rod, it shallalso admit a 0.5 in. (13 mm) diameter road at all position of the key.There shall be no opening in the flukes of the key which can admita 0.19 in. (5 mm) diameter rod,安装了不能分离的发条钥匙, 此发条钥匙的形状和尺寸不会使儿童的手指陷入其中. 如果钥匙的锚爪和玩具的身体部分的间隙能通过0.25in.(6mm)的直径棒, 那么钥匙的任何位置也能通过0.5in.(13mm)的直径棒. 如果钥匙锚爪没有开口,允许0.19in.(5mm)的直径棒通过(iv) where a detachable key or starting handle is to be used, aclearance space between the key or handle, when in place, andthe body of the product, that is less than 1/16 inch (2 mm) orgreater than 3/8 inch (10 mm);使用分离的钥匙或发动手把, 适当地, 在钥匙或手把和产品身体之间的空隙应小于1/16in.(2mm)或者大于3/8in.(10mm)To check whether the mechanism may capable of injuring the fingercan be done by human finger or a pencil inserted into the mechanism.为了检查装置是否会伤害手指, 可以用人手或铅笔插入装置中(i) 13(I) of (I) shall have a rubber tip or other durable fitting placed on theleading end of the projectile component with sufficient security towithstand a pulling force of 10 pounds(44.5N)13(I) of (I) 应有橡胶顶端或其他耐久无置于弹射物的尖端, 并且能承受10磅(44.5N)的拉力(j) 13(m) of (I) shall have holes of sufficient size and number in each of two or more adjacent sides to prevent the suffocation of a childenclosed therein.Toys which a child can enter shall conform to the followingrequirements: Any toy having a door, lid or similar device, whichencloses a continuous volume greater than 0.03 m3 and in which allinternal dimensions are 150mm or more, shall provide at least twounobstructed ventilation holes, each 650 mm2 or more, situated atleast 150 mm apart. The total ventilation shall be provided when thetoy is placed on the floor in any position and adjacent to two verticalplane surfaces meeting at a 90°angle, so as to simulate the corner of aroom13(m) of (I) 的孔应每两个中的一个或更多相邻边的具有足够的尺寸和数量, 为了防止密封在内部的儿童窒息的危险. 儿童能进入的玩具应符合下列要求: 有门,盖或类似装置的任何玩具, 密封的持续空间大小大于0.03 m3且内部尺寸大于等于150mm, 应至少有两个无阻碍的通风孔,且每个面积大于等于650 mm2, 之间至少距离150mm. 当玩具以任何位置置于地面时,整个通风应提供并且两个垂直的平面交汇成90°,模仿室内的墙角If a permanent partition or bars (two or more) which effectively limit thecontinuous space by making the largest internal dimension less than150mm are used to subdivide a continuous space, the ventilation areais not required.如果永久的分区或用来细分连续空间的木条(大于等于2根)能有效地限制持续的空间, 使得最大的内部尺寸小于150mm, 那么通风面积不要求Test method 测试方法Apparatus 仪器Calibrated Ruler 校准的尺子Caliper 卡尺Graph paper of 1 mm grid 1mm网格的图纸Test procedures 测试步骤Measure the internal dimensions by ruler. If continuous volume is greater than 0.03M3 and all internal dimensions are 150mm or more, measure the area of ventilation holes (for irregular holes, use a graph paper to copy the hole boundary and measure the area by counting the number of grids) and the distance between them. This should be done with the toy placed on the floor in any position and adjacent to two vertical plane surfaces meeting at 90°.Record all measurements and calculations.用尺子测试内部的尺寸. 如果持续的体积大于0.03M3或者内部的尺寸大于等于150mm, 测量通风孔的面积(对于不规则的孔,使用图纸来复制孔的范围并用数格子的方法来测量计算面积的大小) 和它们之间的距离大小. 这个是应把玩具以任何位置置于地面上, 且使两个相邻的垂直面交汇成90°. 记录所有的测量值, 并计算.●If a permanent position or bars make the largest internal dimension less than 150mm,the ventilation area shall not be required.如果永久的分区或木条使得最大的内部空间小于150mm, 通风面积不应要求(k) 13 (n) of I stationary toys that intend to bear the weight of a child shall stand level and firm when used.13 (n) of I中能承托儿童重量的静止的玩具在使用时应能站立平稳坚定Test method 测试方法Apparatus 仪器ASTM F963 dead weights ASTM F963的静重Incline platform 倾斜的平台Sideways Stability Requirement-These requirements recognize two types of possible stability hazards: those associated with ride-on toys or seats where the feet can provide stabilization, and those situations where the feet are restricted by an enclosing structure.侧向稳定性要求-此要求存在两种可能的稳定性危险: 那些与乘坐玩具或座位连接的, 脚可以提供稳定性的, 和脚是被限制在密封的结构中的情况1. Sideways Stability, Feet Available for Stabilization侧向稳定性, 脚可以用来稳定●There shall be no sideways stability test for those ride-on toys or seats inwhich the height of the seat from the ground is. one third or less than onethird of the height indicated in Table belowed at the lowest age of the agerange for which the ride-on toy or seat is intended, and in which the legs ofthe child are unrestricted in their sideways motion and thus are available forstabilization.对于这些乘坐玩具或座位, 座位离地面的高度等于1/3或小于下列表格标明的年龄组中最小的年龄高度的1/3, 没有侧向稳定性测试. 儿童的脚在侧向运动不受限制, 因此可以有助于稳定.●For those ride-on toys, or seats in which the height of the seat from theground is greater than one third of the height shown in below table at thelowest age of the age range for which the ride-on toy or seat is intended, andin which the legs of the child are unrestricted and thus are available forstabilization, the toy shall not tip when tested in accordance with the steps ina to g.对于那些乘坐玩具, 或座位, 离地面的高度大于下表标明的年龄组中最小的年龄高度1/3, 儿童的脚是受限制的, 因此不助于稳定, 玩具依据步骤a到g的测试不应翻倒.Criteria for Stability Test of Ride-On Toys乘坐玩具稳定测试的标准Age (years) 年龄(年) Height高度1 27 inches (69.8 mm)2 29 inches (74.4 mm)3 33 inches (85.1 mm)4 37 inches (93.8 mm)5 40 inches (100.5 mm)a. Place the toy across the slope of a smooth surface inclined 10°to the horizontal plane.把玩具置于水平夹角10°的光滑斜面上b. Turn the steering mechanism, if any, to a position where the toy is most likely to tip.转动掌舵装置, 如果可能, 使其达到玩具最可能翻倒的位置c. Allow casters to assume their natural position and check the wheels to restrict rollingbut should not affect the position of the position of the pivot points for sample overturns允许脚轮在其自然的位置,并检查车轮滚动限制,但不应该影响样品翻倒枢纽点的位置d. Apply to the seat a static load equal to the weight shown in Table below at thehighest age of the age range for which the toy is intended, but not exceeding 60 months施加静重等于下表所示的年龄分组中的最大的年龄(不超过60个月)的重量e. The load shall be applied so that the major axis is perpendicular to the true horizontalwhile the toy is on the incline specified.当玩具置于指定的斜面上, 负重应被施加为了主轴垂直于真正的水平轴f. The load shall be designed so that the height of its center of gravity is 8.8in.(220mm).The center of gravity of the load for all ride-on shall be secured both 1.7in.(43mm) rearward of the front most portion of the designated seating area and 1.7in.(43mm) forward of the rear most portion of the designated seating area. For small seat surface, the loading shall be located on the central axis of the seat. For larger sitting area, the loading shall be move along the front most and rear most edge for the sitting area.负重应被指定为了重心的高度是8.8in. (220mm). 对于所有的乘坐物的负重的重心应保证在座位区域前端的最后面位置和后端的最前面位置都为1.7in.(43mm). 对于小的座位面, 负重应置于座位中心轴位置. 对于大的作为区域, 负重应沿着座位区域最前和最后边缘移动g. If there is no designated seating area, the load shall be placed at the least favorableposition that it is reasonable to anticipate that the child will choose to sit如果没有指定的座位区域, 负重应置于可合理预见的儿童选择坐的最不好的位置a. Place the toy across the slope of a smooth surface inclined 10° to the horizontalplane.把玩具放置在与平面成倾斜角度为10°的平滑面上。




1.加拿大将严控儿童首饰镉含量 [J], 宕红
2.瑞典:玩具及儿童首饰抽检发现铅镉含量超标 [J],
3.加拿大提议降低表面涂层材料中的总铅限量 [J],
4.微波消解-电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法测定铂金首饰中的汞、铅、镉、铬、砷 [J], 张凤霞;刘海彬;王萍;黄准
5.降低与食物接触陶瓷制品的铅镉溶出量允许极限值的探讨 [J], 朱守丹

SOR 2011-15 加拿大儿童睡衣法规

SOR 2011-15 加拿大儿童睡衣法规

Children’s Sleepwear RegulationsSOR/2011-15CANADA CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY ACTRegistration 2011-02-04Children’s Sleepwear RegulationsP.C. 2011-51 2011-02-03His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to section 37 of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act a, hereby makes the annexed Children’s Sleepwear Regulations.a S.C. 2010, c. 21INTERPRETATIONDefinitions1. (1) The following definitions apply in these Regulations.“CGSB”« ONGC »“CGSB” means the Canadian General Standards Board.“char length”« longeur carbonisée »“char length” means the maximum extent of the damaged length of a material that has been subjected to the test conditions set out in these Regulations.“loose-fitting sleepwear”« vêtement de nuit ample »“loose-fitting sleepwear” means children’s nightgowns, nightshirts, dressing gowns, bathrobes, housecoats, robes, pyjamas and baby-doll pyjamas in sizes up to and including 14X, other than sleepwear designed for infants weighing up to 7 kg, sleepwear designed for use in a hospital or polo pyjamas.“OECD”« OCDE »“OECD” means the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.“tight-fitting sleepwear”« vêtement de nuit ajusté »“tight-fitting sleepwear”means any children’s sleepwear in sizes up to and including 14X other than loose-fitting sleepwear. It includes(a) sleepwear designed for infants weighing up to 7 kg;(b) sleepwear designed for use in a hospital;(c) polo pyjamas; and(d) sleepers.APPLICATIONScope2. These Regulations apply to the importation, advertising and sale of loose-fitting sleepwear and tight-fitting sleepwear.TESTINGTight-fitting sleepwear3. Tight-fitting sleepwear when tested in accordance with CGSB standardCAN/CGSB 4.2 No. 27.5 entitled Textile Test Methods – Flame Resistance – 45° Angle Test – One-Second Flame Impingement, as amended from time to time, must have a time of flame spread of more than seven seconds.Loose-fitting sleepwear — Flame resistance test4. (1) Loose-fitting sleepwear, when tested in accordance with the procedures set out in Schedule 1, must have(a) an average char length for five specimens that does not exceed 178 mm; and(b) not more than one individual specimen with a char length equal to the full lengthof the specimen.Loose-fitting sleepwear — other tests(2) Loose-fitting sleepwear that is treated with a flame retardant, any component that is extracted or broken down from such treated sleepwear, and any flame retardant that is used to treat the sleepwear must not cause any of the following consequences:(a) acute lethality as a result of oral exposure to a dose of 500 mg/kg body weightor less or as a result of dermal exposure to a dose of 1000 mg/kg body weight or less when tested for acute oral toxicity or acute dermal toxicity in accordance withsection 1 or 2, respectively, of Schedule 2;(b) an effect graded at a mean greater than 1 for erythema formation or for edemaformation measured at any specified time when tested for dermal irritation inaccordance with section 3 of Schedule 2;(c) when tested for dermal sensitisation in accordance with section 4 of Schedule 2,a response in greater than 15% of the test animals when using the Draize Test or theBuehler Test or in greater than 30% of the test animals when using one of the five other tests, in which an adjuvant is incorporated, that are specified in the OECD Test Guideline No. 406 that is referred to in that section;(d) gene mutation or chromosomal aberration when tested for mutagenicity inaccordance with section 5 of Schedule 2; or(e) tumors when tested for tumorigenicity in accordance with section 6 of Schedule2.LABELLINGLoose-fitting sleepwear5. Loose-fitting sleepwear treated with a flame retardant must have a label that is permanently affixed to it that displays in a clear and legible manner(a) the words “flame retardant” and “ignifugeant”; and(b) instructions in English and in French for the care of the sleepwear, particularlycleaning procedures, to ensure that it is not exposed to agents or treatments that could reduce its flame resistance.REPEAL6. [Repeal]COMING INTO FORCES.C. 2010, c. 21*7. These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 37 of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act comes into force.*[Note: Regulations in force June 20, 2011, see SI/2011-12.]SCHEDULE 1(Section 4)FLAME RESISTANCE TESTW ASHING,D RYING AND D RY C LEANING P ROCEDURES1. (1) Subject to subsection (2), loose-fitting sleepwear not treated with a flame retardant must be subjected to one washing cycle in accordance with the procedure set out in section 3, with the exception of paragraphs (b) and (e), followed by one drying cycle in accordance with the procedure set out in section 4.(2) If the label of loose-fitting sleepwear not treated with a flame retardant displays the words “dry clean only”, the sleepwear must be dry cleaned once in accordance with the procedure set out in Method 30.3, the National Standard of Canada CAN2-4.2-M77, Procedure for the Removal of Flame Retardant Treatments from Textile Products, published by CGSB in May 1980, with the exception of sections 3.2 and 5.5 to 5.7 of the method.2. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), loose-fitting sleepwear treated with a flame retardant must be subjected to 20 successive washing cycles in accordance with the procedure set out in section 3, followed by one drying cycle in accordance with the procedure set out in section 4.(2) If the label of loose-fitting sleepwear treated with a flame retardant displays the words “do not bleach”, the sleepwear must be subjected to 20 successive washing cycles in accordance with the procedure set out in section 3, with the exception of paragraph (e), followed by one drying cycle in accordance with the procedure set out in section 4.(3) If the label of loose-fitting sleepwear treated with a flame retardant displays the words “dry clean only”, the sleepwear must be dry cleaned five times in accordance with the procedure referred to in subsection 1(2).W ASHING P ROCEDURE3. The apparatus and washing procedure set out in sections4.1 and 6, respectively, of Method 58, the National Standard of Canada CAN2-4.2-M77, Colour Fastness and Dimensional Change in Domestic Laundering of Textiles, published by CGSB in December 1984, must be used, with the following modifications:(a) the temperature of the wash water must be maintained between 58°C and 62°C;(b) the hardness of the wash water must be less than 50 ppm of calcium carbonate;(c) for automatic washing machines, the washing cycle must be set for normalwashing cycle;(d) a synthetic detergent that conforms to CGSB Standard 2-GP-115M, Standard forDetergent, Laundry, Powder, Built dated January 1979, must be used; and(e) a bleaching agent containing sodium hypochlorite that produces 0.015% ofavailable chlorine when it is added to the washing solution must be used.D RYING P ROCEDURE4. The apparatus and drying procedure set out in sections 4.2 and 7.5, respectively, of Method 58, the National Standard of Canada CAN2-4.2-M77, Colour Fastness andDimensional Change in Domestic Laundering of Textiles, published by CGSB in December 1984, must be used.S PECIMEN P REPARATION AND T ESTING5. (1) Four specimens measuring 89 mm × 254 mm must be cut from a sample of the loose-fitting sleepwear that has been washed and dried or dry cleaned in accordance with sections 1 to 4, in such a manner that two specimens are cut in the lengthwise direction and two are cut in the crosswise direction of the sleepwear. The specimens cut from sleepwear made from a multilayered fabric must include all layers of the fabric and must be held in the relative positions they occupy. The direction in which each specimen was cut must be indicated on the specimen.(2) The four specimens must be tested in accordance with the procedures set out in paragraphs 1616.5(a) and (b) and subparagraphs 1616.5(c)(1) to (3) of StandardFF5-74 of the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission,Standard for the Flammability of Children’s Sleepwear: Sizes 7 through 14, dated January 1, 1985 and published in the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1000 to end.(3) The average char lengths for the two specimens cut in the lengthwise direction and for the two specimens cut in the crosswise direction must be determined.(4) A fifth specimen must be cut in the same direction as the specimens having the longer average char length and tested in accordance with the procedures referred to in subsection (2).(5) The char length, the direction in which each of the five specimens tested was cut and the average char length of the five specimens must be recorded.SCHEDULE 2(Section 4)TOXICITY TEST1. Acute oral toxicity must be assessed in accordance with OECD Test Guideline No. 401, “Acute Oral Toxicity”, published May 12, 1981 in the OECD Standard entitled OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals.2. Acute dermal toxicity must be assessed in accordance with OECD Test Guideline No. 402, “Acute Dermal Toxicity”, published May 12, 1981 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1.3. Dermal irritation must be assessed in accordance with OECD Test Guideline No. 404, “Acute Dermal Irritation/Corrosion”, published May 12, 1981 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1.4. Dermal sensitisation must be assessed in accordance with OECD Test Guideline No. 406, “Skin Sensitisation”, published May 12, 1981 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1.5.Mutagenicity must be assessed in accordance with the “OECD Guidelines on Genetic Toxicology Testing and Guidance on the Selection and Application of Assays”, published May 15, 1986 by OECD, which include the tests referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c), as well as in accordance with the third level of concern (LOC III) of the federal “Guidelines on the Use of Mutagenicity Tests in the Toxicological Evaluation of Chemicals”, publ ished by Health and Welfare Canada and Environment Canada in 1986, in regard to the tests referred to in paragraph (d):(a) To test in vitro gene mutation:(i) OECD Test Guideline No. 471, “Genetic Toxicology: Salmonella typhimurium,Reverse Mutation Assay”, published May 26, 1983 in the OECD Standardreferred to in section 1,(ii) OECD Test Guideline No. 476, “Genetic Toxicology: In vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Tests”, published April 4, 1984 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1, or(iii) OE CD Test Guideline No. 480, “Genetic Toxicology: Saccharomycescerevisiae Gene Mutation Assay”, adopted by OECD October 23, 1986.(b) To test in vitro mammalian chromosomal aberrations with the exclusion of sisterchromatid exchange and micronuclei: OECD Te st Guideline No. 473, “GeneticToxicology: In vitro Mammalian Cytogenetic Test”, published May 26, 1983 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1.(c) To test in vivo mammalian chromosomal aberrations excluding sister chromatidexchange:(i) OECD Test Guideline No. 474, “Genetic Toxicology: Micronucleus Test”,published May 26, 1983 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1, or(ii) OECD Test Guideline No. 475, “Genetic Toxicology: In Vivo Mammalian Bone Marrow Cytogenetic Test — Chromosomal Analysi s”, published April 4, 1984 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1.(d) To test in vivo mammalian gene mutation or other indicator tests in a secondsomatic tissue or species:(i) Test as specified by J. W. Allen, C. F. Shuler, R. W. Mendes and S. A. Latt inthe paper entitled “A simplified technique for in vivo analysis of sister chromatid exchanges using 5-bromodeoxyuridine tablets”, published in the Journal ofCytogenetics and Cell Genetics, Vol. 18, 1977, pp. 231-237, or(ii) Test as specified by J. C. Mirsalis and B. E. Butterworth in the paper entitled “Detection of unscheduled DNA synthesis in hepatocytes isolated from ratstreated with genotoxic agents: An in vivo-in vitro assay for potential carcinogens and mutagens”, published in Carcinogenesis, Vol. 1, July 1980, pp. 621-625.6. Tumorigenicity by the oral route must be assessed in accordance with OECD Test Guideline No. 451, “Carcinogenicity Studies”, published May 12, 1981 in the OECD Standard referred to in section 1.。




在加拿大,所有适用于 14 岁及以下儿童的玩具均必须符合《加拿大消费品安全法》(CCPSA) 规定的联邦安全标准,包括:一、《加拿大玩具法规》(SOR/2011-17)该条例指出玩具是设计给14岁以下儿童用于玩耍或学习的产品,并对玩具物理机械性能,易燃性能,化学安全和标签等做出了相关规定。



三、《邻苯二甲酸盐法规》(SOR/2016-188)该条例主要规定邻苯二甲酸酯的限量:1.玩具或儿童护理用品中的乙烯基不得含有超过1000 mg/kg的邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP) 、邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP) 和邻苯二甲酸苄基丁酯(BBP);2.在合理可预见的方式放入四岁以下儿童口中的玩具或儿童护理用品的任何部分中的乙烯基不得含有超过1000 mg/kg的邻苯二甲酸二异壬酯 (DINP) 、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯 (DIDP) 或邻苯二甲酸二正辛酯 (DNOP) 。








1.美国玩具业协会推行首阶段玩具安全认证计划 [J], 施京京
2.加拿大建议修订儿童玩具安全规定 [J],
3.家庭教育调查报告—儿童玩具安全隐患研究 [J], 沙彩虹
4.日本玩具协会发布玩具安全新标准ST2016 [J],
5.美国发布玩具安全年度报告 [J],



Stan d ard Attention/标准关注说起儿童饰品,想必大家都不陌生,但瞬间浮现脑海的可能也就是长命锁、银手镯、平安扣等饰品,至于还有别的什么饰品,例如一般的银项链、发卡、手链等是不是儿童饰品呢?可能就没那么清楚了。


GB/T 36927-2018《儿童饰品判定指南》对儿童饰品给出了定义,即14岁以下儿童佩戴的饰品。


而为了美观、童趣或者美好的寓意,儿童饰品上常装饰有小铃铛、生肖、吉祥字等小配件,这些小配件通过焊接等方式连接到饰品主体上,当饰品主体较小或配件尺寸较小及配件不牢固脱落时,若被儿童特别是婴幼儿误吞或吸入,易造成堵塞口、鼻腔呼吸道、隔绝空气对《儿童饰品判定指南》的一点随想◆力志强11标准关注/Stan d ard Attention流通而导致的窒息危险。








玩具材料中硼酸和硼酸盐含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 编制说明

玩具材料中硼酸和硼酸盐含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 编制说明

GB 5009.275-
食品安全国家 标准 食品中 硼酸的测定
的试样溶液于25mL塑料试管中,加水至 5mL,加硫酸溶液(1+1)1mL,振荡混 匀,加EHD-CHCl3溶液5.00mL,盖上盖 子,涡旋振荡器振摇2min,静置分层, 吸取下层的EHD-CHCl3溶液并通过ϕ7cm 干燥快速滤纸过滤。过滤液作为样品测试 液。吸取样品测试液1.00mL于50mL塑料
称取1g~5g试样于50 mL消化管中,加入
20 mL~30 mL水混匀,缓慢滴加2 mL浓
硫酸,超声10 min促进溶解混合,用水定
SN/T 4122-2015
食品接触材料 纸、再生纤维 材料 硼酸的
容至50mL,过滤后作为样品溶液。吸取 样品溶液5.0 mL于15 mL塑料管中,加入 硫酸溶液1.0 mL,振荡混匀。然后加入 EHD-CHCl3溶液5.0 mL,盖上盖子,涡旋 振荡器振荡约2 min,静置分层。吸取下 层EHD-CHCl3溶液1.0 mL于50 mL塑料管 中,依次加入姜黄一冰乙酸溶液1.0 mL, 浓硫酸0.5 mL,摇匀,静置30 min。再加
本标准项目主要由上海海关机电产品检测技术中心、国家日用小商品质量 监督检验中心、广州海关技术中心、深圳市计量质量检测研究院、明门(中 国)幼童用品有限公司、中华人民共和国扬州进出口玩具检验所、奥飞娱乐股 份有限公司、浙江方圆检测集团股份有限公司、北京海关技术中心、深圳海关 工业品检测中心、威凯检测技术有限公司、北京中轻联认证中心等单位负责共 同起草和完成。
经资料查阅和研究,国内外涉及硼酸和硼酸盐的检测标准包括: GB 5009.275-2016 食品安全国家标准 食品中硼酸的测定(姜黄比色法); SN/T 3826-2014 进出口化妆品中硼酸和硼酸盐含量的测定 电感耦合等 离子体原子发射光谱法; SN/T 4122-2015 食品接触材料 纸、再生纤维材料 硼酸的测定(姜黄 比色法、ICP-OES法和ICP-MS法) Reference Manual Book 5: Laboratory Policies and Procedures Part B: Test Method Section Method C30 Determination of Boric Acid and Salts of Boric Acid in Toys(ICP-MS法); DB 22/T 1810-2013 食品中硼酸及硼酸盐的测定 离子色谱法。 ISO 1802-1992 Natural rubber latex concentrate -- Determination of boric acid content(滴定法)


我国是首饰生产和出口大国,由于首饰佩戴时与人体亲密接触,近来国外已发现多起饰品中含有害物质案例, 各国已在加强立法,这将对我国的饰品出口形成一定的影响。同时国内饰品行业也在深化认识,行业自律性标准 相继出台。本手册收集国内外饰品相关法规标准,并适时更新。本手册内容仅供内部学习,不作判定依据。
13 美 国 - A09561 议案(未投票) 铅,镉 纽约
14 州
A09755 议案(未投票) 镉
A09771 议案(未投票) 镉
16 伊 利 SB2860(Public Act 铅
儿童首饰 刺穿首饰
首饰 儿童首饰
④ 表面涂层小于 600ppm* 3. 第三类:非第一类和第二类材料铅 含量不得超过 600ppm。 2007 年 9 月 1 号后不得销售含铅儿童 首饰除非符合以下标准: 1. 第一类非金属材料 2. 第二类非金属材料 3. 第一类中的金属材料或铅含量小
HB 5040

18 康 涅 HB 5314(Public Act 镉 狄 格 10-113) 州
儿童首饰) 儿童首饰
涂层和可触及基材参考 ASTM F 963 溶出镉: 75ppm 总镉: 75ppm
19 明 尼 SF 2510 Art6. sec 27 镉 斯达 州
儿童饰品(6 岁 涂层和可触及基材参考 ASTM F 963
于 600ppm 的金属 4. 玻璃,水晶装饰品 200ppm 5. 印刷油墨,陶瓷釉彩 600ppm* 6. 第三类材料中铅含量低于 200ppm 2008 年 3 月 1 号以后不得销售含铅的 刺穿首饰除非采用以下材料: 1. 外科手术用不锈钢 2. 外科手术级钛 3. 铌(Nb) 4. 14k 或更重的无镍白/黄金 5. 铂金 6. 低密度塑料包括但不限于聚乙烯






















标示和说明书4.(1)所有产品必须永久性标示以下信息,字母和数字高度不少于2.5mm:(a) 贸易商、制造商的名称和地址,采用官方语言;(b)产品型号和名称,采用官方语言;(c)制造日期(2)产品包装上用官方语言永久性标示(1)(a)(b)信息(3)所有产品必须采用官方语言永久性标示以下警告语,字母和数字高度不少于2.5mm:不要留下婴儿或小孩无人照顾;如果产品配备有束缚系统,必须使用束缚系统。






















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Current to August 8, 2011Last amended on June 20, 2011À jour au 8 août 2011Dernière modification le 20 juin 2011Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca Publié par le ministre de la Justice à l’adresse suivante :http://lois-laws.justice.gc.caCANADACONSOLIDATION Children’s JewelleryRegulationsCODIFICATIONRèglement sur les bijouxpour enfantsSOR/2011-19DORS/2011-19OFFICIAL STATUS OF CONSOLIDATIONS CARACTÈRE OFFICIEL DES CODIFICATIONSSubsections 31(1) and (3) of the Legislation Revision and Consolidation Act, in force on June 1, 2009, provide as follows:Les paragraphes 31(1) et (3) de la Loi sur la révision et la codification des textes législatifs, en vigueur le 1er juin 2009, prévoient ce qui suit :Published consolidation is evidence31. (1) Every copy of a consolidated statute orconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act in either print or electronic form is ev-idence of that statute or regulation and of its contentsand every copy purporting to be published by theMinister is deemed to be so published, unless thecontrary is shown.31. (1) Tout exemplaire d'une loi codifiée ou d'unrèglement codifié, publié par le ministre en vertu dela présente loi sur support papier ou sur support élec-tronique, fait foi de cette loi ou de ce règlement et deson contenu. Tout exemplaire donné comme publiépar le ministre est réputé avoir été ainsi publié, saufpreuve contraire.Codificationscomme élémentde preuve ...[...]Inconsistencies in regulations(3) In the event of an inconsistency between aconsolidated regulation published by the Ministerunder this Act and the original regulation or a subse-quent amendment as registered by the Clerk of thePrivy Council under the Statutory Instruments Act,the original regulation or amendment prevails to theextent of the inconsistency.(3) Les dispositions du règlement d'origine avecses modifications subséquentes enregistrées par legreffier du Conseil privé en vertu de la Loi sur lestextes réglementaires l'emportent sur les dispositionsincompatibles du règlement codifié publié par le mi-nistre en vertu de la présente loi.Incompatibilité— règlementsNOTE NOTEThis consolidation is current to August 8, 2011. Thelast amendments came into force on June 20, 2011.Any amendments that were not in force as of August8, 2011 are set out at the end of this document underthe heading “Amendments Not in Force”.Cette codification est à jour au 8 août 2011. Lesdernières modifications sont entrées en vigueurle 20 juin 2011. Toutes modifications qui n'étaientpas en vigueur au 8 août 2011 sont énoncées à la finde ce document sous le titre « Modifications non envigueur ».TABLE OF PROVISIONS TABLEAU ANALYTIQUESection Page Article Page Children’s Jewellery Regulations Règlement sur les bijoux pour enfants INTERPRETATION1DÉFINITIONS1 1Definitions11Définitions1 APPLICATION1CHAMP D’APPLICATION1 2Scope12Portée1 REQUIREMENT1EXIGENCE1 3Lead content13Teneur en plomb1 CONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT1MODIFICATION CORRÉLATIVE1 COMING INTO FORCE2ENTRÉE EN VIGUEUR2 *5S.C. 2010, c. 212*5L.C. 2010, ch. 212Registration EnregistrementSOR/2011-19 February 4, 2011DORS/2011-19 Le 4 février 2011CANADA CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY ACT LOI CANADIENNE SUR LA SÉCURITÉ DES PRODUITSDE CONSOMMATIONChildren’s Jewellery Regulations Règlement sur les bijoux pour enfantsP.C. 2011-55 February 3, 2011 C.P. 2011-55 Le 3 février 2011His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Health, pursuant to section 37 of the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act a, hereby makes the annexed Children’s Jewellery Regulations.Sur recommandation de la ministre de la Santé et en vertu de l’article 37 de la Loi canadienne sur la sécuritédes produits de consommation a, Son Excellence le Gou-verneur général en conseil prend le Règlement sur les bi-joux pour enfants, ci-après.a S.C. 2010, c. 21a L.C. 2010, ch. 21CHILDREN’S JEWELLERY REGULATIONS RÈGLEMENT SUR LES BIJOUX POUR ENFANTSINTERPRETATION DÉFINITIONS Definitions 1. The following definitions apply inthese Regulations.“children’s jewellery”« bijoux pour enfants »“children’s jewellery” means jewellery that is manufactured , sized, decorated, pack-aged, advertised or sold in a manner that appeals primarily to children under 15 years of age but does not include merit badges, medals for achievement or other similar objects normally worn only occa-sionally.“good laboratory practices”« bonnes pratiques de laboratoire »“good laboratory practices” means prac-tices that are in accordance with the princi-ples set out in the Organisation for Eco-nomic Co-operation and Development’sdocument entitled OECD Principles onGood Laboratory Practice, Number 1 ofthe OECD Series on Principles of GoodLaboratory Practice and Compliance Mon-itoring, ENV/MC/CHEM(98)17, the En-glish version of which is dated January 21,1998 and the French version of which isdated March 6, 1998.1. Les définitions qui suivent s’ap-pliquent au présent règlement.Définitions« bijoux pour enfants » Bijoux qui, du faitde leur mode de fabrication, grosseur, or-nementation, emballage, publicité ou modede vente, plaisent principalement à des en-fants de moins de quinze ans. La présentedéfinition exclut les insignes de mérite, lesmédailles d’accomplissement et d’autresobjets similaires qui ne sont normalementportés qu’occasionnellement.« bijoux pourenfants »“children’sjewellery”« bonnes pratiques de laboratoire » Pra-tiques conformes aux principes énoncésdans le document de l’Organisation de co-opération et de développement écono-miques intitulé Les Principes de l’OCDEde Bonnes pratiques de laboratoire, Numé-ro 1 de la Série sur les Principes de Bonnespratiques de laboratoire et vérification durespect de ces principes, ENV/MC/CHEM(98)17, daté du 6 mars 1998 dans saversion française et du 21 janvier 1998dans sa version anglaise.« bonnespratiques delaboratoire »“goodlaboratorypractices”APPLICATION CHAMP D’APPLICATIONScope 2. These Regulations apply to the im-portation, advertising and sale of children’sjewellery.2. Le présent règlement s’applique àl’importation, à la vente et à la publicitédes bijoux pour enfants.PortéeREQUIREMENT EXIGENCELead content 3. Children’s jewellery, when tested us-ing good laboratory practices, must notcontain more than 600 mg/kg of lead, notmore than 90 mg/kg of which may be mi-gratable lead.3. Les bijoux pour enfants, lors de leurmise à l’essai conformément aux bonnespratiques de laboratoire, ne peuvent conte-nir plus de 600 mg/kg de plomb, dont auplus 90 mg/kg de plomb lixiviable.Teneur en plombCONSEQUENTIAL AMENDMENT MODIFICATION CORRÉLATIVE 4. [Amendment] 4. [Modification]SOR/2011-19 — August 8, 2011COMING INTO FORCE ENTRÉE EN VIGUEURS.C. 2010, c. 21*5. These Regulations come into force on the day on which section 37 of theCanada Consumer Product Safety Actcomes into force.* [Note: Regulations in force June 20, 2011, see SI/2011-12.]*5. Le présent règlement entre en vi-gueur à la date d’entrée en vigueur del’article 37 de la Loi canadienne sur lasécurité des produits de consommation.* [Note : Règlement en vigueur le 20 juin 2011, voir TR/2011-12.]L.C. 2010,ch. 21。
