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1.May I stop my car here? No, you_______.

A. can't

B. mustn't

C. needn't

D. don't have to

2. Must we clean the house now? No, you _______.

A. needn't

B. may not

C. mustn't

D. can't

3. John_____ his father about his failure in the exam.

A. dares not tell

B. dares not telling

C. dare not tell

D. dares not to tell

4. You___ return the book now. You can keep it next week if you like.

A. can't

B. mustn't

C. needn't

D. may not

5. Johnny, you______ play with the knife, you hurt yourself.

A. won't...can't

B. mustn't...may

C. shouldn't, must

D. can't...shouldn't

6. The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone______ get out.

A. had to

B. would

C. could

D. was able to

7. Would you go out for a walk with me? No, I ____. My girl friend is coming.

A. wouldn't

B. shall not

C. won't

D. shouldn't

8. Man_____ die without water.

A. will

B. can

C. need

D. shall

9. If he started at 9 0'clock, he_____ be there by now.

A. need

B. shall

C. ought to

D. must

10. I mailed the letter two weeks ago. She _____it.

A. must receive

B. can't receive

C. might receive

D. must have received

11.The professor gave orders that the experiment _____ before 5:30p.m.

A. be finished

B. will finish

C. must be finished

D. would be finished

12. There was plenty of time. You_____.

A. mustn't hurry

B. mustn't have hurried

C. needn't hurry

D. needn't have hurried

13. Tom was a diligent boy. He____ go to school though it was raining hard.

A. was able to

B. could

C. couldn't

D. wasn't able to

14. _____I go back before lunch? No, I don't think you____.

A. Need...must

B. Do...need to

C. Must...have to

D. May .... ought to

15. The teacher do all the exercises, but a pupil_______.

A. needn't....must

B. may not...must

C. needn't....needn't

D. can't....must

16. Would you open the window please ?Yes, I______.

A. will

B. would

C. do

D. can

17. A lion only attacks a human being when it is hungry.

A. should

B. can

C. will

D. shall

18. ____Must I finish this novel this morning ? No, you_____.

A. mustn't

B. might not

C. don't have to

D. can't

19. The taxi ____ only hold six passengers. It is full. You _____take the next one.
