


[00:46.58]what am i supposed to be saying here? 我该说些什么呢[00:48.74]oh, just, stuff about your life. 随便,说说你的生活[00:50.74]well, there ain't nothing too interesting. 恩,没什么有趣的事[00:53.02]we're not really looking for interesting. it's just real, you know. 我们不是要拍有趣的事, 我们要的事真实,你知道的[00:56.94]-that's the point of a documentary. -a what? - 那是记录片的特点 - 什么?[01:01.30]a documentary. 记录片[01:02.50]like a movie, only boring. 噢,和电影差不离,而且很无聊[01:16.02]hi, l think this is yours. they delivered it to my house by mistake. 嗨,我想这个是你的 他们寄错到我家里[01:19.38]they must've got the numbers screwed up. 他们肯定把号码搞混了[01:21.26]see, this says 721 and l'm 27 1 . l'm bailey graffman. 看,上面写着721号,我家是271号 我是bailey graffman[01:24.66]y eah, you're the one that fainted the other day, right? 噢,你就是前几天晕倒的那个小孩 对吧?[01:26.62]-a



牛仔裤的夏天观后感英文English:Watching "The Summer of Jeans" was a heartwarming experience that left me feeling nostalgic and appreciative of the simplicity and beauty of small town life. The film beautifully captured the essence of summer through the lens of a tight-knit community coming together to save a beloved local icon - the town's annual jeans festival. The characters were relatable and endearing, each with their own struggles and dreams that added depth to the storyline. As the jeans festival unfolded, I found myself cheering for the quirky townspeople as they worked together to overcome obstacles and celebrate their unique heritage. The cinematography was stunning, showcasing the natural beauty of the countryside and highlighting the importance of tradition and community. Overall, "The Summer of Jeans" was a charming film that reminded me of the power of friendship, history, and the enduring spirit of rural America.中文翻译:观看《牛仔裤的夏天》是一次温暖的体验,让我感到怀旧并欣赏小镇生活的简单和美丽。


作为一部小成本电影,《牛仔裤的夏天》在票房上取得了巨大成功,成 为了当年最卖座的影片之一,证明了优秀的故事和情感共鸣能够超越成 本和市场限制。
05 个人感想与启示
电影中的情节和人物形象很容易引起观众的情感共鸣,尤其是关 于友谊、成长和坚持的部分。
电影的拍摄地点和服装设计都非常精美,给人带来了很好的视觉 享受。
影片的配乐和音效也被媒体赞誉为与故事情 节相得益彰,为观众带来了更加沉浸式的观 影体验。
02 03
影片所传递的积极信息,如友谊的力量、成长的勇气和家庭的重要性, 对观众产生了深远的社会影响,激励着人们更加珍视和重视这些情感纽 带。
通过电影中的四个女孩的故事,我们可以看到真正的友谊是无价的,我们应该 珍惜身边的每一个朋友,用心去经营和维护我们的友情。
电影中的主人公们在面对挫折时并没有放弃,而是勇敢地面对困难。这启示我 们在生活中也应该勇敢地面对挫折和困难,不放弃自己的目标和梦想。
音效团队精心制作了各种环境音、 动作音等,使观众更加沉浸于影 片氛围。
电影的主题曲旋律优美、歌词深 情,成为了观众心中的经典之作。
04 影片评价
许多观众表示,影片所展现的友 谊、成长和家庭情感深深触动了 他们的内心,引发了强烈的共鸣。


[00:15.50]that's it. 我们来赛跑[00:17.18]seven miles. 7英里[00:19.62]oh, god, don't you love to run? 哦,你喜欢跑步吗?[00:21.82]y eah. 是的[00:24.90]lt's the best high there is. 这个感觉最好了[00:26.90]lt's like you're just in this place where nothing bad could ever happen, you know? 就好象你在天堂一样 什么坏事也不会发生[00:27.18]exactly, it's-- 确切得说..[00:33.46]like if you just push a bit further, if you just keep moving-- 就好象只要你在走远一些 在继续前进[00:35.22]nothing can touch you. 什么也不能阻止你[00:39.90]of course, the endorphins don't suck, either. 当然脑内啡(脑分泌的的氨基酸) 也不能[00:48.58]-so tami's feeling okay? -y eah. - tami还好吗? - 是的[00:50.46]ls she gonna do baton twirling with you? 她会和你一起舞礼仪杖吗?[00:52.46]we don't know yet. she might just have to hold the banner. 还不能确定, 或许她会举旗帜吧[00:55.50]sweetheart, why don't we say grace be



牛仔裤的夏天2观后感英文80词英文回答:The Denim Jacket Summer 2 is a heartwarming andthought-provoking film that explores themes of family, friendship, and self-discovery. The story follows a group of young people who come together for a summer vacation at their family's cabin. As they spend time together, they learn more about themselves and each other, and they come to appreciate the importance of family and friends.The film is beautifully shot and the cast is excellent. The characters are well-developed and relatable, and the audience is sure to connect with them. The film's message is simple but powerful: family and friends are important, and they should be cherished.中文回答:《牛仔裤的夏天2》是一部温馨感人的电影,探讨了家庭、友谊和自我发现的主题。






[00:06.18]What? 什么?[00:07.94]Nothing. 没什么.[00:15.82]Bridget just lights everything up. She makes everything more fun. Bridget 能够振奋人心.她的生活充满了乐趣[00:21.58]And carmen is brilliant, but she doesn't know it. 还有Carmen很聪明,只是她自己没有意识到[00:25.34]And tibby... 还有Tibby...[00:29.22]well, tibby kind of marches to her own drum. 呃,有她自己的世界[00:30.34]I'm kind of jealous of her. 我有点嫉妒她[00:33.98]Why? 为什么?[00:38.38]Well, because she knows who she is. 恩,因为她自己是谁[00:42.34]Don't you? 难道你不是吗?[00:43.26]I don't know. 我不知道[00:44.62]I think I know who I wanna be. 我想我知道我想成为什么样的人[00:49.70]What you were saying the other day, about me being afraid? 你想知道我前几天为什么害怕吗?[00:54.30]Well, it's hard to explain. 这个很难解释[01:04.26]All my life, everybody's always... 我周围的人总是...[01:06.02]...kind of seen me a certain way. ...用有色眼光看待我[01:11.90]And I didn't... I don't... 但是我并不是...不是...[01:13.98]- no, it's all right, I understand. - Do you? - 没关系,你不用说,我明白 - 真的?[01:18.42]Y eah. 是的[01:21.14]Some people show off their beauty... 有些人想要展示他们的美丽[01:24.70]...because they want the world to see it. ...因为他们想让别人看到他们的美丽[01:27.50]Others try to hide their beauty... 有些人却努力隐藏他们的美丽...[01:31.58]...because they want the world to see something else. ...因为他们想让别人看到他们有的不只是美丽的外表[01:36.02]And what do you see? 那么你看到了什么?[01:44.86]Everything. 所有的一切[02:16.78]Dear bridget... 亲爱的Bridget...[02:18.10]...i guess i was kidding myself to think that when the pants arrived... ...我以为裤子寄来后,它会让一切都好起来...[02:19.86]...they were gonna make everything better. ...我真是白日做梦[02:25.06]I mean, i don't blame them for what happened, but... 我并是想对于发生的事情责备它什么,但是...[02:26.82]anyway, i do hope that they bring you better luck than they did me. 无论任何,我都希望它能给你带来好运,至少要比带给我的好[02:30.58]And even more than that, bee, may they bring you good sense. 还有就是,希望它能给你带去好心情[02:35.98]...but trust me, from recent experience... ...但请相信我,就我经验来说[02:36.10]I know it sounds boring... 我知道这些话很无聊[02:40.26]...a little common sense, it's not such a bad thing, bee. ...不要对它有什么幻想是比较好的[02:41.82]Wear them well. Iove you, carmen. 好好穿着它吧.爱你的Carmen[02:49.10]Y our dad called. 你爸爸刚刚打电话过来[02:51.78]He wanted to make sure you got home okay. 他想看看你是不是安全到家了[02:57.62]I'm so sorry, baby. I knew this would happen. 对不起,宝贝,我早该知道会这样.[03:01.02]Mom, please. 妈妈别说了[03:03.14]Now you know why I was so afraid of you going there. 现在你明白我为什么那么害怕让你去那里了[03:06.98]- I don't want to say I told you so, but... - then don't. - 我不想说我早警告过你,但是.... - 他们没有怎么样[03:39.42]- Morning. - Don't you ever sleep? - 早上好 - 你不是没睡觉吧?[03:42.46]- What for? - This just came for you. - 怎么了? - 你的包裹刚刚才到[03:44.98]Oh, my god, they're finally here. 噢,天啊,它终于寄到了.[03:47.42]What's here? 是什么东西[03:49.90]Do you guys realize what this means? 你们知道这有什么意义吗?[03:52.94]- That you're hugging a pair of jeans? - These aren't just jeans. - 你抱着条牛仔裤干什么 - 它不是单纯的牛仔裤.[03:55.38]They make things happen. 它有魔力[04:03.26]Sweet. 很不错[04:05.14]I felt like I was living in some freak show known as "the land of the blonds." 我觉得我就像生活在一个叫做"金发人领地"的变态真人秀里面一样[04:09.30]- I'm sure it wasn't that bad. - It was. It was horrible. - 我觉得没有你说的那么差 - 不,一切都糟透了[04:12.66]Okay, paul, he doesn't talk. He didn't say a word. Paul,他都不说话,一声不吭[04:18.14]And krista, she's this perky little... 还有Krista,她是个 they're like sunshine twins on uppers... 她和她的妈妈就像上流社会的闪亮双胞胎...[04:22.86]...nightmare. ...她是个噩梦[04:27.34]...except when, god forbid, something happened with the wedding plans. ...除非是上帝,谁也阻止他们[04:32.10]Because, tibby, I don't think there was a single conversation... Tibby,他们无时不刻都在谈论婚礼的事[04:33.86]...that didn't revolve around flowers, or hors d'oeuvres menus... ...他们的谈话总是里不开,花束,开胃小菜的菜单[04:38.82]...or guest lists, or tablecloths or... ...或者宾客的名单,桌布,所有的...[04:40.54]I'm sure they were just excited. 我想他们只是太兴奋了[04:44.42]No, tib, can you pretend to be on my side? 不, Tib, 你可不可以假装站在我这边一下?[04:48.46]It's not about sides, car. 这不是站在哪边的问题 Car[04:49.78]There are worse things than your dad getting married. 比你爸爸结婚更糟的事有的是[04:54.14]Sure, he probably could have handled it better... 当然,他本可以处理的更好...[04:57.74]tibby, he didn't handle it at all. Tibby,他根本什么都没做[04:58.82]- Tell him that. - Why should I have to? - 那你应该告诉他你的想法 - 为什么是我?[NoPage


[00:21.78]It happened just how i always imagined it would. 一切都如我所愿的发生了.[00:26.66]So why do i feel this way, lena? 但是为什么我有这样的感觉呢? Lena?[00:28.74]How can something that's supposed to make you feel so complete... 为什么那些本该让你感觉完整的东西...[00:33.62]...end up leaving you so empty? ...结果却让你空虚无比呢?[00:37.38]I just wish so much i could talk to my mom. 我真的很想和我妈妈谈谈[00:40.14]I need her... 我需要她...[00:43.74]...and that scares me. ...这让我感到害怕[00:59.14]Mom, I told you, I can't babysit today. Bailey and I have an interview... 妈妈我和你说过,我今天不能看小孩 Bailey和我有个采访 ...[01:01.26]bailey's in the hospital, sweetheart. Her mom called. Bailey在医院里,宝贝,她妈妈刚刚打电话过来[01:02.60]Honey, she's not doing well. 亲爱的,她情况不是很好[01:08.22]It's bethesda memorial. I tried calling you. 在Bethesda Memorial医院,我一直联系不上你.[01:13.66]- Come on, I'll drive you over to see her. - That's okay, I'll... - 上车,我载你去看她 - 不用,我会...[01:18.14]I'll go by there if I have time. 我有空会自己去看她的[01:27.18]But, i mean, if you're, like, shooting squirrels or something like that... 我是说,你喜欢猎杀松鼠或其他东西...[01:31.86]I am mad at my dad. 我很生我爸爸的气[01:33.86]I am mad at my dad. 我很生他的气[01:37.06]Why is that so hard for me to say, tibby? 为什么,说这话怎么难呢 Tibby?[01:38.62]I have no problem being mad at you. 我不在乎和你怄气[01:41.38]I noticed. 我早知道了[01:44.18]I'm sorry. 对不起[01:45.66]I'm so sorry, tibby. What I said, it was not nice. 真对不起Tibby. 对不起,对你说了那么难听的话[01:50.94]It was awful, and I'm sorry. 真是太糟了,对不起[01:54.22]Well, maybe sometimes it's easier to be mad at the people you trust. 呃,或许有时喉更容易和你信任的人吵架[01:59.42]Why? Why is that? 为什么?这是为什么?[02:00.86]Because you know they'll always love you, no matter what. 因为你知道,他们会永远爱你,无论发生什么事[02:09.86]Well, your mom told me about your friend bailey. 你妈妈告诉我你朋友Bailey的事了.[02:14.82]Y eah. Bailey. 是啊Bailey.[02:20.18]Y eah, she's not really my friend. 实际上她不能算我的朋友[02:21.38]Well, you know... I mean, yeah... 你知道...我的意思是...恩...[02:24.78]y eah, a little. But, you know, she's 12. 有点明白,你是指她只有12岁Yeah, a little. But, you know, she's 12.[02:25.14]Y our letters, they made her sound like... 你的信让我觉得...[02:29.54]We'll be doing interviews, right? Talking to people... 我们一起做采访,和人们聊天...[02:29.70]she drives you crazy. 她快把你逼疯了.[02:31.50]...and she'll just jump in and start asking these questions. ...她会突然插嘴,开始问问题.[02:35.86]She'll ask them anything she wants about their lives... 她问被采访的人任何问题,生活上的...[02:37.78]...like she's trying to get to know them or something. ...一副想要了解他们的样子[02:43.14]Well, is she gonna be okay? 她会好起来吗?[02:46.02]I don't know. 我不知道[02:52.38]I don't know. 我不知道[03:03.10]Lena kaligaris? Lena Kaligaris?[03:25.58]Papou. Papou.[03:27.74]I need to say something to you. 我有话和你说.[03:30.66]Y ou can pretend that you don't understand me, but I know you do. 你可以假装你听不懂我的话,但是我知道你懂[03:34.94]People have always said to me that I take after yia yia... 人们总是说,我和 Yia Yia 是一个模子里刻出来的...[03:40.10]...that I have her face and her smile... .Байду номын сангаас.我有和她一样的脸,一样的笑容...[03:41.66]...but what no one ever sees is that... ...但是没有人看到...[03:44.94]...there's this whole other part of me that is just like you. ...我很多方面都很像你[03:51.46]Quiet and stubborn and afraid of showing too much. 安静又固执,不敢表露自己的情感[03:56.10]And then I met someone who changed everything... 但是我遇到一个人,他改变了这一切[03:59.26]...and he showed me I can take a chance, even if it's only for a moment. ...他告诉我我可以去冒险即使只是为了短暂的一瞬[04:02.06]Lena... Lena...[04:06.82]y ou had that same moment once, when you met yia yia. 你和Yia Yia相遇的时候,你也有过这样的感受[04:09.82]And you risked everything for it. 你愿意为她付出一切[04:10.74]That was your chance, papou. And I'm asking now to have mine. 现在我也想为我的那个他这样做[04:26.74]Go. 去吧[NoPage


[00:01.54]...and angst it out making your documentary. 然后把时间都花在制作你的记录片上[00:04.22]y eah, it's gonna be a huge hit. 对啊,它一定会成为热门电影[00:05.82]thrilling footage on how to stack deodorant. 连续拍摄的都是怎么样堆放防臭剂[00:07.90]l think l'm gonna start my own genre, call it the ''suckumentary.'' 我管它叫“狗娘记录片”[00:10.70]lena, look at this! oh, my goodness. lena,看看这个,噢,天啊[00:14.06]-they're perfect. -l can't wear a bikini. - 真是太漂亮了 - 我不穿比基尼的![00:17.38aches in greece are nude? 难道你不知道希腊所有的沙滩 都是裸体浴场吗?[00:18.14]-what? -she's just kidding, lena. - 不是吧? - 她是逗你玩的,lena[00:21.14]god, l envy you. 天呐,我真羡慕你[00:24.42]y ou get to go to a place where there's actually guys. 你要去一个遍地是帅哥型男的地方[00:25.70]l thought you were looking forward to el campo de fútbol. 我想你对足球训练营一定很期待[00:27.78]she sure was until she f


[00:01.26]also, the dress code strictly prohibits blue jeans. 员工守则里也不允许穿牛仔裤[00:05.54]great. 好的[00:17.86]what are you doing with my stuff? 你拿着我的东西在这干什么?[00:21.06]y our mom gave it to me. l told her l was your assistant. 你妈妈给我的 我和她说我是你的助手[00:24.70]-y ou what? wait-- -she seemed to think it was a good idea. - 你是什么?等等 - 她似乎觉得这是个好主意[00:29.50]okay, look, you seem like a sweet kid. 好的,你真是个好小孩[00:31.66]no, you seem like a pain in the ass. but look, l have my own friends. 不,你真是个烦人的家伙, 但是,听着,我已经有自己的朋友[00:36.14]three best friends. even though they left me here to rot this summer... 3个最要好的朋友,尽管她们现在都去 渡假了,[00:40.90]-...l'm not looking for new ones. -neither am l. - 但是我不想要什么新朋友 - 我也不想[00:41.22]l just think it'd be cool to learn about filmmaking. 我只是觉得学着拍电影会很酷[00:45.50]besides, l think l found a good subje


[00:03.50]What? 是什么[00:05.26]Y ou have us. 你有我们[00:10.06]And we're not gonna let you go anywhere, okay? 而且我们不会让你孤独的,好吗?[00:14.66]Thank you. 谢谢[00:17.90]Come here. 到我这来[00:36.38]Come back. 回来[00:38.10]Bye. 再见[00:49.90]Miss you too. 我也会想你的[01:01.82]Not now, maggie. 不是现在Maggie.[01:07.70]Maggie! Maggie![01:13.18]Maggie! Morning. Maggie!早上好[01:14.78]Get back here, now! I mean it! 回这来,马上,我要发飙啦![01:16.46]Magg6.58]Mags! Mags![01:21.26]Sorry. 对不起[01:24.94]Maggie. Maggie.[01:33.86]Did you lose these? 这个是你的吗?[01:35.34]Y eah, I think I did. 恩,是的[01:40.10]Thanks. 谢谢[01:41.60]So, what are you doing here? 你来这有什么事吗?[01:46.50]I was looking for you, actually. 事实上,我是特地来找你的[01:50.46]Y eah, we're on hobart place, not street. 我住在Hobart 区,不是Hobart 街[01:50.62]- It's really confusing. - Y eah, that would do it.























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牛仔裤的夏天观后感英文英文回答:The Summer of Jeans, released in 2005, is a coming-of-age film that follows the story of four teenage girls who spend the summer together in Greece. The movie explores themes of friendship, self-discovery, and first love as the girls navigate the challenges of adolescence.The film is set in the idyllic Greek village of Santorini, where the girls experience a life-changing summer. They explore the local culture, swim in thecrystal-clear waters, and make lifelong memories. Along the way, they also learn to appreciate their differences and embrace their own identities.The Summer of Jeans is a heartwarming and relatablefilm that captures the essence of teenagehood. The characters are well-developed and the story is engaging, making it a film that will stay with you long after thecredits roll.中文回答:牛仔裤的夏天于 2005 年上映,是一部讲述四名十几岁少女在希腊度过夏天时光的成长电影。

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[00:21.54]when you hear your name called and the color of your team... 听到名字和你所在队伍的颜色后...[00:24.30]...run over and join your coach. ...跑到你们的教练那里去[00:26.30]-all right. -alma, megan, green. - 好的 - alma, magan, 绿队[00:29.46]anderson, alice, green. aderson,alice, 绿队[00:32.38]adissa, jessica, red. adissa,jessica,红队[00:34.42]bo, natalie, red. bo,natalie,红队[00:37.94]come on, come on, rápido! 来吧,快点儿[00:41.34]please, god, let me sprain my ankle as soon as possible. 看在上帝的份上,让我快点活动筋骨吧[00:43.42]come again? 你以前参加过?[00:45.38]this whole thing was my mother's idea. she couldn't wait to get rid of me. 这都是我妈妈的主意,她巴不得快 点摆脱我.[00:47.66]god, mine has been sobbing all week, ''what am l gonna do without you?'' 天呐,我的妈妈整天哭哭啼啼 说"没有你我可怎么活"[00:52.42]l'm like, ''get a life, ma,'' you know? 我真想说"妈妈,你该有自己得生活"[00:54.14]what's yours do? 你妈妈怎么样?[00:56.54]nothing. 没有怎么样[00:58.18]hey, who's that? 嘿,那个是谁?[01:00.58]don't even think about it. lt's against the rules to have flings with the coaches. 想都别想,和教练有一腿可是 违反守则的[01:05.54]marsden, olivia, red. marsden,olivia,红队[01:08.62]come on! 来啦[01:10.90]vreeland, bridget, red. vreeland,bridget红队[01:48.18]hey, baby. 嘿,宝贝[01:57.26]here it is. l asked the school to postpone sending this... 就是这个,我让学校晚点寄来...[01:59.62]...because, dad, l wanted to surprise you. ...因为我想给你个惊喜[02:03.02]-ta-da! straight a's. -that's fantastic. - 哒哒!都是a - 太厉害了[02:05.78]dad, l brought my tennis gear and l have been practicing like crazy... 爸爸,我还带来了我得网球用品, 我疯狂得练习网球[02:10.26]-...so serve to me your absolute hardest. -l'll do that. - ...你要尽全力和我打 - 我一定会的[02:10.78]y ou know, l was calculating it on the train. 知道吗?在火车上我一直在想[02:13.66]l haven't spent more than four straight days with you since l was 1 0. 从我10岁起,我没有和你 一起呆过4天以上[02:19.90]l mean, l love it when you come for christmas... 你圣诞回来得时候我真的很开心...[02:20.34]...but a whole summer and just the two of us? ...但是现在我们可以一起呆一个夏天[02:23.22]mom taught me how to make arroz con pollo. 妈妈教了我怎么做arroz con pollo[02:27.38]l'm gonna cook that for you. and plátanos too. 我要煮给你吃还有 plátanos (西班牙语的)[02:28.74]wait, where are we? 等等,我们怎么从这走?[02:33.66]l have a surprise for you. 我有个惊喜给你[02:37.62]l moved out of charleston. 我搬出了charleston[02:38.30]and into a development? dad, you hate developments. 搬到别墅区?爸爸,你不是讨厌别墅吗?[02:43.90]when did l say that? 我什么时候这么说过?[02:43.94]at the frederick law olmstead exhibit at the smithsonian. 在smithsonian的 frederick olmstead 法律展览会上[02:49.62]y ou said, ''there's city and there's country, and everything else is a wasteland.'' 你说 "除了城市和乡村,其他都是荒地"[02:53.94]l was 9 years old. y ou came to d.c. for one day to visit with a plastics company. 那时我9岁,你在哥伦比亚特区呆了一天 参观一个塑料公司[02:57.58]y ou remember everything! 你记性可真好![02:59.18]l don't remember you telling me you moved. 我可不记得你告诉过我你搬家了[03:06.94]who is that? 那是谁[03:09.34]ls that your neighbor? 你得邻居吗?[03:11.22]actually, we live together. 实际上,我们住在一块[03:18.46]hey! 嘿![03:22.26]y ou must be carmen. 你一定是carmen[03:31.30]y our daddy has told me so much about you. 你爸爸和我说了很多你得事[03:33.38]l just know we're gonna have the most wonderful summer together. 我想我们一定会一起度过 一个非常愉快得夏天[03:34.86]-kids! kids, come on out here! -kids? - 小孩子们,出来,到这来! - 小孩子?[03:39.66]they're not kids, they're teenagers, just like you. 他们不是小孩子,都10多岁了 和你一般大[03:41.50]they live with you? 他们和你住在一块[03:43.62]carmen, this is krista and this is paul. carmen,这是krista 这是paul[03:46.70]-we're gonna be bridesmaids together. -excuse me? - 我们会一起当伴娘 - 你说什么?[03:49.06]l hadn't quite gotten to that part of the surprise yet. 我没想到你会怎么吃惊[03:54.86]oh, sweetheart.... 噢,亲爱的...[03:59.26]we're getting married. 我们要结婚了[04:00.54]august 1 9th. 8月19号[04:14.46]say, you're a real natural with that thing. 嘿,你干这事还真上手[04:15.10]took me weeks before l got the hang of it. 我花了好几星期才上手[04:19.22]y eah, well, we all have our special talents. 是啊,每个人都有自己得特殊才能[04:20.10]tibby! l thought l made it perfectly clear... tibby!我不是和你说得很明白了...[04:22.06]...that employee headsets are to be worn at all times. ...每个员工都要随时带着对讲机[04:27.46]don't make me mention it again. 别让我在说一遍[04:30.26]excuse me? 对不起?[04:31.70]where are the shampo走道[NoPage]