


[00:12.86]Strange as it sounds, I've had some really good times in those dresses.
பைடு நூலகம்[00:16.06]
[00:16.16]- Weird as that may be. - I don't believe you.
[00:44.19]I mean, how much time do you spend doing this for other people?
[00:46.89]What about-What about you? You don't have any needs?
[02:50.82]- She's pressed for time. It's a short engagement. - [Beeping]
[02:53.82]Good God. Another one?
[02:55.99]To you, it's just another casserole dish.
[02:00.97]- Jane- - [Continues]
[02:03.57]He was looking for a part-time job.
[02:05.74]He's... cleaning the apartment.
[00:49.03]No, I don't. I'm Jesus.



概ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

• 罗 日 杰 家 他 ( 詹 P( 和e— CT尔出比姆独,ahhc1德儿较斯闯作eha9)rW品·童著与天9l达ie0、i流文名大下t年尔ac玛hn传学 的 仙 。1(ed1蒂于作 作 桃s月作Rt)h尔大家 品 (oe2、a者3达人、 有JCl日da吹h(或剧 :简mDo)梦Mcea小作 查,o介sh巨al孩家 理laat,是i人tlnde中和 与1d挪a(F9,短巧)t威1ahT6ec极篇克、h籍t年eoG为小力女r的9Biya知说工月巫)F英nGt名作厂1、国3)。 其最 不他玛最尽不他玛查不但工尽工在 的其尽不他玛尽 尽有最在的其尽其最最最其工最尽其有尽他玛 工尽但他玛工不工尽尽其这这有这但最罗流最有但 他玛尽他后去比蒂后量去比蒂理去是厂量厂参东他量去比蒂量量一后参东他量他后后后他厂后量他一量比蒂厂量是比蒂厂去厂量量他使使一使是后尔传后一是比蒂量孩 查吃 较 尔 查 少 吃 较 尔 和 吃 从 里 少 里 观西 孩 少 吃 较 尔 少少 次 旺 观 西 孩 少 孩 旺 旺 查 孩 里 查 少 孩 次 少 较 尔里 少 从 较 尔 里 吃 里 少 少 孩 我 我 次 我 从 查 德 于 旺 次 从较 尔 少子理 冰著达理看冰著达巧冰此的看的巧 啊子吃冰著达看 吃幸卡巧啊子看子卡卡理子的理看子幸看著达 的看此著达的冰的吃吃子明明幸明此理·大卡幸此 著达吃达都让 激名(让电激名(克激不工电工克 ·都些激名(电 些运和克·都电都和和让都工让电都运电名( 工电不名(工激工些些都白白运白不让人和运不 名(些··尔····没旺 凌的M旺视凌的M力凌许人视人力 没含凌的M视 含的他力没视没他他旺没人旺视没的视的M人视许的M人凌人含含没平平的平许旺或他的许 的M含··(··aaaaaa有有有卡 是作卡是是作工是和全是全工 有色是作是 色查的工有是有的的卡有全卡是有查是作全是和作全是全色色有时时查时和卡小的查和 作色Rttttttiiiiiillllll益益挡懂 为品懂为为品厂为家是为是厂 挡素为品为 素理父厂挡为挡父父懂挡是懂为挡理为品是为家品是为是素素挡要要理要家懂孩父理家 品素oddddddaaaaaaa地地住得 了有得了了有了人酷了酷时 住的了有了 的得亲时住了住亲亲得住酷得了住得了有酷了人有酷了酷的的住能能得能人得中亲得人 有的l)))) ))d简控控诱了 减:了学减:减们爱学爱, 诱有减:学 有到与,诱学诱与与了诱爱了学诱到学:爱学们:爱减爱有有诱控控到控们了,与到们 :有D、 、 、 、、 、介a制制惑亲肥查亲习肥查肥生巧习巧查惑害肥查习害了查查惑习惑查查亲惑巧亲习惑了习查巧习生查巧肥巧害害惑制制了制生亲极查了生查害女女女女 女女h自自,情 ;理情成;理;活克成克理 ,食;理成 食去理理,成,理理情,克情成,去成理克成活理克;克食食,住住去住活情为理去活 理食l巫巫巫巫 巫巫,己己只的 与的绩与在力绩力抵 只物与绩 物世一抵只绩只一一的只力的绩只世绩与力绩在与力力物物只自自世自在的知一世在 与物(((( ((19,,有可 巧可好巧一的好的挡 有是巧好 是界家挡有好有家家可有的可好有界好巧的好一巧的的是是有己己界己一可名家界一 巧是TTTTTT1hhhhhh6不不查贵 克贵;克起小;小住 查为克; 为上人住查;查人人贵查小贵;查上;克小;起克小小为为查,,上,起贵。人上起 克为eeeeee年受受理, 力,力。矮矮了 理了力了最都了理理都都,理矮,理最力矮。力矮矮了了理要要最要。,都最。 力了WWWWWW9任任坚明 工明工人人巧 坚自工自大搬巧坚坚搬搬明坚人明坚大工人工人人自自坚抵抵大抵明搬大工自月iiiiiittttttcccccc何何持白 厂白厂。。克 持己厂己的进克持持进进白持。白持的厂。厂。。己己持制制的制白进的厂己1hhhhhh3eeeeee东东到了 (了(力 到的(的巧了力到到了了了到了到巧((的的到住住巧住了了巧(的日ssssss)))) ))西西了父 父瀑 了健健克工瀑了了工工父了父了克健健了诱诱克诱父工克健CCCCCC—hhhhhh、 、 、 、、 、的 的最亲 亲布 最康康力厂布最最厂厂亲最亲最力康康最惑惑力惑亲厂力康1aaaaaa9吹吹吹吹 吹吹rrrrrr诱诱后的 的的 后工,的后后,,的后的后工后,,工,的,工·····llllll9·····iiiiiieeeeee·····梦梦梦梦 梦梦0惑惑·····,良 良诱 ,厂生诱,,生生良,良,厂,做做厂做良生厂·····年aaaaaa·····巨巨巨巨 巨巨::nnnnnn工苦 苦惑 工的活惑工工活活苦工苦工的工任任的任苦活的1dddddd人人人人 人人1不不厂用 用, 厂机在,厂厂在在用厂用厂机厂何何机何用在机tttttt月hhhhhh(((( ((去去的心 心在 的会一在的的一一心的心的会的事事会事心一会eeeeee2TTTTTT3吃吃主。 。发 主起发主主起起。主。主主才才才。起————CCCCCChhhhhh日hhhhhheeeeee巧巧人明 人。明人人。。人人人会会会。————oooooo)BBBBBBcccccc克克威室 威室威威威威威有有有和和和和ooooooFFFFFF,llllll力力利里 利里利利利利利所所所另另另另GGGGGGaaaaaa是tttttt)))) ))和和eeeeee控 控收收收外外外外·······旺旺旺旺旺旺旺挪FFFFFF和和和和 和和糖糖制 制获获获四四四四卡卡卡卡卡卡卡aaaaaa威独独独独 独独cccccc是是住 住。。。个个个个打打打打打打打tttttt籍oooooo闯闯闯闯 闯闯为为自 自幸幸幸幸rrrrrr算算算算算算算的yyyyyy天天天天 天天了了己 己运运运运))))))把把把把把把把英下下下下 下下保保, ,的的的的、、、、、、巧巧巧巧巧巧巧国。。。。 。。护护不 不孩孩孩孩詹詹詹詹詹詹克克克克克克克杰视视去 去子子子子姆姆姆姆姆姆力力力力力力力出力力吃 吃一一一一斯斯斯斯斯斯工工工工工工工儿;;含 含起起起起与与与与与与厂厂厂厂厂厂厂童有 有。。。。大大大大大大送送送送送送送文三 三仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙给 给 给 给 给 给 给学道道桃桃桃桃桃桃查查查查查查查作大 大((((((理理理理理理理家菜 菜JJJJJJ。。。。。。。、aaaaaa口 口mmmmmm剧味 味eeeeee作ssssss的 的aaaaaa家nnnnnn口 口dddddd和香 香tttttt短hhhhhh糖 糖eeeeee篇GGGGGG, ,小iiiiiiaaaaaa那 那说nnnnnn是 是tttttt 作PPPPPP多 多eeeeee家aaaaaa么 么cccccc,hhhhhh好 好))))))作吃 吃、、、、、、品


[00:56.65]I can't believe you're together. [00:5 Nhomakorabea.31]
[00:59.39]- But how could you do this to me? - [ Clearing Throat ]
[01:02.62]Excuse me. I hate to interrupt but...
[01:28.92]had absolutely no idea he and l were on the same planet, let alone in the same hotel.
[01:33.59]- You saw Dad already? - Y es, I did.
[02:09.99]- Someone ought to. - Hello.
[02:13.16]Hello. Hello to you.
[02:15.63]- Chessy, this is our butler Martin. - How do you do?
[01:36.66]Oh! The man went completely ashen like I was...
[01:39.73]the bloody ghost of Christmas past.
[01:42.20]Can one of you get something cold for my head?



1)这个故事讲的是一个普通的小男孩This is a story of an ordinary little boy...2)他叫做查理·巴克特... named Charlie Bucket.3)他不比别的孩子更快更强壮也不比他们更聪明He was not faster or stronger or moreclever than other children.4)他的家也不富裕没有地位以及良好的社会关系His family was not rich or powerful orwell-connected.5)事实上他们连吃都吃不饱In fact, they barely had enough to eat.6)查理·巴克特是全世界最幸运的孩子Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entireworld.7)只是他自己不知道而已He just didn't know it yet.8)大家晚上好晚上好- Evening, Buckets. Evening.9)好爸爸Hi, Dad.10)亲爱的汤快好了Soup's almost ready, darling.11)还想加点什么料进去吗?Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in, love.12)哦卷心菜最合适不过了Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage.13)查理Charlie...14)我找到一些可能你喜欢的东西...I found something I think you'll like.15)查理的父亲在一个当地的牙膏厂工作Charlie's father worked at the local toothpastefactory.16)工作时间很长报酬也很低The hours were long, and the pay was terrible...17)但偶尔也有些意外的惊喜... yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises.18)那正是我想要的It's exactly what I need.19)查理这是什么啊?What is it, Charlie?20)爸爸找来的正是我想要的那块Dad found it, just the piece I needed.21)是块什么啊? 威利·旺卡的头- What piece was it? A head for Willy Wonka.22)棒极了Well, how wonderful.23)蛮像的么It's quite a likeness.24)你真的这么觉得? 觉得?- Y ou think so? Think so?25)我是知道I know so.26)我亲眼看到过威利·旺卡I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes.27)我曾经在那里工作过是吗?- I used to work for him, you know. Y ou did?28)是的他是的- I did. He did.29)他是的He did.30)我喜欢吃葡萄I love grapes.31)当然那时候我还是一个很年轻的小伙子Of course, I was a much younger man in thosedays.32)威利·旺卡一开始只有樱桃街上的一家小店Willy Wonka began with a single store onCherry Street.33)但后来全世界都想要他的糖果But the whole world wanted his candy.34)旺卡先生什么事?- Mr. Wonka. Y eah?35)我们需要更多的旺卡巧克力We need more Wonka bars...36)巧克力鸟也快用完了鸟?...and we're out of chocolate birds. Birds?37)对是鸟Birds.38)嗯...我们还要做一点给Well, then we'll need to make some more. Here.39)张开嘴巴Now open.40)这人是个天才The man was a genius.41)你知道吗? 是他新发明了巧克力冰激凌的制作方法Did you know he invented a new wayof making chocolate ice cream...42)它能在冰箱外几小时都不溶化...so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer?43)你甚至可以在大热天把它放在太阳下晒上几小时它都不会溶化Y ou can even leave itlying in the sun on a hot day, and it won't go runny.44)但那根本就是不可能可威利·旺卡做到了- But that's impossible. But Willy Wonka did it.45)不久以后Before long...46)他打算建造一个特别的巧克力工厂... he decided to build a proper chocolate factory.47)历史上最大的巧克力工厂The largest chocolate factory in history.48)比其它的要大五十倍Fifty times as big as any other.49)爷爷别说得这么夸张Grandpa, don't make it gross.50)告诉他印度王子的事吧他一定很想知道Tell him about the Indian prince. He'd like tohear about that.51)你说邦德切里王子?Y ou mean, Prince Pondicherry?52)嗯邦德切里写了一封信给旺卡先生Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr.Wonka...53)让他不远万里来到印度...and asked him to come all the way out to India...54)造一座巧克力王宫...and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.55)将要造一百个房间每个房间都只能用黑巧克力或白巧克力It will have rooms, andeverything will be made of either dark or light chocolate.56)正如他所说的所有的砖头都是巧克力做的True to his word, the bricks were chocolate...57)就连粘合剂也是巧克力做的... and the cement holding them together was chocolate.58)墙壁和天花板也是巧克力做的All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well.59)地毯、壁画、家具也都是巧克力做的So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture.60)简直太完美了It is perfect in every way.61)是啊但不会保持很久您最好现在就开始吃了Y eah, but it won't last long. Y ou better starteating right now.62)胡说我不会吃了我的王宫Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace.63)我打算住在这里I intend to live in it.64)当然旺卡先生的话不久便得到了证实But Mr. Wonka was right, of course.65)不久天气变得十分炎热Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun.66)王子发了封急电要求重新建造一座城堡The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting anew palace...67)但旺卡先生有了自己的困难... but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own.68)其它巧克力工厂都开始嫉妒旺卡先生All the other chocolate makers, you see, had grownjealous of Mr. Wonka.69)并开始让间谍去偷秘方They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes.70)菲克鲁伯开始卖一种永不融化的冰淇淋Fickelgruber started making an ice cream thatwould never melt.71)普鲁诺卖一种嚼不厌的口香糖Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost itsflavor.72)斯拉格伍德开始做一种能吹很大泡泡的泡泡糖Then Slugworth began making candyballoons...73)你能吹到难以置信的大... that you could blow up to incredible sizes.74)事情慢慢地变糟了The thievery got so bad...75)一天... that one day, without warning...76)旺卡先生毫无预警的告诉工人们工厂永远关闭了... Mr. Wonka told every single one ofhis workers to go home.77)他宣布会永远关闭他的巧克力工厂He announced that he was closing his chocolate factoryforever.78)我会永远关闭我的巧克力工厂I'm closing my chocolate factory forever.79)对不起I'm sorry.80)但他没永远关闭啊现在就开着But it didn't close forever. It's open right now.81)的确有时候大人说永远他们的意思只是很长而已Y es, well, sometimes when grownupssay "forever," they mean "a very long time."82)就像有时候我觉得我永远都在喝卷心菜汤Such as, "I feel like I've eaten nothing butcabbage soup forever."83)到此为止,老爸工厂是关闭了查理- Now, Pops. The factory did close, Charlie.84)看上去永久关闭了And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever.85)但突然有一天烟囱里开始冒烟Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys.86)工厂又开工了你回去工作了吗?- The factory was back in business. Did you get your jobback?87)没有No.88)没有人回去No one did.89)但总得有人干活啊But there must be people working there.90)动动脑筋吧你看到有什么人Think about it, Charlie. Have you ever seen a single person...91)从那工厂进去或出来吗?...going into that factory or coming out of it?92)没有门总是关着的No. The gates are always closed.93)的确如此Exactly.94)那谁来操作那些机器呢But then, who's running the machines?95)没有人知道啊查理这是一个不解之迷- Nobody knows, Charlie. It certainly is a mystery.96)有人问过旺卡先生吗?Hasn't someone asked Mr. Wonka?97)人们后来再也没见过他他也再没有出来过Nobody sees him anymore. He never comesout.98)只有包装好和附有寄送地址的糖果The only thing that comes out of that place is thecandy...99)从工厂里运出来...already packed and addressed.100)我愿意放弃我的一切只要能让我能再进去一次I'd give anything in the world just to go in one more time...101)看一看那神秘的工厂...and see what's become of that amazing factory.102)你不会进去的因为你没机会没有人可以Well, you won't, because you can't. No one can. 103)这是个迷一个永恒的迷It's a mystery, and it will always be a mystery.104)不过你的模型工厂却能看的一清二楚That little factory of yours, Charlie, is as close as any of us is ever going to get.105)查理让爷爷奶奶们睡吧Come on, Charlie. I think it's time we let your grandparents get some sleep.106)晚安乔治爷爷晚安查理- Good night, Grandpa George. Night, Charlie.107)晚安晚安椅子- Night-night. Chair.108)亲爱的谢谢你Thank you, dear.109)晚安乔爷爷Night, Grandpa Joe.110)晚安乔治奶奶Good night, Grandma Georgina.111)查理世界上没有不可能的事Nothing's impossible, Charlie.112)晚安晚安查理- Good night. Night, Charlie.113)好梦Sleep well.114)就在那个深夜不可能的事渐渐发生了Indeed, that very night, the impossible had already been set in motion.115)全世界亲爱的朋友们Dear people of the world...116)我威利·旺卡... I, Willy Wonka...117)决定今年让五个小孩来我的工厂参观... have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year.118)此外其中一个小孩将得到一份特别的礼物In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize...119)令人超乎想象... beyond anything you could ever imagine.120)五张金券将被藏在Five golden tickets have been hidden...121)五块普通的旺卡巧克力中...underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars.122)这些巧克力可能在世界上任意一个角落里The bars may be anywhere...123)任何商店任何大街上任何小镇任何城市...in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world.124)如果能有一块带金券的Wouldn't it be something, Charlie, to open a bar of candy...125)旺卡巧克力是多么好的一件事啊...and find a golden ticket inside?126)是啊但我每年只能在生日那天得到一块旺卡巧克力I know, but I only get one bar a year, for my birthday.127)不过生日就在下个星期Well, it's your birthday next week.128)你和别人一样有机会啊Y ou have as much chance as anybody does.129)胡说八道只有每天都买一块巧克力的人Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the golden tickets...130)才有可能发现金券...are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day.131)查理一年才一块不可能有机会的Our Charlie gets only one a year. He doesn't have a chance.132)人人都有机会查理Everyone has a chance, Charlie.133)记住我的话第一个找到金纸的人Mark my words, the kid who finds the first ticket... 134)一定胖的不得了...will be fat, fat, fat.135)奥古斯这边请Augustus. This way.136)当时我正在吃旺卡巧克力I am eating the Wonka bar...137)觉得里面有一样不像巧克力的东西...and I taste something that is not chocolate...138)椰肉?... or coconut...139)胡桃? 花生酱?...or walnut or peanut butter...140)奶油杏仁?... or nougat...141)黄油? 焦糖?...or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles.142)然后我看了看So I look...143)发现是张金券...and I find the golden ticket.144)奥古斯你打算怎么庆祝啊?Augustus, how did you celebrate?145)我要吃更多的糖果I eat more candy.146)我就知道他会发现的We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket.147)他每天都吃很多巧克力He eats so many candy bars a day...148)不可能他一张都找不到的...that it was not possible for him not to find one.149)是的好样的奥古斯Y es, it is good, Augustus.150)现在只剩四张金券了golden ticket claimed and four more...151)我就说嘛他会是只小肥猪Told you it'd be a porker.152)多招人厌的男孩啊What a repulsive boy.153)现在只剩四张金券了Only four golden tickets left.154)现在才一张事情会变得很疯狂的Now that they've found one, things will really get crazy. 155)各种形状、大小、颜色- of every shape, size and hue.156)维露卡能帮我们拼一下吗?V eruca. Can you spell that for us, please?157)V-E-R-U-C-A维露卡·索尔特V-E-R-U-C-A. V eruca Salt.158)自从我的小维露卡告诉我她要一张金券As soon as my little V eruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets...159)我开始不停地买旺卡巧克力...I started buying all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on. 160)成千上万的买Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands.161)我是做坚果生意的所以我跟我的工人们说:I'm in the nut business, you see. So I say to my workers:162)早上好女士们从现在开始你们不用去花生壳了Morning, ladies. From now on, you can stop shelling peanuts...163)你们改拆巧克力了...and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead.164)三天过去了我们还是不走运糟糕的是什么都没有Three days went by, and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible.165)维露卡越来越不开心了My veruca got more and more upset each day.166)我的金券呢?Where's my golden ticket?167)我要我的金券I want my golden ticket.168)各位先生我不愿意看到我的维露卡天天这样不开心Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that.169)我保证我会不停地拆直到我能给她想要的为止I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted.170)终于有一天我发现了And finally, I found her a ticket.171)爸爸我还要一匹小马Daddy, I want another pony.172)她比那小胖子还差劲She's even worse than the fat boy.173)我觉得这不公平她不是自己找到金券的I don't think that was really fair. She didn't find the ticket herself.174)别担心查理那个爸爸宠坏了她的女儿Don't worry about it, Charlie. That man spoils his daughter.175)那个爸爸这样宠自己的女儿不会有好结果的And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that.176)查理你妈妈和我想Charlie, Mum and I thought...177)今晚就给你生日礼物...maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight.178)给拿着Here you are.179)也许我该等到明天早上再拆Maybe I should wait till morning.180)地狱般的煎熬拆开吧- Like hell. Pop.181)我们几个加起来有岁了不能再等了All together, we're years old. We don't wait.182)查理如果没有金券也别太伤心Now, Charlie, you mustn't feel too disappointed...183)不管怎么说你至少还有...you know, if you don't get the...184)你至少还有巧克力Whatever happens, you'll still have the candy.185)唉Ah, well.186)结束了That's that.187)我们分了吧哦不- We'll share it. Oh, no, Charlie.188)不能分你的生日礼物Not your birthday present.189)是我的巧克力我愿意分给大家It's my candy bar, and I'll do what I want with it.190)亲爱的谢谢Thank you, darling.191)谢谢查理Thank you, Charlie.192)祝福你Bless you.193)看看谁又发现金券了All right, let's see who found it.194)第三张金券被维奥莉特·伯里格小姐发现了"The third ticket was found by Miss V iolet Beauregarde."195)这些是我的维奥莉特的个奖杯和奖牌的一部分These are just some of the trophies and medals my V iolet has won.196)我本来是吃口香糖的听说那金券的事后I'm a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things...197)我就改吃巧克力了...I laid off the gum, switched to candy bars.198)她是个有活力的少女我也不知道她哪来那么多精力She's just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it.199)我是个嚼口香糖冠军I'm the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer.200)现在嘴里的这块口香糖This piece of gum I'm chewing right now...201)我已经嚼了足足三个月那可是个纪录...I've been working on for three months solid.That's a record.202)我也有我自己的奖杯瞧像警棍Of course, I did have my share of trophies, mostly baton. 203)听说有个小孩能得到比其他人都好的神秘礼物So it says that one kid's gonna get this special prize, better than all the rest.204)我不管其它四个是什么人但只可能给我I don't care who those other four are. That kid, it's gonna be me.205)告诉他们为什么维奥莉特Tell them why, V iolet.206)因为我天生赢家Because I'm a winner.207)多狂小女孩啊What a beastly girl.208)真卑鄙Despicable.209)你连我们在说什么都不知道Y ou don't know what we're talking about.210)蜻蜓么?Dragonflies?211)等等找到了But wait, this is just in.212)第四张金券被一个叫麦克·提文的男孩发现了The fourth golden ticket has been found bya boy called Mike Teavee.213)你所能做的就是时刻追踪印刷出的生产日期All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates...214)以及东京证券交易所指数所派生出的...offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei Index.215)智障都可计算出来A retarded could figure it out.216)大多数时候我也不知道他在说什么Most of the time I don't know what he's talking about. 217)现在的孩子都有高科技陪伴Y ou know, kids these days, what with all the technology... 218)杀! 杀! 杀!Die! Die! Die!219)看上去还能玩很久Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long.220)实际上我只买了一块巧克力In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar.221)好吃吗? 我不知道- And how did it taste? I don't know.222)我讨厌巧克力I hate chocolate.223)那你他泽还去什么巧克力工厂!你这不知感恩的小...Well, it's a good thing you're going toa chocolate factory, you ungrateful little...224)接下来的问题是谁将得到最后一张金券?That question is, who will be the winner of the last gold...?225)爸爸? 什么事查理?- Dad? Y es, Charlie?226)为什么你不工作啊?Why aren't you at work?227)嗯牙膏厂给我一些时间休息Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought they'd give me a bit of time off.228)就像是放暑假一样?Like summer vacation?229)当然和那差不多Sure. Something like that.230)事实上根本不是假期In fact, it wasn't like a vacation at all.231)糖果的热卖导致了蛀牙生长The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities... 232)也就促进了牙膏的销量... which led to a rise in toothpaste sales.233)有了足够的资金工厂开始现代化的改造With the extra money, the factory had decided to modernize...234)巴克特被解雇了... eliminating Mr. Bucket's job.235)日子真是越来越糟了We were barely making ends meet as it was.236)你会找到工作的Y ou'll find another job.237)直到那时候我都会好好撑下去的Until then, I'll just... Well, I'll just thin down the soup a little more.238)别担心巴特先生风水会轮流转的Don't worry, Mr. Bucket, our luck will change.239)我知道I know it.240)查理Charlie.241)我的私房钱My secret hoard.242)我们再赌一次吧Y ou and I are going to have one more fling...243)找到最后一张金券...at finding that last ticket.244)你确定要把钱赌在那上面吗?Y ou sure you want to spend your money on that?245)当然给Of course I'm sure. Here.246)到最近的店Run down to the nearest store...247)最先看到哪块旺卡巧克力就买哪块...and buy the first Wonka candy bar you see.248)马上回来我们一起拆开看看Bring it straight back, and we'll open it together.249)真乖的孩子啊Such a good boy, really.250)真乖Such a good...251)爷爷?Grandpa?252)你睡着了? 买来了?- Y ou fell asleep. Have you got it?253)先拆哪一头?Which end should we open first?254)快点就好就像撕创可帖一样Just do it quick, like a Band-Aid.255)你听说一个俄罗斯的小孩发现了最后一张金券吗?Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket?256)是啊今天的早报上说的Y es, it was in the paper this morning.257)好孩子过来乔治Good boy. Come on, George. Good boy.258)一块旺卡巧克力谢谢One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight, please. 259)好的给你Okay. Here you go.260)俄国的金奖券是假的还剩一张金奖券261)它让人紧张啊The nerve of some people.262)嗯就知道金券唉....I know. Forging a ticket. Come on.263)是金券It's a golden ticket.264)你发现了最后一张旺卡金券Y ou found Wonka's last golden ticket.265)就在我的店里!In my shop too!266)我给你美元和一辆新自行车换你的金券Listen. I'll buy it from you. I'll give you $ and a new bicycle.267)你疯了吧我给他美元换那张金券Are you crazy? I'd give him $ for that ticket.268)你想要用金券换美元吗年轻人?Y ou wanna sell me your ticket for $, young man?269)闹够了没? 放了这孩子That's enough of that. Leave the kid alone.270)听着金券谁也不要给直接回家懂吗?Listen. Don't let anyone have it. Take it straight home, you understand?271)谢谢Thank you.272)妈妈! 爸爸!Mom! Dad!273)我找到了!I found it!274)最后一张金券是我的了The last golden ticket! It's mine!275)给Here.276)大声念出来听听上面写了什么Read it aloud. Let's hear exactly what it says.277)幸运的朋友你发现了威利·旺卡的金券"Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka.278)热情的欢迎您来到现在我正式邀请你参观我的的工厂I shake you warmly by the hand.For now, I do invite you to come to my factory...279)成为我一整天的贵宾...and be my guest for one whole day."280)我威利·旺卡会亲自带您"I, Willy Wonka, will conduct you around the factory myself... 281)看看这里的一切...showing you everything there is to see."282)接着当你离开的时候"Afterwards, when it is time to leave...283)会有一列货车护送你回家...you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks... 284)每一辆车都会装着满满的巧克力...each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat."285)记住有一个小孩能得到一份意外的惊喜"And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize...286)超乎你的想象...beyond your wildest imagination.287)下面是说明Now, here are your instructions."288)月日早点你们必须在工厂门前集合"On the st of February, you must come to the factory gates at a.m. Sharp.289)可以由一个大人陪伴Y ou're allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you. 290)那时威利·旺卡Until then, Willy Wonka."291)月日The st of February.292)那不就是明天吗? 那抓紧啊- But that's tomorrow. Then there's not a moment to lose. 293)查理快去洗脸刷牙梳头Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose.294)脱掉你的泥裤子我们必须先冷静下来- And get that mud off your pants. Now we must all try and keep very calm.295)首先我们得决定谁和查理一起去First thing that we have to decide is this: Who is going with Charlie to the factory?296)我去我会照顾他你把他交给我吧I will. I'll take him. Y ou leave it to me.297)亲爱的你去怎么样? 你觉得你该去吗?How about you, dear? Don't you think you ought to go?298)乔爷爷似乎知道的更多Well, Grandpa Joe seems to know more about it than we do, and... 299)而且看上去身体也很好Provided, of course, he feels well enough.300)不我们不能去No. We're not going.301)一位女士愿意出美元买那张金券A woman offered me $ for the ticket.302)一定会有人愿意出更多的钱的I bet someone else would pay more.303)我们更需要钱而不是巧克力We need the money more than we need the chocolate. 304)孩子过来Y oung man, come here.305)世界上有那么多的钱There's plenty of money out there.306)他们天天在印They print more every day.307)但这金券But this ticket...308)世界上也只有五张...there's only five of them in the whole world...309)不会再有了...and that's all there's ever going to be.310)只有笨蛋才会用这个换钱Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money.311)你是笨蛋吗?Are you a dummy?312)不先生No, sir.313)那就准备准备吧去工厂了Then get that mud off your pants. Y ou've got a factory to go to. 314)爸爸我要进去Daddy, I want to go in.315)才点分呢宝贝It's :, sweetheart.316)让时间走快点!Make time go faster.317)你觉得旺卡先生认得出你吗?Do you think Mr. Wonka will recognize you?318)难说已经很多年了Hard to say. It's been years.319)维奥莉特紧盯着奖品啊!Eyes on the prize, V iolet.320)紧盯着奖品啊Eyes on the prize.321)欢迎请进Please enter.322)请向前走Come forward.323)关门Close the gates.324)亲爱的游客Dear visitors...325)欢迎来我旺卡工厂... it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory.326)我是谁?And who am I?327)嗯...Well...328)威利·旺卡威利·旺卡Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka329)一个伟大的巧克力匠The amazing chocolatier330)威利·旺卡威利·旺卡Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka331)人人都鼓掌吧万岁!Everybody give a cheer! Hooray!332)他谦虚聪明又潇洒He's modest, clever and so smart333)并且才华横溢He barely can restrain it334)他那么慷慨With so much generosity335)没人能限制他There is no way to contain it!336)限制他限制他! 限制他! 限制他!To contain it To contain, to contain, to contain!337)万岁!Hooray!338)威利·旺卡威利·旺卡Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka339)你们马上就要看到他He's the one that you're about to meet340)威利·旺卡威利·旺卡Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka341)他是个不可打败的天才He's the genius who just can't be beat342)魔术师和巧克力匠The magician and the chocolate wiz343)他过着简朴的生活The best darn guy who ever lived344)威利·旺卡他就在这儿!Willy Wonka, here he is!345)奇妙的巧克力啊The amazing chocolatier346)这不壮观吗?Wasn't that just magnificent?347)我还以为中间就会撑不下去了没想到撑到了最后I was worried it was getting a little dodgy in the middle part, but then that finale...348)你是谁?Who are you?349)他是威利·旺卡真的?- He's Willy Wonka. Really?350)早上好晨星们"Good morning, starshine.351)地球在向你们问好呢The Earth says hello."352)游客们你们好"Dear guests, greetings.353)欢迎来到工厂我热情的和你们握手Welcome to the factory. I shake you warmly by the hand.354)我叫威利·旺卡My name is Willy Wonka."355)那你不应该在那儿吗? (指舞台上)Then shouldn't you be up there?356)那我就不能很好的看表演了对吧?I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could I, little girl?357)旺卡先生我不知道你还记得我吗Mr. Wonka, I don't know if you'll remember me... 358)我以前在你的工厂工作过...but I used to work here in the factory.359)那你是那个可恶的间谍吗?Were you one of those despicable spies who tried to steal... 360)偷走我辛苦的工作成果卖给那些卑鄙的寄生虫工厂...my life's work and sell it to parasitic, copycat, candy-making cads?361)不是的No, sir.362)很好那欢迎回来Then wonderful. Welcome back.363)走吧孩子们Let's get a move on, kids.364)你难道不想知道我们的名字吗?Don't you want to know our names?365)不知道那有什么关系快不然要错过了Can't imagine how it would matter. Come quickly.Far too much to see.366)把衣服脱了吧Just drop your coats anywhere.367)旺卡先生真热啊什么?- Mr. Wonka? Sure is toasty in here. What?368)哦我必需保持温度因为我的工人习惯在炎热的天气下工作I have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate.369)他们受不了冷They just can't stand the cold.370)那谁是工人?Who are the workers?371)问的真是时候All in good time. Now...372)旺卡先生我是维奥里特·伯里格Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde.373)我不在乎你应该在乎- I don't care. Well, you should care.374)因为那个拿特别奖的就是我Because I'm gonna win the special prize at the end.375)你很自信啊自信是关键Well, you do seem confident, and confidence is key.376)我是维露卡·索尔特很高兴见到你I'm V eruca Salt. It's very nice to meet you, sir.377)我一直以为维露卡是一种I always thought a verruca was a type of wart...378)长在脚上的疣...you got on the bottom of your foot.379)我是奥古斯特我喜欢你做的巧克力I am Augustus Gloop. I love your chocolate.380)看的出来我也喜欢I can see that. So do I.381)从来没想到我们有那么多共同点啊I never expected to have so much in common.382)你麦克·提文Y ou. Y ou're Mike Teavee.383)那个破解系统的小魔鬼Y ou're the little devil who cracked the system.384)而你你只是个幸运儿对吗?And you. Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you? 385)其他人就是他们的....And the rest of you must be their...386)家长是的- Parents. Y eah.387)妈妈和爸爸Moms and dads.388)爸爸?Dad?389)爸爸?Papa?390)好了我们走吧Okay, then. Let's move along.391)是我的错觉还是旺卡看上去有些神经质ls it just me or does Wonka seem a few quarters short of a buck?392)抱歉不予评论l'm sorry, l don't speak American.393)你要些巧克力吗? 好的- Would you like some chocolate? Sure.394)那你应该自己带一些来Then you should've brought some.395)我们做个朋友吧最好的朋友- Let's be friends. Best friends.396)这是一个很重要的车间An important room, this.397)毕竟这是座巧克力工厂那为什么门这么小- After all, it is a chocolate factory. Then why is the door so small?398)可以让巧克力的味道留在里面啊That's to keep all the great big chocolatey flavor inside. 399)听着孩子们别走丢了Now, do be careful, my dear children.400)别失去理智Don't lose your heads.401)也不要过度太兴奋了Don't get overexcited.402)保持冷静Just keep very calm.403)太美了It's beautiful.404)什么?What?405)哦是很美Oh, yeah, it's very beautiful.406)河里的每一滴都是Every drop of the river...407)最上乘的热巧克力...is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality.408)瀑布是最重要的The waterfall is most important.409)能不停地搅拌巧克力Mixes the chocolate.410)把它变的清口、松脆Churns it up. Makes it light and frothy.411)顺便说一下By the way...412)世界上还没有一个工厂用瀑布来搅拌巧克力亲爱的孩子们...no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear children.413)这可是千真万确的And you can take that to the bank.414)注意People.415)这些吸管Those pipes...416)会把巧克力吸上来并带到工厂的各个角落...suck up the chocolate and carry it away all over the factory.417)一小时有几千加仑Thousands of gallons an hour. Y eah.418)喜欢我的草地吗? 尝尝我的草吧And do you like my meadow? Try some of my grass. 419)割点吧非常新鲜非常漂亮Please have a blade. Please do. It's so delectable and so darn good-Iooking.420)这草真的能吃?Y ou can eat the grass?421)当然Of course you can.422)这房间的每样东西都能吃Everything in this room is eatable.423)我也是可以吃的Even I'm eatable.424)不过那是食人族孩子们But that is called cannibalism, my dear children...425)是大多数社会都坚决反对的...and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies.426)嗯Y eah.427)尽情玩吧Enjoy.428)继续走吧快点Go on. Scoot, scoot.429)儿子Son.430)别这样Please.431)爸爸他说过尽情玩吧Dad, he said, "Enjoy."432)为什么不把它扔了换一块新的口香糖Why hold on to it? Why not start a new piece? 433)因为那样我就不是赢家会成为失败者、像你一样Because then I wouldn't be a champion.I'd be a loser, like you.434)爸爸看那儿Daddy, look over there.435)是什么?What is it?436)是个小人It's a little person.437)那边瀑布旁Over there, by the waterfall.438)有两个不止两个- There's two of them. There's more than two.439)他们从哪里来啊? 是什么人啊?- Where do they come from? Who are they?440)他们是真的人吗?Are they real people?441)当然是真的人了他们是欧伦比人Of course they're real people. They're Oompa-Loompas. 442)欧伦比人? 进口的直接从伦比兰进口的- Oompa-Loompas? Imported, direct from Loompaland.443)世界上没有这样一个地方什么?- There's no such place. What?。


[05:47.62]It's a stick of the most amazing and sensational gum in the whole universe.
[05:51.79]Know why? Know why?
[04:40.02]Can you dig what I'm laying down? I knew you could.
[04:42.29]Slide me some skin, soul brother.
[04:48.12]Unfortunately, the mixture isn't right yet.
[04:24.63]And a mustache. And a beard.
[04:27.00]-Who wants a beard? -Well...
[04:29.71]...beatniks, for one. Folk singers and motorbike riders.
[01:49.51]That doesn't make sense.
[01:51.88]For your information, little girl...
[01:53.72]...whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips.



查理和巧克力工厂人物介绍英文版《Charlie and the Chocolate Factory》Character IntroductionIn the enchanting world of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory," an extraordinary journey unfolds for young Charlie Bucket, who wins a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's magical chocolate factory. This captivating story by Roald Dahl is filled with memorable characters who bring the story to life. Let’s meet some of them!1. Charlie Bucket: The humble, kind-hearted protagonist of the story, Charlie is a young boy living in poverty. He is curious, honest, and grateful for the little he has. Charlie's pure-hearted nature makes him the ideal candidate for the adventure that awaits him.2. Willy Wonka: The eccentric and reclusive owner of the chocolate factory, Willy Wonka is known as the greatest chocolatier in the world. With his top hat, flamboyant attire, and mischievous smile, Wonka leads the children on a whimsical tour of his factory. He is mysterious, unpredictable, and full of surprises.3. Grandpa Joe: Charlie's lovable grandfather, who has been bedridden for many years due to poverty, springs back to life when Charlie wins the golden ticket. Grandpa Joe becomes Charlie's companion and guide through the factory. He is kind-hearted, supportive, and full of youthful spirit.4. Augustus Gloop: The gluttonous boy who represents greed, Augustus is the first child to find a golden ticket. He is constantly eating and has a great passion for all things chocolate. Augustus's obsession with food often gets him into trouble during the factory tour.5. Veruca Salt: The spoiled and entitled daughter of a wealthy businessman, Veruca demands to have everything she desires. She represents greed and materialism. Veruca's incessant tantrums and demands make her a challenging visitor for Willy Wonka.6. Violet Beauregarde: A competitive and energetic girl, Violet is constantly chewing gum. She is obsessed with being the best and is proud of her record-breaking gum chewing abilities. Violet's impulsive actions lead to an unexpected transformation during her factory visit.7. Mike Teavee: A technology-obsessed boy, Mike is addicted to television and video games. He represents the negative effects of excessive screen time. Mike's obsession with electronics causes havoc during his time in the factory.These characters, among many others, make "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" an enchanting tale filled with imagination, lessons, and delightful surprises. As the story unfolds, each character’s unique traits and flaws are revealed, adding depth and richness to the narrative. Dahl's vivid portrayal of his characters allows readers to immerse themselves in the magical world of the chocolate factory and experience a truly unforgettable adventure.。


[03:00.01]- Got it? - Oh, gosh.
[03:02.58]It's him.
[03:04.58]Hey, Hal!
[03:07.25]Welcome home, kiddo.
[03:51.50]- A lot's been happening around here. - A lot's happened to me too, Dad. I mean, I feel like I'm practically a new woman.
[03:43.69]I mean, how's Chessy and everybody?
[03:45.92]Great. Everybody's great. Can't wait to see you.
[03:49.46]Eight weeks really is too long, Hal.
[02:01.29]Mother, you can't avoid the subject forever.
[02:03.29]At least tell me what he was like.
[02:05.29]Okay. He was quite lovely, to tell you the truth.



查理与巧克力工厂英语原版English: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" is a children's novel written by Roald Dahl. It tells the story of a poor boy named Charlie Bucket who wins a golden ticket to visit the mysterious chocolate factory run by the eccentric Willy Wonka. As Charlie and four other children tour the factory, they encounter Wonka's fantastical inventions, such as the Everlasting Gobstopper and the edible wallpaper. Each child faces consequences for their bad behavior, while Charlie proves himself to be kind and honest. In the end, Charlie is rewarded with ownership of the factory, while Wonka finds a worthy successor in him. The novel's themes of greed, generosity, and the importance of family resonate with readers of all ages.中文翻译: 《查理与巧克力工厂》是罗尔德·达尔写的一本儿童小说。


查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 中英文剧本

查理和巧克力工厂 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory 中英文剧本

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory查理和巧克力工厂中英文剧本This is a story of an ordinary little boy.这是一个平凡小男孩的故事d Charlie Bucket.他名叫查理巴格特He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children.他不会比别的小孩跑得快也没有比较强壮或比较聪明His family was not rich or powerful or well -connected.他家不富有、没背景也不是什么皇亲国戚In fact, they barely had enough to eat. 其实,他们三餐不继Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world . 查理巴格特是全世界最幸运的小男孩He just didn't know it yet. 只是他还不知道而已- Evening, Buckets.- Evening. -巴格特一家人好啊-你好Hi, Dad. 爸爸Soup's almost ready, darling. 汤快煮好了,老公Don't suppose there's anything extra to put in, love. 应该没得加菜吧?Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage. 算了甘蓝菜配甘蓝菜最对味了Charlie... 查理...I found something I think you'll like. 我找到一样东西你应该会喜欢Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory.查理的父亲在当地牙膏工厂上班The hours were long ,and the pay was terrible... 工作时间很长薪水却少得可怜...yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises. 但偶尔会有意外的惊喜It's exactly what I need. 这正是我需要的What is it, Charlie? 那是什么,查理?Dad found it, just the piece I needed. 爸爸找到了,正好是我需要的- What piece was it?- A head for Willy Wonka. -是什么啊?-威利旺卡的头Well, how wonderful. 太好了It's quite a likeness. 做得很像耶- You think so?- Think so? -真的吗?-当然I know so. 我一看就知道了I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes. 我亲眼看过威利旺卡本人- I used to work for him, you know.- You did? -我以前在他的工厂上班-真的吗?- I did.- He did. -真的-真的He did. 真的I love grapes. 我喜欢葡萄Of course, I was a much younger man in those days.当然啰当时的我比现在年轻很多啦Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street.威利旺卡原本在樱桃街上开了一家小店(二十年前)But the whole world wanted his candy. 但全世界的人都想吃他的糖果- Mr. Wonka. - Yeah? -旺卡先生!-什么事?We need more Wonka bars.. and we're out of chocolate birds..旺卡巧克力糖不够卖了, 巧克力鸟也没了... - Birds? - -鸟?Birds. 鸟Well, then we'll need to make some more. Here. 好吧,那就多做一点来Now open. 嘴巴张开The man was a genius. 那个人是天才Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream...你知不知道他发明了一个新方法做出来的巧克力冰淇淋...so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer? 可以好几个小时不融化根本不必放冰箱?You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it won't go runny.甚至可以放在大热天的太阳底下完全不会融化- But that's impossible.- But Willy Wonka did it. -不可能啦-但威利旺卡做到了Before long... 过不了多久(十五年前)...he decided to build a proper chocolate factory. 他决定建一座像样的巧克力工厂The largest chocolate factory in history. 有史以来最大的巧克力工厂Fifty times as big as any other. 是别的工厂的五十倍大Grandpa, don't make it gross. 爷爷,别讲得那么恶啦Tell him about the Indian prince. He'd like to hear about that. 跟他说那个印度王子的事他一定会喜欢的You mean, Prince Pondicherry? 你是说本地治里王子吗?Well, Prince Pondicherry wrote a letter to Mr. Wonka.. .and asked him to come all the way out to India.. and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate...本地治里王子写了一封信给旺卡先生,请他大老远赶到印度,建造一座巨大无比的宫殿全部都用巧克力做成的(新德里,印度)It will have 100 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate. 里面要有一百个房间,全是巧克力做的不管是黑巧克力或牛奶巧克力True to his word,the bricks were chocolate... 他向来是说到做到砖块是巧克力...and the cement holding them together was chocolate. 混凝土接合剂也是巧克力All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well. 所有墙壁和天花板都是巧克力So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture. 地毯、墙上的划和家俱也是It is perfect in every way. 就各方面而言都太完美了Yeah, but it won't last long. You better start eating right now.对,但持续不了多久你最好马上开始吃Oh, nonsense. I will not eat my palace. 胡说八道,我才不吃我的宫殿I intend to live in it. 我要住在里面But Mr. Wonka was right, of course. 当然是被旺卡先生说中了Soon after this, there camea very hot day with a boiling sun.在建好之后没多久有一天烈日当空,热得要命The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace...王子发了紧急电报要求重建一座宫殿...but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own. 但威利旺卡自己也遇到麻烦All the other chocolate makers, you see ,had grown jealous of Mr. Wonka.其他的巧克力制造商对威利旺卡愈来愈眼红They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes.他们开始派间谍进工厂窃取他的秘密配方(秘密配方)Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt.菲克尔格鲁伯开始制造永远不会融化的冰淇淋Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor.普罗德诺斯生产了味道永远不会变淡的口香糖Then Slugworth began making candy balloons... 斯洛格华思也开始做...that you could blow upto incredible sizes. 可以吹得好大好大的糖果气球The thievery got so bad... 间谍窃取资料的事件频传...that one day, without warning... 有一天在毫无预警的情况下...Mr. Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home. 旺卡先生请所有工人回家He announced that he was closing his chocolate factory forever. 他宣布要永远关闭巧克力工厂I'm closing my chocolate factory forever. 我要永远关闭巧克力工厂了I'm sorry. 对不起But it didn't close forever. It's open right now. 可是没有永远关闭现在又开工了啊Yes, well, sometimes when grownups say "forever," they mean "a very long time."对啦,有时候大人说的永远只是指很长的一段时间Such as, "I feel like I've eaten nothing but cabbage soup forever."比如我好像永远都在吃甘蓝菜汤- Now, Pops.- The factory did close, Charlie. -岳父,别闹了-工厂确实关闭了,查理And it seemed like it was going to be closed forever. 大家都以为真的会永远关闭Then one day we saw smoke rising from the chimneys.结果有一天我们看到烟囱又冒出烟来了- The factory was back in business.- Did you get your job back?-工厂又恢复运作了-你又回去上班了吗?No. 没有No one did. 谁也没有回去上班But there must be people working there. 可是一定有人在里面工作Think about it, Charlie. Have you ever seen a single person.. going into that factory or coming out of it?查理,你回想一下你有没有看过任何人进入工厂或从工厂出来?No. The gates are always closed. 没有,一直是大门深锁Exactly. 那就对了But then, who's running the machines? 到底是谁在操作机器呢?- Nobody knows, Charlie.- It certainly is a mystery. -没人知道-这是一个谜Hasn't someone asked Mr. Wonka? 没人问过旺卡先生吗?Nobody sees him anymore.He never comes out. 谁也没再见过他了他没再出来过The only thing that comes out of that place is the candy. already packed and addressed...唯一从工厂出来的就只有糖果,都已经包装封箱分配好了I'd give anything in the world just to go in one more time and see what's become of that amazing factory....我愿不惜任何代价再进工厂一次,看看那间不可思议的工厂现在变成怎样了Well, you won't, because you can't.No one can. 不可能的,因为你进不去谁也进不去It's a mystery,and it will always be a mystery. 这是一个谜永远都是一个谜That little factory of yours, Charlie,is as close as any of us is ever going to get.你那个模型小工厂是我们唯一能靠近的工厂Come on, Charlie. I think it's time we let your grandparents get some sleep.走吧,查理老人家们该睡觉了- Good night, Grandpa George.- Night, Charlie. -乔治公公晚安-查理晚安- Night-night.- Chair. -晚安-椅子Thank you, dear. 谢谢你,亲爱的Night, Grandpa Joe. 约瑟夫爷爷晚安Good night, Grandma Georgina. 乔治娜婆婆晚安Nothing's impossible, Charlie. 世上没有不可能的事,查理- Good night.- Night, Charlie. -晚安-查理晚安Sleep well. 亲爱的,祝你好梦Indeed, that very night, the impossible had already been set in motion. 其实在那天晚上不可能的事已经开始发生了Dear people of the world... 亲爱的世人...I, Willy Wonka... 我,威利旺卡...have decided to allow five children to visit my factory this year.决定让五个小朋友参观我的工厂In addition, one of these children shall receive a special prize...此外,其中一个小朋友还可以赢得大奖...beyond anything you could ever imagine. 超乎任何人想像的大奖Five golden tickets have been hidden... 有五张金奖券...underneath the ordinary wrapping paper of five ordinary Wonka bars. 藏在五块普通装旺卡巧克力不起眼的包装纸里The bars may be anywhere.. 这五块巧克力可能在任何地方(东京,日本)...in any shop, in any street, in any town, in any country in the world.在任何一个国家的任何城市任何街道的任何一家商店里(马拉喀什,摩洛哥)(纽约市)Wouldn't it be something, Charlie ,to open a bar of candy...查理,很令人兴奋吧拆开巧克力糖的包装纸...and find a golden ticket inside?发现里面有张金奖券I know, but I only get one bar a year, for my birthday.我知道,但我一年只有一块巧克力糖当我的生日礼物Well, it's your birthday next week. 你生日下礼拜就到了啊You have as much chance as anybody does.你和任何人的机会一样多Balderdash. The kids who are going to find the golden tickets...胡说八道找得到金奖券的小孩...are the ones who can afford to buy candy bars every day. 一定是每天都买巧克力来吃的小孩Our Charlie gets only one a year.He doesn't have a chance.咱们查理一年只有一块他不可能找到的啦Everyone has a chance, Charlie. 查理,每个人都有机会Mark my words,the kid who finds the first ticket will be fat, fat, fat.听我的准没错找到第一张金奖券的小孩一定是个超级大胖子Augustus. This way. 奥古塔斯,看这边(杜塞道夫,德国)I am eating the Wonka bar...我在吃旺卡巧克力的时候...and I taste something that is not chocolate.. .突然吃到不是巧克力的东西...or coconut...也不是椰子...or walnut or peanut butter... 也不是胡桃或花生酱...or nougat... 也不是牛轧糖...or butter brittle or caramel or sprinkles. 也不是脆果糖或焦糖也不是巧克力糖霜So I look... 于是我看了一眼...and I find the golden ticket. 就发现金奖券了Augustus, how did you celebrate? 奥古塔斯,你怎么庆祝的?I eat more candy. 我又吃更多的糖果We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket. 我们早就知道奥古塔斯会找到金奖券He eats so many candy bars a day... 他每天都吃好多糖果...that it was not possible for him not to find one. 不可能连一张金奖券都找不到Yes, it is good, Augustus. 好不好吃,奥古塔斯?- Golden ticket claimed and four more...出现第一张金奖券,还剩下四张Told you it'd be a porker. 我就说是个大胖子嘛What a repulsive boy. 真讨人厌的小孩Only four golden tickets left. 只剩下四张金奖券了Now that they've found one,things will really get crazy. 既然有人找到一张大家一定会愈来愈疯狂- Of every shape, size and hue. 每种形状,大小,及色彩(英国白金汉郡)Veruca. Can you spell that for us, please? 维露卡?麻烦你拼一下V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt. 维—露—卡维露卡索尔特As soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets...我的小维露卡一说她想要金奖券...I started buying all the Wonka barsI could lay my hands on.我就把买得到的旺卡巧克力全都买下来Thousands of them.Hundreds of thousands. 成千上万块,数以百计I'm in the nut business, you see.So I say to my workers: 我是从事坚果业所以我就告诉工人们Morning, ladies. From now on,you can stop shelling peanuts...各位女士早安,从现在起暂停剥花生壳...and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead.改拆这些巧克力的包装纸Three days went by, and we had no luck.Oh, it was terrible. 过了三天,还是没找到真是太糟糕了My veruca got more and more upset each day. 我的小维露卡一天比一天生气Where's my golden ticket? 我的金奖券呢?I want my golden ticket. 我要我的金奖券Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that.各位,我最讨厌看到我的宝贝女儿不开心I vowed I would keep searching until I could give her what she wanted.我发誓不找到金奖券绝不罢休And finally, I found her a ticket. 结果终于让我找到了一张(索尔特坚果公司)Daddy, I want another pony. 爸爸,我还要一匹小马She's even worse than the fat boy.她比那个胖小子更讨人厌I don't think that was really fair. She didn't find the ticket herself.我觉得不太公平她不是自己发现金奖券的Don't worry about it, Charlie.That man spoils his daughter.别担心,查理那个人把女儿宠坏了And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that.像那样宠坏小孩是不会有好下场的Charlie, Mum and I thought...查理我和你妈希望你...maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight. 今晚就拆生日礼物Here you are. 拿去吧(一流开心牛奶巧克力软糖)Maybe I should wait till morning. 我等明天早上再拆好了- Like hell.- Pop. -门儿都没有-岳父!All together, we're 381 years old.We don't wait. 我们加起来381岁了别想叫我们等Now, Charlie,you mustn't feel too disappointed...查理,就算没找到...you know, if you don't get the... 也不要觉得失望Whatever happens,you'll still have the candy. 无论如何,你还有巧克力吃Ah, well. 好了That's that. 没戏唱了- We'll share it.- Oh, no, Charlie. -我们分着吃吧-不行Not your birthday present. 这是你的生日礼物It's my candy bar,and I'll do what I want with it. 这是我的巧克力我想给谁吃就给谁吃Thank you, darling. 谢谢你Thank you, Charlie. 谢谢你Bless you. 愿神佑你All right, let's see who found it. 好,看看是谁找到的"The third ticket was found by Miss Violet Beauregarde." 第三张金奖券的得主是紫罗兰博雷加德小姐(乔治亚州,亚特兰大市)These are just some of the 263trophies and medals my Violet has won.这些只是我的紫罗兰赢得的263座奖杯的一部分I'm a gum chewer mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things... 我平常喜欢嚼口香糖但我一听到金奖券的事...I laid off the gum,switched to candy bars. 就暂时不买口香糖,改买巧克力She's just a driven young woman.I don't know where she gets it. 她是个冲劲十足的小女孩不知道是遗传谁的I'm the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer. 我是嚼口香糖的世界冠军This piece of gum I'm chewing right now... 我嘴里嚼的这片口香糖...l've been working on for three months solid. That's a record. 已经整整嚼了三个月刷新了世界纪录Of course, I did have my share of trophies, mostly baton. 当然啰,我也有不少战利品多半是甩指挥棒得来的So it says that one kid's gonna get his special prize, better than all the rest.上面写着有个小朋友能得到大奖别的小朋友都得不到I don't care who those other four are.That kid, it's gonna be me.我才不管其他四个人是谁得大奖的小孩一定是我Tell them why, Violet. 告诉他们为什么,紫罗兰Because I'm a winner. 因为我是天生赢家What a beastly girl. 真讨人厌的女孩Despicable. 卑鄙下流You don't know what we're talking about. 你知不知道我们在说啥?Dragonflies? 蜻蜓吗?But wait, this is just in. 等一下,有最新消息The fourth golden ticket has been found by a boy called Mike Teavee.第四张金奖券找到了是一名叫麦克蒂维的男孩(科罗拉多州,丹佛市)All you had to do was track the manufacturing dates... 只要从制造日期来推算就好了...offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei Index. 再加上天气的影响还有日经指数的导数值A retard could figure it out. 就连智障都算得出来Most of the time I don't know what he's talking about. 我经常听不懂他在讲什么You know, kids these days,what with all the technology... 这年头的小孩知道太多高科技了Die! Die! Die! 去死!去死!Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long.他们的童年应该不会太长In the end,I only had to buy one candy bar. 我只要买一块巧克力就够了- And how did it taste?- I don't know. -好不好吃?-不知道I hate chocolate. 我讨厌巧克力Well, it's a good thing you're going toa chocolate factory, you ungrateful little...那你干嘛要去巧克力工厂啊?你这个忘恩负义的That question is,who will be the winner of the last gold?问题是谁会找到最后一张金奖- Dad?- Yes, Charlie? -爸爸?-什么事?Why aren't you at work? 你怎么没去上班?Oh, well, the toothpaste factory thought they'd give me a bit of time off.牙膏工厂希望我能休息一阵子Like summer vacation? 像暑假一样?Sure. Something like that. 对,就是那样In fact, it wasn't like a vacation at all. 其实他根本不是放什么假The upswing in candy sales had led to a rise in cavities...糖果卖得好结果蛀牙的人就变多了...which led to a rise in toothpaste sales. 牙膏的销售量也随之提升With the extra money, the factory had decided to modernize... 工厂赚了大钱就决定要现代化...eliminating Mr. Bucket's job. 结果巴格特先生失业了We were barely making ends meet as it was.我们原本就已经三餐不继You'll find another job. 你会找到新工作的Until then, I'll just... Well, I'll just thin down the soup a little more. 在此之前我就我就把汤稀释一点Don't worry, Mr. Bucket,our luck will change. 放心吧,巴格特先生我们会转运的I know it. 我有信心Charlie. 查理!My secret hoard. 我的私房钱You and I are going to have one more fling... 咱们爷俩再试一次手气,看看...at finding that last ticket. 能不能找到最后一张金奖券You sure you want to spend your money on that? 你确定要把钱花在这上面?Of course I'm sure. Here. 我当然确定啰拿去吧Run down to the nearest store... 跑去最近的商店...and buy the first Wonka candy bar you see. 看到第一块旺卡巧克力就买下来Bring it straight back, and we'll open it together. 直接拿回家我们一起拆包装纸Such a good boy, really. 真是个乖孩子Such a good... 真是个乖孩子Grandpa? 爷爷?- You fell asleep.- Have you got it? -你睡着了-你买到了吗?Which end should we open first? 要从哪一端开始拆?Just do it quick, like a Band-Aid. 速战速决,像撕OK绷一样Did you see that some kid in Russia found the last golden ticket?你知不知道有个俄国小孩找到最后一张金奖券了?Yes, it was in the paper this morning. 对,今天的早报有登Good boy. Come on, George. Good boy. 乖狗狗来吧,乔治,乖狗狗One Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudge mallow Delight, please.请给我一条旺卡的一流开心牛奶巧克力软糖Okay. Here you go. 好的,拿去吧(俄国的金奖券是假的还剩一张金奖券)The nerve of some people. 那些人真胆大I know. Forging a ticket. Come on. 对啊仿造金奖券?别傻了It's a golden ticket. 那是金奖券耶You found Wonka's last golden ticket. 你找到旺卡的最后一张金奖券In my shop too! 而且是在我店里买的Listen. I'll buy it from you.I'll give you $50 and a new bicycle.听着,我跟你买我给你五十元,外加一辆脚踏车Are you crazy?I'd give him $500 for that ticket. 你疯了吗?我出五百元买你的金奖券You wanna sell me your ticket for $500, young man?五百元把金奖券卖给我吧That's enough of that.Leave the kid alone. 够了,别烦这位小朋友Listen. Don't let anyone have it.Take it straight home, you understand?听着,千万不要给任何人直接拿着回家,懂吗?Thank you. 谢谢你Mom! Dad! 妈!爸!I found it! 我找到了!The last golden ticket! It's mine! 最后一张金奖券!是我的!Here. 拿去Read it aloud.Let's hear exactly what it says. 大声念出来,看看上面写什么"Greetings to you, the lucky finder of this golden ticket, from Mr. Willy Wonka.欢迎你,找到金奖券的幸运儿威利旺卡先生诚挚的祝福你I shake you warmly by the hand. For now,I do invite you to come to my factory...我要热情地握你的手我要邀请你来我的工厂...and be my guest for one whole day." 当我整整一天的贵宝"I, Willy Won ka, will conduct you around the factory myself...我,威利旺卡将亲自带你们参观工厂...showing you everything there is to see." 带你们看遍每个细节"Afterwards, when it is time to leave... 等到参观完毕要离开时...you will be escorted home by a procession of large trucks... 你可以载走满满好几卡车...each one filled with all the chocolate you could ever eat." 足够让你吃一辈子的巧克力"And remember, one of you lucky five children will receive an extra prize...记住,五个小朋友当中有一位将独得大奖...beyond your wildest imagination. 超乎你最疯狂的想像之外Now, here are your instructions." 请遵照以下的指示"On the 1 st of February, you must come to the factory gates at 10 a.m. Sharp.请在二月一日当天上午十点整到工厂门口You're allowed to bring one member of your family to look after you. 你可以带一位家人随行照顾Until then, Willy Wonka." 到时候见了威利旺卡The 1 st of February. 二月一日- But that's tomorrow.- Then there's not a moment to lose-就是明天耶-那片刻不容缓了,查理Wash your face, comb your hair, scrub your hands, brush your teeth, blow your nose. 快去洗脸、梳头发、洗手刷牙、擤鼻子- And get that mud off your pants.- Now we must all try and keep very calm.-还要换掉那条脏裤子-我们现在要保持冷静First thing that we have to decide is this:Who is going with Charlie to the factory? 首先要决定的是谁来陪查理去参观工厂?I will. I'll take him. You leave it to me. 我去,我带他去交给我就对了How about you, dear? Don't you think you ought to go? 怎样?你不觉得你应该去吗?Well, Grandpa Joe seems to know more about it than we do, and...约瑟夫爷爷好像比我们任何人知道得更多Provided, of course , he feels well enough. 当然前提是他身体负荷得了No. We're not going. 不行,我们不去了A woman offered me $500 for the ticket. 有个阿姨要花五百元买金奖券I bet someone else would pay more.一定还有人出价更高We need the money more than we need the chocolate.我们需要的是钱,不是巧克力Young man, come here.小伙子,过来There's plenty of money out there.外头的钱多得是They print more every day.每天都有新钞在印But this ticket...但这张金奖券...there's only five of them in the whole world...全世界只有五张而已...and that's all there's ever going to be.以后也不会再有了Only a dummy would give this up for something as common as money. 只有傻瓜才会放弃金奖券要钱那种俗气的东西Are you a dummy?你是傻瓜吗?No, sir.不是Then get that mud off your pants.You've got a factory to go to.那就去换掉那条脏裤子你要去参观工厂了Daddy, I want to go in.爸爸,我要进去It's 9:59, sweetheart.才9点59分,甜心Make time go faster.叫时间过快一点啦Do you think Mr. Wonka will recognize you?你觉得旺卡先生会认出你吗?Hard to say. It's been years.很难说,事隔多年了Eyes on the prize, Violet.专心得大奖,紫罗兰Eyes on the prize.专心得大奖Please enter.请进Come forward.向前走Close the gates.关上大门Dear visitors...亲爱的贵宝...it is my great pleasure to welcome you to my humble factory.很荣幸各位来参观我的小工厂And who am I?我是谁呢?Well...这个嘛Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka威利旺卡,威利旺卡The amazing chocolatier了不起的巧克力制造商Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka威利旺卡,威利旺卡Everybody give a cheer!Hooray!大家为他欢呼吧,万岁!He's modest, clever and so smart他谦虚、机灵又聪明He barely can restrain it想不爱现也难With so much generosity而且又乐善好施There is no way to contain it!根本不可能掩饰To contain itTo contain, to contain, to contain!掩饰Hooray!万岁!Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka威利旺卡,威利旺卡He's the one that you're about to meet你们待会儿就要见到他Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka威利旺卡,威利旺卡He's the genius who just can't be beat他是个天才,没人赢得过他The magician and the chocolate wiz他是魔术师和巧克力奇才The best darn guy who ever lived有史以来最了不起的人Willy Wonka, here he is!他就是威利旺卡The amazing chocolatier巧克力奇才Wasn't that just magnificent?很精彩吧?I was worried it was getting a little dodgyin the middle part, but then that finale... 我本来还担心中间会有点怪可是那个结尾Who are you?你是谁?- He's Willy Wonka.- Really?-他是威利旺卡-真的吗?"Good morning, starshine.星光早安The Earth says hello."大地向你打招呼"Dear guests, greetings.亲爱的贵宾,大家好Welcome to the factory.I shake you warmly by the hand.欢迎来到工厂我要热情地握你的手My name is Willy Wonka."我叫威利旺卡Then shouldn't you be up there?那你不是应该在那上面吗?I couldn't very well watch the show from up there, now, could I, little girl?坐在上面就看不到表演了对吧,小女孩?Mr. Wonka, I don't know if you'll remember me...旺卡先生,不知道你记不记得我...but I used to work here in the factory.我以前在贵工厂上班Were you one of those despicable spies who tried to steal...你是爱剽窃别人的糖果商雇来的间谍...my life's work and sell it to parasitic,copycat, candy-making cads?偷走我毕生的心血卖给人家的人吗?No, sir.不是Then wonderful. Welcome back.那就好,欢迎你回来Let's get a move on, kids.我们快开始吧Don't you want to know our names?你不想知道我们的名字吗?Can't imagine how it would e quickly. Far too much to see.我觉得没必要耶快走吧,有太多东西要看了Just drop your coats anywhere.外套随便丢就行了- Mr. Wonka? Sure is toasty in here.- What?-旺卡先生,室内很热耶-什么?I have to keep it warm in here. My workers are used to an extremely hot climate. 对,室内要保持温暖因为我的员工都习惯热带气候They just can't stand the cold.他们受不了寒冷Who are the workers?什么员工?All in good time. Now...待会儿就知道了,现在Mr. Wonka, I'm Violet Beauregarde.旺卡先生,我是紫罗兰博雷加德- I don't care.- Well, you should care.-我才不在乎-你应该要在乎Because I'm gonna win the special prize at the end.因为赢得大奖的人会是我Well, you do seem confident,and confidence is key.你看起来很有自信,自信很重要I'm Veruca Salt.It's very nice to meet you, sir.我是维露卡索尔特,幸会I always thought a verruca was a type of wart...我以为维露卡...you got on the bottom of your foot.是脚底长的一种疣I am Augustus Gloop.I love your chocolate.我是奥古塔斯格卢普我很爱吃巧克力I can see that. So do I.看得出来,我也很喜欢I never expected to have so much in common.没想到我们有这么多共同点You. You're Mike Teavee.你是麦克蒂维You're the little devil who cracked the system.那个坏了我好事的小魔鬼And you. Well, you're just lucky to be here, aren't you?还有你你纯粹是运气好吧And the rest of you must be their...其他几位想必是他们的- Parents.- Yeah.-家长?-对Moms and dads.爸爸妈妈Dad?爸爸?Papa?爸?Okay, then. Let's move along.好了,我们继续走- Would you like some chocolate?- Sure.-想不想吃巧克力?-好啊Then you should've brought some.那你要自己带啊- Let's be friends.- Best friends.-我们当好朋友吧-最好的朋友An important room, this.这个房间很重要- After all, it is a chocolate factory.- Then why is the door so small?-毕竟这是巧克力工厂-为什么门这么小?That's to keep all the great bigchocolatey flavor inside.这样浓郁的巧克力香味才不会散出去啊Now, do be careful, my dear children.现在小心点,亲爱的孩子们Don't lose your heads.别昏了头Don't get overexcited.别兴奋过度Just keep very calm.尽量保持冷静It's beautiful.好漂亮What?什么?Oh, yeah, it's very beautiful.对,是很漂亮Every drop of the river...河里的每一滴巧克力...is hot, melted chocolate of the finest quality.都是最高品质的热融巧克力The waterfall is most important. 瀑布是最重要的关键Mixes the chocolate. 用瀑布来混合巧克力Churns it up. Makes it light and frothy. 搅拌均匀让巧克力滑溜又顺口By the way... 对了...no other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall, my dear children. 全世界没有别的工厂用瀑布来混合巧克力,亲爱的孩子们And you can take that to the bank. 这点我可以向你们保证People. 各位!Those pipes... 那些管子...suck up the chocolateand carry it away all over the factory.会吸取巧克力输送到工厂内的各个角落Thousands of gallons an hour. Yeah. 每小时好几千加仑没错And do you like my meadow?Try some of my grass. 喜欢这片草地吗?抓一把来吃Please have a blade. Please do.It's so delectable and so darn good-looking.你们就吃一点吧这是又好吃又好看You can eat the grass? 草也可以吃?Of course you can. 当然啰Everything in this room is eatable. 这个房间里的每样东西都能吃Even I'm eatable. 就连我也可以吃But that is called cannibalism,my dear children... 不过我们不是食人族啦...and is, in fact, frowned upon in most societies. 文明社会是不容许人吃人的Yeah. 是啊Enjoy. 尽情享用吧Go on. Scoot, scoot. 去啊快去啊。

英文查理与巧克力工厂 英语阅读纸

英文查理与巧克力工厂 英语阅读纸

英文查理与巧克力工厂英语阅读纸Here's a piece of spoken English text about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, adhering to the guidelines you've provided:1.Charlie Bucket was always dreaming about those chocolates. Every day after school, he would walk by that mysterious factory with its huge chocolate smokestacks. The aroma would fill his nostrils, and he'd imagine what wonders lay within.2.Willy Wonka, the eccentric owner of the factory, was a legend in Charlie's town. Kids whispered about his inventions and how he created chocolates that seemed to come alive. But no one had ever been inside the factory… until now.3.Charlie was so surprised when he won the golden ticket! He couldn't believe his luck. His whole family was ecstatic, and they all knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Charlie was going to visit the chocolate factory!4.The day of the visit, Charlie's heart was pounding. He walked through the factory gates and was greeted by a world of pure imagination. Chocolate rivers flowed, candy-coated trees grew, and tiny Oompa-Loompas were busy at work. Itwas like a dream come true.5.But the adventure wasn't all sweetness and light.Charlie soon realized that the other children who won the golden tickets were spoiled and greedy. They caused trouble and chaos wherever they went, but Charlie remained calm andkind-hearted.6.In the end, Willy Wonka chose Charlie to be his successor. He saw in Charlie the qualities he wanted in his heir: honesty, kindness, and a love for chocolate.Charlie's life changed overnight, but he never forgot where he came from and who helped him get there.7.Back home, Charlie shared his newfound wealth with his family. They built a house and had all the chocolate they could ever dream of. But for Charlie, the.。



Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryIn the heart of a bustling town, there stood a mysterious chocolate factory, owned by the eccentric Willy Wonka. For years, the factory had been shrouded in secrecy, with rumors flying about the wonders that lay within its walls. Children from all over the world dreamed of visiting this magical place, and one lucky boy named Charlie Bucket would finally get his chance.Charlie lived with his poor but loving family in a small house on the outskirts of town. Despite their financial struggles, they always found joy in simple pleasures like sharing a bar of chocolate. When Charlie heard about the golden tickets hidden inside five Wonka bars that would grant the finder a tour of the chocolate factory, he knew he had to find one.After weeks of searching and saving, Charlie finally bought a Wonka bar with the little money he had managed to scrape together. As he carefully opened the wrapper, his heart skipped a beat when he saw the glint of gold inside. Charlie had found one of the golden tickets!Excitedly, Charlie joined the other four winners—Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, and Mike Teavee—on a journey through the fantastical world of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. From the moment they stepped through the gates, they were greeted by a whirlwind of sights, sounds, and smells that left them in awe.As they explored the factory, Charlie and his companions marveled at the incredible machinery that produced the finest chocolates in the world. They watched in amazement as rivers of chocolate flowed beneath their feet and candy trees swayed in the breeze. Every corner of the factory held a new surprise, from the Oompa-Loompas who sang and danced as they worked to the chocolate waterfall that cascaded down from the ceiling.However, the tour was not without its challenges. One by one, the other winners were eliminated due to their greedy and selfish behavior. Augustus Gloop fell into the chocolate river and got stuck, Veruca Salt demanded a squirrel and ended up being thrown away with the garbage, Violet Beauregarde turned into ablueberry after eating too much gum, and Mike Teavee was shrunk down to tiny size after being zapped by a teleporter.Throughout these mishaps, Charlie remained calm and polite, following Wonka's rules and showing respect for everyone around him. His good nature and humility earned him Wonka's admiration, and he became the clear winner of the tour.At the end of the tour, Wonka revealed that the real prize was not a lifetime supply of chocolate, but the opportunity to learn the value of hard work, honesty, and kindness. Charlie had proven that he possessed these qualities, and Wonka was confident that he would use them to lead a happy and fulfilling life.As Charlie left the factory with his family, he looked back at the magical place with fond memories. The tour of Willy Wonka's chocolate factory had not only been an adventure of a lifetime but also a lesson in the true meaning of success. Charlie knew that he would cherish these memories forever and use thelessons he had learned to guide him through the rest of his life.The story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is not just a tale of wonder and excitement but also a reminder of the importance of maintaining our values and treating others with kindness and respect. In a world full of temptations and distractions, it is easy to lose sight of what truly matters. However, if we remain true to ourselves and remember the lessons taught by characters like Charlie Bucket, we can overcome any challenge and emerge stronger and more compassionate individuals.。




在这部小说中,有很多值得我们摘抄的英语好词,以下是一些比较常用的好词供大家参考:1. captivate 迷住这个小男孩的眼睛被这些各种各样的巧克力和甜食完全吸引住了。


2. delighted 高兴的小男孩查理听到这个消息后,高兴得跳了起来。


3. dazzling 耀眼的巧克力工厂的外观非常壮观,就像一座金碧辉煌的城堡,让人眼花缭乱。


4. impatient 急躁的小男孩查理因为等待的时间太长而变得有些不耐烦了。


5. resolute 坚决的小男孩查理下定决心要进去看看这座神秘的巧克力工厂,于是他鼓起勇气推开了大门。


6. shudder 战栗小男孩和他的家人走进工厂时,被里面阴森森的气氛所吓到,不自觉地打了个冷颤。


7. stern 严厉的工厂的主人看起来非常严厉,他的眼神让小男孩感到有些害怕。




charlie and the chocolate factory好词好句英语

charlie and the chocolate factory好词好句英语

charlie and the chocolate factory好词好句英语好词:1. enchanting:迷人的2. whimsical:古怪的3. eccentric:古怪的4. chocolatey:巧克力般的5. delectable:美味的6. magical:有魔力的7. wondrous:奇妙的8. mysterious:神秘的9. adventure:冒险10. fantasy:幻想好句:1."Charlie, the chocolate factory is a wonderous place, but it's also a very dangerous place."“查理,巧克力工厂是一个奇妙的地方,但也是一个非常危险的地方。

”2."Willy Wonka: Don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted."“威利·旺卡:别忘了那个突然得到他一直想要的一切的人发生了什么。

3. "A little nonsense now and then, is cherished by the wisestmen." “时不时地来点无厘头,是最明智的人所珍视的。

”4. "So shines a good deed in a weary world."“在这个疲惫的世界里,善行如明星般闪耀。

”5. "There is no life I know to compare with pure imagination. Living there, you'll be free if you truly wish to be."“我所知道的生活,没有什么能与纯粹的想象力相比。























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[07:28.53]The largest chocolate factory in history.
[07:31.76]Fifty times as big as any other.
[07:54.09]Grandpa, don't make it gross.
[10:36.45]Prodnose came out with a chewing gum that never lost its flavor.
[10:41.02]Then Slugworth began making candy balloons...
[05:29.97]Charlie's father worked at the local toothpaste factory.
[05:34.45]The hours were long, and the pay was terrible...
[09:59.64]They began sending in spies to steal his secret recipes.
[10:32.24]Fickelgruber started making an ice cream that would never melt.
[04:29.21]His family was not rich or powerful or well-connected.
[04:34.19]In fact, they barely had enough to eat.
[04:39.02]Charlie Bucket was the luckiest boy in the entire world.
[04:43.63]He just didn't know it yet.
[05:02.91]-Evening, Buckets. -Evening.
[05:56.17]Dad found it, just the piece I needed.
[05:58.84]-What piece was it? -A head for Willy Wonka.
[06:02.01]Well, how wonderful.
[04:15.40]This is a story of an ordinary little boy...
[04:19.00]d Charlie Bucket.
[04:22.71]He was not faster or stronger or more clever than other children.
[08:21.08]It will have 100 rooms, and everything will be made of either dark or light chocolate.
[08:28.62]True to his word, the bricks were chocolate...
[06:42.61]-...and we're out of chocolate birds. -Birds?
[06:48.22]Well, then we'll need to make some more. Here.
[08:32.22]...and the cement holding them together was chocolate.
[08:35.69]All the walls and ceilings were made of chocolate as well.
[06:21.06]Of course, I was a much younger man in those days.
[06:26.56]Willy Wonka began with a single store on Cherry Street.
[09:03.52]Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun.
[09:44.90]The prince sent an urgent telegram requesting a new palace...
[08:08.80]...and asked him to come all the way out to India...
[08:11.77]...and build him a colossal palace entirely out of chocolate.
[06:54.96]Now open.
[07:00.77]The man was a genius]Did you know he invented a new way of making chocolate ice cream...
[10:52.60]...Mr.Wonka told every single one of his workers to go home.
[06:03.44]It's quite a likeness.
[06:05.64]-You think so? -Think so?
[06:07.48]I know so.
[06:09.25]I saw Willy Wonka with my own two eyes.
[05:38.65]...yet occasionally, there were unexpected surprises.
[05:45.99]It's exactly what I need.
[05:48.76]What is it, Charlie?
[09:49.80]...but Willy Wonka was facing problems of his own.
[09:54.57]All the other chocolate makers, you see, had grown jealous of Mr.Wonka.
[06:13.08]-I used to work for him, you know. -You did?
[06:15.55]-I did. -He did.
[06:17.36]He did.
[06:18.72]I love grapes.
[10:43.95]...that you could blow up to incredible sizes.
[10:47.89]The thievery got so bad...
[10:50.26]...that one day, without warning...
[08:40.40]So were the carpets and the pictures and the furniture.
[08:43.94]It is perfect in every way.
[08:47.04]Yeah, but it won't last long. You better start eating right now.
[07:07.87]...so that it stays cold for hours without a freezer?
[07:11.71]You can even leave it lying in the sun on a hot day, and it won't go runny.
[05:15.23]Oh, well. Nothing goes better with cabbage than cabbage.
[05:24.34]...I found something I think you'll like.