



为任 课 老 师 , 根 据 本 专业 课 程 的 知识 点 、 关 键 内容 的要 求 ,

积 极 思索 双语 教 材 的必要 性 ,结合 学生 对 双语 教材 的需 求 分析 , 结合 8 年课 堂 教学 的 实践 中收集 的学生 反馈 意见 , 在 全面 、 深 入进 行所 采 集 的 2 4次 的双 语教 学反 馈 调查 问卷 分 析 的基 础 上 , 总 结交 通工 程专 业 的教 学特 点 , 总结 该 讲议 材 料 的 5年试 用 中 的经验 与教 训 ,任课 教 师杨 孝 宽与 贺玉 龙 开展 了《 交 通 工程 导论 ( 双语 ) 》 教 材 的写 作与 出版 工作 。 三、 《 交通 工程 总论 ( 双语 ) 》 双 语教 材 的编 写 1 . 双 语教 材 的 编写 思 路 。编 著者 首 先考 虑 的 教材 的语 言选 择 , 通 过对 本 专业 相关 双语 教 材 的调研 发现 , 不少 双 语 教材 是 在各 种原 版教 材 的基 础上 , 挑选 相关 章节 组 合 , 提 供 中文 翻译 的双语 教材 。 但 是对 于交 通 工程 总论 来说 , 其 中文 教材 是我 国“ 十一 五 ” 国家 级 规划 教材 , 北京 市精 品 教材 , 但 是 学 时安 排不 适 用 于双语 教 学 ;对美 国原 版 教材 翻译 的 方 法 也 不适 用 于此 双语 教材 , 笔者 考 虑 : 双语 教 学 的 目的是 提 高学生的英语专业知识 ,提供翻译版的教材只能让其继续 依 赖 于 中文 而非 有利 于其 专业 英 语知 识 的拓展 。基于 上述 因素 , 笔 者确 定 了《 交 通工 程导 论 ( 双语 ) 》 的 编著 思路 , 以英 文 作 为本 教材 的 主要 语言 , 兼 顾 双语 教学 与便 于学 生 理解 , 对 于其 中的关 键词 汇 与用 语进 行 了双 语对应 。 2 . 注重 国 际 国内 的规范 与标 准 的对 比 。 《 交通 工程 总论 ( 双语 ) 》双 语课 程 的建 设 的 目 标 之 一是 增加 学 生 的 国际视 野 与专 业 知识 交流 能力 。在此 目标 指导 下 , 《 交通 工 程 总论 ( 双语 ) 》 教材 中加 强 了 国内外 行业 标 准与规 划 的对 比分 析 。 例 如 ,美 国的道 路分 级 标 准与 中 国道路 分级 标准 的对 比分 析。 同时 , 在道 路 服务 水平 中 , 也 增加 了对 比分 析 , 美 国将 道 路服 务水 平 划分 为 6 级 服务 水平 ,而 我 国 目前是 将 道路 服 务水 平划 分 为 4级 , 为便 于学生 的理解 与掌 握 , 在 教材 编 写 中提 供这 两 者划 分标 准 与等 级 的对 比 。 3 . 补充 行业 发 展 中 的重 点 知识 。《 交通 工 程 总论 ( 双 语) 》 双语 课程 的建设 的 目标 之一 是跟 踪行 业 发展 的最 新 趋 势与热点 问题 。 在此 目标指导下 , 《 交通工程总论 ( 双语 ) 》 教 材 中增 加 了 目前 国 内专业 教材 中少有 的 “ 犹豫 区” 的概 念及 其 计量 方 法 的 内容 。该概 念对 交叉 口交通 信号 黄灯 配 时 与 路 口交 通 安全 起着 重 要 的影 响 。 目前 , 我 国 已经在 全 国范 围 内开始 探 讨 闯黄灯 的执 法 可行 性 与有效 性 的讨 论 。 而“ 犹豫 区” 正是 闯黄 灯行 为 出现 的关 键 因素 。 本教 材所 补 充 的相关 重 点知 识 ,旨在实 现此 教材 在 行业 的最 新 发展态 势 下具 有 前 瞻性 与 时新 性 。 4 . 设立 中英文专业词汇表 。《 交通工程总论 ( 双语 ) 》 双 语 课程 教材 建设 的 目的是 为学 生提 供方 便地 感触 英 语教 学 环境 ,考虑 到交 通 工程 专业 英语 词 汇与 生活 英语 词 汇有 交 叉, 存 在着 一 词有 不 同专业 技术 方 面 的含义 , 为加 深学 生 对 交通 工 程 的专业 词 汇 的理 解 ,在 编写 《 交 通 工程 总论 ( 双 语) 》 的双语 教材 的时 , 特增 加 了一 份专业 词 汇 附表 , 将 交 通 工 程专 业 中的 部分 关 键专 业 技 术 词汇 进 行 了与 中文 解 释 ,













Unit1The Evolution of Transport交通工具的演化The evolution of transport has been closely linked to the development of humankind throughout the earth’s history.Transport’s early functi on was to meet the basic need of hauling food supplies and building materials.But with the formation of tribes,then peoples,and finally nations,the societal and economic functions of transport became more and more complex. At first there was mobility required for individuals,clans,households,and animals to protect them against,and to escape from,the dangers of natural disasters and tribal aggressions,and in the search for the best places to settle.As tribal groups formed and gradually established their geographical identity,transport was increasingly needed to open up regions for development,to provide access to natural resources,to promote intercommunal trade,and to mobilize territorial defense.When the first nations came into being,transport played a major role in establishing national integrity.交通工具的演变紧密相连的人类在整个地球的历史发展。



Urban Rail TransitAbstract: With the acceleration of urbanization and motorization,traffic congestion is rapidly becoming one of the important problems that constraint the development of urban city. On the basis of the current situation of urban transport systems, the paper aims at explaining the characteristics of rail transportation and discussing the great advantages that it has brought to urban construction on the aspects of environmental protection, efficiency, safety and so on .Keywords:Rail Transportation Metro Light Rail Sustainable DevelopmentThe development of modern urban transport has promoted large improvement of social productivity to meet the growing consumer demand for transport, and to boost the city's prosperity to mankind,thus has brought great wealth。

But road congestion,accidents, air and noise pollution,energy shortages and other issues come accordingly。



交通工程专业英语English in Traffic Engineering姓名: 刘笑笑班级:交工一班10号指导老师: 常丽君Driver Behavior and AccidentsSome types of improper driving as related to accidents can be the results of either willful or inadvertent errors. Unfortunately, it is not easy to discover which type of behavior has caused an accident.An October 1970 report by the U. S. Department of Transportation deals with this difficult problem and concludes: "the negligence law usually treats 'driver error' both avoidable and unreasonable, and imposes liability pursuant to an objective standard to which all drivers are held. But a review of the available research indicates that a significant gap exists between the standard of behavior required by the negligence law and the average behavior normally exhibited by most drivers."The report also says: "You will note that the standard of care required is that exercised by a person of reasonable and ordinary prudence, rather than that exercised by a person of extreme caution or exceptional skill. While exceptional skill is to be admired and encouraged, the law dose not demand it as a general standard of conduct. "Many programs of driver improvement seem to be based on an assumption of willful misbehavior and therefore concentrate on the multiple violator and accident repeater. However, studies by Campbell show that there 13 little evidence to support this position. Most accidents involve drivers with good records who have not had any previous serious crashes. In other words, the old concept of the ' accident-prone' driver is not supported by the facts.Each year traffic accidents seem to be distributed among the states m about the same proportion per millions of vehicle-miles driven. Raw numbers of fatal crashes occur more frequently during the summer and fall when there is more travel. These facts all seem to point to the conclusion that the more driving we do, the more the chance of an accident occurring increases, the more do occur. This would seem to argue for the major role of change in the distribution of fatal crashes. Undoubtedly, chance factors are acting, but each accident was caused and therefore could have been prevented.Since the majority of motor vehicle accidents occur in daylight on dry roads with sound vehicles, the causes seem to be with the drivers and the ways in which they interact with the roadway. The more that is understood about drivers, the more likely are traffic control and remedial efforts to be successful. Burg deal with this question and presents the following conclusions:(1)Biographical descriptors: A justification exists for differential licensing for both young and old drivers, and implementation of such a program is feasible. Not feasible, however, isdifferential licensing on the basis of such factors as marital status, education, or annual mileage, although research results would suggest such a move.(2)Chronic medical conditions: There is sufficient evidence relating certain serve medical conditions to accidents to suggest that short-term licensing of such individuals might prove beneficial. However, final action of this sort should not be taken without confirmation of present findings through a carefully controlled study?Hearing: Present evidence suggests that the deaf driver may be at a disadvantage, and that special training programs and/or special aids might be of benefit; however, additional research again is needed before action is warranted.?Loss of limb; There is no evidence to justify taking any action in this area.?Vision: Research results indicate that vision is indeed related to driving. However, the magnitude of the relationship appears to lie small, and the question of practical significance arises; however, it is interesting to note that Shinar found that "nighttime accident involvement is related to poor visual acuity under nighttime levels of illumination, but unrelated to visual acuity under high (daytime) levels of illumination ."Burg states: "How much improvement in the traffic accident picture can be effected by more effective vision screening? By the same token, of what value are present licensing techniques such as written examination and driver tests? These are questions that have no clear-cut answers, for definitive research has yet to be done, and other factors, such as 'face validity' and 'tradition1serve to confound the issue ."Drivers can become involved in accidents even as innocent victims and yet be included in some records. Because of legal implications, many such records do not distinguish the 'at fault’ driver from those not at fault, which makes research in group behavior very difficult. Therefore, care must be exercised when examining studies of driving accident records to know what criteria were used.翻译: 行为与交通事故部分交通事故的发生可能是由于司机故意或者疏忽造成的,但是不幸的是,要明确到底是哪种情况引发了交通事故却并不容易。



课程英文名称:Professional English Reading
课程编号:0900650 学分: 1 学时:16



四、课程的主要内容、基本要求和学时分配建议(总学时数: 16 )
闵丽平. 城市轨道交通专业英语[M]. 北京:中国铁道出版社,2011六、课程考核方式



学术论坛-269-浅谈高职铁道类专业英语特色课程的开发马东旭(110032 辽宁轨道交通职业学院 辽宁 沈阳)摘 要:我国铁路业的国际化发展对高职院校铁道类英语课程提出了新要求。






开设具有专业特色的英语课程是对公共英语基础课的补充和延伸, 目的是使学生具备良好得语言应用方面的迁移能力,以满足社会人才需求。




















交通工程专业英语英译汉With the rapid development of transportation engineering, the demand for English-to-Chinese translation in this field has been increasing. This article aims to explore the challenges and opportunities of translating traffic engineering terminology and texts from English to Chinese.**Challenges in Translating Traffic Engineering Terminology**Traffic engineering, being a highly specialized field, possesses a unique vocabulary that often requires a deep understanding of both the source and target languages. For instance, terms such as "traffic flow," "intersection design," and "traffic control systems" must be translated accurately to convey their specific meanings within the context of traffic engineering. Additionally, the use of technical jargon and abbreviations adds further complexity to the translation process.Moreover, cultural differences can pose challenges in translating traffic engineering terms. Concepts that arefamiliar in one culture may not have direct equivalents in another, requiring translators to find creative solutions that maintain the original meaning while adapting to the target culture's context.**Opportunities in Translating Traffic Engineering Texts**Despite the challenges, there are also numerous opportunities in translating traffic engineering texts. Firstly, with the globalization of the transportation industry, there is a growing need for cross-cultural communication. This creates opportunities for translators who are proficient in both English and Chinese to bridge the language gap and facilitate the exchange of ideas and knowledge.Secondly, the advancement of technology has brought about new translation tools and platforms that greatly improve translation efficiency and quality. These tools, such as machine translation and online dictionaries, provide translators with convenient resources to lookup unfamiliar terms and phrases, enabling them to work more efficiently and accurately.Lastly, the increasing demand for traffic engineering expertise in China presents an opportunity for translators to specialize in this field. By specializing in traffic engineering translation, translators can build a reputation and expertise in this area, opening up more translation opportunities and potentially higher compensation.**Conclusion**In conclusion, while translating traffic engineering terminology and texts from English to Chinese can be challenging, it also offers numerous opportunities for translators. By overcoming the linguistic and cultural barriers, translators can play a crucial role in promoting the development of the transportation industry both domestically and internationally.**交通工程专业英语英译汉的挑战与机遇**随着交通工程的快速发展,该领域的英汉翻译需求不断增加。

交通运输专业 英语

交通运输专业 英语

交通运输专业英语**The Essence and Applications of Transportation Engineering English**Transportation engineering, as a crucial discipline, plays a pivotal role in the development and efficiency of modern society. The intricate nature of this field, coupled with its global reach, necessitates a profound understanding of Transportation Engineering English. This specialized language is not just about technical jargon; it is a means of communicating effectively across borders, facilitating cross-cultural collaborations, and advancing technological advancements.At the core of Transportation Engineering English is a comprehensive grasp of terminology and concepts related to various modes of transportation, including road, rail, air, and water. It involves understanding the intricacies of infrastructure design, traffic management, safety regulations, and environmental impacts. This knowledge is essential for professionals to effectively communicate with peers, policymakers, and the public, ensuring thattransportation systems are designed, built, and operated efficiently and safely.Moreover, Transportation Engineering English is vital for international projects and collaborations. With the globalization of the transportation industry, professionals are increasingly required to work with international teams, share knowledge, and implement best practices from around the world. A proficiency in Transportation Engineering English enables seamless communication, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing the overall quality of projects.In addition to its practical applications, Transportation Engineering English also serves as a bridge between different cultures and perspectives. It allows professionals to appreciate the unique challenges and solutions offered by different regions and cultures, fostering a more inclusive and innovative approach to transportation engineering.However, mastering Transportation Engineering English is not a straightforward task. It requires a combination of technical knowledge, language proficiency, and culturalawareness. Professionals need to keep up with the latest developments in the field, continuously updating their vocabulary and understanding of new technologies and practices. At the same time, they must also develop strong communication skills, including writing, speaking, and listening, to ensure that their messages are clear, accurate, and effective.Furthermore, the use of Transportation Engineering English extends beyond professional circles. It is also crucial for educating the public about transportation issues and policies. Clear and concise communication can help inform the public about the benefits and challenges of transportation projects, fostering greater understanding and support for these initiatives.In conclusion, Transportation Engineering English is a crucial aspect of the transportation industry, facilitating effective communication, international collaborations, and technological advancements. It requires a comprehensive understanding of technical terminology and concepts, as well as strong communication skills. As the transportation industry continues to evolve and expand globally, theimportance of Transportation Engineering English will only increase. Professionals in this field must embrace this specialized language, leveraging it to enhance their work, foster cross-cultural understanding, and contribute to the development of more efficient and sustainabletransportation systems.**交通运输专业英语的精髓与应用**交通运输工程作为关键学科,在现代社会的发展和效率提升中发挥着举足轻重的作用。


BJTUΒιβλιοθήκη 课程介绍 考查方式:笔试 笔试+翻译作业(专业硕士) 任课教师:陈旭梅、郎茂祥、 宋丽英、黄爱玲、 董宏辉、王子洋、 夏胜利、刘华
主要培养学生对专业英语文献的听、说、读、写 能力。通过本课程的学习,使学生对道路运输、 铁路运输及物流等领域的英语术语有系统的了解, 并掌握常用词汇。了解论文中前言和摘要的写法、 英语科技论文的写法,学会对专业材料的阅读、 翻译及写作,能够初步听懂本领域相关英文学术 讲座,能够进行科技论文的英文陈述,有一定专 业英语口头表达及交流能力。
Introduction to Traffic Engineering (2学时) Traffic Surveys (2学时) 董宏辉 讲授 Traffic Management and ITS (2学时) Urban Transit Systems and Technology(2学时) 黄爱玲 讲授 Traffic Planning 陈旭梅 讲授 (4学时)
Railway Emergency Management 王子洋 讲授
High Speed Railway 夏胜利 讲授
Basic skill exercise to use English in the field of Transport(4学时) 宋丽英 讲授


2.On this occasion, you choose to travel by car as you have an appointment later in the day at one of those old-fashioned business parks that are inaccessible by public transport.
4.The positioning of bus stops is often dictaded by practicaliaties such as avoiding banks and post offices,where space for special delieveries is required,snd avoiding creating poor sight lines for side road traffic.
3.There have not yet been introduced in public road applications, but they are carrying millions of passengers every day in airport people movers and a variety rojevof urban transit systems(Vancouver, Pairs,London,Tokyo,Lyon and Lille).



Lesson 6 The Steering System1 The Steering GearThe steering gear mechanism enables the driver to turn the front wheels of the car. The mechanism consists of a steering gear box, pitman arm, drag link, tie rods, steering arms, and steering knuckles, the latter supporting the front wheels. (Fig.6.1)转向齿轮机构使司机能够转动轿车的前轮。


(图6.1)Turning the steering wheel turns the steering shaft to which a worm gear is attached within the steering gear box.转动转向盘使转向轴转动,并带动转向器内与之相连的蜗杆转动。

The steering worm moves a roller through a part of an arc, the motion of which is transmitted to the pitman arm, which moves back and forth across the width of the frame.转向蜗杆推动滚筒移动一段弧线,滚筒的运动被传递到转向垂臂,转向垂臂在整个车架宽度上来回移动。

Several arrangements of rods and levers are in common use but, in general, a drag link, connected to the pitmen arm, transmits the movement to tie rods which are connected to the steering arms.通常使用几种杠杆的布置方式,但是总的来说,与转向垂臂相连的纵拉杆把运动传递到与转向臂相连的横拉杆。



Unit3I ntroductionTransport telematics, also knownas intelligent transport systems (ITS), are concerned with the application of electronic information and control to improve transport. Some new systems have already been implemented and the pace of implementation can be expected to quicken. With a crystal ball, we can foresee how a typical journey to work maylook in 10 years time.Before leaving home, you check your travel arrangements over tile internet. Often you choose to travel by public transport and you can identify travel times and any interruptions affecting the service. Onthis occasion, you choose to travel by car as you have an appointment later in the day at one of those oldfashioned business parks that are inaccessible by public transport. There are no incidents recorded on your normal route to work so you do not bother to use your computer route model to select an optimum route for you.Once in your car, you head for the motorway and select the cruise control, lane support and collision avoidance system, allowing you to concentrate on your favorite radio service. Suddenly, this is intelrupted by the radio traffic-message channel service giving you information about an incident on your route. You are not surprised when, at the next junction, the roadside variable message sign (VMS) corffirms this; motorway messages really are believable now!You feel pleased with yourself that you have preceded your in-car navigation system with the coordinates of your final destination, and soon you are obtaining instructions on your best route with information updated from the local travel control center.As you near your place of work, you are aware of roadside messages informing you of the next park and ride service. You choose to ignore these as you will need to make a quick getaway for your appointment. You then check that your travel card is clearly displayed inside the car; you don't want to be fined for not having a positive credit for the city's road pricing and parking service! The same card gives you clearance to your parking space; you activate your parking vision and collision control just to be sure of not scratching the MD' s car next to you.Using transport telematicsAll these information and control services, and manymore besides, are discussed in the UK Government' s eonsuhation document. One way of categorising these services is into the following application areas:(1)traffic management and control(2)tolling and road pricing(3)road safety and law eifforeement(4)public transport travel information and ticketing(5)driver information and guidance(6)freight and fleet management(7)vehicle safety(8)system integrationAll these applications are being developed with assistance from research and pilot implementation programmnes in Europe, USA and Japan.Traffic management and controlAny traffic management and control system needs information on traffic flows, speeds, queues, incidents (accidents, vehicle breakdowns, obstructions) air quality and vehicle types, lengths and weights.This information will be collected using infrared, radio, loop, radar, and microwave or vision detectors.In addition, public and private organizations will provide information on planned events (roadworks, leisure events, exhibitions).The use to which this information is put depends on the objectives set for management and control.Network management objectives set for urban areas include:(1)influencing traveller behaviour, in particular modal choice, route choice and the time at which journeys are made.(2)reducing the impact of traffic on air quality.(3)improving priority for buses and LRT vehicles.(4)providing better and safer facilities for pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users.(5)restraining traffic in sensitive areas.(6)managing demand and congestion more efficiently.The software systems used will include control applications such as SCOOTS, CATS,SPOTand MOTION.These are responsive systems, which control a network of traffic signals to meet these objectives. Automatic vehicle location and identification will provide information for giving priorityor allowing access to certain vehicles only.Interurban network management systems will have similar objectives but will make greater use of access control by ramp metering and other means, and of speed control and high-occupancy vehicle lane management. Regional traffic control centers will advise motorist of incidents and alternative routes by VMSand by RDS-TMC,a signal FMradio service broadcasting localized traffic messages and advice to drivers.Tolling and road pricingInterurban motorway tolling and urban road pricing provide anotherapproach to meeting network management objectives while obtaining additional revenue that can be invested in transport. Singapore's electronic zone pricing, the TOLLSTAR electronic toll collection andADEPT automatic debiting smart cards are examples of such applications.These systems rely on microwave or radio communication to an in-vehicle transponder in a smart card with detection of vehicle licence plates using image processing for enforcement purposes.Public transport travel information and ticketingTravel information is needed by passengers at home or office and also during their journey. London Transport's ROUTES computer-based service offers routing, timetable and fares information on all public transport services in London through public inquiry terminals.Real-time travel information is provided in London by the COUNTDOWsyNstem which is being expanded to cover 4000 bus stops. A similar system called STOPWATCisH available in Southampton as part of the ROMANSE project and is based on Peek' s Bus Tracker system which can detect buses using either radio beacons or GPS(Global Positioning System) which uses satellites to identify locations.ROMANSE also includes TRIP lanner interactive enquiry terminals with touch screens providing travel information.Problems with tickets for through journeys can be a deterrent for travelers choosing public transport.Smartcard stored-value tickets can provide a single ticket for car parking and all legs of a journey served by different operators.Driver information and guidanceDriver information systems include the RDS-TMC radio data system-traffic message ehannel, initially trialled between London and Paris in the PLEIADESproject and elsewhere in Europe in similar EC-funded projects. There is also the Traffic master service which uses infrared monitors to identify congestion and an in-car visual map-based screen to inform drivers of congestion.Driver guidance systems aim to take this a step further by informing drivers of their route and giving guidance on navigation. Communication between the control center and the vehicle can be by roadside beacon or by digital cellular radio networks based on GSM(global system of mobile communications) as in SOCRATES. Commercial products include Daimler Benz's copilot dynamic route guidance system trialled in Berlin and Stuttgart and Philip's Car Systems CARIN. Similar products, such as the VICS advanced mobile information service, are commonly available in Japan.翻译:介绍交通通讯,也被称为智能交通系统(它的), 与应用电子信息和控制,提高运输。





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12 学分
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附件2 专业英语课程教学大纲
课程名称:专业英语Special English




本课程分七章,包括第一章:交通工程介绍(Introduction to Traffic Engineering),第二章:交通系统的特性和组成(Characteristics and Components of Traffic System),第三章:交通流特性(Traffic Stream Characteristics),第四章:交通调查(Traffic Studies),第五章:交通管理与控制(Traffic Management and Control),第六章:交通规划(Traffic Planning),第七章:智能运输系统(Intelligent Transportation System)。

其中交通工程介绍(Introduction to Traffic Engineering)讲述交通工程的定义,研究范围,功能;交通工程的研究目标;交通工程的构成要素,交通工程面临有待解决的问题等。

第二章:交通系统的特性和组成(Characteristics and Components of Traffic System)讲述交通四要素中的道路使用者、车辆、道路以及环境的特性。

第三章:交通流特性(Traffic Stream Characteristics)讲述交通流的微观参数、宏观参数、不同参数之间的相互关系以及交通流的类型。

第四章:交通调查(Traffic Studies)分别讲述常用的交通调查,如交通量调查、车速调查、交叉口延误调查、停车调查和事故调查等的调查方法和要求。

第五章:交通管理与控制(Traffic Management and Control)讲述交通控制设备、交叉口控制以及交通系统管理等内容。

第六章:交通规划(Traffic Planning)讲述交通规划和土地利用的影响关系,交通需求分析,交通规划四步骤规划方法以及常用的交通规划模型介绍。

第七章:智能运输系统(Intelligent Transportation System)讲述智能运输系统的概念、各个子系统的构成,主要支持技术等。

Chapter 1 Introduction to Traffic Engineering
1.1 Traffic Engineering Definition, Scope and Functions [3]
1.2 Research Objectives of Traffic Engineering [2]
1.3 Elements of Traffic Engineering [2]
1.4 Modern Problems for Traffic Engineers [1]
Reading Material △
Chapter2 Characteristics and Components of Traffic Systems 2.1 Road Users [3]
2.2 Vehicles Characteristics [3]
2.3 Street and Highways [2]
2.4 General Environment [1]
Reading Material 1 ○
Reading Material 2 △
Chapter 3 Traffic Stream Characteristics
3.1 Macroscopic Parameters [2]
3.2 Microscopic Parameters [2]
3.3 Relationships among Various Parameters [3]
3.4 Types of Traffic Flow [1]
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Reading Material 2 △
Chapter 4 Traffic Studies
4.1 Objectives of Traffic Studies [3]
4.2 Types of Studies [3]
4.3 V olume Studies [2]
4.4 Speed and Travel Time Studies [2]
4.5 Intersection Delay Studies [2]
4.6 Parking Studies [1]
4.7 Accidents Studies [1]
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Reading Material 2 △
Chapter 5 Traffic Management and Control
5.1 Traffic Control Devices [3]
5.2 Intersection Control [2]
5.3 Traffic System Management [2]
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Reading Material 2 △
Chapter 6 Traffic Planning
6.1 Fundamentals of Transportation Planning [1]
6.2 Transportation and Land Use [2]
6.3 Transportation Demand Analysis [3]
6.4 Trip Generation Model [2]
6.5 Trip Distribution Model [2]
6.6 Modal Split Model [1]
6.7 Trip Assignment Model [3]
6.8 Introduction to Disaggregate Model ○
Reading Material 1 ○
Reading Material 2 △
Chapter 7 Intelligent Transportation System
7.1 Introduction to ITS [1]
7.2 GIS and GPS in ITS ○
7.3 Network Optimization ○
7.4 Sensing Traffic Using Sensors ○
7.5 In-Vehicle Routing, and Personal Route Information ○7.6 Commercial Routing and Delivery ○
7.7 Dynamic Assignment ○
7.8 Intelligent Vehicle ○
7.9 Development of ITS [2]
Reading Material 1 ○
Reading Material 2 △
4 4 总计56 4 60
《交通工程专业英语》.邬万江,马丽丽主编. 机械工业出版社2012年出版
1.《交通工程专业英语》.裴玉龙主编.人民交通出版社 2000年出版
