
换句话说说考的是同学们能不能真正的掌 握和运用这个词汇,真正在上下文中理解 这个词汇,而不是考同学们是不是单纯的、 简单的、机械的记住了这个词的中文意思。
第二,长难句。 长难句往往由于句子结构比较复杂、句子和句子
之间的逻辑关系比较复杂,所以造成了理解障碍, 甚至理解错误。所以训练自身对于长难句句子结 构的分析和解读能力是我们提高考研阅读做题正 确率的不二法门。
四级、六级和考研英语构成一个庞大的系统工程, 相互之间的区别性特征也是非常明显的。
考研英语主要是进行了一个实质性的转变: 由2004年以前比较多的内容是放在纯粹的 语言能力的考核方面转向对考生的英语交 际能力的考核。
交际能力的三个方面: 语言能力 语篇能力 语用能力
—— (英 语)
全国硕士研究生入学统一考试是为高等学校和科 研机构招收硕士研究生而设置的。其中,英语实 行全国统一考试。
它的评价标准是高等学校非英语专业优秀本科毕 业生能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录 取者具有一定的英语水平,有利于各高等学校和 科研机构在专业上择优选拔。
该部分不仅考查考生对不同语境中规范 的语言要素(包括词汇、表达方式和结构) 的掌握程度,而且还考查考生对语段特征 (如连贯性和一致性等)的辨识能力等。 共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分。
第二部分 阅读理解 该部分由A、B、C三节组成,考查考生
理解书面英语的能力。共30小题,每小题2 分,共60分。
考试形式为笔试。考试时间为180分钟。 满分为100分。
试卷分试题册和答题卡。答题卡分为答 题卡1和答题卡2。考生应将1~45题的答案 按要求填涂在答题卡1上,将46~52题的答 案写在答题卡2上。
第二,长难句。 长难句往往由于句子结构比较复杂、句子和句子
之间的逻辑关系比较复杂,所以造成了理解障碍, 甚至理解错误。所以训练自身对于长难句句子结 构的分析和解读能力是我们提高考研阅读做题正 确率的不二法门。
四级、六级和考研英语构成一个庞大的系统工程, 相互之间的区别性特征也是非常明显的。
考研英语主要是进行了一个实质性的转变: 由2004年以前比较多的内容是放在纯粹的 语言能力的考核方面转向对考生的英语交 际能力的考核。
交际能力的三个方面: 语言能力 语篇能力 语用能力
—— (英 语)
全国硕士研究生入学统一考试是为高等学校和科 研机构招收硕士研究生而设置的。其中,英语实 行全国统一考试。
它的评价标准是高等学校非英语专业优秀本科毕 业生能达到的及格或及格以上水平,以保证被录 取者具有一定的英语水平,有利于各高等学校和 科研机构在专业上择优选拔。
该部分不仅考查考生对不同语境中规范 的语言要素(包括词汇、表达方式和结构) 的掌握程度,而且还考查考生对语段特征 (如连贯性和一致性等)的辨识能力等。 共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分。
第二部分 阅读理解 该部分由A、B、C三节组成,考查考生
理解书面英语的能力。共30小题,每小题2 分,共60分。
考试形式为笔试。考试时间为180分钟。 满分为100分。
试卷分试题册和答题卡。答题卡分为答 题卡1和答题卡2。考生应将1~45题的答案 按要求填涂在答题卡1上,将46~52题的答 案写在答题卡2上。

About the Author
Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She serves as the Journal's Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansbury's winning articles, including "Uneven Care," "Frayed Lifeline" and "The Tender Trap," highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.
About the Author
Christina Binkley is a senior special writer with The Wall Street Journal in Los Angeles. Binkley joined The Wall Street Journal in 1994 and has been writing about travel, hotels, and casinos since 1997. She is currently on leave from her job, writing a book about Las Vegas. Prior to working for The Wall Street Journal, she was a reporter at the Tallahassee Democrat and the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. Binkley is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
About the Author
Clare Ansberry of The Wall Street Journal is the latest winner of the Darrell Sifford Memorial Prize in Journalism. She serves as the Journal's Pittsburgh bureau chief and is a seasoned feature writer. Ansbury's winning articles, including "Uneven Care," "Frayed Lifeline" and "The Tender Trap," highlight the challenges of aging parents caring for a disabled child.
About the Author
Christina Binkley is a senior special writer with The Wall Street Journal in Los Angeles. Binkley joined The Wall Street Journal in 1994 and has been writing about travel, hotels, and casinos since 1997. She is currently on leave from her job, writing a book about Las Vegas. Prior to working for The Wall Street Journal, she was a reporter at the Tallahassee Democrat and the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. Binkley is a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.
Unit1 Education TextB 研究生阶段核心英语精品课程ppt

Part one (1-3): The essence of education is teaching of facts and reasoning skills. Yet almost a century, our schools have been under assault by an approach to education that elevates feeling over facts.
Part three (11-12): It is a disastrous methodology to in our children if the Creationist approach were taken seriously.
Part four (13-14):The crucial role of education is to provide children with the information and methods they need in order to learn how to think independently. If the Creationist approach succeed , the ultimate result will be the extinction of genuine education .
new words
2.elevate ['eliveit] • vt.提升,举起, 提拔, 鼓舞 They had the attempt to elevate Anderson to the presidency.他们企图把安
德逊抬上总统宝座。 • vi. 变高 【词义辨析】 • lift, hoist, raise, elevate, heave, boost这些动词均有“升起、举起”之

symposia, colloquia(座谈会), sections, satellite meetings, topical meetings thematic meetings research-in-progress session 在研项目研讨会 oral presentation 口头报告 poster presentation 张贴报告、展示报告 full paper presentation 宣读论文全文的报告
calendar 会历,会议日程,活动安排表
4 call for papers 论文征稿启事
call for abstracts 文摘征稿启事 call for posters 张贴征稿启事 call for proposals 提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事
5 Forthcoming/upcoming meeting 即将召开的会议
exhibit 展览会(如上海世博会)
exposition 展示会,展销会(如广交会)
cont. cf:forum
论坛 NGO Forum:Nongovernmental Organization WTO … : World Trade Organization WHO … : World Health Organization
14 time slot / time limit / time block 时间段
cf. allotted time allocated time agreed time limit stay within … minutes confine to … minutes
prize address 获奖者发言 question and answer session (Q &A) 提问与回答时间 general discussion 集体讨论,集中讨论
calendar 会历,会议日程,活动安排表
4 call for papers 论文征稿启事
call for abstracts 文摘征稿启事 call for posters 张贴征稿启事 call for proposals 提案(会议、项目等计划书)征稿启事
5 Forthcoming/upcoming meeting 即将召开的会议
exhibit 展览会(如上海世博会)
exposition 展示会,展销会(如广交会)
cont. cf:forum
论坛 NGO Forum:Nongovernmental Organization WTO … : World Trade Organization WHO … : World Health Organization
14 time slot / time limit / time block 时间段
cf. allotted time allocated time agreed time limit stay within … minutes confine to … minutes
prize address 获奖者发言 question and answer session (Q &A) 提问与回答时间 general discussion 集体讨论,集中讨论

e.g. The chance meeting opened up new opportunities for me.
The department store is opening up a new branch in the p a job; keep at a low level; limit the freedom of .
e.g. John has not held down a job for more than one year.
The municipal government has taken effective measures to hold prices down.
5、move in: go to live together with
别 让 失 眠 加 速 衰 老
8、go through: suffer or experience e.g. The country has gone through too many Disasters.
9、break away from; escape from.
e.g. The criminal broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.
10、refer sb./sth. to sb/sth.:send sb. Or sth to another person or place for information, advice or a decision
e.g. Professor Walson referred me to an article she had written on the subject.
2、strokes n.; sudden illnesses which can cause brain damage or paralysis in part of the body.
The department store is opening up a new branch in the p a job; keep at a low level; limit the freedom of .
e.g. John has not held down a job for more than one year.
The municipal government has taken effective measures to hold prices down.
5、move in: go to live together with
别 让 失 眠 加 速 衰 老
8、go through: suffer or experience e.g. The country has gone through too many Disasters.
9、break away from; escape from.
e.g. The criminal broke away from the two policemen who were holding him.
10、refer sb./sth. to sb/sth.:send sb. Or sth to another person or place for information, advice or a decision
e.g. Professor Walson referred me to an article she had written on the subject.
2、strokes n.; sudden illnesses which can cause brain damage or paralysis in part of the body.

morbidity: 病态; 不健全; 发病; 发病率; mortality: 死亡率; 必死性,必死的命运 tumors: 肿瘤 aflatoxin: 黄曲霉毒素 benzopyrene :苯并芘
In our daily life. What are the common chemical carcinogens?
10 grams of alcohol consumed the equivalent(相当于) of
5% alcohol beer 200ml. In all cancers, about 3% are
caused by alcohol, and about 75% of head and neck
It is known cancer causing chemicals
had one more thousand kinds of. Including natural and synthetic(人工 合成).The common are the following :
Cancer & Chemical
—Are We Going Too Far?
Materials Science and Engineering:
Noun Explanation
Cancer & Chemical : refers to the compound which can lead to increased morbidity or mortality, animal and human tumors. For example: aflatoxin, benzopyrene and benzene etc..

Para3. When was Halley’s Comet first seen?
Para2. When were the first observation build?
The first “observatories” were built long before telescopes were invented. A structure in Korea, dating from about AD640, may have been an observatory. A building put up by the Toltec people of Mexico around the 13th century AD may also have been an observatory.
Para 1 When were the first astronomical observations made?
People began observing the sky many thousands of years ago. The oldest surviving observational records may be 3,500 years old. The ancient Chinese recorded information by carving on animal bones. Scholars think that one of these refers to an astronomical observation made about 3,500 years ago.
The most elaborate of ancient observatories was built in Persia some 600 years ago by Ulugh Begh, but we do not know what it looked like. The most important early observatory in the West was built by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe four centuries ago. He made many important observations, even without a telescope.
Para3. When was Halley’s Comet first seen?
Para2. When were the first observation build?
The first “observatories” were built long before telescopes were invented. A structure in Korea, dating from about AD640, may have been an observatory. A building put up by the Toltec people of Mexico around the 13th century AD may also have been an observatory.
Para 1 When were the first astronomical observations made?
People began observing the sky many thousands of years ago. The oldest surviving observational records may be 3,500 years old. The ancient Chinese recorded information by carving on animal bones. Scholars think that one of these refers to an astronomical observation made about 3,500 years ago.
The most elaborate of ancient observatories was built in Persia some 600 years ago by Ulugh Begh, but we do not know what it looked like. The most important early observatory in the West was built by the Danish astronomer Tycho Brahe four centuries ago. He made many important observations, even without a telescope.

Health / medicine Family/ marriage Work / job/ career Campus / education Fashion / entertainment Weather / environment / nature Travel / Society
illegal, impolite, irregular, impatient incapable, irresponsible, inconsistent, incorrect, inappropriate, indefinite Unwise, untie, undo
preschool, exist, marital, game, mature, historic, plan, subMerge, human, marine, ordinate, way, continent, heading, title, divide, telescope, communication, gram, meter, cast, telex,
misunderstand, mislead, mistake, misuse, misspell, misreport, misprint, misplace
The story in the newspaper isn’t true; the facts have been__________. The book contains quite a few_____ words; the proof-reader(校对员)really should have been more cEnglish essays, except that he sometimes ___ words. She had ____her keys and had to ask her parents to come and unlock the door.

• It starts with the fact that the Harry Potter books capture the attention of an amazingly large audience, although they are confronted with challenges by some parents and conservative religious leaders. They disapprove of the Harry Potter books because they think these books advocate witchcraft. Then the author make his own comments on the Harry Potter books, including their merits and demerits(优缺点). Finally, the author arrives at a conclusion that there is every reason to say that Harry Potter possesses all the earmarks (特征)of a classic.
• Publicatin of the fourth book appeals to a large number of children. • Harry Potter books are challenged by some parents and religious
• The way with naming people and things is quirky and original. • There is every reason to say that Harry Potter possesses all the

The usage and collocation of prepositions and conjunctions
• 使用与搭配
The usage and collocation of prepositions and conjunctions
Prepositions and conjunctions are essential parts of English grammar, helping to clarify the meaning and structure of sentences.
动词的用法包括基本形式、第三人称单数形 式、现在分词、过去分词等,动词的搭配包 括固定搭配和习惯搭配,不同的用法和搭配 表达不同的意义和用法。
05 Adjectives and Adverbs
The definition and classification of adjectives
It covers the basic principles of vocabulary acquisition, including the need for a wide range of vocabulary, regular review and practice, and effective use of context.
定义:Conjunctions are words that connect two or more clauses or sentences to form a complex sentence.
分类:Conjunctions can be classified into coordinating conjunctions (e.g., "and," "or," "but") and subordinating conjunctions (e.g., "because," "if," "when").
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学考试科目设置,除教育 考试科目第二单元(外国语):
学、历史学、医学门类设 法律硕士(非法学)、法律硕
置三个单元考试科目(政治 士(法学)、建筑学硕士、汉
理论、外国语、基础课, 语国际教育硕士、临床医
各科目试题满分分别为100 学硕士、口腔医学硕士、
(1)学术型研究生 根据我国的有关规定,普通硕士教育以培养教
学和科研人才为主,授予学位的类型主要是学 术型学位。 目前,我国学术型学位按招生学科门类分为哲 学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、 理学、工学、农学、医学、军事学、管理学等 12大类,12大类下面再分为88个一级学科,88 个一级学科下面再细分为300多个二级学科,同 时还有招生单位自行设立的760多个二级学科。 普通硕士的招生考试主要是年初的全国硕士研 究生统一入学考试(简称“统考”),被录取后, 获得研究生学籍。毕业时,若课程学习和论文 答辩均符合学位条例的规定,可获毕业证书和 学位证书。
Courseware 1 for
Postgraduate Entrance Examination
考研英语试卷类型 考研英语题型 考研英语与CET比较
英 语 试 卷 学术型研究生初试考英语一 类 专业学位研究生初试考英语二 型
按照专业和用途的不同,硕士研究生可分为学术型研究 生和专业学位研究生。
按照专业和用途的不同,硕士研究生可分为学术型研究 生和专业学位研究生。
目前,我国经批准设置的专业学位已达15类。 专业学位教育是我国研究生教育的一种形式。 区别于一般意义上侧重理论、学术研究的研 究生教育,专业学位教育旨在针对一定的职 业背景、培养高层次、应用型人才。除了我 们熟知的工商管理硕士(MBA)与法律硕士 以外,还包括公共管理硕士、教育硕士、公 共卫生硕士、体育硕士、软件工程硕士、工 程硕士、会计专业硕士、建筑学硕士、临床 硕士、艺术硕士、风景园林硕士、农业推广 硕士专业学位、兽医硕士专业学位等。
大学英语六级要求快速阅读,而考研英语要求精确 阅读,需要考生将阅读速度放慢下来。
考研英语的长难句非常之多,基本占到阅读文章的 一半,而翻译考的基本就是长难句找出成分正确组 合以及某些单词的适宜的中文表达,所以语法、长 难句这关是一定要过关的,尤其近几年的考试体现 的尤为明显,如果平时只是靠语感,一般前两篇阅 读文章可能会让考生产生崩溃的感觉。考研英语的 基础就在于单词和长难句,许多考生抱怨文章读不 懂,其原因就在于基础不扎实。
共10分; 题型一:选择搭配题:5空,在6,7个选项
里以补充完整5空。,(2004,2012,2013) 题型二:排序题:7,8个选项排序,已给2,
3段的段落位置。 (2003,,2010,2011,2014) 题型三:小标题或概括句:从6,7个选项 中选出最恰当的5个标题填入文中空白处。 (2007) C节是翻译题,从文章中划出5个句子出来让考 生翻译,每句2分共10分。
第一,词汇量。 考的是词汇的深度,而不是词汇的广度,换句
话说说考的是同学们能不能真正的掌握和运用 这个词汇,真正在上下文中理解这个词汇,而 不是考同学们是不是单纯的、简单的、机械的 记住了这个词的中文意思。
第二,长难句。பைடு நூலகம்
长难句往往由于句子结构比较复杂、句子和句子之间 的逻辑关系比较复杂,所以造成了理解障碍,甚至理 解错误。所以训练自身对于长难句句子结构的分析和 解读能力是我们提高考研阅读做题正确率的不二法门 。
其他各学科门类考试科目 考英语一(日语、俄语);翻
均设置四个单元(政治理论、 译硕士采用翻译硕士外语
外国语、基础课和专业基 试题;其余各专业可选用
础课,各科目试题满分分 统考英语一(日语、俄语)或
别为100分、100分、150 英语二试题(英语二重点考
考研英语相比大学英语六级来说词汇量没有大量增 加,基本就增加了1000多个词汇,但难点在于考一 词多义。
举个例子,某年阅读真题第2段段首主题句“the full import may take a while to sink in”, 已经通过大学英 语六级的考生可能会翻译为“全部的进口需要一些 时间来沉没”,但是考研英语却不是这样理解的。 这句的意思是:“它全部的含义需要一段时间才能 为人们所理解。”在此句中,import不是表示“进 口,输入”的意思,而是解释为“含义,意义”的 意思;sink不是表示“沉没,陷落”的意思,而是 解释为“深入,渗透”的意思。由此看来,就是 import 和 sink这两个“熟悉的陌生人”给考生制造 了难度,而这种情况比比皆是,所以词汇关是考生 必须首先突破的,并且要注意与大学英语六级的区 别。
考 研 英 语 与 比 较
考研英语注重的是阅读外文文献获取信息的 能力,所以没有听力,词汇量不大、不偏, 但是单词挖的很深,一词多义司空见惯,长 难句极多,且极注重考逻辑思维和辨析能力。 考研英语基本上是以阅读为核心建立的,因 此一定要重视它。
在备战考研英语时,练习阅读时间千万不能 少,也不宜过多,一般来说不能低于60分钟, 但也不能超过80分钟。
第一篇是写应用文(小作文), 比如书信、摘要等。小作文100 个字,10分;
第二篇是写大作文,比如看图作 文等。大作文160-200个字,20 分。
英语知识运用 15分钟 阅读A 70分钟 阅读B 25分钟 阅读C 20分钟 写作 50分钟
2. 真题展示:
考 研 英 语 题 型
第一部分:英语知识运用(完 形填空),共20个空,每空 0.5分共10分
第二部分:阅读理解,共60分,分为3节。 其中A节4篇阅读理解,每篇后面有5个问题,
每题2分共占40分; B节新题型,有如下的题型,考试时只有一种,