高考英语一轮3500词汇复习之30天每日一练 Day5(原卷版)

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1.I still remembered the happy hours ten years ago when we (chat) with colleagues at bars, met friends at restaurants and stayed with families in the holidays.

2.One student the Belt and Road as the topic of our composition last week. Since then some other students have the same as their topics.(choose)

3.As the president ended his speech, we (clap) politely.

4.I hope this problem can be gradually (clarify) and solved in future talks just as other problems.

5.I have read each comment and (classify) each suggestion and the results are pretty interesting.

6.Unfortunately, although Vincent van Gogh (commit) his whole being to painting, he received little reward for his effort.


1.It is clearly that your life in your country is quite different from mine.

2.Watch the pets close when they are left outdoors.

3.Who do you believe should be in the charge of such a situation?

4.This machine could play the chess, moving the pieces with a mechanical arm and defeating even the best human player.

5.We always decorate our house with something red and green on Christmas.________


1.最重要的因素是我精通英语并且拥有丰富的英语教学经验。(factor, have a good command of, teaching experience)

2.当谈到提高英语口语水平时,我的建议是每天尽可能地多听、多练习说英语。(when it comes to, spoken English, whenever possible)

3.我是李华,你们公司的老顾客,我写信投诉你们服务太差。(a regular customer, make a complaint)

4.就我个人而言,户外运动不仅能使我们接近大自然,而且能让我们从沉重的学习任务中摆脱出来得以放松。(concern, get close to, give sb. relaxation)

5.(2018·浙江高考写作)一方面,我已经掌握了流利的英语口语,我与他们交流几乎没有什么困难。(develop, fluency, communicate)
