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2020 年贵州省贵阳市初中学业水平考试


1.本试卷共 16 页,共 8 个大题,满分 150 分,答题时间 120 分钟,考试形式为闭卷。



第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共 100 分)

第一大题 听力(共五节,30 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 30 分) 第一节 根据对话内容,选择相应的图片。读一遍。


A B C 2

A B C 3

A B C 4



C 5







7. A. Glad to see you. B. It’s relaxing. C. I’m fine.

8. A. Tomato soup. B. Beef noodles. C. Apple juice.

9. A. Five meters. B. At 6:30. C. Four dollars.

10. A. On foot. B. That’s bad. C. No problem.

11. A. Huaxi Park. B. Town Cinema. C. Blackwood Zoo.

12. A. I can draw well. B. Enjoy yourself. C. Sure, I’d love to.


13. Bob advised the lady to teach kids .

A. reading skills

B. swimming skills

C. writing skills

14. Laura is writing a passage about .

A. famous people

B. interesting inventions

C. future life

15. Kim’s favorite band is the Coldplay and he can its music.

A. play

B. sing along with

C. dance to

16. Tony does well in English because he every day.

A. listens to tapes

B. reads novels

C. writes diaries

17. Jeff feels to say goodbye to some of his collections.

A. pleased

B. sad

C. angry

18. The topic of the speakers’ conversation is about.

A. celebrations

B. nature

C. Population


19. A. About 15 kilometers. B. About 50 kilometers. C. About 55 kilometers.

20. A. Treasure Island. B. Little Women. C. Tom Sawyer.

21. A. Kiss her. B. Shake hands with her. C. Bow to her.

22. A. Doctor and patient. B. Father and daughter. C. Waiter and customer.

23. A. A teacher. B. A policewoman. C. A nurse.

24. A. He has a nosebleed. B. He has a cold. C. He has a toothache.


25. A. In1926. B. In1936. C. In1946.

26. A. Guangdong. B. Wuhan. C. Beijing.

27. A. Because they played sports very often.

B. Because they hardly went to crowded places.

C. Because they were treated by Zhong’s method.

28. A. To wash hands often. B. To wear masks. C. To sleep more.

29. A. Basketball. B. Tennis. C. Ping-pong.

30. A. He is just a doctor. B. He is a hero and a fighter. C. He is a good leader.

第二大题单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

31.Chinese volleyball player Zhu Ting has become_______world-recognized sports star.

A. /

B. a

C. the

32. _______January 25, President Xi told the public that nothing matters more than people’s safety and health.

A. From

B. On

C. In

33. “Tara, what’s your favorite_______?” “Orange. Half of my dresses are orange.”

A. fruit

B. drink

C. color

34. With the improvement in transportation, students in some small villages no longer go on ropeways _______rivers to schools.

A. to cross

B. crossing

C. crossed

35. Even if we learn something well, we will forget it_______we use it.

while B. until C. unless

36.In difficult times, there are always national heroes_______step up and bring people hope.

A. whom

B. which

C. who

37. “Krystal, do you know how tea is produced?” “Yes. When tea leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then_______for processing.”

A. send

B. are sent

C. were sent

38. After-school activities help students gain more skills and teach_______ to care about others.

A. me

B. you

C. them

39. As we all know, using public chopsticks_______necessary when we eat with others.

A. is

B. are

C. was

40. “Pingtang Bridge has the highest concrete bridge tower in the world.” “_______amazing it is!”

A. How

B. What

C. What an

41. Drugs are harmful to people’s physical and mental health. We teenagers must_______.

A. take care of

B. keep away from

C. get used to

42 With the help of Air Classroom, students_______keep learning even with schools closed.

A. can

B. must

C. should

43. The BBC’s documentary Du Fu: China’s Greatest Poet explains_______Du’s works have been
