目录第一章概述 (2)一、进入Proteus ISIS (2)二、工作界面 (3)三、基本操作 (3)图形编辑窗口 (3)预览窗口(The Overview Window) (4)对象选择器窗口 (5)图形编辑的基本操作 (5)参考1 (10)参考2作原理图仿真调试 (12)四、实例一 (16)电路图的绘制 (17)KeilC与Proteus连接调试 (26)五、实例二 (30)使用元件工具箱 (30)使用状态信息条 (30)使用对话框 (30)使用仿真信息窗口 (30)关闭Proteus ISIS (30)四、菜单命令简述 (31)主窗口菜单 (31)表格输出窗口(Table)菜单 (33)方格输出窗口(Grid)菜单 (33)Smith圆图输出窗口(Smith)菜单 (33)直方图输出窗口(Histogram)菜单 (33)第二章基于51的PID炉温度调节器的硬件设计及仿真(未完成) (34)第一章概述Proteus ISIS是英国Labcenter公司开发的电路分析与实物仿真软件。
它运行于Windows 操作系统上,可以仿真、分析(SPICE)各种模拟器件和集成电路,该软件的特点是:①实现了单片机仿真和SPICE电路仿真相结合。
Rsoft软件(BPM,光束传播法模拟)中文课件(5.6光纤模式转换器)江苏大学陈明阳教授编写 2018最新版
1.高阶模的监视器设置 2.重叠区波导折射率确定(通过优先级来改变
重叠区折射率值,谁高[优先级]取谁[折射率差] )
2. M.-Y. Chen, G.-D. Cao, Y.-Q. Tong, and L. Wang, "High-order mode conversion based on adiabatical mode evolution for mode division multiplexing applications," Applied Optics 56, 5125-5130 (2017).
选取辅助纤芯6的折射率差为0.0063 ,为了实现从单芯端面输入LP21b时 ,能从辅助纤芯6输出
辅助纤芯5选取折射率差为 0.0083,为了实现从单芯端 面输入LP11b时,能从辅助纤
芯5输出辅。 助纤芯1-4
第一类辅助纤芯选取折射率差为 0.0095,该结构能够实现从LP01、 LP11a、 LP21a、 LP02模式的依次输出 。
模式复用器成为模 分复用系统通信性 能优劣的关键性因 素。江苏 Nhomakorabea学陈明阳
L=80mm 20um
1 模式转换器的功能设想
能够实现模式从低阶到高阶的转换 以及模式从高阶到低阶的转换
RSoft 仿真软件指导书RSoft是一款非常实用的光波导仿真软件。
一、软件CAD界面:下载网站上的压缩包,解压缩后运行C:\Program Files\RSoft\bin文件夹中的bcadw32.exe,即出现如下图所示的CAD界面。
二、单根波导的仿真:在软件中,点击左上角的”New Circuit”按钮,如图所示。
点击”Segment mode”(新建文件时默认就是此模式),如上图红圈所示。
在RSoft 软件中,波导位置是由首尾两个坐标确定的,并且BPM计算的光是只沿着z轴传播(即竖直方向),这个是需要特别注意的。
RSOFT使用教程目录Rsoft简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器 (5)Device Layout: 器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulation 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM, 以及MOST软件。
RSOFT使用教程目录Rsoft简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器 (5)Device Layout: 器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulation 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM, 以及MOST软件。
RSOFT使用教程目录Rsoft简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器 (5)Device Layout: 器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulation 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM, 以及MOST软件。
Obtaining RSoft Software and License Key Files Optical Solutions GroupMarch 2016Copyright Notice and Proprietary InformationCopyright © 2015 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. This software and documentation contain confidential and proprietary information that is the property of Synopsys, Inc. The software and documentation are furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. No part of the software and documentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, manual, optical, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Synopsys, Inc., or as expressly provided by the license agreement.Right to Copy DocumentationThe license agreement with Synopsys permits licensee to make copies of the documentation for its internal use only. Each copy shall include all copyrights, trademarks, service marks, and proprietary rights notices, if any. Licensee must assign sequential numbers to all copies. These copies shall contain the following legend on the cover page:“This document is duplicated with the permission of Syn opsys, Inc., for the exclusive use of______________________________ and its employees. This is copy number __________.”Destination Control StatementAll technical data contained in this publication is subject to the export control laws of the United States of America. Disclosure to nationals of other countries contrary to United States law is prohibited. It is the reader’s responsibility to determine the applicable re gulations and to comply with them.DisclaimerSYNOPSYS, INC., AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARD TO THIS MATERIAL, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.TrademarksSynopsys’ company and certain product names are trademarks of Synopsys, as set forth at:/Company/Pages/Trademarks.aspx. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners.Table of ContentsIntroduction (1)Signing Up for a SolvNet Account (1)Downloading RSoft Products from SolvNet (2)Using SmartKeys to Download License Key Files (4)Installing RSoft Software (5)Ordering Tangible Media (CDs) (6)IntroductionCustomers in Direct-Sales regions (USA and some other countries) who have purchased copies of the RSoft software from Synopsys can download installation files and License Key files from the Synopsys SolvNet web site. Customers in Distributor-Sales regions (see for a complete list of distributors for the RSoft products) should contact their Distributor for access to these items.Signing Up for a SolvNet Account1.Go to and click the Sign Up Now button.2.Click the Sign Up for an Account button.3. A corporate email address is required to register for SolvNet. For example, an address like************************* is valid, whereas public-domain email addresses such as ******************* or ******************* cannot be used. Note that Synopsys has changed the SolvNet access policy for Universities, contact ************************** if you need assistance.4.During the registration process, you will need to enter your company’s Site ID. If you do notknow your Site ID, email ************************ to request it. Be sure to include your company name and address in your email request.5.After you submit your information, you will receive a confirmation email from SolvNetwithin 24 hours with instructions for completing the registration process.Downloading RSoft Products from SolvNet1.Log into SolvNet () using your SolvNet account.2.From the SolvNet homepage, click the Downloads tab.3.The list of Synopsys products displayed will contain all the products currently licensed atyour organization’s location. Select the product you wish to download.4.Select the version of the product that you would like to download.5.Click the Download Here button. Note that you can Sign Up to receive automaticnotifications from SolvNet when new versions of this Synopsys product are released.6.Read and click the Yes, I Agree to the Above Terms for Synopsys’ Electronic SoftwareTransfer (EST).7.Look through the list of files and use the Download button(s) to download the files that youneed. For some of the RSoft products, both Windows and Linux versions will be shown for download. You will only be able to use the Linux version if you are licensed for it separately.If needed, you can also download the latest copy of the RSoft Installation Guide.8.You should go back to Step 3 in this section and repeat Steps 3-7 for any other products thatyou need to install:∙Windows Installations: You will need to download only the RSoft component or system installers. The required Synopsys Common Licensing (SCL) installer isincluded in the RSoft installer.∙Linux Installations: You will need to download the RSoft component or system installers, Synopsys Common Licensing (SCL), and the Synopsys Installer.See the RSoft Installation Guide for a complete list of installation requirements.Using SmartKeys to Download License Key Files A License Key File is a file that contains licensing information that corresponds to your RSoft license. The SmartKeys web interface on Synopsys’ SolvNet website can be used to obtain license key files:1.Go to the SmartKeys page on SolvNet (/SmartKeys). You can also getthere by going to the SolvNet Downloads page and clicking the SmartKeys link in the lower right column.2.On the SmartKeys page, click the Key Retrieval link.3.If you would like to download license key files for all Synopsys products licensed at yoursite, simply click the Retrieve Licenses button. If you want to obtain a license key file for a specific Host ID, enter the Host ID and then click Retrieve Licenses.4.You will receive a separate email for each Host ID you have requested. Save this file to aconvenient location on your computer for use during the RSoft product installation.Installing RSoft SoftwareThe basic installation instructions are:∙Windows Installations: run the RSoft installer as administrator. It will guide you through the installation process. Additional details can be found in the RSoft Installation Guide.∙Linux Installations: See the RSoft Installation Guide for complete instructions.The RSoft Installation Guide can be downloaded from SolvNet or, after installation, can be found at <rsoft_dir>\docs\install.pdf where <rsoft_dir> is the RSoft installation directory (C:\RSoft) by default.Ordering Tangible Media (CDs)If needed, you can order installation CDs for your Synopsys’ Products from SolvNet:1.From the SolvNet homepage, click the Downloads tab.2.Click the MediaCenter link in the lower right corner of the download page.3.Select the Synopsys Tools that you would like included on the CD. If you have a Linuxlicense, be sure to include Synopsys Common Licensing (SCL) and the Synopsys Installer since it is required for installing on Linux.plete the Ship-to Address information. Items in bold are mandatory. Click Continue.5.Review the shipping request click Place Order to complete the CD order.7 Obtaining RSoft Software and License Key Files。
目录Rsoft简介.......................................................................................................................................... Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程....................................................................................................... Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器.............................................................................Device Layout: 器件结构:...............................................................................................Defining Variables 定义变量.............................................................................................Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图................................................................................Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 ....................................................................Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器...........................................................Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发................................................................................Launch Field 激发场 ..........................................................................................................Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱.............................................................Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率................................................Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 .................................................................................... Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 ........................................ Lattice layout 晶格布局.....................................................................................................................Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建.........................................................................Lattice Customization 定制晶格 ........................................................................................Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 ....................................................................Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 ........................................................................Launch Set Up 激发场设置 ..............................................................................................Simulation 模拟 ................................................................................................................................. Data Analysis 数据分析 .....................................................................................................................Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 .......................................................................Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up ................................................................................................. Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 ...................................Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 ...................................Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM,?以及MOST软件。
目录第1章Proteus ISIS简介 (1)第2章Proteus ISIS编辑环境 (2)第3章Proteus ISIS原理图输入 (3)3.1 Proteus ISIS原理图输入的可视工具介绍 (3)3.2 在Proteus ISIS原理图编辑窗口查找元件 (4)3.3 放置元件 (9)3.4 连线 (14)3.4.1 无模式连线 (14)3.4.2 自动连线模式 (14)3.4.3 动态光标显示 (14)3.5 元件标签 (17)3.5.1 编辑元件标签 (17)3.5.2 移动元件标签 (18)3.6 器件标注 (18)3.6.1 属性分配工具(PAT) (19)3.6.2 全局标注器 (20)第4章Proteus ISIS 8086仿真 (21)4.1 在Proteus ISIS中输入电路原理图 (21)4.2 在Proteus中设置外部代码编译器 (22)4.3 添加源代码,选择编译器。
(24)4.4 仿真调试 (26)4.4.1 调试模式 (26)4.4.2 设置断点 (27)第1章Proteus ISIS简介Proteus是英国Labcenter公司开发的电路分析与实物仿真及印制电路板设计软件,它可以仿真、分析各种模拟电路与集成电路。
Proteus 7主要由ISIS和ARES两部分组成,ISIS的主要功能是原理图设计及与电路原理图的交互仿真,ARES 主要用于印制电路板的设计。
本手册介绍如何利用Proteus ISIS输入电路原理图、利用外部编译器编译8086汇编程序并进行基于8086微处理器的VSM 仿真。
Proteus 7可以在以下操作系统中使用:注意,Proteus软件也可能能在Windows 98,NT, Millennuium等合法Windows 系统中使用,只不过Labcenter和Microsoft都已经不再对此提供技术支持服务。
SOLIDWORKS 虚拟模拟软件套件产品说明书
SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION SUITEDRIVE INNOVATION WITH3D ENGINEERING SOLUTIONSSIMULATION-DRIVEN 3D DESIGN AND ENGINEERING Manufacturing com panies across all industries have m ade 3D virtual sim ulation a valuable engineering tool to synthesize and define their physical products. Sophisticated sim ulation is no longer just for specialists. It’s the inspiration that fuels innovation. Product engineers can m ake their technical decisions driven by simulation insights, uncovering significant product and business benefits.With powerful and intuitive SOLIDWORKS® Simulation solutions, product engineers can virtually test new ideas, quickly and efficiently evaluate performance, improve quality, and get the knowledge for product innovation.SOLIDWORKS Flow SimulationSOL IDWORKS Flow Simulation intuitive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) enables designers to simulate liquid and gas flow in real-world conditions, run “what if” scenarios, and efficiently analyze the effects of fluid flow, heat transfer, and related forces on immersed or surrounding components. Early in the design process, designers can easily simulate fluid flow, heat transfer, and fluid forces that are critical to the success of the design.SOLIDWORKS SimulationSOLIDWORKS Simulation provides a powerful structural testing environment for sophisticated simulation in an intuitive workflow, so you can answer engineering challenges involving complex load scenarios and multiple physics cases.You can test products against a broad range of parameters during the design process, such as durability, static and dynamic response, and thermal behavior, and use the technical insight you gain as early as possible for an optimized design.SOLIDWORKS Motion SimulationSOL IDWORKS Motion Simulation provides engineers with powerful, intuitive assembly motion analysis to accurately determine the physical movements of the assembly under load, as well as the timing (time-based motion) or sequencing (event-based motion). With the assembly motion and forces calculated, you can perform a structural analysis of the components with SOLIDWORKS Simulation to help ensure product performance.SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION SOLUTIONSSOLIDWORKS Simulation solutions help product engineers reduce the risk inherent with innovation and get their products to market faster with less physical prototyping to decrease costs. With the consistent, powerful, intuitive set of simulation capabilities, all fully embedded with SOLIDWORKS 3D CAD, designers can understand product performance early in the design process and avoidcostly over-engineering.SOLIDWORKS PlasticsSOL IDWORKS Plastics injection molding simulation predicts how melted plastic flows during the injection molding process—the manufacturing method used to produce over 80 percent of all plastics products. The ability to predict how the plastic will flow enables prediction of manufacturing-related defects. Additionally, SOL IDWORKS Plastics enables the prediction of part warpage and mold cooling optimization. Users can change part or mold geometry, processing conditions, or the plastic material to eliminate or minimize potential defects, saving energy, natural resources, time, and money.SOLIDWORKS SustainabilitySOLIDWORKS Sustainability performs real-time environmental assessments as part of your product design process. Fully integrated with your SO IDWORKS design environment and using industry-standard lifecycle assessment criteria, SOLIDWORKS Sustainability provides instant feedback, so you can quickly make adjustments to your design, and turn your sustainability goals into results.“With SOLIDWORKS Simulation, I can identify and resolve potential issues during design, so that when we mold those initial pieces, they are right the first time. It’s an incredible tool that has let us save 30 to 60 percent in capital costs in the development of new products.”— Todd Turner, Senior Product Development Engineer, Macro PlasticsTemperature distribution from a CFDanalysis in SOLIDWORKS Flow SimulationENGINEERING CHALLENGES TACKLED WITH SOLIDWORKS SIMULATION SOLUTIONSSOLIDWORKS Simulation Solutions enable product engineers to perform a complete performance test in a single user interface with the smoothest and most efficient engineering workflow.For products subjected to fluid flow and heat transfer, you can simulate the fluid flow around your product for velocity, pressure, and thermal insights with CFD simulation, use the thermal results in a thermal stress simulation to assess dilatation risk, and measure the response of your product to random vibration in structural dynamic analysis. All this in one environment enables a unique and productive workflow.For plastic parts, you can simulate the filling, packing, and cooling phases of the injection molding process, and then perform warpage analysis to determine if your part will deform due to molded-in stresses. You can then perform a structural analysis that takes into account both molded-in and external stresses for product response assessment.“ S OLIDWORKS Flow Simulation not only improves our productivity and efficiency, but also lets us tackle heat transfer challenges that we would not be able to resolve without it.”–Bernd Knab, Development Manager, POLYRACK Tech-GroupDecrease product development costs• Reduce the need for costly prototyping by integrating virtual testing early in product development• Reduce outsourcing costs by testing performance and functionality internallyShorten time-to-market• Optimize product development with intuitive, CAD-embedded simulation for structural, fluid flow, motion, plastics injection molding, and sustainable design• Reduce the need for time-consuming physical prototyping • Optimize assembly performance by verifying part and mold designs in the earliest stages of developmentSOLIDWORKS Simulation Solutions—the 3D engineering suite for making technical and business decisionsSOLIDWORKS SIMULATION SOLUTIONS HELP COMPANIES:Boost product innovation• Grow market share and differentiate through ground-breaking product design• Empower the engineering team with intuitive, powerful 3D simulation tools to compare design scenarios and new ideas to bring innovative products to marketImprove product efficiency• Improve product performance, such as lower pressure drop and increased horsepower• Improve eco-effectiveness of product designsKnown: product tasks, design limits, and goalsBrainstorming conceptsMeasure designs against goals using simulationCommon UI for design and simulationRapid analysis for simulation: motion, structural strength, flow rates, thermal issues, etc.As design evolves and refines, analysis is 100% associative with enabling simulation-guided designLeverage CAD model intelligence in simulation Communicate results throughout design teamSelect the design with best performanceSimulation guides which physical tests to run and what to measureDA B C PROBLEMIDEA/SOLUTIONSSELECTION - DESIGN C PROTOTYPE BUILD SHIPUNIQUE CONCURRENT ENGINEERING WORKFLOW FOR BEST-IN-CLASS PRODUCT DESIGNT E S T /S I MU LA T E EVA LU A T ER E F I N ESOLIDWORKS PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS SOL IDWORKS software provides an intuitive 3D development environment that helps maximize the productivity of your design and engineering resources to create better products faster and more cost-effectively. See the full range of SOL IDWORKS software for design, simulation, technical communication, and data management at /products2017.LEARN MORETo learn more about SOL IDWORKS Simulation solutions, visit /simulation or contact your local authorized SOLIDWORKS reseller.SOLIDWORKS systems requirements areposted on the SOLIDWORKS website at/systemrequirements.Reach the best available strength-to-weight,frequency, or stiffness performance for thedesigns with Structural Optimization analysisEach Simulation software empowers product engineers with intuitive, powerful, and in depth analysis capabilities foran accurate assessment of product behavior.Our 3D EXPERIENCE® platform powers our brand applications, serving 12 industries, and provides arich portfolio of industry solution experiences.Dassault Systèmes, t he 3D EXPERIENCE®Company, provides business and people wit h virt ual universes to imagine sust ainable innovations. It sworld-leading solutions transform the way products are designed, produced, and supported. Dassault Systèmes’ collaborative solutions foster social innovation,expanding possibilities for the virtual world to improve the real world. The group brings value to over 210,000 customers of all sizes in all industries in more than140 countries. For more information, visit.Europe/Middle East/AfricaDassault Systèmes10, rue Marcel DassaultCS 4050178946 Vélizy-Villacoublay CedexFranceAmericasDassault Systèmes175 Wyman StreetWaltham, Massachusetts02451-1223USAAsia-PacificDassault Systèmes K.K.ThinkPark Tower2-1-1 Osaki, Shinagawa-ku,Tokyo 141-6020Japan©216DassaultSystèmes.Allrightsreserved.3DEXPERIENCE®,theCompassicon,the3DSlogo,CATIA,SOLIDWORKS,ENOVIA,DELMIA,SIMULIA,GEOVIA,EXALEAD,3DVIA,3DSWYM,BIOVIA,NETVIBES,IFWEand3DEXCITEarecommercialtrademarksorregisteredtrademarksofDassaultSystèmes,aFrench“sociétéeuropéenne”(VersaillesCommercialRegister#B3223644),oritssubsidiariesintheUnitedStatesand/orothercountries.Allothertrademarksareownedbytheirrespectiveowners.UseofanyDassaultSystèmesoritssubsidiariestrademarksissubjecttotheirexpresswrittenapproval.MKSSIMSOLDSENG816。
目录Rsoft 简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1: 环形共振器 (5)Device Layout:器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT 的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulati on 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM 模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程3: PBG 晶体:T 型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM,以及MOST软件。
1.Rsoft软件安装及界面介绍1.1 安装安装完成之后将"bin" 和 'lincenses'文件夹拷贝到安装目录下,覆盖原来的文件夹。
2 CAD画图两个模块的画图方法是一样的,这里,以BEAmprop为例。
2.1 新建一个文件点击新建出现下图,主要是选择仿真模块,设置全局参数。
打开Rsoft软件,导入耦合器的.ind 文件,即“File”->"Open"。
给耦合器设置路径,单击如图所示红 圈中的按钮。
在弹出的对话框中,单击“new"新建 一条路径,然后用鼠标在模型中选中 一条路径,如图所示。
继续单击”new“,并在模型中选择, 生成第2第3条路径。然后单击”ok“, 保存设置。
左图表示了本步片内 容为准。
单击模拟按钮,设置仿真的步长和结 果显示的方式,单击”ok“,便能看 到仿真的动态过程了。
左图表示了本步骤的内容,以图片内 容为准。
给耦合器设置注入光,单击图中红圈 中的按钮。然后在弹出的对话框中设 置光从第三条路径注入。
左图表示了本步骤的内容,以图片内 容为准。
给耦合器添加监视器以观测仿真过程 中的耦合器功率变化情况。单击图中 红圈中的按钮,在弹出的对话框中分 别给三条路径都加上监视器。单 击”ok“保存。
Rsoft软件(BPM,光束传播法模拟)中文课件(第1-3章)江苏大学陈明阳教授编写 2018最新版
在Optics Letters、Optics Express、IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters等国际光学期刊上发表SCI收录论文50余篇,其中SCI二区论文17篇。
主讲教师简历⏹近期光束传播法相关论文:⏹ 1. Investigation on adiabatic mode evolution in a few-modeoptical waveguide. Applied Physics B 2018, 124(5): 88.⏹ 2. Design of mode conversion waveguides based on adiabaticalmode evolution for mode division multiplexing. Applied PhysicsB 2017, 123(10): 256.⏹ 3. Design and optimization of fundamental mode filters based onlong-period fiber gratings.Opt. Fiber Technol.,2016, 30,89-94.⏹ 4. Mode-Selective Characteristics of an Optical Fiber With aHigh-Index Core and a Photonic Bandgap Cladding.2016, 22(2): 1-7.第一章绪论1. 学习内容Rsoft:基于光束传播法、时域有限差分法、传输矩阵法等,用于光波导器件设计和分析的专业软件2. 光器件数值模拟的意义⏹它为光器件研究提供一个低成本的试验空间和合理的实验方案;⏹通过数值模拟,可以进一步理解光波导的基本原理。
RSOFT使用教程目录Rsoft简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器 (5)Device Layout: 器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulation 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM, 以及MOST软件。
Rsoft软件(BPM,光束传播法模拟)中文课件(第1-3章)江苏大学陈明阳教授编写 2018最新版
在Optics Letters、Optics Express、IEEE Photonics TechnologyLetters等国际光学期刊上发表SCI收录论文50余篇,其中SCI二区论文17篇。
主讲教师简历⏹近期光束传播法相关论文:⏹ 1. Investigation on adiabatic mode evolution in a few-modeoptical waveguide. Applied Physics B 2018, 124(5): 88.⏹ 2. Design of mode conversion waveguides based on adiabaticalmode evolution for mode division multiplexing. Applied PhysicsB 2017, 123(10): 256.⏹ 3. Design and optimization of fundamental mode filters based onlong-period fiber gratings.Opt. Fiber Technol.,2016, 30,89-94.⏹ 4. Mode-Selective Characteristics of an Optical Fiber With aHigh-Index Core and a Photonic Bandgap Cladding.2016, 22(2): 1-7.第一章绪论1. 学习内容Rsoft:基于光束传播法、时域有限差分法、传输矩阵法等,用于光波导器件设计和分析的专业软件2. 光器件数值模拟的意义⏹它为光器件研究提供一个低成本的试验空间和合理的实验方案;⏹通过数值模拟,可以进一步理解光波导的基本原理。
RSOFT使用教程目录Rsoft简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器 (5)Device Layout: 器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulation 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM, 以及MOST软件。
RSOFT使用教程目录Rsoft简介 (3)Chapter 7 Tutorials 第七章教程 (5)Tutorial 1: Ring Resonator 教程1:环形共振器 (5)Device Layout: 器件结构: (5)Defining Variables 定义变量 (6)Drawing the Structure 画器件结构图 (6)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (9)Adding Time Monitors 添加时间监视(探测)器 (10)Simulation: Pulsed Excitation 模拟:脉冲激发 (12)Launch Field 激发场 (12)Wavelength/Frequency Spectrum 波长/频率光谱 (12)Increasing the Resolution of the FFT 提高FFT的分辨率 (14)Simulation: CW Excitation 模拟:连续激发 (16)Tutorial 2: PBG Crystal: Square Lattice 教程 2:PBG 晶体:四方晶格 (17)Lattice layout 晶格布局 (17)Base Lattice Generation 基准晶格的创建 (17)Lattice Customization 定制晶格 (18)Checking the Index Profile 核对折射率分布 (18)Inserting Time Monitors 插入时间监视器 (19)Launch Set Up 激发场设置 (20)Simulation 模拟 (21)Data Analysis 数据分析 (22)Switching Polarization 改变偏振为TM模 (23)Periodic Boundary Condition Set Up (24)Tutorial 3: PBG Crystal: Tee Structure 教程 3:PBG晶体: T型结构 (24)Tutorial 4: PBG Crystal: Defect Mode 教程四:PBG 晶体:缺陷模型 (24)Rsoft简介包括BeamPROP、FullWAVE、BandSOLVE、GratingMOD、DiffractMOD、FemSIM, 以及MOST软件。
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RSoft 仿真软件指导书
下载网站上的压缩包,解压缩后运行C:\Program Files\RSoft\bin文件夹中的bcadw32.exe,即出现如下图所示的CAD界面。
在软件中,点击左上角的”New Circuit”按钮,如图所示。
点击”Segment mode”(新建文件时默认就是此模式),如上图红圈所示。
在RSoft 软件中,波导位置是由首尾两个坐标确定的,并且BPM计算的光是只沿着z轴传播(即竖直方向),这个是需要特别注意的。
首先设置路径,单击左侧工具栏中的”Edit Pathways”按钮。
单击左侧工具栏中的”Edit Launch Field”按钮,如下图。
点击左侧工具栏下方的”Display Index Profile”按钮
会弹出对话框,选择Display Mode为”Contour Map (XY)”模式,
单击左侧工具栏下方的”Compute Fundamental Mode”按钮,
点击左侧工具栏下方的”Perform Simulation”按钮,并按图进行参数设置,输入要保存文件的前缀名,最后点击”OK”.
Directional Coupler (定向耦合器)在光通信系统中应用非常广泛,既可以作为单独的器件,也可以作为其他器件的组成部分。
Directional coupler 最大的特点就是两根靠的很近的平行波导,光从其中一根波导输入,会在两根波导之间来回耦合。
干涉最大即为数字1,干涉最小即为数字0 题目: