

汉英翻译(chapter two)

汉英翻译(chapter two)

1、词汇特点(1exical features)
新闻报道在用词上具有新颖、精巧和别致 的特点,以增强新闻的宣传效果,形成 “新闻词汇”(journalistic words)。新闻词 汇的构成大致有以下六种情况。 (1)旧词换新义 老总
general or high-ranking commander of the
the ruling clique; anti-Party clique( clique:an exclusive circle of
people with a common purpose
This regional bloc has fallen apart.
琼州学院外国语学院 18
① 英语新闻标题:一般过去时表过去; 不定式表将来 ② 汉语新闻标题:借助时间词 施罗德将出访美国
Shroeder to visit US forging ties with the new Bush
(DPA德意志新闻社) 我国承担的人类基因组“天书”接近完成 China to complete draft of 1% Human Genome
英文标题无引题,因此应将汉语标题中的引题和 主题合二为一。 例如: (引题)大坝出现“大裂缝”? 资金是个“无底洞”? (主题)三峡总公司避谣:空穴来风 Big Rift and Fund Shortage: A Rumor
琼州学院外国语学院 17


2 Contrastive Studies of
English and Chinese
2.3 English vs. Chinese: Ten Pairs of Features
Simon Teaching
2.3.1 Synthetic vs. Analytic(综合 语与分析语)
A synthetic language is characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships. An analytic language is marked by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms. Modern English has become analytic but still frequently uses some hereditary inflections from Old English(a synthetic language). It is therefore a synthetic-analytic language(综合-分析语). Chinese is a typical analytic language(分析语). When the words of a language are inflective in form, they are said to be associative in quality and therefore synthetic in construction. On the other hand, words not inflective in form are considered as isolating in quality and therefore analytic in construction. Inflection(变化词形),word order(安排词序)and the use of function words(运用虚词) are employed as the three grammatical devices in building English sentences.



亦可译为人称句,要视情况而定 a)三思而后行。 First think,then speak. b)入乡随俗 When in Rome,do as the Romans do. c)活到老,学到老。 One is never too old to learn. d)不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 He who would search for pearls must dive deep.Nothing venture, nothing have.
第一节 无主语的译法 无主句,顾名思义,就是没有主语的句子。
英语中除谚语外,只有省略了主语的祈使句为 无主句。而汉语中无主句却比比皆是,一般用 来表示自然现象、命令、谚语、存现、叙述等 意义。汉语的无主句翻译时常采用下列方式: 一、表示自然现象,时间,距离的无主句一般 译作英语的无人称句 英语的无人称句由“代词it”作主语,其表意 功能与汉语表自然现象、时间、距离的无主句 相同,翻译时常可对译。如:
汉语的动词无词形变化,而英语的非限定动词有不 定式与分词的区别,翻译英中必须注意宾补动词形式 的运用。“使、令”类兼语式的宾补多为不定式, 有的动词只能用分词作宾朴,有的不定式,分词皆 有,意思不同,须加区别使用。 如: a)不要让你妈一直等你。 Don't keep your mother waiting. b)这话使我们都笑了。 The words set us all laughing c)他觉得房子在摇动。 He felt the house shaking 1)当动词是“keep,catch,set,feel”等时。宾补 动词应用现在分词以表进行中的动作。



• 2。从修饰的角度进行省略 • The hardest part of any big project is to begin. 任 何一个大的项目最艰难的是起步。 • The problem of alternative fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach. • 车辆的代用燃料是我们将要着手处理的一个问题。 • Walking for walking’s sake may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as is held by those who practice it. 经常散步的人认为,为散 步而散步是值得高度赞扬和仿效的。
• 总结,要克服翻译症,必须解决好以下几个环节 的问题: • 首先要克服认识的片面性,一般来说,有翻译症 倾向的译者,在翻译标准的把握上,比较重视忠 实,忽视通顺,而在处理内容和形式这对矛盾中, 又过于强调形式上的对应,忽略了对原文精神的 准确把握。 • 第二,在语汇问题上,切不可望文生义,也不可 盲目照搬辞典里的释义。 • 第三,在句法上不要全盘欧化,即异化。而要适 度考虑归化法。也即是向汉语行文文法靠拢。
• 英语中常用省略句,翻译时要根据汉语的表达习 惯,作些适当的增补。例如: • Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep. 饱 读史书使人明智,吟诵诗篇让人诙谐,研究数学 使人严谨,精通哲学让人深邃。 • Staycations became popular during the financial crisis of 2007-2009, amid growing unemployment and rising gas prices. • 居家度假的形式在2007至2009年金融危机期间失 业率和油价不断攀升的情况下大受欢迎。



主谓结构:将主语和谓语按 照英语语法规则翻译省略宾 语
主谓宾补结构:将主语、谓 语、宾语和补语按照英语语 法规则翻译
主谓宾状结构:将主语、谓 语、宾语和状语按照英语语 法规则翻译
主谓宾定状结构:将主语、 谓语、宾语、定语和状语按 照英语语法规则翻译
主谓宾定状补结构:将主语、 谓语、宾语、定语、状语和 补语按照英语语法规则翻译
主动语态:表 示主语对宾语 的动作或状态
被动语态:表 示主语受到宾 语的动作或状

语态转换:根据 上下文和语境将 主动语态转换为 被动语态或将被 动语态转换为主
语态选择:根据 句子的语义和结 构选择合适的语 态进行翻译使译 文更加流畅自然。
翻译技巧:根据原文的语气选择合适的英语表达 方式
注意点:保持原文的语气和情感避免翻译过程中 的语气变化
例子:中文句子“今天天气真好”英文翻译为 “The wether is relly nice dy”语气保持一致。
主谓宾结构:按照英语语法 规则将主语、谓语、宾语依 次翻译
案例三:《水浒传》中的俗语 翻译
案例四:《三国演义》中的典 故翻译
添加 标题
添加 标题
翻译:“rtificil intelligence is chnging the wy we live.”
添加 标题
拆分长句:将长句拆分成几个短句便于理解和翻译 调整语序:根据英语语法和表达习惯调整句子成分的顺序 增减词汇:根据需要适当增减词汇使句子更加通顺 注意时态:注意句子的时态确保翻译后的句子时态一致 保持连贯性:保持句子的连贯性使翻译后的句子流畅易懂 检查语法:翻译完成后检查语法是否正确确保翻译质量




”宝玉笑道:“除《四书》外,杜撰的太多,偏只我是杜撰不成?”“You're making that up, I'm afraid,” teased Tan Chun. “Most works, apart from the FOUR BOOKS, are made up; am I the only one who made things up?” he retorted with a grin. 2.贾母笑道:“你不认得他,他是我们这里有名的一个泼皮破落户儿,南省俗谓作‘辣子’,你只叫他‘凤辣子’就是了。

”“You don't know her, ”said Grandmother Jia merrily. “She's a holy terror this one. What we used to call in Nanking a ‘peppercorn ’. You just call her ‘Peppercorn Feng ’. She'll know who you mean!” (David Hawkes 译)3.贾母笑道:“外客未见,就脱了衣裳,还不去见你妹妹!”With a smile at Pao-yu, the Lady Dowager scolded, “Fancy changing your clothes before greeting our visitor. Hurry up now and pay your re spects to your cousin.”4.贾母笑道:“可又是胡说,你又何曾见过他?”、管路敷设技术通过管线敷设技术,不仅可以解决吊顶层配置不规范问题,而且可保障各类管路习题到位。




使用被动语态 具体语境下,可考虑将原文隐含主语句的宾语或相关内容调整为译文的主
语,形成被动语态,突出原文语义重点。 例. 党的十八大以来,➊我们坚持导向为魂、移动为先、内容为王、创新
为要,➋在体制机制、政策措施、流程管理、人才技术等方面加快融合步伐, ➌建立融合传播矩阵,➍打造融合产品,➎取得了积极成效。
• 人才强国战略 the strategy on developing a quality workforce • 建设制造强国 to build China into a manufacturer of quality • 加快建设人才强国 to step up efforts to make China a talent-strong country • 推进体育强国建设 to build China into a country strong in sport • 实现农业大国向农业强国跨越 to transform China from a country with high agricultural output to one with a leading edge in agriculture
• 爱国统一战线 patriotic united front • 社会主义核心价值观 the core socialist values • 中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics
中国时政文献经常借助隐喻修辞或生活化语言表达具体语义,语言风格 独特,语义鲜明,在具体语境下可考虑保留原文词语的语言特色,形象传达 原文思想内容,也可以归为对应式翻译策略。


❖ 芦笛岩是桂林最精彩的岩洞。
Reed Flute Cave is the most magnificent of all in Guilin.
❖ 有时,为了保持原文符号意义的完整,译者可采用直译加 注的方法。
❖ 对外开放取得新进展。1990年共批准“三资”企业99家 ,全省“三资”企业已达284家。
In china’s more remote and backward rural areas, corru)pt
practices exist in the form of forced marriages……
✓ 有目共赏—上海牌电视机
直译: You can enjoy it if you have eyes (
❖ 东方时空—Oriental Time and Space ❖ 人与自然—People and Nature ❖ 音乐桥—Music Bridge ❖ 与你同行—Going Along with You ❖ 环球45分钟—Around the Globe in 45
❖ 《戏剧人生》 —Dramatic Life
❖ “小天鹅”洗衣机— “Little Swan” Washer ❖ “三鹅牌”图钉— “Three Geese” Drawing Pins ❖ “活力”奶—Vitality Milk ❖ “钻石”牌手表— “Diamond” Brand Wrist Watches
Cold-Hill Monastery
Han Shan Monastery




教科书译文:He said one thing and did another.李老师认为教科书译文值得商榷。

Dear John,Please paraphrase (explain) the following sentenses:1.His words betray his actions.2.He dose not keep his words in line with his actions.3.When it comes to drive , she has got more than any one of us.thans!Li Tian-xinBoth 1. and 2. have the same meaning, however, the first (His words betray his actions.) is the more common way to express the concept.What this means is that what you say about a given subject iscontradictory to what you do. As an example ... a boy tells a girl thathe loves her, he can't live without her and various other romantic things. Then this same boy is seen with other girls in an intimate setting - maybe eating dinner, maybe going to a movie, and so on. He says that there is only one girl for him but his actionsprove him a liar - his words betray his actions.3. The word 'drive' here means desire, commitment and faithfulness to start and finish a project of any kind. Itcould be learning to swim, graduating from college (a 4-year commitment takes a lot of 'drive' to complete), even studying for an exam requires'drive' from the students who really want to succeed and achieve good things.A paraphrase of 3. then is: She has more faith, commitment and action in every aspect of her life than any of us.John干劲的英文音标:[ gànjìn ]drive; vigour; enthusiasm: 有头脑、干劲和首创精神的青年young men with brains, drive and initiative; 干劲十足be full of vigour; 冲天干劲boundless energy1.We shall want a real Henry Fordeffort .我们需要有一种真正亨利福特的干劲。



1. Repetition(重复法)
重复也属于增词。翻译和写作一样。 本应力求简 练,尽量省略一些可有可无的词;有时为了明确、 强调或生动, 却往往需要将一些关键性的词加以 重复。例如: (1)为了明确重复

(2)为了强调重复 为了强调,汉语句子中往往重复关键性的词,以 使读者留下深刻印象,汉译英时往往可以采用同 样的重复手段。 汉语原文中有词的重复,译成英语时可以保持同 样的词的重复。
Translation Techniques
Teaching Plan
Teaching Contents:
1. Introduction to the functions of translation techniques 2. Introduction to the 8 commonly-used techniques 1) repetition(重复法) 2) amplification(增译法 ) 3) omission(/省译法/减译法 ) 4) conversion(词类转移法 ) 5) inversion (词序调整法) 6) division(分译法) 7) negation(正说反译, 反说正译法) 8) the change of the voices(语态变换法)
Eight Commonly-used Translation Techniques
1. repetition(重复法) 2. amplification(增译法 ) 3. omission(/省译法/减译法 ) 4. conversion(词类转移法 ) 5. inversion (词序调整法) 6. division(分译法) 7. negation(正说反译, 反说正译法) 8. the change of the voices(语态变换法)



get cold feet 胆怯
mend one's fences 改善关系
谦虚态度 modesty 发展过程 development
稳定性 stability
灵敏性 sensibility
无知的表现 innocence 同情心理 sympathy
鸡毛蒜皮 trifling
单枪匹马 all by oneself
LOG原文中抽象或者比较抽象的单词、词组、 成语或句子用具体或者是比较具体的单词、词组、成语或者句 子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失。
如:transportation 运输工具 translation 翻译作品
advertisement 广告资料 government 政府官员
成语或句子用具体或者是比较具体的单词、词组、成语或者句 子来进行翻译,从而消除或降低语言差别给翻译带来的损失。
如: 大吵大闹 raise the roof 公开认错 stand in the white sheet 有花不完的钱 have enough money to burn 话中有话 with the tongue in the cheek 机敏 keep one's eyes on the ball 坚决反对 put one's foot down; set one's face against 截然不同 oil and vinegar 鲁莽的人 a bull in a china shop 告发 put the finger on 甘苦差事 hold (carry) the baby 反应快 think on one's feet 保密 keep sth under one's hat



1. 这个问题早就解决了。 2. 在明清期间,茶馆遍布全国。 3. 在古代,人们用中国结来记录事
件,但现在主要用于装饰。 4. 在这次表演中,所有的孩子都盛
1. 这个问题早就解决了。
This problem has long been solved.
注解:“早就……”翻译时常用现在完成时; 句子中虽然没有表示被动的标记词,但“问题” 作为句子的主语,明显是动作的受动者,因此 用被动语态译出。
2. 在明清期间,茶馆遍布全国。
During the Ming and Qing dynasties, teahouses spread all over china.
注解:“在明清期间”提示翻译时应用一般过 去时 。
4. 在古代,人们用中国结来记录事件, 但现在主要用于装饰。
In ancient times, the Chinese knot was used to record events while now it is mainly used for decoration.
好的厨师总是努力在谷物、肉类和 蔬菜之间取得平衡。
A good chef is always trying to strike a balance among grain, meat and vegetable.
注解:动词“取得”是“努力”的目的, 因此我们可以把“努力”处理成谓语, 而“取得”处理成目的状语。
The problem is being discussed.
3)当中文句子的主语过于宽泛,如 “人们”、“别人”、“这”等, 可将原文的宾语(承受者)转换成 主语,用被动语态译出,原来的主 语可省略 。



《英汉翻译教程》第一章 总论 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确完整地重新表达出来的语言翻译应当把原文的本意,完全正确的介绍给中国读者,使中国读者得到的概念等于英俄日德法等国的读奈达认为更准确地反映出好的翻译的实际过程是:(1)分析:从语法和语义两方面对原文的信息进行词层不对等的情况 词层不对等采取的策略 对等译法的实例 第二章 词语翻译 相关链接 family的------------------------2009年11月30日阅读 三、修辞引申 “言之无文,行之不远。

”为使译文增色,除了真实地再现原作中包含的内容外We should simplify procedures and take prompt action to import urgently needed technology ( Georges 是他的大臣Cardinal Georges )。

本例背景是美国前国务卿黑格辞职,而由 George Schu Despite their differences , their love will conquer. 尽管他们之间存在着分歧,他们的恋爱1.运用语境 这种手段主要用于语篇上找不到明显的衔接标记,但从意义上来讲是连贯统一的。


(张培基等 1983) 我国早期典籍《周礼·秋官司寇》篇里就有“象胥于英俄日德法等国的读者从原文得来的概念。

(瞿秋白:1931) “动态对等”(Dynamic Equivalence)是奈方面对原文的信息进行分析;(2)传译:译者在脑子里把经过分析的信息从原语转译成译语;(3)重新组织:把相关链接 family的译法: 原文:Do you have a family? 译文1:你有家庭吗? 译文2:你成家了吗? 辨析:现原作中包含的内容外,还得讲究修辞。




主语的选择①名词特性②搭配合理③主题突出④注意尾重⑤注意连贯①名词特性主语必须是名词,包括名词短语,名词性从句,也包括具有名词特性的-ing分词,动词不定式to do全球发展不平衡加剧。

Imbalance in global development has widened.求和平、谋发展、促和平已经成为各国人民的普遍愿望。

To promote peace, development and cooperation has become the shared aspiration of people across the world.建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、民族未来的长远大计。

Promoting ecological progress is a long-term task of vital importance to the People’s well-being and China’s future. (to do 也可以)②搭配合理上海豫园的九曲桥,景随步移,美不胜收,旅游小册子中有这样一句话:每一次转折都会看到不同的景色。

Every turning can see/admire/enjoy a different view. ???转折做主语吗?中文是话题为主的,汉语看上去是主语,实际在英文中不过是时间,是地点或是状语。



Traditional Chinese architecture in a real sense first emerged/appeared in the Tang Dynasty.宋朝发明了活版印刷术。


The scale of the 41st World Expo is the biggest of its kind???The 41st World Expo is the biggest of its kind in scale.中国古典园林规模大小不等。



no enjoyment.
Example 3
• 周末和女友逛水果店, 她挑最红最大的买,生 怕春色不够似的;我则 逗留在顶边上的柜台, 那儿不起眼地堆着我一 个冬天未见的青苹果。
• what can be equivalent and what can not?
• Last weekend my girl friend and I visited one fruit shop. She laid her hands on the biggest and the reddest, as if she had not had enough of the color of spring, whereas I stayed before the farthest counter where green apples were piled inconspicuously, which I had missed for the whole winter.
• 本公司生产的地毯美 丽大方、光彩夺目, 富丽堂皇。
• The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent.
• 目标的轻重缓急、孰 • Target priorities should 先孰后应该仔细研究、 be very carefully 认真考虑和反复推敲。 studied.
• How about using very serious?
Example 2
• 其实中年人是人生盛 • In actual fact, middle
华的开始,不应贪懒, age represents the
prime of one’s life,



超详细-新编汉英翻译教程第一章绪论1.1 翻译的性质和分类1. 翻译的定义:Definition of translation翻译是将一种语言文化承载的意义转换到另一种语言文化中的跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。


2. 翻译的分类:Classification of translation按文本而言,分为文学翻译、科级翻译、应用文翻译就方式而言,分为全译、摘译、编译。







1.3 汉英翻译的标准Standards for C-ETranslationChinese translation standards1.严复的标准信:faithfulness 指准确的传达原文的内容,即信于读者和作者,不允许对原作有任何歪曲或篡改,译作不容许有任何遗漏和省略。

达:expressiveness 指译文使用标准汉语,即译文语言应通俗明白,不应模棱两可,晦涩难懂,不滥用陈词滥调,繁文缛句,也不应有粗枝大叶的错误雅:elegance 指译文的美学价值,它体现在修辞、文体、韵律、诗意和心理等五个方面2. 刘重德的标准信:faithfulness 信于原文内容to befaithful to the content of the original 达:expressiveness 具备原为一样的表现力to be as expressive as the original 切: closeness 尽可能的切近原文的风格to be as close to the original style as possible3.傅雷的标准神似(similarity in spirit)4.钱钟书的标准化境——出神入化(sublimation)Western translation standards(Alexander F Tytler)泰勒的西方翻译标准译文应该完全传达原文的思想 a translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the originalwork译文的风格和笔调应与原文一致the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original 译文应像原文一样流畅 a translation should have all the ease of the original compositon5.张陪基的标准——对初学者For beginners忠实:faithfulness, 忠实于原作的内容和风格通顺:smoothness, 译文语言必须通俗易懂,符合规范本书的标准功能相似,语义相符,similarity in funciton and correspondence in meaning6. 语言的功能A, 信息功能:informative function =所指功能:referential function, 它是语言传达信息,影响他人认知的功能B. 表情功能: expressive function, 它是语言表达言者或作何,即言语始发者的思想感情的功能。

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• 本公司生产的地毯美 丽大方、光彩夺目, 富丽堂皇。
• 目标的轻重缓急、孰 先孰后应该仔细研究 、认真考虑和反复推 敲。
• The carpets made in our factory are beautiful and magnificent.
• Target priorities should be very carefully studied.
Passage one
• 当代社会的民族文化不可能在自我封闭的 状态下得到发展。不同的文化应该相互学 习,取长补短。当然,在广泛的文化交流 中,一个国家必须保持本民族的鲜明特色 。我认为,文化交流不是让外来文化吞没 自己的文化,而是为了丰富各民族的文化 。
• In this modern world, the culture of any nation cannot develop in isolation. Different cultures should learn from each other’s strength to offset their own weakness. Of course, the culture of a nation must withhold its own distinctive national characteristics in its extensive exchange with other cultures. Cultural exchange, I think, is by no means a process of losing one’s own culture to a foreign one, but a process of enriching each other’s national cultures.
• 他走进屋子,大衣上 尽是雪,鼻子冻得通 红。
• 一部小说开掘的深不 深,艺术和思想是否 有过人之处,的确不 在题材大小。
• He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold.
• The depth of a novel, or the excellence of its artistry and ideas, does not depend on whether it has a grand theme.
Example 4
• 人民犯了法,也要受 处罚,也要坐班房。
• 你们偶然看见一棵花 生瑟缩在地上,不能 立刻辨出它有没有果 实,非得等到你接触 它才能知道。
• When anyone among the people breaks the law, he too should be punished, imprisoned.
• How about using very serious?
Example 2
• 其实中年人是人生盛 华的开始,不应贪懒 ,不应享受。
• In actual fact, middle age represents the prime of one’s life, allowing no indolenec, no enjoyment.
Example 1
• 人们都在讲南北问题 很突出,我看这个问 题就是发展问题。
• Everybody is saying that the North-south problem is most outstanding. In view, this, in fact, is an issue of development.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• 不许他给我们集体脸 上抹黑。
• 亲不亲,一家人嘛。
• 大家齐心了,一切事 情都好办了。
• We are not going to let him bring shame on our collective.
• Relative or not, we are one family.
• When we all are of one heart, everything becomes easy.
Example 3
• 周末和女友逛水果店, 她挑最红最大的买,生 怕春色不够似的;我则 逗留在顶边上的柜台, 那儿不起眼地堆着我一 个冬天未见的青苹果。
• what can be equivalent and what can not?
• Last weekend my girl friend and I visited one fruit shop. She laid her hands on the biggest and the reddest, as if she had not had enough of the color of spring, whereas I stayed before the farthest counter where green apples were piled inconspicuously, which I had missed for the whole winter.
• When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground, you can never immediately tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you dig it up.
Approaches to words translating
• Equivalence • Paraphrase • Amplification • Ellipsis • Combination • Conversion
• 遇事多和别人商量。
• 这家伙背景复杂,不 大讲面子。
• 他们讲唯心论,我们 讲唯物论。
Attention !
• Conceptual meaning • Associated meaning • Social meaning • Emotive meaning • Reflected meaning • Collocation meaning • Thematic meaning • (Leech)
• Consult others when problems arise.
• The fellow has all kinds of dubious connections and he is no great respecter of persons.
• They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.