



2015 年 6 月 14 日托福写作真题--外朗教育
Mary Leabharlann eletes 的空船被找到,但是里面没有人,救生船也没 了,探究原因 1 海盗在抢劫时,只会抢钱, 不会掳走船员,而且贵重物品 都在,所以不合理。 2 如果是运输过程中有 flaming liquid 泄露,会散发 特别大得味道,然后发现时并 没有发现相应的味道。 3 船长和船员都是有经验的。 3 船底有洞, 为了安全 sailors 虽然船进了水,但是依旧能够 跑了,逃到了安全的岛屿 开船;同时,坐救生船逃走的 生还几率比较低。
Independent Writing:
1 因为被海盗袭击, sailors 都 被当人质还钱了。
2 运输过程中 flaming liquid 泄露了,怕爆炸,sailors 乘坐 救生船逃到安全地方。

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.
外朗教育在线一对一保分课程! /html/toeflonline/



2015 年 9 月托福真题回忆及解析【导语】路漫漫其修远兮。


也会碰到各种各样的困厄,此时,不要过低估计自己的能力,要充满自信,认为" ,坚持到最后,才能笑到最后,才能看到最佳的风景。

以下是无忧考网整理的 月托福部分真题,希望可以帮到你! 2015年 9 月托福共举行了五场考试,分别是 日、9月 12日、9月13日、9月 17日、9月 19日9 月 5 日托福写作范文Independent Writing:In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets.Nowadays, for the economic development of a city, the government place tourism industry. While some experts show" 我行我能 2015 年 99月5undue emphasis on how to boost itstheir enthusiasm on selling their cities to outside tourists by publicizinggood social security via recruiting more police, I hold a different opinion. From my perspective, improvingold buildings and streets isa betteralternative. Admittedly, hiring more police might be useful in attracting tourists.When government is focusing on recruiting more policemen, these new recruiters would be helpful in improving social security standards. Thanks to the improvedstandards, more visitors might be relieved about the city when paying a visit to the city; hence the the city reputation would be enhanced.However, on balance, only focusing on police while not improving building placesofinterest is not enough. Without places about culture or places for amusement parks, visitors still would not come even if social security is good. Toattract more visitors, a more effective way would be to improve olds buildings. To begin with, improving old buildings helps preserve oldcultures. Inother words, more visitors would love to visit places with cultural value sothe maintenance of old buildings is attractive to them. For example, whenhundreds of tourists from the National Holiday, a significant percentagecity is built with convenient streets and beautiful auxiliary facilities, this urban planning would give tourists a sense of modernism and make them feel go into colorful metropolitan life. With these perfect streets, public transportwould be convenient for them to visit both in city and around city.perfecting streets and maintaining old buildings, government would likely to attract tourists to visit the city.2015 年 9 月 5 日阅读机经 机经词汇:devoid of = lacking of correspond: match ongoing = continuing peculiar=unusualBeijing government begins to repair the Great Wall, the symbol of diligence of ancient Chinese people, the experts pay great attention on building the wrecked walls and restoring some stone relics. Meanwhile, they reshape some broken bricks for the steps so that visitors could step onto the Great Wall. As a result, an increasing number of visitors from foreign countries come to Beijing to watch the marvelous Great Wall building on top of piles of mountains. On the contrary, if hiring more police, though government would gain reputation for their good management in social security,it wouldnot addto any culturalattraction.In addition, improving the streets makes it convenient for tourists. That's is to say, tourists would loveto visitplaceswith convenientfacilities.According to a survey conducted on Sina Weibo, after pollingofthem claim that when deciding a place as their touring destination, they are more likely to choose a city with broader streets. In their minds,when theTo sum up, due to the reasons I lost above, I would regardthat bybe morediffusion=spread a wealth of= a valuable amount of complexity=sophistication allowing = resulting in temporarily= briefly unpromising distortion第一篇 考生回忆:本文讨论苏美尔文明。



2015年1月31日托福考试写作真题Do you agreeor disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societytoday expects young people to follow are too strict.看完题目之后很多童鞋已经表示真是人艰不拆~~这么抽象的题目让我如何解答?什么是社会对年轻人所期待的规则?这些规则对于年轻人来说又是否过于严厉?真是搞得大家一头雾水。

其实有心的小伙伴们应该已经发现,这道题目貌似很眼熟!对的!这道题目其实在去年,也就是2014年的3月2日在大陆考区出过一次!当时考这道题目是重复的2012年10月12日北美的题目~所以这道题曾经在托福写作的考试中已经出现了两次了!而且在复习的时候,这道题目还是放在我们重点复习的机经题目之中的!至此,那些刚才还在考场上一阵心塞的孩纸们,是不是现在更扼腕了?明明是原题, 悔不当初,为什么上课老师在进行真题分析的时候,没有更认真的听一听它的解法呢?当然,也有另外一些童鞋考完试就急着向老师报喜的,因为当初练习的时候不仅想过此题的分论点,更是连文章都是老师修改过的~这样考场上得表现自然不会差啦!这道题其实是属于社会生活类的题目,主要考察的是童鞋们对自己所处的生活环境,周围的一些社会群体对年轻人的评判和要求这一问题是否有过思考。




Disagree:年轻人所承受的规定并没有那么严格1. 年轻人已不再被要求在学校的学习中必须有非常优异的表现。











删除无效段落)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money?In my n。

I agree with this statement。

While pets can bring joy and nship to our lives。

there are other ways to spend money that can benefit us in different ways。

For example。

investing in n or experiences such as travel can broaden our horizons and provide long-lasting memories.Furthermore。

owning a pet can be expensive。

The cost of food。

veterinary care。

and other supplies can add up quickly。

While it is important to provide proper care for our pets。




2015年托福独立写作汇总:12/20: Which one would you choose to change to keep healthy? 1. the kind of food you eat 2. The amount of exercises you do 3. the amount of stress you withstand. 特殊-三选一- 健康类12/19: The best leaders should follow the advices from the teammates rather than stick to their own. 特殊-绝对词-领导12/13: Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer? 利弊-教育类12/12: Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty, higher tax and larger fine of these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer? 利弊- 环境/政府12/5: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees. 利弊-政府11/29:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead. 2014. 8.22 NA 事实- 领导11/28: Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? It's more important for the government to spend money to build art museums andmusic performance centers than to build recreational facilities (such as swimming pool and playgrounds). 利弊-政府11/21: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important thing people learned is from families. 2013.5.31NA 特殊-绝对词-教育11/15: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: the more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity. 利弊-慈善11/14: When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to child-care center where many children arecared together; or they could send their children to an individual caregiver. Whichon is better? 利弊-教育11/8: Schools have always offered students three types of after-school activities. But due to recent limited budgets, they can only support one kind of activities. Which one would you choose? Why?sports 2. arts 3 Volunteering (eg. for the community) 特殊-三选一-教育10/31: Which one is the most important for teacher of high school: 1 The abilityto help students plan for their future; 2 The ability to find the students who need help most and help them; 3 Teach students how to learn outside the classroom. 特殊-三选一-教育10/25: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The people in the past are more friendly than people today. 事实-今夕对比10/24: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: A university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers. 利弊-教育10/11: It is a waste of time to spend funds on space travel or space exploration. 事实-科技10/10: Which is better for children’ education: 9-month study and 3-month breakor 3-month study and 1-month break? (2014.7.26NA / 2015.10.10ML) 利弊-教育9/19: Nowadays, students do many things like surfing the internet, listening to music when they are learning. Do you agree or disagree that doing other things impose bad effect on learning? 事实- 科技9/17: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Since the world has changed so much in the past fifty years, advice our grandparents can give us is not useful. 事实-教育9/13: It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it isfor younger people. 利弊-教育9/12: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: In order to succeed, it is better to be like others rather than different from everybody else. 特殊-目的- 成功9/5: In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets. 特殊-目的-政府8/30: It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work and at school. 利弊-工作8/22: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most effective way for government to encourage energy conservation is increasing the price of gasoline and electricity. 特殊-绝对词-政府7/12: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want. 利弊- 教育7/11: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid. 利弊- 教育7/4: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children can benefit in important ways from taking care of animal pets.利弊-教育6/27: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to make friends who are intelligent than with a good sense of humor. 利弊(比较)-交友6/14: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playingsports teaches people lessons about life. 事实-教育6/13: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future. 利弊-消费5/30: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: When you have a friend for a long time, whether you will continue the friendship even he or she does something you do not like. 特殊类-让步-交友5/24: Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends: joining a sports team, participating in community activities, or traveling? Use specific examples to support your answer. 特殊类-三选一-交友5/16: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: When people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their lives. 事实- 体育5/9: University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study. 利弊-教育4/18: Some people always follow their dreams even if the dreams are ambitious. Some think we should focus on achieving realistic goals. Which do you agree with? 利弊- 成功4/12: Internet is as important as other services such as building roads that government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no cost. 利弊类-科技3/28: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to finisha project completely and then do another project than do two or more projectsat the same time. 利弊类- 工作3/14: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money. Give details and examples to support your response. 利弊(暗含不应该)-消费3/7(两套): 1. Taking children to field trips( for example, to a museum) isa better way of education than learning at school in a classroom./ 2. Peoplewill spend less time in cooking and preparing for food in 20 years. Do you agreeor disagree?- 利弊-教育/事实-今夕对比2/1: Do you agree or disagree: Movies and television have more negative than positive effects on young people behave. 事实-科技1/31: Do you agree or disagree: The rules that the society today requires young people to follow and obey are too strict. 事实-社会1/25: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: classmatesand partner can communicate with each other face to face to finish the projectmore better than by sending e-mail. 利弊类- 工作1/11: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important quality for a politician or leader to have is good communication skills.【2012.6.15ML】特殊-绝对词-领导1/10: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 利弊类- 教育题型分布:利弊类(共 23 道):1/10; 1/25;3/7中第一套;3/14;3/28;4/12;4/18;5/9;6/13;6/27;7/4;7/11;7/12;8/30;9/13;10/10;10/24;11/14;11/15;11 /28;12/5; 12/12;12/13.事实类(共 10 道):1/31; 2/1; 3/7中第二套; 5/16; 6/14;9/17;9/19;10/11; 10/25;11/29.特殊类别(共 11 道):三选一:5/24;10/31;11/8;12/20.绝对词:1/11;8/22;11/21;12/19.让步类:5/30.目的:9/5; 9/12.话题分布:教育类(共 16 道 36%):1/10;3/7中第一套;5/9; 6/14; 7/4; 7/11; 7/12; 9/13;9/17; 10/10; 10/24; 10/31; 11/8;11/14;11/21; 12/13领导类(共 3 道 7%):1/11; 11/29;12/29工作类(共 3 道 7%):1/25;3/28;8/30成功类(共 2 道):4/18; 9/12科技类(共 4 道 9%):2/1;4/12; 9/19;10/11;政府类(共 5 道 11%):8/22;9/5; 11/28; 12/5; 12/12消费类(共 2 道):3/14(养宠物);6/13(花钱旅行or存钱);交友类(共 3 道 7%g):5/24; 5/30; 6/27;今昔对比类(共 2 道):3/7第二道; 10/25;社会类(共 1 道):1/31;体育类(共 1 道):5/16;慈善类(共 1 道):11/15;健康类(共 1 道):12/20;以上内容就是天道小编为大家带来的2015年托福写作考试的真题介绍,希望可以帮助各位同学门缩小备考范围,直击重点。



2015年真题2015年1月10日考题All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not the field of their study.2015年1月11日考题The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.2015年1月25日考题It is better for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails in order to do a project.2015年1月31日考题The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.2015年2月1日考题Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the behaviors of young people.2015年3月7日考题(第一次两套试题)Taking children to field trips (for example, to a museum) is a better way of education than learning at school in a classroom.2015年3月7日考题People will spend less time on cooking food in twenty years.2015年3月14日考题People spend too much money on their pets even though there can other good ways to spend money.2015年3月28日考题It is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time.2015年4月12日考题The Internet is as important as other service, such as building roads, so government should make the Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.2015年4月18日考题Some people always follow their dreams even if the dreams are ambitious. Some think we should focus on achieving realisticgoals. Which do you agree with?2015年5月9日考题All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.2015年5月16日考题When people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their lives.2015年5月24日考题Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends?a. joining a sports teamb. participating in community activitiesc. traveling2015年5月30日考题When you have a friend for a long time, whether you will continue the friendship even he or she does something you do not like.2015年6月13日考题It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than savemoney for the future.2015年6月14日考题Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.2015年6月27日考题It is better to make friends who are intelligent than those with a good sense of humor.2015年7月4日考题Children can benefit in important ways from taking care of animal pets.2015年7月11日考题Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2015年7月12日考题These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they would be given more time to do whatever they want.2015年8月22日考题The most effective way for government to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity.2015年8月30日考题It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work and school.2015年9月5日考题In order to attract more tourists, which should government do: to improve the safety by hiring more police or to repair old buildings and streets?2015年9月12日考题In order to succeed, it is better to be like to others rather than different from everybody else.2015年9月13日考题Older people need to learn the new things as well as the young people.2015年9月17日考题Grandparents cannot give useful advice to their grandchildren because the world of today and the world of fifty years ago are too different.2015年9月19日考题Nowadays, students do many things like surfing the Internet, listening to music when they are learning. Do you agree or disagree that doing other things impose bad effect on learning?2015年10月10日考题Which is better for children's education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 3-month study and 1-month break?2015年10月11日考题It is a waste of money for government to fund space travel or space exploration.2015年10月24日考题School should be more focused on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for students than on hiring famous professors.2015年10月25日考题People in the past were friendlier than people today.2015年10月31日考题Which one is the most important for teacher of high school? a. the ability to help students plan for their future b. the ability to find the students who need help most and help them c. teach students how to learn outside the classroom.2015年11月8日考题The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering (help the development of the community)?.2015年11月14日考题When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to a child-care center where many children are cared together, or they could send their children to an individual caregiver. Which one is better?2015年11月15日考题The more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity.2015年11月21日考题The most important things people learn are from their families.2015年11月28日考题It is more important for the government to spend more money on art and music museums than on facilities, like playgrounds and public swimming pools.2015年11月29日考题One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he leads.2015年12月5日考题Government should provide free access to the Internet; the individual should access to the Internet without paying anything.2015年12月12日考题Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty, higher tax and larger fine of these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?2015年12月13日考题Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?2015年12月19日考题Do you think that the best leader should spend more time listening to other people's ideas than talking his own ideas?2015年12月20日考题To improve health, change an aspect in life: a. kinds of food to eat b. the amount of exercise c. the amount of stress.。



2015年 2月 1日托福考试写作真题2月 1日托福独立写作真题:Do you agree or disagree: Movies and television have more negative than positive effects on young people behave.解析:这道题目是一道对比类的题目, 这种题目在考试中占有很大的比例, 也希望各位考生在今后的备考中多多注意这类题型。

两者对比类的题目在寻找思路时,一般从利弊角度来考虑,选择 a 的话,寻找 a 的好处,或者 b 的弊端。


同意和不同意都可以写, 比如同意电视的负面影响更大, 我们可以写电视的暴力内容对年轻人的影响,长时间看电视对年轻人的健康、学习、交流能力的影响,等等都可以来写。


范文:The fact that many teenagers love to watch television has become a huge concern for parents and educators. Although some people claim that televisionsactually can be conducive to young people, serving as a reliable source of information as well as a main approach to reduce stress, I believe that the negative effects outweigh its benefits.First of all, television can expose teenagers to violence and intense images that can be detrimental to their emotional well-being. The increasing scenes of violence and pornography inevitably cause imitation among teenagers. Since they were in that particular stage of life, anything they are exposed to would generate serious impact in their mind. Not realizing the severe consequences of the aggressive behavior could generate, kids, especially young ones, may play kicking, punching and slapping for fun, but end up with doing this as a habit, thus gradually becoming annoying and not welcomed by others. Children are vulnerable and their minds absorb so much, so exposing them to violence, bad language or nudity can really damage them in the future. According to a recent survey conducted by Chinese Adolescent Delinquency Association, after polling hundreds of young criminals aged 12 to18, most respondents claimed that they copied violent behavior learnt from television shows or movies. Thus to some extent, the media is responsible for some problematic teenagers’ behavior.Additionally, television can also affects young people’ s physical and mental health. Since the invention of television in 1926, television has brought billions of minutes of programming to living rooms all over the world, and it’ s almost too easy to be a couch potato for hours with the amount of television available today.Sitting in front of television, staring on the screen for like 6 hours straight, with their mouth being stuffed with snack, can definitely lead to a poor sight, sore shoulders, stiff neck and obesity. As seen from a report issued by Educational Association, the number of students in middle school wearing glasses has shot up to 56%, 3 times higher than a decade ago. Also, television functioning as a main source of entertainment, like a magnet, draws upon people’ s attention, young people in particular, hence hugely reducing their outdoor activities. Though watching Ellen Show can let those teenagers have a good laugh and relax, even tearing up bits, it shows that after all 8 hours school study, watching entertaining programs does little positive impact on health. Physical activities, like bike riding, which is helping the respiratory system and make the skeleton stronger and improve co-ordination should be something that young people to do for the sake of maintaining healthy. Lastly, the trend that young people alienate themselves from communicating with their family members should also be attributed to the popularity of television. Thus, gradually, the family relationship can be negatively affected. Though some people may claim that watching TV can be an activity that most families of today use to bond with each other, actually a typical scene in modern family is that 7 fifth grade boy looking at Super Spider in his room after school locked in the room, totally into this movie, without even noticing the knock from his mom on the door. What is more, they probably will have problems in interacting with others as theygrow up, since TV time take up the activities that they are supposed to hang out with friends. So, in this respect, young people can behave more introverted. In a nutshell, watching television and movies can exert negative effects on y outh ’ s emotional development, health and communicating ability.。



2015.1.10Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 2015.1.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important quality for a politician or leader to have is good communication skills.2015.1.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: classmates and partner can communicate with each other face to face to finish the project much better than by sending e-mail.2015.1.31The rules that the society today requires young people to follow and obey are too strict2015.2.1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement. Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.2015.3.7Some people think that it is an important part of a child’s education to go on a field trip (for example, museums). Other people think a child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which do you prefer?2015.3.7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: people will spend less time on cooking food in twenty years?2015.3.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People spend too much money on their pets even though there can be other good ways to spend money. 2015.3.28Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time.2015.4.12Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Internet is as important as other service such as building roads that government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.2015.4.18Some people always follow their dreams even if the dreams are ambitious. Some think we should focus on achieving realistic goals. Which do you agree with? 2015.5.9University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.2015.5.16Do you agree or disagree with the statement: when people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their lives.2015.5.24Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends: joining a sports team, participating in community activities, or traveling?2015.5.30Do you agree or disagree with the statement: When you have a friend for a long time, whether you will continue the friendship even he or she does something you do not like.2015.6.13Do you agree or disagree with the statement: it is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than save money for the future?2015.6. 14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.2015.6.27Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to make friends who are intelligent than with a good sense of humor.2015.7.4Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Children can benefit in important ways from taking care of animal pets.2015.7.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2015.7.12Do you agree or disagree with the statement: These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.2015.8.22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most effective way for government to encourage energy conservation is increasing the price of gasoline and electricity.2015.8.30It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work and at school.2015.9.5In order to attract more tourists, government should improve the safety by hiring more police or improve the appearance by improving the old buildings and streets.2015.9.12Do you agree or disagree with the statement: In order to succeed, it is better to be like others rather than different from everybody else.2015.9.13It is as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people.2015.9.17Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Since the world has changed so much in the past fifty years, advice our grandparents can give us is not useful.2015.9.19Nowadays, students do many things like surfing the internet, listening to music when they are learning. Do you agree or disagree that doing other things impose bad effect on learning?2015.10.10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Which is better for children’s education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 3-month study and 1-month break?2015.10.11重复旧题:2013.12.20NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is a waste of money for government to spend money on space travel or space exploration.2015. 10.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is more important to have facilities rather than hire more teachers.2015.10.25Do you agree or disagree with the statement: The people in the past are more friendly than people today.2015.10.31Which one is the most important for teacher of high school:1. The ability to help students plan for their future;2. The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;3. Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.2015.11.8Schools have always offered students three types of after-school activities. But due to recent limited budgets, they can only support one kind of activities. Which one would you choose? Why?1. Sports;2. Arts;3.Volunteering (eg. for the community)2015.11.14When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to child-care center where many children are cared together; or they could send their children to an individual caregiver. Which one is better? 2015.11.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:The more money a person has, the more he or she should give away to the charities.2015.11.21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The most important thing people learned is from families. 2013.5.31NA2015.11.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is more important for the government to spend money on art museum and concert halls than on recreationalfacilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.2015.11.29Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead. 2014. 8.22 NA 2015.12.5Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Government, instead of individuals, should cover Internet fees.2015. 12.12Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty, higher tax and larger fine of these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?2015.12.13Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?2015. 12.19The best leader should spend more time listening to other people’s ideas than taking his/her own ideas.2015.12.30Out of the following three things, which one would you prefer to regulate in order to improve your health? 2012.1.13NA/2012.11.2ML1. The kind of food you eat2. The amount of exercise3. The amount of stress in your life。



2015年4月托福真题回忆及解析【导语】天高任鸟飞,海阔凭鱼跃;考试的舞台,秀出你的精彩;一宿好睡眠,精神百倍;一颗平常心,沉着应对;一口长舒气,放松压力;祝你金榜题名!以下是无忧考网小编为你搜集整理的2015年4月托福部分真题,希望你喜欢!2015年4月托福举行了两场考试,分别是4月12日及4月18日4 月 12 曰托福独立写作范文赏析:Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Internet is asimportant as other service such as building roads that government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.The rapid growth of Internet access makes it convenient to meet people* s demand. Although Internet has brought lots of benefits to our daily life, it is not a necessity. It is too extreme for the government to provide free Internet for all the citizens.Granted, in today’ s society, internet access is important. E-mail has become a standard communication medium, and entertainment is often streamed or downloaded instead of being delivered through more traditional means. However, the internet is more of a luxury than a necessity. People in cities managedfine before the advent of the internet, but they still needed public transportation to get from place to place. If the internet failed tomorrow, we could still call each other via phone or radio. We could still watch movies on DVDs. But Internet access is not as important as building roads. If the transportation failed, people could not live as usual like going to school or visiting some important places —the streets would be filled with so many cars and people that school would probably be over before I could get there. Thus, no matter how big influence the Internet has on our life, it cannot complete with some basic service like building roads.However, it will be a huge expenditure to make sure the Internet available for everyone. More money goes to the Internet means less budget on other fields. Especially in big cities, there are so many issues more important than Internet waiting to be solved. Take public transportation as an example, people in big cities average spend over 2 hours to get to work. The benefits brought from improving roads are greater than improving the Internet. After a survey pooling by the National Development and Reform Commission, ten million onbuilding roads may lead to 0.05% on economic growth, while ten million on Internet access does less good. The same story goes to other aspects like medical care, public education and so on.Furthermore, providing free Internet access does harm to economy. Internet access, operated by many private companies, is hard to administrate all by government. For one thing, the customers will suffer. As one of the new industry, Internet has attracted much private capita! which complete equally. Once made free for charge, the competitive factors like price, speed and after-sale services made before are pointless. A vicious spiral comes as no competition result in worse quality and then less working efficiency. For another, native Internet firm will suffer. It is useless for them to go on. As such business takes up big percentage in emerging market, economy will be influenced.In conclusion, although Internet is increasingly gaining its popularity, it isnot a good idea for the government to invest on free Internet.4 月 12 日托福独立写作难度分析及范文题目:Internet is as important as other service such as building roads that government should make Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.这一题是 2014 年北美机经的重复,只改动了不多的内容,在大陆考区是第一次出现。



2015年5月30日托福写作真题回顾综合写作讨论一种giant bird 会不会飞。

Sample answer:The reading and listening discuss about the possible explanations regarding to whether the giant bird can fly. The passage mentions three observations to demonstrate why the giant bird cannot fly.Whereas, the professor totally refutes the three reasons presented in the passage.Firstly, the professor rebuts the reading’s idea that the giant bird has lifting-off problems, for its wingspan is too large, thus it cannot fly. The professor claims the giant bird takes off by running start, which is indicated by its big feet and bones.Secondly, the professor contradicts reading’s statement that the giant bird does not possess strong muscle structures to support its continuous fight. The professor mentions that the giant bird can catch a so-called warm current in the air just like eagles do, and it can keep flying without moving its wings.At last, the passage states that according to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, every species evolves its useful advantages, and the giant bird’s wings are useless in hunting for preys or in avoiding the threats from predators, so it cannot fly. However, the professor explains that wings bring benefits to the giant bird. Because the bird preys on dead animals, so it needs to cover long distance to look for food in large areas.独立写作:外朗教育,让学习动起来!/。



1月10日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if it is not the field of their study。



9 ML]1月11日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important characteristic to a successful politician or leader is good communication skills。

1月25日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails in order to do a project.[重复2014.1.17NA]1月31日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict。

2月1日Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on behaviors of young people。



5月24日托福作文考试真题「附」2015年5月24日托福作文考试真题「附范文」作文题目:Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?A: joining a sports team;B: participating in community activities;C: traveling这个题目近年来出现了好几次,最近一次出现在去年3月15日。



比如说选择A是最好的方式,在分论点设置上可以考虑写1. 一个队伍里的队友有共同的目标;共同的兴趣爱好能够促进友谊;打比赛会是难忘的经历等2. Volunteering的时候通常参与者来自非常不同的背景,甚至不同的年龄段,很难进行沟通,更无法开展一段友谊。

3. Travelling的时间较为短暂,无法真正了解一个人;学生在travel 的`时候通常和家人一起出行,所以很难在这时候交新朋友。

参考范文:Friendship is one of the most valuable sentiments for people, especially for people who are in school days. Making new friends and sharing interests with others are always exciting parts of social life. When it comes to the best way for students to make friends, some support that participating in community activities or traveling are preferable,however, from where I am stand, joining a sports team is the undoubtedly the best choice.First of all, for the energetic students,doing sports is their favorite. Therefore, joining a sports team from where they can share same interests and relax is the easiest way to know eachother.Training in the same sports team, the students cannot only release them selves from whole day's pressure, but also can build up good relationships with others through the communication and exercise. For example, the champions of Olympic Games,China's famous synchronized diving athletes, Guo Jingjing and Wu Minxia, the two girls enjoy a really good friendship. They became to know each other because they both joined the same sports team, and then after exercised and played together, they finally become two enviable friends.Additionally, cooperation and coherency are always the main essence of a sports team. Here, students learn how to work together, how to fight for the same goal through tacit teamwork, how to contribute to the whole team instead of just thinking of self, and even how to negotiate or discuss with others, as well as how to be patient and rational. Although there may be some argument or disagreement among students, I always think that everything is going to be okay because the sports team will be coherent.Finally, joining a sport team will prov idea long period of time for students to get along with each other. However, if students participate in community activities, for example, doing volunteer job in the town's library, they would not have sufficient time to communicate with each other since most of their time is full of working. Meanwhile, students can play with each other during traveling, but only several days are deficient and most people will not keep in touch with others after the trip.参考译文:友谊是最宝贵的情感的人之一,尤其是对那些在学校的日子。



2015.7.4Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children can benefit in an important way of taking care of pet animals.2015.6.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Itis better for people to have friends who are intelligent than to have friends who have a good sense of humor.2015.6.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sports teach people good lessons.2015.6.13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than to save money for the future.2015.5.30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?When you have been friends with someone for a long time, it is important to continue your friendship with that person even if he or she does something you do not like.2015.5.24Which of the following do you think is the best way for students to make new friends? 1) joining a sports team; 2) participating in community activities; 3) travelling.2015.5.16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Spending a lot of time watching sports on TV and following favorite team will have negative impact on one’s life.2015.5.9Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.2015.4.18Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Having ambitious dreams and keeping following them is better than always focusing on realistic goals and trying to achieve them.2015.4.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Some p eople think that internet access is as important as other services, such as building roads, so the governments should offer internet access to all of their citizens at no cost.2015.3.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? You shouldprefertofinishaprojectcompletelyandthentoanother oneother thandotwoorseveralprojectsata time.2015.3.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Now more and more people spend too much money on their pets(dogs, cats, and others), although there are better uses of this money.2015.3.7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Peoplewillspendlesstimeon cooking and preparing food in 20 years.2015.3.7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Taking children to field trips (for example, to a museum) is a better way of education than learning in a classroom at school.2015.2.1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Movies and television have more negative effects than positive ones on young people's behavior.2015.1.31Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.2015.1.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? When classmates or colleagues communicate about a project in person instead of by e-mail, they will produce better work for the project.2015.1.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristics of a successful politician or a leader are the communication skills.2015.1.10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study.2014.12.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is important for government to provide money for beautiful things but not just for practical things.2014.12.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people are more willing to help others than young people in the past.2014.12.21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If you are selecting a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.2014.12.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The way a person dresses is a good indication of his or her character or personality.2014.12.13Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Students are more interested in politics today than before.2014.12.6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Being creative, rather than planning carefully, will come up with best solution to a problem.2014.12.6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to increase students' interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside school.2014.11.29Some people like to keep records or experiences by exposing photos on social networking sites. Others do not like to create such records. Which way do you prefer?2014.11.23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.2014.11.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents should help children to do their work rather than encourage children to do their workindependently.2014.11.9When you want to make a major purchase, which will influence your decision most? 1) recommendations from friends; 2) advertisements from TV; 3) words from salesperson.2014.11.8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends at your age.2014.11.8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for families to regularly eat their meals together.2014.11.2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People o ften buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them.2014.10.26Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modernsocietyhasbecomemorecomplex,soitisessentialfor theyoungpeople tohave theabilitytoplanandorganize.2014.10.18Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to know the events happening around the world, even though they may not affect our daily life.2014.10.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Modern agriculture method damages the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.2014.9.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Visitingmuseumsisthebestwaytolearn aboutacountry.2014.9.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Theuniversitystudentsshouldberequiredtotakeatleasta coursethatteachesthemthecultureofacountryotherthantheiro wn.2014.9.21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends.2014.9.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Youngerschoolchildren(agesfromfivetoten)shouldbe requiredtostudyartandmusicinadditiontomathlanguage,scie nceandhistory.2014.8.30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The ability to maintain a small number of friends for a long time is more important to happiness than the ability to make new friends easily.2014.8.23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvements for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.2014.8.23Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Young people today are more likely to give time and effort to improve the world than young people were in the past.2014.8.16Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?The most important investment for a big company is to improve the working ability of its employees.2014.7.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Youngpeople shouldtrydifferentjobsbeforetheydecidewhich joborcareertheywilldointhelongterm.2014.7.6Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are different from their work.2014.6.29Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Itismoreimportanttoremainhappyandoptimisticwhenyoufai l.2014.6.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Th e best way to reduce air pollution is for government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol) of the cars.2014.6.21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People who cannot accept the criticism from others will not besuccessful at work in a group.2014.6.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better to buy new technological device right now when it becomes available than choose to wait and buy that until many people have owned it.2014.5.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents must have strict rules to help their children to be successful.2014.5.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is important for government to provide money for beautiful things but not just for practical things.2014.5.17Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercise.2014.5.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Spending a lot of time watching sports on TV and following favorite team will have negative impact on one’s life.2014.4.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Your job has more effect on your happiness than your social life does.2014.4.19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?For any business to be successful, it must spend a lot of money on advertising.2014.4.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratories, rather than on hiring famous teachers.2014.4.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The opinions of celebrities, such asentertainers and athletes, are more important for younger people than older people.2014.3.23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students should take at least a year off to work or travel before they go to university.2014.3.22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Youngerschoolchildren(agesfromfivetoten)shouldbe requiredtostudyartandmusicinadditiontomathlanguage,scie nceandhistory.2014.3.22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, young people were more dependent on their parents in making decision. Today, young people are better able to make decision in their own lives.2014.3.16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is now easier for people to become educated than in the past.2014.3.15Which of the following do you think is the best way for students to make new friends? 1) joining a sports team; 2) participating in community activities; 3) travelling.2014.3.2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.2014.3.1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or a new country because of the loss of old friends.2014.2.22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People who have several skills are more successful than those who only know one skill.2014.1.18In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. If a local government is facing economic problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on? Libraries/ public transportation / police.2014.1.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.2013.12.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Childrenshouldstudyandplay,otherthanhelpwithhouseholdchores.2013.12.21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Today, p eople cannot buy products based on information in their advertisement because advertisement is less honest than before.2013.12.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Nowadays people show less respect to teachers than in the past.2013.12.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Itis easier to maintain health now than in the past.2013.12.7Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Government should spend more money in support of arts than in support of athletics such as state-sponsored Olympic teams.2013.12.1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Itisnecessaryforteacherstotakecourseseveryfiveyearsto updatetheirknowledge.2013.11.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Peoplewhogooutsidearemoresuccessfulandhapp ierthan peoplewholiveinvillages.2013.11.23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Teacher s’ performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.2013.11.17Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?We can know more about a person from books and movies that person likes.2013.11.9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents learn more from children than children learn from parents.2013.11.9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Parents should spend time with their children helping them with schoolwork rather than playing games and sports.2013.11.2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Itis better for people to have friends who are intelligent than to have friends who have a good sense of humor.2013.10.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Participating i n activities in organizations and clubs is as important as academic study for students.2013.10.20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the internet or listen to the music while doing their homework.2013.10.20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is always better to purchase in large stores than in several small shops that specialize in different items.2013.10.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Inordertobesuccessful,itisbettertobelikeothersthantobe differentfromeverybodyelse.2013.10.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Peoplewhogooutsidearemoresuccessfulandhappierthan peoplewholiveinvillages.2013.9.29Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.2013.9.28 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.2013.9.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on it right away so that you can work a little bit every day, rather than wait until you have a good idea about the presentation.2013.9.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students who keep their rooms neat and organized are more successful than those who do not.2013.9.8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To increase economic growth, the government should ignore environmental concerns.2013.9.1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching.2013.8.31 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Thegovernmentshouldsupportthescientificresearcheven though there isnopracticaluse.2013.8.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for families to regularly eat their meals together.2013.8.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Scientists should be responsible for negative impacts of their discoveries.2013.8.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Itisimportanttohavetherulesaboutthetypesof clothingthatpeopleareallowedinworkandschool.2013.8.17Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?University should spend more money supporting social activities rather than improving the food students eat.2013.7.26 NAIf your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1) interrupt your teacher right away; 2) keep silent; 3) correct your teacher after class.2013.7.21Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is impossible to be completely honest with your friends.2013.7.20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should helpdetermine thefutureoftheirchildren,and children are not allowedto maketheirown choices.2013.7.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People in the past were friendlier than they are today.2013.7.13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Nowadays, n eighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past.2013.6.30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People would be happier if they had fewer possessions.2013.6.15Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The way a person dresses is a good indication of his or her character or personality.2013.6.8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to watch a movie in a theater than at home.2013.5.26Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The personal and work-related challenges that young people face today are not very different from the challenges their parents and grandparents faced in the past.2013.5.18Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Thegovernmentshouldsupportthescientificresearcheven though there isnopracticaluse.2013.5.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?People o ften buy products not because they really need them but because other people have them.2013.4.27 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Th e best way to reduce air pollution is for government to raise the cost of fuel (petrol) of the cars.2013.4.20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for the government to spend money on art museums and concert halls than on recreational facilities such as swimming pools and playgrounds.2013.4.14Which of the following do you think contributes most to an enjoyable vacation? 1) good food; 2) good location; 3) good friends to travel with.2013.3.30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Despite the fact that many countries say they care about environmental problems, the environmental situation will not improve significantly in the future.2013.3.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is much easier to raise children nowadays than 50 years ago.2013.3.22 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Modern agriculture method damages the environment, but providing food for the growing population around the world is more important than protecting the environment.2013.3.17Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A leader should admit if he made a bad decision.2013.3.16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and TV programs made in one’s own country are more interesting than those made in other countries.2013.3.3Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Young people today are more likely to givetime and effort to improve the world than young peoplewere in the past.2013.3.2 NADo you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?People should state their honest opinions even though they know others will disagree with their views.2013.3.2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Insuch a busy or crowded world, people should not expect others to be polite to them.2013.2.15 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Spending a lot of time watching sports on TV andfollowing favorite team will have negative impact onone’s life.2013.1.27Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?The place people choose to live in has more effect on happiness than the job people choose.2013.1.26Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people are more willing to help others than young people in the past.2013.1.25 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?For any business to be successful, it must spend a lot of money on advertising.2013.1.13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important for people to present their talents and abilities to influential people or potential employers.2013.1.12Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The effective leader tries to make others feel they have been part of a decision.2012.12.22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is more important to choose friends with whom you can have fun than to choose friends that will help you when you need them.2012.12.8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Patience is usually not a good strategy. People should take action now rather than later.2012.12.2 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Peoplewhogooutsidearemoresuccessfulandhappierthan peoplewholiveinvillages.2012.12.2Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Movies and television have more negative effects than positive ones on young people's behavior.2012.11.30Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?A university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratories, rather than on hiring famous teachers.2012.11.24Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is now easier for people to become educated than in the past.2012.11.18Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?The main role of the university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.2012.11.17 NADo you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?We can know more about a person from books and movies that person likes.2012.11.10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to increase students' interest in a subject is to teach them the significance of the subject outside school.2012.11.3 NADo you agree or disagree with the followingstatement?Children spend time on playing games or sports or doing schoolwork with other children whentheir parents are too busy to play with them.2012.11.2Which change would you like to improve your health? 1) the kind of food you eat; 2) the amount of exercise; 3) the amount of stress.2012.10.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The government and corporation should share all their scientific discoveries with other countries in the world.2012.10.27 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?In the past, young people were more dependent on their parents in making decision. Today, young people are better able to make decision in their own lives.2012.10.27Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problems affecting our society today will be solved in our lifetime.2012.10.19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The reading that a student does on his or her own is as important as, or more important than, the reading assigned by teachers.2012.10.14Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Tomakechildrendowellatschool,parentsshouldlimitthe time thatchildrenspendonwatchingTVandmovies.2012.10.13Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, it is much easier to achieve success with help from one's family than what was like before.2012.10.12 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.2012.10.6 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Nowadays, neighbors depend on each other less than the people in the past.2012.9.29 (NA)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A leader should admit if he made a bad decision.2012.9.23Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?For success in school and work, the ability to adapt or adjust to a changing condition or circumstance is more important than having excellent knowledge of a job or a field to study.2012.9.22 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Your job has more effect on your happiness than your living environment does.2012.9.22Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvements for the quality of people’s lives have already taken place.2012.9.20Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students are more interested in politics today than before.2012.9.16Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important investment for a big company is to improve the working ability of its employees.2012.9.15 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Teacher s’ performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.2012.9.8Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The advice from our grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.2012.9.7 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?University should spend more money supporting social activities rather than improving the food students eat.2012.9.2Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Competition with friends usually has negative effect on friendship.2012.8.26Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents should allow their children to make mistakes and let them learn from their own mistakes.2012.8.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The opinions of celebrities, such as entertainers and athletes, are more important for younger people than older people.2012.8.25 (NA)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? For successful development of a country, a government should focus its budget more on very young children’s education rather than on universities.2012.8.19Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Car has had a greater effect on the society than the airplane.2012.8.17 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?Nowadays people show less respect to teachers than in the past.2012.8.17 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?A university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries, computes or laboratories, rather than on hiring famous teachers.2012.8.4 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers had greater influence in the past than now.2012.7.28 NADo you agree or disagree with the following statement?When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school, you prefer to work on itright away so that you can work a little bit every day, rather than wait until you have a good idea about the presentation.2012.7.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Jobs which can pay high salaries but require employees to leave their family andfriends are better than those that pay few salaries but allow employees to stay with family and friends.2012.7.28Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Two people can not be friends if one is richer。

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2015年真题2015年1月10日考题All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not the field of their study.2015年1月11日考题The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.2015年1月25日考题It is better for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails in order to do a project.2015年1月31日考题The rules that the whole society today expects young people to follow and obey are too strict.2015年2月1日考题Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the behaviors of young people.2015年3月7日考题(第一次两套试题)Taking children to field trips (for example, to a museum) is a better way of education than learning at school in a classroom.2015年3月7日考题People will spend less time on cooking food in twenty years.2015年3月14日考题People spend too much money on their pets even though there can other good ways to spend money.2015年3月28日考题It is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time.2015年4月12日考题The Internet is as important as other service, such as building roads, so government should make the Internet access to all the citizens at no cost.2015年4月18日考题Some people always follow their dreams even if the dreams are ambitious. Some think we should focus on achieving realisticgoals. Which do you agree with?2015年5月9日考题All university students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.2015年5月16日考题When people spend a lot of time watching sports on television or following their favorite team, it has negative effects on their lives.2015年5月24日考题Which do you think is the best way for a student to make friends?a. joining a sports teamb. participating in community activitiesc. traveling2015年5月30日考题When you have a friend for a long time, whether you will continue the friendship even he or she does something you do not like.2015年6月13日考题It is better to spend money on traveling and vacation than savemoney for the future.2015年6月14日考题Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.2015年6月27日考题It is better to make friends who are intelligent than those with a good sense of humor.2015年7月4日考题Children can benefit in important ways from taking care of animal pets.2015年7月11日考题Teachers should be paid at least as much as doctors, lawyers or business leaders are paid.2015年7月12日考题These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they would be given more time to do whatever they want.2015年8月22日考题The most effective way for government to encourage energy conservation is to increase the price of gasoline and electricity.2015年8月30日考题It is important to have rules about the types of clothing that people are allowed to wear at work and school.2015年9月5日考题In order to attract more tourists, which should government do: to improve the safety by hiring more police or to repair old buildings and streets?2015年9月12日考题In order to succeed, it is better to be like to others rather than different from everybody else.2015年9月13日考题Older people need to learn the new things as well as the young people.2015年9月17日考题Grandparents cannot give useful advice to their grandchildren because the world of today and the world of fifty years ago are too different.2015年9月19日考题Nowadays, students do many things like surfing the Internet, listening to music when they are learning. Do you agree or disagree that doing other things impose bad effect on learning?2015年10月10日考题Which is better for children's education: 9-month study and 3-month break or 3-month study and 1-month break?2015年10月11日考题It is a waste of money for government to fund space travel or space exploration.2015年10月24日考题School should be more focused on improving facilities (libraries, computers, or labs) for students than on hiring famous professors.2015年10月25日考题People in the past were friendlier than people today.2015年10月31日考题Which one is the most important for teacher of high school? a. the ability to help students plan for their future b. the ability to find the students who need help most and help them c. teach students how to learn outside the classroom.2015年11月8日考题The school has been funding for students to participate in different types of activities, but this year, since the lack of money, the school will fund one activity, which one do you think is the one the school should fund: sports, arts and volunteering (help the development of the community)?.2015年11月14日考题When parents cannot afford time to accompany with their children, they could choose to send their children to a child-care center where many children are cared together, or they could send their children to an individual caregiver. Which one is better?2015年11月15日考题The more money people have, the more money they should give away to charity.2015年11月21日考题The most important things people learn are from their families.2015年11月28日考题It is more important for the government to spend more money on art and music museums than on facilities, like playgrounds and public swimming pools.2015年11月29日考题One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he leads.2015年12月5日考题Government should provide free access to the Internet; the individual should access to the Internet without paying anything.2015年12月12日考题Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage environment. Some people believe that government should require more penalty, higher tax and larger fine of these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer?2015年12月13日考题Some people think that older children should be required to take care of the younger children. Others think that this should be done by parents or other adults. Which do you prefer?2015年12月19日考题Do you think that the best leader should spend more time listening to other people's ideas than talking his own ideas?2015年12月20日考题To improve health, change an aspect in life: a. kinds of food to eat b. the amount of exercise c. the amount of stress.。
