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A)情景对话. 根据情景选择正确的问答. (5小题,共10分)

1.—Could you do me a favor?


A.I will

B. I can

C. I’m glad to

D.I must

2.—Which one would you like better?

—________.Would you show me another?

A. None

B. Neither

C. Not any

D. No one

3.—Shall we go to the cinema?

—Yes,but wait a minute,please.


—I must make a phone call first.

A. Why?

B. All right.

C. Nothing serious.

D. OK.

4.—Oh,it’s you. Come in,please.________.

—Thank you very much. You have a very good place here.

A. Long time no see

B. T ake it easy

C. Make yourself at home

D. Don’t worry

5.—Why didn’t you buy the diamond necklace?

—I ________.But I didn’t have the mone y.

A. would

B. would have bought

C. bought

D. had bought

B) 从A、B、C、D中选出划线部分单词或短语的意义。(10小题,15分)

6. He earned $100,000 a year.

A 赢得

B 获得

C 失去D赚得

7. He must put more effort into his work.

A 努力

B 时间

C 心思D精力

8. I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn’t receive one.

A 送出B盼望 C 寄来 D 收到

9. Please explain this problem to me.

A 解决

B 讨论C提出 D 讲解

10. Have you seen the exhibition in the museum?

A展览 B 古玩 C 国画 D 藏品

11. So far, the work has been easy but things may change.

A 远处B就这样C到目前为止 D 最近

12. Will you please send me the data I need.

A 日期B资料 C 约会 D 相片

13. A big blood destroyed many buildings.

A描述B破坏C危害 D 击败

14. I hope you will come to see you some day.


15. The manager always tells his partners how to do things in details.

A客观地 B 详细地 C 快乐地 D 乐观地


16. This blue suit looks better than the green _________.

A. /

B. suits

C. one

D. it

17. There are shops on _______ side of the street. _____ of them do not close till 12 at night.

A. both; All

B. every; None

C. either; Some

D. other; Many

18. He isn’t ______________ to reach the window.

A. tall enough

B. enough tall

C. so tall

D. as tall

19. _____________ went to Japan yesterday.

A. The White’s

B. The Whites

C. The White

D. The White family

20. Peter’s father is a driver, and ________ is a doctor.

A. mine

B. I

C. me

D. my

21. A large number of the students in our class _____ late for school yesterday.

A. are

B. is

C. be C. was

22. Tell me __________ she will be back, in a week or two?

A. How long

B. How much

C. How often

D. How soon

23. Tom, guess what? I _______ Michael Jackson in the street just now.

A. see

B. saw

C. had seen

D. have seen

24. Mary ______ an interesting TV program when I entered.

A. watch

B. watched

C. has watched

D. was watching

25. The subject of polities ______ interested him since he went to high school.

A. has

B. have

C. is

D. are

26. The teacher came in and ______ the students to do some exercises.

A. told

B. telling

C. to tell

D. had told

27.“What ____________ at ten o’clock yesterday evening?”he asked me.

A. you had done

B. had you done

C. were you doing

D. you were doing

28. He _______________ the Party __________ 1998.

A. joined; since

B. has joined; since

C. joined; on

D. has joined; in

29. If it ___________________ tomorrow, we ___________ put off the sports meet.

A. rained; shall

B. should rain; would

C. rains; shall

D. rained; will

30. May ________ abroad twice so far.

A. went

B. go

C. has been

D. had been
