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1.第 1 题

It is believed that the inductive method is more effective than the deductive method because students ___ while engaged in language use.

A. a re told by the teacher the grammar rules

B. l earn the grammar rules without any difficulty

C. never learn the grammar rules

D. discover the grammar rules themselves 您的答案: C 题目分数: 2.0 此题得分:0.0 2.第 2 题

There are two kinds of stress that are important to achieving good pronunciation, i.e. ___.

A. mechanical stress a nd meaningful stress

B. perception stress a nd production stress

C. word-level stress a nd phrase-level o r sentence-level stress

D. syllable-level stress a nd word-level o r phrase-level stress


题目分数: 2.0

此题得分: 2.0

3.第 3 题

At beginner level, most new words learned by

students usually have immediate practical us

ea nd quickly become one ' s _______ v ocabulary.

A. productive o r active

B. receptive o r active

C. productive o r passive

D. receptive o r passive


题目分数: 2.0


4.第 4 题

Apart f rom the learner factors, the _____ is

another factor that determines if the students can acquire native-like english pronunciation.

A. amount of exposure to English

B. amount of production of English

C. learner k'no s wledge of English grammar

D. learner ' s vocabulary size


题目分数: 2.0

此题得分: 2.0

5.第 5 题

Pronunciation covers more than just phonetic symbols a nd rules. it also in eludes __ ,a nd

all these are not isolated f rom each other.

A. letters, phonetic transcripts,a nd sounds

B. sounds, letters,a nd words

C. sounds, words,a nd grammar

D. stress, intonation,a nd rhythm 您的答案: D

题目分数: 2.0

此题得分: 2.0

6.第 6 题

According to Wang Qiang, the way a language teacher learned a language will influence the way he ___ to some extent.

A. learns a language

B. teaches a language

C. learns his mother tongue

D. obtains linguistic knowledge


题目分数: 2.0


7.第7 题

Communicative competence consists of knowledge

a nd ability for __ .

A. rules of rules of pronunciation,vocabulary a nd grammar

B. rules of grammar/form a nd rules of language


C. pronunciation, words,a nd grammar

D. speaking a nd writing


题目分数: 2.0

此题得分: 2.0

8.第8 题

When teaching vocabulary, the teacher can ___ to promote high motivation.

A. apply rote learning

B. separate the words f rom the con text
