
(T)1. Allicin, allitridin and ajoene are believed to have anti-carcinogenica activity and normalize plasma lipid levels, blood pressure, and fibrinolytic activity.(F)2. The standardized extracts of Ginkgo biloba leaves have been used widely as a dietary supplement in Europe and as a phytomedicine in the USA.(T)3. The new directive would guarantee a premarketing check of product quality and safety by the health authorities and facilitate recalls.(T)4. Now the nonmedical practitioners who prescribe herbal treatments have to receive adequate training and continuous education to reach and maintain a high standard of practice in the United Kingdom.(F)5. The conventional efficacy requirements are only means of safeguarding public health.(F)6. This maturation zone is driven by hydrostatic pressure within the cell that propels the root tip deeper into the soil. (T)7. Endodermal cells possess a characteristic thickening of the anticlinal cell wall.(F)8. All plants first form a secondary root and for most plants, including the gymnosperms, primitive dicotyledons and eudicotyledons, this persists as a taproot.(T)9. The petals are usually colored, which can attract insects’ attention.(F)10. Animal-pollinated flowers are often very small without sepals or petals, many also being monoecious.(T)11. In Chinese folk medicine, Ku-Ding-Cha was mostly used to treat coronary heart diseases.(T)12. Now the technique of microscopy has been used successfully to identify the plant sources used to produce a commercial herbal tea.(T)13. The ginseng surface is pale yellow to cream and shows longitudinal ridges; stem scars may be seen at the crown.(F)14. Ginseng contains not less than 10.0 per cent of water.(F)15. The needle of yew has used in small doses has been used to treat rheumatic and urinary problems in history, so it is a safe medicinal plant and it must be kept in mind not to take it under any circumstances.(F)16. Cultivation will be the ultimate method to solve the problem of taxol resource scarcity.(F)17. Menthol is the only active component in volatile oils of many herbal medicines.(F)18. HPLC has been a powerful tool in the study of essential oil from medicinal plants.(F)19. Among all factors leading to biodegradation, damage by termites is the least serious to wooden structures worldwide.(F)20. The compound most toxic to the Japanese termite was diallyl disulfide.(T)21. The sensitivity of TLS is such that separations on less than ug amounts of material can be achieved if necessary. (F)22. The liquid mobile phase in HPLC is forced though under ordinary pressure.(F)23. The meat from animals killed by the arrow poison curare is not safe ti eat.(F)24. Calcium is absorbed by means of a vitamin E-dependent carrier system.(T)25. Typically,about three quarters of a drug given orally is absorbed in 1-3 hours.(F)26. Dug given by inhalation are usually fully fully absorbed into the circulation.(F)27. Dorzolamide can lower ocular pressure in patients with glaucoma when given as eye drops,and affect the kidney because it it a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor.(T)28. Oral administration of drugs usually produces a slower effect than subcutaneous or intramuscular injection.1. Although Chinese herbal medicines constitute multi-billion-dollar industries worldwide and 1500 herbals are sold as dietary supplements or ethnic traditional medicines, the formulations of these medicines are commonly not subjected to pre-market toxicity examination to test their safety or efficacy.尽管中药构成全球数十亿美元的产业并且1500种草药作为食品添加剂和民族传统药材销售,但是这些药的配方一般不受售前毒性检测来检测它们的安全性和有效性。

药⼤专英总复习绪论Strengthening basic researches on Chinese Medicinal Plants and its relations to realizing the modernization of CMM加强中国药⽤植物基础研究及其与中药现代化的关系Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 中药health care卫⽣健康Chinese traditional medicinal herbs 中草药inciting side-effects明显的副作⽤go back to the nature回归⾃然the modernization of Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) 中药现代化Surveys调查special projects专项调查scientific identification科学鉴定chemical constituents化学成分pharmacological experiments 药理实验clinical applications临床适应性monographs 各论、专论manuals ⼿册Pharmacopoeia 药典therapeutical efficacy疗效黄花蒿( Artemisia annua),青蒿( Artemisia apiacea)chloroquine resistant malaria/抗氯喹宁疟疾Pernicious(有害的)malaria/恶性疟疾cerebral (⼤脑的,脑的)malaria/脑疟疾derivatives/衍⽣物quinine/喹宁harringtonine 三尖杉酯碱homoharringtonine ⾼三尖杉酯碱extracted from 提取leukemia ⽩⾎病malignant lymphoma 恶性淋巴瘤ginkgetin 银杏黄酮criteria 标准revise 修正,校订systematic studies系统研究revising 修订common-used Chinese materia medica常⽤中药材品种整理和质量研究impact n.冲击,碰撞era 时代public health care 公共健康事业traditional Chinese patent medicines and preparations 中成药和中药制剂basic researches 基础研究production ⽣产marketing 流通research 研究①Identification of species / 品种鉴定identifying 鉴别clarifying 澄清,阐明confused varieties 易混淆的变种false matters 伪品益胃⽣津,滋阴清热benefit the stomach, promote the production of body fluid and remove the excessive heat ②Quality control and evaluation/质量的控制和评价intensive 加强的,透彻的contents =components, constituentswith great care :⼩⼼翼翼地habitat:产地qualitative and quantitative analysis 定性定量分析③The methods of research研究⽅法biotechnology ⽣物技术molecular biology 分⼦⽣物学remedy: n. 药物,治疗法,赔偿,v.补救,矫正modern scientific methodologies 现代科学⽅法①Strengthen the study of medicinal plant resources 加强药⽤植物基源研究exploring new resources 开发新的资源re-producting resources 可持续性利⽤资源conservation of germplasm of the rare and endangered medicinal plants 珍稀濒危药⽤植物的种质资源保护②Carry out the researches on specific biology of medicinal plantsspecific adj. 种的,明确的,特殊的,具有特效的n. 特效药,详情,特性③Map out GAP (Good Agriculturing Practice) in medicinal cultivationmap out 规划seed quality standards 种⼦的质量标准processing rules and regulations 加⼯⽅法及规范④Established standards of quality control and renew methodologycriteria 标准protocol 草案foreign matter杂质⑤Apply modern comprehensive multidisciplinary studies on Chinese medicinal plants comprehensive:综合的,⼴泛的multidisciplinary:多学科⑥Establish information systems in modern research of Chinese medicinal herbsEthnobotany ⼈类植物学Ethnopharmacology民族药理学Ethno- 民族,种族semi-colonial and semi-feudal nation/半殖民半封建的国家constraint and devastation/ 压迫与毁坏the inheritance and development of Chinese troditional medicine ……/继承和发扬many difficult and complicated diseases 疑难杂症TERMINOLOGY部分要求的词汇中药Traditional Chinese Medicines中药材Chinese Materia Medica (CMM)Traditional Chinese Medicinal MaterialsChinese Crude Drugs中草药Traditional Chinese Medicinal HerbsChinese Herbal Medicines药⽤植物学Medicinal Plants民间药物Folklore Medicaments Folk Herbs Indigenous Drugs中成药Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines中药制剂Chinese Medicinal Preparations药⽤植物学Pharmaceutical Botany⽣药学Pharmacognosy药⽤植物分类学Pharmaceutical Plant Taxonomy植物化学Phytochemistry植物化学分类学Plant Chemotaxonomy药⽤植物志Flora of Medicinal Plants中药药剂学Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics中药炮制学Science of Processing Chinese Crude Drugs显微⽣药学Microscopical Pharmacognosy本草学herbals药典pharmacopoeia细胞cell 细胞壁cell wall初⽣壁primary wall次⽣壁secondary wall细胞核nucleus质体plastid叶绿体chloroplast染⾊体chromoplast纹孔pit结晶体crystal淀粉粒starch granule (grain)脐点hilum(pi.hila)层纹striation单粒single starch granule复粒compound starch granule半复粒semi- compound starch granule蛋⽩质protein脂类化合物lipid挥发油volatile oil苷glycoside⽣物碱alkaloid皂苷saponin萜terpene三萜皂苷triterpenoid黄铜flavonoid蒽醌anthraquinone酚phenol⾹⾖素coumarin鞣质rannin氨基酸amino acid菊糖inulin草酸钙结晶calcium cxalate crystal簇晶clusrer crystal (cluster,druse)针晶acicular crystal (needle) Parenchyma 薄壁组织Parenchymatous cell 包庇细胞Epidermal tissue 表⽪组织Epidermis 表⽪Cuticle ⾓质层stoma(pl.stomata) ⽓孔guard cell 保卫细胞subsidiary cell 副卫细胞⾮腺⽑non-glandular hair腺⽑glandular hair腺鳞glandular scale周⽪periderm⽊栓层cork⽊栓形成层cork cambium (phellogen) 栓内层phelloderm⽪层cortex⽪孔lenticel形成层cambium次⽣⽊质部secondary xylem次⽣韧⽪部secondary phloem分泌组织secretory tissue树脂道resin canal厚⾓组织collenchyma纤维fibre (fiber)韧⽪纤维phloem fibre⽊纤维xylem fibre晶鞘纤维crystal fibre层纹striation⽊化lignified增厚thickening增厚细胞壁thickened wall导管vessel⽹纹导管reticulated vessel具缘纹孔导管bordered pitted vessel 筛管sieve tube维管束vascular bundle外韧维管束collateral bundle异性维管束abnormal vascular bundle 形成层成环cambium ring 主根main (tap )root定根normal root须根fibrous root不定根adventitious root细根rootler初⽣构造primary structure次⽣构造secondary structure ⽪层cortex中柱鞘pericycle初⽣⽊质部primary xylem髓部pith射线ray⽊栓层cork植物phyta科aceae丹参Pubescent 软⽑Stem 4-angled 茎4棱Angled 棱Leaves opposite 叶对⽣Verticillate 轮⽣pseudo- 假的Racemes 总状花序stamens 雄蕊Gynobasic 着⽣于基部的Nutlets 坚果Ellipsoid 椭圆形Vermillion 朱红⾊serrate 锯齿状的Retuse 浅凹形Falcate 钩状的Filament 花丝Style 花柱Anther 花粉囊fragile: 脆的astringent: 收敛性的ferric chloride: 三氯化铁TS:test solutiondull: 暗的cortex: 栓⽪,⽪层phelloderm: 栓内层a stoppered test tube: 具塞试管stand for :静置residue: 残渣reference drug:对照药材CRS:Chemical Reference Standard养⼼安神:clear heart-fire and remove restlessnessRhizomes short and stout, sometimes with remains of a stem at the apex.根茎短⽽粗壮,Externally brownish-red or dark brownish-red, rough, longitudinally wrinkled.dissolved on mounting in chloral hydrate solution.Boil 5 g of the powder in 50 ml of water for 15~20 minutes, cool and filter. Concentrate the filtrate on a water bath, dissolve the extract in 3~5 ml of ethanol, filter. Apply several drops of the filtrate to a piece of filter paper, allow it to dry and examine under ultra-violet light (365nm) , a bright bluish-grey fluorescence is produced. Expose the filter paper to ammonia vapour for 20 minutes, remove the filter paper and examine again under ultra-violet light (365 nm ), a pale bluish-green fluorescence is produced.置5g粉末于50ml⽔中煎煮15~20分钟,冷却后过滤.在⽔浴中浓缩滤液,⽤3~5ml⼄醇溶解浓缩产物,过滤。

1. At a global level, ‘Good Hospital Pharmacy practice ’ guidelines based on on evidence evidence should should be be be developed. developed. developed. These These These guidelines guidelines should should assist assist national national efforts efforts efforts to to to define define define standards standards standards across across across the the the levels, levels, levels, coverage, coverage, coverage, and and scope of hospital pharmacy services and should include corresponding human resource and training requirements. 1、应在全球范围内,以循证为基础制订“优良医院药房规范”指南,此指南应有助于各国制定的医院药学服务的水平、此指南应有助于各国制定的医院药学服务的水平、内涵及范围等,内涵及范围等,内涵及范围等,并并应包括相关的人力资源和培训需求。
2. The five rights (the right patient, right medicine, right dose, right route, and right time) should be fulfilled in all medicines-related activities in the hospital. 2、医院中的与药物使用相关的任何环节都要实现“五个正确”(正确的患者、正确的药品、正确的药品、正确的剂量、正确的剂量、正确的剂量、正确的给药途径和正确的时间)正确的给药途径和正确的时间)。

一、单词Abnormal 反常的,变态的Abuser 滥用者Acute 急性的Adverse effect副作用·Amphetamine安非他明Antacid 抗酸剂Antihypertensive 抗高血压的·Anti-inflammatory 抗炎的(药)Antimalarial 抗疟疾的(药)Beta-receptor β-肾上腺素·biopharmacy 生物药学·burette滴定管,量管Carcinogenicity 致癌力·Chromatography色谱法Clinician 临床医生Compulsion 强制,被迫Contraindication 禁忌症Culture 培养,培养菌Diuretic 利尿药double-blind 双盲的Drowsy 昏昏欲睡的Efficacy功效,效验·endocrine 内分泌的Enzyme酶Epidemiologist 流行病学家Ethical合乎规格的,凭处方出售的·Fermentation发酵Fertility 生育力·fluorimetry荧光(X线)测定法·formulary 处方集Hallucination 幻觉,幻想Hallucinogen 致幻剂,迷幻药Hepatitis肝炎,传染性肝炎Impair 削弱,损害,损伤Indication 适应症,指示Infect 传染,传播病菌于Malignant 恶性的,致命的·Microbiology 微生物学Misuse 误用,滥用Mortality 死亡数,死亡率Multidisciplinary 多学科的Narcotic 麻醉剂,致幻毒品Nasal鼻的Opiate鸦片制剂,麻醉剂Optimum 最适宜的Outbreak 爆发,突然发生Overdose过量用药Parasite 寄生生物·Pharmacopoeia 药典Pharmacotherapeutics 药物治疗法·Physiological 生理的·Phytochemical 植物化学的pipette移液管,吸管placebo安慰剂Pneumonia 肺炎Preclinical 临床前的Psychoactive 影响精神活动的,精神活性的Recoup 补偿,弥补Remedy 药物Renal 肾的·spectrophotometer分光光度法·Spectroscopic分光镜的Streptococcus 链球菌属Synthesize 合成Therapeutic 治疗(学)的Toxicological毒理学的Toxicologist毒理学家tuberculosis 结核病Ulceration溃疡·Ultraviolet 紫外线的Vein 静脉·Veterinary兽医的二、句子1.Chemists focus on how the drug is put together, whether the manufacturingcontrols and packaging are adequate to ensure the stability of the product, and whether the proposed labeling accurately reflects the effects o the drug.化学家关注药物的组成、生产控制和包装是否可以保证产品的稳定性,标签说明是否准确反映了该药的作用。

药物英语期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct English term for "抗生素"?A. AntibioticB. AntisepticC. AntitoxinD. Antivenom2. The term "药物代谢" in English is translated as:A. Drug metabolismB. Drug synthesisC. Drug absorptionD. Drug distribution3. The abbreviation "FDA" stands for:A. Federal Drug AdministrationB. Food and Drug AdministrationC. Federal Dietary AdministrationD. Food and Dietary Administration4. The process of "药物吸收" is known in English as:A. AbsorptionB. MetabolismC. ExcretionD. Distribution5. The term "药物相互作用" is translated into English as:A. Drug interactionB. Drug reactionC. Drug combinationD. Drug synergy6. Which of the following is the correct translation for "药物副作用"?A. Drug side effectB. Drug adverse effectC. Drug secondary effectD. Drug negative effect7. The abbreviation "OTC" refers to:A. Over The CounterB. On The CounterC. Out The CounterD. Off The Counter8. The term "药物耐受性" in English is:A. Drug toleranceB. Drug resistanceC. Drug dependenceD. Drug sensitivity9. The process of "药物排泄" is known in English as:A. ExcretionB. EliminationC. SecretionD. Ejection10. The term "药物剂量" is translated into English as:A. Drug dosageB. Drug amountC. Drug quantityD. Drug volume二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. The English term for "药物制剂" is __________.Answer: Pharmaceutical formulation12. The abbreviation "NDC" stands for __________.Answer: National Drug Code13. "药物过敏反应" is translated into English as __________. Answer: Drug allergy reaction14. The process of "药物作用机制" is known in English as__________.Answer: Mechanism of drug action15. The term "药物依赖性" is translated into English as__________.Answer: Drug dependence16. The abbreviation "IV" in medical terms refers to__________.Answer: Intravenous17. "药物处方" in English is __________.Answer: Drug prescription18. The process of "药物筛选" is known in English as__________.Answer: Drug screening19. The term "药物不良反应" is translated into English as__________.Answer: Adverse drug reaction20. The abbreviation "BID" stands for __________.Answer: Twice a day三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)21. Explain the difference between "Drug metabolism" and "Drug elimination".Answer: Drug metabolism refers to the process by whichthe body breaks down and modifies a drug into more easily excretable forms. Drug elimination, on the other hand, is the process by which the body removes the drug or its metabolites from the body, typically through the kidneys, liver, or lungs.22. What is the significance of "Drug-drug interactions" in clinical practice?Answer: Drug-drug interactions occur when two or more drugs affect each other's action or effectiveness. These interactions can lead to increased or decreased effectiveness, increased side effects, or even toxicity, which is why theyare significant in clinical practice to ensure patient safety and the effectiveness of treatment.四、论述题(每题15分,共40分)23. Discuss the importance of understanding "Drug resistance" in the context of antimicrobial therapy.Answer: Understanding drug resistance is crucial in antimicrobial therapy as it helps in the appropriate selection of antibiotics to prevent the development of resistant strains. It also guides the development of new antimicrobial agents and informs treatment strategies to combat infections caused by resistant pathogens.24. Elaborate on the role of "Pharmacovigilance" in ensuring patient safety.Answer: Pharmacovigilance is the science and activities relating to the detection, assessment, understanding, and prevention of adverse effects or any other drug-related problem. It plays a vital role in ensuring patient safety by monitoring the safety profile of marketed drugs, identifying risks, and taking appropriate regulatory actions to minimize harm to patients.五、翻译题(每题5分,共20分)25. Translate the following sentence into English: "药物的剂量应根据患者的具体情况来调整。

How can you compare multitasking in human beings and computers? (pre.5)
• See (Paras. 7-8)
• Multitasking originated in computer science.
still leaves ten thoughts that might get lost in the process.
Are those proposed solutions, like computergenerated reminders, case managers, ancillary services, capable of solving the author’s problem of overload? (Pre. 7)
• Explain the last sentence of this paragraph. (page 5)
Unit 2 Text A
• What does the author imply by mentioning two choices? (para.1, Pre. 1)
• What followed ever since the heady days of victory declarations? (para.4, Pre. 2)
• The more thoughts we juggle, the less we are able to attune fully to any given thought.
• So can we say multitasking is a recipe for disaster?

第一单元药物化学Absorption 吸收Distribution分布Metabolism代谢Excretion消除Acetic acid 醋酸acetone 丙酮acidic酸性的acidification酸化activation活化acylation 酰化adverse reaction 副作用affinity亲和力alkyl 烷基alklating 烷化amino acid 氨基酸analgesic止痛药analog类似物antibacterial抗细菌的antibiotics 抗生素anti-hyperlipidemic agent抗高血压药anti-inflammatory agent 抗炎药anti-ulcer agent抗溃疡药antiviral agent抗病毒药bioactivation生物活性biotransformation生物转化calcium channel blocker 钙通道阻碍剂cardiovascular agent心血管药chemical name化学名chiral center 手性中心configuration构型conformation 构象conjugation共轭cooperative effect 协同效应electrophilic 亲电性的ether醚ethyl 乙基genome基因组genomics基因组学glycoside糖苷histamine组胺hydrophilia 亲水性hydroxyl group羟基immunomodulator 免疫调节剂isomer异构体isosteres异构体isosterism异构化lipophilicity 亲脂性oxidation 氧化oxide氧化物oxygen氧penicillin 青霉素pharmacochemistry 药物化学physiological 生理的prodrug前药QSAR 定量构效关系random screening in drug discovery药物发现的随机筛选rational design 合理设计receptor受体soft drugs软药solven溶剂stereochemical 立体化学的synthesis合成target 靶标vectors载体1.Drug research is the search for a needle in a haystack 药物研究就像是大海捞针2.This process of new drug discovery requires a team effort.新药研发过程需要团队努力3.The work of the medicinal chemists is centered around the discovery of new lead compounds with specific medical properties. 药物化学家的工作就是以发现新的具有特殊医疗性质的先导化合物为中心4.The primary objective of medicinal chemistry is the design and discovery of new compounds that are suitable for use as drugs. 药物化学的首要目的是设计和发现适宜作为药物使用的新化合物5.On September 30,2004. Merck voluntarily withdrew Rofecoxib from the market because of condemns about increased risk of heart attack and stroke associated with long-term, high-dosage use. 2004年九月30日,默克自动收回市场上的罗非考昔,因为长期,高剂量的使用会导致心脏病的发作和中风的危险。

(仅供参考)药学英语整理药学英语一、Physiology and Pathology(P9)生理学与病理学(一)概念1、Physiology is the scientific study of function in living systems.(ppt)the study of how living organisms work.(书里)2、Pathology is a significant component of the causal study of disease and a major field in modern medical practice and diagnosis.(ppt)the science of disease,which deal with the studies of etiology, pathogenesis, morphologic structures, changes in functions and metabolism in the living organisms by means of natural science.(书里) 3、Pathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.a convergence of Pathology with Physiology4、etiology is the study of causation,or the origination of diseases.5、the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease.6、inflammation is a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; (刺激)characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat. (红热胀痛)(二)思考题1.How do you understand pathology and pathophysiology?Pathology is the science of diseasePathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.2. what is the difference between etiology and pathogenesis?Etiology is the study of causation, or the origination ofdiseases.the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease 3. Could you explain the symptoms and signs of a disease?symptoms of a disease(“症”): as certain biologic proce sses are encroached on(侵害) ,the patient begins to feel subjectively that something is wrong., These subjective feelings are called symptoms of disease.Symptoms are subjective and can be reported only by the patient to an observer.signs of a disease(“征”):when manifestations of the disease can be objectively identified by an observer, these are terms signs of the disease.4、what is the pathogenesis of tuberculosis?the pathogenesis of tuberculosis would include the mechanisms whereby the invasion of the body by tubercle bacillus ultimately leads to the observed abnormalities Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms.二、Medicinal Chemistry药物化学(一)概念1、Medicinal chemistry(药物化学)is the science that deal with the discovery or design of new therapeutic chemicals and the development of these chemicals into useful medicine.2、Medicine(药品drug, pharmaceutics) is a compound that interacts with a biological system, and produces a biological response (ideally desired and positive)3、Therapeutic index(治疗指数)sure of the ratio of undesirable to desirable drug effects. Therapeutic index=LD50/ED50The larger the Therapeutic index, the greater the margin of safety of drug!4、LD50(半数致死量):the lethal dose for 50% of the test animals5、ED50(半数有效量):the effective dose that produces the maximum therapeutic effect in 50% of the test animals.6、Log P(脂水分配系数)is the base-ten logarithm of the partition coefficients (分配系数)7、Chirality(手征性): a molecule is considered chiral if there exists another molecule that is of identical composition ,but which is arranged in a non-superposable mirror image.8、Bioisosteres(生物电子等排体): are substituents or groups that havechemical or physical similarities ,and which produce broadly similar biological properties.9、Bioisosterism(生物电子等排性) is a lead modification approach that has been shown to be useful to attenuate toxicity (降低毒性),modify the activity of a lead (修饰活性)and may have a significant role in the alteration of metabolism of the lead.10、Prodrug(前药)is drug which is given (taken) in an inactive form. Once administered ,the prodrug is metabolized by the body into the biologically active compound.(二)知识点1、The difference of “good” and “bad” drugs:Depend on dosage and chronic exposure. and therapeutic index can be the measure of safety of drugs2、classification of drugsFour main groups:(1)B y biological effect---varied assortment of drugsanalgesics(止痛剂),anti-asthmatics(平喘药),antipsychotics(抗精神病药)etc.(2)B y chemical structure---common skeletonPenicillin (青霉素类),opiates(阿片类药物) etc.(3)B y target system(靶向系统)----affect a target system(synthesis, release, receptor)antihistamine (抗组胺药)etc.(4)B y target site of action(作用靶点)—target enzyme or receptor Anti-cholinesterase (抗胆碱酯酶)3、Medicinal chemistry involves:(1)synthesis (2)structure-activity relationships(SAR)(3)receptor interactions(4)absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME)4、Medicinal chemistry cover 3 critical steps:● A discovery step●An optimization step● A development step5、important functional groups on drugs:(1)Alkanes&alkenes(烷烃和烯烃) (2)alcohol 醇(3)phenols 酚(4)ethers 醚(5)aromatic hydrocarbons 芳香化合物6、a drug usually has 3 names:(1)chemical (化学名)Mostly following rules by chemical abstracts service(CAS)One compound can only have one name(2)international non-proprietary names(INN,通用名)Convenient to remember ,needed when apply for registration, cannot be trade marked(商标)or patented(取得专利权)One compound can only have one name(3)commercial (商品名)Named by manufactures ,can be trade marked to protect thebrand. One compound can have many different names7、prodrug strategies are used to overcome a variety of problems by:(1)Altering solubility 改变溶解度(2)Improving membrane permeability 提高细胞膜通透性(3)Slow release of the active agent 缓慢释放活性(4)Masking drug toxicity or side effects 掩蔽药物毒副作用三、Phytochemistry and Natural Products 天然药物化学和天然产物(一)概念1、Phytochemistry(天然药物化学)is in the strict sense of the study of phytochemicals, which are derived from plants. In a narrower sense the terms are often used to describe the large number of secondary metabolic compounds found in plants.2、Primary metabolites(初级代谢产物): compounds that are common to many types of organisms, that fulfill basic biological functions(e.g.respiration 呼吸,photosynthesis光合作用,DNA replication DNA复制)3、Secondary metabolites(次级代谢产物):compounds that are not essential to daily ,common metabolism of cells and individual organisms. Instead, these compounds are unique to certain taxa and fulfill secondary functions ,often involved in signaling between organisms (e.g.mate recognition配偶识别, chemical defense化学防御, chemotaxis 趋化作用)4、natural products: a natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism found in nature.(Primary metabolites & Secondary metabolites)(二)知识点1、summary:●natural products are compounds synthesized by living organisms,usually organic molecules with 5-100 carbons●natural products can be primary or secondary metabolites●secondary metabolites are produced via enzymatic pathways fromprimary metabolic building-blocks2、how to get natural products?/the process to purify natural products?(1)Plant collection植物采集(2)Extraction萃取(3)Fractionation分馏(4)Isolation分离(5)Structural determination 结构测定(UV,IR,MS,NMR)3、Journals in Phytochemistry and Natural Products Chemistry:●Journal of Natural Products 天然产物杂志●Phytochemistry●Journal of Ethnopharmacology 民族药物学杂志●Planta Medica 天然药物学会志(欧洲)●Phytochemical Analysis 植物化学分析●Chemical &Pharmaceutical Bulletin 化学与药学通报(日本)Review journals 综述期刊●Natural P roduct Reports 天然产物报告●Phytochemistry Review四、biochemistry 生物化学1、What is the goal of biochemistry?The basic goal of the science of biochemistry is to determine how the collections of inanimate molecules (无生命的分子)that constitute living organisms interact with each other to maintainand perpetuate life.(延长生命)2、Macromolecules(生物大分子)that constitute living organisms include proteins, nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), and polysaccharides.3、20种氨基酸:1、丙氨酸Alanine/Ala/A2、半胱氨酸Cysteine/Cys/C3、天冬氨酸Asparticacid/ Asp /D4、谷氨酸Glutamic acid/Glu/E5、苯基丙氨酸Phenylalanine/Phe/F6、甘氨酸glycine/Gly/G7、组氨酸Histidine/His/H 8、异亮氨酸Isoleucine/Ile/I9、赖氨酸Lysine/Lys/K 10、亮氨酸Leucine/leu/L11、蛋氨酸Methionine/Met/M 12、天冬酰胺Asparagine/Asn/N 13、脯氨酸Procine/pro/P 14、谷氨酰胺Glutamine/Gln/Q 15、精氨酸Arginine/Arg/R 16、丝氨酸Serine/Ser/S17、苏氨酸Threonine/Thr/T 18、缬氨酸Valine/Val/V19、色氨酸Tryptophan/Try/W 20、酪氨酸Tyrosine/Tyr/Y五、Microbiology 微生物学1、Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa,virus and some types of algae, which encompass various sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology, and other branches.2、几位科学家的成就Bacteriology was found in the 19th century by Ferdinand CohnCohn was also the first to formulate the scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacterial and discover spores 费迪南德?科恩, Ferdinand Cohn德国博物学家和植物学家,以研究藻类、细菌和蕈类著称,被视为细菌学的创始者之一。

Filler in tablets 片剂填充剂
Hygroscopicity [haɪɡrəskɒ'pɪsɪtɪ] n. 吸湿性
பைடு நூலகம்
Pharmaceutics [,fɑ:mə'sju:tɪks] n. 药剂学 Dosage form ['dəʊsɪdʒ fɔ:m] 剂型 Biopharmaceutical ['baiəu,fɑ:mə'sju:tikəl] adj. 生物药剂学的 Routes of drug administration 给药途径 Excipients [ek'sɪpɪənt] n. 辅料,赋形剂 Additives ['ædɪtɪv] n. 辅料,附加剂 Formulation [fɔ:mjʊ'leɪʃn] n. 处方 Parenteral [pə'rent(ə)r(ə)l] adj. 肠胃外的,注射的 Gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道
Glossary 4 Comminution, sieving, mixing Comminution [,kɑmə‘njʊʃən] 粉碎 Dry comminution Wet comminution Cryogenic comminution [kraɪə'dʒenɪk] Ultra-fine comminution Sieving 过筛
Pharmaceutical Science of TCM

Unit 41.unwanted effects 非预期的反应2.normal therapeutic doses 常规治疗剂量3.mimics 相似4.diverse clinical signs and symptoms 各种临床症状和体征5.type A and type B A型和B型6.pharmacological effect 药理作用7.low therapeutic index 低治疗指数8.Predictable 预测9.dose-related 剂量相关10.erious or even fatal 严重的甚至致命11.intracranial bleeding 颅内出血12.incorrect dosage 不适量给药13.disordered pharmacokinetics 代谢紊乱14.impaired drug elimination 消除不正常15.side-effects 副作用16.Pharmacodynamics:药效学17.Pharmacokinetics:药动学18.Idiosyncratic 特异性反应19.Pathophysiology 病理生理学20.genetic or immunological 遗传学和免疫学21.occur infrequently 发生率较低22.continuous reactions 持续反应23.long-term drug use 长期用药24.delayed reactions 延迟反应25.alkylating agents leading to carcinogenesis 烷化剂致癌26.Teratogenesis 致畸27.end-of-use reactions:停药反应28.withdrawal syndromes:[wɪðˈdrɔ:əl]['sɪndrəʊmz] 戒断-综合征29.discontinuation:[ˌdɪskənˌtɪnjʊ'eɪʃən] 停止30.antidepressants :抗抑郁31.depressants:[dɪˈpresnt] 镇静剂32.Fatalities 死亡时间33.fatality-fatalities:[fəˈtæləti]死亡34.hepatic or renal disease 肝肾疾病35.surveillance pharmacovigilance36.high degree of sensitivity and specificity 高度的敏感性和针对性37.detect rare but severe 罕见但严重38.the incidence of 发生率39.predisposing factors 易感因素40.Quantify 量化41.Continued surveillance is mandatory 持续性监测42.many ill effects 副作用43.uncommon adverse effects 罕见不良反应44.assessing the tolerability and dose-response relationship of new therapeutic agents. 新药的耐受性和量效关系45.serious toxicity 严重的毒性46.the incidence of common adverse reactions 一般不良反应的发生率47.dropping out 撤出48.resembles spontaneous disease 原患疾病的表现相似49.Magnitude 数量级Unit 61.A natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism - found in nature that usually has a pharmacological or biological activity for use in pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug design. A natural product can be considered as such even if it can be prepared by total synthesis. 天然产物是指活的有机体产生的化合物或物质,在天然条件下通常有一定药理或生物活性,它用于药物研发和药物设计。

The chemist is interested in the composition and properties of substances and the transformations they undergo during a chemical reaction.2.如果没有麻醉,今天外科大夫所施行的精细手术是不可能的。
The delicate operations performed by surgeons today would not be possible without anesthetics,3.化疗是通过施用化学物质来杀灭体内病原体或阻止其生长的治疗方法。
Chemotherapy is the treatment of disease by the administration of chemical substances which kill or prevent the growth of pathogenic organisms within the body.4.由药物产生的奇怪的思维状态对理解精神病的病因或治疗精神病并没有多大帮助。
The strange mental states produced by drugs did not help much towards understanding the cause of, or finding treatments for insanity.5.在医院,许多新药正在使用,预期这些药品产生一些特定的效果,并且从总体上希望尽可能少的副作用。
In hospitals a number of new drugs were being used. These drugs were intended to have specific effects and on the whole it was hoped that they would have as few side-effects as possible.6.由于采用了现代分离和药理试验方法,新的植物药通常是设法制成提纯物后应用于医疗的。
药学英语复习 横版

绪论Strengthening basic researches on Chinese Medicinal Plants and its relations to realizing the modernization of CMM加强中国药用植物基础研究及其与中药现代化的关系Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 中药health care卫生健康Chinese traditional medicinal herbs 中草药inciting side-effects明显的副作用go back to the nature回归自然the modernization of Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) 中药现代化Surveys调查special projects专项调查scientific identification科学鉴定chemical constituents化学成分pharmacological experiments 药理实验clinical applications临床适应性monographs 各论、专论manuals 手册Pharmacopoeia 药典therapeutical efficacy疗效黄花蒿( Artemisia annua),青蒿( Artemisia apiacea)chloroquine resistant malaria/抗氯喹宁疟疾Pernicious(有害的)malaria/恶性疟疾cerebral (大脑的,脑的)malaria/脑疟疾derivatives/衍生物quinine/喹宁harringtonine 三尖杉酯碱homoharringtonine 高三尖杉酯碱extracted from 提取leukemia 白血病malignant lymphoma 恶性淋巴瘤ginkgetin 银杏黄酮criteria 标准revise 修正,校订systematic studies系统研究revising 修订common-used Chinese materia medica常用中药材品种整理和质量研究impact n.冲击,碰撞era 时代public health care 公共健康事业traditional Chinese patent medicines andpreparations 中成药和中药制剂basic researches 基础研究production 生产marketing 流通research 研究①Identification of species / 品种鉴定identifying 鉴别clarifying 澄清,阐明confused varieties 易混淆的变种false matters 伪品益胃生津,滋阴清热benefit the stomach,promote the production of body fluid and removethe excessive heat②Quality control and evaluation/质量的控制和评价intensive 加强的,透彻的contents =components, constituentswith great care :小心翼翼地habitat:产地qualitative and quantitative analysis 定性定量分析③The methods of research研究方法biotechnology 生物技术molecular biology 分子生物学remedy: n. 药物,治疗法,赔偿,v.补救,矫正modern scientific methodologies 现代科学方法①Strengthen the study of medicinal plantresources 加强药用植物基源研究exploring new resources 开发新的资源re-producting resources 可持续性利用资源conservation of germplasm of the rare andendangered medicinal plants 珍稀濒危药用植物的种质资源保护②Carry out the researches on specific biology ofmedicinal plantsspecific adj. 种的,明确的,特殊的,具有特效的n. 特效药,详情,特性③Map out GAP (Good Agriculturing Practice) in medicinal cultivationmap out 规划seed quality standards 种子的质量标准processing rules and regulations 加工方法及规范④Established standards of quality control and renew methodologycriteria 标准protocol 草案foreign matter杂质⑤Apply modern comprehensive multidisciplinary studies on Chinese medicinal plants comprehensive:综合的,广泛的multidisciplinary:多学科⑥Establish information systems in modern research of Chinese medicinal herbs Ethnobotany 人类植物学Ethnopharmacology民族药理学Ethno- 民族,种族semi-colonial and semi-feudal nation/半殖民半封建的国家constraint and devastation/ 压迫与毁坏the inheritance and development of Chinese troditional medicine ……/继承和发扬many difficult and complicated diseases 疑难杂症TERMINOLOGY部分要求的词汇中药Traditional Chinese Medicines中药材Chinese Materia Medica (CMM)Traditional Chinese Medicinal MaterialsChinese Crude Drugs中草药Traditional Chinese Medicinal HerbsChinese Herbal Medicines药用植物学Medicinal Plants民间药物Folklore Medicaments Folk HerbsIndigenous Drugs中成药Traditional Chinese Patent Medicines中药制剂Chinese Medicinal Preparations药用植物学Pharmaceutical Botany生药学Pharmacognosy药用植物分类学Pharmaceutical Plant Taxonomy植物化学Phytochemistry植物化学分类学Plant Chemotaxonomy药用植物志Flora of Medicinal Plants中药药剂学Traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics中药炮制学Science of Processing Chinese CrudeDrugs显微生药学Microscopical Pharmacognosy本草学herbals 药典pharmacopoeia细胞cell 细胞壁cell wall初生壁primary wall 次生壁secondary wall细胞核nucleus 质体plastid叶绿体chloroplast 染色体chromoplast纹孔pit 结晶体crystal淀粉粒starch granule (grain)脐点hilum(pi.hila) 层纹striation单粒single starch granule复粒compound starch granule半复粒semi- compound starch granule蛋白质protein 脂类化合物lipid挥发油volatile oil 苷glycoside生物碱alkaloid 皂苷saponin萜terpene 三萜皂苷triterpenoid黄铜flavonoid 蒽醌anthraquinone酚phenol 香豆素coumarin鞣质rannin 氨基酸amino acid菊糖inulin草酸钙结晶calcium cxalate crystal簇晶clusrer crystal (cluster,druse)针晶acicular crystal (needle)Parenchyma 薄壁组织Parenchymatous cell 包庇细胞Epidermal tissue 表皮组织Epidermis 表皮Cuticle 角质层stoma(pl.stomata) 气孔guard cell 保卫细胞subsidiary cell 副卫细胞非腺毛non-glandular hair腺毛glandular hair 腺鳞glandular scale周皮periderm 木栓层cork木栓形成层cork cambium (phellogen)栓内层phelloderm 皮层cortex皮孔lenticel 形成层cambium次生木质部secondary xylem次生韧皮部secondary phloem分泌组织secretory tissue树脂道resin canal 厚角组织collenchyma 纤维fibre (fiber) 韧皮纤维phloem fibre 木纤维xylem fibre 晶鞘纤维crystal fibre层纹striation 木化lignified增厚thickening增厚细胞壁thickened wall导管vessel网纹导管reticulated vessel具缘纹孔导管bordered pitted vessel筛管sieve tube维管束vascular bundle外韧维管束collateral bundle异性维管束abnormal vascular bundle形成层成环cambium ring主根main (tap )root 定根normal root须根fibrous root 不定根adventitious root 细根rootler初生构造primary structure次生构造secondary structure皮层cortex 中柱鞘pericycle初生木质部primary xylem髓部pith射线ray 木栓层cork植物phyta 科aceae丹参Pubescent 软毛Stem 4-angled 茎4棱Angled 棱Leaves opposite 叶对生Verticillate 轮生pseudo- 假的Racemes 总状花序stamens 雄蕊Gynobasic 着生于基部的Nutlets 坚果Ellipsoid 椭圆形Vermillion 朱红色serrate 锯齿状的Retuse 浅凹形Falcate 钩状的Filament 花丝Style 花柱Anther 花粉囊fragile: 脆的astringent: 收敛性的ferric chloride: 三氯化铁TS:test solution dull: 暗的cortex: 栓皮,皮层phelloderm: 栓内层a stoppered test tube: 具塞试管stand for :静置residue: 残渣reference drug:对照药材CRS:Chemical Reference Standard养心安神:clear heart-fire and remove restlessnessRhizomes short and stout, sometimes with remainsof a stem at the apex.根茎短而粗壮,Externally brownish-red or dark brownish-red,rough, longitudinally wrinkled.dissolved on mounting in chloral hydrate solution.(没翻译)Boil 5 g of the powder in 50 ml of water for 15~20minutes, cool and filter. Concentrate the filtrate ona water bath, dissolve the extract in 3~5 ml ofethanol, filter. Apply several drops of the filtrate toa piece of filter paper, allow it to dry and examineunder ultra-violet light (365nm) , a brightbluish-grey fluorescence is produced. Expose thefilter paper to ammonia vapour for 20 minutes,remove the filter paper and examine again underultra-violet light (365 nm ), a pale bluish-greenfluorescence is produced.置5g粉末于50ml水中煎煮15~20分钟,冷却后过滤.在水浴中浓缩滤液,用3~5ml乙醇溶解浓缩产物,过滤。

药学英语一、Physiology and Pathology(P9)生理学与病理学(一)概念1、Physiology is the scientific study of function in living systems.(ppt)the study of how living organisms work.(书里)2、Pathology is a significant component of the causal study of disease and a major field in modern medical practice and diagnosis.(ppt)the science of disease,which deal with the studies of etiology, pathogenesis, morphologic structures, changes in functions and metabolism in the living organisms by means of natural science.(书里) 3、Pathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.a convergence of Pathology with Physiology4、etiology is the study of causation,or the origination of diseases.5、the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease.6、inflammation is a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; (刺激)characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat. (红热胀痛)(二)思考题1.How do you understand pathology and pathophysiology?Pathology is the science of diseasePathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.2. what is the difference between etiology and pathogenesis?Etiology is the study of causation, or the origination of diseases.the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease 3. Could you explain the symptoms and signs of a disease?symptoms of a disease(“症”): as certain biologic processes are encroached on(侵害) ,the patient begins to feel subjectively that something is wrong., These subjective feelings are called symptoms of disease.Symptoms are subjective and can be reported only by the patient to an observer.signs of a disease(“征”):when manifestations of the disease can be objectively identified by an observer, these are terms signs of the disease.4、what is the pathogenesis of tuberculosis?the pathogenesis of tuberculosis would include the mechanisms whereby the invasion of the body by tubercle bacillus ultimately leads to the observed abnormalitiesBiochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms.二、Medicinal Chemistry药物化学(一)概念1、Medicinal chemistry(药物化学)is the science that deal with the discovery or design of new therapeutic chemicals and the development of these chemicals into useful medicine.2、Medicine(药品drug, pharmaceutics) is a compound that interacts with a biological system, and produces a biological response (ideally desired and positive)3、Therapeutic index(治疗指数)sure of the ratio of undesirable to desirable drug effects. Therapeutic index=LD50/ED50The larger the Therapeutic index, the greater the margin of safety of drug!4、LD50(半数致死量):the lethal dose for 50% of the test animals5、ED50(半数有效量):the effective dose that produces the maximum therapeutic effect in 50% of the test animals.6、Log P(脂水分配系数)is the base-ten logarithm of the partition coefficients (分配系数)7、Chirality(手征性): a molecule is considered chiral if there exists another molecule that is of identical composition ,but which is arranged in a non-superposable mirror image.8、Bioisosteres(生物电子等排体): are substituents or groups that havechemical or physical similarities ,and which produce broadly similar biological properties.9、Bioisosterism(生物电子等排性) is a lead modification approach that has been shown to be useful to attenuate toxicity (降低毒性),modify the activity of a lead (修饰活性)and may have a significant role in the alteration of metabolism of the lead.10、Prodrug(前药)is drug which is given (taken) in an inactive form. Once administered ,the prodrug is metabolized by the body into the biologically active compound.(二)知识点1、The difference of “good” and “bad” drugs:Depend on dosage and chronic exposure. and therapeutic index can be the measure of safety of drugs2、classification of drugsFour main groups:(1)B y biological effect---varied assortment of drugsanalgesics(止痛剂),anti-asthmatics(平喘药),antipsychotics(抗精神病药)etc.(2)B y chemical structure---common skeletonPenicillin (青霉素类),opiates(阿片类药物) etc.(3)B y target system(靶向系统)----affect a target system(synthesis, release, receptor)antihistamine (抗组胺药)etc.(4)B y target site of action(作用靶点)—target enzyme or receptor Anti-cholinesterase (抗胆碱酯酶)3、Medicinal chemistry involves:(1)synthesis (2)structure-activity relationships(SAR)(3)receptor interactions(4)absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME)4、Medicinal chemistry cover 3 critical steps:● A discovery step●An optimization step● A development step5、important functional groups on drugs:(1)Alkanes&alkenes(烷烃和烯烃) (2)alcohol 醇(3)phenols 酚(4)ethers 醚(5)aromatic hydrocarbons 芳香化合物6、a drug usually has 3 names:(1)chemical (化学名)Mostly following rules by chemical abstracts service(CAS)One compound can only have one name(2)international non-proprietary names(INN,通用名)Convenient to remember ,needed when apply for registration, cannot be trade marked(商标)or patented(取得专利权)One compound can only have one name(3)commercial (商品名)Named by manufactures ,can be trade marked to protect the brand. One compound can have many different names7、prodrug strategies are used to overcome a variety of problems by:(1)Altering solubility 改变溶解度(2)Improving membrane permeability 提高细胞膜通透性(3)Slow release of the active agent 缓慢释放活性(4)Masking drug toxicity or side effects 掩蔽药物毒副作用三、Phytochemistry and Natural Products 天然药物化学和天然产物(一)概念1、Phytochemistry(天然药物化学)is in the strict sense of the study of phytochemicals, which are derived from plants. In a narrower sense the terms are often used to describe the large number of secondary metabolic compounds found in plants.2、Primary metabolites(初级代谢产物): compounds that are common to many types of organisms, that fulfill basic biologicalfunctions(e.g.respiration 呼吸,photosynthesis光合作用,DNA replication DNA复制)3、Secondary metabolites(次级代谢产物):compounds that are not essential to daily ,common metabolism of cells and individual organisms. Instead, these compounds are unique to certain taxa and fulfill secondary functions ,often involved in signaling between organisms (e.g.mate recognition配偶识别, chemical defense化学防御, chemotaxis 趋化作用)4、natural products: a natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism found in nature.(Primary metabolites & Secondary metabolites)(二)知识点1、summary:●natural products are compounds synthesized by living organisms,usually organic molecules with 5-100 carbons●natural products can be primary or secondary metabolites●secondary metabolites are produced via enzymatic pathways fromprimary metabolic building-blocks2、how to get natural products?/the process to purify natural products?(1)Plant collection植物采集(2)Extraction萃取(3)Fractionation分馏(4)Isolation分离(5)Structural determination 结构测定(UV,IR,MS,NMR)3、Journals in Phytochemistry and Natural Products Chemistry:●Journal of Natural Products 天然产物杂志●Phytochemistry●Journal of Ethnopharmacology 民族药物学杂志●Planta Medica 天然药物学会志(欧洲)●Phytochemical Analysis 植物化学分析●Chemical &Pharmaceutical Bulletin 化学与药学通报(日本)Review journals 综述期刊●Natural Product Reports 天然产物报告●Phytochemistry Review四、biochemistry 生物化学1、What is the goal of biochemistry?The basic goal of the science of biochemistry is to determine how the collections of inanimate molecules (无生命的分子)that constitute living organisms interact with each other to maintain and perpetuate life.(延长生命)2、Macromolecules(生物大分子)that constitute living organisms include proteins, nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), and polysaccharides.3、20种氨基酸:1、丙氨酸Alanine/Ala/A2、半胱氨酸Cysteine/Cys/C3、天冬氨酸Asparticacid/ Asp /D4、谷氨酸Glutamic acid/Glu/E5、苯基丙氨酸Phenylalanine/Phe/F6、甘氨酸glycine/Gly/G7、组氨酸Histidine/His/H 8、异亮氨酸Isoleucine/Ile/I9、赖氨酸Lysine/Lys/K 10、亮氨酸Leucine/leu/L11、蛋氨酸Methionine/Met/M 12、天冬酰胺Asparagine/Asn/N 13、脯氨酸Procine/pro/P 14、谷氨酰胺Glutamine/Gln/Q 15、精氨酸Arginine/Arg/R 16、丝氨酸Serine/Ser/S17、苏氨酸Threonine/Thr/T 18、缬氨酸Valine/Val/V19、色氨酸Tryptophan/Try/W 20、酪氨酸Tyrosine/Tyr/Y五、Microbiology 微生物学1、Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa,virus and some types of algae, which encompass various sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology, and other branches.2、几位科学家的成就Bacteriology was found in the 19th century by Ferdinand CohnCohn was also the first to formulate the scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacterial and discover spores费迪南德∙科恩, Ferdinand Cohn德国博物学家和植物学家,以研究藻类、细菌和蕈类著称,被视为细菌学的创始者之一。

1. 药学常用词汇在药学英语中,有许多常用的词汇需要掌握。
例如:- drug:药物- medicine:医学;药;医药- dosage:剂量- prescription:处方- pharmacy:药房- pharmaceutical:制药的- efficacy:药效- adverse effect:不良反应- overdose:过量服用- side effect:副作用- contraindication:禁忌症- drug interaction:药物相互作用2. 句子结构掌握药学英语的句子结构对于正确理解和表达药学领域的内容非常重要。
以下是一些常见的句子结构:- 简单句:包括主语、谓语和宾语,用来陈述一个简单的事实或观点。
例如:“The drug is effective for treating hypertension.”- 复合句:包括一个主句和一个或多个从句,用来表达复杂的观点、条件、原因等。
例如:“If the patient has a history of allergic reactions, the drug should be avoided.”- 并列连词:用于连接两个相对 ** 的句子或短语。
例如:“The drug is effective, but it may cause side effects.”- 介词短语:用于描述药物的用法、途径和目的等。
例如:“The medication sho uld be taken before meals.”- 被动语态:用于强调动作的承受者而不是执行者。
例如:“The drug is widely used in clinical practice.”3. 专业写作在药学领域,专业写作是一种常见的沟通方式。

一、药物分类1. 药理学分类(1) 根据药物的作用机制:如促进、抑制、阻断等。
(2) 根据药物所作用的靶点:如受体、酶、细胞膜等。
(3) 根据药物的作用部位:如心血管系统、消化系统、免疫系统等。
2. 药物命名(1) 通用名:指国际上通用的、无专利权的药品名称。
(2) 商品名:指某个公司注册的特有的药品名称。
(3) 化学名:指药品的化学结构和化学名称。
3. 药物剂型(1) 固体剂型:如片剂、胶囊等。
(2) 液体剂型:如口服液、注射液等。
(3) 半固体剂型:如软膏、栓剂等。
二、药物制剂1. 药物制备(1) 药物合成:指通过化学反应合成所需的药物。
(2) 药物提取:指从天然植物、动物中提取所需的有效成分。
(3) 药物配制:指将已有的药物原料混合制备成药物制剂。
2. 药物质量(1) 药物纯度:指药物中有效成分所占比例的高低。
(2) 药物稳定性:指药物在不同条件下的稳定性。
(3) 药物活性:指药物对疾病的治疗效果。
三、药理学1. 药物动力学(1) 药物吸收:指药物进入生物体内的过程。
(2) 药物分布:指药物在生物体内的分布情况。
(3) 药物代谢:指药物在生物体内的代谢过程。
(4) 药物排泄:指药物从生物体内排除的过程。
2. 药理作用(1) 药性:指药物的主要作用。
(2) 药效:指药物对疾病的治疗效果。
(3) 药物不良反应:指药物使用过程中可能出现的不良反应。
3. 药物相互作用(1) 药物药物相互作用:指不同药物在体内相互作用的过程。
(2) 药物食物相互作用:指药物和食物中某些成分相互作用的过程。
(3) 药物饮酒相互作用:指药物和酒精相互作用的过程。
四、药学实验1. 药物分析(1) 药物定性分析:指确定药物中所含成分的种类。
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药学英语复习资料整理(修正版)Part II I. M ultiple choices(1.5’ x 10 =15’)医药知识选择题,部分来自于Unit 1 ,4, 6, 7, 8, 14 中Text A的课后的课文内容理解选择题。
Unit 1BACDC DDCCCUnit 4 CCDDB BCCDCUnit 6 ACBDD CDBDCUnit 7 CAABC ADDDBUnit 8 DCDBB DCABCUnit 14 DDBBD CABCCPart V. 2个名词解释,anabolism(P8), The synthesis of large molecules from smaller ones.metabolism(P8), It means all the chemical reactions in all the cells of the body , and includes all material and energy transformations that occur in the body.homeostasis(p8), The state maintenance of a constancy and balance in one’s internal environment.physiology(p8), The study of how living organisms work , the goal is to study the normal functions and their regular patterns of organs or organ systems of living organism .(P59) Pharmacokinetics deals with the absorption , distribution , biotransformation , and excretion of drugs.(P79) Bioavailability:The relative amount of an administered dose of a particular drug which reaches the systemic circulation intact and the rate at which this occurs is known as the bioavailability of that drug.(P93) Qualitative analysis deals with the identification of elements , ions , or compounds present in a sample.(P93) Quantitative analysis deals with the determination of how much of one or more constituents is present .Part V I. TranslationUnit One(1)The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily task is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry.生理学成功解释了生物体如何进行他的日常活动,基于的观点是他们好比是结构复杂而灵活的机器,其操作受物理和化学规律的控制。
(2)Metabolism, excitability, adaptability and reproduction are the basic characteristics of life activity.新陈代谢、兴奋性、适应性和生殖性是生命活动的基本特征。
(3)If there is an excess of potassium in the extracellular fluid, the cardiac muscle cells become too excitable and may contract at inappropriate times rather than in a coordinated manner.如果细胞外液的钾含量过多,心肌细胞会变得过度兴奋,并可能出现不规律的收缩。
(4)Signal transduction refers to the processes by which intercellular messengers (such as neurotransmitters, hormones and cytokines) which bind to specific receptors on or in the targetcell , and are converted into biochemical and /or electrical signals within that cell .信号转导是指细胞间信使(如神经递质、激素和细胞因子)与靶细胞上或靶细胞内的特定受体结合,并在细胞内转化为生化或电信号。
(5) A negative feedback loop requires a sensor of some kind that responds to the variable in question but not to other physiological variables.负反馈环需要某种传感器对不确定的变量产生应答,而不是对其他生理变量产生应答。
修正说明“in question”在这里表示不确定的。
(6) All cells of the body are surrounded by extracellular fluid and so extracellular fluid forms the internal environment of the body. A stable internal environment is necessary for normal cell function and survival of the living organs . Homeostasis is the maintenance of a steady states in the body by coordinated physiological mechanism.人体的所有细胞都被细胞外液包围,因此细胞外液构成了人体的内部环境。
(7) Usually, a constancy of physiological variable requires a feedback mechanism that feeds the output information back to the control system so as to modify the nature of control . Negative feedback system work to restore the normal value of a variable and thus exert a stabilizing influence; while positive feedback amplifies the changes in order to finish the certain physiological process . Feedforward control mechanisms often sense a disturbance and can therefore take corrective action that anticipates changes.通常,生理变量的一致性要求反馈机制将输出信息反馈给控制系统,以便修改控制的性质。
Unit Four(1)Such structure-activity relationships are an integral link in the analysis of drug action, and exploitation of these relationships among established therapeutic agents has often led to the development of better drugs.这种结构-活性关系是药物作用分析中不可缺少的环节,开发已建立的治疗剂之间的这些关系常常导致开发更好的药物。
(2) The student who attempts merely to memorize the pharmacodynamic properties of drugs is foregoing one of the best opportunities for correlating the entire field of preclinical medicine.那些仅仅试图记住药物药效学性质的学生是放弃了与整个临床前医学领域联系的最佳机会之一。
(3)However, the pharmacological evaluation of drugs in man may be limited for technical, legal, and ethical reasons, and the choice of drugs must be based in part on their pharmacological evaluation in animals.然而,由于技术、法律和伦理方面的原因,人体内药物的药理学评价可能受到限制,而药物的选择必须部分地基于其在动物体内的药理学评价。
(4)At one time, it was essential for the physician to have a broad botanical knowledge, since he had to select the proper plants from which to prepare his own crude medicinal preparations.有一段时间,医生必须有广泛的植物学知识,因为他必须选择合适的植物来制备他自己的粗制药物制剂。