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how )+to不定式 )+to不定式 eg. He did not know how to answer the questionቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ.
语法:直接引语与间接引语(II) 语法:直接引语与间接引语(II)
Unit 6 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
语法:宾语从句:know 语法:宾语从句:know /think /believe that… that…
初中英语教材目录8B 初中英语教材目录8B
Unit 7 Mind and memory • 语法:由if引导的条件状语从句 语法: if引导的条件状语从句
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Unit 3 All about films
语法:直接引语与间接引语(I 语法:直接引语与间接引语(I)
Unit 4 Educational exchanges
语法:although与 语法:although与though
Unit 5 Family life
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Unit 1 Body language
语法:动名词:1)作主语;2)介词+ 语法:动名词:1)作主语;2)介词+动名词 eg. In Western cultures , making eye contact in
conversations is necessary . The machine is for cutting up paper .
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Unit 5 Poems about life
语法:1)疑问代词: 语法:1)疑问代词: who 与whose ; 2)名词性物主代词/所有格代词:mine , yours , his , 2)名词性物主代词/所有格代词:mine hers , its , ours , theirs . 3) one , ones
语法:1)过去进行时:was /were+v语法:1)过去进行时:was /were+v-ing 2)when与while的区别 2)when与while的区别
Unit 2 Cartoons and comics
语法: 语法:形容词的作用与位置:
1)修饰名词,eg. Grey hair , black eyes )修饰名词,eg. 2) 系动词+adj; 系动词+adj; 3)It / Noun is+adj + to do sth
初中英语教材目录8A 初中英语教材目录8A Unit 3 Modern machines
语法: 语法:形容词比较级和最高级的用法; 不规则形容词的比较级和最高级: good — better —best ; bad —worse—worst worse—
Unit 4 Historical stories
1)表示引起的是肯定、客观的结果: eg. If you stand in the rain , you get wet . Water turns into ice if you cool it . 2)表示引起的是可能的结果: eg. If you write a shopping list , you’ll remember you’ to get all the things . If you go to bed earlier , you won’t feel tire in the won’ morning .
Unit 6 Beyond time and space (I)
语法:一般将来时:will 语法:一般将来时:will / shall +to do sth , be going to do sth
Unit 7 Beyond time and space (II)
语法:1)介词的用法与位置:in 语法:1)介词的用法与位置:in , on , beside , under , above , next to , in front of , behind and between ; 2) 限定词some /any 与不定代词:somebody , 限定词some 与不定代词:somebody someone , something , anybody , anyone , anything
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Unit 7 Foods and drinks
语法:现在完成时have/has 语法:现在完成时have/has +pp. 1)already 1)already 与yet ; 2) ever 与never ; 3) since , for . 4)短暂动词与持续性动词的转换
语法: 语法:副词: 1) adj+ ly , eg. badly , impatiently , certainly , quickly , politely , cheerfully , neatly , accurately , happily , carefully 2) hard , fast , late , well
注: hard , fast , late 既是adj , 又是adv, 既是adj 又是adv,
good 是adj, well是adv. adj, well是
初中英语教材目录8A 初中英语教材目录8A
Unit 6 Jobs
语法: 语法:被动语态 构成:be+pp 构成:be+pp
Unit 7 Environment
初中英语教材目录9A 初中英语教材目录9A
Unit 3 Health and food
语法: 语法:宾语从句
1)以连接代词which, what, who等或连接副词how, where, )以连接代词which, who等或连接副词how, why 等引导的宾语从句; 2)由形容词引导的宾语从句; (frightened , anxious , surprised , pleased , confident , eager , afraid , glad , happy , certain , proud , sad , sorry , sure , aware , upset ) eg. I’m glad (that) you enjoyed the meal . I’
语法: 1)why与because; 语法: 1)why与because;2)(not) as…as原级比较; as…as原级比较; 3)表比较的介词有:like , the same as , )表比较的介词有:like different from
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Unit 1 Success stories
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Unit 4 What should I do?
语法:1)副词比较级和最高级 语法:1)副词比较级和最高级 well—better—best;badly—worse—worst; well—better—best;badly—worse—worst; far—further/farther—furthest/farthest far—further/farther— 2)反意疑问句 2)反意疑问句
初中英语教材目录、 初中英语教材目录、 学科特点、 学科特点、 学科学习方法及重难点
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Unit Unit Unit Unit 1 2 3 4 Making friends 语法:冠词a , an和the的用法 语法:冠词a an和the的用法 Our daily life 语法:一般现在时 语法: Troubles 语法: 语法:一般过去时 Hobbies 语法:
1)由when引导的状语从句 )由when引导的状语从句
2)used to,did not use to的用法 to, to的用法 Unit 5 Encyclopaedias
语法:1)指示代词: 语法:1)指示代词: this ,that , these ,those 2)可数名词 与不可数名词
初中英语教材目录7A 初中英语教材目录7A
Unit 3 Our sense
语法:人称代词:主格和宾格;反身代词: 语法:人称代词:主格和宾格;反身代词: myself , yourself , himself 等。
Unit 4 Electricity
语法:情态动词: 语法:情态动词: can ,cannot , may , may not , must , must
eg. forget to do sth , agree to do sth , decide to do sth , hope to do sth , plan to do sth 等。 2)动名词(v-ing形式) )动名词(v ing形式) eg. Enjoy doing sth , , practise doing sth , finish doing sth , suggest doing sth , like doing sth ,
Unit 2 Hair care
语法:It is+形容词+for 语法:It is+形容词+for /of sb+to do sth; sth;
be+ adj +enough +to do sth
eg.I’ eg.I’m strong enough to carry these heavy bags .
Unit 6 Water
语法: 语法:学习表数量的词组: how much , a lot of , a little , much , no +不可数名词; +不可数名词; how many a lot of , a few , many , no +可数名词复数; +可数名词复数; 补充:too 补充:too many /much / few /little , enough
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Unit 6 Great minds
语法:1)名词短语+to不定式 语法:1)名词短语+to不定式 eg. An attempt to explain the universe . Invitations to talk about his ideas . 2)疑问词(what, when , where , which , who, 疑问词(what,
Unit 5 Going to the theatre
语法:1)It+be+adj+that-clause; 语法:1)It+be+adj+that-clause; 2)adj+介词 , eg. be good at , be mad adj+介词 about , be ready for , be interested in , be keen on , be bored with , be good for , be good with
语法:1)现在完成时与一般过去时的区别; 语法:1)现在完成时与一般过去时的区别; 2)感叹句: What +(a/an) +adj +n +subject +verb ! How + adj /adv + subject +verb !
初中英语教材目录8A 初中英语教材目录8A Unit 5 Strange creatures
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Unit 1 Travel
语法: 1)专有名词(地点,地名,月份,星期,节日) 语法: 1)专有名词(地点,地名,月份,星期,节日)
2)连词: and , but , so 连词: Unit 2 Protecting our environment
语法: 语法: 现在进行时
初中英语教材目录8A 初中英语教材目录8A
Unit 1 Newspapers
语法: 情态动词: 语法: 情态动词: should (not) , ought (not) to do
Unit 2 Detectives and crimes
语法:1)动词不定式: 语法:1)动词不定式: to do sth