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Tell me about an advertisement.

You should say:

what product or service is advertised

what the advertisement shows or showed

why you remember this advertisement in particular

and say whether you think the advertisement is/was effective

Q What kinds of advertising can you find in your everyday life?

Q Do you think that here is too much advertising in our lives?

Q Do you think that certain products are better advertised particular ways? Q Many people find advertising informative. Others claim it just creates demand for unnecessary products and services. What do you think?

Q What controls should there be on advertising?

SPEAKING Topic Card Practice



Tell me about an ambition you have in life.

You should say:

what the ambition is

whether you really believe you will ever achieve it

what you must do in order to achieve it

and whether you will need any help.

Q What is your main ambition in life?

Q Do you think you will achieve your ambition?

Q Do you think that you are an ambitious person?

Q Are your friends/ family members ambitious?

Q Is it always good to be ambitious?

Q What do you see yourself doing in 5/10/20 years’time?

SPEAKING Topic Card Practice



Tell me about an animal.

You should say:

what the animal is and where it lives

what the animal looks like and how it behaves

how this animal is special

and explain why you chose to talk about this animal.

Q Do you consider people in your country to be “animal lovers”?

Q Do you agree with using animals for experiments?

Q If you could keep any animal in the world as a pet, which would you choose?

Q Do you think that we spend too much time and money in environmental protection?

SPEAKING Topic Card Practice


Artistic Skill

Tell me about an artistic skill you wish you had or wish you could learn. You should say:

what the skill is and where you could learn it

why you would like to have or learn it

how it might change you or your life

and explain how you would use your new skill.

Q Aside from those related to computing, what kind of skills do you think will be most useful for getting a good job in the future?

Q Do you think that children should learn practical and artistic skills at school?

Q Can having practical or artistic skills help develop people’s characters? Q In the future, do you think that certain practical and artistic skills may be lost?

SPEAKING Topic Card Practice



Tell me about a book you have read,

You should say:

which book it was and when you read it

what feelings you had whilst reading it

if you have read other books by the same author

and how it influenced you, if at all.

Q What kind of books do people in your country like to read?

Q Do you think that people’s tastes in books changes as they get older? Q Do men and women like to read the same types of books?

Q In the future, do you think that books printed on paper will disappear?

Q What do you think are the qualities of a good book?
