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FDI Group- Prawn Harvesting Ceremony8.45- Guest To Be SeatedLadies and Gentlemen, honored guests, as we are about to begin todays proceedings, we would like to invite all to be seated, thank you.各位来宾早上好。我

们即将开始本日的議程。请大家就座。谢谢8.50- Emcee Welcoming remarks.Mr Steven Tan, Chief Executive

Officer FDI Group,Members of the Bl List)

Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.Good morning, and a big warm welcome to the FDI Group Prawn Harvesting Ceremony. On behalf of the group, we would like to sincerely thank all invited guests for taking time off to attend todays ceremony.尊敬的各位领导、各

位嘉宾,大家好:在这天高云淡、美好的日子裡,我们在这里隆重舉行FDI集團豐收典禮首先,我向专程前来参加仪式的各级领导和各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!我代表FDI 集團再次表

示衷心的感谢! Please give yourselves a big round of applause as we begin today’s agenda.接著,请允许我宣布:FDI集團豐收典禮正式开始!9.00- Speech by CEO To begin, it gives me great honour, to invite Mr Steven Tan, CEO of FDI Group, to deliver his speech. A round of applause as we welcome Mr Tan to the front.首先,我们恭请FDI集團總裁- Steven Tan先生致欢迎词。掌聲歡迎。

9.20- Launching GimmickThank you Mr Steven Tan, please remain here as we proceed with the launching ceremony. At this juncture, we would also like to invite, the

FDI Group Bl list) Ok! Let us get ready, and we count down together from

5..各位嘉宾,请与我们一起倒数。。。從5開始。。。(主持人说: 宏圖大展,一本萬利,興旺發。) Congratulations FDI GROUP! Commercializing

Aquaculture! May you enjoy continued success and prosperity.掌聲響起!恭喜FDI集團!9.30 Tour of HarvestingLadies and Gentlemen in attendance we would now like to invite all of you for a tour of the harvesting area, which is just a short distance away. Our guides will be there to provide you with shoe covers, and an umbrella, which is also FDI Group’s token of appreciation, for you to bring home as a memento. Please be careful, and remember- safety 1st.


第一。10.15- Guests return from tourWelcome back, do take a seat, and have a rest. Our ushers will be distributing cold towels for you to freshen up abit. 歡迎列位來賓回到現場。請各人就做歇一會兒。10.30- Closing Speech by CEOAlright, as we see that most have returned, do please allow me to proceed with today’s agenda. 好!看來我們尊敬的各位领导、各位高朋已經回到了現場。請允許我繼續本日的議程。And now, we would like

to invite Mr Steven Tan- CEO of FDI Group back here

again, to deliver the closing speech.現在,我們再次恭

請FDI集團總裁- Steven Tan先生致閉幕词。有請。Thank you very much Mr Steven Tan, CEO of FDI Group, a round of applause please for Mr Tan. And thus, we announce the conclusion of today’s ceremony, congratulations FDI Group! 再次感谢FDI集團總裁- Steven Tan先生!现在,我宣布,FDI集團豐收典禮圆满结束。10.45- BrunchLadie and Gentlemen, honored guests, we would

like to invite you over to the catering corner, as brunch in now served. Please enjoy yourselves. Again, we would like to express our utmost gratitude for taking time in joining us for this special occasion. Have a wonderful day. 我們已經為大家準備了一些小茶點,有請各位來賓享用。再次感謝大家百忙之中抽出寶貴的時間參與我們本日的特別典禮。
