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2. Peter lives in Chongqing. Does Peter live in Chongqing.
3. Lucy knows about China. Does Lucy know about China.
4. Her mother works in a school. Does her mother work in a school.
can may must will shall should
1. 我会画画。
I can draw.
2. 学生应该努力学习。
Students should study hard.
3. 他必须每天早起。
He must get up early .
一找 二提 三抄 四变 五借
找出be动词、 把be动词、 其余照抄
I变you my变your some变any .变问号?
没有be动 词、情态 动词借do 和does来 帮忙
一、助动词(auxiliary verb)
3.He must get up early.
Must he get up early?
Yes, he must./No, he needn’t
Look and practice.
1. He can sing.
Can he sing?
Yes, he can./No, he can’t.
1.)have 的一般疑问句: a. I have a book .(变一般疑问句)
Do you have a book ? b. They have many books . (变一般疑问句)
Do they have many books ?
c. We have many baseballs . (变一般疑问句) Do you have many baseballs ?
1. I want to go to Beijing. Do you want to go to Beijing.
2. We live in Chongqing. Do you live in Chongqing.
3. Lucy and Lily know about China. Do Lucy and Lily know about China.
Is your father a teacher?
思Leabharlann Baidu:
Look and learn:
1.I usually have lunch at twelve. Do you usually have lunch at twelve?
2.They play football every day. Do they play football every day?
复习: 含有be动词的肯定句改为一般疑问句的方法
一找 二提 三抄 四变
找出be动词 be动词提前
句中人称I 变you my变your
some变any .变?
含有情态动词的肯定句 如何改为一般疑问句?
情态动词表示说话人(或句子的主语)对某一动 作或状态的一种感情和态度,本身具有各种意义, 但不能单独作谓语,只能和主要动词一起构成谓 语。
1. I can draw.
Can you draw?
Yes, I can./No, I can’t.
2.Students should study hard.
Should students study hard?
Yes, they should./No, they shouldn’t.
3. My classmates get up at 7:00. Do your classmates get up at 7:00? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
4. He walks to school. Does he walk to school? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’ t.
3.He gets up at six every day. Does he get up at six every day?
注意:这三个句子都没有be动词和情态动 词,像这类句子,要借助do 和 does来帮 忙。记住do和does后面的动词保持原形 ,主语是第三人称单数的时候就用does, 其余的都用do.
1. They play games on the playground. They don’ t play games on the playground.
2. Lucy and Lily speak English. Lucy and Lily don’ t speak English.
3. My classmates get up at 7:00. My classmates don’ t get up at 7:00.
小结: have的一般疑问句是在句首加上助动词 ”Do” ,注意大小写的转 换,其他的不变.(句中的 “I”可以变为” you”) 注意: “Do” 是加上去的,不是原句里面的。
2.)has 的一般疑问句: a. He has a soccer ball .(变一般疑问句)
Does he have a soccer ball ? b. She has a ping-pang bat . (变一般疑问句)
1. He wants to go to Beijing. He does’ t want to go to Beijing.
2. Peter lives in Chongqing. Peter does’ t live in Chongqing.
3. Lucy knows about China. Lucy does’ t know about China.
5. Jane goes to school by bike. Does Jane go to school by bike? Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’ t.
6. Kangkang helps her study English. Does Kangkang help her study English? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’ t.
• 在英语中,助动词本身没有意义,只 是帮助实义动词完成某些语法功能, 如构成否定句、疑问句、简略答语等 。
• 助动词主要有do,have等。
二. 助动词do的基本用法
– do有三种形式:



– do的基本用法:


Does she a have ping-pang bat ?
doesn’ t do doesn’ t have doesn’ t want doesn’ t live doesn’ t like
1.如果句子中的动词 为原形,变一般疑问句时 ,在句首加Do,其余不变 。
2.如果句子中的动词为第 三人称单数形式,变一般 疑问句时,在句首加 Does,然后把动词变为原 形,其余不变。
2.如果句子中的动词为 like 第三人称单数形式,变
否定句时,在动词前加 does
does’ t (does not), has
然后把动词变为原形, wants
注:some --- any
don’ t do don’ t have don’ t want don’ t live don’ t like
如果句子中的动词为_第__三__人__称__单__数__形__式__, 变否定句时,在句首加_D__o_e_s__,然后把动词 变为_原__形___,其余不变。
1.如果句子中的动词 do
为原形,变否定句时, have
在动词前加don’ t (do want
1. I can draw.
Can you draw?
2. There is a bird in the tree.
Is there a bird in the tree?
3. You are a nice girl.
Are you a nice girl?
4. My father is a teacher.
4. He walks to school. He doesn’t walk to school.
5. Jane goes to school by bike. Jane doesn’t go to school by bike.
6. Kangkang helps me study English. Kangkang doesn’t help me study English.
4. Her parents work in a school. Her parents don’ t work in a school.
如果句子中的动词为_原__形___,变否定句时, 在_动__词____前加_d_o_n__’ _t _(d__o_n__o_t_) ,其余不变。
4. Her parents work in a school. Do her parents work in a school.
如果句子中的动词为_原__形___,变一般疑问 句时,在句首加__D_o__,其余不变。
1. He wants to go to Beijing. Does he want to go to Beijing.
2. You may go now.
May you go now?
Yes, I may./No, I can’t/mustn’t.
3. I must go to school by bike.
Must you go to school bike? Yes, I must/No, I needn’t.
1. They play games on the playground. Do they play games on the playground? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
2. Lucy and Lily speak English. Do Lucy and Lily speak English? Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.
1. I want to go to Beijing. I don’ t want to go to Beijing.
2. We live in Chongqing. We don’ t live in Chongqing.
3. Lucy and Lily know about China. Lucy and Lily don’ t know about China.
注:some --- any
I/ we --- you
my/our --- your
do have want live like
does has wants lives likes
Do… do…? Do… have…? Do… want…? Do… live…? Do… like…?
Does… do…? Does… have…? Does… want…? Does… live…? Does… like…?
4. Her mother works in a school. Her mother does’ t work in a school.
如果句子中的动词为_第__三__人__称__单__数__形__式__, 变否定句时,在动__词__前加d_o__e_s_’ _t_(_d_o_e_s__n_o_t,) 然后把动词变为_原__形___,其余不变。