Secoway USG2110-X 统一安全网关 V100R003C03 快速入门
z 考虑到设备安装到指定位置后,再安装天线比较困难。建议安装设备到指定位置前,先安装天线。 z 非WiFi机型和非3G机型,不涉及安装天线。
z WiFi天线和3G天线不能混用。但WiFi天线和3G天线的安装方法相同,下文以WiFi天线为例进行介绍。
1 取下天线接头的保护帽。
2 将天线安装到USG后面板的天线接头上。
18 SIM1/UIM1防盗安装孔 19
SIM1/UIM1槽位 电源接口 WiFi天线接头 ADSL接口
b:系统复位键RESET,用于系统重启动或恢复出厂配置。 z 系统重启动:当设备处于开机状态时,按下系统复位键。 z 一键恢复出厂配置:当设备处于关机状态时,先按住系统复位键不放,之后接上电源,使设备上电。看 到设备前面板的SYS和ALM指示灯一起闪烁时,松开系统复位键。
ADSL接口,WiFi和WCDMA 3G模块(支持双SIM卡)。 z USG2110-A-GW(CDMA2000 3G):1FE+1ADSL+8LAN,WiFi,CDMA2000 3G。即内置1个WAN接口,8个LAN接口,1
个ADSL接口,WiFi和CDMA2000 3G模块(支持双UIM卡)。
将电源线的2芯插头插到可用100VAC~240VAC 电源出口上。(USG没有电源开关。完成该步 后,设备上电并启动。)
3 上电检查
POWER (绿色)
H3C-S5024EV100R004版本说明书杭州华三通信技术有限公司H3C-S5024EV100R004版本说明书关键词:S5024E 升级版本摘要:此版本在R003基础上修改使用SNMP管理软件读取设备学习的MAC地址,有部分MAC地址无法读取问题。
缩略语:缩略语英文全名中文解释VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 虚拟局域网Service 服务质量ofQoS QualityMUI Maintainability Usability Installability 可维护性、易用性、可安装性目录1 版本信息 (4)1.1 版本号 (4)1.2 历史版本信息 (4)1.3 版本配套表 (4)2 版本使用限制及注意事项 (4)3 版本特性说明 (5)3.1 版本硬件特性 (5)3.2 版本软件特性 (5)4 版本变更说明 (7)4.1 特性变更说明 (7)4.2 命令行变更说明 (8)4.3 MIB变更说明 (10)4.4 操作方式变更说明 (11)4.4.1 S5024EV100R004版本操作方式变更 (11)4.4.2 S5024EV100R003版本操作方式变更 (11)4.4.3 S5024EV100R002版本操作方式变更 (11)4.4.4 S5024EV100R001版本操作方式变更 (11)5 存在问题与规避措施 (11)1 解决问题列表 (11)1.1 S5024EV100R004版本解决问题列表 (11)1.2 S5024EV100R003版本解决问题列表 (12)1.3 S5024EV100R002版本解决问题列表 (12)1.4 S5024EV100R001版本解决问题列表 (12)2 配套资料 (13)2.1 配套资料清单 (13)2.2 配套产品资料的获取方法 (13)3 版本升级操作指导 (13)3.1 远程加载 (13)3.1 BOOT加载 (14)表目录表1 历史版本信息表 (4)表2 版本配套表 (4)表3 产品硬件特性 (5)表4 产品软件特性 (5)表5 特性变更说明 (7)表6 命令行变更说明 (8)表7 MIB文件变更说明 (10)表8 配套手册清单 (13)1 版本信息1.1 版本号版本号:S5024EV100R0041.2 历史版本信息表1历史版本信息表版本号基础版本号发布日期备注S5024EV100R004 S5024EV100R003 2011-1-18 无S5024EV100R003 S5024EV100R002 2010-8-6 无S5024EV100R002 S5024EV100R001 2008-11-12 无S5024EV100R001首次发布2007-10-22无1.3 版本配套表表2版本配套表产品系列 SMB系列交换机型号H3C S5024EBOOTROM版本号104目标文件名称S5024EV100R004.biniMC版本号iMC PLAT 3.20-R2606 + P13 + L15备注无2 版本使用限制及注意事项无。
H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001系列无线产品配置手册
产品名称密级内部公开H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001版本(国内版)产品版本共23页V100R001H3C WCM V100R001 &WA2100V100R001系列产品配置手册(国内版)(仅供内部使用)拟制: 张弛日期:2007-02-11审核: 汲哲日期:yyyy-mm-dd审核: 周国军日期:2007-03-22批准: 日期:yyyy-mm-dd华为三康技术有限公司版权所有侵权必究《配置手册》写作原则:请务必按照产品BOM清单结构进行编写,先列出产品清单,再对清单中各项目的配置原则、配置算法、配置注意事项进行详细说明。
修订记录日期修订版描述作者本2007-02-11 V1.00 H3C版本配置手册张弛目录1电信网络系统总体介绍 (8)1.1企业网络典型组网 (8)1.2运营商热点覆盖 (9)2产品基本配置说明 (9)2.1主机布置 (9)2.1.1H3C WX5002系列无线控制器 (9)2.1.2H3C LS8M1WCM128A0无线控制器业务板模块 (10)2.1.3H3C WA2110-AG无线接入点 (11)2.1.4基本配置说明 (12)2.2H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001产品配置清单及配置说明 (12)2.2.1产品配置清单 (12)2.2.2配置说明 (13)2.3H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001系列国内版整机配置说明 (13)2.3.1整机配置清单 (13)2.3.2整机配置说明 (14)2.4H3C WX5002系列无线控制器光模块配置说明 (14)1)千兆多模光接口模块(850nm,0.55km) (14)2)千兆单模光接口模块(1310nm,10km) (15)3)千兆单模光接口模块(1310nm,40km) (15)4)千兆单模光接口模块(1550nm,40km) (15)5)千兆单模光接口模块(1550nm,70km) (15)3外部电缆(光缆)配置说明 (15)3.1各种外部光缆配置清单 (15)3.2各种外部电缆的配置清单 (18)4发货附件配置说明 (18)5发货附件清单安装成套件配置说明 (19)6配套设备配置说明 (19)7相关服务器的配置说明 (19)8终端系统配置说明 (19)9网管系统配置说明 (19)9.1网管系统连接示意图 (19)图10 无线控制器网管系统连接示意图 (19)9.2网管系统的配置清单控制器 (20)9.3网管系统配置说明 (20)10扩容和升级改造方法与配置说明 (20)10.1扩容方法与配置说明 (20)10.2升级改造方法与配置说明 (20)10.2.1升级改造方法 (20)10.2.2升级设备的清单 (20)10.2.3可升级部分的说明 (21)10.2.4更换部件注意事项 (21)11其它配置说明 (21)11.1附录I:配置计算模板 (21)11.2附录II:产品性能指标 (21)11.3附录III:缩略语清单 (22)表目录表1 H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001国内版产品清单 (13)表2 成套光纤清单 (15)表3 外部电缆/光缆列表 (21)图目录图1 企业无线局域网典型组网图 (8)图2 热点覆盖典型组网 (9)图3 H3C WX5002系列无线控制器前面板示意图 (9)图4 H3C WX5002系列无线控制器后面板示意图 (10)图5 H3C WX5002系列无线控制器外观示意图 (10)图6 H3C LS8M1WCM128A0无线控制器业务板模块前面板示意图 (10)图7 H3C LS8M1WCM128A0无线控制器业务板模块外观示意图 (11)图8 H3C WA2110-AG接口示意图 (11)图9 H3C WA2110-AG正视图 (12)图10 无线控制器网管系统连接示意图 (19)H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001系列无线产品配置手册关键词:无线控制器(AC)、Fit AP摘要:本文介绍了H3C WCM V100R001&WA2100V100R001系列无线产品的组成和配置原则,保证产品的正确组网,报价和正确发货。
Product Overview21NetworkingSmart Power SensorSmartDongle1.The information in this document is subject to change due to version upgrade or other reasons. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.2.For details about the solution components, installation, and cable connections, see the corresponding user manuals and quick guides.3.The cable colors involved in this document are for reference only. Select cables in accordance with local cable specifications.Backup BoxESSInverterComponentModelDescriptionInverter(master and slave)SUN2000-(2KTL-6KTL) -L1SUN2000-(8K, 10K)-LC0SUN2000-(8K, 10K)-LC0-ZHA maximum of three SUN2000-(2KTL-6KTL)-L1 inverters can be cascaded.The SUN2000-(8K, 10K)-LC0or SUN2000-(8K, 10K)-LC0-ZH inverter cannot be cascaded.Energy storage system (ESS)LUNA2000-(5-30)-S0•The capacity of a battery module is 5 kWh. A maximum of two ESSs can be cascaded and the maximum capacity is 30 kWh.•If there is only one ESS, it must be connected to the master inverter.Backup BoxBackup Box-B0•AC input voltage range: 198–253 V•If there is only one Backup Box, it must be connected to the master inverter.•SUN2000-(8K, 10K)-LC0and SUN2000-(8K, 10K)-LC0-ZH cannot be connected to the Backup Box.Smart Power SensorDDSU666-HYDS70-C16•The Smart Power Sensor must be connected to the master inverter.•It connects to the inverter over RS485 for output power management and power limiting.Smart DongleSDongleA-03 (4G)SDongleB-06 (4G)SDongleA-05 (WLAN-FE)•The Smart Dongle must be connected to the master inverter.•It connects to the management system and performs power scheduling.•The SDongleA-03 (4G) is compatible only with the SUN2000-(2KTL-6KTL)-L1.Smart PV OptimizerSUN2000-450W-P SUN2000-450W-P2SUN2000-600W-PSUN2000-600W-P: Long and short input cables are available to connect to PV modules with different cable lengths.Smart PV OptimizerResidential Smart PV Solution Quick Guide(Single-Phase PV+ESS Scenario +Smart Dongle Networking)Issue: 04Date: 2023-11-13PV strings(including optimizers)Slave inverter 2Critical load 3PV strings(including optimizers)PV strings(including optimizers)Slave inverter 1Master inverterCritical load 2Critical load 1АC power distribution boxCommon loadSmart Power SensorPower grid4G Smart DongleWLAN-FE Smart Dongle4GWLAN FEEthernetFusionSolar appSignal cable Power cableWireless communicationFusionSolarmanagement systemPV strings (including optimizers)ESS 2(power control module)Shield layer groundingESS 1(power control module)Master inverterSlave inverter 1Slave inverter 2Backup BoxAC powerdistribution boxPower gridShield layer groundingShield layer groundingTo COM-1 of slave inverter 1To COM-7 of ESS 1To COM-25 of DDSU666-HTo X4-2 of Backup Box To COM-2 of ESS 1To COM-4 of ESS 1To COM-24 of DDSU666-H To COM-3 of ESS 1To X4-1 of Backup BoxTo COM-1 of master inverter To COM-1 of slave inverter 2To COM-2 of master inverter To COM-2 of slave inverter 2To COM-2 of slave inverter 1To COM-1 of slave inverter 1Before connecting cables, ensure that allswitches are OFF. Otherwise, electric shocksmay occur.Signal cables must be outdoor shieldedtwisted pair cables.Connect other cables to slave inverters by referring to the connection method for themaster inverter.The wiring sequence of the Backup Box must be consistent with that of the inverter AC terminals.Cable TypeAC power cableNo.Component Port Port Component Backup load power distributionbox AC power distribution boxAC power distribution box L X1-1PE NLN X1-2X1-4X2-1X2-43456LBackup BoxBackup BoxDDSU666-H DDSU666-HCTCable TypeDC power cableSignal cableNo.PortPort Component ComponentOne EndThe Other EndPositive terminal X3-10 (PE)Negative terminalBAT+BAT-BAT+BAT-COM (right)COM RS485X4COM (left)COM-1COM-2X3-2 (L)X3-6 (N)PV1+AC-PEPV1-BAT+BAT-BAT+BAT-COMCOM (right)COM-1COM-2AC-L AC-N ESS 2Slave inverter 1DDSU666-H Backup Box ESS 1Slave inverter 2Backup BoxESS 1ESS 1PV strings ESS 1ESS 2Slave inverter 1Master inverterMasterinverterMasterinverter MasterinverterPEX2-6L N AC power distribution boxOne EndThe Other End Backup loadpower distributionboxCTCritical loadLoads3Cable Connections (Single-Phase Inverter L1 + ESS S0 + Backup Box B0)To COM-2 of slave inverter 1ACShield layer groundingShield layer groundingShield layergroundingCTCable TypeSignal cableNo.PortPort Component BAT+BAT-BAT+BAT-PV1+PV1-BAT+BAT-BAT+BAT-ESS 2ESS 1PV strings ESS 1MasterinverterOne EndThe Other End ESS 1COM-2 (left)COM-3 (left)COM-4 (left)COM-7 (left)COM-8 (left)COM-9 (left)COM-2 (right)COM-3 (right)COM-4 (right)COM-7 (right)COM-8 (right)COM-9 (right)COM-2 (right)COM-3 (right)COM-4 (right)COM-7 (right)COM-5COM-6COM-4COM-3DC power cableESS 2ESS 1Master inverterNo.Component Port Port ComponentMaster inverterCOM-424COM-325DTSU666-H One EndThe Other End Cable TypeSignal cable No.Component Port Port Component AC power distribution box AC power distribution box3456L DDSU666-H DDSU666-HCTPE L N AC-PE AC-L AC-N AC power distributionbox Master inverterL N One EndThe Other End Shield layer grounding3Before connecting cables, ensure that allswitches are OFF. Otherwise, electric shocksmay occur.Signal cables must be outdoor shielded twisted pair cables.Cable Connections (Single-Phase Inverter LC0 + ESS S0)PV strings(including optimizers)InverterESS 2(power control module)ESS 1(power control module)AC powerdistribution boxPower gridComponent Master inverterAC power cableCable TypePositive terminal Negative terminalAC•Search for FusionSolar in the app store to download the app.•Scan the QR code below to download the app.FusionSolarDownloading and Installing the FusionSolar AppIf the company requires multiple installer accounts, log in to the FusionSolar app and tap Add user to create another installer account.Create the first installer account, and generate a domain named after the company.4System CommissioningInitial registrationNon-initial registrationSetup Wizard (Connecting to the Inverter WLAN for Commissioning)Check the device statusEnter setup wizard Download and install the FusionSolar app Sign up as an installer (optional, requiredfor initial registration)App-based Deployment ProcedureInstaller RegistrationOr(Optional) Cascade inverters.Ensure that the devices in the device list are consistent with the connected devices.Scan the QR code of the master inverter.Log in as an installer . The initial password is 00000a . If the system prompts you to set the password, set the password and then log in.At the first login, the Quick settings screen is displayed by default.If you enable Sync phone time , the time and time zone of the inverter aresynchronized with those of the mobile phone.Set the local grid code.Set the energy storage working mode.Set the communication networking.Select the desired router and enter the router password.WLAN communication4G communicationBy default, APN mode is set to Automatic . If you cannot access the Internet in Automatic mode, set it to Manual . In this case, set the parameters related to the SIM card with theinformation obtained from the carrier.FE communicationIf the Ethernet parameter is displayed, the network cable is not connected. Reconnect the network cable.OrOrIn an inverter cascading scenario, the parameter synchronization result is displayed.Add a plant.Create an owner account.Checking the Plant StatusYou can tap to obtain the detailed working mode information.Note:In a non-Battery scenario, the step of Energy storage control is not involved.Select the ESS InstallationEnvironment and working modesettings of the battery5Off-Grid/Grid-tied Control Parameters Enabling Off-Grid ModeSettingsFeature parameters•Off-grid mode•Backup power SOC•Grid-tied/Off-grid modeswitchingSetting Grid-tied Point ControlPower adjustmentGrid-tied point controlActive powerControl mode•Unlimited•Grid connected with zero power•Power-limited grid connected6Physical Layout of Smart PV OptimizersAttaching SN Labels Taking a Photo of the Physical Layout TemplateRemove the SN labels from optimizers and attach them to the physical layout template basedon the actual positions of the optimizers in the plant.Positioning pointEnsure that the four positioning points on thetemplate are within the frame.Generating a Physical Layout on the AppUpload the template and generate a layout.Generating a Physical Layout on the AppEnter the Layout screen.Tap a plant that isequipped withoptimizers.Tap to add a physicallayout template.Take a photo of thetemplate with the QRcodes attached, orselect the photo fromyour phone album.Set optimizerparameters.After all templates areuploaded, tap LayoutGeneration togenerate the physicallayout.If some QR codes cannotbe identified or the plantlayout needs to beadjusted, refer to"Creating a PhysicalLayout on the AppManually."Creating a Physical Layout on the App ManuallyEdit the physical layout and specify the quantity of inverters and PV modules as required.Bind the inverter or optimizer SN.Bind the inverter oroptimizer SN.Adjust the physical layout. Select the PV modules thatneed to have the azimuthadjusted.。
Huawei CX110 Switch Module V100R001C10White PaperIssue06Date2017-03-27Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2017. All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Trademarks and Permissionsand other Huawei trademarks are trademarks of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.All other trademarks and trade names mentioned in this document are the property of their respective holders.NoticeThe purchased products, services and features are stipulated by the contract made between Huawei and the customer. All or part of the products, services and features described in this document may not be within the purchase scope or the usage scope. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, all statements, information, and recommendations in this document are provided "AS IS" without warranties, guarantees or representations of any kind, either express or implied.The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made in the preparation of this document to ensure accuracy of the contents, but all statements, information, and recommendations in this document do not constitute a warranty of any kind, express or implied.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.Address:Huawei Industrial BaseBantian, LonggangShenzhen 518129People's Republic of ChinaWebsite:About This DocumentPurposeThis document describes the E9000 CX110 GE switch module (CX110 for short) in terms ofits functions, advantages, appearance, specifications, internal networking, standards andcertifications. You can learn about the CX110 by reading this document.The product features and commands for the ethernet switching plane of the switch modulesvary according to the software version. For details, see the documents listed in the followingtable.Intended AudienceThis document is intended for:l Huawei presales engineersl Channel partner presales engineersl Enterprise presales engineersSymbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows:Change HistoryIssue 06 (2017-03-17)This issue is the third official release.Issue 05 (2017-02-17)This issue is the fifth official release.Issue 04 (2016-11-22)This issue is the fourth official release.Issue 03 (2016-05-12)This issue is the third official release.Issue 02 (2015-07-17)This issue is the second official release.Issue 01 (2015-02-16)This issue is the first official release.White Paper ContentsContentsAbout This Document (ii)1 Introduction (1)1.1 Function (2)1.2 Advantages (8)1.3 Appearance (9)1.4 Ports (13)1.5 Indicator (17)1.6 Internal Chassis Networking (19)1.7 Software and Hardware Compatibility (21)1.8 Technical specifications (23)2 Standards and Certifications (26)2.1 Standards Compliance (27)2.2 Certifications (29)1 Introduction About This Chapter1.1 FunctionThis topic describes the functions, protocols, and ports of the CX110 GE switch module.1.2 AdvantagesThe CX110 provides various ports (GE/10GE/40GE) and high specifications, and supportslarge data center networks, high-performance stacking, and various data center features. Inaddition, the CX110 switch module can be easily deployed and maintained.1.3 AppearanceThis topic describes the CX110 in terms of its appearance, panel, and installation positions inthe chassis.1.4 PortsThis topic describes the features, number rules, names, types, quantities, subcard numbers,and port numbers of the CX110 ports.1.5 IndicatorThis topic describes the indicators on the CX110.1.6 Internal Chassis NetworkingThis topic describes connection relationships between the CX110 and mezz modules oncompute nodes.1.7 Software and Hardware CompatibilityThis topic describes mezz modules that can work with the CX110 and pluggable modules andcables supported by ports on the CX110 panel.1.8 Technical specificationsThis topic describes the physical, environmental, power, and network switching specificationsof the CX110.1.1 FunctionThis topic describes the functions, protocols, and ports of the CX110 GE switch module.The CX110 GE switch module (CX110 for short) is a switch control unit that provides dataswitching function for service slots in the system and centrally provides service andmanagement ports for external devices.The CX110 is installed in the rear slot of the E9000 chassis and connected to compute nodes,storage nodes, management modules through the E9000 midplane. The CX110 performsswitching of internal data packets and control management packets to provide high-speed datatransmission.Table 1-1 describes the functions of the CX110.Table 1-1 GE switching plane function description1.2 AdvantagesThe CX110 provides various ports (GE/10GE/40GE) and high specifications, and supportslarge data center networks, high-performance stacking, and various data center features. Inaddition, the CX110 switch module can be easily deployed and maintained.Various Ports (GE/10GE/40GE)Underpinned by the leading hardware platform, the CX110 provides high-density ports andand a line-speed forwarding capability.The CX110 provides four 10GE ports and 12 GE electrical ports for connecting upstream toconvergence/core switches, 34 GE ports for interconnecting with high-performance computenodes, and two 40GE ports for interconnecting with and stacking switch boards.High Specifications and Support for Large Data Center NetworksThe CX110 provides the highest specifications in the industry. It supports a maximum of131,072 MAC addresses, a maximum of 16,384 forwarding information bases (FIBs), and amaximum of 4,096 multicast prefix tables.High-Performance Stacking, Easy Deployment and MaintenanceThe CX110 supports stacking of four devices. It has the following advantages:l High performance: A single stacking system can provide eight 10GE and 24 GE uplink ports (two devices are stacked).l High bandwidth: The CX110 supports 80GE stacking bandwidth. The stacking system has no bandwidth bottlenecks.l Easy deployment and maintenance:–Pre-deployment and offline configuration are supported. The system can be pre-planned and pre-configured. Devices can be added as required, supporting plug andplay and Pay As You Grow.–The slot ID of a device is the ID in a stacking system, facilitating deviceidentification and maintenance.–Indicators on the front panel indicate the role and status of a stacking system. Thestacking system can be maintained without a terminal.l Simple upgrade operations: The stacking system supports quick and automatic software upgrades, simplifying upgrade operations and reducing upgrade workload.Various Data Center Featuresl Virtual/virtual machine (VM) access–Supports virtualized servers, improving data center utilization.–Supports virtual resource discovery. During migration of VMs, VM networkpolicies can be automatically migrated using the virtual resource discovery functionso that network resources can be allocated as required. Working with the large-scalelayer 2 network, VMs can be freely migrated inside the whole data center.l Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILL) protocol–Complying with the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard, the TRILLprotocol supports ultra-large networks and flexible networking modes.–The TRILL protocol supports load balancing by paths, so that traffic can be sharedbetween multiple paths according to service requirements.–The TRILL protocol supports sub-second network convergence. Any changes onthe network can be quickly sensed and then fast convergence is performed.1.3 AppearanceThis topic describes the CX110 in terms of its appearance, panel, and installation positions inthe chassis.AppearanceFigure 1-1 shows the CX110.Figure 1-1 AppearanceInstallation PositionsThe CX110 can be installed in the four slots at the rear of the E9000 chassis. The four slots are 1E, 2X, 3X, and 4E, as shown in Figure 1-2.Figure 1-2 Installation positions and slot numberingPanelFigure 1-3 shows the CX110 panel.Figure 1-3 Panel1Product model 2Customization label (with an ESN label)3Stacking status indicator 4Health status indicator 5Offline button/indicator 6BMC serial port 7GE electrical port810GE optical port9Data transmission status indicator of the 10GE optical port 10Connection status indicator of the 10GE optical port 11GE electrical port indicator12SYS serial portThe numbers on the left side are port serial numbers. The arrow direction of a triangle indicates the direction of a port.ESNsAn Equipment Serial Number (ESN) is a string that uniquely identifies a server. An ESN is required when you apply for technical support from Huawei.Figure 1-4 shows the ESN format.Figure 1-4 ESN example1.4 PortsThis topic describes the features, number rules, names, types, quantities, subcard numbers,and port numbers of the CX110 ports.The CX110 Ethernet ports are numbered in Slot number/Subcard number/Port numberformat.l Slot number: indicates the slot number of the current switch module. The value ranges from 1 to 4, mapping to 1E, 2X, 3X, and 4E slot respectively from left to right on thepanel.l Subcard number: indicates the number of a subcard supported by service ports. Thevalue ranges from 1 to 20. Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 describe subcard numbers.l Port number: indicates the sequence number of a port on a subcard. Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 describe port numbers and subcards.For example, if the CX110 is in slot 2X, the first GE port on the upper right on the panel isnumbered as GE 2/17/12, as shown in Figure 1-5.Figure 1-5 Port naming rulesTable 1-2 describes the external ports on the CX110.Table 1-2 External portsTable 1-3 describes the internal ports on the CX110. Table 1-3 Internal ports1.5 IndicatorThis topic describes the indicators on the CX110.You can observe the indicators to determine the current operating status of the CX110. Table1-4 describes the indicators.Table 1-4 Indicator description1.6 Internal Chassis NetworkingThis topic describes connection relationships between the CX110 and mezz modules oncompute nodes.For details about the networking of the CX110 and Mezz cards on compute nodes, see E9000Blade Server Mezz Module-Switch Module Interface Mapping Tool.Figure 1-6 shows the internal chassis networking for the CX110 and compute nodes. Ports oncompute nodes for connecting to the CX110 are provided by two mezz modules as follows:l Mezz 1 connects to GE switching planes of the CX110s in slots 2X and 3X.l Mezz 2 connects to GE switching planes of the CX110s in slots 1E and 4E.Figure 1-6 Mapping between the CX110 and mezz modules on compute nodesThe following describes the mapping between the CX110s and mezz modules. For example,the CX110s are installed in slots 2X and 3X and connect to Mezz 1.Port Mapping Between a Switch Module and a Mezz ModuleMapping between the CX110 and ports on the MZ110The MZ110 provides four GE ports, including ports 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ports 1 and 2 map to theGE switching plane of the CX110 in slot 2X, and ports 3 and 4 map to the GE switching planeof the CX110 in slot 3X, as shown in Figure 1-7.Figure 1-7 Mapping between the CX110 and ports on the MZ110Mapping between the CX110 and ports on the MZ111The MZ111 provides four GE ports, including ports 1, 2, 3, and 4. Ports 1 and 3 map to theGE switching plane of the CX110 in slot 2X, and ports 2 and 4 map to the GE switching planeof the CX110 in slot 3X, as shown in Figure 1-8.Figure 1-8 Mapping between the CX110 and ports on the MZ1111.7 Software and Hardware CompatibilityThis topic describes mezz modules that can work with the CX110 and pluggable modules andcables supported by ports on the CX110 panel.For details about the software and hardware that are compatible with the CX110, see HuaweiServer Compatibility Checker.Supported Mezz ModulesThe CX110 connects to mezz modules of compute nodes. Table 1-5 describes models andspecifications of the supported mezz modules.Table 1-5 Supported mezz modulesSupported Pluggable Modules and CablesTable 1-6 Supported pluggable modules and cablesCX110 supports multiple pluggable optical modules, fibers, and network cables. You canchoose the modules and cables based on site requirements.l The CX110 provides the following functions for uplink GE applications:–Provides SFP+ optical ports and supports single-mode and multi-mode SFP opticalmodules.–Provides RJ45 ports, supports 10/100/1000 Mbit/s autonegotiation, and uses twistedpair cables for connection.l The CX110 provides the following functions for uplink 10GE applications:–Provides SFP+ optical ports and supports single-mode and multi-mode SFP+optical modules.–Supports SFP+ 10GE cables, which can be 7 m or 10 m active high-speed cables or1 m, 3 m, or 5 m passive high-speed cables.1.8 Technical specificationsThis topic describes the physical, environmental, power, and network switching specificationsof the CX110.Table 1-7 describes the technical specifications of the CX110, and Table 1-8 describes thenetwork switching specifications of the CX110.Table 1-7 Technical specificationsTable 1-8 Network switching specificationsWhite Paper 1 Introduction2 Standards and Certifications About This Chapter2.1 Standards ComplianceThis topic describes the international and industrial standards and communication protocolsthat the CX110 complies with.2.2 CertificationsThis topic describes the certifications that the E9000 has passed.2.1 Standards ComplianceThis topic describes the international and industrial standards and communication protocolsthat the CX110 complies with.International StandardsTable 2-1 lists the international standards.Table 2-1 Standards and protocol complianceIndustrial StandardsTable 2-2 lists the industrial standards.Table 2-2 Industrial standardsCommunication ProtocolsTable 2-3 lists the communication protocols.Table 2-3 Communication protocols2.2 CertificationsThis topic describes the certifications that the E9000 has passed.Table 2-4 lists the certifications.Table 2-4 Certifications。
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H3C ER2100V100R009 版本说明书
ER2100V100R009版本说明书Copyright © 2017新华三技术有限公司版权所有,保留一切权利。
目录1 版本信息 (1)1.1 版本号 (1)1.2 历史版本信息 (1)1.3 版本配套表 (2)1.4 版本升级注意事项 (2)2 硬件特性变更说明 (2)3 软件特性变更说明 (3)4 MIB变更说明 (3)5 操作方式变更说明 (3)6 版本使用限制及注意事项 (3)7 存在问题与规避措施 (3)8 解决问题列表 (4)8.1 R009问题解决列表 (4)8.2 R008问题解决列表 (4)8.3 R007问题解决列表 (4)8.4 R006问题解决列表 (5)8.5 R005问题解决列表 (5)8.6 R004问题解决列表 (5)8.7 R003问题解决列表 (6)8.8 R002问题解决列表 (7)9 相关资料 (7)9.1 相关资料清单 (7)9.2 资料获取方式 (8)10 技术支持 (8)附录 A 本版本支持的软、硬件特性列表 (9)A.1 版本硬件特性 (9)A.2 版本软件特性 (9)附录 B 版本升级操作指导 (10)B.1 软件升级方式简介 (10)B.2 通过WEB方式升级 (10)B.3 通过TFTP方式升级 (11)表目录表1 历史版本信息表 (1)表2 版本配套表 (2)表3 硬件特性变更说明 (2)表4 软件特性变更说明 (3)表5 产品硬件特性 (9)表6 产品软件特性 (9)表7 软件升级方式简介 (10)本文介绍了ER2100V100R009版本的特性、使用限制、存在问题及规避措施等,在加载ER2100V100R009版本前,建议您备份配置文件,并进行内部验证,以避免可能存在的风险。
1 版本信息1.1 版本号版本号:ER2100V100R0091.2 历史版本信息表1历史版本信息表版本号基础版本号发布日期版本类型备注ER2100V100R009 ER2100V100R008 2017-11-13 正式版本解决网上问题ER2100V100R008 ER2100V100R007 2017-04-17 正式版本解决网上问题QQ特权号码个数从20个增加到128个公司更名ER2100V100R007 ER2100V100R006 2015-06-10 正式版本解决网上问题ER2100V100R006 ER2100V100R005 2014-06-24 正式版本解决网上问题ER2100V100R005 ER2100V100R004 2014-05-28 正式版本解决网上问题ER2100V100R004 ER2100V100R003 2014-02-11 正式版本解决网上问题合入URL过滤优化特性合入DHCP跨网段分配置地址特性增加异常流量攻击阈值配置ER2100V100R003 ER2100V100R002 2013-08-19 正式版本解决网上问题ER2100V100R002 ER2100V100R001 2011-08-16 正式版本优化QOS弹性带宽增加SNMP管理特性增加QQ号码识别特性解决网上问题ER2100V100R001 首次发布2010-01-18 正式版本首次发布‘1.3 版本配套表在升级版本之前,请注意与本版本配套的软、硬件条件必须符合下表的要求。
PolarFire FPGA MPF300-EVAL-KIT 评估板说明书
MPF300-EVAL-KIT MPF300-EVAL-KITKit Contents—MPF300-EVAL-KITQuantity Description1PolarFire FPGA with 300K LE MPF300TS-1FCG1152I Evaluation Board 1USB 2.0 A to Mini-B cable112 V , 5 A AC power adapter and cord1 1 Year Libero Gold Software License ($995 value)1Quickstart cardPolarFire Evaluation Kit Quickstart CardSC-SPI FlashMemoryHPC FMC ConnectorDIP Switch 1x SFP+ Cagex4 PCIe Edge ConnectorTx/Rx SerDes SMA pairPolarFire TM FPGA with MPF300TS-1FCG1152IDeviceSPI Flash Memory SerDes ReferenceClock LEDsx32 DDR4MemoryDebug SwitchesOverviewMicrosemi’s PolarFire Evaluation Kit is an ideal platform for evaluating the lowest power, cost-optimized, non-volatile PolarFire FPGAs. This kit has a full-featured 300K LE PolarFire FPGA, which integrates reliable non-volatile FPGA fabric, 12.7 Gbps transceivers, 1.6 Gbps I/Os, best-in-class-performance, hardened security IP, and crypto processors. The silicon features power optimization with the lowest static power for 28 nm non-volatile FPGAs, its low power mode; Flash*Freeze yields best-in-class standby power and it has integrated DDR PHY, PCIe endpoint/root port, crypto processor hard IPs. This kit enables easy design of applications that can include:• Industrial automation• Wireline access networks and cellular infrastructure• Power measurement• Security applications • FMC expansion• IEEE 1588 applications• High speed I/O applications• Universal Serial Bus (USB) applications • Imaging and video applicationsHardware Features• 300 K LE PolarFire FPGA in an FCG1152 package (MPF300TS-1FCG1152I)• 1x SFP+ cage• IEEE 1588 PLL• SMA connectors for testing of full-duplex 12.7 Gbps SerDes channel• 4 GB DDR4 x32 and 2 GB DDR3 x16• PCI Express (x4) edge connector• 2x RJ45 for 10/100/1000 Ethernet using SGMII on GPIO • Dual 10/100/1000BASE-T PHY (VSC8575) • SATA interface• Power management unit for 1 V or 1.05 V PolarFire FPGA core voltage• USB to UART Interface• Embedded programming and debugging using SPI and JTAG• On-board power monitoring• 2x 1 GB SPI flash memoryPolarFire Evaluation Kit Quickstart CardProgrammingMicrosemi’s PolarFire Evaluation Kit provides feasible programmability using an on-board embedded FlashPro5 programmer.The board can also be programmed with standalone FlashPro4/5 hardware. IAP programming and debug support is also provided on the board.See Documentation Resources for more information about programming procedures.Jumper SettingsThe PolarFire Evaluation Kit comes with the following default jumper settings.JumperPin Factory Default J18, J19, J20, J21, and J222-3Shorted J171-2OpenSee Documentation Resources for full details about jumper settings.Running the DemoThe PolarFire Evaluation Board comes with a preprogrammed JESD204B standalone demo design. The demo operates in loopback mode to establish a standalone JESD interface demo that does not require analog-to-digital (ADC) or digital-to-analog converters (DAC) by looping data between the TX and RX IP cores for JESD204B.In order to run the demo, install the JESD204B_GUI application and set up the board as outlined in the following steps. For detailed instructions, refer to DG0755: PolarFire FPGA JESD204B Standalone Interface Demo Guide .1. Connect the power supply cable to the J9 connector on the board.2. Connect the USB cable from the host PC to the J5 connector (FTDI port) on the board.3. Power on the board using the SW3 slide switch.PolarFire Evaluation Kit Quickstart CardMicrosemi, a wholly owned subsidiary of Microchip Technology Inc. (Nasdaq: MCHP), offers a comprehensive portfolio of semiconductor and system solutions for aerospace & defense, communications, data center and industrial markets. Products include high-performance and radiation-hardened analog mixed-signal integrated circuits, FPGAs, SoCs and ASICs; power management products; timing and synchronization devices and precise time solutions, setting the world's standard for time; voice processing devices; RF solutions; discrete components; enterprise storage and communication solutions, security technologies and scalable anti-tamper products; Ethernet solutions; Power-over-Ethernet ICs and midspans; as well as custom design capabilities and services. Learn more at .Microsemi HeadquartersOne Enterprise, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 USA Within the USA: +1 (800) 713-4113Outside the USA: +1 (949) 380-6100Sales: +1 (949) 380-6136Fax: +1 (949) 215-4996email:***************************Microsemi makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the information contained herein or the suitability of its products and services for any particular purpose, nor does Microsemi assume any liability whatsoever arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit. The products sold hereunder and any other products sold by Microsemi have been subject to limited testing and should not be used in conjunction with mission-critical equipment or applications. Any performance specifications are believed to be reliable but are not verified, and Buyer must conduct and complete all performance and other testing of the products, alone and together with, or installed in, any end-products. Buyer shall not rely on any data and performance specifications or parameters provided by Microsemi. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to independently determine suitability of any products and to test and verify the same. The information provided by Microsemi hereunder is provided “as is, where is” and with all faults, and the entire risk associated with such information is entirely with the Buyer. Microsemi does not grant, explicitly or implicitly, to any party any patent rights, licenses, or any other IP rights, whether with regard to such information itself or anything described by such information. Information provided in this document is proprietary to Microsemi, and Microsemi reserves the right to make any changes to the information in this document or to any products and services at any time without notice./products/fpga-soc/design-resources/design-software/libero-soc-polarfire#downloadsA Gold license is required to program the PolarFire Evaluation Kit. A Software ID letter enclosed with the kit contains Software ID and instructions on how to generate a Libero Gold license. For moreinformation, see /products/fpga-soc/design-resources/dev-kits/polarfire/polarfire-eval-kit#licensingDocumentation ResourcesFor more information about the PolarFire Evaluation Kit, including schematics and user’s guides,see the documentation at https:///products/fpga-soc/design-resources/dev-kits/polarfire/polarfire-eval-kit#documentation .SupportTechnical support is available online at /soc/support and by email at **********************Microsemi sales offices, including representatives and distributors are located worldwide. To find your local representative, go to /salescontactsMPF300-EVAL-KIT MPF300-EVAL-KIT。
S5700-EI-AC-B09S5700-52C-EI交换机(48个10/100/1000Base-T RJ45,2个10GE SFP+上行口, 含堆叠卡)117,500.00S5700-EI-AC-B06S5700-28C-EI交换机(24个10/100/1000Base-T RJ45,2个10GE SFP+上行口, 含堆叠卡)87,050.00FC0M00S67403S6700-48-EI交换机(48个SFP+ 10GE光口,不含光模块,含双电源)383,150.00FC0M00S67202S6700-24-EI交换机(24个SFP+ 10GE光口,不含光模块,含双电源)228,800.00FC0M00S63401S6348-EI交换机(48个SFP+ 10GE光口,不含光模块,含双电源)438,300.00FC0M00S63200S6324-EI交换机(24个SFP+ 10GE光口,不含光模块,含双电源)264,300.00FC0BBC2U4U022m机柜(双2路交流220V输入)18,187.00 FC0B00GMJG03一体化机柜13,464.00 FC0B00GMCC04IPSAN一体化机柜(交流220V或380V输入)14,456.00 STLMSYSRACK0OceanStor 18000系列系统柜0(2U)STLMSYSRACK1OceanStor 18000系列系统柜1(2U)STLBSYRACK08OceanStor 18000系列扩展系统柜(2U)STLMDAERACK OceanStor 18000系列扩展存储柜(4U)FC0BRH228800一体化机柜17,754.00 STLBSYRACK00OceanStor 18000系列系统柜0STLBSYRACK01OceanStor 18000系列系统柜1STLBSYRACK05OceanStor 18000系列扩展系统柜STLBSYRACK02OceanStor 18000系列系统柜0(2U/4U)STLBSYRACK03OceanStor 18000系列系统柜1(2U/4U)STLBSYRACK04OceanStor 18000系列扩展系统柜(2U/4U)Rack-90002U-other-AC OceanStor 9000 42U交流机柜(2U节点其它组网)7,690.00STLMDAERACK1OceanStor 18000系列扩展存储柜(2U)STLMDAERACK2OceanStor 18000系列扩展存储柜(2U/4U)RACK-SYS-H-AC OceanStor 18000 V3系列系统柜RACK-ST-H-AC OceanStor 18000 V3系列存储柜BC4B0142FS服务器通用机柜7,800.00 IT1B01LCCA CH121L V3液冷机柜192,500.00 IT1B02LCCA CH140L V3液冷机柜283,000.00 Rack-9000C72-AC OceanStor 9000 42U交流机柜(C72节点组网)8,581.00 RACK-46U-AC N610E-22 46U 交流存储通用机柜11,300.00 RACK-46U-DC46U 直流存储通用机柜20,964.00 RACK-42U-VTL VTL6900 42U交流机柜19,000.00 RACK-42U-142U存储交流机柜8,000.00 Rack-90004U-AC OceanStor 9000 42U交流机柜(4U节点10GE组网)9,500.00 Rack-90002U-AC OceanStor 9000 42U交流机柜(2U节点10GE组网)10,500.00 Rack-9000-AC OceanStor 9000 42U交流机柜(4U节点其它组网)7,600.00 BC0E01E6000E6000 8088风扇框624.00IDSV2ACPDUB1配电排-基本型-PDU63-1PH-16/9-B-输出接口16*C13+9*C19-带工业连接器-14.4KVA-竖装0U全高结构1,631.00WPDU3AC00配电排-基本型-PDU32-3PH-12/9-B-输出接口12*C13+9*C19-带工业连接器-22KVA-竖装0U全高结构1,570.00BC0EFANBOX00E6000 8080风扇框783.00 PDU2000-32-1PH-20/4-B2交流配电单元PDU2000-32-1PH-20/4-B2交流配电单元1,116.00 PDU-HVDC-240240V高压直流配电单元PDU2000-V3-H交流配电单元PDU2000-V3-H交流配电单元787.00 PDU2000-3M交流配电单元WACDCPO011600W交流电源模块3,626.00 WEPW80013460W 白金交流电源模块2,025.00 WEPW12K001200W白金交流电源模块3,205.00 WEPW80015460W 金牌交流电源模块1,947.00 W750P0000750W 白金交流电源模块2,139.00 WEPW80001800W 白金交流电源模块2,599.00 WEPW80016460W 白金交流电源模块(定制)2,025.00 PS-2751-9H-LF750W 钛金交流电源模块2,836.00 WD3000Packg1TP483000D发货附件包2,700.00STLBRACKPACKAG E OceanStor 18000 机柜安装辅料包INSTALL-V3H OceanStor 18000 V3 第三方机柜安装辅料包LSTFVTLE10扩容License-10TB Usable Capacity,No Dedupe131,035.00 LSTFVTLFINL HA功能License-Inline Dedupe Option134,228.00 LSTFVTLE2FC扩容License-2 FC Target Ports Option,No Dedupe134,228.00 LSTFVTLFRE功能License-Replication Option,No Dedupe134,228.00LSTFVTLFATC功能License-Automated Tape Caching Option,NoDedupe 67,172.00LSTFVTLFHBK功能License-Hosted Backup Option,No Dedupe44,818.00 LSTFVTLFEA功能License-Email Alerts Option,No Dedupe22,455.00 LSTFVTLFNDMP功能License-NDMP Option,No Dedupe44,818.00 LSTFVTLFSECTP功能License-Secure Tape Option,No Dedupe67,172.00LSTFSIR0SIR引擎软件,含8 FC Target Ports And 4 ISCSI PortsLicense 352,665.00LSTFSIRE5SIR扩容License-5TB Dedupe Usable Capacity318,814.00 LSTFSIRE10SIR扩容License-10TB Dedupe Usable Capacity573,658.00 LSTFSIRFRE SIR功能License-Replication Option134,228.00 LSTFSIRFEA SIR功能License-Email Alerts Option22,455.00 WEPW80014800W直流电源模块2,836.00 BC2MIFRAME00X6000机箱 2U,2/4节点插槽-无电源-2电源插槽1,809.00 BC2MIFRAME01X6000机箱 2U,2/4节点插槽-无电源-2电源插槽1,809.00 BC0MIFDMBS00E6000H一体化机箱(含数据管理模块)32,417.00 IT1K20E900012U高性能一体化机箱模块-带必发附件36,370.00 IT1K21E900012U标准一体化机箱模块-带必发附件33,790.00BC2K08BKPF X6800 4U机箱,4/4, 4/8节点插槽,支持后IO板插槽,4电源插槽,无电源,5风扇,带附件包9,200.00BC2K08BKPG X6800 4U机箱,4/4, 4/8节点插槽,不支持后IO板插槽,4电源插槽,无电源,5风扇,带附件包7,680.00OSXD22N00光模块-SFP+-10G-多模模块(1310nm,0.22km,LC,LRM)20,000.00 BC1MRISER8002U RISER 卡组件308.00 WPSU100A0整流模块,R48100,1U,6000W,高效33,000.00 BC1M3SRSH RH1288 V2(8*2.5"硬盘机箱)9,322.00 BC1M4SRSH RH1288 V2(4*3.5"硬盘机箱)9,163.00N0SASHD06通用硬盘-300GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-16MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)2,435.00N0SASHD07通用硬盘-600GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-16MB及以上-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)3,850.00BC1MSRSCR804通用硬盘-1000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)5,020.00BC1MSRSCR803通用硬盘-500GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)3,850.00BC1MSRSCR810通用硬盘-1000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB及以上-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)-增强型2,780.00BC1MSRSCR811通用硬盘-1000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)2,362.00BC1MSRSCR813通用硬盘-2000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)3,550.00IT11002K5P002500W服务器直流电源4,270.00IT1MPOWERM003000W铂金交流电源4,270.00 BC1MSRSAR800RH2485 V2(8硬盘机箱)26,576.00 BC1MRISER801RH2485 2U RISER卡组件1,277.00 BC3M0BIDVD01内置DVD组件RW-CD 24X/DVD 8X-SATA319.00 BC1M50SRSF RH2285H V2 (12硬盘机箱EXP)8,405.00 BC1M3SRSF RH2285H V2 (8硬盘机箱)7,623.00 BC1M4SRSF RH2285H V2 (12硬盘机箱直通)8,405.00BC1MSHDSAS03通用硬盘-900GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-64MB及以上-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)5,630.00BC1M00DVDA00DVD-RW-CD 内置式 SATA光驱&配套线缆319.00BC1MSRSCR814通用硬盘-3000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)4,900.00BC1M0NLSAS00通用硬盘-1000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)3,400.00BC1M0NLSAS01通用硬盘-2000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)4,160.00BC1M0NLSAS02通用硬盘-3000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)5,520.00BC1M0NLSAS03通用硬盘-1000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)5,620.00BC1M2EPCPU00X86 series-2.0GHz-95W-SandyBridge EP Xeon E5-2620-6Core-with heatsink5,964.00BC1M3ENCPU00X86 series-2.2GHz-95W-SandyBridge EN Xeon E5-2430-6Core-with heatsink8,128.00BC1M00DIMM00DDR3 RDIMM内存-4GB-1333MT/s-2Rank(256M*8bit)-1.35V-ECC-(渠道专用)1,075.00BC1M02DIMM00DDR3 RDIMM内存-16GB-1333MT/s-2Rank(1Gx4bit)-1.35V-ECC-(渠道专用)2,995.00BC1HDD05固态硬盘-240GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列4,470.00CN210ITGAA02HUAWEI 网卡, 双端口, 10GE SFP+(不含Optics/DAC),PCIE 2.0x8, 半高2,075.00BC0M000BAT00RAID卡电池(含线缆,结构件)2,400.00CH9100LANC00以太网卡-1Gb电口(Intel 82580)-四端口-RJ45-PCIe 2.0x4-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条1,869.00CH9100LAND00Intel 网卡, 双端口, 1GB RJ45, PCIE 2.0x4, 半高687.00CH9100HBAA00Qlogic-FC HBA卡-8Gb-单端口-SFP+(含1个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x4-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条2,735.00CH9100HBAB00Qlogic-FC HBA卡-8Gb-双端口-SFP+(含2个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x4-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条3,827.00CH9100HBAD00EMULEX-FC HBA卡-8Gb-双端口-SFP+(含2个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 X4|PCIe 1.0 x8-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条3,827.00CH9100RAID008端口 raid 卡-6Gb/s PCI Express SATA and SASRAID Controller-PCIE 3.0 X85,210.00QSFP-40G-CU1M QSFP+-40G-高速电缆-1m-(QSFP+38公)-(CC8P0.254黑(S))-(QSFP+38公)-室内用3,800.00QSFP-4SFP10G-CU1M QSFP+-4SFP+10G-高速电缆-1m-(QSFP+38公)-(CC8P0.254黑(S))-(4*SFP+20公)-室内用7,000.00QSFP-4SFP10G-CU5M QSFP+-4SFP+10G-高速电缆-5m-(QSFP+38公)-(CC8P0.4黑(S))-(4*SFP+20公)-室内用10,000.00SFP-10G-CU1M SFP+-10G-高速电缆-1m-(SFP+20公)-(CC2P0.254黑(S))-(SFP+20公)-室内用4,500.00CH9M01FCML EMULEX-FC HBA卡-8Gb-单端口-SFP+(含1个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 X4|PCIe 1.0 x8-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条2,735.00IT1M100C8RA08X PCIE 转接卡模块229.00 PDC-350WA-B350W直流电源模块(后前风道,电源面板侧出风)12,000.00CH9M02LCFC00以太网卡-1Gb光口(Intel I350)-双端口-SFP+(固定2个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x4-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条2,203.00IT1MP2KM2000W白金交流电源3,820.00BC1M8EPCPU00X86 series-2.1GHz-95W-SandyBridge EP Xeon E5-2658-8Core-with heatsink17,449.00BC1M51SRSF RH2285H V2 (24硬盘机箱)8,990.00 CH9M01SSDD第四代PCIE SSD卡(800GB)-4-0.864,865.00BC1M06ESMJ SR320BC SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,10,5,50,6,60,1GB Cache(LSI2208),支持电池和超级电容3,787.00BC0M03ESMJ RU320BC SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,10,5,50,6,60,1GB Cache(LSI2208),支持电池和超级电容3,787.00BC1M05ESMD SR320BC SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,10,5,50,6,60,512MB Cache(LSI2208),支持电池和超级电容3,550.00BC0M03ESMD RU320BC SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,10,5,50,6,60,512MB Cache(LSI2208),支持电池和超级电容3,550.00BC1M04RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 3*8X RISER 卡组件618.00 BC1M03RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 2*16X RISER 卡组件774.00BC1HDD01通用硬盘-600GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-2.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)3,916.00BC1M0SRSG RH2288H V2 (8硬盘机箱)9,461.00 BC1M1SRSG RH2288H V2 (12硬盘机箱EXP)10,242.00 BC1M5SRSG RH2288H V2 (24硬盘机箱EXP)11,024.00 EN3MCACC750W白金交流电源模块2,139.00BC1HDD06通用硬盘-4000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)6,100.00QSFP-40G-eSR440GBase-eSR4光模块-QSFP+-40G-多模模块(850nm,0.3km,MPO) (可对接4个SFP+)26,000.00BC1MIHBA2硬盘内置背板,带线缆308.00 BC6M01PSEA RH5885H V3 PCIE 4*8X+2*4X 提升卡1,047.00 BC6M01PSSA RH5885H V3 PCIE 2*16X+2*4X 提升卡1,047.00 BC6M01PHPA RH5885H V3 PCIE 4*8X 热插拔提升卡1,047.00 BC6M01EC2P HUAWEI 网卡, 2X10Gb SFP+, PCIE 2.0x82,075.00BC1SSD04固态硬盘-480GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列8,020.00BC1SSD06固态硬盘-200GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-ME系列6,940.00BC1SSD07固态硬盘-400GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-ME系列13,580.00BC1SSD09固态硬盘-480GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)-LE系列8,020.00BC1M01ESMM_HZ PMC 6805 RAID卡-汇智专用8,190.00BC11ESMC_HZ SR120 SAS/SATA RAID 卡,RAID0,1,1E,0Cache(LSI2308)-Board ID 0X21-2*2,汇智专用1,572.00BC1M10SRSH 腾讯L2(2*E5-2620 CPU,8*8GB内存,2*300G SAS 硬盘,2*10GE,SR320BC-512MB+电容,2*460W AC电源)56,770.00BC1M07ESMJ SR420BC SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,10,5,50,6,60,1GB Cache(LSI2208),支持电池和超级电容4,088.00BC1MS5RK SAS Expander-PCBA Board-3.3V-RAID5-Soft RAIDKey-631mW-支持6个硬盘的管理-0.125MB/s660.00BC1MFGEA SM210板载网卡-4xGE电口(Broadcom 5719)-RJ452,103.00BC1MFXEB SM231板载网卡-2x10GE光口(Intel 82599)-SFP+(不含光模块)5,152.00MINISAS12*高速电缆-Internal Mini SAS电缆-0.86m-直头到弯头150.00 BC1M03FAN8038风扇组件-风扇框220.00BC1SSD12固态硬盘-80GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列2,230.00BC1SSD13固态硬盘-160GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列4,700.00BC1SSD14固态硬盘-300GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列8,100.00BC1SSD15固态硬盘-600GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列16,200.00IT1M100C8RE16X PCIE 转接卡模块259.00BC1M11SRSH 阿里B2(2*E5-2630 CPU,8*8GB内存,4*600G SAS 硬盘,2*GE,SR320BC-1GB+电池,2*460W AC电源)66,047.00BC1SSD16固态硬盘-300GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)-LE系列8,100.00BC1SSD17固态硬盘-600GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)-LE系列16,200.00BC1M05SRSG 腾讯(Z3)(2*E5-2620 CPU,8*8GB 内存,4*300GB SAS硬盘,1*1.2TB SSD卡,2*GE,SR320BC-512MB+电容,2*460W AC电源)110,056.00CH91M01FCOE EMULEX-CNA-FCoE-10Gb-双端口-SFP+(含2个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x8-带RH5885H V3热插拔拉手条4,374.00BC1M3DIMM DDR3 RDIMM内存-8GB-1600MT/s-2Rank(512M*8bit)-1.35V-ECC-(渠道专用)1,775.00BC1M4DIMM DDR3 RDIMM内存-16GB-1600MT/s-2Rank(1Gx4bit)-1.5V-ECC-(渠道专用)2,995.00BC1HDD36通用硬盘-4000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-32MB及以上-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)6,710.00BC1HDD37通用硬盘-1200GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)6,780.00BC1M05ESML SR430C SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60,2GB Cache(LSI3108),支持超级电容5,395.00BC1M05ESMQ SR430C SAS/SATA RAID卡,RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60,1GB Cache(LSI3108),支持超级电容4,699.00BC1M60SRSH 8盘典配1(1*E5-2620 CPU,1*8GB内存,1*2.5'' 300GBSAS,2*GE,SR320BC,1*460W 电源,滑轨,DVD)26,317.00BC1M61SRSH 4盘典配1(1*E5-2609 CPU,1*4GB内存,1*3.5'' 1TBSATA,2*GE,SR120卡,1*460W 电源,滑轨,无DVD)21,958.00FBCK00TM4803配线业务框-48芯-含适配器-442*294.6*43mm-NC紫灰-钣金-室内-GPX147-FTU2500-P48A-2LC/UPCFBCK00TM4803配线业务框-48芯-含适配器-442*294.6*43mm-NC紫灰-钣金-室内-GPX147-FTU2500-P48A-2LC/UPC1,200.00SFP-8.5G-LCMM XFP|SFP+光模块-SFP+-850nm-8.5Gbps--8.2dBm--1.3dBm--11.2dBm-LC-多模-0.15kmSFP-8.5G-LCMM XFP|SFP+光模块-SFP+-850nm-8.5Gbps--8.2dBm--1.3dBm--11.2dBm-LC-多模-0.15km4,847.00QSFP-14G IB FDR高速一体化10M线缆-含光模块QSFP+-56Gb/s3,890.00 QSFP-14G2IB FDR高速一体化5M线缆-含光模块QSFP+-56Gb/s3,696.00SFP-RJ45光有源功能模块-1000Base-T -SFP模块-RJ45电接口-自协商-最大传输100m,-40~85degC8,429.00BC1M62SRSF 12盘典配3(1*E5-2407 CPU,1*4GB 内存,2*3.5"1TBSATA 硬盘,2*GE,RAID 0/1,2*460W电源,滑轨,无DVD)24,877.00BC1M65SRSF 8盘典配3(1*E5-2420 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GBSAS 硬盘,2*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*460W电源,滑轨,DVD)24,731.00BC1M60SRSG 12盘典配1(1*E5-2609 CPU,1*4GB 内存,1*3.5"1TBSATA ,4*GE,RAID 0/1,1*460W电源,滑轨,无DVD)24,344.00BC1M61SRSG 8盘典配1(1*E5-2609 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GBSAS 硬盘,4*GE,RAID 0/1,1*460W电源,滑轨,有DVD)24,477.00BC1M62SRSG 8盘典配2(1*E5-2620 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GBSAS 硬盘,4*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*460W电源,滑轨,有DVD)28,082.00BC6M01RIS Riser卡组件-1*X16-PCIE-2*X4PCIE-用于RH5885V3服务器745.00BC1M66SRSF 12盘典配5(1*E5-2407 CPU,1*4GB 内存,1*3.5"1TBSATA ,2*GE,集成RAID0/1,1*460W电源,滑轨,无DVD)18,996.00务器专用BC1M15EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.0GHz-0.9V-64bit-95W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2640 V2-8Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用13,025.00BC1M17EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.6GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2630 V2-6Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用8,997.00BC1M16EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2643 V2-6Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用22,820.00BC1M18EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.1GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2620 V2-6Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用5,964.00BC1M19EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2609 V2-4Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用4,337.00BC1M20EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-1.8GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2603 V2-4Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用3,073.00BC1M05RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 3*8X RISER 卡组件618.00BC1M06RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 2*16X RISER 卡组件774.00BC1M23EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2643 V2-6Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用22,820.00BC1M24EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.6GHz-0.9V-64bit-95W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2650 V2-8Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用17,145.00BC1M27EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.6GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2630 V2-6Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用8,997.00BC1M28EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.1GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2620 V2-6Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2 专用5,964.00BC1M29EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2609 V2-4Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2 专用4,337.00BC1M30EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-1.8GHz-0.9V-64bit-80W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2603 V2-4Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2 专用3,070.00BC1M32EPCPU X86 series-2.0GHz-95W-SandyBridge EP Xeon E5-2620-6Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用5,964.00BC1M36EPCPU X86 series-2.1GHz-95W-SandyBridge EP Xeon E5-2658-8Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用17,449.00BC1M25EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2GHz-0.9V-64bit-95W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2640 V2-8Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2 专用13,025.00BC1M63SRSG 12盘典配2(1*E5-2609 CPU,1*4GB 内存,1*3.5"1TB SATA ,4*GE,集成RAID 0/1,1*460W 电源,滑轨)22,772.00CH91M01EC2P Mellanox IB 卡,MCX354A-QCBT,两端口-40Gb/s QDR InfiniBand,10Gb/s Ethernet,PCIE 3.0 x86,109.00BC1M43EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.2GHz-0.9V-64bit-95W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2660 V2-10Core 带散热器-IT 服务器专用20,383.00BC1M44EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.7GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2697 V2-12Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用38,439.00BC1M45EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.4GHz-0.9V-64bit-115W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2695 V2-12Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用34,350.00BC1M46EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.3GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2667 V2-8Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用30,245.00BC1M47EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-1.7GHz-0.9V-64bit-70W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2650L V2-10Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用17,899.00BC1M48EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2637 V2-4Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用14,640.00BC1M49EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.8GHz-0.9V-64bit-115W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2680 V2-10Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用25,269.00BC1M50EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.2GHz-0.9V-64bit-95W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2660 V2-10Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用20,383.00BC1M51EPCPUX86 series-FCLGA2011-2.7GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2697 V2-12Core-带散热器-38,439.00RH1288 V2专用BC1M53EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.3GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2667 V2-8Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用30,245.00BC1M54EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-1.7GHz-0.9V-64bit-70W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2650L V2-10Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用17,899.00BC1M55EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2637 V2-4Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用14,640.00BC1M56EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.8GHz-0.9V-64bit-115W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2680 V2-10Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用25,269.00BC1M57EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.0GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2690 V2-10Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用30,245.00BC1M58EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-3.0GHz-0.9V-64bit-130W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2690 V2-10Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用30,245.00BC1M59EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-115W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2670 V2-10Core-带散热器-IT 服务器专用22,820.00BC1M60EPCPU X86 series-FCLGA2011-2.5GHz-0.9V-64bit-115W-IvyBridge EP Xeon E5-2670 V2-10Core-带散热器-RH1288 V2专用22,820.00BC1M19SRSG 腾讯(Z3)(2*E5-2620 V2 CPU,8*8GB 内存,4*300GB SAS 硬盘,1*1.2TB SSD 卡,2*GE,SR320BC-512MB+电容,2*460W AC 电源)107,500.00BC1M21SRSG 腾讯 Z9(2*E5-2690 V2 CPU,8*8GB 内存,2*300GB SAS ,2*GE,SR320BC-512M Cache+电容,2*460W 电源)98,200.00BC1M17SRSH 腾讯M1(2*E5-2630 V2 CPU,8*16GB 内存,6*300G SAS 硬盘,2*GE,SR320BC-1GB+电容,2*460W AC 电源)74,000.00BC1M18SRSH 腾讯L2(2*E5-2620 V2 CPU,8*8GB 内存,2*300G SAS 硬盘,2*10GE,SR320BC-512MB+电容,2*460W AC 电源)53,000.00BC6M01ESMK Raid卡超级电容模块,用于掉电保护2,600.00BC1M2BAT RAID 卡超级电容(含线缆,结构件)2,600.00BC1M29SRSG 阿里S10-4T-beta(2*E5-2650v2 CPU,8*16GB 内存,12*4T SATA 硬盘,2*GE,SR120,2*460W AC 电源)152,980.00BC1M38SRSG 阿里C6(2*E5-2630 CPU,6*8GB 内存,12*480GB SSD,2*GE,SR120,2*460W AC 电源)268,610.00BC1M27SRSF 腾讯(TH1)(2*E5-2420 CPU,4*8GB 内存,1*80GB SSD 硬盘,2*1.2T SSD 卡,2*GE,SR120,2*460W AC 电源)132,800.00BC1M28SRSF 腾讯TS6(SSD-240GB)(1*E5-2420 CPU,4*8GB 内存,12*2TB SATA 硬盘,1*240GB SSD,2*GE,SR120,2*460W AC 电源)82,585.00N500ST7W2通用硬盘-500GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)3,850.00N1000ST7W2通用硬盘-1000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)5,020.00N300S10W2通用硬盘-300GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-16MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)2,435.00N600S10W2通用硬盘-600GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-16MB 及以上-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)3,850.00N900S10W2通用硬盘-900GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-64MB 及以上-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)5,630.00N1200S10W2通用硬盘-1200GB-SAS 6Gb/s-10K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)6,780.00N1000NS7W2通用硬盘-1000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)5,620.00N240SSDW2固态硬盘-240GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE 系列4,470.00N400SSDW2固态硬盘-400GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-ME 系列13,580.00N200SSDW2固态硬盘-200GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-ME 系列6,940.00N480SSDW2固态硬盘-480GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列8,020.00BC1MFGED SM233板载网卡-2x10GE电口(X540)-RJ454,836.00BC1M11RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 2*16X RISER 卡组件--GPU卡专用(K2000,Q2000,NVS300等75W标卡)774.00BC1M7ENCPU X86 series-1.8GHz-80W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2403v2-4Core-带散热器2,915.00BC1M8ENCPU X86 series-2.4GHz-80W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2407v2-4Core-带散热器3,705.00BC1M9ENCPU X86 series-2.2GHz-80W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2420v2-6Core-带散热器6,015.00BC1M14ENCPU X86 series-2.5GHz-80W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2430v2-6Core-带散热器8,128.00BC1M10ENCPU X86 series-1.9GHz-9.5W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2440v2-8Core-带散热器12,314.00BC1M11ENCPU X86 series-2.5GHz-95W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2450v2-8Core -带散热器16,264.00BC1M13ENCPU X86 series-2.4GHz-95W-IvyBridge EN Xeon E5-2470v2-10Core-带散热器21,240.00BC2SSD800G01固态硬盘-800GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列13,110.00CN21ITGAA15以太网卡-10Gb光口(Intel 82599)-双端口-SFP+(不含光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x8-03030WSQ散件2,075.00BC1M02HGSA RH2288H V3 (8硬盘直通机箱)H22H-0310,030.00BC2M02HGSA RH2288H V3 (8硬盘直通机箱,支持8*3.5inch RAID卡)H22H-0310,560.00BC1M08RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 2*16X RISER 卡组件--GPU卡专用(K10,K20M,K20x,K2,M2090等225W标卡)774.00BC1M09RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 2*16X RISER 卡组件--GPU卡专用(K1,K4000,Q4000等150W标卡)774.00BC1M10RISE RH2285H/RH2288H 2U 2*16X RISER 卡组件--GPU卡专用(K20c或者K4000和Q4000等150瓦的标卡)774.00BC3M02HGSA RH2288H V3 (8硬盘直通机箱,支持8*3.5 PCH直通)H22H-0310,560.00BC4M02HGSA RH2288H V3 (12硬盘EXP机箱)H22H-0310,790.00 BC5M02HGSA RH2288H V3 (25硬盘EXP机箱)H22H-0312,320.00 IT1M100C8RJ16X PCIE 转接卡模块435.00 BC6M02HGSA RH2288H V3(24硬盘直通机箱)H22H-0312,220.00 BC1M01FGEB SM211板载网卡-2xGE电口(I350)-RJ451,414.00 BC1M01FGEA SM210板载网卡-4xGE电口(Broadcom 5719)-RJ452,103.00BC1M01FXEB SM231板载网卡-2x10GE光口(Intel 82599)-SFP+(不含光模块)5,152.00BC1M01FGED SM233板载网卡-2x10GE电口(X540)-RJ454,836.00 BC1M02FANA8056风扇组件260.00 BC1M03FANA8056 Plus Fan module320.00 BC1M3S8XV32U 3*8X RISER卡组件910.00 BC1M07RISE RH2288H/RH2288 V3 2U 2*16X RISER卡组件990.00 BC1M01IHDD2*3.5"后置硬盘背板组件680.00 BC1M02IHDD4*3.5"后置硬盘背板组件1,140.00BC1M01ESMN SR130 (LSI3008)-SAS/SATA RAID Card-RAID0,1,10,1E,+630mm MiniSAS HD模块(12_28盘规格)1,650.00BC1M02ESMN SR130 (LSI3008)-SAS/SATA RAID Card-RAID0,1,1E,10,+750mm MiniSAS HD模块1,650.00BC1M03ESMN SR130 (LSI3008)-SAS/SATA RAID Card-RAID0,1,10,1E,+850mm MiniSAS HD模块(8_10盘规格)1,650.00BC1M01ESMQ SR430C 1GB Cache(LSI3108)-Board ID 0X24-RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60-支持超级电容+630mm MiniSASHD模块(12_28盘规格)4,338.00BC1M02ESMQ SR430C 1GB Cache(LSI3108)-Board ID 0X24-RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60-支持超级电容+750mm MiniSASHD模块4,338.00BC1M03ESMQ SR430C 1GB Cache(LSI3108)-Board ID 0X24-RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60-支持超级电容+850mm MiniSASHD模块(8_10盘规格)4,338.00BC1M07ESML SR430C 2GB Cache(LSI3108)-Board ID 0X2d-RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60-支持超级电容+630mm MiniSASHD模块(12_28盘规格)4,999.00BC1M06ESML SR430C 2GB Cache(LSI3108)-Board ID 0X2d-RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60-支持超级电容,+750mm MiniSASHD模块4,999.00BC1M03ESML SR430C 2GB Cache(LSI3108)-Board ID 0X2d-RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60-支持超级电容+850mm MiniSASHD模块(8_10盘规格)4,999.00BC1M01TFM LSI Flash Card-4GB-TFM-Supercap and 620mm 线缆模块2,600.00BC1M04DVD光驱-DVD-RW-CD 24X/DVD 8X-SATA 光驱模块319.00BC1M30SRSH 腾讯(M2)(2*E5-2630v2 CPU,4*16GB 内存,4*300GBSAS 硬盘,2*GE,SR320BC-512MB+电容,2*460W AC电源)58,800.00BC1M02HGSB RH2288 V3(8硬盘直通机箱)H22M-039,565.00BC2M02HGSB RH2288 V3(8硬盘直通机箱,支持8*3.5inch RAID卡)H22M-0310,100.00BC3M02HGSB RH2288 V3(8硬盘直通机箱,支持8*3.5 PCH直通)H22M-039,800.00BC4M02HGSB RH2288 V3(12硬盘EXP机箱)H22M-0310,330.00 BC5M02HGSB RH2288 V3(25硬盘EXP机箱)H22M-0311,860.00 BC6M02HGSB RH2288 V3(24硬盘直通机箱)H22M-0311,760.00N800SSDW3固态硬盘-800GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)-LE系列13,110.00BC1M64SRSG 12盘典配3(1*E5-2609 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*3.5"1TBSATA ,4*GE,RAID 0/1,1*460W电源,滑轨)24,939.00BC1M65SRSG 12盘典配4(1*E5-2609 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*3.5"1TBSATA ,4*GE,集成RAID 0/1,1*460W电源,滑轨)23,367.00BC1M76SRSG 8盘典配4(1*E5-2609 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,4*GE,1*460W电源,滑轨,有DVD)20,543.00BC1M77SRSG 8盘典配5(1*E5-2620 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GB SAS 硬盘,4*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*460W电源,滑轨,有DVD)28,082.00BC1M78SRSG 8盘典配6(1*E5-2630 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GB SAS 硬盘,4*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*460W电源,滑轨,有DVD)31,115.00BC1M79SRSG 8盘典配7(1*E5-2640 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GB SAS 硬盘,4*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*750W电源,滑轨,有DVD)35,335.00BC1M80SRSG 8盘典配8(1*E5-2650 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,1*2.5"300GB SAS 硬盘,4*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*750W电源,滑轨,有DVD)39,455.00BC1M71SRSF 12盘典配6(1*E5-2407 v2 CPU,1*4GB 内存,1*3.5"1TBSATA ,2*GE,集成RAID0/1,1*460W电源,滑轨,无DVD)18,996.00BC1M72SRSF 12盘典配7(1*E5-2407 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,2*3.5"1TBSATA ,2*GE,RAID0/1,2*460W电源,滑轨,无DVD)25,472.00BC1M73SRSF 8盘典配4(1*E5-2420 v2 CPU,1*8GB 内存,2*GE,1*460W电源,滑轨,DVD)19,025.00BC1M73SRSH 4盘典配3(1*E5-2609 v2 CPU,1*8GB内存,1*3.5'' 1TBSATA,2*GE,RAID 0/1,1*460W 电源,滑轨)22,553.00BC1M74SRSH 8盘典配2(1*E5-2620 v2 CPU,1*8GB内存,1*2.5''300GB SAS,2*GE,RAID 0/1/5/6,1*460W 电源,滑轨,DVD)26,636.00IT1M01ESMK RAID卡超级电容(含线缆,结构件)2,600.00BC6M61BFSA SAP HANA XS(2*E7-4880 V2 CPU,128GB内存,8*900GB SAS,4*GE,4*10GE,2*2KWAC,DVD)H58H-03302,300.00BC6M62BFSA SAP HANA S(2*E7-4880 V2 CPU,256GB内存,8*900GB SAS,4*GE,4*10GE,2*2KWAC,DVD)H58H-03323,160.00BC6M63BFSA SAP HANA M(2*E7-4880 V2 CPU,512GB内存,8*900GB SAS,4*GE,4*10GE,2*2KWAC,DVD)H58H-03364,890.00BC6M64BFSA SAP HANA L(4*E7-4880 V2 CPU,1TB内存,8*900GBSAS,2*ES3000/800GB,4*GE,4*10GE,2*2KWAC,DVD)H58H-03695,350.00BC6M65BFSA SAP HANA L+(4*E7-4880 V2 CPU,2TB内存,14*900GBSAS,2*ES3000/800GB,4*GE,4*10GE,2*2KWAC,DVD)H58H-031,179,460.00BC1M83SRSG 腾讯(TS8_4.10.0)(2*E5-2620v2 CPU,4*8GB 内存,12*300GB SSD 硬盘,2*10GE,SR120,2*460W AC电源)178,680.00BC2MIHBA2硬盘内置背板,带线缆+1个风扇(8056)308.00BC1M84SRSG MY-RAA-V3(2*E5-2620 CPU,16*8GB 内存,12*2TSATA 硬盘,2*GE,SR320-521MB+电池,1*750W AC电源,滑轨)100,150.00BC1M02HGSC RH1288 V3 (8硬盘直通机箱)H12M-039,250.00 BC2M02HGSC RH1288 V3 (4硬盘直通机箱)H12M-039,160.00 BC1M13RISE1U 1*16X RISER1卡组件450.00 BC1M14RISE1U 1*16X RISER2卡组件450.00 BC1M06FAN8038风扇组件220.00BC1M04ESML SR430C-Board ID 0X2d,RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60,2GBCache(LSI3108)-支持超级电容+850mm 1MiniSAS HD转4SATA模块4,338.00BC1M04ESMQ SR430C-Board ID 0X24,RAID0,1,5,6,10,50,60,1GBCache(LSI3108)-支持超级电容+850mm 1MiniSAS HD转4SATA模块4,338.00BC1M04ESMN SR130 SAS/SATA RAID Card,RAID0,1,1E,10,0Cache(LSI3008)+850mm 1MiniSAS HD转4SATA模块1,650.00BC1M02DVD9.5MM 光驱-DVD-RW-CD 24X/DVD 8X-SATA 光驱模块319.00BC1M34SRSH 腾讯(L2_4.3.0)(2*E5-2620 V2 CPU,8*8GB内存,2*300GSAS 硬盘,2*10GE,SR320BC-512MB+电容,2*460W AC电源)52,000.00BC6M01DVD光驱-DVD-RW-CD 24X/DVD 8X-SATA 光驱模块319.00BC6M69BFSA Basic Configuration of SAP HANA(4*GE,2*2KWAC,DVD)H58H-0350,550.00BC6M1EXCPU 英特尔至强E7-4809 v2(1.9GHz/6-core/12MB/105W)处理器(带散热器)20,787.00BC6M2EXCPU 英特尔至强E7-4820 v2(2.0GHz/8-core/16MB/105W)处理器(带散热器)24,638.00BC6M3EXCPU 英特尔至强E7-4830 v2(2.2GHz/10-core/20MB/105W)处理器(带散热器)34,993.00BC6M4EXCPU 英特尔至强E7-4850 v2(2.3GHz/12-core/24MB/105W)处理器(带散热器)49,565.00BC6M09BLCA 市场典配3(8HDD机型,2*E7-4850V2 CPU,2*8GB内存,1*2.5" 300GB SAS 硬盘,SR320BC RAID0/1/5 不含掉电保护,4*GE,2*1200W电源,DVD,滑轨)H58M-03150,743.00BC6M08BLCA 市场典配2(8HDD机型,2*E7-4820V2 CPU,2*8GB内存,1*2.5" 300GB SAS 硬盘,SR320BC RAID0/1/5 不含掉电保护,4*GE,2*1200W电源,DVD,滑轨)H58M-03100,889.00BC6M07BLCA 市场典配1(8HDD机型,2*E7-4809V2 CPU,2*8GB内存,1*2.5" 300GB SAS 硬盘,SR320BC RAID0/1/5 不含掉电保护,4*GE,2*1200W电源,DVD,滑轨)H58M-0393,187.00BC6M02RIS RH5885 V3 1*16X PCIE 2*8X PCIE RISER卡组件745.00 BC6M0BAT RAID卡电池(含线缆,结构件),RH5885 V3专用2,400.00SFP-8.5G-LC-MM 光收发一体模块-SFP+-850nm-8.5Gbps--8dBm--1.3dBm--11.2dBm-LC-MM-0.15km11,500.00IT1MGPCA GPU电源线-1*04151157,1*0415104639.00ELTM0EMDCM00Witen eMDC610-M(HW)(2*E5-2620 v2 CPU,2*8GB 内存,3*600GB SAS硬盘,2*GE,SR320BC-512MB+超级电容,DVD,2*460W AC电源,滑轨,SUSE11.2)120,000.00N600S15W2通用硬盘-600GB-SAS 12Gb/s-15K rpm-128MB-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)7,800.00N1000NS7W3通用硬盘-1000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)3,400.00N2000NS7W3通用硬盘-2000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)4,160.00N3000NS7W3通用硬盘-3000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)5,520.00N4000NS7W3通用硬盘-4000GB-NL SAS 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-32MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)6,710.00N1000ST7W3通用硬盘-1000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)2,780.00N2000ST7W3通用硬盘-2000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)3,550.00N3000ST7W3通用硬盘-3000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)4,900.00N4000ST7W3通用硬盘-4000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-7.2K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)6,100.00N4000BST7W3通用硬盘-4000GB-SATA 6Gb/s-5.9K rpm-64MB-3.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)5,760.00N80SSDW2固态硬盘-80GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列2,230.00N160SSDW2固态硬盘-160GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列4,700.00N300SSDW2固态硬盘-300GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列8,100.00N600SSDW2固态硬盘-600GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列16,200.00N800SSDW2固态硬盘-800GB-SATA 6Gb/s-读取密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-LE系列13,110.00N800ESSDW2固态硬盘-800GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-ME系列25,000.00IT1Z01GRUA CH221 双高标准GPU卡安装组件229.00 BC8M01DVDA光驱-DVD-RW-SATA-带电缆319.00BC8M01FGEB SM211板载网卡-2xGE电口(I350)-RJ45-适用RH8100V3/Kunlun1,414.00BC8M01FGEA SM210板载网卡-4xGE电口(Broadcom 5719)-RJ45-适用RH8100 V3/Kunlun2,103.00BC8M01FXEB SM231板载网卡-2x10GE光口(Intel 82599)-SFP+(不含光模块)-适用RH8100 V3/Kunlun5,152.00BC8M01FGED SM233板载网卡-2x10GE电口(X540)-RJ45-适用RH8100 V3/Kunlun4,836.00BC8M01BPNA计算模块(包括处理器板和处理器散热器)4,890.00 BC8M01RPMA PCIE 1*16X+2*8X Riser模块1,370.00 BC8M01BATA RAID卡电池-带电缆2,400.00BC1SSD22固态硬盘-800GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(2.5英寸托架)-ME系列25,000.00BC1SSD23固态硬盘-800GB-SATA 6Gb/s-写入密集型-2.5英寸(3.5英寸托架)-ME系列25,000.00BC8M01FESA Qlogic-FC HBA卡-8Gb-单端口-SFP+(含1个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x4-带RH8100 V3/Kunlun热插拔拉手条2,735.00BC8M01FEDA Qlogic-FC HBA卡-8Gb-双端口-SFP+(含2个多模光模块)-PCIe 2.0 x4-带RH8100 V3/Kunlun热插拔拉手条3,827.00。
开放可编程 V100R022C00 北向 REST API 参考 文档说明书
开放可编程V100R022C00北向REST API参考文档版本02发布日期2023-04-24版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2023。
华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:https://客户服务邮箱:******************客户服务电话:4008302118目录1 资源管理 (1)1.1 资源池管理 (1)1.1.1 创建资源池 (1)1.1.2 删除资源池 (4)1.1.3 申请资源 (7)1.1.4 释放资源 (11)1.1.5 根据使用者释放资源 (14)1.1.6 查询资源池空闲段范围 (17)1.1.7 查询资源使用量 (21)1.2 资源存量 (26)1.2.1 设备配置历史 (26) 查询设备配置历史记录 (26) 查询配置记录详情 (30) 保存南向设备配置 (38) 查询配置历史记录详情 (42) 导出配置历史记录 (47) 查询配置记录导出进度 (52) 下载导出的配置记录 (55)1.2.2 AocUniRealDeviceRpc (56) 根据设备ID和rpc执行设备的rpc (56)1.2.3 AocUniRealDeviceQuery (60) 设备查询 (60)1.2.4 AOC设备存量信息接口 (64) AOC设备存量信息查询接口 (64)1.2.5 CLI北向透传 (70) CLI北向透传 (70)1.3 资源激活与配置 (76)1.3.1 提供网元的配置类和操作类模型 (76) 创建对应网元id下的数据 (76) 查询对应网元id下的数据 (79) 更新对应网元id下的数据 (82) 修改对应网元id下的数据 (84) 删除对应网元id下的数据 (86)2 业务管理 (89)2.1 业务激活与配置 (89)2.1.1 编辑通用网元配置数据北向接口 (89) 根据设备ID创建网元通用配置数据 (89) 根据网元ID查询网元通用配置数据 (91) 根据设备ID更新网元通用配置数据 (95) 根据设备ID部分更新网元通用配置数据 (97) 根据设备ID删除网元通用配置数据 (101)2.1.2 AOC业务北向接口 (103) 编辑业务 (103)2.1.3 任务管理接口 (109) 查询任务 (109) 查询任务详情 (114)2.1.4 AOC还原北向接口 (118) 异步业务还原 (118) 批量业务还原 (120) 查询还原状态 (124) 查询还原详细信息 (127) 取消还原 (132) 结束还原 (133) 查询未部署实例 (135) 一键部署 (138) 编辑入cdb (139) 查询设备未发现业务 (142) 部署 (145) 查询业务差异 (147)2.1.5 AOC用户事务相关北向接口 (149) 创建事务 (149) 指定老化时间申请事务 (151) 提交事务 (154) 差异比较 (157) 查询业务分解配置 (161) 重置事务 (164) 试运行 (166) 查询试运行结果 (169) 重部署 (174) 去部署 (177) 查询数据源 (180) 切换终端 (183) 查询异步执行结果 (185) 查询服务信息 (188) 业务还原 (190)2.1.6 AOC提交管理北向接口 (195) 查询提交历史记录 (195) 回滚历史提交记录 (200)2.2 业务一致性保障功能 (202)2.2.1 查询业务实例 (202)2.2.2 查询业务实例的类型 (211)2.2.3 查询所有具备还原功能的业务类型 (214)2.2.4 业务发现 (216)2.2.5 业务导入 (219)2.2.6 业务对账 (222)2.2.7 业务忽略 (224)2.2.8 批量业务导入 (227)2.2.9 查询业务相关的设备信息 (230)3 模板 (234)3.1 模板管理 (234)3.1.1 AOC配置模板北向接口 (234) 创建模板 (234) 更新模板 (239) 获取模板 (241) 删除模板 (243) 获取所有模板 (244) 创建模板组 (247) 获取模板组 (251) 删除模板组 (253) 获取所有模板组 (254) 在模板组中增加模板 (257) 删除模板组下模板 (259)3.1.2 AOC模板参数北向接口 (261) 创建模板参数集 (261) 添加模板参数集 (264) 查询模板参数集 (267) 删除模板参数集 (268) 更新模板参数集参数 (270) 删除模板参数集参数 (272)3.1.3 AOC配置模板应用北向接口 (273) 创建模板应用 (273) 更新模板应用 (276) 查询模板 (280) 查询模板组 (284) 查询参数 (287) 提交模板应用 (290) 查询应用模板 (295) 查询应用模板组 (299) 查询驱动信息 (302)3.1.4 AOC设备模板北向接口 (304) 更新设备模板参数 (304) 查询设备模板参数 (307) 查询预览配置 (311) 查询配置模板设备 (314)4 场景化 (321)4.1 场景化 (321)4.1.1 南向数据一致性同步对账功能 (321) 南向一致性同步对账功能 (321) 数据一致性设备组同步对账功能 (326) 查询设备的一致性校验状态 (329) 取消设备同步任务 (333) 查看控制器网元数据和南向设备配置数据的差异信息 (335) 设置定时差异策略 (338) 获取定时同步策略 (341) 校验控制器与设备配置是否一致 (343) 设置记录同步逆向数据策略 (346) 获取当前同步逆向数据策略 (347) 南向一致性差异发现功能 (349) 南向一致性同步功能 (353) 南向一致性对账功能 (358)4.1.2 AOC设备组存量信息接口 (362) 创建设备组 (362) 查询全量设备组 (366) 查询指定设备组 (369) 添加子设备组或者设备到指定设备组 (371) 删除指定设备组 (373) 删除指定设备组中的设备 (374) 删除指定设备组中的子设备组 (376)4.1.3 一致性差异导出 (378) 设备差异数据导出 (378)4.1.4 北向一致性采集功能 (379) 触发北向业务数据采集 (380) 查询北向数据采集的状态 (383) 北向设备差异数据导出 (386)4.1.5 业务一致性功能 (387) 触发业务一致性检查 (387) 查询业务path对应的所有设备差异状态 (390) 查询业务path差异发现状态 (398) 获取业务实例变更的全局策略 (402) 设置业务实例变更的全局策略 (404) 删除网元数据以及数据源 (406) 业务配置一致性修复 (409)4.1.6 不推荐接口 (411) subtree过滤查询( V1 ) (412)5 系统管理 (418)5.1 系统管理 (418)5.1.1 NetconfClient北向接口 (418) 修改NETCONF用户名密码 (418)6 事件中心 (421)6.1 事件中心服务 (421)6.1.1 创建事件中心的规则 (421)6.1.2 删除事件中心的规则 (426)6.1.3 更新事件中心的规则 (428)6.1.4 获取事件中心的规则 (430)6.1.5 获取事件中心规则的actions (434)6.1.6 获取事件中心支持的事件类型 (437)6.1.7 获取事件中心的规则匹配历史记录 (441)6.1.8 创建事件中心的定时任务 (445)6.1.9 删除事件中心的定时任务 (448)6.1.10 更新事件中心的定时任务 (450)6.1.11 获取事件中心的定时任务 (452)6.1.12 获取事件中心定时任务的actions (456)6.1.13 获取事件中心定时任务的历史执行记录 (459)7 附录(可定制编程接口) (464)1资源管理1.1 资源池管理1.2 资源存量1.3 资源激活与配置1.1 资源池管理1.1.1 创建资源池典型场景用户在做配置下发前,创建业务对应的资源池信息,用于记录配置下发情况。
深圳市涂科技有限公司 SX700-LPTSFX-L 700W SFX-L 形式因子电源设备说明书
SPECIFICATIONSFX-L Form Factor SST-SX700-LPT700W Switching Power SupplyWith Active PFC 80Plus Platinum011.1 ScopeThis specification defines the performance characteristics of a single phase 700 watts, 5 output power supply. This specification also defines worldwide safety and electromagnetic compatibility requirements for the power supply which is intended for use in computer products.Nominal Voltage 100-240 VrmsVoltage Variation Range90 - 264 Vrms1. General2.1 Input Voltage2.2 Input Frequency* The power supply must operate at above frequency with 90-264 VACrms input voltage range.2. Input CharacteristicsNominal Frequency50-60 HzFrequency Variation Range47 Hz to 63 Hz022.3 Max. Input AC Current3.1 Normal Operation Output 3. Output characteristicsMax. Input Current2.4 Inrush CurrentThe power supply must meet inrush requirements for any rated AC voltage, during turn on at any phase of AC voltage, during a single cycle AC dropout condition, during repetitive ON/OFF cycling of AC, and over the specified temperature range. The peak inrush current shall be less than the ratings of its critical components (including input fuse, bulk rectifiers, and surge limiting device).2.5 EfficiencySX700-LPT provides an efficiency of 90% at20% load, 92% at50% load, 89% at100% load under115V/60Hz and 230V/50Hz condition.Maximum continuous total DC output power should not exceed 700W.Maximum continuous combined load on +3.3VDC and +5VDC outputs shall not exceed 120W. Maximum combined load on 12V outputs shall not exceed 700W.NOTE:Noise test should be measured with 20 MHz bandwidth frequency oscilloscope. The output terminal shall add a tantalum capacitor of 10uF in parallel with a ceramic capacitor of 0.1uF.3.2 Remote On/Off Controlled modeThe PSON# signal is required to remotely turn on/off the power supply, PSON# is an active low signal that turns on the output power rails. When this is not pulled low by the system, or left open, the outputs (except the +5VSB) turn off. This signal is pulled to a standby voltage by a pull-up resistor internal to the power supply. TTL level "H" 2.0 V – 5.25 V"L" 0.0 V – 1.0 V10.0AMeasuring Range 90 - 264 Vrms3.3 RegulationThe cross regulation defined as follows, the output regulation should be within the specified range.3.4 Rise TimeDC output rise time is less than 20 mS at nominal line and full load.3.5 Hold-up TimeDC +5V output maintains at least 16mS is full 1oad after power off which hold within para 3.1 under 115V/60Hz and 230V/50Hz condition.3.6 5VSB5VSB is requierd for the implementation of PS-ON described above. 5VSB is a standby voltage that may be used to power circuits that require power input during the powered-down state of all power rails. The5 VSB pin should deliver 5V ±5% at a minimum of 3A for PC board circuits to operate. Conversely, PCboard should draw no more than 3A maximum form this pin. This power may be used to operate circuits such as soft power control.3.7 PG-OKPG-OK is a power good signal and should be asserted high by power supply to indicate that the +5 VDC and +3.3 VDC outputs are above the under-voltage thresholds of the power supply. When this signal is asserted high, there should be sufficient mains energy stored by the converter to guarantee continuous power operation within specification. Conversely, when either the +5VDC or the +3.3VDC output voltage falls below the under-voltage threshold, or when mains power has been removed for a time sufficiently long so that power supply operation is no longer guaranteed, PG-OK should be deasserted to a low state.See Figure 1 for a representation of the timing characteristics of the PG-OK,PS-ON, and germane power rail signals.3.8 3.3V SenseA default 3.3V sense line should be implemented pin 13 of the connector.3.9 Capacitive LoadThe power supply should be able to power up and operate normally with the following capacitances simultaneously present on the DC outputs.0304In primary circuit of the power supply , a protected fuse is inserted. Only internal fault of the power supply will cause the fuse blown. Any overload or short circuit at DC output will keep from fuse brown or fire hazard.4.1 Input ProtectionThe +5V/+12V/+3.3V DC output are protected against the under voltage condition . range value can't be exceed 3.3~3.7V at 5V terminal and 8.5~9.5V at 12V, 2.0~2.4V at 3.3V.4.2 Output Protection4.2.1 Under voltage protectionThe +12V/ DC output are protected against the over voltage condition . Maximum value can't be over 15.5V at 12V.4.2.2 Over Voltage ProtectionThe power supply can be used electronic circuit to limit the output current against exceeding 10%-60% of surge output power or protected against excessive power delivery since short circuit of any output or over total power at high line.4.2.3 Over Power Protection4. Protection5.1 No Load Start5. Start StabilityShort circuit placed on +5V,+12V,+3.3V,-12V will latch off. +5VSB will auto-recovery.4.2.4 Short Circuit ProtectionThis power supply includes an over-temperature protection sensor, which can trip and shut down the power supply at 1104.2.6 Over-Temperature ProtectionCurrent protection should be designed to limit the current to operate within safe operating conditions. Over current protection schemes where only the voltage output that experiences the over current event is shut off may be adequate to maintain safe operation of the power supply and the system; however, damage to the motherboard or other system components may occur. The recommended over current protection scheme is for the power supply to latch into the shutdown state. The setting of over current protection for each output rail is as following.When power is applied to SX700-LPT with no load connected or under minimum load connected, neither damage to power supply nor hazards to users will occur.5.2 Cold StartThe power supply shall operate properly when first applied at normal input voltage and or so maximum load after 4 hours storage in 0 environment.4.2.5 Over-Current Protection6.1 Temperature and Humidity6. Environments6.1.1 OperatingTemperature 0 to 40C Relative Humidity 20 to 90 %o056.2 AltitudeThe power supply can operate normally at any altitude between 0 to 10000 feet.6.3 Vibration and ShockSweep and resonance search for each of X,Y,Z, axis at the sweep.RATE of 1/OCTAVE/Min.CE,FCC7. Conducted EMITUV CB TUV-cus8.1 Safety RequirementThe AC leakage current is less than 3.5mA when the power supply connect to 253Vac/50Hz .8.2 Leakage CurrentThe insulation resistance should be not less than 30M ohm after applying of 500VDC for 1 minute.8.3 Insulation ResistanceThe power supply shall withstand for 1 minute without breakdown the application of a 60Hz 1500V AC voltage applied between both input line and chassis (20mA DC cut-off current). Main transformer shall similarly withstand 3000Vac applied between both primary and secondary windings for a minimum of one minute.8.4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand8. Product SafetyA TTL compatible signal for the purpose of initiating an orderly start-up procedure under normal input operating conditions. During power up, this signal is asserted ( low ) until +5V is under regulation and AC reaches min. line specification range. After all voltage are going appropriate level, the system may have a turn on delay of 100mS, but nogreater than 500mS. During power off the signal should go to low level before +5V is out of regulation. The low level is 0 to 0.8V and high level is 4.75 to 5.25V. The " Power Good "signal can drive up to 6 standard TTL loads.9. Power Good Signal6.1.2 StorageTemperature -40 to 70CRelative Humidity 20 to 95 % noncondensingoTime Diagram Figure 1 * T1 : Turn on time ( 2 sec. Max.)* T2 : Rise time ( 20mS Max.)* T3 : Power good turn on delay time ( 100 < T3 < 500 mS )* T4 : Switch on time (0.5 sec. Max.)* T5 : Power good turn off delay time ( 1.0 mS Min.) PS-ON/OFF* T6 : Power hold-up time (16 mS Min.)* Power on-off cycle :When the power supply is turned off for a minimum of 2.0 sec. and turn on again, the power good signal will be asserted.10. MTBFThe MTBF of the power should be 100,000 hours min.11. Burn-In11.1 Input VoltageApplying 230Vac11.2 Test ConditionApplying 80% loads for the power supply in 40 (+/-5) oC chamber for 4 hours.12. HarmonicsThe product shall meet requirement for EN61000-3-2 & EN61000-3-3 :2003 standard of class D, test at 230Vac 50Hz.13. Power FactorThe power supply with active power factor correction, and meet the EN61000-3-2 standards, The power factor is greater than 0.95 at 230V/50Hz, Max. load.14. Mechanical Specification125 mm (W) × 63.5 mm (H) × 130mm (D)06。
•4 个电源模块 •4 条电源线 •1 个风扇框 •8 条以太网线 •4 条FC电缆 •不需要KVM交换机 •安装时间: 100 mins •电源消耗: 4KVA
RHEL 4.4
BR21:2*GE+2*SCSI BR22:2*GE+2*FC BR23:可选组合 BR25:可选组合
BR25 存储型接口模块:两块2.5英寸SAS硬盘 BR28 Flash接口模块:自带Flash高速存储
NR1x系列: NR10 / NR10e NR12 / NR13 NR2x系列: NR20 / NR21
Internal Interface
Interface Board
通过接口模块对外提供多种 GE / SCSI / FC / SAS接口组合
OS support
Windows, Linux
USM 通用服务器管理软件,KVM over IP,虚拟媒体
Page *
2 Hot Plug SAS/SATA HDDs RAID 0,1 support Integrated SAS controller (通过接口模块提供)
2 Hot Plug SAS/SATA HDDs RAID 0,1 support Integrated SAS controller (BH23刀片提供)
通讯指示灯以绿色闪烁,表示”发送到主机”;以红色闪烁, 表示“从主机接收”。电压指示灯表示正在为设备提供充足的 DC 电压。
• 易除式螺旋终端连接器 • 旋转地址开关 (1-16) • 支持以下组件的输入:
• 2 个读卡机 • 2 个 door monitor 开关 • 2 个出门请求 (Request-to-Exit) 开关 • AC 电源故障监视器* • 电池故障监视器* • 机壳防拆锁 (Enclosure Tamper)* *可配置成常规用途的输入
vertx_v100_CN.indd 2
7/23/07 9:13:53 AM
操作环境 室内,或者由客户提供的符合 NEMA-4 标准的机壳内部
V100 硬件安装手册说明书
OpenVox Communication Co.LtdV100 Hardware Installation ManualVersion: 2.2OpenVox Communication Co.LtdMost Advanced Asterisk CardsAddress: F/3, Block No.127, Jindi Industrial Zone, Shazui Road, Futian district, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China Tel:+86-755-82535461, 82535095, 82535362, Fax:+86-755-83823074BusinessContact:*****************.cnTechnicalSupport:*******************.cn Business Hours: 09:00-18:00(GMT+8) from Monday to FridayURL: Thank You for Choosing OpenVox Products!CopyrightCopyright© 2011 OpenVox Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without prior written permission.ConfidentialityInformation contained herein is of a highly sensitive nature and is confidential and proprietary to OpenVox Inc. No part may be distributed, reproduced or disclosed orally or in written form to any party other than the direct recipients without the express written consent of OpenVox Inc.DisclaimerOpenVox Inc. reserves the right to modify the design, characteristics, and products at any time without notification or obligation and shall not be held liable for any error or damage of any kind resulting from the use of this document.OpenVox has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this document is accurate and complete; however, the contents of this document are subject to revision without notice. Please contact OpenVox to ensure you have the latest version of this document.TrademarksAll other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners.EMCFCC Part 15 Class BEN55022 Class BEN55024SafetyEN60950ContentsGeneral Safety Instructions (4)Chapter 1 Overview (5)Chapter 2 Hardware Specifications (7)Chapter 3 Hardware Architecture (8)3.1 Core Module (8)3.2 Extender Board (8)Chapter 4 Hardware Installation (9)Appendix A V100 Application Topology (10)Appendix B V100 Interface Diagram (12)General Safety InstructionsCAUTION1.The computers that have V100 card installed must comply with thecountry’s specific safety regulations.2.Only service personnel should go to install V100 card.3.Before installing V100 card, please unplug the power cord andremove the cover from your PC.4.For avoiding personal injuries and damages to your machine andV100 card, make sure bracket of the card is secured to the PC’schassis ground by fastening the card with a screw.5.Electrical Surges, ESD are very destructive to the equipment. Toavoid it, make sure there is a low impedance discharge path fromyour computer to chassis ground.6.To reduce the risk of damage or injury, please follow all steps orprocedures as instructed.Chapter 1 OverviewOverviewBecause of its low bandwidth requirements, the voice data compression Codecs, such as G.729, G.726, G.723, G.722, iLBC, GSM,AMR,SIREN14 are commonly used in V oIP applications. The G.711 Codecs is commonly used in legacy telephone network. For bridging TDM to V oIP connectivity, it needs Codec transformation. Compared with transformation in software, the V100, which is based on Multicore-DSP, can convert more sessions of transcoding and relieves the host CPU resources.The V100 cards are rated to handle up to 32, 64, 128, 256, 400bi-directional Codec transformations, without additional licensing fees for transcoding.The V100 cards can be worked as PCI /PCIe form factors in one board. The V100 is also suitable for normal PCI/low profile PCI applications and can provide PCI/PCIe/RJ45 media/control flow paths. These features can save the cost and support flexible applications. The V100 can be worked with Asterisk® and FreeSWITCH®.FeaturesHigh density up to 30 to 400 transcodingNo addionnal License FeeSmall Size 2U Form FactorPCI&PCIe interface in one boardSupports Low Profile PCI/PCIeMulti Media/Control Flow PathsRelieves Host CPU LoadReleases API for IntegrationOS: Linux and WindowsIntegrates in Asterisk® and FreeSWITCH® Supports distributed or integrated applicationCodec Support•G.711 •G.729 •iLBC•G.722 •GSM •AMR•G.723 •G.726 •SIREN14Target ApplicationsHosted VoIP GateWayConferencing ServerIVR ServerDistributed Office PBXCall CentersChapter 2 Hardware SpecificationsDimension•Includes Low Profile PCI Short Form Factor in 2U Chassis• 64.1 × 119 × 8mm (PCB)Interfaces• PCI : 32bit/33MHz• PCIe: ×1• 10/100/1000 BASE-T RJ45Power Requirements•PCI: 2.5A, 3.3V Or PCIe: 0.3A, 3.3V; 0.6A, 12VOperating Temperature Range•0 to 50 °CHumidity•10 to 90% NON-CONDENSINGHardware and Software Requirements•PC with PCI/PCIe Slot•Windows/Linux in HostChapter 3 Hardware Architecture3.1 Core ModuleThe small size Core Module (See Figure 1) which is plugged into Extender Board, combines power supply , RAM and Flash, on-board Ethernet MAC, is used as powerful DSP in transcoding applications.3.2 Extender BoardThe Extender Board (See Figure 1) is a plug-on board for Core Module, and all external I/O interfaces are situated in it.Figure 1 Card, Module and ConnectorChapter 4 Hardware Installation1. Make sure the computer that have V100 card installed complies with the country specific safety regulations.2. Power off your computer and unplug it from its AC power source.3. Attach an Anti-static Wrist Strap to your wrist.4. Choose the appropriate bracket and install it in the right place. TheV100 is designed as PCI and PCIe Form Factors in one board, in addition, the V100 is suitable for normal PCI and low profile PCI applications. The factory setting is normal PCIe application. So, if your application is different, please replace the bracket to the right place. For example, if the V100 will be used as low profile PCI card, the default normal bracket has to be replaced with low profile bracket and the V100 has to be assembled as PCI card.5. Open the cover of the computer.6. Remove the bracket holder and insert the card into PCI/PCIe Slot.7. Firmly secure the card with a screw8. Replace the cover of the computer.9. Plug the UTP cable into RJ45 Jack of the V100 only if theMedia/Control Path is RJ45/UTP. (See Appendix B)10. Plug the AC power source and follow the software installation manual.Appendix A V100 Application TopologyT1/E1 Card G.729G.711ServerG.729...Figure 2 Aggregation TranscodingG.711T1/E1 CardServerG.729G.729...V100Figure 3 Distribution TranscodingAppendix B V100 Interface Diagram。
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SWA 2014.10.13
獅子湖項目是成都198绿带计划的一个有机组成部分。此項目共有530公顷,是在城市整体规划框架 中开发的一处综合性新建基础设施。作为一个可持续发展的生态开发范例,新建公园将成为成都大 型自然通风走廊之一,体现既与自然环境和谐共存又丰富多样的均衡式开发模式,与自然环境建立 新的对话。作为成都的绿肺之一,公园承担了过滤环境的职能。公园设计致力于为成都市民的长久 健康与福祉作出重要贡献。除生态环保职能外,新建公园也体现了成都地区在自然环境中休闲享受 的文化,在园内整个自然环境领域,充分尊重艺术与公众活动功能的需求、展示这些活动的特色 。
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方案将所有场地用户巧妙的与公园环境结合在一 起,在人工环境和自然环境之间形成一种有机融 合。
The Central Wetland Park presents an opportunity to provide both and education and recreation venue with a focus on the functions and values of wetlands as a living machine.
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All land uses are carefully integrated into the park environment creating a synergy between the built form and natural environment.
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中心湿地公园重在合理组织各类功能项目,并发 挥湿地环境作为生命机器的特性,提供寓教于乐 的活动场地。
The ecosystem created will expand the natural drainage system focused on creating a reinvigorated system as a living machine to treat and improve the quality of water from the Dong Feng Canal.
CHENGDU 198 ZONE 成都198
Th Lion lake is an integral part of Chengdu’s 198 Greenbelt Initiative. The project has 530 hectares and is within Chengdu’s 198 project, a comprehensive new green infrastructure set within the city’s overall framework. As a premier ecological model of sustainability, the new Park will serve as one of Chengdu’s great natural ventilation corridors, expressing a rich harmonious balance and a new dialogue with Nature. As part of the City’s green lungs and filter for the environment, the Park seeks to contribute significantly to the long term health and welfare of the Chengdu people. In concert with its ecological orientation, the new Park shares with her public Chengdu’s distinct culture of leisure in nature, adopting a progressive expression and appreciation for the arts and public programs throughout its natural realm.