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The Sled(雪橇) Dog Race was about to begin. Susan’s team of dogs was

lined up at the starting gate. Susan stood behind them. 16 teams were lined

up, too, and the dogs were excited. Susan kept her 17 on the clock. At

exactly ten o’clock, she and the other racers yelled, "Mush!" The dogs knew that

meant " 18 !" They ran forward and the race began!

Susan had trained months for this race, and she hoped she and her dogs would win. Day after day, Susan’s dogs 19 the sled in order to get ready for the race.

Now, they ran over snowy hills and 20 into deep valleys. They stopped only to rest and eat. The racers had to go a thousand miles across Alaska. Alaska is one of the 21 places on Earth. The dogs’ thick fur coats helped keep them warm. In many places along the route, the snow was deep. Pieces of ice were as 22 as a knife. The ice could cut the dogs’ feet. To keep that from happening, Susan had put special boots on their feet.

At first, the dogs seemed to pull the sled very slowly. They were 23 getting used to the race. On the third day, they began to pull more quickly. They worked as a 24 and passed many of the other racers. Once, one of the dogs dropped into a hole and the sled 25 . Susan could have given up then, but she didn't. She fixed it and they kept going.

When they finally reached the finish line, they found out that they had come in first place!

16. A. Others

17. A. eyes

18. A. Act

19. A. pushed

20. A. down

21. A. wettest

22. A. strong

23. A. almost

24. A. family

25. A. failed B. The others

B. hands

B. Go

B. carried

B. up

B. highest

B. hard

B. already

B. team

B. died

C. The other

C. head

C. Walk

C. pulled

C. around

C. lowest

C. sharp

C. yet

C. class

C. broke

D. Another

D. arms

D. Jump

D. drove

D. below

D. coldest

D. thick

D. still

D. queue

D. disappeared




We use alarm clocks every day in order to make sure we wake up on time. Alarm clocks used to be a simple product that shows the time and rings when set. Here we put together a list of cool

A.They can tell us time. B.They can ring loudly when set.

C.They can make us work for them. D.They wake us up on time.

27.If you are a music lover, which is the best choice according to the passage?

A.A hand grenade alarm clock. B.A carpet alarm clock.

C.A dumbbells alarm clock. D.An MP3 alarm clock.

28.To turn off the hand grenade alarm clock, what do you need to do?

A.Get out of the bed and turn it off.

B.Get out of the bed and throw it away.

C.Throw away the hand grenade alarm clock.

D.Shout at the hand grenade alarm clock madly.

29.What does the underlined sentence “but that would seem a little more difficult” mean?

A.Kids can wake up more easily than their parents.

B.It’s easy to ask kids to do something for you.

C.Kids hate to step on the carpet alarm clock.

D.It may be more difficult to wake kids up.

30.Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

A.A carpet alarm clock will stop ringing if you step on it with one of your feet.

B.You need to pick up the dumbbells alarm clock to turn the ringing off.

C.Some people may set the rings with birds’ sweet sound s.

D.The alarm clocks in the list are very cool indeed.


Every year, the French town of Menton hosts an event called the

Lemon Festival in the world. The Lemon Festival usually takes place

between mid-February until March. This is the second most important

festival in France and draws in a crowd of over 250,000 people.

During the festival, around 145 tons of oranges and lemons are sent

into the town. Over 300 workers work together to make giant

sculptures(雕塑) out of fruits.

Menton became the first producer of lemons in 1929. The lemons grown there are loved by the world’s star head co oks. Their special taste has le d to Menton’s title as the Lemon Capital of France. In the late 19th century, a town parade was held to encourage Menton’s winter tourism. The project was designed by rich holiday-makers and finally Menton became the place to spend the winter months. Kings, princes and artists filled the great and comfortable hotels or their own fantastic houses. Because of its great success, the streets were beautifully planted with oranges and lemons in the following years. In order to develop tourism, in 1934 the Lemon Festival was officially born.

Sleepy Menton becomes a world of color during the festival time. People find it very exciting and full of fun. Laughter and joy shine from happy faces everywhere. The festival is enjoyed for three whole weeks. Along with a daily Lemon and Orange Exhibition, parades on Sundays, fireworks on Thursday nights.

Every year there will be a special theme for the Lemon festival. This year the theme of the
