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100101 人民币(¥)

100102 美元(dollar)

100103 港币(Hongkong dollar)

100201 活期存款(currrent deposit)


10020102 银存-活期-农行

10020103 银存-活期-中行

10020104 银存-活期-兴业

10020105 银存-活期-交通

10020106 银存-活期-深发

10020107 银存-活期-浦发

100202 定期存款(fixed deposit)

10020201 银存-定期-工行

10020202 银存-定期-农行

10020203 银存-定期-中行

10020204 银存-定期-兴业

10020205 银存-定期-交通

10020206 银存-定期-深发

10020207 银存-定期-浦发

1009 其他货币资金other cash

100901 外埠存款

100902 银行汇票bank draft

100903 信用卡存款credit card deposit

100904 银行本票cashier's cheque

100905 信用证保证金

100906 委托存款consigned deposit

1101 短期投资(short-term investment)

110101 股票(stock)

110102 债券(bond)

110103 基金(funds)

110104 其他(others)

1102 短投跌价准备(short-term investment impairment provision)110201 股票(stock)

110202 债券(bond)

110203 基金(funds)

110204 其他(others)

1111 应收票据(Notes receivable)

11101 银行承兑(bank acceptance)

11102 商业承兑(trade acceptance)

1121 应收股利(dividends receivable)

1122 应收利息(interest receivable)

1131 应收账款

1 集团内部单位inside group

2 集团外部outside group

9 其他others

1133 其他应收款other receivables

1 集团内部单位other receivables-inside

2 集团外部other receivables-outside

8 员工other receivables-employee

9 其他other receivables-others

1141 坏账准备provision for bad debt

114101 应收帐款account receivable

114102 其他应收款other receivables

2131 预付账款Advanced to suppliers

1 集团内部单位inside group

2 集团外部outside group

9 其他others

1161 应收补贴款Subsidy receivable

1192 备用金

1201 物资采购materials purchasing

1205 在途物资materials in transit

1211 原材料raw materials

121101 (4)修理备用件Spare parts for repair and maintenance 121102 (5)燃料Fuel

1221 包装物Containers

1231 低值易耗品low value articles

123101 办公用低耗品low value articles for office

123102 工具类低耗品

1232 材料成本差异variance of material cost

1235 产品成本差异variance of product cost

1241 自制半成品semi-manufactured goods

1243 库存商品Goods sold in stock

1251 委托加工物资goods in outside processing

1261 委托代销商品 consigned finished goods

1271 受托代销商品good commissioned

1281 存货跌价准备Provision for Inventory impairment

01 原材料raw materials

02 包装物Containers

03 低值易耗品low value articles

04 库存商品Goods sold in stock

05 自制半成品Semi-finished goods

06 委托加工Stores in outside processing

07 委托代销good commissioned

08 发出商品Goods sold

09 分期收款发出商品Goods sold on installment

1291 分期收款发出商品Goods sold on installment

1292 发出商品Goods sold

1301 待摊费用Prepaid expense
