



Damon‘s younger brother.He was transformed(转化
) by Katherine Pierce in 1864.He turned his brother into a vampire because he was afraid he would be lonely.He loves Elena very much.He once left Elena because he didn't want to hurt her and her family. It shows that he loves her deeply.
Damon 达蒙
Compared with his brother Stephen , he is evil. He is humorous, charming but he is lonely. Elena changed him into a good man.
• He has a cool look but a kind heart.He loves Elena but he doesn't let her know,because he doesn't want to worry her .He ofen does some crazy things,but he is very care about Stefan and his friends.He always appears when they are in danger.
• stronger and faster than human
• won’t get old
• special skills :read and change















1. 一般认为,吸血鬼传说起源于人们对血的恐惧与崇拜。




2. 最早的吸血鬼形象难以确定,但一般来说主要有以下两种论点:该隐:因杀兄弟而受上帝诅咒。



Main characters Other supernatural beings The orginal
The vampire diaries
• stronger and faster than human • won‟t get old •walk outside in the daytime wearing mystic rings, without getting hurt from the sunshine . •special skills :read and change human‟s mind,hear sound farway,heal themselves…
“DEAR Diary, “This morning was different. There‟s been a change. I can sense it...” This is the beginning of one of Elena Gilbert‟s diary. Elena, 17, is the main female character of the popular American TV series, The Vampire Diaries .Her parents died in a car accident. She is friends with many vampires, witches and werewolves So she has a lot to tell her diary!
According to American professor John White, there are many reasons for the vampire craze .“There is forbidden love, as in Shakespeare,” she explained. “Magic and the promise of forever love from vampires make this more… magical.” The idea of immortal (永恒的) life may be the most attractive part to teenagers.


一旦成为血族的一员,便获得“不死之身”。血族是异于人类的生 物,身体组织发生全然的变化。血族的牙齿可以任意抽长,虽然大部份 的时候为了掩饰身份会隐藏起来。当血族吸血之后,会用自己的办法令 伤口愈合以掩盖痕迹。体内的血液以扩散的方式流动,由于微血管已不 再饱含血液,因此血族的皮肤特别苍白。有时候,甚至会在哭泣时流出 血泪。血族可利用体内的血来治愈自己,当受到伤害时,体内的血液会 集中到伤处,伤口附近泛出紫红色,很快即能痊愈。
交朋友。----------《 The Twilight Saga 》
• I’ll also show you a sweet dream next night.下一夜,我将继续向你展示一 个甜美的梦。 ----------《 Vampire Knight 》
• You are a vampire who never knew what life was until it ran out in a big gush over your lips.一个吸血鬼永远不会知道生活意味着什么,直到鲜
就在这里。 greatest gift you can give a human is to make them a vampire.
你能给予一个人类最伟大的礼物,就是把他变成吸血鬼。 ----------《True Blood》
biology, tissue happens utterly change. Bloodline teeth can be arbitrary pumping long, although most of the time in order to hide their identity will be hidden. When after the blood drains, will do all their own way to make



•TWILIGHT is a love story between a teenage girl and a vampire(吸血鬼). Bella (Kristen Stewart) is a girl who is different from others at her high school. When her mother sends Bella to live with her father in the little town of Forks, Washington, she doesn ‘t expect much of anything to change. Then she meets themysterious and beautiful Edward (Robert Pattinson), a boy unlike any she’s ever met. Edward and his family are vampires, but they are unique and don’t choose to drink human blood. Edward sees straight into Bella’s soul(灵魂).••Soon, they are swept up in a passionate(热烈的) romance. To Edward, Bella is what he has waited 90 years for - a soul mate (配偶). But the closer they get, the more Edward must struggle to resist(抵抗) the primal(原始的) pull of her scent(气味), which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy(发狂).••The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still in love with him. The two lovers swinged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, But in the supernatural (超自然现象的)world, there are too many danger involved, what is Bella and Edward going to do?••life's wheel is rolling all the time, but time is freezed to him, as bella is growing older as time goes by.he stays young forever,but her youngth is mortal.•生命的车轮在不停的转动,但是对于他却是静止的,而贝拉却在变老,一个永远的年轻,另一个却在漫漫的老去 !••Rity is a price to pay, if not love, or can not afford, then do not easily open your heart.Temptation and loneliness, this is not love, reasons.•爱是一种诚信,是需要付出代价的,如果不爱,或无法承受,那么就别轻易地将自己的心打开。



Bella's sweet scent attracts him -makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with her, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still uncontrollably in love with him.
The two lovers sw inged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the supernatural world, there are too many danger involved. so what is Bella and Edward going to do? we will see in the latest series Breaking Dawn.
The Vampire, by Philip Burne Jones, 1897

吸血鬼日记 英文 介绍 简介

吸血鬼日记 英文 介绍 简介

Elena Gilbert, a beautiful young girl caught between two vampire brothers. She’s always the one that everyone picks.
❀Katherine Pierce, the ruthless vampire the brothers knew and loved in the nineteenth lena’s little brother.a vampire hunter.
I think he do have an innocent look and his heart is pretty pure.No wonder Elena
cares him so much.
The Vampire
• The Vampire Diaries is an American television series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith.
Stefan Salvatore, a vampire struggling to live at peace with human beings.
Damon Salvatore,Stefan’s elder brother,the far more dangerous of two vampire brothers who share a long and bitter history.



Stephen (s君)
Since he gets crazy while drinking human blood, he only drinks rabbit blood. He has a soft heart and a handsome appearance . His love to Elena is like a stream. He loves her so much that he could sacrifice anything to protect her.
caroline (芭比) vampire
In the beginning of the series, she is shown as shallow, self-absorbed and envious of Elena. However, Caroline's character becomes multi-layered over the seasons and she matures. Now she is beautiful and strong and became one of the most popular characters in TVD.
The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama television series developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec (朱妈) , based on the book series of the same name written by L. J. Smith. The series premiered on The CW Television Network on September 10, 2009. The series takes place in Mystic Falls, Virginia, a fictional small town haunted by supernatural(超自然) beings. The main focus of the series is the love triangle between the protagonist Elena Gilbert(e圣母) (Nina Dobreva) and vampire-brothers Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) and Damon Salvatore (大萌)(Ian Somerhalder). As the narrative develops in the course of the series, the focal point shifts on the mysterious past of the town involving Elena‘s malevolent doppelganger(二重身) Katherine Pierce(k女王) and the family of Original Vampires, all of which have an evil agenda of their own.


中的一部分已经进入了休眠期。不过可以肯定的是密党(Camarilla)的核心领导层和魔 党的执政者都是玛土撒拉中拥有强大能力的一员。由于玛土撒拉背叛了第三代吸血鬼
的“遗训”,而成为了这些祖辈仇视的对象,因此这一辈的血族极度恐惧上古者,他们 也不断隐瞒关于上古者的种种历史中不利于自己的部分。在玛土撒拉的习俗中,
在现代时期的深夜中,越来越多的吸血鬼出现了,他们就是十四和十五代。这些在现 代诞生的血族相对于传统意义上的吸血鬼已经有所差别了。上帝的诅咒和吸血鬼血脉 的不断淡化。使得他们不仅在个人能力上有很大的退步,而且他们中的某些居然可以 在阳光下短暂行动,同时他们也能在人类社会中生活而不露出明显的⻢脚。 不过可 悲的是他们中的一些不幸者会和人类一样有衰老而亡的过程,只不过他们衰老的速度 要比凡人慢很多。
吸血鬼力量的人类,虽非“上古者”(第三代)生育下来的后代,但“初拥”后继承了第 三代吸血鬼的血统。传说他们的力量已经可以接近其祖辈,第三代进入休眠后即由这 些后辈继承其权利。时至今日,还继续在活动的玛士撒拉已经越来越少了,据说他们
参加圣战的那些吸血鬼中,大多数都是属于这几代的。由于他们的领导者有着强大感 应力和魔力,所以他们通常被第三代吸血鬼和玛士撒拉作为士卒。虽然他们中的某些 人已经开始意识到自己是别人手中的棋子,但是仍然无法改变自己的命运。密党中属 于这几代的成员大都具有几个世纪的年龄,而那些年轻的密党成员也习惯将他们称为
3)害怕照射到阳光,在太阳下会烧起来变成灰。(源自于古代焚烧疑似吸血 鬼的尸体) 4)渴望鲜血,具有很强的恢复能力,普通武器包括枪械很难使吸血鬼致命。 5)惧怕十字架和大蒜。这一点在现代作品中越来越少出现,往往出现在一些 戏谑性作品中。 6)没有影子,在镜子中也不会照出倒影。(可能是因为传说吸血鬼没有灵魂) 7)有思想,会交谈,具有不死之身和超自然能力,例如心灵控制等等。 8)可以通过称为初拥的仪式将正常人类转变为吸血鬼{初拥:一般人以为只 要被吸血鬼吸血就会变成吸血鬼,这是错的!如果上述说法

the vampire吸血鬼英文介绍

the vampire吸血鬼英文介绍

Underworld reimagines Vampires as a secretive clan of modern, aristocratic sophisticates whose mortal enemies are the Lycans (werewolves), a shrewd gang of street thugs who prowl the city's underbelly. The balance of power is upset when a beautiful young Vampire and a newly made Lycan (Vampires and Lycans being deadly rivals for centuries) fall in love.
A man who wants to
become a member of bloodline, must first go through the "The Embrace" process. That is to say, he must first exhaust his blood to become a member of blood family, and then immediately accept the blood of a vampire.
The origin of vampire
The family of vampire
The features of vampire
The works of vampire
Mesopotamia civilization(美索不达米 亚文明). The early ancient Hebrew civilization(古 希伯来文明) The civilization of ancient Rome.(古罗马 文化)



The typical image of the vampire : long and sharp teeth, white skin, red eyes, and they have supernatural powers. Besides, they will never grow old.
Pale face
At the age of 17 Elena Gilbert still beating tumultuously responded with fixed, efforts from four months ago that took them to recover the parents of the traffic accident. Everything has changed since she met Stefan Salvatore, a vampire who has lived for 162 years.
Their relationship become increasingly complicated as Stefan‟s brother Damon returns with a plan to wreak havoc on the town and also to plan a revenge against his younger brother. Both of them show ir affection towards Elena because of her resemblance to their past love Katherine Pierce. How can Elena choose? It‟s a question from the 3 series.


• The Vampire Diaries is recomposed according to the L.J. Smith’s the same name best-selling novel series. • Although the show is based on the books of the same name, many of the characters are changed. Beginning in season one, ten characters received star billing, with one being written out and another being promoted.
• Strong and faster than human • Won’t get old • Have special skills:read and change human’s mind, hear sound farway,heal themselves • Walk outside in the daytime wearing mystic rings ,without getting hurt in the sunshine
Vampire original Supernatural超自然 creature Hybrid Have strong power Love Caroline Sometimes he feel himself inferior (自卑)
Vampire original He was such a virtuous vampire He always fit his deeds to his words. Sometimes he help Elena




下面是店铺给大家整理的吸血鬼的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!吸血鬼的英文怎么写英 [ˈvæmpaɪə(r)] 美 [ˈvæmˌpaɪr]vampire吸血鬼的英语例句1. The town of whitby was immortalised in Bram Stoker's famous Dracula story.惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。

2. The bloodsucker was put to death by the peasants there and then.吸血鬼当场立即被农民杀掉了.3. The usurers are leeches; they have drained us dry.高利贷者是吸血鬼, 他们吸干了我们的血汗.4. " Ah, you sucker, " he heard some one say.“ 啊, 你这个吸血鬼, " 他听到有人说.5. Dracula appeared, draped in a huge cloak.吸血鬼披着一件大斗篷走了出来.6. Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉.7. We have already sent one of ouranti - vampire experfsto Cheddar Village.我们已经派了一队我们的反吸血鬼专家去了村子.8. The most effective weapon against the vampires is avampire itself.对付吸血鬼最有效的武器就是吸血鬼自己.9. If vampires existed , don ` t you think we would ` ve found them by now?如果真有吸血鬼,那我们怎么还没有找到他们呢 ?10. Who would win in a fight between Dracula and the Wolfman?吸血鬼德拉库拉和狼人肉搏你觉得谁会赢?11. What attracts you in the lesbian vampires?女同性恋吸血鬼究竟在哪点吸引你了呢 ?12. Getting hard was the only case for you to turn to a vampire?勃起是使你变成吸血鬼唯一的办法吗 ?13. Rinaldo: There are no greater treasures for those who become vampires.莱: 对吸血鬼来说,没有更珍贵的东西了.14. He went off into the night like a vampire.他消失在夜幕里,活像一个吸血鬼.15. Vampires are patrolling the area looking for anyone stealing those gems.吸血鬼巡逻区域寻找任何人窃取那些宝石.vampire的双语例句1. It wasn't a wife waiting there for him but a blood sucking vampire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!2. Children were afraid to go to sleep at night because of the many legends of vampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉.3. We have already sent one of ouranti - vampire experfsto Cheddar Village.我们已经派了一队我们的反吸血鬼专家去了村子.4. You made a goddamn vampire Pomeranian?你们创造了一只吸血波美拉尼亚犬?5. Getting hard was the only case for you to turn to a vampire?勃起是使你变成吸血鬼唯一的办法吗 ?6. He went off into the night like a vampire.他消失在夜幕里,活像一个吸血鬼.7. I used to think the prince is a vampire.我想那个王子是只吸血鬼.8. I was a newborn vampire at beauty of the night.我是个新生的吸血鬼,为夜色之美而伤感.9. Will Elena become a vampire and stay together with Stefan forever?埃琳娜会成为吸血鬼和斯特凡永远在一起吗 ?10. I don't think a vampire any responsibility to anybody.我不认为吸血鬼队任何人有责任.11. Yes, Edward's human musical ability was enhanced in his vampire life.可以的, 爱德华人类时的音乐才能在吸血鬼生命中就得到了提升.12. The Hery Henry Milker is a hand operated vampire pomphand - operated vacuum pump.亨利的挤奶器是一个用手操作的真空泵.13. Mr. Vampire: Thanks. I want to see where I am.吸血鬼先生: 谢谢, 我想知道自己身在何方.14. Mr. Vampire: Excuse me. Can you help me please?吸血鬼先生: 对不起, 请问可以帮我一下吗 ?15. Snape will not be revealed to be a vampire.斯内普不会被揭示是一个吸血鬼.。


Tremere是已知的氏族中历史最短的之一,他是在黑暗时代早期由一群炼金术师所建立。Tremere最初的成员是一群渴望永恒生命的人类法师,通过炼金术、魔法和一个tzimisce长老的学得到了吸血的能力。通过学习和奉献,他们掌握了一种新形式的魔法“Thaumaturgy”。某些血族认为Tremere族根本不是吸血鬼,而是一群在永生研究中诅咒自己不死的人类法师,由于他们成为吸血鬼的方式不被其他血族所认可,他们成为了其它吸血鬼氏族的敌人。不过,由于Tremere成员在抵挡人类发起的“超自然生物歼灭战争”(The Inquisition)中所作出的贡献,以及他们在严守避世戒律方面的表现(The Masquerade),Tremere终于在密党中有了一席之地。在密党中,Tremere用他们的魔力证明了自己是强大的盟友。当然,也可能是危险的敌人。事实上,Tremere为密党使用它们的魔力的次数和为了自己使用的次数差不太多。
一般认为brujah是血族中最适合战斗的氏族。确实,brujah成员提个基础是所有成员中最好的。他们是优秀的学者和战士,致力于追求身体和心灵的完美,不过brujah成员信仰观念的复杂程度也是血族成员中数一数二的。从纳粹主义者到环境论这都可以在这找到。外人看来brujah只是一群乌合之众,仅仅因为对权威的蔑视才使他们走到了一起。这种说法并不完全正确,但是与事实也差不太远了。有一个笑话说,brujah还留在密党的唯一原因就是他们之中没有一个能完全代表他们去填离党协议。事实上brujah的不统一主要因为他们的成员人数。没有任何其他氏族有像brujah那么多的成员成为无政府主义者,几乎每天晚上都有brujah成员背离密党的事情发生。一般认为近代的brujh族就像被宠坏的孩子,缺乏荣誉感与历史感。身为大反动(Great anarch revolt)的支柱,brujah族很少屈服于秘隐同盟的建立者,队长老的广安也普遍不佳。虽然Brujah族算是秘隐同盟的成员,但他们却是同盟中的煽动者,不断试探戒律的底线,并为了一己的信念反抗团体。许多brujah族都是激进的反动者,他们藐视权威,不把亲王放在眼里。尽管如此,Brujah成员仍然被认为是最重要的战士,因为在面对面的战斗中,没有那种吸血鬼比他们更可怕。



十字架 圣餐中的饼 大蒜 圣水 木桩刺穿心脏 阳光
传说中的第一个吸血鬼 ●莉莉斯
在欧洲,从历史开始的 时候,吸血鬼的传说也 同时蔓延。 推测表示吸血鬼的故事 最早来自远东,商人们 通过贸易航路把传说带 到了东欧,诞生了现代 版本的吸血鬼神话。斯 拉夫语地区的吸血鬼民 间传说最多,历史可以 追溯到基督教与异教信 仰激烈冲突的9世纪。
历史上,人类对于吸血鬼种族的首次认识始于1484年。 当时整个欧洲处于吸血鬼的战争之下。吸血鬼族群在 夜间出动,大范围与人类初拥。很多一部分人无法接 受初拥而导致神经紊乱。因为接受初拥的人类症状与 瘟疫相仿,所以当时的人类社会认为这又是一次大范 围的瘟疫。 许多人类在未完全死亡的时候, 或者在初拥的作用未回复之前 就被他们的同类埋入地下的墓 穴,几天以后,由于某种原因, 人们打开坟墓,发现这些尸体 已经变了姿势,还沾有血迹, 那是人类初次接触到的吸血鬼。 从此,吸血鬼的传说就在东普 鲁士,西里西亚,波希米亚等 地流传。
初拥 即初次拥抱 被吸食者接受吸食者的血液,两种血 液融合才有可能变成吸血鬼。这种血 液融合的现象会带给被吸食者以完全 奇妙的感受,这个过程被成为“初次 拥抱”,
传说被基督教开除基督教教籍的人,自杀者,暴死 者,巫师,早夭的孩子,以及所有死后没有进行基 督教葬礼的人,都可能成为传说中的吸血鬼. 而那些出生时嘴里遍有牙齿的人,头顶上有胎膜的 人,瞳仁颜色极深或瞳仁颜色极浅的人,长着红棕 色头发的人,身上有红斑的人以及被认为,类似与 出卖耶稣的犹大相类似的人,以及,而所谓的吸血 鬼的后代.他们被认为是注定会成为吸血鬼的.
● 长而尖利的犬牙
● 皮肤苍白




下面是小编给大家整理的吸血鬼的英文怎么写,供大家参阅!吸血鬼的英文怎么写英[vmpa(r)]美[vmpar]vampire吸血鬼的英语例句1.Thetownofwhitbywasimmortalisedinbramstoker'sfamou sDraculastory.惠特比镇因为布拉姆·斯托克著名的吸血鬼故事而名传后世。

2.Thebloodsuckerwasputtodeathbythepeasantsthereandt hen.吸血鬼当场立即被农民杀掉了.3.Theusurersareleeches;theyhavedrainedusdry.高利贷者是吸血鬼,他们吸干了我们的血汗.4."Ah,yousucker,"heheardsomeonesay.“啊,你这个吸血鬼,"他听到有人说.5.Draculaappeared,drapedinahugecloak.吸血鬼披着一件大斗篷走了出来.6.childrenwereafraidtogotosleepatnightbecauseofthem anylegendsofvampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉.7.wehavealreadysentoneofouranti-vampireexperfstoche ddarVillage.我们已经派了一队我们的反吸血鬼专家去了村子.8.Themosteffectiveweaponagainstthevampiresisavampir eitself.对付吸血鬼最有效的武器就是吸血鬼自己.9.Ifvampiresexisted,don`tyouthinkwewould`vefoundthe mbynow?如果真有吸血鬼,那我们怎么还没有找到他们呢?10.whowouldwininafightbetweenDraculaandthewolfman?吸血鬼德拉库拉和狼人肉搏你觉得谁会赢?11.whatattractsyouinthelesbianvampires?女同性恋吸血鬼究竟在哪点吸引你了呢?12.gettinghardwastheonlycaseforyoutoturntoavampire?勃起是使你变成吸血鬼唯一的办法吗?13.rinaldo:Therearenogreatertreasuresforthosewhobec omevampires.莱:对吸血鬼来说,没有更珍贵的东西了.14.hewentoffintothenightlikeavampire.他消失在夜幕里,活像一个吸血鬼.15.Vampiresarepatrollingthearealookingforanyonestea lingthosegems.吸血鬼巡逻区域寻找任何人窃取那些宝石.vampire的双语例句1.Itwasn'tawifewaitingthereforhimbutabloodsuckingva mpire!家里的不是个老婆,而是个吸人血的妖精!2.childrenwereafraidtogotosleepatnightbecauseofthem anylegendsofvampire.由于听过许多有关吸血鬼的传说,孩子们晚上不敢去睡觉.3.wehavealreadysentoneofouranti-vampireexperfstoche ddarVillage.我们已经派了一队我们的反吸血鬼专家去了村子.4.youmadeagoddamnvampirepomeranian?你们创造了一只吸血波美拉尼亚犬?5.gettinghardwastheonlycaseforyoutoturntoavampire?勃起是使你变成吸血鬼唯一的办法吗?6.hewentoffintothenightlikeavampire.他消失在夜幕里,活像一个吸血鬼.7.Iusedtothinktheprinceisavampire.我想那个王子是只吸血鬼.8.Iwasanewbornvampireatbeautyofthenight.我是个新生的吸血鬼,为夜色之美而伤感.9.willelenabecomeavampireandstaytogetherwithstefanf orever?埃琳娜会成为吸血鬼和斯特凡永远在一起吗?10.Idon'tthinkavampireanyresponsibilitytoanybody.我不认为吸血鬼队任何人有责任.11.yes,edward'shumanmusicalabilitywasenhancedinhisv ampirelife.可以的,爱德华人类时的音乐才能在吸血鬼生命中就得到了提升.12.Theheryhenrymilkerisahandoperatedvampirepomphand -operatedvacuumpump.亨利的挤奶器是一个用手操作的真空泵.13.mr.Vampire:Thanks.IwanttoseewhereIam. 吸血鬼先生:谢谢,我想知道自己身在何方.14.mr.Vampire:excuseme.canyouhelpmeplease? 吸血鬼先生:对不起,请问可以帮我一下吗?15.snapewillnotberevealedtobeavampire.斯内普不会被揭示是一个吸血鬼.看过吸血鬼的英文怎么写的人还看了:1.吸血鬼用英文怎么说2.吸血鬼用英语怎么说3.僵尸用英语怎么说4.希腊用英语怎么说希腊共和国,是地处欧洲东南角,...5.冬至用英语怎么说马上就是冬至,作为中国农历中一...最后,小编希望文章对您有所帮助,如果有不周到的地方请多谅解,更多相关的文章正在创作中,希望您定期关注。




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What is a vampire
① Vampires are mythological or folkloric beings who subsist by feeding on the life essence of living creatures, regardless of whether they are undead or a living person.
They were most commonly thought of as spirits or demons(恶魔) that left their graves at night to seek and enslave their victims; it was thought that the victims themselves became vampires.
145 years before~
Supernatural Powers of Vampire
• Never grow old • Control other's mind with their eyes • Move faster
The vampire can control others with eyes
Supernatural Powers of Vampire
• Never grow old • Control other's mind with their eyes • Move faster
An Interesting Quiz.
1. Are you hands and feet cold all the time?
• If they want to walk outside in the day,they should wear something that are made by witches ,such as ring.
• All the vampires can be killed by the fire,though they have much supernatural power.
Beautiful Intelligent Elegant Noble
Every possible super power.
• • • • • Never die Speed Power Mind reader Future prediction
•Do you believe there are vampires in the world?
• 5、Would you rather party all day, or party all night? A. Party all night. B. How about party all late afternoon-ish? C. Party all day. 6、What is your favorite time of year? A. Winter. B. Spring、、 Fall C. Summer
The Vampire, by Philip Burne Jones, 1897
Three main legends
Cain (该隐)
Judah (犹大)
Satan (撒旦)
• the son of Adam and Eve • Because he killed his brother so he was cursed by god
• • • • stake (木桩) sun fire a plant of vervain (马鞭草)
stake (木桩)
• The vampires can be killed by being stabbing into their hearts with stakes. • If they are stabbed into other parts of bodies,they will not be killed.
Main Characristics of Vampire
• white skin • long and sharp teeth • red eyes
Pale face
Long and sharp teeth
Red Eyes
Supernatural Powers of Vampire
• Never grow old • Control other's mind with their eyes • Move faster
7.When you see a bat you think... A. It might be a vampire. B. Nature is a wonder, they 'see' with sonar. C. Hello, brother
8.What is your favorite time of day? A. I am a night owl, and I like to party all night long. B. I'm a morning person. I love the sound of roosters crowing as the sun comes up over the horizon. C. Anytime the sun isn't above the horizon
② In other words, vampires are the creatures that feed on with blood.
What is a vampire
Although they typically described as undead, some minor traditions believed in vampires that were living people.
• If the vampires are basked on the sun, they will turn to dust and ashes.
• If the vampires are basked on the sun, they will turn to dust and ashes.
• As we all know, he is a traitor(叛 徒),so god made him live in the night, and can never die.
• A rebellion demon from the Christian legends
3.While relaxing, you... A. Try to look cool B. Read Anne Rice books C. Lounge around
4.You go over to someone's house.How do you get inside? A. I saunter in, cloaked in darkness. B. Through a door. C. I fly in the window.
History of Vampire
It can date back to the early nineteenth century when vampires were recorded in the folkloric tales.
History of Vampire
• Early folkloric belief in vampires has been ascribed(归因于) to the ignorance of the body‘s process of decomposition(腐烂) after death and how people in pre-industrial societies tried to rationalize this, creating the figure of the vampire to explain the mysteries of death.
Interview with the Vampire 《夜访吸血鬼》 Dracula 《 惊情四百年》
TVs about Vampires
The Originals 《初代吸血鬼》
The Vampire Diaries 《吸血鬼日记》
Why Are They So Popular?
Charming appearance.
• Werewolf
• A werewolf is a creature of both human and wolf nature. It is able to change appearance from man to wolf when the moon is round every month. • If a vampire is bitten by a werewolf, he will be died.
A. Yes ,no matter what season. B. It depends on the weather. C. No ,they are warm all the time. 2. Are you often called a beauty? A. Sometimes B. Quit often C. Never

The Results Of the Quiz. All the options you made has a score, with A equals 1, B
equals 2, and C equals 3. Then add them up, the sum score decides what you might be.