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1.m any Chinese students

2.t wo exciting days

3.m y favorite English songs


1.o ur great powerful motherland,

2.t he beautiful large garden,

3.a comfortable bright meeting-room,

4.a ny lovely clever children


1.t he first three newcomers,

2.t he last few weeks

3.一How was your recent visit to Qingdao?—It was great.We visited 8

friends, and spent the days at the seaside .

A.few last sunny B.1ast few sunny

C.1ast sunny few D.few sunny hst



1) an old exalting story

2) my new Australian friend

3) two tall strong-looking policemen

4) a good effective method.


1) a handmade wood chair

2) a newly-built stone store house


1.a ll the long old white stone bridges

2.a high old grey stone building

3.h er lovely children


1.a ll the long bridges

2.t he old white walls

3.t he widest Chinese river

4.a newly built Japanese factory


(1)such/what/quite +a(an)+adj.+ n.

(2)so/too/how/as+ adj. +a(an)+ n.

(3)亦可有句型:a(an)+quite/rather+ adj. a(n)+ n),如:

1.I t is such a beautiful day,isn’t it?

2.H ow beautiful a country China is!

3.Y ou are as brave a boy as the little hero, aren't you?

4.I t was quite a cold day(a quite cold day).



1.I s there anything nice recently?

2.T he boy found something strange in that room.

(2)副词做定语要后置。某些表示地点、方位、时间的副词作定语时,通常要后置。常见作后置定语的副词有:back, here, there, above, below,,abroad,in,out,before,yesterday,downstairs, upstairs等等。如:

1) I bought it on my way home. Who else wants to try?

2) The people there are very polite to visitors.

3) The air here is very fresh. 这儿的空气很新鲜。

4) Listen to the tape and fill in the correct information in the space below.

5) The people there are very friendly. 那里的人们非常友好。

6) The child was lost in the crowd and couldn’t find the w ay back.那个孩子在人群中迷路了,找不到回去的路了。

7) When do you think the inventions in the pictures above were made? 你认为上面图片里的物体是什么时候发明的?

8) The man downstairs got home very late that night.楼下的那个人那天晚上回来得很晚。

9) It had been fine the day before. 前一天的天气很好。

10)Please fetch me the electric shaver from the room downstairs.请帮我把楼下房间里的电动剃须刀拿来。

11) It is for the people on the floors.


1.I've got a letter to type out.

2.H e’s such a man—easy to get along with.


1.T here stood a high tower—alone on the bank of the lake.

2.T he boy caught a strange fish—alive in the pond now.


1.S he has an eight-year-old brother.(前置定语)

2.S he has a brother of eight years old.(后置定语)
