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1、 A、stand B、sit C、door ()

2、 A、pen B、pencil

C、cake ()3、 A、dog B、cat C、one () 4、A、bird B、dog C、 fine () 5、 A、 black B、 my C、 blue 二、将正确的单词选项填在题前括号里。A、铅笔 B、风筝 C、书包







J、礼物 1.yellow ()2.schoolbag () 3.desk () 4.school() 5.father () 6.present () 7.pencil () 8.kite()9.green () 10. eleven()三、连线。 1.green 农民 2.blackboard 熊猫 3.panda 司机 4.driver 黑板 5.farmer 绿色6.where 生日7.present 警察8.birthday 救命9.help 哪里0.policeman 礼物四、选择() 1、What___your name? --I am Sam. A. amB. isC. are () 2、---How_____ you? -- Im fine, thank you. A. AmB. IsC. are () 3、 Whats this? --- _______ A. This is a desk.B. That is a dogC.They are doors. ()4、Point ___the door, please. A. upB. toC. an ()5、Sit ______ ,Lingling. A.upB. downC.\ ()6、Whats that ? A. 那是什么?B.这是什么?()7、How many____? A. a boyB. boyC.

boys ()8、This is my classroom. A. 这是我的教室。B.这是我的班级。()9、Is this your sister?

A.Yes,I am.

B.Yes,it is.

C.No,it is. ()10、Point to the desk. A. 指向门。B. 指向桌子五、请找出下面句子的中文意思,将其编号写在前面的括号里。()1、I dont know. A.这是一只帽子。()2、Is this your mother? B.他是一个司机。()3、This is a cap. C.我不知道。()4、Heres your book.

D.这是你母亲吗?()5、He is a driver.

E.这是你的书。六、情景交际。()1、你要向同学介绍自己的妈妈,你应该这样说: A. This is my mother.B. Is this your mother? ()2、你要向家长介绍自己的英语老师,你应该这样说: A. This is my English teacher.B. This is my school. ()3遇到危险时,你应该这样用英语求助: A. Good afternoon.B. Help. ()4.爸爸过生日,你该这样祝福他: A. Happy birthday!B. Thank you. ()5、当询问别人多大了,可以说: A.Good morning.B. How old are you ? 【篇二】小学三年级英语同步练习题

一、判断下列字母划线部分的读音是否相同,相同的用√表示,不同的用×表示。()1. me meet ()2. tie tip ()3. good go ()4. coat boat ()5. is has 二、找出一个划线部分的读音与其他两个不同的来,将其标号填入括号内。()1. A. make B.

wait C. cat ()2. A. cake B. cap C. glad ()3. A. too B. fox C. zoo ()4. A. thin B. five C. time ()5. A. but B. mum C. usually 三、按单词的中文意思填入所缺字母。 1. cl_ _n(清洁) 2. r_ _m(房间) 3. th_n(瘦的) 4. s_hoolbag(书包) 5. u_u_lly(通常) 6. h_m_(家)7. sl_ _p(睡觉)8. M_s(女士)9. n_w(新的)10. t_ll(高的)四、将下列单词或词组和对应的中文意思用直线连接。wait for 停止at home 当然of course寻找look for非常very much 在家stop 等待五、从下列情景中找出正确的英语表达形式,将序号填入题前括号内。()1. 当你询问对方什么时候写作业时说: A. What are you doing? B. When do you do homework? C. Who are you? ()2. 当你告诉别人我正在跳舞时,说: A.

I am singing. B. I am writing. C. I am dancing. ()

3. 当你询问这个男孩是什么样子的时候,说: A. Whats his name? B. Whats the boy doing? C. What is the boy like? ()

4. 当你询问他们正在干什么时,说:A. What are they doing? B. When do they go home?

C. Where are they going? 六、根据问语找出答语,并用直线连接起来。What are you doing? She is working.What is she doing?I am drawing. What is your bike like? She is tall. When do you
