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1、Intercultural communication p6

2、There are three kinds of things you need to learn if you want to be able to communicate effectively with Westerners. First, you need to learn a foreign language, usually English. Second, you should learn as much as possible about Western cultures. However, studying English language and western culture is not enough. You should also learn something about what happens when people from different cultures try to communicate with each other-in other words, "intercultural communication." Intercultural communication can help Interpret what foreigners mean.

3、Culture p13

A white farmer in Illinois, a black banker in New York and a Latino Walmart worker in Miami look different on the outside, but the ideas and information in their heads will have much in common. You could say they are three different bands of computers that look different on the outside, but have a lot of the same software and data. It is these shared ideas that make a group of people into a culture. A culture is essentially a group of people who carry many of the same ideas in their heads.

4、Stereotypes p15

5、It is a derogatory word. It means that image, idea, character that has become fixed or standardized in a conventional form without individuality and is therefore false and shallow. Stereotypes may have a basis in fact, but they are too broad and shallow. They give us the mistaken idea that a culture can be summed up easily in a few short , simple statements. Stereotypes are also dangerous because they may trick us into believing that knowing a few stereotypes is the same thing as understanding another culture.

6、Interpretation p24 对外国人进行揣摩

A very important aspect of intercultural communication is “interpretation”, the process of deciding what foreigners’words and actions mean and why they do what they do. Interpretation is a part of all communication-even the most simple conversations. The words only convey part of the meaning of the message, so you need to use other evidence to help you interpret what he means and decide how to respond. The way you interpret words and actions of individual foreigners will shape how you evaluate those people.

5、Individualist p32

Individualist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as individuals and emphasize the needs of individuals. In general, Western

culture tends to be individualist. They view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contacts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages to associating with others.

6、Collectivist p32

Collectivist culture is one in which people tend to view themselves as members of groups (families, work units, tribes, nations), and usually consider the needs of the group to be more important than the needs of individuals. Most Asian cultures, including China's, tend to be collectivist. People see themselves as parts of one or more collectives; are primarily motivated by the norms of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of these collectives over their own personal goals; and emphasize their connectedness to members of these cultures.

7、Hierarchy p50

Hierarchy is differences in rank and power. Every society has hierarchy to some degree. In other words, some people have higher rank and more power than others, perhaps because they are older, stronger, wealthier, or have some kind of official position. On the other hand, however, most modern societies also believe that equality is a virtue, at least to some extent. So each culture needs to find its own balance between hierarchy and equality. Western cultures try to de-emphasize differences in rank and power by creating as much appearance of equality as possible and emphasize egalitarian(平等主义) more than others.

8、Culture shock/fatigue文化冲击 P58

The constant effort and uncertainty of dealing with a foreign language and culture can lead to a condition called “culture shock/fatigue”. It is a feeling of being confused and overwhelmed by life in another culture. People who experience culture shock often feel fatigued, impatient and irritable. They may also begin trying to avoid interaction with foreigners, and even become increasingly critical and hostile toward them. Foreigners in China sometimes experience culture shock —and so do Chinese who go to live in other countries.

9、High context 背景重要的文化(中日)

In collectivist cultures, people tend to communicate in a way that is more indirect and subtle, and listeners are expected to take more responsibility for interpreting messages correctly. This communication style is called “high context” because people are expected to pay much attention to the
