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*The symptom after damaging the area is hard paralysis of opposite side muscles of the limbs, parts of facial muscles and lingual muscles.
Primary somatic sensory cortex
• Limbic lobe is a part of the
limbic system.
• Cingulate gyrus扣带回 Hippocampus gyrus海马回
• Mammillary bodies
• Amygdala杏仁核
• Olfactory bulb嗅球
The postcentral gyrus (+posterior portion of paracentral lobule) is somatosensory area, which receives impulses from contralateral somatic sensory organs.--thalamocortic tract
Cerebral Hemispheres
1 external morphology and lobes
1) Left and right cerebral hemispheres are almost completely separated by the longitudinal cerebral fissure.
*The motor area of one side generally supplies opposite muscles of the body.一般交叉性管理
*The motor area gives off pyramidal tract. The lower one third of the precentral gyrus gives off the corticonuclear tract. The corticospinal tract arises from the upper two thirds of precentral gyrus and anterior part of the paracentral lobule.
2. Character:
*The projection of the body is inverted. But, the head and face is not inverted. 倒置投影,头面正位
*The surface area of the projection area of the parts of body is adaptability with flexibility of muscular movement.
Temporal lobe
Superior temporal sulcus Superior, middle, inferior Inferior temporal sulcus temporal gyrus
Transverse temporal gyrus
Temporal lobe
• Septum 隔区
• Fornix穹窿
• Epithalamus ,hypothalamus
Functions of the limbic system concerned with
• Reflex of the olfactory 嗅觉反射 • Visceral action 内脏活动 • Morale action 情绪活动 • Memory 记忆….
function of cortex of the hemisphere
Primary somatic motor cortex (area)
1. The precentral gyrus and anterior portion of paracentral
lobule is somatomotor area, and control contralateral
5 lobes are frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe and the insula.
3) Important sulcus and gyrus on each lobe
Frontal lobe Precentral sulcus Precentral gyrus superior, middle, inferior frontal gyrus Parietal lobe Postcentral sulcus Postcentral gyrus Intraparietal sulcus:顶内沟 superior & inferior parietal lobule (supramarginal gyrus 缘上回 & angular gyrus ) 角回
Parahippocampal gyrus
Cuneus 楔叶
Uncus 钩
Lingual gyrus 舌回
Cortexes of both calcarrins sulcus
Paracentral lobule Corpus callosum
Calcarrins sulcus
Limbic lobe & Limbic system
The transverse cerebral fissure lies between the hemispheres and cerebellum.
2) 3 sulcus divided the hemispheres into the 5 lobes.
3 sulcus are the lateral sulcus, central sulcus and parietooccipital sulcus.