






光致发光主要有以下几种形式: (1本征发光:导带到价带光致发光主要有以下几种形式的跃迁(C V,辐射的光子能量为hv=Eg(禁带宽度;(2自由激子复合发光(EX→V,光子能量为hv=Eg-Eex,其中Eex为自由激子束缚能;(3束缚激子复合发光(EX→B,光子能量为hv= Eg-EB-E’ex , 其中E’ex 为电子空穴束缚能,EB为杂质对激子的束缚能。

(4施主能级到价带的复合发光(D V,光子能量为hv=Eg-ED, 其中ED为施主能级。

(5导带到受主能级的复合发光(C A,光子能量为hv=Eg-EA,其中EA为受主能级。


著 的进 步 。
能 够用 于制 备 Z O薄 膜 的技 术很 多 , n 常见 的有 磁 控 溅 射 法 'J 化 学 气 相 沉 积 ¨ 溶 胶一 凝 胶 m、 、 法 ]脉冲激 光沉 积 ] 分 子束 外 延 法 [ ]金属 有 、 ”、 1、 4
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
具有 良好 的光 电性 能。近 年来 随 着 Z O光 泵 浦 紫 n
期 第2 5卷 第 1
2 1 0 0年
山 东 建 筑 大 学 学 报
V 1 2 N . o. 5 o1 F b e. 2 1 00
文 章编 号 :6 3— 64 2 1 ) 1 0 1 0 17 74 ( 00 0 — 0 0— 4
0 引 言
Z O是一种 宽禁 带 直接 带 隙 半 导体 材 料 , n 由于 在室 温下具有 较 高 的激 子束 缚 能 ( 0 e ¨ , 6 m V) J 因此
备工 艺 比较 简单 , 有助 于降低光 电器件 的制作成本 。 最近 , 制备 高质量 的外延 性 Z O薄膜 已经取得 了显 n
Ke y wor s: nO hn fl ;r g er n s ut rn d Z t i ms fma n to p t i g;o t a v g i e;X—a i r c in i e p i lwa e u d c rydf a t f o
禁带半 导体 领域 又 一 研究 热 点 。此 外 , n 薄膜 制 ZO
( c o l f c n e S a d n i z u U i r t , i n2 0 0 , hn ) S h o o i c , h n o gJ n h n e i J a 5 1 1 C ia Se a v sy n



作者:俞振南姜乐熊志华郑畅达戴江南江风益 YU Zhen-nan JIANG Le XIONG Zhi-hua ZHENG Chang-da DAI Jiang-nan JIANG Feng-yi 作者单位:南昌大学,教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,江西,南昌,330031 刊名:南昌大学学报(理科版)ISTIC PKU英文刊名:JOURNAL OF NANCHANG UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE) 年,卷(期):2007 31(5) 分类号:O782+.9 关键词:ZnO 磁控溅射透光光谱粗糙度溅射功率。



作者:付恩刚方玲庄大明张弓作者单位:清华大学机械工程系,北京,100084 刊名:太阳能学报ISTIC EI PKU英文刊名:ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS SINICA 年,卷(期):2003 24(5) 分类号:O484 关键词:磁控溅射绒面 ZAO薄膜 SnO2:F薄膜。
















反应溅射法制备高透明导电ZnO薄膜的研究谢挺;祝柏林;杨玉婷;张俊峰;龙晓阳;吴隽【期刊名称】《人工晶体学报》【年(卷),期】2016(0)3【摘要】利用Zn/Zn O复合靶材,通过射频磁控溅射技术,在衬底温度为150℃时分别在Ar+O2和Ar+H2的混合气氛中制备Zn O薄膜,通过干涉显微镜、XRD、Hall效应测试仪、紫外-可见分光光度计研究了O2和H2流量对薄膜结构及透明导电性能的影响。


只有通入合适流量的O_2或H_2,薄膜才能保持(002)择优取向、较高的结晶度以及较小的压应力,同时在薄膜中形成高浓度VO和/或Hi等缺陷,因此有效降低Zn O薄膜的电阻率,并保持高的透光率,从而改善Zn O薄膜透明导电性能。

当前研究中,当O_2和H_2流量分别为0.4 sccm和2.0 sccm时,得到的最低电阻率分别为6.33×10-3和2.51×10-3Ω·cm,平均透光率均大约为81.5%,相应的最高品质因子分别为1.04×10-3和1.29×10-3Ω-1。

【总页数】7页(P711-717)【关键词】Zn/ZnO复合靶;反应溅射;气体流量;ZnO薄膜;结晶度;透明导电性【作者】谢挺;祝柏林;杨玉婷;张俊峰;龙晓阳;吴隽【作者单位】武汉科技大学省部共建耐火材料与冶金国家重点实验室;华中科技大学材料成形与模具技术国家重点实验室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TB383.2【相关文献】1.高导电高透明性ZnO:Al透明导电膜的制备工艺研究 [J], 张凡;郝万军;赵冉;张振华;孙昌萌;陈东卫2.衬底温度对反应溅射ZnO:Al透明导电薄膜性能的影响 [J], 余嘉晗;刘金彪;邓衍明3.直流反应溅射制备ZnO:Al透明导电薄膜 [J], 陆峰;裴志亮;等4.RF反应溅射条件对ZnO透明导电薄膜的影响 [J], 倪星元;吴永刚5.LPCVD法在制绒单晶硅片衬底上制备ZnO∶B透明导电薄膜及其性能的研究[J], 朱登华;李旺;刘石勇;牛新伟;杜国平因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



收稿日期:2007-07-12作者简介:俞振南(1982-),男,硕士生 *通讯作者:江风益(1963-),男,教授,博士生导师.E -ma i:l jiangfy @ncu .edu .cn文章编号:1006-0464(2007)05-0452-04磁控溅射技术制备ZnO 透光薄膜俞振南,姜 乐,熊志华,郑畅达,戴江南,江风益*(南昌大学教育部发光材料与器件工程研究中心,江西南昌 330031)摘 要:采用RF 磁控溅射方法,在玻璃衬底上制备了择优取向的Zn O 薄膜;通过台阶仪、X 射线衍射技术、原子力显微镜和分光光度计分别测量了不同溅射功率条件下淀积的Zn O 薄膜厚度(淀积速率)、结晶质量、表面形貌与粗糙度、透光光谱,报道了该薄膜结晶质量、薄膜粗糙度与其在可见光区透光率的关系。

关键词:ZnO;磁控溅射;透光光谱;粗糙度;溅射功率中图分类号:O 782+ 9 文献标识码:AZnO 属于一种宽禁带半导体材料,可望应用于短波长光电器件中作为激活材料或透光窗口材料或透明电极材料[1-4]。

制备ZnO 薄膜的方法很多,如溅射法[5-6],脉冲气相沉积(PLD)[7],化学气相沉积(CVD)[8],分子束外延(M BE )[9-10],金属有机化学气相沉积(MOCVD )[11-13]等。


由于ZnO 在增透膜和透明电极方面有广泛的应用前景,已有一些课题组报道了关于ZnO 薄膜的透光性能的研究结果。

S i n gh S 等人[15]利用反应磁控溅射的方法来制备ZnO 薄膜,研究了不同衬底温度对透光性能的影响,结果为提高衬底温度提高了其在可见光区的透光性。

Suchea M 等人[16]利用直流磁控溅射方法制备ZnO 薄膜,比较了未通O 2和通O 2时薄膜的透光率,得出通入O 2可以减少氧空位,提高可见光区的透光率。

但也有文献报道在脉冲磁过滤阴极弧沉积系统中制备的ZnO 当氧气达到一定量时,增加O 2量造成氧间隙,反而会使透光下降[17]。



利用射频磁控溅射法在柔性衬底上制备ZnO∶Zr透明导电薄膜刘汉法;张化福;类成新;袁玉珍;袁长坤【期刊名称】《液晶与显示》【年(卷),期】2009(024)002【摘要】Zirconium-doped zinc oxide (ZnO∶Zr) transparent conducting thin films with high transmittance, low resistivity and good adhesion were firstly prepared on water-cooled polyethylene glycol terephthalate flexible substrates by RF magnetron sputtering. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy show that the ZnO∶Zr films are polycrystalline with a hexagonal structure and a preferred orientation parallel to the substrate. The lowest resistivity obtained in our experiment is 1.55×10-3 Ω·cm. The average transmittance of the films is over 90% in the wavelength range of the visible spectrum.%利用射频磁控溅射法首次在室温水冷柔性衬底 PET上制备出了可见光透过率高、电阻率低的掺锆氧化锌(ZnO∶Zr)透明导电薄膜.X射线衍射和扫描电子显微镜表明,ZnO∶Zr薄膜为六角纤锌矿结构的多晶薄膜,且具有平行于衬底方向的择优取向.实验获得ZnO∶Zr薄膜的最小电阻率为1.55×10-3 Ω·cm.实验制备的ZnO∶Zr薄膜具有良好的附着性能,其可见光区平均透过率超过90%.【总页数】4页(P183-186)【作者】刘汉法;张化福;类成新;袁玉珍;袁长坤【作者单位】山东理工大学,物理与光电信息技术学院,山东,淄博,255049;山东理工大学,物理与光电信息技术学院,山东,淄博,255049;山东理工大学,物理与光电信息技术学院,山东,淄博,255049;山东理工大学,物理与光电信息技术学院,山东,淄博,255049;山东理工大学,物理与光电信息技术学院,山东,淄博,255049【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN304.2;TN304.055【相关文献】1.直流磁控溅射法制备ZnO:Zr透明导电薄膜及性能研究 [J], 张化福;类成新;刘汉法;袁长坤2.利用直流磁控溅射法在柔性衬底上制备ZnO:Zr新型透明导电薄膜(英文) [J], 张化福;类成新;刘汉法;袁长坤3.在柔性衬底上制备透明导电薄膜ZnO:Zr(英文) [J], 张化福;类成新;刘汉法;袁玉珍;袁长坤4.直流反应磁控溅射法制备ZnO:Zr透明导电薄膜(英文) [J], 张化福;类成新;刘汉法;袁长坤5.射频磁控溅射法低温制备ZnO∶Zr透明导电薄膜及特性研究 [J], 张化福;刘汉法;类成新;袁长坤因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



柔性衬底直流磁控溅射ZnO基高性能透明导电薄膜的制备及性能研究张涛;洪瑞金;张大伟;陶春先【摘要】采用直流磁控溅射法,以柔性PET(聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯)为基底,通过参数优化以求在室温下制备高性能ZnO/Ag/ZnO多层薄膜.实验中,使用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、紫外-可见分光光度计、四探针电阻测试仪等仪器分别对ZnO/Ag/ZnO多层薄膜的微观结构、表面形貌、透过率及方块电阻进行测试及表征.结果表明,随着Ag层厚度增加,薄膜方块电阻急剧下降,通过改变ZnO层厚度,可有效调节薄膜光学性能,随着ZnO层厚度增加,可见光区平均透过率先增大后减小.引入品质因子FTC作为评价指标可知,当依次沉积ZnO、Ag、ZnO厚度为50 nm、8nm、50 nm时,薄膜光电性能最佳,其在可见光平均透过率为82.3%、方块电阻为2.8 Ω/□、禁带宽度为3.332 eV.【期刊名称】《光学仪器》【年(卷),期】2018(040)002【总页数】8页(P77-84)【关键词】ZnO薄膜;磁控溅射;透明导电薄膜;光电特性【作者】张涛;洪瑞金;张大伟;陶春先【作者单位】上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海200093;上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海200093;上海理工大学上海市现代系统光学重点实验室,上海200093;上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海200093;上海理工大学上海市现代系统光学重点实验室,上海200093;上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海200093;上海理工大学上海市现代系统光学重点实验室,上海200093【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU73引言掺铟锡氧化铟(ITO)薄膜是第一代透明导电氧化物薄膜(TCO)薄膜材料中最常用的材料之一。








1. 利用射频磁控溅射技术在Si衬底上制备ZnO薄膜,并考察不同制备参数对薄膜结构和光学性质的影响。

2. 采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能量色散X射线谱(EDS)等测试手段分析ZnO薄膜的结构和形貌特征。

3. 通过光致发光(PL)光谱测试探究掺杂对ZnO薄膜光电性质的影响,并分析其机理。

4. 选取几种常见的掺杂元素(Fe、Al、Mn等)掺杂ZnO薄膜,并比较不同掺杂元素






关键词:ZnO薄膜;射频磁控溅射;微结构;阻变特性中图分类号:TM614文献标识码:A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001-9731.2016.增刊(Ⅱ).0150引言对ZnO的研究最早可以追溯到1935年[1],六角纤锌矿结构ZnO作为宽带隙化合物半导体(Eg= 3.37eV),其具有良好的压电、气敏和湿敏等优异特性,并且其透光率可高达90%(可见光区域),可广泛应用于压力传感器、加速度传感器、气敏传感器、透明电极和太阳能电池等领域[2-6]。

近年研究发现ZnO薄膜具有电致阻变特性,Nauman等[7]通过电流体动力喷墨打印技术(EHDP)制备出ZnO薄膜,阻变特性开关比为103,Ocampo等[8]采用溶胶-凝胶法(Sol-gel)在多孔硅中注入ZnO,阻变特性开关比为2 3,Shamistha 等[9]采用纳米粒子旋涂方法制备出ZnO薄膜,阻变特性开关比为2.2ˑ104。


本文采用射频磁控溅射法,以P型〈100〉晶向单晶硅片为衬底研究ZnO薄膜制备工艺,并通过X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和台阶仪分析ZnO薄膜微结构特性和生长速率,探究溅射功率、溅射时间和退火温度对ZnO薄膜特性的影响,并使用Keithley 4200半导体参数测试仪研究ZnO薄膜阻变特性。



第46卷 增 刊2007年 6月中山大学学报(自然科学版)ACT A S C I E NTI A RUM NAT URAL I U M UN I V ERSI T ATI S S UNY ATSE N I Vol 146 Sup 1Jun 1 2007Study on the Prepara ti on of Z YO Th i n F ilm s by M i ddle Frequency A lterna ti ve M agnetron Sputter i n gand The i r Properti esSUN R uo 2nan,ZHUAN G D a 2m ing,ZHAN G Gong(Depart m ent ofMechanical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China )Abstract :Y 2doped zinc oxide (ZY O )thin fil m s were p repared by m iddle frequency alternative magnetr on s puttering on glass sub 2strates with ZY O cera m ic targets .The influences of Y 2O 3content and substrate te mperature on m icr ostructures,op tical and electrical p r operties of the thin fil m s have been investigated .The results show that the ZY O fil m s are of the structure of wurtzite type with high c-axis orientati on .The l owest resistivity of the fil m s in this work is 1118×10-3Ωc m with the trans m ittance of over 80%at the visibleregi on .Key words :ZY O;magnetr on s puttering;trans parent conductive fil m ;trans m ittance;resistivity CLC nu m ber :T M615 D ocu m en t code :A Arti cle I D :052926579(2007)S1200392021 I n troducti onA t p resent,more and more research has been f o 2cused on T CO thin fil m s based on zinc oxide because of their l ow material cost,l ow depositi on te mperature andstability in hydr ogen p las ma compared t o I T O fil m s[1-5]which is widely used in industrial manufacture f or s olar cells and flat panel dis p lays .Among the ele ments do 2p ing in zinc oxide fil m s,A l,Ga,B have been exten 2sively investigated [6-9].Further more,it was reported that Sc 2doped Zn O fil m has very excellent electrical andop tical p r operties [10].Considering ele ment Y is in the sa me fa m ily with Sc,it should p lay sa me of si m ilar do 2p ing effects,with the advantage of much l ower cost than Sc .So in this paper,ZY O fil m s were p repared by m iddle 2frequence alternative magnetr on s puttering and the m icr ostructures,op tical and electrical p r oper 2ties of this fil m have been discussed .2 Exper i m en tsZY O cera m ic targets sintered fr om the m ixed pow 2der of ZnO (99199%in purity )and Y 2O 3(99199%in purity )with the size of 250mm ×120mm ×6mm were used as the s puttering targets .Three Y 2O 3con 2centrati ons in the targets res pectivly 215%,410%,515%were chosed .Glass is used as the substrates .The experi m ental para meters are listed in Table 1.Pre 2s puttering of 5m in was carried out in order t o clean the target surface bef ore ZY O fil m sa mp le depositi on .Tab 11 Thetechnol ogical para meters f or gr owingZY O fil m s by magnetr on s puttering Base p ressure /Pa 3×10-3A rgon gas p ressure /Pa 018Substrate temp reture /℃50~300Sputtering current/A 210Sputtering ti m e /s1203 ResultsThe ZY O thin fil m s are of the structure of wurtzite type with high c 2axis orientati on p repared by different doped concentrati on targets (215%,410%,515%)and at different substrate te mperatures (50,100,200,300℃).Under the depositi on para meters in the Tab 11,we observe the resistivity f or the ZY O fil m s of different doped concentrati on as a functi on of substrate te mpera 2ture .Fig 11shows that the resitivity of the fil m s increa 2ses as the Y 2O 3content increases at the sa me substrate te mp reture and other depositi on para meters .Mean 2while,resistivity of the fil m s of the three different do 2p ing levels have the sa me variati on tendency of decrea 2sing as the substrate te mp reture increases .Fr om the figture,it can be seen when the doped concentrati on is 215%the decrease tendency of resistivity is most slightly .W hen Y 2O 3conent is in a high level,the re 2sistivity of the ZY O fil m s is more sensitive t o the sub 2①收稿日期:2007201210作者简介:孙若男(1983年生),女,硕士生;E 2mail:sunruonan00@mails 1tsinghua 1edu 1cn中山大学学报(自然科学版)第46卷 strate te mp reture.Fig 11 Resistivity for the ZY O fil m s of different dopedconcentrati onas a functi on of substrate te mperatureThe average visible trans m ittance of the fil m s atsubstrste te mperature 250℃with three dop ing levels (215%,4%,515%)is 83101%,82161%,82186%,res pectively .The change of doped concen 2trati on dosen πt influence trans m ittance much .The average trans m ittance of the ZY O fil m s of doped concentrati on 215%at different te mp reture (50,100,200,300℃)within the visible wavelength range (400~800n m )is 79121%,82129%,83101%,82185%,res pectively .And the maxi m um is obtained at 200℃.References:[1] BETZ U,KHARRAZI M O lss on,MART HY J,et al .Surface &Coatings Technol ogy,2006,200:5751-5759.[2] HOS ONOA H,OHT AA H,OR I T AA M.et al .Vacu 2u m,2002,66:419-425.[3] CHE N Xin 2liang,XUE Jun 2m ing,ZHAO Ying,et al .Materials Review,2006,20(5):22-25.[4] L I J ia 2liang,J I A NG Hong 2yi,N I U J in 2ye .AdvancedCeram ics,2006(1):1.[5] P ARK Sang 2moo,I KEG AM I Tomoaki,E B I HARA Ken 2ji .Thin S olid Fil m s,2006,513:90-94.[6] LOKH B J,P ATI L P S,UP LANE M D,Physica,B:Cond .M at .2001,59:302-303.[7] S ANG Baosheng,Y AMADA Akira,K 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第24卷 第2期2009年4月液 晶 与 显 示Chinese Jo urnal o f Liquid C rystals and Display sVol .24,No .2Apr .,2009Article ID :1007-2780(2009)02-0183-04Fabrication of ZnO ∶Zr Film Deposited onFlexible Substrate by RF M agnetron SputteringLIU H an -fa ,ZH A NG H ua -fu ,LEI Cheng -xin ,Y U AN Y u -zhen ,Y U A N Chang -kun(School o f Ph ysics and Optic -Electron ic I n formation Technolog y ,S handon g Univer sity o f Technolog y ,Zi bo 255049,China )A bstract :Zirconium -do ped zinc o xide (Z nO ∶Z r )t ransparent co nducting thin films with hig h transmittance ,lo w resistivity and g oo d adhesion w ere firstly prepared o n w ater -coo led poly -ethylene g ly co l terephthalate flexible substrates by RF mag net ron sputte ring .X -ray diffr action a nd scanning elec tron micro sco py sho w that the Z nO ∶Z r film s are polycry stalline with a hexa -g onal st ructure and a prefer red o rientation para llel to the substr ate .T he low est resistivity o b -tained in o ur experime nt is 1.55×10-3Ψ·cm .T he averag e transmittance of the film s is ove r 90%in the w avele ng th range of the visible spect rum .Key words :Z nO ∶Z r films ;flex ible substrates ;mag net ron sputtering ;transpar ent co nductingfilmsCLC number :T N304.2;T N 304.055 Docum ent code :B Received date :2008-09-04;Revis ed date :2008-09-301 Introductio nTransparent conducting thin film s deposited o n flexible substrates have many applications .They are w idely used in flex ible electro -optical devices ,flexible liquid crystal display s ,plastic thin film solar cells ,transparent electrom ag netic shielding materials and unbreakable heat reflec -ting mirrors [1].In recent y ear s ,Sn -doped In 2O 3(I TO )and A l -doped ZnO (ZnO :A l )o n flexible substrates have been ex tensively studied [2-7].But in our know ledge ,no repor t w as published for ZnO ∶Zr film s prepared on flexible substrates up to now .Comparing w ith ITO ,ZnO ∶Zr film s have many advantages of source abundance ,low cost ,innocuity and go od stability (in plasm a ).Com paring w ith ZnO ∶Al ,ZnO ∶Zr films present higher transmittance and better ho t stability .Poly -ethylene g ly co l terephthalate (PET )is a Promising fle xible substrate due to its hig h opti -cal transmittanc e ,high melting point (about 200℃)and lo w chemical reactivity .In this lette r ,we firstly repo rt the preparatio n and prope rties o f ZnO ∶Zr film s depo sited o n w ater -coo led PET substrates by RF m ag netron sputte ring2 ExperimentsZnO ∶Zr film s w ere depo sited on various flexible substrates in a GJP500C2model RF m ag netron sputtering sy stem w ith a basic pres -sure o f 3.4×10-4Pa .A sintered ceramic with a mixture of ZnO (99.99%purity )and ZrO 2(99.99%purity )w ere employ ed as so urce mate -rials .The content of ZrO 2added to the ZnO tar -get w as 5%(mass fraction ).The distance be -tween the substrate and the targ et w as abo ut 50m m .During the proce ss of depo sitio n ,the pres -sure of A r w as co ntrolled at 1.5Pa ,the sputte -ring RF pow er w as m aintained at 100W fo r 40min and the substra te w as w ater -co oled at ro om temperature .U nde r these conditions ,high qua -lity ZnO ∶Zr film s w ith goo d adhesio n ,hig h184 液 晶 与 显 示第23卷transmittance and low resistivity w ere o btained w itho ut damage to the flex ible substrates .The structure and m orpho logy proper ties o f the film s w ere analy zed w ith a D8ADVANCE XRD using CuK α1radiation (λ=0.15406nm )and a Sirio n 200SEM .The optical transmittance m easure -ments w ere pe rfo rm ed with a TU -1901UV -vis spectrophotometers .3 Results and Discussion3.1 X -ray Diffraction AnalysisFig .1show s the X -ray diffractio n spectrum of a typical ZnO ∶Zr film deposited on w ater -cooled PET substrate at room temperature and 100W fo r 40min .The θ-2θscan data of the ZnO ∶Zr film o nly ex hibits a strong peak at 2θ=31.13°,which is very close to the preferred orien -tatio n of the standard ZnO cry stal (31.38°)and corresponding to the (100)peak .This indicates that the ZnO ∶Zr film is po ly cry stalline w ith a hexago nal structure and a preferred orientatio n parallel to the substrate .A previo us study sho wed that the prefer red o rientation for ZnO ∶Zr film s w as dependent o n the expe rimental co n -ditions [8].The full -w idth athalf -m aximum(FWH M )o f the (100)diffractio n peak is calcu -lated as 0.66°,and then the cry stallite size is calculated as 13.9nm according to the Sche rre form ula D =0.89λ/(B cos θ).Thus we can co n -clude that the ZnO ∶Zr film deposited o n PET substrate is nano -structural cry stal.Fig .1 X RD spectrum for a ZnO ∶Zr film deposited o nPET substr ate3.2 SEM AnalysisFig .2show s the scanning electron micro s -co py (SEM )image of a ty pical ZnO ∶Zr film de -posited on w ater -cooled PE T substrate at ro om temperature and 100W for 40min .The ZnO ∶Zr film co nsists of so me flat structural g rains ,re -presenting a prefe rred orientatio n parallel to the substrate ,w hich ag rees w ith the X -ray diffrac -tion (XRD )re sults.Fig .2 S EM imag e of a ZnO ∶Zr film deposited o nPET substr ate3.3 Optical TransmittanceThe optical transmittance as a functio n o f the w av elength fo r the sam e sample o f about 200nm thickness w as measured ,as show n in Fig .3.The average transmittance in the range o f 400~800nm w aveleng th is over 90%.The adhesio n to the substrate for high quality film s w as goo d ,no breakup and fall -off w ere observed w hen the films w ere fo lded many times .Fig .3 Optical transmittance as a function of the wav e -length fo r the same sample3.4 Electrical ResistivityThe electrical resistivity of ZnO ∶Zr film s第2期 LIU Han-fa,et al:Fabrication of ZnO∶Z r Film Deposited o n Flexible Substrate by RF Magnetron Sputtering185deposited o n w ate r-co oled PE T substrates lies o n the expe rimental conditio ns.In o ur experiment, the lowest resistivity ac hieved is1.55×10-3Ψ·cm w ith a thickne ss o f about200nm at the opti-mized co nditions of100W,1.5Pa and40min.4 Co nclusionZnO∶Zr films with high transmittance,low resistivity and go od adhesio n w ere firstly pre-pared on flexible substrate PET by RF magnetro n sputtering.XRD and S EM show that the ZnO∶Zr films are poly cry stalline w ith a hexag onal structure and a prefe rred o rientation parallel to the substrate.The low est resistivity o btained in our expe riment is1.55×10-3Ψ·cm.The ave-rage transmittance of the film is over90%in the w aveleng th rang e of the visible spectrum.This result may be useful for inaugurating the poten-tial applications of ZnO∶Zr film s in flexible de-vices.References:[1]Y ang T L,Z hang D H,M a J,et al.T r ansparent co nducting ZnO∶A l films depo sited o n o rganic substra te s de po si-ted by r.f.mag netr on-sputtering[J].Thin Solid Films,1998,326(1-2):60-62.[2]M a J,Li S Y,Zhao J Q,et al.P reparatio n and proper ties of indium tin ox ide films deposited o n po ly este r sub-strates by reactive evapor ation[J].T hin Solid Films,1997,207(1-2):200-202.[3]M o on C S,H an J G.Lo w tempe rature sy nthesis of I T O thin film on polymer in A r/H2plasma by pulsed DC mag ne-tro n sputtering[J].Thin Solid F ilms,2008,516(19):6560-6564.[4]Li X D,Z hu H B,Chu J B,et al.Indium tin o xide film s prepared by r adio f requency mag ne tro n sputtering under lo wvacuum level[J].Chin.J.L iquid Cry stals and Displays,2007,22(5):553-559.[5]Llaus E,Rainald M.Carrier transpo rt in poly cry stalline IT O and ZnO∶A l II:The influence o f g rain bar rie rs andbounda ries[J].Thin Soli d Films,2008,516(17):5829-5835.[6]F ang G J,Li D J,Yao B L.Influence of po st-deposition annea ling o n the pro per ties o f transpare nt conductive nano-cry sta lline Z AO thin films prepared by RF mag ne tron sputtering with hig hly conductiv e ceramic ta rge t[J].T hin S olid Fi lms,2002,418(2):156-162.[7]Suchea M,Christoulakis S,K atsa rakis N,et al.Co mpa rativ e study of zinc ox ide and aluminum doped zinc o xidetr ansparent thin films g row n by direct cur rent mag net ron sputtering[J].T hin Soli d Fi lms,2007,515(16): 6562-6566.[8]Paul G K,Bandy opadhyay S B,Sen S K,et al.Structural,optical and electrical studies on so l-g el deposited Z rdoped ZnO films[J].Materials Chem.and Phy s.,2003,79(1):71-75.利用射频磁控溅射法在柔性衬底上制备ZnO∶Zr透明导电薄膜刘汉法,张化福,类成新,袁玉珍,袁长坤(山东理工大学物理与光电信息技术学院,山东淄博 255049)摘 要利用射频磁控溅射法首次在室温水冷柔性衬底PE T上制备出了可见光透过率高、电阻率低的掺锆氧化锌(ZnO∶Zr)透明导电薄膜。
