
这十大著名神庙分别是: 1. 菲莱神殿、2. 卢克索神庙、 3. 卡纳克神庙、 4. 阿布辛贝神庙、5. 哈特谢普苏特墓葬庙、6. 荷露斯神庙、7. 康翁波神庙、8. 拉美西斯三世哈布神庙、9. 哈索尔神庙、10. 塞提一世神庙(排名是随意的,无优劣先后之分)。

Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand before you today to introduce Egypt, a land that has fascinated the world for centuries. Egypt is a country located in the northeastern corner of Africa, with a narrow strip of land extending into the Mediterranean Sea. It is known for its rich history, ancient civilization, and breathtaking landmarks. Today, I will take you on a journey through the wonders of Egypt, exploring its cultural heritage, historical significance, and modern contributions.I. Introduction to Egypt1.地理位置Egypt is situated in the northeastern corner of Africa, with the Suez Canal separating it from Asia. It is bordered by Libya to the west, the Red Sea to the east, the Gulf of Suez to the north, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Egypt's total area is approximately1,001,450 square kilometers.2.人口According to the latest statistics, Egypt has a population of around 102 million people. The majority of Egyptians are Muslims, with a small Christian minority.II. Rich History and Ancient Civilization1.古埃及文明Egypt is famous for its ancient civilization, which dates back to around 3100 BCE. The civilization is known for its impressive architectural achievements, such as the construction of the pyramids and the Sphinx. The most notable pharaohs include Tutankhamun, Ramesses II, and Cleopatra.2.历史时期- 古王国时期(2686-2181 BCE):这是埃及历史上最早的时期,以金字塔和法老王权力的集中为特点。

这个成对的神庙由公园前13 世纪拉美西斯二世统治时期的山 岩石刻构成。这个摩崖石刻则是 为了纪念拉美西斯二世和他的皇 后而建造的。同时,这个石刻还 起到了对外宣扬卡叠什战役胜利 和威慑邻国努比亚人的作用。依 崖凿建的牌楼门、巨型拉美西斯 二世摩崖雕像、前后柱厅及神堂 等组成。
Brief Introduction 简介
Abu Simbel temples 阿布辛贝勒神庙 (拉美西斯二世神庙 拉美西斯二世神庙) 拉美西斯二世神庙
The Data From: L/O/G/O /wiki/Abu_Simbel _temples
Content 目录
Brief Introduction 简介
Brief Introduction 简介
The relocation of the temples was necessary to avoid their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. Abu Simbel remains one of Egypt's top tourist attractions. 神庙的迁址对于避免神庙在 尼罗河泛滥时期被洪水侵蚀很有 必要。在尼罗河上的阿斯旺水坝 兴建完工之后,储水量惊人的水 库也就形成了。阿布信贝勒也保 留了它对游客的巨大吸引力。

Tutankhamun 他并不是古埃及历史上功绩最为
卓著的法老,但却是在今天最为 闻名的埃及法老王。他9岁君临 天下,19岁暴亡,死因曾一度悬 于谋杀,因此他的周身都被神秘 色彩所笼罩。图坦卡蒙为现代人 广为熟知的原因是由于他的坟墓 在三千年的时间内从未被盗,直 到1922年才被英国人霍华德·卡 特(Howard Carter,英国考古学 家和埃及学先驱)发现,挖掘出 了大量珍宝,震惊了西方世界。 他的墓室口刻着神秘的咒语,巧 合的是几个最早进入坟墓的人皆 因各种原因早死,被当时的媒体 大肆渲染成“法老的诅咒”,使 得图坦卡蒙的名字在西方更为家 喻户晓。
Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egyptian desert remain the most colossal buildings ever constructed. 矗立在埃及沙漠中吉萨的三座大金字塔建 于4000年前,它们一直都是有史以来最宏大的建筑。
Ancient Egypt
--The Gift of the Nile
Ancient Egypt was one of the four ancient civilizations .
-- 张烨
Part 1 Pyramid
Part 2 Pharoah Part 3 Mummy
All are afraid of time, but time itself is afraid of the pyramid. ---Arab proverb (阿拉伯谚语)
Apart from the pyramids, EGYPTIAN BUILDINGS were decorated with PAINTINGS, CARVED STONE IMAGES, HIEROGLYPHS, and THREE-DIMENSIONAL STATUES. The art tells the story of the pharaohs, the gods, the common people and the natural world of plants, birds and animals.
人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit1Period3Reading and Thinking

Q3: How would you feel if we lost all the cultural relics?
Let’s enjoy a video and after watching it, please answer the following 3 questions
阿布辛拜勒努比亚神庙和纪念碑遗 址是埃及著名古迹 Egypt’s famous ancient sites,位于埃及东南部尼 罗河上游河畔,埃及和苏丹交界的 努比亚地区。这里曾是古埃及文明 的发源地,存有以阿布辛拜勒神庙 为代表的、大量极具考古价值的宏 伟古迹。
Abu Simbel Temple 阿布辛拜勒神庙
Sphinx /sfɪŋks/ (埃及开罗附近的)
斯芬克斯; 狮身人面像
the Nile
——the mother river
Discovering Useful structures
support Problems
let’s enjoy a short video and after watching it, please answer the following 3 questions Q1: What famous cultural relics are mentioned?
to build a
In order to control flood, produce electricity and supply water to more farmers in the area
to protect the temples and the

Disadvantages It would be difficult we could learn for us to standard English communicate with We can communicate the foreign people with the local people we can’t understand we could know the the language very manners and customs well of the country better. we will miss our homes, miss our parents and friends.
What kind of differences might you experience if you living or travelling in another country?
What should we take into account before we decide to travel abroad? Money Making plans Travel abroad Apply for a visa Local condition and customs ID card Transportation
The Statute of Liberty
Big Ben
埃及阿布辛贝 神庙-Abu Simbel Egypt
The Pyramids
Niagara Falls (尼亚加拉瀑布)
Taj Mahai 印度 泰姬陵
New Zealand 新西兰
If you could go anywhere in the world, which country would you like to visit and why?

总体来看,埃及神庙: 做工精细,建筑宏伟,运用到了先进的科学技术 外部壮观,内部狭隘 体现法老至高无上的地位 具有很强的政治意义
20世纪50年代,埃及政府决定修建阿斯 旺水坝。若水坝建成阿布辛拜勒神庙将 被水淹没。于是1965年埃及工程技术 人 员与来自德国、法国、意大利、瑞典等 国的人员合作,开始搬迁阿布辛拜勒神 庙。
并且神庙建筑主体部分 前一般建有巨大的雕塑, 显示神庙的雄伟庄重。
教科文组织、世界各国纷纷加入到对神庙的迁移工作中来。最终,瑞 典的一家公司承包了次项目。人们把神庙切割成石块,搬迁到预定地 点,再组装建筑。整个工程非常成功,但由于对埃及科学的不了解, 太阳节的日期还是推迟了一天。
太阳 神阿 蒙
每年 2月 21日 (拉美西斯二世的生日)和10月21日(拉美西斯二世的登基日),早晨5 点50分的阳光都会直射入3米宽、 10米高的神庙大门,徐徐穿过 3道小门和深邃的柱廊, 恰巧照在位于神庙最深处(60 多米)拉美西斯二世的神像上。
努比亚地区的 拉美西斯二世遗迹 (阿布辛拜勒神庙)
阿布辛拜勒 神庙距埃及 南部城市阿 斯 旺 约 280 公里,处于 沙漠中,紧 邻尼罗河。

Let‘s look at other famous buildings around the world——
The Eiffel Tower (1889), 300 meters high
The Empire State Building(美国帝国大厦)(448 meters) (西亚双子塔)(452 meters)
Ramesses II (拉美西斯二世)
( 1303 BC ~July or August 1213 BC) • Ramses ,the third Egyptian pharaoh (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) of the Nineteenth dynasty ,referred to as Ramesses the Great. • He is often regarded as the greatest, most celebrated, and most powerful pharaoh(法老) of the Egyptian Empire.With several military expeditions(远 征),he brings his Egyptian Empire to the unprecedented level(前所未 有的高度)
The Great Pyramid of Giza(吉萨) is the largest pyramid in the world. The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World and is the only one to survive into modern times.Till the Eiffel Tower was build in the year1889,it had been the tallest building in the world for several thousand of time.
Unit 1 Cultural Heritage Reading and Thinking(课件)

development progress proposal preserve
temple damage heritage establish
Scientist Says Progress Shouldn’t Damage Cultural Heritage
Cario, 17 March, 1956 In a speech today, a scientist gave her view on the new _p_r_o_p_o_sa_l_. She said that _p_r_o_g_re_s_s_ is important and our areas needs economic __d_ev_e_lo_p_m_e_n_t__ as well. But she added, “We should not accept the project if it puts our cultural _h_e_r_it_a_ge___ in danger. We must protect the __te_m__pl_e_s _ and make sure that no _d_a_m_a_g_e__ is done.” Before she ended her speech, the scientist suggested that we need to _e_s_ta_b_li_sh___a committee of experts to __p_r_es_e_rv_e___the cultural heritage and __p_r_e_ve_n_t___ it from being harmed.
Lead in
Important as the Aswan Dam is, its construction is full of twists and turns. Let’s read and further explore!
第二单元 古代埃及的历史遗产第2课 阿布辛拜勒神庙的新生教学设计

第二单元古代埃及的历史遗产第2课阿布辛拜勒神庙的新生教学设计Unit 2 historical heritage of ancient Egypt less on 2 new teaching design of Abu Simbel Temp le第二单元古代埃及的历史遗产第2课阿布辛拜勒神庙的新生教学设计前言:小泰温馨提醒,历史是对人类社会过去的事件和活动,以及对这些事件行为有系统的记录、研究和诠释。

8座俄赛里斯雕像守护着阿布辛拜勒神庙幽深的通道。 座俄赛里斯雕像守护着阿布辛拜勒神庙幽深的通道。
阿布•辛拜勒神庙在设计与建筑上巧妙地吸收和运用了当时最先进的天文、地理、 阿布 辛拜勒神庙在设计与建筑上巧妙地吸收和运用了当时最先进的天文、地理、数 辛拜勒神庙在设计与建筑上巧妙地吸收和运用了当时最先进的天文 学等知识,每年只有2 22日 传说拉的生日) 10月22日 传说拉的登基日)这两天, 学等知识,每年只有2月22日(传说拉的生日)及10月22日(传说拉的登基日)这两天, 阳光穿过深达63米的通道,直接照射在内室拉美西斯二世的雕像上,使整个神殿闪闪发光。 63米的通道 阳光穿过深达63米的通道,直接照射在内室拉美西斯二世的雕像上,使整个神殿闪闪发光。
古埃及新王国时 期,许多位法老都叫 拉美西斯” “拉美西斯”。在古 埃及人心里, 埃及人心里,太阳神 被奉为“ 被奉为“拉”,拉美西 (Ra-messes), 斯(Ra-messes),含义 是“拉的儿子”,即 拉的儿子” 太阳之子” “太阳之子”。 拉美西斯二世 II, (Ramesses II,前 1314年 前1237年 1314年—前1237年) 古埃及第十九王朝法 1304年 前 老(前1304年—前 1237年在位),其执 年在位), 1237年在位),其执 政时期是埃及新王国 最后的强盛年代。 最后的强盛年代。
阿布·辛拜勒神庙 阿布 辛拜勒神庙
Abu Simbel temples
阿布Байду номын сангаас辛拜勒神庙 阿布 辛拜勒神庙
是一处位于埃及阿斯旺西南290千米的远古文化遗址, 是一处位于埃及阿斯旺西南290千米的远古文化遗址,据说 290千米的远古文化遗址 名字来源于最早带西方人去到现场的向导(一个小男孩) 名字来源于最早带西方人去到现场的向导(一个小男孩)的名 它坐落于纳赛尔湖西岸, 字。它坐落于纳赛尔湖西岸,由两个由岩石雕刻而成的巨型神 庙组成,阿布辛贝勒和它下游至菲莱岛的许多遗迹一起作为努 庙组成,阿布辛贝勒和它下游至菲莱岛的许多遗迹一起作为努 比亚人遗址,被联合国教科文组织指定为世界遗产。 比亚人遗址,被联合国教科文组织指定为世界遗产。
人教版 高一必修二Unit 1 Reading and Thinking课件

Let’s have a trip to a remote
4. How were the temples and other cultural sites saved?
Activity 2: Q&A 3. How did UN deal with this problem of building Aswan
A committee was established to limit the damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics.
To protect the temples and the cultural relics
To build a new dam to develop its economy
Activity 2: Q&A (para.3-5)
3. How did UN deal with this problem of building Aswan Dam?
Activity 1: Find out the structure and match
Part 1 (Para_1_-_2_)
Part 2 (Para_3_-_5__)
Part 3 (Para_6___)
The spirit of the Aswan Dam Problems happened in Egypt The process of the solutions

两座神庙于1964 年到1968 年间成功迁移。

哈索尔神庙 在距离阿布辛贝神庙50米左右的地方还有1座哈索尔神 庙,是拉美西斯二世为他的妻子奈菲尔塔利修建的。 这座神庙规模较小,也是在峭壁斜坡上雕凿而成0-前1233年,古埃及 新王国第十九王朝的拉美西斯二世( Ramses Ⅱ)建造了 这座大型岩窟神庙,距今已有3300年的历史了,也是新帝 国的法老王时代最受保护的遗迹。 神庙深达60馀公尺,每年春分及秋分这两天,阳光会 直接照进洞内最深处,让整个神殿闪 哈索尔神庙 闪发光。后来因为阿斯旺水坝的兴建,联合国决定将神庙 切割并上移200公尺,以避免神庙遭水淹没,不过因为无 法如古埃及人般确切掌握天文,现在阳光照进的时间已有 偏差。
拉美西斯二世(Ramesses II,公元前1303年—前 1213年)古埃及第十九王朝法老(公元前1279年—公元 前1213年在位),其执政时期是埃及新王国最后的强盛年 代。法老塞提一世之子。拉美西斯二世进行了一系列的远 征,以恢复埃及对巴勒斯坦的统治。拉美西斯二世下令在 东北尼罗河三角洲新建一座城市为首都,并命名为培尔— 拉美西斯(意为拉美西斯的宫殿)。91岁逝世,一生有8 个正式的妻子,还有将近100个妾。共96个儿子,60个女 儿。
圣坛里供着神并不神奇,神奇的是这是一个幽深 的岩洞,浓重的色彩就在于三千多年前的神庙设计者 精确地运用天文、星象、地理学、数学、物理学相关 的知识,按照拉美西斯二世的要求,把神庙设计成为 只有拉美西斯二世的生日2月22日和奠基日10月22日, 旭日的金光才能从神庙大门射入,两次穿过60米深的 庙廊,依次披撒在神庙尽头右边三座雕像的全身上下, 长达20分钟之久,让神殿熠熠生辉,而最左边的冥界 之神却永远躲在黑暗里。“太阳节奇观”是古埃及人 智慧的象征。
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近距离仰视拉美西斯二世的巨大 雕刻,他戴这象征着上埃及和下埃及 的双重冠冕。
Relocation 迁址
Abu Simbel temples 阿布辛贝勒神庙 (拉美西斯二世神庙 拉美西斯二世神庙) 拉美西斯二世神庙
The Data From: L/O/G/O /wiki/Abu_Simbel _temples
Content 目录
Brief Introduction 简介
Rediscovery 发掘
Tour guides at the site relate the legend that "Abu Simbel" was a young local boy who guided these early re-discoverers to the site of the buried temple which he had seen from time to time in the shifting sands. Eventually, they named the complex after him. 这次发掘遗址并将遗址跟阿布辛波古庙联系到一起的导游是一位当地的小 男孩。这个小男孩在这之前曾无数次看见从沙土中露出的庙宇顶部。最终,他 们以小男孩的名字命名了这座神庙,它就是今天的阿布辛贝勒神庙
Rediscovery 发掘
With the passage of time, the temples fell into disuse and eventually became covered by sand. Already in the 6th century BC, the sand covered the statues of the main temple up to their knees. 随着时间的流逝,神庙逐渐 被废弃最终被沙土掩埋。到公元 前六世纪的时候,沙土已将主神 庙神像膝盖以下的位置全部掩 埋。。
Brief Introduction 简介
The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BC, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari, to commemorate his alleged victory at the Battle of Kadesh, and to intimidate his Nubian neighbors.
Construction 建造
Rediscovery 发掘
Relocation 迁址
Brief Introduction 简介
Abu Simbel temples refers to two massive rock temples in Abu Simbel ( أ in Arabic) in Nubia, southern Egypt on the western bank of Lake Nasser about 230 km southwest of Aswan (about 300 km by road). The complex is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the "Nubian Monuments,"[1] which run from Abu Simbel downriver to Philae (near Aswan). 阿布辛贝勒神庙(阿拉伯 阿布辛贝勒神庙 语:أ أ )指的是位于尼罗 河旁的阿布辛波古庙里的由两 块巨大的岩石构成的神殿,它 在埃及南部的纳赛尔湖(Lake Nasser)西岸,矩阿斯旺越230 公里(经由公路则需要300公里 的路程)。阿布辛贝勒神庙作 为“努比亚人遗址”(囊括了 阿布辛波古庙和它下游的菲莱 岛,而菲莱岛在阿斯旺附近) 成为了教科文组织指定的世界 文化遗产。
Brief Introduction 简介
The relocation of the temples was necessary to avoid their being submerged during the creation of Lake Nasser, the massive artificial water reservoir formed after the building of the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River. Abu Simbel remains one of Egypt's top tourist attractions. 神庙的迁址对于避免神庙在 尼罗河泛滥时期被洪水侵蚀很有 必要。在尼罗河上的阿斯旺水坝 兴建完工之后,储水量惊人的水 库也就形成了。阿布信贝勒也保 留了它对游客的巨大吸引力。
Rediscovery 发掘
The temple was forgotten until 1813, when Swiss orientalist JL Burckhardt found the top frieze of the main temple. Burckhardt talked about his discovery with Italian explorer Giovanni Belzoni, who travelled to the site, but was unable to dig out an entry to the temple. Belzoni returned in 1817, this time succeeding in his attempt to enter the complex. He took everything valuable and portable with him. 神庙被人遗忘了,直到1813年一位从瑞士来到东方的学者约翰·伯克哈 特发现了神庙天花板的构件。伯克哈特和一位意大利探险家乔瓦·贝尔佐尼 讨论这件事。而这位探险家之前一直苦寻神庙入口无果。贝尔佐尼于1817 年再次回到了这里,这次他成功地进入了神庙。他带走了一切有价值而又 便于携带的东西。
这个成对的神庙由公园前13 世纪拉美西斯二世统治时期的山 岩石刻构成。这个摩崖石刻则是 为了纪念拉美西斯二世和他的皇 后而建造的。同时,这个石刻还 起到了对外宣扬卡叠什战役胜利 和威慑邻国努比亚人的作用。依 崖凿建的牌楼门、巨型拉美西斯 二世摩崖雕像、前后柱厅及神 简介
The collapsed colossus of the Great Temple supposedly fell during an earthquake shortly after its construction, when moving the temple it was decided to leave it as the face is missing. 这个倒坍的神庙中的巨石像恐怕是在它建成不久后的一次地震中倒塌的。在迁 址时,这座石像被留了下来,因为它的头部已经不见了。
However, the complex was relocated in its entirety in 1968, on an artificial hill made from a domed structure, high above the Aswan High Dam reservoir. 然而,神庙在1968年因兴建阿斯旺水坝而被整体迁移至高出河床水位的后山上。
Relocation 迁址
A scale model showing the original and current location of the temple (with respect to the water level) 微缩模型在考虑尼罗河水位的基础上很好地展示了神庙的原址和现址。
Relocation 迁址
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The Data From: L/O/G/O /wiki/Abu_Simbel _temples
Construction 建造
Construction of the temple complex started in approximately 1224 BCE and lasted for about 20 years, until 1244 BCE. Known as the "Temple of Ramesses, beloved by Amun," it was one of six rock temples erected in Nubia during the long reign of Ramesses II. Their purpose was to impress Egypt's southern neighbors, and also to reinforce the status of Egyptian religion in the region. Historians say that the design of Abu Simbel expresses a measure of ego and pride in Ramesses II. 阿布辛贝勒神庙的建造大 约开始于公元前1244年,历经 20年大约于公元前1224年完工。 阿布辛贝勒神庙被誉为“受阿 蒙神宠爱的拉美西斯的庙宇”。 它是在拉美西斯二世统治时期 建造在尼罗河岸的六座石砌庙 宇之一。这样建造的目的是为 了向南面邻国宣扬自己的国力, 同时也为了加强这一地区的埃 及的宗教统治。历史学家声称, 阿布辛贝勒神庙的设计传达出 了拉美西斯二世的自信和骄傲。