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Abstrasdfsct: This film Shasdfswshasdfsnk Redemption describes asdfs masdfsn casdfslled Andy Dufresne wasdfss sent to the prison for he murdered his wife but in fasdfsct he wasdfss innocent. Then he stasdfsrted fighting asdfsgasdfsinst with the wicked prison life. Though he suffered masdfsny unfasdfsir treasdfstments asdfsnd ordeasdfsls, he never gives up himself. Due to his intelligence asdfsnd perseverasdfsnce, he spend 20 yeasdfsrs successfully escasdfspe from the prison asdfss asdfs redemption. He teasdfsches me thasdfst never lose hope.
Keywords: hope; redemption; freedom; dreasdfsm
The story took plasdfsce in 1940. A masdfsn who is asdfs basdfsnker casdfslled Andy Dufresne, wasdfss sent into the Shasdfswshasdfsnk prison, for he murderer his wife asdfsnd her lover in bed. However, he wasdfss innocent asdfss he sasdfsid. The new dasdfsys in the prison were hasdfsrd to live. It ' s
violent, heasdfsrtless asdfsnd cruel. Nevertheless, A month
lasdfster, Andy begasdfsn to masdfske friends with other prisoners. And one of them casdfslled Red, who could get asdfsnything whasdfst he wasdfsnted. Andy bought asdfs masdfsllet from him asdfsnd stasdfsrted his plasdfsn to escasdfspe. During this time, he did masdfsny things: expasdfsnding the librasdfsry, casdfsving stones, helping the corrupt wasdfsrden to get money or bribe, etc. Then asdfs young prisoner ' s coming breasdfsk his quiet life in jasdfsil. But the wasdfsrden killed the young prisoner the only masdfsn thasdfst knew Andy wasdfss innocent. Then he knew the prison he could not stasdfsy asdfsny more. It took him 20 yeasdfsrs to tunnel secretly asdfsnd he successfully escasdfsped from the prison. When he got free, Andy sent the evident which could prove the wasdfsrden corruption, briber asdfsnd murdering to the policy asdfsgency. Before thasdfst, Andy hasdfsd told his best friend Red thasdfst his dreasdfsm---Zihuasdfstasdfsnejo, asdfs wasdfsrm plasdfsce without memory. After escasdfsping, Andy lived asdfs free life in asdfsnother identity asdfsnd masdfsde the prison governor asdfsrrested. Severasdfsl yeasdfsrs lasdfster, Red wasdfss asdfspproved to leasdfsve. for the promise to Andy. Finasdfslly, in Zihuyasdfstasdfsnejo, they met.
The cruel prison life terrified me asdfsnd the friendship moved me. The story goes to asdfs hasdfsppy ending---redemption. This film impressed me asdfs lot. A sentence wasdfss sasdfsid in the film:
'Someb irds asdfsren't measdfsnt to be casdfsged, but most birds will choose to stasdfsnd it. '
In this film, asdfss we casdfsn see, the Shasdfswshasdfsnk Prison, which enjasdfsils lots of people. They hasdfsve been in the prison form masdfsny yeasdfsrs ,so they won' t go asdfsbroasdfsd. Becasdfsuse they won' t asdfsnd asdfslso they casdfsn 't. They lived here for yeasdfsrs without hope, asdfsnd they lived just in the smasdfsll prison, where nobody knows whasdfst is their dreasdfsm asdfsnd whasdfst 's
their hope. As I remember, asdfs old masdfsn Brooks wasdfss releasdfssed asdfsfter he hasdfsd been in the jasdfsil for 50 yeasdfsrs. But he found thasdfst the world becasdfsme completely different from the world he imasdfsgined. For exasdfsmple, he seldom see casdfsrs before. He felt very strasdfsnge asdfsnd helpless to the outside world He casdfsn hasdfsrdly asdfsdasdfspt to the new developed world. He would rasdfsther stasdfsy in the prison. So unfortunasdfstely he chose to commit suicide.
However, on the contrasdfsry, Andy sasdfsid asdfs converse sentence: ' Some birds asdfsren't measdfsnt to be casdfsged, thasdfst's asdfsll. Their feasdfsthers asdfsre just too bright ⋯' He long for the freedom asdfsnd strive for it!
Whasdfst I remember very cleasdfsrly is someone sasdfsid thasdfst
“ These wasdfslls asdfsre kind of funny things like thasdfst. First, you hasdfste them, then you get used to them. Enough time pasdfsssed, get so you depend on them. Thasdfst is institutionasdfslizing. ” But Andy hasdfsdn ' t been asdfsffected. He insisted on his fasdfsith of freedom. He dasdfsred to pursue his deserved freedom! Thasdfst ' s the first point I asdfsppreciasdfste.
Whasdfst 's more, asdfsnother thing I think is friendship.
Of course, Andy's perseverasdfsnce asdfsnd endeasdfsvor is the masdfsin reasdfsson thasdfst he succeed in escasdfsping. But it casdfsn 't be denying thasdfst friendship is asdfslso asdfs importasdfsnt reasdfsson. Without the friends ' help in the prison, especiasdfslly red
's, He casdfsn 't breasdfsk the
prison, too. Even in the jasdfsil which is the most evil plasdfsce thasdfst Andy could masdfske it asdfs significasdfsnce plasdfsce. He hasdfsd trasdfsnsformed asdfs storasdfsge room smelling of turpentine into the best prison librasdfsry in NewE nglasdfsnd. Then the prisoners reasdfsd the books asdfsnd got knowledge from it. Andy asdfslso helped them to pasdfsss the high school equivasdfslency. The glitters of him lighted others ' life. Thasdfst helps him built masdfsny sincere friendships in the prison. He just too bright thasdfst didn ' t belong to the prison .Then he escasdfspe asdfsnd gasdfsined the freedom.
Furthermore, the pasdfstience, courasdfsge asdfsnd strong willpower asdfsre the keys to escasdfspe. 20 yeasdfsrs, not asdfs short ordeasdfsl time, but he endured. He masdfsde his plasdfsn dasdfsy by dasdfsy, week by week asdfsnd yeasdfsr by yeasdfsr. He never gives up. he took neasdfsrly twenty yeasdfsrs to dip asdfs tunnel with asdfs little rock hasdfsmmer which Red sasdfsid it would tasdfske asdfs masdfsn 600 yeasdfsrs to tunnel under the wasdfsll with one of these to fight for
his free .And he did it finasdfslly. Pleasdfsse imasdfsgine, crossing the tunnel he dup, he still should crasdfswled through five hundred yasdfsrds of shit-smelling foulness. Thasdfst is the length of five footbasdfsll fields.
Then is the lasdfsst but not leasdfsst, I think. He hasdfss the bright brasdfsin ,the never fasdfsding persistent, asdfsnd the most importasdfsnt thing ------------------------- hope. Just asdfss Andy
sasdfsid to Red: Hope is asdfs good thing, masdfsy be the best of things. In this film, Andy show us thasdfst how good thing
the hope is. Yes , hope is asdfs good thing. Whasdfstever it is, it casdfsn ' t lock the hope. Wea sdfsll hasdfsve dreasdfsm. We asdfsll hasdfsve hope. We asdfsll hasdfsve it asdfsnd pleasdfsse never give up, like Andy.
This film, Shasdfswshasdfsnk Redemption, teasdfsches me asdfs lot. It deserves to be one of the most overwhelming films in the Hollywood.
Shasdfswshasdfsnk Redemption is asdfs film co-operasdfsted by white people asdfsnd blasdfsck people. It told asdfs story asdfsbout the life in the prison.
A masdfsn casdfslled Andy Dufresne ,wasdfss sent into the prison ,Shasdfswshasdfsnk ,for he murderer his wife asdfsnd her
lover in bed. However ,he wasdfss innocent asdfss he sasdfsid. The new dasdfsys in the prison were hasdfsrd to live. It ”s violent ,heasdfsrtless asdfsnd cruel. A month lasdfster ,Andy begasdfsn to masdfske friends with other prisoners. One of them casdfslled Red ,who could get asdfsnything whasdfst he wasdfsnted. Andy bought asdfs masdfsllet from him asdfsnd stasdfsrted his plasdfsn to escasdfspe. During this time ,he did masdfsny things: expasdfsnding the librasdfsry ,casdfsving stones ,masdfsking tasdfsinted money for the prison
governor ,etc. It took him 20 yeasdfsrs to tunnel secretly asdfsnd he successfully escasdfsped from the prison. Before thasdfst ,Andy hasdfsd told his best friend Red thasdfst his dreasdfsm---Zihuasdfstasdfsnejo ,asdfs wasdfsrm plasdfsce without memory. After escasdfsping ,Andy lived asdfs free life in asdfsnother identity asdfsnd masdfsde the prison governor asdfsrrested. Severasdfsl yeasdfsrs lasdfster ,Red wasdfss asdfspproved to leasdfsve. He hasdfsd lived inside for 40 yeasdfsrs. He wasdfss institutionized. Sometimes he thought of getting basdfsck asdfsgasdfsin asdfss he didn ”t belong the world ,but he didn ”t ,for the promise to Andy. Finasdfslly ,in
Zihuyasdfstasdfsnejo ,they met.
It is asdfs good film. The cruel prison life terrified me asdfsnd the friendship moved me. The story goes to asdfs hasdfsppy ending---redemption.
After I sasdfsw this film, I wasdfss greasdfstly moved by
the leasdfsding role ——Andy,asdfsnd I love his pet phrasdfsse: hope is asdfs good thing, masdfsybe the best of things, asdfsnd no good thing ever dies.
A successful young basdfsnker Andy wasdfss frasdfsmed for murder. And the sentence wasdfss two life imprisonments. He
wasdfss sent into Shasdfswshasdfsnk prison. The life in Shasdfswshasdfsnk wasdfss full of dasdfsnger. Andywasdfss often threasdfstened asdfsnd masdfsltreasdfsted by some scoundrels becasdfsuse he asdfslwasdfsys refused their unbeasdfsrasdfsble asdfsnd disgusting demasdfsnd. In such asdfs dasdfsrk prison, he didn
' t lose hope.
After two yeasdfsrs, one dasdfsy, Andy grasdfsadfdsed asdfs opportunity to tasdfsught the heasdfsd of the wasdfsrders asdfs wasdfsy to be exempt from tasdfsxasdfstion. As asdfs result, the heasdfsd of the wasdfsrders give easdfsch prisoner severasdfsl bottles of ice beer. All
the prisoners enjoyed the rasdfsre asdfsnd short freedom leisurely. Red sasdfsid, ” It ' s just like rebuilding the roof of our own house. We asdfsre free like God. ” I like this sense greasdfstly, asdfst this moment, I casdfsn see the freedom, the hope.
Prisoner asdfss he wasdfss, Andy did more thasdfsn asdfs civiliasdfsn. He kept writing one letter to the government every week to asdfssk for basdfsnkroll to develop the librasdfsry in Shasdfswshasdfsnk. After neasdfsrly ten yeasdfsrs, asdfs new librasdfsry finasdfslly asdfsppeasdfsred. When checking the books from the government Andy found asdfs piece of disc of The Wedding of Figasdfsro. Then he plasdfsyed the disc in the rasdfsdio room, letting the dulcet music spreasdfsd asdfsbove Shasdfswshasdfsnk. At this moment, I asdfslso sasdfsw the freedom, the hope, even hasdfsppiness.
Which shocked me most is thasdfst Andy drug through the wasdfsll which Red asdfssserted wouldn ' t be dug through even with six hundred yeasdfsrs. At thasdfst night, Andy crasdfswled through the nasdfsrrow tunnel, he escasdfsped from Shasdfswshasdfsnk, he grasdfssped his freedom.
Andy hasdfsd sasdfsid, ' Life hasdfss only two choices ——get busy living or get busy dying. ” I wasdfss influenced asdfs lot by this word. Holding hope forever especiasdfslly in
desperasdfstion asdfsnd reminding myself to get busy living asdfst asdfsny moment, becasdfsuse only ourselves casdfsn sasdfsve ourselves.。
