模拟联合国 经济事务司共18页

Draft ResolutionCommittee: Human Rights CouncilSignatories: Angola Azerbaijan Canada Chile China Cuba Egypt France Gabon Germany Ghana India Indonesia Italy Madagascar Malaysia Pakistan Qatar Republic of Korea Saudi Arabia Slovakia Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom ZambiaHuman Rights Council,Deeply convinced that children’s rights, high on the list of essential human rights in the first international human rights agreement- the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, should be guaranteed globally to the largest extent,Recognizing the ultimate importance of the Convention on the Rights of The Child (1989), Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention (1999), and the reports A World Fit for Children (2002) and The End of Child Labor-Within Reach (2006) and its role on the eradication of child labor,Urging all countries to sign and ratify the above mentioned conventions and other instruments of the framework to prevent and abolish child labor,Remembering the paramount contribution given by different cultures, religions and civilizations to the establishment of the legal framework against Child Labor and recognizing the need to interpret these legal instruments based in such diversity,Taking into consideration that countries have different economical, social and cultural backgrounds and such difference influence policies and results in each state,Aware noting also that universal education for children in a community based approach is the main form to achieve universal eradication of child labor,Welcoming all regional initiatives to improve the current situation of children all around the world,Bearing in mind noting with concern the deleterious effects of the recent financial crisis on the child labor problem,Fully aware that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor,To act under the guidance of United Nations, as well as the basis of the Universal Declaration of human rights, minimum age convention and the worst forms of child labor convention, etc,A.Takes into consideration that countries have different economical, social, and culturalbackgrounds and may have different standards more suitable for the problems in theirown territory, the signatories of this working paper suggest that the resolution include aclause reminding the paramount role of national response to child labor and the respectfor states sovereignty;B.Advocates the creation of specific minimum working age standards instead of auniversal one;C.Proposes to divide countries in different categories and international organizationsshould play a more important role to supervise the child labor issue world wide; And theMinimum Age Convention No;138 which was adopted in 1973 should also be taken asreference;D.Decides to make different standards accordingly to the different forms of child labor;For the worst forms of child labor, as mentioned in the Convention No;182, we shouldset the age standard as is the adult’s age according to the nation’s law; And then for theless severe forms such as manufacturing and farming, Fully believing that the specificages various from different countries and regions, standard cannot only be the numbers,however there is a common sense that the 20 year old can be the upper limit; Andcombining the fact that the children( under 20 ) is overburdened by the heavy work,there will be a objective definition of the child labor age;E. Recommends establishing the definition formula :the work is fit for the child of the age<fact age≤the work is do harm for the children’s physical and mental health;that widespread poverty is the main root of child labor and that the entire world faces one of its most intense economical crisis that may affect millions of children, the signatories recommended that the resolution should include clauses that drawattention of countries and international organizations to the current crisis’ impact on theissue of child labor:economy might have on fragile economies and as a consequence the risk of worseningthe child labor problem,B.recommend that the most developed countries reiterate their commitment tointernational funds, financial aid and child labor abolition projects in order to avoidfurther deterioration on the conditions of children all over the world, especially on theleast developed countries,C.further proclaim the necessity to maintain worldwide awareness programs against childlabor and the fundamental role played by children's rights,D.calls upon all states to turn the commitments into concrete actions , gradually andeffectively eliminating child labor that jeopardize the children physical mental andspiritual health, their education;7. Insists that the elimination of child labor can’t be achieved without a proper financial help from developed countries, the signatories propose to set a new loan section called “CLEOL”(child labor elimination-oriented loan):A.The function of this section is to lend low-interest money to the countries suffering childlabor,B.The fund should be run under the management of UNICEF and the supervision of UNsupervising body; The money comes from developed countries donated by a certainproportion of its GDP annually,C.The amount of money one country can borrow from this loan should be directedconnected with the country’s child labor elimination; What’s more, a certain proportionof the money one country borrow should be invested on education with the rest of themoney being used by the country’s will,D.The reduction of child labor of a country will be measured by human right council’sannual report;8. Decides to tackle poverty, and creating decent work for adults;9. Recommends to support the Fund "Class of 2015: Education for All", in order to provide more children in poverty chances to continue their education;10. Proclaims that strengthening the supervision on child labour using of the multi-national companies is more than necessary:A.recommend that the multi-national cooperations should comply to the domestic lawsprudently,B.recommend that the third party organisations should take special investigation on thelabour using status on multi-national cooperations,C.recommend governments to set up more effective and harsh laws and regulations torestrict the multi-national cooperations to use child labour,D.recommend to provide subsidies and tax cutting policies for the cooperations whicheradicate the child labour using in their manufacture;11. Decides to establish clear stipulations for countries giving out and receiving donations or programs stand by the comprehensive funding system, which are:A.emphasize countries giving their donations should have promised on non-violations onstates sovereignty and obey related laws in the international society,B.emphasize countries receiving donations are those insufficient in facilities and economyand lacking of national law structures;12. Proclaims the entities of supervisions on use of donations go to international organizations rather than local governments;child labor's conditions, safety standards and basic rights, the global union movement is calling for additional regulation of international trading laws as well as proper supervision on run of multinational corporations, including the following suggestions:A.set up the rules of world trade overseen and enforced by the World Trade Organization(WTO) should include some rules stipulating the banning of child labor,B.prohibit trafficking or sale of girls and women for sexual exploitation, sexual abuse oreven transplantation of organs which inhumanly violate the basic rights of the victimsare forbidden and deserves strict punishment,C.recommend organizations like ILO get more data and statistics in those “hidden” areassuch as domestic servants, on farms or with home-based out-workers on child labors,D.suggest media be given more inspective and supervisory legitimacy to do its job inrevealing situations on trafficking, sexual exploitation and other illicit use of child laborwhich also can stimulate related departments to solve them under such public pressure,E.require that National laws or regulations or the competent authority shall prescribe theregisters or other documents which shall be kept and made available by the employer;such registers or documents shall contain the names and ages or dates of birth, dulycertified wherever possible, of persons whom he employs or who work for him and whoare less than 18 years of age,F.call on campaigns on specific industries,G.recommend accounting for the fact that it's hard to take on the whole global economy,so just work industry by industry; People suffering in those industries can unit to maketheir voice heard to the employers of MNCs and improve working conditions orpayments;14. Proclaims that improvement in the educational system, such as universal education for all children, has considerably diminished the child labor in countries that adopted such policies, the Human Rights Council should highly encourage the adoption of such policies;Education of parents:A.Recognizes the principle that both parents have common responsibilities for theupbringing and development of the child, while change attitude of viewing towardsgender;B.Requires that render appropriate assistance to parents and legal guardians in theperformance of their child-rearing responsibilities and ensure the development ofinstitutions, facilities and services for the care of children;C.Requests enhancement of parents’ specific training that will provide the poor with someworking skills; In this way, the poor country can create advanced methods of operation,deploying human resources in a reasonable way, setting up efficient organization andenhancing management of work force of fixed number and therefore productionefficiency of work force is increased;Education of the young15. Recommends that primary education should be free, compulsory, well-resourced, relevant and nearby; In fact, it is much easier to monitor school attendance than to inspect factories and workshops;16. Reiterates the right of accessing the equal education should be guaranteed for both boys and girls;17. Encourages the development of different forms of secondary education, including general and vocational education, make them available and accessible to every child, and take appropriate measures such as the introduction of free education and offering financial assistance in case of need18. Calls upon setting up special funds for education to be used mainly for assisting outlying and poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by minority ethnic groups in enforcing compulsory education there;19. Recommends carrying out extensive social mobilization to play the roles of non-governmental organizations, communities, and the mass media under the guidance of UN and UNICEF to improve the education and medical training standard;20. Advocates exchange programs on technology and social science between developed and developing countries, which can not only give the children in poor countries more and better opportunities to gain knowledge and training skills but also urge great power to send more volunteers and technology in the poor areas;21. Decides to arm the children with consciousness of law and self-protection such as requiring education and paying so that they can defend themselves such as delivering their plea in the form of a petition to U;N;22. Recommends providing programs aiming at equipping adults from countries, such as those in Africa, where children are traditionally regarded as the main economic source of the family, with practical skills for a particular job in order to get their own jobs to support the family in place of their children;23. Calls for documenting and evaluating all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “good practice”;24. Calls for special Education and training for females——girls and womenA.strongly recommend the recognition of the rights of potential victims of sexualexploitation, such as but not limited to:B.recommend raising their ideological and moral standards of basic human rights;Especially the right to personal dignity facing with sexual exploitation,C.recommend setting up special school for training of females to help them become bettereducated and acquire more legal, moral and cultural awareness and working skills,D.proclaim the right to seek all kinds of counsel including demonstration and mentalcompensations as seen fit in national law,E.proclaim the right to pursue information and justified approach to protect their own legalrights;Education of the public25. Aims at reaching a broad social consensus among people in which everyone:A.raise awareness of hazardous situation of child labor and form an atmosphere of publicsupervision and report to help the media protect fighting for the rights of child labor,B.pay more attention to the rights of child labor in order to help protect and guaranteethem,C.enhance sense of law and concept of rule by law,D.Emphasize the need for negotiation of gender equality in the basic infrastructuralbuilding by promoting initiatives in conflict resolutions, as well as to implementmechanisms on peace agreements;26. Recommends proposing mutual-beneficial programs, in which the developed countries will have the advantage of employing elites from all over the world working for them, and the developing countries can improve both the quality of their compulsory education and their citizens:A.recommend launching the program is called OEP(Overseas Education Project);Thedeveloped countries are supposed to come to the aid since the elementary education inthe Third World; The aids shall cover the aspects of exchanging students and teachers,infrastructure and teaching methods; In high schools or universities, those countries willchoose their best students to have further studies in the developed countries; They maystay abroad or return to their motherlands after graduation;27. Requests handle of large scale of desolation caused by child labor by utilizing the following methods for rehabilitation and social integration:A.create and support medical facilities available for testing on sexually transmitteddiseases and surgeries accidental injuries in working in the form of temporary short termemergency clinics for fast and immediate victims services,B.add training in judiciary, police, religious leaders on repercussions of trafficking andsale children for sexual services and how to assist victims,C.develop incentives for attorneys to defend victims of trafficking and child labor,D.demand repercussions and disciplinary acts for those who commit trafficking and childlabor,E.support economic livelihood for victims such as primary technological training andsupport empowerment of females such as to create easily outreach programs in order tocreate a safe environment for victims to report and recover form sufferings;28. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:A.recommend the assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinationalcorporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing childlabor,B.call for the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;29. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Committee, including ILO and UNICEF, could be set up tocoordinate the oversight work in the mechanism;,B.recommend strengthening the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UNprovides the general standards and practical paradigm; Special inspectors would be sentby UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports;30. Further recommends ratifying and implementing ILO Convention n; 138 on the minimum age of work and the ILO Convention n; 182 on the worst forms of child labor;31. Further proclaims the importance to ensure that national legislation is harmonised with international child labour standards, articulate mandates and measures for their full implementation, monitor law enforcement especially with regard to the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (as per ILO 182) –provide for periodic progress reporting and make findings available to the public in general;32. Decides to develop comprehensive training programs for the judiciary on child sensitive approaches to handling childr en’s complaints and testimonies;33. Welcomes the establishment of an international oversight mechanism which focus on:carry out assessment and supervision of the behavior of multinational corporations with the report launching to public to discourage them from abusing child labor:A.establish monitoring of the enforcement of domestic laws and international conventions,B.establish the oversight of financial flow of international aiding funds to ensure that thefunds could be used properly and effectively;34. Urges the collaboration of international society in the mechanism with the following objects achieved:A.recommend a Coordinating Mechanism, connecting ILO and UNICEF, plus theinternational non-governmental organization, could be set up to coordinate the oversight work in the mechanism,B.recommend the leading role of the UN should be guaranteed as UN provides the generalstandards and practical paradigm, special inspectors would be sent by UN to different regions to deliver periodic feedback reports,C.recommend NGOs act as important supplement, and they should also conduct specificassessment and supervision and submit their reports to make up the part that may be neglected;35. Decides to act the following measures to strengthen Border Surveillance:A.develop and implement common tools and applications for border surveillance at EUlevel:B.research and development to improve the performance of surveillance tools,mon application of surveillance tools,mon pre-frontier intelligence picture;36. Recommends interlinking and streamlining existing surveillance systems and mechanisms at Member States level:A.provide the essential border surveillance infrastructure at national level,B.set up communication network between the national coordination centres,C.support to neighbouring third countries for the setting up of border surveillanceinfrastructure;37. Recommends establishing creation of a common monitoring and information sharing environment for the EU maritime domain:A.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for border control andinternal,B.set up security purposes covering the Mediterranean Sea, the southern Atlantic Oceanand the Black Sea,C.set up integrated network of reporting and surveillance systems for the whole EUmaritime domain;38. Decides to establish a coordinating body to monitor trends and the impact of violence on children and handle/monitor complaints from children victims of violence in the workplace;39. Decides to improve research methodology and involve children to reveal all hidden forms of violence against children in the work place, especially in domestic work, on family farms and enterprises and in the tourist industry;40. Decides to document and evaluate all government and non-government programmes that are aiming at preventing, reducing and eliminating economic exploitation and violence against children for their effectiveness, publicise the findings and establish a clear set of criteria for “goodpractice”;41. Uses the Concluding Observations of the CRC Committee as benchmarks for performance and publish a “barometer” report;42. Decides to review national and regional child labour laws to address violence and sexual abuse in the workplace, including domestic child work;43. Decides to take adequate legislative measures to ensure the explicit prohibition of sexual exploitation and abuse of children under criminal law;44. Proclaims that child victims of sexual exploitation and abuse are not criminalized or penalized;45. Implements appropriate policies and programmes for the prevention, recovery and social reintegration of child victims, in accordance with the Declaration and Agenda for Action and the Global Commitment adopted at the 1996 and 2001 World Congresses against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children;46. Urges to carry out gender awareness campaigns to combat sexual exploitation;47. Recommends carrying out policy responses to address the causes of child labour, paying particular attention to the situation of girls;48. Decides to make immediate actions to tackle the worst forms of child labour;49. Recommends paying greater attention to the education and skills training needs of adolescent girls - a key action point in tackling child labour and providing a pathway for girls to gain Decent Work as adults;。

立场文件(position paper)一、立场文件的内容(content and form)一份出色的立场文件应该有理有据、语言精准,并且鲜明、准确、有力地阐述本国针对某一议题的立场。
为了进一步说明立场文件中所应包含的具体内容,下面将举一实例,如裁军与国际安全委员会(Disarmament and International Security Committee)的英国(United Kingdom)代表在写作关于反对恐怖主义的国际合作(International Cooperation in Counter-Terrorism)这一议题的立场文件时,应该包含以下的具体内容:英国对于恐怖主义问题的态度,对于国际反恐合作的基本立场;英国赞成和签署的国际反恐合作条约,英国所参与的国际反恐合作行动;英国国内的恐怖主义活动情况以及英国政府所采取的相关措施、为应对反恐所通过的相关法律;英国认为国际社会应该如何解决恐怖主义问题,对于国际反恐合作的具体建议;英国领导人在正式场合所发表的关于国际反恐的发言和基本立场表态;国际反恐合作与英国国家利益的相关程度,英国对反恐问题的立场底线。
模拟联合国 经济事务司

“任何一个手上有一些美元或英镑的外国人,在德国都可以 任何一个手上有一些美元或英镑的外国人, 任何一个手上有一些美元或英镑的外国人 生活得像国王。几个美元可以使人过得如同百万富翁一般。 生活得像国王。几个美元可以使人过得如同百万富翁一般。 外国人蜂拥而至,四处以便宜得令人难以置信的价 外国人蜂拥而至, 抢购(德国人的)家庭财富,不动产, 格, 抢购(德国人的)家庭财富,不动产,珠宝和艺术 品。" 巨大的社会财富遭到疯狂的无形洗劫, 巨大的社会财富遭到疯狂的无形洗劫,无数德国人倾家荡 被成无数倍的放大, 美元或英镑的购买力被成无数倍的放大 产,美元或英镑的购买力被成无数倍的放大,巨大的财富 在这美元英镑与马克间的狂跌和暴涨过程中,悄然易手。 在这美元英镑与马克间的狂跌和暴涨过程中,悄然易手。 凯恩斯洋洋得意的说道, 用这种办法(超级通货膨胀) 凯恩斯洋洋得意的说道,"用这种办法(超级通货膨胀) 可以任意剥夺人民的财富,在使多数人贫穷的过程中, 可以任意剥夺人民的财富,在使多数人贫穷的过程中,却 使少数人暴富… 使少数人暴富 这个过程潜在地积聚了各种经济规律中 的破坏因素, 的破坏因素,一百万人中也不会有一个人看得出问题的根 源。" 但是,他说错了,此时,在巴伐利亚的监狱里, 但是,他说错了,此时,在巴伐利亚的监狱里,一个未来 的恶魔就提到: 的恶魔就提到:“黄金本位和货币对比是造成德国人民灾 难的根源。 难的根源。”
胡佛总统在解决德国任何债务解决方案都会 首先征求法国的意见,在赔偿问题上, 首先征求法国的意见,在赔偿问题上,法国的态度是如此的 让华尔街的巨头们难过, 让华尔街的巨头们难过,法国政府在德国赔偿问题上的高压 政策使得美国的贷款和投资在德国和奥地利有相当一部分被 德国当局冻结了,而且法国得到了德国赔偿的主要部分, 德国当局冻结了,而且法国得到了德国赔偿的主要部分,而 这些钱的最终来源是华尔街,这样, 这些钱的最终来源是华尔街,这样,华尔街的钱就通过德国 流到了法国,而德国却无法偿还美国钱,仿佛按次投资, 流到了法国,而德国却无法偿还美国钱,仿佛按次投资,金 融巨头们的钱就在无形之中化为无有。 融巨头们的钱就在无形之中化为无有。看法国越来越不爽的 华尔街银行家们在1929 年召开会议,摩根系、 华尔街银行家们在1929 年召开会议,摩根系、洛克菲勒系 的银行家和美联储的超级金融讹诈专家们聚在一起, 的银行家和美联储的超级金融讹诈专家们聚在一起,商议该 如何使德国从法国的高压之下"拯救"出来。ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ如何使德国从法国的高压之下"拯救"出来。会议达成一致意 必须通过一个强有力的人物来达到这个目的。 见,必须通过一个强有力的人物来达到这个目的。这个被选 中领袖就是希特勒 西德尼受命去和希特勒进行接触。 希特勒。 中领袖就是希特勒。西德尼受命去和希特勒进行接触。

Chapter1 关于模拟联合国“模拟联合国(Model United Nations,MUN)是一种学术性质活动,藉仿效精简后的联合国议规举行模拟会议,使与会者了解多边外交的过程,培养分析公民议题的能力,同时促进世界各地学生的交流,增进外语能力、认识不同文化与拓展国际视野。
但是我要重申这样一点,个人的essay 是可以润色的,但是经历是属于自己的,没有中介可以帮你增加个人经历;模联在其它方面也有给我震撼的地方,比如这次参会,最后忙碌一天的结果——最终的决议草案其实是不合格的,原因就在于所列的每一条之下都没有具体解决措施,后来反思我的许多发言也是只有架构却没有实质的,所以可以看出模联对于决策制定也有极大的益处,这点恐怕是在学校里很难学到的。

决议草案委员会:经济与社会理事会议题:加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,促进世界和谐起草国:俄罗斯中国澳大利亚印度尼西亚叙利亚刚果伊拉克德国阿根廷马来西亚巴西墨西哥南非沙特阿拉伯附议国:菲律宾朝鲜经社理事会回顾1991年联合国大会通过的46/182号决议,要求加强在人道主义领域内的行动,并为此设立了人道主义事务部,还回顾其历年通过的有关决议,特别是2009年3月31日第64/6号、2008年7月25日第62/322号、2009年7月22日第64/84号决议,强调人道主义和救灾援助是建立在平等友好的基础上的,深信人道主义援助与救灾行动对于维护国际社会和谐稳定的重要意义,确保国际社会对灾害和紧急情况作出及时、连贯一致和协调的反应,并协助从紧急救济到复原与发展的顺利过渡,同意制订和推行联合国系统及其合作伙伴人道主义问题的共同政策,动员和协调人道主义紧急状况的援助,谴责一切附带政治性条款的人道主义援助与救灾措施的行为,认为联合国应发展和调动联合国加快提供国际人道主义援助的能力,促进减少灾害风险,宣传人道主义问题,提供紧急状况和自然灾害的及时信息,以促进全球人道主义援助,重申在复杂紧急情况和自然灾害局势中提供人道主义援助的所有行为体都应推动和充分遵守人道、中立、公正和独立的人道主义原则,欣见于2008 年6月3日至5日在罗马举行世界粮食保障问题高级别会议,并指出执行其结果,包括关于人道主义援助的内容,认识到紧急情况、恢复和发展之间的明确关系,并重申提供紧急援助的方式应迅速、有执行力并且有助于复兴和长期发展,以保证救济工作平稳地过渡为恢复和发展工作,注意到1949年的《日内瓦公约》及相关的1977年《附加议定书》以及2005年关于新增特殊标志的《第三附加议定书》所组成的“国际人道法”所做的呼吁:“无论是作为个人,还是通过政府或各种组织,我们都可以对遵守国际人道法做出重要贡献。

模拟联合国(Model United Nations)简称MUN是模仿联合国及相关的国际机构,依据其运作方式和议事原则,围绕国际上热点问题召开的会议。
模拟联合国活动中主要涉及的话题: 和平与安全/恐怖主义/人权/ 环境/贫穷与发展/全球化/公共卫生等激发英语热情与培养学习能力。
模拟联合国流程介绍 ppt课件

主席:该动议未获通过。下面我们将回到临时发言 名单。
若动议通过,会议将进行确定议题的投票。投票原 则为简单多数,即50%+1。
主席:该动议获得通过,现在我们来进行投票。支 持首先讨论议题A的国家请高举国家牌。确定议 题,当一个委员会有超过一个议题的时候,需要 投票确定先讨论哪个议题,简单多数通过。
*此时,临时发言名单为:中国,西班牙,美国,巴西, 日本,法国。 每六位国家代表发言结束后,主席会询问场下是否有代表 希望动议结束辩论。
主席:现在,已有六位国家代表阐明其选择各自议 题的原因。请问场下有无问题或动议? 中国:动议。中国动议结束辩论。
若动议无动议、无附议或未获通过,则继续进行临时发言 名单。
动议 Motions
动议 Motions
问题 Points
.为保持会场次序,代表与 代表间,代表与主席团之间 的非正式交流应当使用意向 条(Page)。 .会场专设工作人员,负责 传递各种意向条。
.意向条书写完毕,举起提 供的红色卡纸向工作人员示 意即可。
Sample Page To: Russia From: China We have to combine the two Working papers to form a Draft Resolution.
确定议题 Setting the agenda
首先请分别支持议题A或B的国家举牌,主席将从两方中 各选取数量对等的国家,建立临时发言名单(Temporary Speaker’s List)。之后,被选取的国家一正一反上台阐 述支持各自议题的原因,发言时间各90秒。

7. 当C国接到请求携手对抗时,可以接受也可以拒绝;
当有众多国家参与到A与B国的战争时,最终的战胜国(假设为A国) 有权支配战败国(B国以及协助B国战争的其他国家)发动战争的物 资;
起 始 各国资源统计
10 8 6 3 8
3 5 8 4 5
6 3 1 9 3
沟 通:如何才能进行有效的沟通
• • • • 您认为,课堂中你们的沟通成功吗? 更多关注了谁的需求? 如何改善有效的沟通? 如何获得彼此的信任?
个人的责任 与 内外的服务
• 噶喇 • 厐莱 罗斯 迦廷 安宁 佘州 哈密 巴都 兵图 满都
• • • • 企业是由各种群体的专业人士和各职工组合而成的,沟通有助于相互交流和了解。 沟通,尤其是以跨部门为中心的沟通,是企业顺利运行的前提条件。 跨部门的良好沟通协作能力可提高员工积极性,从而提高企业生产效率。 和谐的人际关系对企业的生存和发展是相当重要的,跨部门沟通能创造良好的组 织人际关系气氛。 良好的跨部门沟通协作,有助于随着企业的扩张而带来的企业内多文化、多种族 等人际冲突的化解。
• 谁该对客户负责? 责任在我 • 谁又是谁的客户? 服务制胜
本案例纯属虚构, 如有雷同,纯属巧合。
案 例(1)究竟是谁的责任?
经理A说竞争对手纷纷推出新产品,比我们的产品好。 研发部门经理B说:“我们最近推出的新产品时少,但是我们也有困难呀。我们的 预算太少了,也被财务部门削减了。没钱怎么开发新产品呢”? 财务部门经理C说:“我是削减了你们的预算,但是你要知道,公司的成本一直在

模拟联合国大会(详细介绍)第一篇:模拟联合国大会(详细介绍)有关模拟联合国大会委员会结构 Committee Structure一个委员会由一个主席团(Members of the Dais)负责。
主席(The Chair)主持会议,主席的任务是按照联合国正式的程序规则,监督并推动会议进程(Oversees Debate and Guides Delegates Through the Rules of Procedure)。
主席助理(Reporter)负责点名、录入发言人名单(Speakers' list)。
流程与规则 Rules of Procedures一、正式辩论 Formal Debate1、点名 Roll Call在这一阶段,主席助理会按国家字母顺序依次点出国家名,被点到的国家举起国家牌(Placard),并回答:“present(到)”。
2、确定议题 Setting the Agenda一般来说,每个委员会有两个议题。
6名代表都发言完毕后,若台下无代表动议结束辩论(motion to close debates)或动议未被通过,将继续先前的发言,若通过,则进入投票阶段。
3、发言 Speeches产生发言名单 Open the Speakers' List代表们确定议题之后,正式辩论开始。

模拟联合国(MUN)简介(精选)第一篇:模拟联合国(MUN)简介(精选)模拟联合国(MUN)简介1.模拟联合国简介 1.1模联的成立在1947年的联合国大会上,成员国一致宣誓:(原文如下)...encourage the teaching of the United Nations Charter and the purposes and principles, the structure, background and activities of the United Nations in the schools and institutes of higher learning of their countries, with particular emphasis on such instruction in elementary and secondary schools.模联即为响应这一提议而创生。
1.2什么是模联?模联(MUN),即模拟联合国(Mode United States)的缩写,是组织学生模拟联合国某些工作的活动。

第一节模拟联合国流程及规则模拟联合国会议通过严格按照联合国会议(Formal Rules of Procedure)的规则进行,以保证每一位代表都有平等的发言权(Equal Opportunity to Be Heard)。
代表仅在主席点到其国家名时才有机会发言(Speak Only When Recognized by the Committee’s Chairperson)。

2010年12月,“金砖四国”一致商定,吸收南非(South Africa)为正式成员加入“金砖国家”合作机制,“金砖四国”变成“金砖五国”,并更名为“金砖国家”(BRICKS)。

DR的形成 • 综合各方和WP的观点及意见 • 起草国Sponsors(一国或多国,一般以bloc为单位起草);一份DR的起草国不能做另
一份DR的附议国 • 附议国Signatories:并不意味着支持或反对,只意味着认为这份文件值得讨论(一个
国家可同时做多份DR的附议国) • 起草国和附议国的总数需超过总参会人数的20%
Working Paper (WP) 工作文件
当一国或国家集团对议题产生初步的解决办法时,可以总结成一份工作文件,提交给大 会,向各国介绍己方的解决办法。工作文件不需要特定的文件格式,可以是图表,可 以是文段,也可以列关键点。也可以将工作文件作为决议草案的雏形,按照决议草案 的格式撰写,具有全面性。 决议的最早雏形,观点的初步综合
简单概括议题的历史情况 & 此问题对于本国家的重要性 Genetically Modified(GM) is a new biotechnology around the world and is the most
controversial ology nowadays .On one hand, people think that GM products will improve the world economy development and has more potential benefits. On the other hand, GM products are regarded as dangerous things. Some people worry about if GM plants will do harm to humans or disturb the biosphere. According to the research of the UN, the population of hungers is about 1.2 billion. The situations need the international community come out some useful and powerful statute to help hungers and find the way to prove the results of producing GM products.

议事规则与规则流程Rules of Order课程意义和目的•了解模拟联合国规则的内在逻辑(The Logic of MUN)•熟悉模拟联合国会议基本规则及流程(Basic Rules in MUN)•掌握模拟联合国会议规则中的专业术语(Professional Terms in MUN)•掌握规则流程使用技巧(Skills in Rules of Procedure)课程主要内容•解决一般问题的步骤与流程•模拟联合国规则流程及专业术语2一、会议成员1.主席团(Dais)u◆主席(Chair):主持会议;随时处理代表问题u◆会议指导(Director):观察会议,掌控会议方向、进程;审批文件u◆主席助理(Rapporteur):记录会议;负责点名、投票等环节2.代表(Delegate)u◆概念:一个国家派出参加会议的人,代表这个国家的形象与立场u◆职责:维护国家利益;展示国家形象;参与国际事务讨论u◆称呼:代表要牢记自己的身份,发言时的主语要用国家名,而不是“我”3.志愿者(Volunteer)u◆职责:负责传递意向条;负责相关会务,为代表提供方便二、解读模拟联合国会议规则流程1.点名(Roll Call)u◆点名的作用:确定到场国家总数,由此计算简单多数(1/2多数)和三分之二多数。
这些数据决定了表决通过的标准u◆点名的方式:主席助理按照国家名单上的顺序点名,点到的国家高举国家牌并答“到(Present) ”。
主席助理重复“某某国代表出席”,并在电脑屏幕上标示出席情况,最终计数2.设定议题(Setting the Agenda)u◆设定议题的条件:一个委员会同时有两个或两个以上的议题待讨论u◆设定议题的目的:确定多数国家感兴趣的议题为优先讨论的议题3.正式辩论(Formal Debate)u◆辩论的概念:不同于平时的辩论比赛,模联中的发言、磋商、游说等均被视为辩论u◆正式辩论:按照发言名单顺序进行的辩论叫正式辩论u◆发言名单(Speakers’ List)ü✓发言名单的产生:确定议题后,正式辩论开始。

模拟联合国大会总稿精彩纷呈,尽在“西南财经大学2008年模拟联合国大会”第一篇:模拟联合国大会总稿精彩纷呈,尽在“西南财经大学2008年模拟联合国大会”精彩纷呈,尽在“西南财经大学2008年模拟联合国大会” 2008年3月,西南财经大学在北京大学闭幕的第二届国际模拟联合国大会(Asian International United Nations)上成为中国地区获奖最多的学校,参赛学子载誉归来。

动议取消延置决议草案是指在一份决议草案已 被延置的情况下,代表为重新开始对其的讨论、 修正和投票而提出的方案,这一方案应包括代 表要求取消延置状态的决议草案的编号
动议结束辩论是指当代表认为关于当前议题的讨论已经足 够充分而应进入到对目前所有决议草案及其非友好修正案 进行投票的阶段时所提出的方案
剩余时间可以用来让渡,反之,此剩余时间将被自动 让渡给主席
让渡给主席:即主席可自行处理剩余时间 让渡给代表:即被让渡的那一位代表将利用
剩余时间进行发言 让渡给评论:即由主席随机选择另一位代表
利用剩余时间对发言做出评价,被评价的代 表无权继续发言 让渡给问题:即由主席随机选择另一位代表 对发言代表提出一个问题,该问题不占用剩 余时间,被提问的代表将只被允许在剩余时 间内回答者一个问题 经由让渡所剩余的时间不可二次让渡
非友好修正案是指未获得原决议草案所有起草国同意并附 议,且起草国与附议国数量之和达不到百分之二十出席数 的修正案,该份修正案将会在对决议草案的投票表决前被 逐条投票决定是否加入其所修正的决议草案
对非友好修正案的投票为实质性投票 无法对修正案提出修正案 一国代表可起草或附议多份修正案,但决议草案的起草国
一份决议草案的起草国无法起草或附议另一 份决议草案
一份决议草案的附议国可以附议多份决议草 案
修正案是指由一位或多位代表起草的,按照联合国决议文 件格式对当前会议的某份决议草案提出修正意见,包括友 好修正案及非友好修正案
友好修正案是指获得原决议草案所有起草国同意并附议的 修正案(需在该份友好修正案的附议国处签字)将被直接 添加到其所修正的决议草案中

模拟联合国会议(流程)发言稿专题第一篇:模拟联合国会议(流程)发言稿专题模拟联合国会议(流程)发言稿Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is Ping Jiaxin, the Chair of today’s meeting.Welcome.I would like to introduce the members of the commission[kə'mɪʃ(ə)n].To my left, is the registrar ['redʒɪstrɑː].To my right , is the assistant of the chair.主席:各位代表,我是今天的会议主席平佳欣。
(主席助理和记录员的自我介绍)Now the assistant [ə'sɪst(ə)nt] will do the roll call.All delegates please raise your placard and say ‘present’ when your nation’s name is called.主席:下面进行点名。
(主席助理进行点名等)Today we will discuss the global[ˈɡləubəl] climate[ˈklaimit] and environmental problems.今天大会将对全球气候环境问题进行讨论。
Now the Speake rs’ List is open.Delegates, who want to be added ['ædɪd] in the Speakers’ List, please raise your placards.现在开启正式辩论发言名单,请希望被列入主发言名单的国家高举国家牌。

根据国际时事或历史事 件,选择一个具有讨论
围绕主题设定具体的议 题,明确讨论的范围和
பைடு நூலகம்
根据议题和参会人数, 分配各代表所代表的国
对议案进行投票表决,根据各自 国家的利益和立场做出决策。
与其他代表进行沟通和协商,寻 求共同利益和合作机会,推动国
作为非参与方观察会议的进行, 了解会议讨论的内容和进展。
根据观察和分析结果,向主席或 代表提供建设性的意见和建议,
截至2023年,联合国有193个会员国、2个观察员国(梵蒂冈和巴勒斯坦)以及 多个非会员观察员实体(如国际组织、民族解放运动等)

模拟联合国实践案例分 析
• 总结词:环境问题议题是模拟联合国会议中的重要议题之一,涉及环境保护和 可持续发展等方面。在辩论中,各国代表围绕环境问题的原因、影响和解决方 案进行了激烈的讨论。
• 详细描述:在案例一中,各国代表就环境问题的原因、影响和解决方案进行了 深入的探讨。首先,主席介绍了议题,并规定了发言时间。随后,各国代表开 始发言,阐述自己的观点。一些代表认为环境问题的原因是人类活动导致的, 需要加强环境保护意识,采取措施减少环境污染。另一些代表则认为环境问题 的原因是自然因素导致的,人类无法避免,只能采取适应措施。在讨论解决方 案时,一些代表提出了具体的环保措施,如减少碳排放、推广可再生能源等。 而另一些代表则认为应该通过国际合作来解决环境问题,共同制定全球性的环 保政策。
代表们可以交流心得体会和经验 教训,为今后的模拟联合国会议
在模拟联合国会议中,发言规则通常包括发言时长、发言顺序和发言方式等。发言时长通常有限制,发言顺序通 常按照代表团的顺序进行,发言方式则通常采用站立或口头方式。
未来模拟联合国实践应该进一步加强对学生代表的培训和指导,包括提高他们的英语水平 和专业知识,帮助他们更好地了解联合国的运作和议事规则,提高他们的领导力和谈判技 巧等。
未来模拟联合国实践应该进一步促进跨文化交流与合作。可以通过与其他学校或组织合作 ,共同举办模拟联合国活动,或者通过与其他国家的学生代表进行交流等方式来加强跨文 化交流与合作。